• Published 20th Jul 2023
  • 846 Views, 36 Comments

Blood of the CHIMERA - discordjediknight

A normal pony, named Twilight Sparkle, has become a chimera. After finding others like her, they become superhero’s. She and her friends try to stop the cause of what is changing innocent ponies into unusual chimeras

  • ...

Chapter 25 Wolf Pack

The moon hung high in the air as the clock slowly hit midnight.

Twilight breathed in and out, slowly. Her eyes were still her own. The sound of the rushing soldiers around her. She chuckled a bit herself. Of all the things to think about at the time. A battle about to rage, one that changed everything she knew, and all she could think about was the last months.

Before October despite being in a home, with her godmother and adopted cousin. She was a lone wolf, one who wouldn't allow anyone to help her. The days seemed like years yet we're only a few months ago when Spike opened the door making her drop her trial cure for the chimera disease.

That night she would meet her friends. Her very best friends that she went on the journey with. She finds her brother still alive, along with him a mystery to solve. Shed finds not only her mother but her oldest brother as well. Long since the days that she felt alone and on her own. Yet the question remained in her mind, how could she ever forgive him? Forgive what her brother Discord had done. Yet her mother's wise words still rang in her ear. If she didn't shed end up like her aunt Luna, who was now on wielding and army against them.

She opened up her eyes to the sight of the dark field before her, as she gripped the key that to the cure she had been searching for for so long. In front of her was a government base. By her side to face such a treat was her brother shining and to her surprise, Mr Cake, Smolder, his brother, and Capper Cat.

He noticed she was looking at him and asked"nervous?"

She only nodded.

"Yeah me too. But don't worry you got a lot better at fighting." He chuckled as he rubbed his arm.

"Sorry bout that." She apologized.

"No need, I'm glad you're here." He smirked.

"So shining you ready?" He asked.

Shining turned to him, a bit in shock himself. " you used to drive me to school." He chuckled. "I thought you were so much older than I am."

"Hah nope, just 22."

How'd you get involved anyway?" Shining asked

"Simple if not ironic. Your brother Discord saved my life when I was little. I was always curious why he took you on but was never allowed to ask questions. The fact that your his siblings,"; the cat chuckled. "Well, team two you ready?" He asked the small group.

'As well ever be." Smolder replied.

"Ok good, course I think team one is about to go."

Discord stood in front of Team One. Luna noticed his right away and had every chimera already set to take him out.

Discord took his jacket off as the chimera began to run towards them.

Remember folks were only here to capture them. He reminded his troopers. They Were armed with tranquilizers but we're very frightened beyond belief.

Pinky, Dash, Rarity, and Applejack all stood in their chimera forms ready to attack. Everyone else raised their snipers ready to shoot.

In the crowd of civilian soldiers, stood Jr and his sister, who were sweating bullets.

Discord smirked a cocky grin as he took off his hat. His neck grew slightly as did his body. He resorted back to his true form, and with a mighty roar from him, the battle began.

He jumped and came smashing into another chimera. Dash spent no time flying in herself trying to stop another.

Rarity whacked one with her mighty tail and pinky and her cousin ran quickly giving the enemy small wounds. Not enough not to take them down at first but enough to leave a mark.

Still, the enemies were not dumb. They used their training from Luna to stand against the heroes.

Even with the tranquilizer darts that went flying at them, the needlessly evaded it. They also had armor on themselves. making it that much more difficult to pierce their skin.

Discord wasn't holding back. He used everything his body could muster to fight he used his ice blast his fire blast, and his lightning zaps to hold down the enemy. He twisted his body in unusual ways to evade capture. As he punched, for a split second he'd let his missiles grow twice their size to give more of an impact only to return it to normal as he pulled it back. He had to use all the scenes. Sight smell touch, the twist of the air, the sound of an oncoming opponent. His sixth sense, was everything he could to fight back. And he was not alone.

Dash and the others struggled to keep up with the many chimera that were on the battlefield.

Luna sat in her tower and watched as the battle raged on. "Captain," she announced. "You may fire."

"But mam there are chimera on our side down there."He asked concerned.

"And?" She asked rhetorically.

"It shall be done, mam." He finished.

