• Published 20th Jul 2023
  • 846 Views, 36 Comments

Blood of the CHIMERA - discordjediknight

A normal pony, named Twilight Sparkle, has become a chimera. After finding others like her, they become superhero’s. She and her friends try to stop the cause of what is changing innocent ponies into unusual chimeras

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chapter 16 Break through

February 23rd 10:00

"So daring do just jumps off a bridge and falls to her death trying to save her friend?' Asked the lizard carrying a creat over.

"Yeah, just like that," said the rainbow mane pony who also carried a crate by her. "I mean I get she wants to retire but writing the end of the story like that, just hurts so many of the fans who're out thire hard earn earnings, and life into that creation. You know what I mean." Dash complained.

"I do, thanks by the way for helping us unload these." We're running a bit understaffed due to most of us getting ready for the tournament. She said as she watched her brother put up a large banner across the entrance to a ware house.

"No problem I get it,I get it. Dash said as she laid a crate onto a truck. The sound of seagulls a over her head. She was down at the docks unloading boxes for smolder. .

"What's in these things any way she questioned."

"Hmm, oh you know. Shipments of goods for the boneless. Bought graciously and donated by Mr Cheeze, of course once in our care, his name will be removed as always. "

Dash smiled at that. "You guys really do like helping don't you."

Smolder sat back and popped open a canned drink handing Dash one and opening one for herself. "Long ago things weren't always so nice. Me and my brother used to live east but due to our dad losing a job we ended up moving to the south side of town in the slumps. To stay safe we had to join one of the dance gangs that accepted lizards since it seemed most lizards weren't accepted anywhere else. We were just kids. Trying to stay alive." She brought the drink to her mouth but didn't drink yet. "We just wanted someone to help us. And our cries were answered when he came along."

"Cheese," asked Dash, Smolder gulped down her drink. Before speaking, yet didn't answer dashes questions. "now we help others, others like us who need it."

"So gangs." Asked Dash trying to squeeze more info out of her.

"The south side used have a lot of gangs, but now we all realize how stupid it was and try to do better for our fellow citizens. She crunched up her can and tossed it in the trash. Still, you can see the remnants of it, the way the south side is separated. Why do some of us where biker jackets and others where chains and suits?"

Dash took in that thought as she remembered the info she got that night from sonburst. The bar belongs to a guy who beat a bunch of gang members. It seemed he then proceeded to take control of the entire south side of town, yet no one could tell her who was in charge, Even if asked who owned the bar all Smolder would say is She does or Chaos Vill does.

"So why are we having here at the docks." Dash asked trying to change the subject.

"Oh that's beacuse this is the only place large enough to host it. We usually host them at the bar but this time we have too big of a group interning. Some are even traveling by train and will be here the day of"

Then Dash cautiously thought of how to ask her next questions without looking to suspend

"So, do you know anything about a place called ghost labs?"

Smolder looked at her, a bit of a bored look in the eye. "Ghost Labs just owns the building and land, I own the bar."

"Who is Ghost Labs then." Asked dash.

" you sure ask a bunch of questions." Smolder remarked.

"Oh uh sorry I just wanted to know more about what I'm signing up for." She smiled.

"I told you this is a non-profit organization. We don't do that stuff. As for ghost labs, they are apart of Chaos Vill. I told you, the bar and all of this belongs to Chaos Vill."

"Right, Right, sorry."

Smolder smiled at Dash... "I know it seems silly, but the reason why there isn't any information to give, is because some would like to stay anonymous. We have nothing to hide we just want our good deeds to speak for themselves, you got to get with the program." she elbowed dash in a friendly way. "Now go and get that last crate off the boat for me ok, I'm gonna talk with my bro for a sec."

Dash did as was asked and headed back over to the boat to get the job done, she never noticed she was carefully being watched by a cat standing in the docks operating tower. Capper narrowed his eyes as he heard his companion counting the last of his money.

"Seven, eight nine, ah yes, yes it all seemed to be there," said Mr. Cableron. "Tell your boss as always it's a pleasure doing business with him." He said snarky.

'You certain no one knows about the true shipment. Asked capper."

