• Published 25th Feb 2013
  • 397 Views, 13 Comments

The Return Of Night - EndlessKnight980

It been a 1000 year since Endless Night was turn to stone. Now a curse Pony trying to remove her curse has become Endless saving grace. This follow the story. The Tail Of Endless Night.

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Chapter 12:A Warm Welcoming

Endless wake up to Smell of smoke. he jump up. There was black smoke pour from the kitchen. he ran in to see sweety bell cooking.

“Sweety Bell!” Rarity yell as she enter the kitchen.

“Morning Rarity. I made breakfast. Here try some.” She pointed a fork with a chunk of burn food on it to Endless.

“Thank you young filly. But I’m not hungry.” he lie.

“Sweety bell. I thought we talk about this.” she said in a stern voice.

“Sorry Rarity. I was just trying to help.” Rarity sigh.

“It alright. Now help me clean up.” There was a knock at the door.

“You got your hooves full. I get it.” he said as Rarity carry a frying pan to the sink.

he open the door to a brown earth pony in a weird hat.

“How de partner. Is Rarity home?” he took a step back at her greeting. It was another one of the pony’s from that night.

“She in the kitchen.” He said as Apple Jack let herself in.

“What with all the smoke?” she ask.

“The young filly try to cook.” he told her.

“ah. That girl could use a few lesson in cooking.” They laugh.

“I’m Apple Jack.” she said.

“I’m Endless Night. But I think you know that.” he said with a wink.

“Ya I remember you from a few week ago.” she said.

“That right. You were one of those girls who help Luna.” he said.

“Darn too ton. We were there to help bring you back. But we won’t try to bring back that evil guy. But anyway. How are you?” he smile. she was the first pony. Other then Luna. To ask him.

“I’m ok. Still not use to all the new things in the world. If only there was a place that was simpler.” he said.

“Well shoot. You want simple. You could always come to sweet apple acer.” she said.

“What there?” he ask.

“That my family farm. And there no simpler place then that.” she said.

“I don’t know.” he said.

“O no Apple Jack. That will not do.” Rarity said walking in.

“Why Not?” she ask.

“You can’t have royalty at that dirty old farm of yours.” he sigh as the two of them started to argue. Sweety Bell wave him over. She wave his head down. he bent down. She whisper in his ear. he stood up and walk over to the to girls.

“Ok let go.” he said.

“What?” they said together.

“I would like to go to Sweet Apple Acer.” he said.

“Are you shore? Your royalty and should be in a clean environment.” Rarity said.

“Rarity. Listen very clearly. I. am not. royalty.” he said.

“What!?!” she said in shock.

“I was nothing more then a mages son.” he told her.

“Why didn’t you say so.” she said.

“I try. But you were so busy talking about me. You never got to know me.” Rarity face turn red.

“I’m sorry.” she said.

“It fine.” he told her.

“No it is not fine. I’ll make it up to you.” she said.

“You don’t have to.” he told her.

“O but I must. Here I’ll fix your bag free of charge.” she said grabbing his bag off the floor. Apple Jack giggle.

“What so funny?” he ask.

“You.” she said. he was confuse. But didn’t have time to ask her what she met. Rarity ran up and place his bag on him.

“There you go. I even fix the embroidering too.” he was a little shock by how fast she finish it.

“O, and before I forget. Here your robe. Oddest thing tho.” she said.

“What?” he ask.

“I found this necklet swoon into it.” she said holding up an amulet. he smile.

“Do you have a box?” he ask. Rarity pull a box of the shelf. he put the amulet into the box. He then pull a roll of paper and quill. After writing on it. He place it in the box and seal it. he the wrote box.

“Could you mail this for me?” Rarity nodded yes and took the box. she look down at who he was sending it to. Princess Luna.

After gathering his things. he left with Apple Jack and Sweety Bell.

“So were is this sweet apple acer?” he ask as he pull the cart.

“We’ll get there if we keep head down this road. But first we have to make a few stop.” AJ told him.

“Ok. Were to first?” he ask.