Military-grade weapons, tanks, and rocket launchers were all lined up and ready to go within moments.

Sitting on a moving train, Fluttershy stared at a computer, a headset on her head. She wasn't able to fight but she wasn't going to do nothing. She became a member of team three, communications. When she got saw the movement of soldiers with tanks, from the drones that hung high up in the air she tapped on her headset.

"Discord you have incoming, a lot of incoming." She said.

"Thanks for the heads up." He said back. "Alright every one take cover if you can. Let's just hope team two gets done quickly." He snarled.

Team Two infiltrated the base with little issues. Most were preoccupied with the fight going on outside, so the small team had little to deal with.

A soldier here and there that was easily taken down by Capper or one of the other chaos members.

Their goal was simple. Infiltrate and lock down the base thus cutting off the enemy from their backup power and artillery, giving the team one the chance to take down and capture the chimera with little disturbance. Then team two would look forward to taking out Luna, hopefully by then, team one would catch up. Thanks to team three they all said I was in close contact through walkie-talkies and earpieces that were in the rage of a moving train running by.

They hoped when this was all over they'd all jump on the train and ride on home.

Easy peasy. So you'd think. But these things never tended to go directly as planned. Still, twilight along with team two had little issues completing their goals.

Twilight having the past words from her godmother knew she was perfect for this role. But she still had an odd sense of dread as they approached the building.

They turned around a corner and opened a door, to their surprise they ran into several soldiers.

"Take cover," cried Smolder as she quickly pulled out her weapon.

They did as were told but were quickly cornered. "Look me and my brother will handle this you three go and finish the job we'll catch up to you, "Smolder told them.

"But," Capper tried to argue, yet Smolder pushed him aside. "Go!" she yelled out.

Capper hated to leave his friend behind but knew what was at risk and grabbed Twilight and Shining. Dragging them down the hall.

The battlefield was full of chaos as both sides and chimera fought tooth and nail to survive.

In the mits of it trying to get closer to Discord were the twins.

"Watch out." Jr shouted as he pulled his sister away just in time for a tranquilizer dart to fly past her.

Thanks for that she replied.

He shrugged it off as he jumped and kicked an enemy soldier in the face knocking him out cold.

"Sis I hate to say it but I'm afraid we're going to have to go feral on this one."

"I think your right," she said as her hoves began to shift into a pair of lion claws. She spread her angelic-like wings, her ears growing more like a donkey's, and her eyes glowed a sharp amber.

He grew an antler and a horn not as large as his father's but, but a horn and antlers nonetheless. His front hives morphed into eagle-like claws as he spread his bat-like wings, his neck stretched a bit further. He was now even taller than he was originally but nowhere near the height of his father.

The two twins snarled with their fangs showing. In an instant, the my jumped into the fight only to vanish without a trace.

The enemies felt ghost-like claws and teeth as they were thrown around. Their opponents had no clue what was going on either but cherd any way as they knew they were winning this fight.

Capper stood by her sound gun at the ready. As did the others...alright, I'm in, she told him. Capper noded. "Wow, how'd ya do that so fast asked," her brother.

"Discord actually gave me a few helpful tips on their security details before we left. I'm surprised at how quickly it worked. Just stay close and we'll..."

"And well what," said a familiar voice. They all turned their sights and guns to see the dark blue now nightly black Alicorn.

"Luna," Twilights said shakily.

"Your on the wrong side you know Twilight." Her aunt expressed. "You don't have to do what he says you know, you can stand up against him. You can stop him," she said as she took a step toward the group.

Capper cocked his gun, "not a step closer." He demanded.

"Oh yes, yes I am not bulletproof. But come now your not going to shoot." She chuckled.

"The hell I won't," Capper snarled.

Luna shook her head in frustration." You can't be serious? Look at what he's done. Look at what that monster is."

'The only monster I see is you." Capper mutterd.

"Really, so what you just going to ignore the fact that your boss turned people into chimeras and killed several of my friends. Your ridiculous." She said overly dramatic. "Twilight look at what he's done to you, to your family," Luna demanded.

Twilight bit her lip a bit frightened. She didn't know what to do.

"He is my family," Twilight replied back.

Luna's eyes widen if only for a moment. "Hmm that I didn't know. That actually makes it worse than, you should definitely be on my side here."