"We've done this how many times, and how many times have we've gotten caught? "The pony assured the cat. "Besides, if anything goes wrong it will be cheese that takes the fall not your boss, it's why we set it up that way remember," he chuckled."Your boss sure is a genius, I have to admit, last thing I'd ever want to be on is his bad side." The pony smirked, causing Capper roll his eyes. "From here on out the rest is up to you."Cableron said and walked away with a duffle bag full of money.

"Well then I'm off work," Capper smiled cheerfully at the thought, as he began to take off, a thought crossed the cats mind. "Hmm I wonder why she hasn't been around in a bit."

As he did, one of the works who were currently operating a crane raised an eyebrow at the odd pair. She was a dark purple pony, with a white hat and a khakis jacket.

"Hmm cableron, what kinda deal did you make this time," she questioned as she got off the machine used a grappling hoos and swing down from her hight of the building down to the ground of the docks ducking behind one of the many shipping containers that the dock was filed with.

She landed with a roll and took a breath. "Woo, who said your to old for stunts," she smirked to herself feeling cool. She then crept up to a wooden crate that was inside a shipping container. From her belt she pulled a hammer and undid the nailed on one end of it quickly, undoing the lid. Once she got it off she took a peak inside, she gasped at the sight of it but then heard some one yell hay! She looked up to see a blue pony standing in the door way.

"Dash, dammit I could of killed you." She expressed angrily.

"Sorry" Dash said a bit surprised. "What are you doing here any way?"

"I could ask you the same question," shadow placed her hoves on her hips.

"Uh i'm helping move this shipment." Dash Said as if it were obvious.

"Yes well do you know what your moving zap."

Dash shrugged making the dark violent pony sigh. "You got alot or learn. Take a look." She told dash.

Dash did as instructed and and as soon as she saw what was in the creat her face went pale. "Guns! We're moving guns!"

"Not just any guns, sniper rifles the type used for long range shooting, like the kind that the equalizer would definitely use."

"Oh, god this bad." Dash mutterd.

"No really." Shadow replied. sarcastically in her usual dull voice. "Listen up zap, For years now ive been tracking down the chaos king, it seems hes going by the equalizer now, that or the equalizer is working for him one or the other. Hes the king of chaos and the leader of chaos vill, they'll lead you to believe thire only good Samaritans helping the city, but the truth is thire a group that Aries out of the south side of town nearly a decade ago. Before that thire were several gangs, about eight or nine of them, most of which had a head who was one of the higher class, thats how they made thire money in this city. Gang fights spread across far and wide, it was a dangerous town despite it being one of the most wealthiest city in equestria, with some of the best shcool district in the country. Well one day alot of thoes heads went missing, at the same time alot of the gang members were found beaten to a pulp and thoes who weren't stoped fighting, many would like you to believe its beacuse the world got a little better after the war ended. When in actual fact its more likely some one came in, some one with more power that shook the place up and built an empire. Now this cities crim rate is on the lowest its ever ben, reason why is beacuse thires only one crime boss left, the chos king, and who ever is left has bowed down to him or has already gone missing.'

"Ten years, how long have you been after this guy?"

"Since it all began ten years ago." She mutterd. "I had a family, three kids, my youngest being a daughter who would be your age if she were alive. She exhaled. For them I need to take him down."

Dash eyes widden a bit at this. She couldn't see the ponies she new flat out murdering anyone. You said smolder was an elite, how do you know that."

"Ive been keeping a close eye on chaos vill and thire deals, how ever when ever i get close to the truth its always escapes me. The Chaos lord has four divisions of his business. One leader per division. One trade, Cheese Sandwich is head of it and keeps trade routes between all income. 2ed division, recruits, every single member is known and recorded by Smolder Flame and her brother, who look like hardworking bikers at a bar, but were infact part of one of the nastiest gangs before the last decade. The lizards of hell, were know to torture and harm anyone who got in thire way.She and her brother once were leaders of that group, now they work under the lord of chaos. Dont let thire friendly exterior fool you, thire dangerous.

Dash noded, but felt a bit apprehensive to believe that.

Third division, transport, all these have to be carefully maneuver, you'll often find a good doc playing politics in all of this. Doctor Cornelius Sonburst handles most of that.

Finale division is communications. the man involved with this division is also king chosen 2ed in command, giving orders straight from the top himself, a cat, but in the ten years i have been working on this, his name has never once came up. all i know is that hes the one who would often be the one gathering info and delivering info making deals and trading cash for the king himself."