“We need to drop a few basket of apple to the mayor. Then it off to sweet Apple acer.” she told him.

“So Mr. Night. Why are you pulling Apple Jack cart?” sweety bell ask.

“ A gentlemen always does the hard work for a lady.” Apple Jack shoot him a look.

“Even if that lady can handle it herself.” she smile. he let out a sigh of relieve.

“Well. I’m going to meet up with Apple bloom and scootaloo. I’ll see you two later.” she said

“Ok. Try to stay out of trouble.” AJ told her.

“I will.” she said running down the road.

he look around the town as they walk. Every pony was looking at him. he saw ribbon hanging from the lamp post. It made him a little unconformable. Having everyone looking at him.

“So Endless. Where are you staying in ponyville?” he was taken a little by this question.

“I was planing on traveling. Once I find a place that sells tents.” he told her.

“Well shot. The only place you can get a tent. Is from the camping sale's pony. He come around once a mouth if your lucky.” she told him.

“When he do to arrive again.” Apple Jack stop and put her hove to her chin.

“I believe he was here two weeks ago. So. I think he’ll be back in a week or so.” he look up at the sky. There were dark clouds of in the distance.

“Look like a storm. So I guess I’m staying some where in ponyville. I’m make this into a tent.” he said pulling his robe out and putting it on.

“Well shot. You can come stay on sweet apple acer. It the lest I could do. Since you helping me today and all.” she said.

“You really don’t have to.” he said.

“No, No. I won’t have it. Come on. Once we deliver these apple to the mayor party. Then we’ll head on back to sweet apple acer. Quick as two cat on a hot grill in July.” They stop in front of the town hall.

“Ok we need to take in four barrels of these here apple’s.” she said throwing one on her back.

“Don’t worry. I’ll get the rest.” he said floating the other three barrels into the air.

“Gelly. That make thing’s a little easier.” she said. A blue Earth pony open the door. Apple jack walk in first. he follow. The party was in full swing.

“Look. The entertainment is here.” some pony yell as he enter. he felt someone push him from behind. He soon found himself standing in the middle of the room. He froze. Every pony was watching him. The three barrels landed in a triangle around him.

“Do something.” he heard a pony yell. he did the only thing he could think of. He floated the apple’s into the air. He floated so color water in a large bowl into the air as well. He then wrap the color water around the apple’s. His robe flew up as he flap his wings and froze the water around the apples. He then frozen together the apple in the shape of a heart and place it down. The crowd cheer loud. A pink Earth Pony ran up to Endless.

“wow that was amazing. I mean my friend Twilight could do that. But that was really, really, really, really, cool.” she said jumping around. he remember her from the night he came back. her name was Pinky pie.

“Ow, ow, can you use me in a trick? Hu, hu. can I please? Pllllllleeeeeaaaasssseeee.” Pinky Pie said with big eyes. The thought of making her disappear pop in his mind.

“Pinky leave him alone.” Apple Jack said walking up.

“No. It ok. I really don’t mind. Stay prefect still.” Pinky Pie stop jumping and stood as still as a stone statue.

“I will now make her disappear.” he lower his head. His horn flash bright and Pinky Pie vanished. Everyone gasp as they look around for her.

“How did you do that?” Apple Jack ask.

“Don’t worry she is perfectly fine. I will now return her. Un-harm.” he lower his horn again and with a big flash. She was back.

“Wow. That was weird.” she said.

“Pinky Pie were did you go?” AJ ask.

“no were silly.” the crowd cheer again. A Unicorn in a suit and black top hat enter breathing hard.

“Sorry I’m late. My cart wheel fell off. Ok who ready for magic!” he said.

“Wait. If you the entertainment. Then who this?” the mayor ask.

“Every pony know this pony.” Pinky Pie said. Everyone look confuse.

“This is Princess Luna special some pony. Endless Night!” she said flipping his hood off. Everyone gasp. he didn’t have time to think about what Pinky Pie had just said. He was to busy trying to get away from the other pony. They were all trying to get him shake they hooves and kiss they baby. he jump into the air and flew for an open window. But it was block by a group of filly’s.

