• Published 25th Feb 2013
  • 398 Views, 13 Comments

The Return Of Night - EndlessKnight980

It been a 1000 year since Endless Night was turn to stone. Now a curse Pony trying to remove her curse has become Endless saving grace. This follow the story. The Tail Of Endless Night.

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Chapter 6: Run for the Hill Elma

Elma wasn’t shore what to do. The princess was moving books around and flipping through them.

“is it potable. After all these years.” she said going from book to book. She look over to Elma.

“were did you say he was?” Luna was face to face with her.

“I didn’t.” she said.

“Then were is he?” she ask.

“In here.” she said pointing at her head.

“Wait what? How is that possible?” Elma took a step back and took a deep breath.

“Let me start off by telling you that I’m curse.” she said.

“curse?” Luna ask.

“Yes. Curse. And as I’ve been trying to remove it for many years. Luck seem to finally shine my way.” she took another breath.

“As I was trying a new way of removing it. Endless Night call out to me and we made a deal.” she said.

“What kind of deal?” Luna ask.

“If I help him he help me.” she said.

“And how are you helping him?” Luna ask.

“Well here I am. He said he was turn to stone a 1000 years ago. That his spirit need to return to his body to cure himself.” she told her. Luna jump into the air and did a flip.

“Of chose! Why didn’t I think of that. O Master Zend would be proud.” she said landing. She was jumping up and down. It reminded her of Pinky Pie.

“So what next?” she ask and stop Luna mid jump.

“There so much to do. First I’ll have to contact my sister. Once she back we can head to the Moon and transfer Endless Night spirit back into his body.” Luna said.

“Wait!?! The MOON?!?!” she said sitting down and almost falling.

“Yes. The moon. You see. There is a hidden chamber on the moon. My sister enchanted it so only me or her can enter the room. but when I was Nightmare Moon. She remove the enchantment on me and trap me there.” She said.

“And this is were Endless Night Body is?” she ask.


Princess Luna told her. she could go anyway she wanted in Canterlot until her sister return from ponyville. Elma explained that she was out of money. Luna gave her a paper with the royal mark on it. It say that everything was to be billed to the royal family. Luna put her own spacial mark on it.

“So what now?” Night ask as they left the castle.

“Until Celestia returns. We wait. But for now. I got a date with Grits.” she said.

“O come on you not really going to help him.” He said.

“I like to keep my word.” she said.

“This is a bad idea.” he said.

“Don’t worry. I’ve been in worst places.” she said.

“Don’t say I didn’t tell you so.” He said as she heading out for the Red House inn. Grits was waiting outside the inn.

“I was starting to think you won’t coming.” Grits said as she walk up.

“Sorry. Princess Luna was asking me a lot of questions.” she said.

“That ok.” he said.

“Why don’t we get something to eat and go over what I’m going to be doing for you.” she said pointing to a small dinner.

“How about we go somewhere else. I know this great place that serve the best food in all of Equestria.” he said.

“Ok. Lead the way.” She said. Grits Walk down the path. Elma at his side.

“So as your faience. How am I helping you?” she ask.

“Let me explain. My family has this tradition. I need to be married by your 21 year or it bring bad luck. But I don’t want to rush into marrying someone. Until I love them.” he said.

“I see. And if I go with you to your parents and they think I’m marrying you. That give you more time to fine the mare of your dream.” she said making kissy faces.

“Not really. My Parents have gone ahead and found me a mare to marry. But if I show with you then I won’t have to marry her.”

“sound like you got rope into it.” she laugh.

“Here we are.” he said as he walk up to a little house.

“Best food in all of Equestria?” she smile.

“Nothing beats home cooking.” he said opening the door.

“SURPRISE!!”Two Pegasus stood in the door way.

“Mom, Dad, What are you doing here?” he ask.

“We here for the wedding.” his mother said.

“Wedding? Who Wedding?” he ask.

“Well Your Wedding son.” his father said.

“I hate to say it. O who am I kidding. I love saying it. I Told You so.” Night said chanting I told you so.

“shut up.” Elma mumble under her breath.

“what that. I was right. I knew I was.” she knew he would have a big grin on his face if he had a body.

“O who this dear?” his mother ask looking at Elma.

“Mom, Dad, this is my fri...” he started.

“I’m his faience. Elma Corn. Nice to meet you.” she cut him off.

“Say What!?!” a pink Pegasus said pocking her head. She had a red and white strip main.

“Who this?” grits ask pointing at the pink Pegasus.

“This is Candy. Your faience.” his mother told him.

“ya and there only room for one faience here.” she said getting into her face. Elma smile.

“Your right. So get lost honey. Before some pony get hurt.” Candy scream and tackle her. They roll around in the dirt until Grits pull Elma off Candy. While Grits Mother and father took care of Candy. Grits took Elma into the house. she took a seat at the table. Grits open a cuber and pull out a first aid kit.

“Are you ok?” he ask opening the kit.

“Ya I’m fine. some first impression.” she laugh.

“You know we have to share a bed tonight to make this work.” Grits drop the bottle of alcohol.

“What?” he ask.

“Do you want your parent to believe it or not?” she said.

“Ok.” he said as he pick up the bottle off the floor.

“But no funny bussiness.” she said.

“wait What!?!” he said banging his head on the table. she laugh as he stood up.

“lucky I’m still wearing my helmet.” he said.

About a half hour later Grits parents return.

“I would like to say I’m sorry for how I acted. It just I love you son very much. And the thought of losing him made me lose my head.” she said sitting on the cough next to grits

“Well it understandable. And Candy did hit you first. And I know what it like when your in love. But next time go easy on the poor girl.” Grits mother said.

“how is she?” Grits ask.