"And whos the king. got a name," asked dash.

Ak Yearling looked away, hes as tricky to track as could ever be. he has his dirty hands looking as clean as a childs. i do have a name, but forgive me if i dont tell you, it's a name thats jard for me to say. She stuttered.

"As long as you got a name.' dash smirked, but truly she didn't want to push shadow any more.

"So what about the equalizer, what about the chimera stuff,"

"I dont know how he does it, but i am more then sertin he creates the syrum that transformers ponies into chimera."

" By the way about thoes books, I get it if you want to retire but seriously, can't you write a better ending for daring do.'

Shadow rolled her eyes. "Here's a lesson for ya kid. Learn this now," she grabbed dash by the color of her shirt and pulled her to her face till they were at eye level.

"Not every story has a happy ending." She told her In a deep tone. She then tossed dash aside, "learn that and you might just grow up a bit, now cloes up that crate and get moving before some one sees us." She demanded.

Dash stood a bit perplexed. She wanted to argue it was her who opened the box, but new to keep her mouth shut and did as she was told.

Flutershy was walking down the street trying to ease her mind in any way she could. But as she walked the thought of ghost arms around her and thire kiss began to haunt her.

A penny for your thoughts, said a familiar voice which surprised her out of her daze. She looked up to see the tall slender car who stood Infront of her.

"Oh Mr. Capper, what brings you here," she questioned, "did Mr. Ghost send you," She grew a bit excited at the thought of him, and it showed through her voice.

Capper smirked at the happiness he heard in her voice at the more mention of his boss. "No Mrs. Breeze, he doesn't even know I am here, I came hoping to have a word with you, if you don't mind."

"Oh," she said sounding a bit disappointed it wasn't Mr. Ghost that sent him. "Sure, I guess."

He smiled and turned the other way, she followed him around the corner, a bit apprehensive. "So uh, what's this about?" She asked a bit nervous.

Caper continued his wall and kept his eyes forward. In a Cheerful tone he responded, "nothing much, I just wanted to ask you about my boss, what are your thoughts of him?"

Fluttershy was cought off guard by that. Of all the times to be asked about her thoughts on Mr ghost. She took in a deep breath and let it out as she decided the best the corse of action was to be honest here. With a some what longing smile she answered, "I think he's rather nice. A very kind gentleman, if not a bit strange."

"Strange, strange how?"

"Oh, I don't know, he just, she bit her lip. I feel like he's acting or something like he's hiding something. Tell me Capper what do you think?"

Capper half chuckled, "I think you right. I think he's hiding from his past."

"His past?"

"The boss has never had it easy. Even so, I never seen him show his true feelings for anything, anything except muffins." He laughed.

Which made flutershy giggle a bit, as she pictured in her mind him with his goofy grin eating his favorite breakfast.

Capper finally turned to her, "forgive me if I cut to the chase,"

Flutershy saw how serious his expression was. "Where are you going with this," she asked a bit concerned.

"I never, not once seen anyone, get true emotions from the boss," he said slow and drawn out. but there has been a few cracks in that facade of his recently, "I've seen him smile a genuine smile, I've heard him laugh a genuine laugh," he narrowed his eyes, "I've seen the way he looks at you."

The Capper stopped Infront of her, catching her off guard.

"Tell me Mrs breeze what are you trying to do?" He asked darkly, almost as if it was a threat. "How do you feel about the boss?"

Fluttershy instinctually shrunk back a little frightened, but as she thought about his words she realized what he was asking and why, the reason was so blindingly obvious. She relaxed if only slightly and her face softened. "You really do care for him, don't you?"

It was Cappers turned to grow surprised he raised an eyebrow but quickly placed it back down. "He's like a father to me. You know how he was made a lord."

"Yes, his acts of bravery in the war. I read an article about it once."

"Yes, well he saved a group of children who were orphaned due to the war. I was one of them. Since then I've been his assistant for nearly a decade, The things I've seen him do, the things he's gone through," Capper shook his head. "He acts like it's all a joke but I've never seen anyone fight more for what he believes," than Mr. Ghost.

Capper set his paws in the pocket of his jacket, satisfied with her answer, he walked away leaving Flutershy to get back to her work.

