• Published 20th Jul 2023
  • 845 Views, 36 Comments

Blood of the CHIMERA - discordjediknight

A normal pony, named Twilight Sparkle, has become a chimera. After finding others like her, they become superhero’s. She and her friends try to stop the cause of what is changing innocent ponies into unusual chimeras

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Chapter 15 Unanswered Questions

Chapter 15

February 16th ---- 12:01 am
The office doors opened as Mr. Ghost walked into the room along with his assistant who was trying to play it cool but the sweat on his brow gave way to his true emotions. Mr. Ghost did notice it, but decided to pay no heed as he sat at his new desk with a cocky smirk,

Capper sat on the couch across from him, trying not to look nervous.

"You see Capper, I told you I would think of something." Mr. Ghost boasted as he began to go through the computer, ingnoring his assistant obvious state of discomfort.

"Yes, boss with you in charge, we'll have a much easier time gaining what we need," he replied and held out a flash drive.

Mr. Ghost snatched it joyfully and plugged it into his computer. "How goes the preparations for the tournament?" He asked.

Capper smoothed out his own hair as he simply stated, "Flyers have already been made sir."

Good, with these latest developments I had to make more moves than I would have liked, I drained my pockets to that heathen, so until the tournament, I will have no more funds for my research."

"Sir the tournament isn't for a few months". Capper expressed a bit of surprise.

"Yes I know," sighed the boss. "Until then I will have to make do with what I have. Luckily it is our biggest fundraiser, and afterwards, I will no longer need to worry about funds at all." He spoke dryly.

Capper said nothing and shifted his white onto the couch, Mr. Ghost joined him with his briefcase and began setting up a chess board.

"So with us in like this how long do you think it will be before we accomplish your goals?" asked the cat, a bit quickly.

"Asking questions." Smirked the tall pony. "You know what they say about curiosity, don't you?"

"Oh, you never let that one go do you boss?"

"I told you once before Capper, don't ask questions do as I say, and nothing more."

"I'm only asking for the sake of the city, sir," Capper smirked an impressive lie, it was clear he was asking about his own hide considering he failed.

"Ahh yes, the city. Tell me Capper how are you at chess," His boss said changing the subject.

"Decent sir. However, I've never been fond of the game."

"Oh, but you at least know the rules." He said smoothly.

"I prefer to make my own rules." The cat replied pretending to clean his claw.

"As do I capper but you see sometimes playing by the rules can be just as fun as playing against them, and there are some rules, you can never change, despite the annoyance. For example, the king's power. Central but vulnerable, In the game of chess. The king rules yet it must be protected at all cost. The one with true power under the command of the king is the queen In the game." Mr. Ghost said as he placed the black queen on the board.

"Then there's the bishop. They can only move in certain directions. Always crooked. But is useful nonetheless. Of course, when they use expires removing them is the best option." He said knocking over the bishop.

"Rooks are a stronghold. Loyal to the end. Like a dog. But it is the pawns that truly decide the game. One must use their pawns carefully in order to lure out their opponent into the open."

"I need pawns, and I know just who to use for such an occasion."

"And what of me sir?" Asked capper as he looked a bit worried.

"You are much more than a pawn..no you are a knight." Mr. Ghost said picking up a black knight piece and placing it on the board. "The knight serves an impressive role. Being able to move in strange ways. His movements always are used to confuse the opponent. A knight can do this and so much more, a knight can infiltrate an enemy's borders and is tricky to take down. Worry not Capper I still have use for you yet." His boss grinned.

Capper seemed relieved about this news. "So you would like me to infiltrate our opponent then?"

"Not yet. You see first we must know who we are dealing with. You are only looking at the board one-way boy. Chess is always a good start to understanding the fundamentals of battle. But it's always a lot more complicated than that. it isn't black and white. There is also," he picked up another knight this time grey. "Grey. Red," he placed a red pawn. "Blue," he placed a blue bishop, "green, and so many more," he placed a green rook.