"Your turning creatures into chimeras!" Twilight called back.

"To stop a chimera, one must become strong to defeat the strong if not stronger." She educated her god nease. "Besides, think of it Twilight, now we have the power to stop all wars long before they even begin. I'm not a villain."

"No your just a psychopath," Twilight muttered in a hushed tone she herself was on the verge of tears.

"Psychopath am I," Luna said as if she were arguing with a child that didn't know any better. "Twilight this is the future your father and I were creating, a future to protect you, to protect brothers like you."

"Yeah and what about spike! How do you think he feels knowing his adopted mother is the cause of all this madness? How do you think I feel" Twilight said as a tear finally broke. She whimpered slightly as she finished her work on her computer.

"Don't act like I don't love Spike, that I don't love you like your my own daughter. I sat here for far too long thinking only of you. Thinking only of this world."

"No!" Twilight yelled.."no you only thought how you could take down a monster. who happened to be my brother! He may have done quite a lot in the past, but he never stooped so low as to this." Twilight snarled.

Luna sighed, "Very well Twilight. You leave me, no choice."

"You sound just like him you know." Twilight huffed.

Luna shrugged, "It's something we all have in command then don't we Twilight." Luna grinned victoriously and then quickly kicked the gun out of Capper's paw. She then flung out her wings and took out shining. Capper having a bit of lessens himself, used his swift moves to evade her oncoming attacks. However she being a chimera, was much faster and stronger than the cat and quickly gained the upper hand knocking him to the ground.

'Giving Twilight enough time to finish what she was doing she hit enter and turned around to face Luna who only looked at her disappointed.

"Come with me, Aunty. Please for my sake for Spike's sake." She held out her hoof.

Luna took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I've already done so much." She shook her head solemnly.

"You can make up for it. You can be granted another chance, all you have to do is take it. Take my hoof please." Twilight begged.

Luna winced. 'I'm sorry Twilights," she opened her eyes revealing them as amber. "I've come too far, I'm not going to give up that easy," she snarled before she did over to Twilight and backed kicked her landing on her back hoof like a ballerina.

Twilight went back into the wall but stood her ground. "You know I've been hit so many times in the chest, one just gets used to it." Twilight smiled as her eyes began to glow the same as Luna's.

"Twilight you've never been a good dancer, your not the most athletic pony remember?"

Twilight chuckled at that. "You'd be surprised, Aunty. I'm a really good studyer," She said a bit white before she leapt off the wall and went in for a punch.

Luna effortlessly evaded her moves, her movements matching those of a ballerina, yet a bit more forcefully.

"I don't want to hurt you Twilight." Luna scuffed.

"Yeah, that makes two of us." Twilight chuckled as she stood in a fighting stance.

Luna grew a smirk at her god nease conference. "I'm not hiding back." She smiled.

"Wouldn't expect you to," Twilight smirked.

I'm seconds Luna jumped at her and threw a fist. It took Twilight everything she had to dodge it and bring out her new.

Luna saw this and stopped it with her wing.

Twilight huffed a bit out of breath..she not only had to deal with Luna's attacks she also had to deal with Luna's wings. Wings Twilight did not have, on top of that, she had a horn just like Twilight. This wasn't going to be an easy fight.

Twilight pushed herself off the ground and over Luna to create some distance between the two, nightmare tried to close the gap but Twilight blasted fire from her horn at her. She used her own fire to counter it and took flight nocking right back into Twilight.

Twilight dodged her but the two fell out of the window, nightmare used her wings effortlessly, but Twilight had to think on her feet.

She used her ice blast to create a bridge and slid down it ice scaring until she was a le to land inside a window down the building, she slipped a bit and spun around but to her surprise, she actually landed on her feet.." woo I actually did it that time," she jumped excitedly.

Luna lowered into the window frame. "A bit premature for celebrating, isn't it?" She smirked.

Twilight chuckled, "You don't understand, I've been trying to get that move down for months." She smiled.

'Oh well I'm happy for you," Luna said sarcastically before blasting fire at her.

Twilight jumped from behind a desk as the fire engulfed it. She spun around and blasted her own fire blast at Luna who used her ice ray to put out the fire.