“Doctor said she’ll be fine. She’ll be very sore for the next week. But fine.” He said fiddling with his pipe.

“So Elma. Tell us about yourself.” his father ask.

“Well I work with Princess Luna.” she said.

“O that hard to believe.” his mother said.

“really now. Do you expeted us to believe you work with the princess.” his father said.Elma open her bag and start to go through it.

“She work at the castle. I met her one day at the library.” grits told them.

“ah here we go. This should prove it.” she said showing the document Luna gave her. Both of Grits Parents mouth drop. They gasp at it and look back and forward at each others and back to her. She took the paper back and put it back in her bag. Grits was in shock at how calm she was.

“Tell me what you think.” she said taking a sip of tea.

“Grits you are going to marry this Pony tomorrow.” Elma spit out her tea.

“ WHAT!?!” They said together. They look at each other and back to his Parent.

“I told you so.” Night said again.

“O yes. We rented the main hall they use for the gala. And all are family and friends are on there way.”his mother said

“ wait but how?” Grits said panicing

“we plan to do the wedding tomorrow with Candy. But now that you’re here.” his father said. Her mind race.

“How are you going to get out of this one?” night ask. she smile.

“I’m sorry. But it not possable to have a wedding tomorrow.” she said.

“Why?” his mother ask.

“Yes Dear tell them why we can’t have the wedding tomorrow.” he said in an odd way.

“Princess Luna and me are engaged in a project and it need my full attention for the next few days. ” she told them.

ah. That to bad. I guess you just going to have to marry Candy son. Unless you want to be jinx with bad luck.” his mother said.

“Wait What?!” Grits said again.

“Yes. That will work and then you won’t be jinx with bad luck.” his father said.

“I don’t think so. Jinx’s as silly and are not real. So I think we’ll take our chances and do the wedding in the winter.” she told them.

“I agree with her.” grits told them. Grits mother shot a look a he son. Like she was shooting daggers from her eyes.

“Well look at the time. We really should get to bed. Thank for coming mom and dad. The Red Horse inn has plenty of rooms. I’ll see you tomorrow ok by.” He said rushing them out the front door. He close the door and lead agents it.

“I’m glad that over.” she said letting out a loud sigh of relieve.

“You know we can’t keep this up forever.” she told him

“Don’t need to. I turn 21 at the end of the week.” he said.

“ah that explain the quickly wedding.” she said.

“ you got lucky” Night said.

“Ya you can say that again.” she said.

“I didn’t say anything.” Grits said confuse

“O nothing. I was just thinking out loud.” she said. There was an odd silence.

“So where are we sleeping?” she said making it odder.

“I guess my bed.” he said pointing to the back room. Elma open the door and flip on the lights. Inside we a small bed 2 pony bed. she smile. It was the same size as her bed in ponyville.

“Well it getting late. Were you washroom?” Grits pointed to a smell room to the left of the room. she poke her head in the room. It was small. Really small. It was smaller then the washroom on the train. She step in and close the door. There was just enough room to stand.

Half hour later she exit the washroom with a towel around her head.

“you know that wouldn’t have take that long. If you open your eyes.” Night said. she roll her eyes and let out a sigh.

“I’m not going to miss this.” she said.

“not going to miss what?” She jump and saw Grits setting food on the table.

“The small washroom.” she said walking out and taking the towel off.

“This is the best food in all of Equestria?” she ask taking a set.

“As Promise.” he said taking a seat across from her.

“Let get started.” she said.

“Started with what?” He ask as she took a bit.

“mmmaaa that good. for starter. We need to know the in’s and out’s of each others.” she said.

“Wait what?” he said confuse.

“you need to know me and I need to know you. Like your favorite food, color, game, etc, etc, etc. got it?” she ask.

“Ok. Think I get it. But what do I need to know about you.” she stop. Her fork halfway to her mouth. It had been so long since someone ask about her. She put her fork back on the plate.

“Well were to start.” She put her hove to her chin. She didn’t want to tell him to much.

“Ok. Let start with my family.” she said.

After three hours of talking back and forward about each other. Elma yawn.

“I guess it time for bed.”Grits said

“Ya it going to be a long day tomorrow.” They walk into the bedroom. Grits grab the sheets and blankets.

“So this is how it going to work. Im get this blanket and roll up in it. And you get this one.” she said laying them on the bed. She lay down and roll into the blanket.

“What wrong?” she ask as Grits look uncoftable.

“Well it my first time.” he said.

“Well don’t worry. No funny bussness.” she said with a wink.

“No. That not it. It my first time sharing my bed.” she laugh.

“Don’t worry. Just lay down here and face that way.” she said point at the wall. Grits did as he was told. she switch the like off.

“Good Night.” she said.

“ Good Night.” he said.

“Good Night love birds” night said laughing.

The next morning she awake to the sound of knock at the door. Grits fell out of bed and was wrap tight in the blanket and couldn’t get out. she sigh and got up.

“I’m coming, I’m coming.” she said as she open the door.

“come on, dear come on. We need to go.” Grits mother grab at her. His father walk pass with other pony’s.

“Wait what going on?” she ask confuse.

“Well I got to thinking. after you told me you were busy with the Princess today. So I went and talk to her. And you know what. She said she be more then happy to put your project on hold for today. So now you can get marry today.” A cold sweat ran down Elma back.

“I told you so.” Night said again.

Author's Note:

I was board one day. so i sat down and watch so movies. sadly the only movie i found was chick flicks. but they gave me an idea. what if a pony got stuck in one off these love triangles. So that why Elma getting Marry. lol

AWR: Clay Stone. "Gem stone here again. the question this chapter is very easy. Who is Endless Night Mother and Father?"