"A true master of the game knows how to manipulate not only his own pieces but those of the other teams until he wins the entire game." Mr. Ghost stroked his beard.

"We must use all resources including pieces of the other side to figure that out. Which brings me back to my pawns," he said taking white pawns and placing in front of the black pieces as if they were black instead.

"Your much too valuable to throw out willy-nilly, For now, we sit and wait and let the pawns do the work from here."

"And who are these pawns you speak of sir?" Capper asked with a raised eyebrow. Mr. Ghost grew a rather evil smirk in response, as he stared at the pawn in front of him.

February 23, 2:00 pm
Filly second rushed through the town as quick as a flash. She was so fast she had no problem running up the side of a building and meeting up with the others.

"Any sign of her," asked Zap."

"Nope, but surgery sweets are on sale, as is the dress market down Maple Street." She smiled.

"Pinky, we're supposed to be looking for mutants, not shopping," Zap told her.

"Oh, I know I just had the time to look for a split second... And when I say split second I mean split second, She grinned.

Zap rolled her eyes but smiled anyway.

"I just don't get it." Marvelous began. "How do chimeras keep popping up and disappearing?"

"Well at least since we took the job there have been fewer chimera attacks", Raidence chimed in.

"Yes but, with the most recent differences, oh I just don't know," saddle rager contributed to the conversation.

"Has anyone checked up on Shadow Star," asked Radiance.

"Oh, you know how she is," Zapp responded. "Some group leader she turned out to be."

"She's under a lot of pressure Zap, cut her some slack". Marvilouce told her. "She's hunting down her aunt at the moment." Marvilouce took a look at Fillysecond and sighed. "In her hoves I'd do the same," she said with a determination in her voice.

"Well that doesn't mean she should have to do this alone, we're a team right," Zap replied.

"Right. Filli second take another look around the city, Zpp take flight, see what you can find in the air. Raidence and Saddle " make sure you listen to police scanners again, see if anything changes.

"Who put you in charge," Zap complained but had a joking grin on her face. Marvilouce chuckled at that.

"And what are you going to do?" Asked Saddle Rager.

I'm going to try and get in contact with Twilight, see what she's been up to."

Twilight sat staring at two computers one was her own, containing all her research, on everything she was interested in, the other had a window opened full of old documents of tax and payments from the banks of the city.

Twilight narrowed her eyes as she looked at one, There was a deposit of three thousand dollars to what was claimed as a charity event made by a politician. The name on the bill was Don Sparkle. Twilight clicked on a page that would show who would have received the money and only two thousand were received by the children's fund, The question was where did the thousand other dollars go that was presented by Mr. Sparkle.

She sighed as she uttered the words, "Dad what were you up to?" She shook her head. The problem was her father was gone for years now, yet it was clear by the dates that money kept disappearing, not much a few hundred dollars here and there barely recognizable unless carefully looked at, could have been mistaken for basic none reports of absorption by parties moving the cash and taking their fair share. Nothing wrong with that, if not confusing for not being tracked.

Twilight sighed as she tried to put together this odd puzzle as she remembered who gave her the computer in the first place.

February 17th 9:00 am

Sitting in his office the new mayor was going through files on his computer, it was only a few nights after he took office. when he felt an odd draft of wend, from an open window he knew was closed just a second ago. He stopped for a moment and smiled without looking.

"I've been expecting you." Shadow Star.

Shadow Star took a seat across from the desk. "You invited us so here I am. What do you want Mr. Ghost," she said trying to disguise her voice.

Mr. Ghost turned the computer around and offered it to her. "Here, full access to all the files I have access to. Including some the Mayer doesn't have but I, as a bank associated do."

"You're just handing me these," She raised an eyebrow.


"Why?" She said unconvinced.

"Take the laptop, the whole thing. I downloaded as much details as I could onto it." He smirked.

"What's your game!"

"Game?" He smiled a toothy grin. "Why the only game of course. One that only the survivor wins. And I am quite the survivor." He stood st up.