“WAIT!” he yell. Every pony stop grabbing for him. They look at him.

“What that over there?” he said pointing. They all look. Apple jack and Pinky Pie were at the door waving him over. he quickly flew out the door.

“That never happen to me before.” he said breathing hard.

“Don’t you know. You famous. Every pony want you.” Pinky said. There was a loud bang as the door fell off the hinges.

“ Quick follow me.” AJ yell. he follow her as the crowd follow him. he look back and saw a large group of filly’s. There were pony’s of all kind. he ran faster.

“Were are we going?” he ask.

“ Just stay close.” she said pushing him to the right.

“ Around this corner. Get ready.” They turn the corner.

“In here quickly.” she said. he jump into an large water trout. He held his breath.

“Were he go?” some random pony ask.

“Quick he cut between the houses and headed back down the street.” AJ yell.

“look there he is.” Pinky Yell. A few bubble floated up. He needed air. A hove hit the top of his head. Then Pinky pie jump on his back. he heard the other pony leaving. he pop his head out and gasp for air.

“Are you two trying to kill me?” he ask the two girls.

“No silly. We were trying to save you.” Pinky said. He face hoof.

“What are you two doing? O it you.” Rainbow dash said seeing Endless.

“Rainbow dash. Shhhhh. We need to get him some place safe.” Apple Jack told her.

“Why? He just a Jerky Pony.” she said.

“Because. He Endless Night. He the Princess Special some pony.” Pinky said.

“Fine. Let take him to Twilight places.” A few minute late they stood at the door of a large tree house. The tree look familiar to him. Like he knew it some how. But shook it off as the door open.

“DRAGON!” he jump back and was ready to attack.

“Woo. It ok. Spike is a friendly dragon.” Twilight said.

“Are you shore?” he ask.

“Yes.” she said.

“alright. Sorry about that.” he said to spike.

“You do know there peace between pony and dragon’s.” He face hoof.

“Luna told me about that.” he remember.

“As much as I love to talk about this in the cold air. But can we continue this inside? were it warm.” Apple Jack said.

“That would be best.” Twilight said.

The inside of the house was fill with books.

“Wow.” he said in shock.

“Spike could you so towels?” Spike headed upstairs. He was shooting mean look at Endless.

“What happen to you four?” Twilight ask. Apple Jack explained what happen.

“Here the towels.” he pass then out. He throw Endless one over his head. he dry off. Leaving his main a mess.

“So you just need a place to hide until they stop looking for you.” Twilight ask.

“That how it look. Miss.” he said.

“Sparkle, Twilight Sparkle.” she told him.

“Yes. I remember you from the day I came back.” he said.

“That right. I have the paper right here.”she said as she floated a news paper with his picture on it up. he started to breath hard.

“Tell me how they do that.” he said pointing at the paper. Twilight could see him having trouble.

“calm down. It just a picture. It just an image. Like a painting.” he started to calm down.

“Sorry. Still not use to these new things. Can I see it.” Twilight pass the paper to him. he thought the picture. He then sigh.

“You know I haven’t even read this thing because the painting on this. It seem so real.” he told them. the girls giggle.

“what so funny?” he ask.

“ You.” they said. he was a little confuse. He surge his shoulder’s and join them laughing.

Author's Note:

AWR: apple and oat cookies. "Hey ken. you know what time it is?" i'm a little worry about asking but. what time is it? "It time for a Pinky Pie Party?" no it not." yes it is. it always time for a pinky pie party." face hoof. need to find a way to get rid of her. for the love of god i've try every thing. "what? you have. how come i've never seen you doing this stuff." Your normal pass out. after raiding my wines. "it not my flat. you made me this way." for that last time. i didn't make you. my friend was here and we were thinking of random charter for the fic. she came up with you. "That right. it like that show foster home for something friends." face hoof times three. let just get the question don't i'm starting to get a horn on my head. "Right. On what did Endless land the Cage on top of?" really that your question this chapter. i let you make one and that it. "Ya" it pretty good. nw put the hammer away.