Rarity smashed her tail into an oncoming chimera.

Dash dodged the chimera throne at her and used her lightning to zap it unconscious, the first one to truly be taken down.

"Hay watch where you sending them." She remarked.

Rarity chuckled, "Sorry Dash." She sighed. As she looked around. Despite the unhappy situation they found themselves in she was just glad to be fighting by her friend's side again.

Another chimera was about it hit her when Rarity turned around and punched it in the face. To her surprise, it was a double knockout thanks to Dash doing the same.

"Hahah." She laughed.

"What's so funny," asked Dash?'

'Oh nothing, it's just us fighting together instead of each other." She smiled. "You really are a good friend you know that."

Dash's eyes widened a bit as did her smile. It wasn't the first time she heard those words from Rarity. Then she remembered she told Twilight that they'd never be friends again. She grew a bit sad as she turned her arm a bit ashamed

"Do you think Twilight will ever forgive me?" She asked

"She already has." Responded Rarity making dash look up.

"And so have I." Rarity smiled.

The griffens could only nod her thanks, too proud to say it.

"Hay I know, why not after this, you and go and dash through a rainbow?" Rarity chuckled. Making Dash chuckle alongside her. 'Maybe all of us should.' She replied.

The two friends had their happy moments but it was short-lived as they two together jumped back into the fight at hand.

As their endless battle continued the two mares found themselves on the ground trying to catch their breath.

Twilight was breathing the heaviest. She barky got a punch in and could only dodge her attacker. She had a black eye and a few scrapes and bruises.

Equalizer had to give her credit for keeping almost up. She couldn't believe she was actually doing this, and the worst part was when she looked at her she saw a daughter figure. She hated to lay a good on her any further. Yet despite that she couldn't hold back, she couldn't let Twilight get the upper hand.

Luna was the first to stand up but Twilight walked her way to a fighting position.

"Huh, how cute." Luna scoffed. She walked over to her gingerly.

Twilight spat fire from her horn but Luna quickly put it out with an ice ray, she would have dodged it yet she too was nearly out of strength. This fight couldn't last much longer.

"I'm not about to kill you, I only want Discord Ghost."

"Yeah, well you could have fooled me." She chuckled out of breath.

Twilight stood face to face with her aunt alone. She put up a good effort, but she had doubts that she could win. She begged for backup to arrive. But Capper was down, Fluttershy had two broken legs, Dash and Rarity were battling crazy chimera, and AJ was keeping the citizens safe. Pinky and Discord stood distracting everyone. Her mother was wounded and in bed. Her brother was swiftly moving troops trying to get the chimera transported back to Chaos Vill. She has no one, she stood alone. No one was coming to back her up, no one was coming to save her. And she still has no answers as to what she was to do.

Her future self said stop Discord but stop him from what because right now she wasn't facing Discord but Luna. Did her future self even know..did that timeline even exist now? She couldn't think straight as she felt blood drip down her face making it hard to see out of her eye, luckily it was already black and bloody so I'd didn't even matter.

What could she do? What hope did she have? After everything she's been through, out of everything she's done. She Trained, she got stronger, she got better use of her powers, she learned the truth about her family, she not only met her dead brother, she met her dead mother and her long lost brother she never knew she had. Out of her entire body, the most that ached was her heart, As she looked at her aunt walking towards her.

The face she looked up to for comfort, the face she thought she could always trust. She couldn't hold back her own whimper as she thought of her aunt Celestia, what she would think of if she saw Luna and her now. And then spike..his little face. His shocked expression. It finally broke Twilight to tears thinking about Spike as Luna stood finally over her.

Twilight went in for a punch but it was sluggish and slow, not that Luna's movement wernt also. Still, Luna didn't even try to dodge it she just lowered her leg and kicked Twilight in the chest smashing her into the ground, a loud crunch was heard proving her robes were now truly broken. Luna kept her hoof on top of Twilight's broken rib cage. Twilight moaned in pain.

"You should never do anything alone Twilight. Your simply not strong enough to do everything on your own." Luna said in a soothing motherly voice. "That is where your mistake lies, just like Discords."

'She's not alone." Shouted a familiar voice. Luna's eyes shot over to the direction the voice came in.