Twilight hated to admit it but his height was rather intimidating. Even to her, and she was a chimera.

"I need soldiers, and not foreign to the land. I need those willing to fight for what's right and protect the people of the city. You fit the bill i=quiet well."

"I'm not working for you."

"I never said you were." He said finally walking around the seat and over to his chessboard. "Your vigilantes, a group completely on the outside." He picked up a dark blue crystal pawn chess piece and moved it to the middle of the chessboard.

"I don't know who the equalizer is. I am a banker and I know most transactions but," he turned on his health. "There are funds that come and go that completely disappear from my knowledge. The only ones who can do that is another person with access to such files."

"So another banker?"

"Not necessarily," Mr ghost then took a step closer to Shadow Star and whispered in her ear. "I think it's one of the high politicians in the city, But who I know not, I'll leave that up to you to figure out." He then casually walked away as if she wasn't in the room at all.

"And how do I know your not behind this."

Mr. Ghost stopped just inches from the doorway out. "Skeptical of everyone, that's good. I'll emit I used this opportunity to siege power in my city, just like any politician would." He turned around with a look of boredom. "But do not think for a second that I don't care about my home. You're a chimera, just like these others, Innocent, you didn't deserve this now, did you." He smiled a wicked smile. "But sometimes we don't get what we want. Do what you can Shadow Star. May the best creature or pony win." He said before he walked out the door leaving Twilight confused about his motivation.

The computer had all sorts of files dating back to when the previous mayor first took office. She was the mayor for over a decade. Twilight sighed at the thought of what these missing funds could mean. "Someone who worked for mayor Celestia was taking funds from the city and using them for who knows what. Mr. Ghost seemed sure this would lead them to the equalizer, but who knows about that? No, what I really need to do is a hold of funds recorded by Chaos vill and compare and contrast, hmm perhaps something Dash could do for me." She spoke in her head.

"So Twi did, you find anything?" Applejack's voice caught her attention.

"Oh hey, I didn't hear you come in. No not really," Twilight sighed. Twilight looked at her friend's strange lion-like main. It looked bushy and furry, strange tho since female lions didn't have a Maine.

He was doing this for more than wanting to play the game of course. It was a good distraction for Spike who had his adopted mother missing.

"Haha I got a seven, my shield spell holds." Spike grinned and swung his arms out.

"Ok ok but if I roll an 8, my fire-breathing dragon will take out your shield spell in two seconds flat." He rolled the dice and it only hit a seven.

"Ha were evenly matched," Spike commented before he picked up the dice, setting a claw on his chin trying to think of his next move.

Twilight finally gave a smile at the sight of the two playing their game as AJ chuckled and said" Boys,"

"I'm just glad to see Spike happy," Twilight replied, anyway, she closed the book. And began gathering her things. "It seems I'm just going in circles here, I'm stuck, and there's no way out." She scoffed. "I mean this makes no sense, even with all my knowledge goat horns don't spit out fire and ice", she rolled her eyes. "Thires got to be something more, something all chimera have in command Just what, what is it, I have no idea."

"Yeah well, what about what Dash found out about that bar," asked AJ.

"Me and Spike both looked into it, thires nothing about the guy who owns that bar. Shining said as Spike rolled the dice

"Yeah the only thing we found is that it belongs to a company called Ghost Labs, but every time we search that up we just find weirdos looking into the paranormal." Spike shrugged. "I cast my time freeze spell."

Just then as if on cue Dash and Rarity walked in, arguing by the sound of it.

No daring do is an archaeologist, not a grave robber.

"I never said she was," Rarity retorted, "but she is far more than just an archeologist she's clearly working for some spy organization."

"Spy organization, ha, next you're gonna tell me she's in love with Larry the lizard." On the outside she was playing it as cool as can be, but I side she was squealing out the fact that rarity was right and that she was working directly under her hero, but telling her that would only involve her. Something her father forbid.