Capper sighed and turned around. 'I encourage you, I do, he deserves so much more. But if your planning to hurt him." Capper grumbled, and clenched his fist.

The message was clear, perhaps to clear. However flutershy couldn't help but smile at how sincere capper was. "Thank you Capper."

Satisfied with his actions the cat set his paws in his jacket and left with out another word. Leaving Fluttershy once again to her own thoughts.

Fluttershy was now siting on the couch, her mind compleatly a lost on what to do. In the back ground was th sound of Twilight tinkering with her time machine, her plans for the device spread out all over her bed room. When she was finished with her rench she looked over some calculations she had on her computer. 'Hmm now, if I could just make enough energy to past the speed of light I should be able to time travel." She set a pen to her chin. "But the energy to do that." She then walked over to what was left of the strange goo that mutated them all. It's energy out out was close to what she needed for time travel. She only needed perhaps half a teaspoon to make it work. But she had so little of the strange material left, she couldn't risk using it. She then examined a pepper that was siting by it. "Hmm, it's DNA structure is bizarre, but it is DNA none the less. Strange that gives off that kinda power." She said as she grabbed a soda. With it in her hoof she stoped in looked at it.. xHmm warm. I'll fix that."Her eyes went yellow and she blasted the cam with an ice spray turning it cold again. She took a drink as she thought to herself, "what kind of creature has a goat horn and can blast ice rays and fire beams from it."

Sudently thire was nock on her door. "It opened to reveal Rarity."

"Hay twilight did you find anything about my father yet.'

"No, sorry ive been busy."

"Looks like it," Rarity laughed at the sight of her room. "Good golly is that your time machine." Rarity asked swing it for the first time.

" yep, just something for fun, it's never gonna work besides I really do need to put it down and figure out more about us and the chimera."

Just then they heared pinky rummaging through the fridge looking for ice cream. "Its in the back pinky, twilight called out with a smile already knowing what she was looking for."

Pinky ears perked up with that and instantly looked in the back. "Oh found it." She replied.

Twilight and rarity just shook thire heads an her antics with grins and she pulled out a tun of ice cream. Then Twilight noticed fluttershy who was deep in thought as she pet her bunny rabbit.

"Shes still like that." Twilight whisperd to rarity.

"Actually i think i might have an idea as to why, she smiled. Rarity chuckled. "Do you mind distracting pinky so i can talk with her one on one. "

Twilight shrugged, "not like thats gonna be hard." She replied sarcastically and walked away.

Rarity walked over to flutershy, startling her as she didnt even notice she was standing there. 'Oh sorry I didnt mean to scare you, im about to go over and ask what's dash been up to, why dont you come with me."Fluttershy a bit shyly didn't say a word. Just agreed.

The two friends walked out of the apartment and into the hall. It was a short walk since dash and apple jacks apartment was just the next door across from them.

Flutershy nearly walked into the door not releasing rarity had stoped to open it. She looked up just in time embarrassment written on her face.

"Oh dear me flutershy this guy must be something if your not even paying attention.' Rarity commented with a sly expression.

"Huh, no, no, its uh, um..."

Rarity laughed. "I knew it. Oh my who is he." She asked. Fluttershy jumped back from her friend a bit, with a nervous expression. 'Oh come now, this guy must be incredible if your willing to give your heart to him."

"My, my heart". She screeched in a tiny voice. Rarity shook her head. "Let me guess you haven't even considered it have you."

Flutershy raised her head a bit in shock, but knowing thire was no denying it she finally decided to open up a bit. "Ok, ok so thires this friend of mine, we sort a kissed and-

"Kissed," Rarity gasped. 'dear me, fluttershy i didnt know you had it in ya."

Fluttershy grew a cross face. At that Rarity realized they were out in the open, this was a private conversation and they were alone so long far as the walls were thick, which wasnt much. "Sorry," she replied.

Flutershy continued her expression turning back to one of worry. "You see that was a while ago and since then we haven't had time to talk hes been busy with work, and so have I, being an intern, collage and a part time superhero."Rarity I just dont think this is a good time." She shook her head.

"Thires never a right time."

This cought fluttershy off guard, she returned her view to her friend who wore a genuine friendly smile.