There standing in a poorly designed Halloween costume was none other than Spike. In his claws Twilight gun.

"Don't worry it's just a tranquilizer."

"Spike. His mother whispers.

"Nighty night equalizer." He said narrowing his eyes..with a quick pull of the trigger a tranquilizer dart went flying into Luna's neck, knocking her off of Twilight and onto the ground. It wasn't enough to knock her out it did stop her from moving at all.

Twilight moaned as she moved to see him. 'Spike" she half choked on a cry. 'I told you to stay with my mom."

"Yeah because you were doing so well by yourself, since when do I ever listen to you," he chuckled.

She did but stopped as the pain hit her. "Owwwwrr she moaned. 'Spike do me a favor."

"Yeah, what's that?" He asked as he walked over to her.

'Don't ever listen to me again." She smirked.

"Wasn't planning on it.." he said just above a whisper, a smile on his face. 'Come on let's get you up," he told her and began to help her to her feet.

With the battle gone and over most of the chimera were already on the train, so they could be cured and helped..as for those who weren't they were waiting to be loaded. To Luna's surprise, she was also picked up and set on the train, they assumed they would kill her, but no, no they only planning to turn her normal again. Normal she thought. She's been a chimera for so long does she even remembers what it felt like to be normal.

Twilight watched as they loaded her on the train. Taking her away. She then saw some of the medical take Capper and the other injured to safety.

Spike helped her walk and stand but soon she undid her arm from him and stood on her own two feet taking small baby steps at first but gradually gaining her strength back despite the pain she felt in her ribs.

Capper to her surprise walked up to her. 'Well done sparky," he was the first to congratulate her. She smiled at that and then looked around. "Where discord?"

"Over hear." Her brother called out. He was sitting on a piece of fallen rubble trying to catch his breath. "I have fluttershy on the line." He told her as she noticed he had an earpiece in his right ear.

His ear then twitched. "Yes, yes she's right here..she's fine."

"Fine, no I'm alive." She corrected.

Discord chuckled.

One of the chaos vill soldiers walked over examining the disgusting messes of experiments left on the ground along with the ruble..eww he mutters a bit discussed at the sight of whatever it was. Suddenly from one of the bats, a creature presumed sead sprained to life and the two watched as it bit into him.

Twilight Spike Capper and Discord all looked over at it.

As it drained its blood the creature seemed to gain strength too. It growled as it finally let go of its meal. Its meal however didn't stay dead..no in fact the soldier began to mutate into a creature along it.

"We can't let those things escape!" Said Discord horrified at what he just saw.

"Changelings," Twilight whispered. "Discord I can't explain, but we have to stop them, I just know if we don't-"

He stopped her by placing a lion-like paw on her muzzle shifting her up.

"If they get out the entire world could be turned into chimera with just a bite.'

Capper raised his gun and shot at it but the bullet only bounced off. "Sir thire bullet proof." He deadpanned tiredly.

Discord lets go of Twilight's muzzle and strokes his beard in thought.

Twilight eyes scared across the area trying to think of something, anything that could stop them. Then she saw the lab. "That's it," she shouted.

"What is." Asked discord unamused.

"Acid. I've forever tried to cure the chimera doses, multi le times I needed up with acid. If we can just give the chimera blood a quick shake and add a bit of charge-"

"- it could form an acid that would melt them away. Twilight that genius." He told her.

Yeah but someone has to go down there and do it. Cause an explanation to make sure the acid flies around and reaches all the changelings.

"Heh done," Discord said as he pulled out a lighter. There has to be some gas or fuel down there that will do the trick. One explosion coming up." He said cockily.

"Wait, no discord if."

"It's my job, let me handle it." He lit his cigarette.

"What no!" Shouted flutershy over the intercom. "Discord you can't, if you go down there."

"It's my research that started this mess it's me who will end this." He snarled as a breath of smoke escaped his lips.

"Discord no you can't I-"

At the sound of that discord ripped out his earpiece.

Fluttershy grits her teeth as she watched the line go dead.

"Twilight he barked. This is it." He said as he reloaded his gun with one bullet.

"No, no I'm not gonna let you do this.' She retorted with a moan, due to her ribs

Discord laughed. Really, "You're not gonna finish it then." He told her.