"Well, of course, she is, darling their romantic tension can be cut with a knife and spread it on bread."

Dash rolled her eyes at that. "Daring Do has nothing to do with him, besides she's not a spy like he is!"

"Will you two shut it," Twilight said covering her ears. Really what in the world are you arguing about, Twilight set her hooves on her hips.

"Rarity here thinks daring do is in love with Larry the lizard from the lizard lands." Dash pointed her hoof at her.

Rarity rolled her eyes in response. "Dash thinks she's just an archaeologist, but it is clear from her history in the books she was a spy, trying to stop great evil artifacts from getting into the wrong hands."

Twilight's face hoofed as she rolled her eyes not caring about a fictional book. "Will you guys just give it a rest, I have a headache and none of you are making it better," she said as she walked over to the fridge to get a drink.

"Fine, it doesn't matter anyway since the books are over." Rarity said.

"What!" Dash yelled out. "What do you mean over!"

"Oh, uh," she nervously smiled. "I mean the last book, umm," she tried to think of an excuse.

"Thire not over, this is only the seventh volume."

"Dash, you haven't read the end of the new book have you." Rarity asked.

"I would, but currently I have been busy. With spying why."

"Well, it's just that umm Daring Do died."

"What!!!" Dash responded with anger in her eyes they began to glow amber as only a chimeras would. "That can't be right," she ran past Rarity and into the other apartment She grabbed her copy of the book and came right back flipping to the last page of it. She read with a bit of a mumble at first but soon grew louder as she reached the of the book.

Daring Do stood at the end of the collapsing rope bridge over a large chasm. Larry the lizard who was a dragon flapped his wings as hard as he could, trying to evade the oncoming airplane of crazy doctor Catie, in his claws he held the precious cargo, the key to atom city, as the evil doctor came closer and closer to him fearing the worst he through the key to her.

Daring do caught it and nearly fell off the bridge just as the plane crashed into Larry.

With a mighty ball of fire as a terrible shock wave blasted through the key out of her hand, she was about to jump off the bridge and catch it when she heard the painful scream of Larry. She turned to see him falling asleep well and with a mighty. Leapt she forgot the key and her mission trying to catch him as the ball of fire surrounded both her the evil doctor and Larry.

Dash turned the page, "What, what thires nothing, that's it, she just dies!!!"

Twilight rolled her eyes OK that's enough, "Look unless Daring do can somehow find out about the equalizer, I don't want to hear any more about it understand!" Twilight yelled out.

"But," Dash began but stopped when Twilight glared at her.

"Oh alright fine, what has you so worked up anyway." Dash retorted.

"Sorry," Twilight grumbled as she laid back on the couch. "It's just that I've been trying to figure out who the equalizer is through these old bank funds the mayor gave me. He believes that somehow the equalizer was taking money and might have worked for my aunt when In office."

"Wait someone close to your aunt may be the equalizer?" Rarity questioned.

"That's what she just said," Dash replied annoyed.

Rarity ignored her and began to think. "My father", she said in a hushed tone.

"What does your father have to do with any of this," Dash complained.

"No, no listen. My father, we know that the guy who turned me into a chimera, the one behind everything not shining, he said my father would be able to give him access to files he needed."

Twilight raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah so," Dash said genuinely confused, she was no longer upset, just not following.

"So, Dash what if my dad, somehow, he's involved."

"Your dad's the equalizer?" Dash questioned.

"No, no that's too simple, but... He could be unknowingly giving someone the wrong info, the equalizer could be using my dad."

Twilight jumped up and ran to the computer, She quickly scanned the pages.

"Twilight what are you looking for." Rarity asked.

"Rarity I'm going to need bank reports from your father, "

"Bank reports?"

"Is that all you can do? Copy what people say as a question?" Dash snorted.

Rarity ignored her teasing and continued, "I have access to the family accounts, Let me just sign in on my phone," she said pulling it out, "ah here we go," she handed Twilight the phone, who scanned them. "It might take a few days to compare and contrast, if not a few weeks."