"Ive known you for how long, and you never been interested in any pony, thire is never a right time for love, not unless you make the time."

Flutershy stood in silence as she took in her friends advice.

With a giggle Rarity continued. "Its nearly dinner dear, im sure hes almost off work, why dont you go to him, go to him right now."

Flutershy was slow to comprehend what rarity was saying, but when she finally did she tried to make another excuse. "But."

"No buts just go, you can thank me latter," Rarity winked.

Fluttershy was slow at first a bit in a dazz however she slowly warmed up to the idea, and with a mighty nod, she agreed to it, and began to walk away. With every step she took she gained more and more confidence, ready to face Mr. Ghost for what will be either the last time, or the first time in f many.

Rarity watched as she left a smile on her face, she gave a happy shake of her head before entering Dash's apartment.

Twilight looked at her computer at the diffrent files, tho she could barley pay attention as she listens to pinky pie go on and on about some new recipes she wanted to try. If that wasn't bad enough thire was also the two loud mouths playing thire bored game right across from her.

She sighed and wonders, where is AJ when you need her, out loud as she picked up a cup of noodles.

Oh she went back to her home town to visit her sister silly, she already told us that yesterday, but she'll be back tonight." pinky smiled. "Come to think of it she placed a hoof on her chin I wonder where's dash, and for that matter Fluttershy and rarity."

"Dash I hope gets here soon she should of been back an hour ago. Shining any new info on the ghost labs yet."

Shining picked up the dice, "nope, none of those ghost labs have anything to do with that bar." He rolled an eight. "Ha the dragon freezes you with its freeze freeze blast from with its horn what will you do now?" He questioned the lizard Infront of him, spike smirked, "I have a fire spell just for that."

At the sound of this twilights eyes widen. "Wait, shining what did you just say?"

"Ghost labs have nothing to do with the bar."

"No, no what did you say about the dragon?"
Twilight asked bewildered.

"Oh uh, I used a spell that the dragon knows to freeze spike in place."

"Freeze," twilight said with a shiver. "A horn that can freeze."

She turned around muttering the words "a horn that can freeze as she walked away."

"Uh Twilight." They asked, but she didn't answer instead she just took off into the library searching for a book.

"Ok here we go again," shining exhaled.

"Yep we lost her." Spike dead paned. "Now back to the game," he smiled happily.

Pinky looked between Twilight, and the boys and shrugged, "Alright boys have a y room for one more player." She asked. Which the two smiled.

As the sun began to set for the day Capper walked into the office of the mayor.

"Well?" Asked his boss in a dull tone.

'Misson successful sir. The inventory all delivered and set on the Ghost train."

Mr Ghost smiled at that. "Good, and what of our little spy."

"Dash Rainbow and the other mutants haven't got a clue. Sir if I may ask, I thought you said you were done with them, so why have you let them in so far into your operation."

"Hmm questioning me are we,"Mr ghost said with a sly grin that unnerved capper.

"Just curious is all sir, forgive me I am a cat."

Mr ghost chuckled. "Simple capper, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Thire pawns nothing More, by the time they learn anything useful I well have already won this war."

"Mhmm, and what of .mrs Breeze sir."

"What about her?" Mr ghost asked looking over his paper work.

"Oh. Nothing it just seemed your getting quiet close to her sir, not that thires anything wrong with the company of a mare with such fine, assets."

Mr ghost froze in place, a single eyebrow raised. "Asset's."

"Yes she's quiet the looker being a middle and smart being on the track of becoming a vet, why it's a wonder she isn't dating at all." Capper smirked

Mr Ghost narrowed his eyes, not liking where his subordinate was going with this.

Twilight waisted no time heading to the library.

"oh hello mrs sparkle here to check out more time travel books" she asked.

"uh no can you point me in the direction of dragons and mythical beat," she said a bit dazed.

"Oh yes eile seven," said the librarian with a smile on her face.

Mr ghost stood up towering over the tall cat with a sly smile.

"Capper you are of great use to me, but one more quip like that and I might think your worth more trouble then I anitially thought."

"I'm just saying boss, she could be a great use to you as well, if you just open your heart to the idea."

Sudently capper found himself lifted off his feet, even for a tall guy like him this was terrifying, he came eye to eye with Mr ghost, and for a moment he could of sworn he saw them flicker.