"I'm going down there and when I do this whole thing gonna explode." He held out his gun to her. "If you don't want to you, and everyone else here to fry you shoot that door, sealing me and all the chimera inside got it." He snapped at her.

"No, no I."

"What not gonna take revenge for your poor old daddy now, is that it." He snarled as he grabbed her by the color of her outfit.

"Listen to her, we are not siblings. I murdered your father and I am about to give you what you always desired. He handed her the gun..not only do you have the key to the cure of the disease I gave you. I even set you up to look like the hero once I'm gone," he chuckled. And let go of her.

"Boss?" Asked capper. But Discord ignored him.

"Like your father before you, you can take credit for the cure and become rich and famous, a true hero," he chuckled. "When truth be told your just like me.." he laughed as his eyes glowed.

Twilight's entire body shook as she felt the weight of the gun in her hooves.

He turned his back to Twilight and Capper. "Long live the chaos queen." He mutters before running on all fours to the laboratory.

Capper gasped as he watched his boss travel across the field for what would definitely be the last time.

The twins stood camouflaged barely viable as they watched their father take off across the battlefield.

Mells's eyes widened as her heart sank. We got to stop him she shouted out not caring who heard

"Get on." Shouted her brother who was already on the back of their bike. She leaped onto it and the two siblings drove off after their father. "If he dies chrysalis wins!" Shouted Jr.

"We'll stop him, we have to, we've come too far to give up now." Shouted his sister as they drove as fast as they could to the building.

Twilight shivers in fear as she watches Discord reach the building. One shot to the shin holding up the door and it would seal him in.

"Stop discord. Stop discord... ran through her mind. "I have to stop discord?" She mutters and raises the gun. But she didn't put it at the door. "No," she pointed it at him. Her hand shaking. But she was too late as he entered the building.

To her surprise, she saw a bike enter it as well. I have to. She grit her teeth her eyes glowed amber and she took the shot closing the door to the lab, in seconds the building went up in smoke. A conceive blast could be heard from inside.

Twilight collapsed to her news. 'I counted stop him" she uttered.

"I couldn't stop Discord."

Capper stood in awe of what he just saw. The only one who could even move to their surprise was a little lizard who wrapped Twilight in a hug.

"Hay it's over now. We have the cure and, and we stopped the equalizer." He smiled.

She shook him off. As the sun peaked just above the horizon showing day break. 'No spike. No, I'm afraid this isn't over at all."

She lowers her head revealing her burning chimera eyes. "No, I think, this,"

"This is only"

"The beginning."

Author's Note:

Cliff hanger!!!!

HURAY it's finally out. This has been my longest story I have ever written. Ever. I've been a fan fic writer long before I was a MLP fan and I never written anything this long. Or this good for that matter. I want to thank everyone who stayed with and read this all the way through. As well as everyone who atleast gave it a chance and at least tried.

Alright so this is the end. In a world where it seems like no one can put out a good idea anymore I'm glad this turned out so well. With that said I must say thire are a few things that even I don't like about it. 1 pinky and applejack are just there because I wanted to use all the mpp chapters. And in highnsight I wish I didn't. They could be removed and it change nothing about the story. 2 thire are many scenes In the first 9 chapters that I want to simplify. And in the audio drama I'm doing just that. 3 I tried to put in to many references to MLP and it kinda ruins the story.

I kinda want to to unponify this and make it my own story to publish. If I do that these things will definitely be changed.

Any way thank you again and if you think this is the end, oh no this is a trilogy. Next book won't be as long, and the story will be out soon enough. Untill then I'll tell you the title of the next story, hope your looking forward for

Heart Of The CHIMERA

And to think I finished it up just to release on Christmas Day 2024 merry Christmas everyone

Comments ( 10 )

This has been my longest story I have ever written.

congratulations then. I'll look forward your next story.

if have any criticism on this tale I would like to hear them but thank you for reading

weellll, if you insist. :-) I think it's more of an editing issue than a story criticism.
one thing I saw was, be careful of missing words. like:

"As well ever be." Smolder replied.