Apple Jack sighed. "Is it just me or is this getting more complicated by the second? there's too many questions here and not enough answers."

"Yeah," Pinky said coming out of nowhere. "Who is the equalizer, why are they making chimeras in the first place, how are they doing it, what's Twilight family has to do with it, why is the Rarity family involved, what do chimera have in common, and how does chaos vill fit into any of this?" She shrugged.

"Pinky where did you come from," asked Spike.

"From the window. I also brought Fluttershy," she grinned.

Flutershy shook her head at that but said nothing.

"dumb question," Spike muttered.

"Well, I know one question I have," Dash spoke out. "Why on earth is A.K. Yearling killing off daring do and not writing any more books? I'm going to get to the bottom of this."

Rarity sighed, "This again, and how do you plan to do that."

"By going to her myself, we're actually pretty good friends believe it or not. Trust me."

Rarity rolled her eyes, "Can you believe this Fluttershy," Rarity tried to invite Fluttershy to the conversation. But Fluttershy didn't respond as she too was lost in her own thoughts.

"Fluttershy," repeated Rarity, finally getting the mare's attention.

"Hmm, what?" She asked in her tiny voice.

rarity shook her head. My, My Fluttershy what has you so occupied tonight?

"I'm going to get to work on finding a connection, Twilight told the room, "Pinky any sign of my aunt?"

"Nope, sorry, it's like all the chimera from that night just disappeared.," Except me of course.

Spike sighed sadly at that, seeing this shining smile. "Hay will find her, in the meantime im going to use my dragon to cook your wizard." he chuckled.

Spike's smiled returned, "Not if I use my wizard to overcome your dragon", he picked up the dice and the two returned to their game.

"Well, I gotta head out," huffed Dash.

"Where you going," asked AJ.

"Chaos Vill has a delivery at the docs and I'm one of the volunteers. See ya." She shrugged before heading out.

Rarity shook her head viscerally, "I can't believe we're so close to figuring all this out, and here we are not a step closer. My father is a director for the ESA. Oh, I wish I could just access his files and figure out the truth." She argued.

Just then Twilight's eyes rose. "Rarity!" She screamed happily, "you're a genius!"

"Oh, why thank you Twilight, but I don't follow."

"Your bank reports will help me surely, but I also need more information about my own dad. If we could sneak into the ESA we could find out this and so much more." Smiled twilight.

"Sneaking into the ESA, have you gone mad?" AJ expressed.

"Ok, I know it's a stretch," Twilight rolled her eyes.

"But one we could take if it comes to that." Rarity smiled

"Fluttershy please tell me I am not the only one who's gone insane," AJ asked bewildered by the others.

But once again Fluttershy was not paying attention at all.

"Fluttershy," AJ repeated gaining her attention, slightly startling her.

"Huh, what?" She asked.

"Wow, Rarity's right You sher do got something on your mind, what is it?" AJ asked.

"Oh, uh it's nothing," she smiled.

"Speaking of which how is she doing." Asked Rarity referring to Celistia.

Spike answers with, "She's ok but heartbroken. She decided to go back to the capital with her husband. She wanted me to join but there's no way I could leave here."

Twilight gave the little lizard a hug. "You know your more than welcome to stay with your big cousin."

"Big sister you mean." Spike smiled.

"If she's your big sis then I'm your big bro squirt, We got to have a guy's night sometimes just the two of us." Shining chuckled.

"Yeah well, I know what you can do for guys' night," Twilight replied.

"What's that?" Asked spike.

"I need the both of you to wrangle up some workout equipment."


"Because last time I got my flank handed to me," she sighed as she struggled to stand up. "Most chimeras are just wild beasts, we can handle that but that cat, Whoever he was, was able to fight. And I mean fight. We need to start getting stronger, working out, and learning some martial arts. Because if we don't I don't think we stand a chance."