"For that I would have to have a heart, and I don't. Don't miss step where you don't belong." He dropped Capper but Capper acted as if nothing happened at all.

"Yes sir," Is all he said with a cheerfully smile. But in his head he said "all you have is a heart to give I've seen it."

"Good keep me informed if anything changes," Mr Ghost commanded as he set his hat on his head, "I must be going."

Twilight had several books layed out infront of her. dragons of all sorts searched the pages along with thire fairy tail descriptions. the western dragon had claws and main of a lion, its tail even came to a sharp point almost like a scorpions. tho it bared no wings it could fly, then thire was an middle eastern dragon, sharp fangs and mighty tall goat like horns, with mighty scaley wings. then thire was sea serpents. dragons of the seas with long serpent bodies and scales tuff as armour.

"Dragons" Twilight mutterd as she looked between the books. the claws the tais the scales, her jaw dropped as her eyes landed on the eastern dragon. she placed a hoof where her horn would be if she wasnt hiding it at the moment. "hornes," she mutterd in a shudder.

Flutershy walked down heading to town hall. She hasn't seen him ride his bike in a while either. She remeberd how fun it was to be on the back of it and once again wanted to be thire with him. And now now she was free to do so. But just before she could step into down town hall she came to an abrupt stop.

"Oh,no what am I doing?" She asked herself. 'We're just friends and." She stopped when she remeberd he kissed her neck She placed her hoof where he did. She was so deep in thought she never even noticed the sound of the bike pulling up behind her.

"Well If it isn't Mrs Breeze." Mr Ghost called out making he jump out of her thoughts.

She turned to see him in his usual trench coat and hat. Looking the very same as the night they first met, or the night that they. She shook her head, "no dont think of that right now," she told her self.

"Um you felling alright?" He asked her.

"Huh oh, yes, yes I was actually on my way to see you," she smiled...

"Really, why is that. It's not Friday, and besides you really don't need a tutor any more I thought." He raised an eyebrow.

"Um, no but uh, were friends so.'

"Thire you go again assuming we're friends." He chuckled.

Her face grew into a spiteful frown. "I am more then just a muffin." She replied back.

As she did, Mr ghost stole a look at her, Cappers words still rang in his mind and he mutters the words, 'fine indeed." He said catching her off guard.

'Hmm,what was that?"

"Oh uh," he coughed realizing he just said that out loud, "I was just saying it's a fine night."

"Oh yes, yes it is a fine night,"she smiled.

"Say you, you haven't eaten anything have you," he asked her.

"Hmm oh no actually I, I haven't."

"Well umm, I'm heading home, just got off work and planing to make something if you'd like to join me." He smiled.

This cought her compleatly off guard, "Like a date."

"No," he coughed, "no not all, were just friends, it's just a friendly dinner," he smiled nurvosly, "don't make this weird,"he narrowed his eyes. She smiled at that. Nervous her self. "Hmm," she pretended to think about it, "sure. Just a friendly dinner, sound great to me." She replied.

"Then get on," he gestured her to get on the back of his bike, she did so and then two rode off together.

as they did they never noticed two figures watching them form a distance.
"You think its him,"asked jr.

his sister shrugged, "well hes got a bike, hes tall like you, and she is driving off with him." she set a hoof to her chin." lets just see where they go alright."

"Alright then ill get the bike ready." junior smiled.

Twilight closed the book terrified. "were not just chimera, were dragon chimeras," she whisperd to herself. "were dragon ponies. were draconiqui." her expression turned to one of a sadistic smile. she began laughing uncontrollably as she shook head to toe loosing her mind. 'were dragon ponies, haha were dragon, ha ponies. hahahahahahhaha!!!"

Author's Note:

So to pick up on what I was talking about wit my last author note, explaining how I made this story.

My ideas at first seemed endless. MLP gives such a brod stroke for possible fan fics and au. Several came to my mind that I thought would be fun to write, and I wrote the ideas down. How ever I struggled with forming a cohesive story out of them for the longest time. Then one day, some one I won't name saw my work and told me I should give up on writing because it was so bad.

😑 yeah long story short I didn't listen. And indeed I have that person to thank now, beacuse to prove them wrong I made it my mission to form a full story.

Ok more on this later 😂👋