I think it should've been:
'As well as we'll ever be." Smolder replied.
'As well as I'll ever be." Smolder replied.
I'm sure that when you read it in your head. It sounded correct. But it never was actually typed. (I know that happens a lot to me. I've actually edited this reply a dozen times and I'm sure I still screwed something up)

yeah id call that an editing problem but i do understand it

OK but seriously this story had me running around my house squealing in excitement and inadvertently scaring my family members with the screaming haha

like the plot???? oh my god
at first I thought it was kinda predictable but oh how you proved me wrong, and I'm so absolutely delighted you did
I have no idea where this is going, I thought I had but then suddenly CHANGELINGS??? I'm absolutely ready for the ride this story will take me on
Holding my heart steady for the sequel!!

You can't imagine how excited I was when all the points of the story connected and started showing the clear picture!
Though it was kind of rushed at the end but rushed stories are a guilty pleasure of mine so I'm biased by how much I like it
Seriously very few stories get me so upbeat and this story is now in the top of my list

While yes there were many many confusing grammatical and structural issues in the story
From an honest reader point of view, the story at times was very hard to read but the bare bones of the story kept me engaged to the end (plus my years of reading foreign online novels through google translate kind of make me an expert at understanding what the author is trying to say despite the language issues) but I can see it not being the same for others tho

For such a good plot the multiple errors in language dull its charm unfortunately
This really could be even better if u had someone good at English as a beta reader
[I volunteer myself if u wish]
It can be something more amazing if the English was fixed up more

oh my god!!!!
your brain!!!
I worship it.
Please don't give up on this story!!
I was absolutely astonished when I saw this fic not having insane popularity and comments and I knew I had to say something!!!
I'm new to this website like very new so I don't know much but I knew I needed to make an account now and give my admiration to you

At first I was only here for just fluttercord but this story instead captured my heart
I love how third dimensional this story felt with the detailed backstory
though yes other than twilight, fluttershy, discord and tempest rarely any other characters felt relevant other than just being there
but I'm a bit biased towards my favorite characters

and ooh!!!
how u characterized discord
showing off his smartness and not just making him a silly spontaneous character like mostly stories do
(well, he is but u made him so much more than that)
my heart bled for him and all that he's been through

I love how the fluttercord wasn't very fast or slow but very natural in itself

I wish fluttershy told him about her being pregnant I'm sure he would be out of this world happy to know that after all his suffering he now will have the happy family he always wanted with the mare he loves but I guess leaving that unknown gives us readers the enthusiasm to wait for the next part
but dear god any deity out there i really hope he didn't die this time

Also the time traveling kids really was a good plot point though I wish we got to know more about them, they barely did anything here. Kids please save your dad so you guys aren't born fatherless a second time *pray* oh dear god this just made think about how heartbroken fluttershy must have been in the previous timeline when he dies and she had to raise their children by herself, oh that poor dear


huge respect for how u showed enough of your cards in the story to keep us guessing but then kept surprising us again and again with the conclusions, can't wait to see how you'll continue this
here's all my love and appreciation and patience for when the next part comes out!!

I read this I think 5 times. I'm so happy you liked it that much and are excited for the future, I am still working on both the audio drama and the sequel will be quite insane. I have also taken this story and de- pony it, turning it into a real book that i and my friend plan to release soon, so if you love the story know there is a non-pony version on the horizon. this has to be the best comment I have ever received and it makes me want to do so much more. Because of its length, I find no one willing to help me edit it, and those who do just don't get my vision since they haven't read it. The thing is I'm so busy these days, that I have no time to correct it. if you would like and if you really would like to help with Gramer the one thing that is the bane of my existence then find me in the MLP fin fic discord, I'd love to to let you do it. my discord name is the same as my fic fic name. By the way oh you have no idea || how much pain I plan to put Fluttershy through|| I'm glad you liked the fluttercord, I did put in a real effort not to rush that or make it cringy. I think I pulled it off. anyway thank you again, and look forward to Heart of the Chimera, coming hopefully soon.

You're welcome.

I read the last chapter, and I found the fact that Discord sacrificed themselves. Sad, if Twilight perfects time travel. I hope she at least changes the past to save him because Discord and Fluttershy deserve to have a future together.

You’ll just have to wait and find out in the sequel. Chapter 1 is up now.

Comment posted by tvlivehasghi deleted May 14th
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