"Well totally be able to fight them off." Said Spike excitedly.

Twilight looked at Spike with a frown.

"What is it?" Asked Spike.

Twilight sighed. "Look Spike you've been a big help but this is getting more and more dangerous and I don't want you on the streets."


"Nope Twis right kido," Shining backed her up.

"Same goes for you," Twilight said blankly

"What, why?"

"Same reason."

"Twilight I'm an adult."

"Yeah, and I thought you were dead for years! She yelled back with her eyes beginning to turn. "I'm not gonna lose you or anyone else to this. You're not a chimera you just a pony with a freaky robo eye!"

The room stood quiet for a moment. The only sound was Twilight breathing a bit heavily from her anger. "Umm, Twilight."Rarity tried.

"I'm not saying that you can't help I'm just saying I want you guys to stay safe alright." She rolled her eyes.

"We know". Spike smiled and hugged his sister. Making her chuckle.

Flutershy watched as a strange feeling began to grow in the pit of her stomach as the TV in the background announced the new mayor's arrival.

Mr. Ghost stood at the stand addressing the city as the new mayor. No one even tried to fight him for it.

"As your mayor of this city, I said I would stop these chimera attacks and I meant it. The last mayor foolishly almost tried to capture the heroes of this city. I, I shall use them. Yes, that is right. The heroes of harmony, they are chimera, they are citizens just like us but with the power to stand up to these threats. I invite them to keep up the good work. I wish to work with them. All my knowledge and information I want to give to them. My resources as well. Now I know what you are thinking. Thire chimera. How can we trust them? But let me ask you this Why can't we? They have shown their loyalty to the safety of that city and I plan to work with them."

"Our task force shall now be put under their control. And they need not worry of being arrested if they are I will personally see to their freedom. Their identity they may keep secret. If I had such strange deformities I wouldn't want my identity out either... Here's to the heroes of harmony. Hears to the citizens of this city..and I would like to personally invite them to my office whenever they are free to do so." Smirked the cocky mayor.

Fluttershy stared at the TV lost in her own mind. It's been a few weeks since she last talked to him. And the last time she did talk to him it wasn't like there conversation was very long. She wanted to clear up the entire kiss thing, make it clear that she was drunk and out of her mind and only wanted to be friends. But was that actually true? Could she actually have growing feelings for the guy, and if so why?

He did save her in the alleyway, although she didn't seem to have them then. He was always in his own way kind to her if not a bit arrogant. She let her mind wonder if he would let his guard down for even a second and just dropped the act, if she could actually like him. His true self showed through small moments during thire time together, and while it hasn't been that long she come to think of him as a close friend despite his reluctance. But then she saw his scars. She found herself overtaken by emotion when she saw them and actually cried. Why, why did she cry? She asked herself. Was it true? Did she actually have now growing feelings for the infamous Mr. Ghost?

She cleared her throat with a cough. "I'm uh, I'm just gonna go get some air," she told her friend and headed out the door.

"Hmm, well, that was something," Pinky expressed, "I wonder what's got her all tied up."

"Who knows," Twilight shrugged, "she's been like that for the past few weeks, Right now it doesn't matter, that's a puzzle to solve for another day, one at a time please," she pleaded sarcastically before took heading to her room. "I'm going to go for a jog. If we were going to fight in that tournament I want us all in tip top shape." She ordered her team.

Author's Note:

So now that most of the story is actually out I'd like to now with out spoilers to into how I came up with he story with in these author notes...

So I am a huge fan of story telling always been. I love the greats. Harry Potter, starwars, and so. Many more. I'm an anime fan, like Naruto or dragon ball. I like cartoons like spongebob and more advance stories like avatar the last air bender. and love good Charecters. As a fan cours I always wanted to write my own adventures of stories. I don't care if it is a girl or boy a good charecter is all I seek. My friend got me into MLP. As a guy I at first was hesitant but soon fell in love with the Charecters and course fan fics Aries.

Ok more on this later. 😂👋