• Published 20th Jul 2023
  • 846 Views, 36 Comments

Blood of the CHIMERA - discordjediknight

A normal pony, named Twilight Sparkle, has become a chimera. After finding others like her, they become superhero’s. She and her friends try to stop the cause of what is changing innocent ponies into unusual chimeras

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chapter 20 Traps and Springs

Chapter 20 traps and springs
Lights flickered on in off as he ran through a broken laboratory. He breathed in, heavy by the sound of it. Suddenly something jumped out at him over the shadows. He couldn't see exactly what it was despite his chimera eyesight.

Suddenly he woke up in a pit of sweat shivering, his breathing erratic. Discord grits his teeth feeling his heartbeat faster than he could control. Immediately he went for the lighter and cigarette on his nightstand. But as he was about to light it something jumped on his arm.

He didn't know what it was or who it was. In this state he wasn't Discord Ghost the Pony with everything, he was the pony who just got done with a war zone. Whoever this was could have been an enemy ready to take his life, he immediately turned to them with intent to kill but stopped as he saw her griping onto his arm. His entire body still trembling.

She stayed mostly under the covers a night shirt laid on top of her fur. She opened her teal eyes. "I don't want you to smoke anymore. It's bad for you."

Who was she, he could not remember, the recollection of her was not in his mind. Still, he could tell by the way she held him that she actually cared for his well-being. Slowly he dropped the cigarette from his claw as he asked, 'Who are you?"

She only snuggled into his side as she mumbled.

"Someone who loves you." She said as she slowly began to hum Rara roll, as rolled over her back to him.

May 10---- 5:54 am
This was the morning Discord knew what he must do as he looked at her. Her name finally came back to him. "Fluttershy."

At the same time, Fluttershy was on the other side of the room shaking a bit, herself. A look of happiness filled her face but there was worry in her eyes as she questioned in her own mind.

"what am I going to do? What will he say when he finds out." she began thinking of the possibilities.

"I'm done, this is too much for me I'm sorry." The Discord in her mind said. Or will he, "why this is fantastic I know why don't we get married," he smiled at her with his sly grin. Or maybe he'll be romantic, "Oh my dear Fluttershy you are the love of my life, this, this is only a sigh of that love," Discord in her mind grabbed her by the hoof and got down on one knee, "I ask you, no, beg you sweetheart. Please be mine and run away with me." He pulled out a ring.

She giggled at that last thought, the likelihood of that last one was never gonna happen, "it just wasn't him. But she did like to think of him in that way from time to time.

'What are you laughing at over there." He asked smoothly.

"Oh, oh nothing come on I think it's time we get some breakfast." She told him and got out of the bed.

"Would love to but, I actually have to go in to work early this morning." He lied not wanting to spoil his surprise for her that he just thought of. "Tonight I will make you mine forever," he thought. "I will see you tonight though," He told her.

She yawned, "Alright, but tonight I have something with my friends, so I'll be a bit late.x

This made Discord stop in his tracks. "Tonight?" He questioned. He already knew what was going on tonight. 'Fluttershy there's, there's something I must tell you." He turned around seeing her fixing her hair.

"I'm listening," she said tiredly.

"Umm," he tried wanting to tell her everything. "Umm," was all that came out.

"Yes?" She asked.

"I uh, I care about you...you know that?"

She smiled. "Love you too." She replied playfully before she grabbed her purse from the chair in his room and headed out.

Discord stood staring at the door for a moment after she left. He sighed. "Tonight everything will be revealed. Tonight." He smiled a bit evilly. "I will win everything tonight. He said as his phone rang. He looked at it seeing it was capper.

Answering it, he asked, "well?"

"Trap is ready sir."

"Good, everything is going according to plan." He hung up the phone.

Capper hung up his phone as he looked around watching members of Chaos vill lit the final touches on the caged Ariana in the middle of the warehouse. His eyes drifted to the doorway where he saw Pinky and Dash enter.

He smirked at the thought of the events tonight. Not caring about the two others who walked right past him.

Little did he know, the two were planning their own tricks to hopefully capture the chaos king themselves. Once they were away from the many ears around them, Jr asked his sister "Are we ready for them."

"Yep as soon as we see Dad, you clobber him with the bat I bag him and we use our chimera powers to escape."

"You know everyone's gonna try to shoot us right? Her brother reminded her."

"Luckily we have our ways to deal with that," her eyes shine a bit yellow.

Fluttershy walked into her and Twilight's apartment. The first to greet her by her surprise beast not any of her animals or twilight, but Rarity instead.

"Hay Fluttershy where have you been, you look as if you just got home."

Fluttershy smiled nervously.

"Oh. Oh, you got to give me the details." Rarity asked her.

She giggled. "Not gonna say a word." She told her friend.

Rarity giggled her self as she looked at her. Fluttershy was no longer as shy as she used to be. And it showed just by her hairstyle. In the past few months, she kept her hair up, revealing her entire face, she stood more confident. She smiled more confidently. She spoke more confidently. It was a sudden change you never noticed if you hadn't paid attention to her like her friends did, Rarity could only smile at her bravery.

"So when are we going to meet him then? If you two are starting to get serious, as your friend I want to see him."

"Oh he's quite busy, and, really we're not all that serious," Fluttershy blushed knowing she was lying as she laid a hoof on her stomach.

"And what's his name?" Demanded rarity in a happy tone.

Flutershy sighed blissfully as she thought of his name. "I'm sorry Rarity, but due to his line of work and mine we both decided to keep that from our friends and family."

"Oh now I bought that excuse before, but now, now you must tell me." Rarity said enthusiastically.

Fluttershy giggled at the sight. "Sorry no can do. Besides, it's kinda nice just having it between us." She shrugged.

"Yes and what of well you know?" Rarity asked a bit concerned.

"He knows, I told him what I could. We're not keeping secrets from each other. But he knows I can't tell him everything and I know he can't tell me everything. We both agreed to let it go and just be happy."

"Well so long as your happy, then I'm happy for you." Her friend smiled.

Just then Twilight entered the living room from her bedroom. Along with her, her brother, and cousin.

"So today's the big day, is it? He asked her.

"Yep, the plan was to have Dash sign up as a new contestant for Chaos Vill. Now that she's gone I'm afraid I'm just going to have to use hair die and join myself."

"You think Dash is going to be there," asked Fluttershy.

"Most likely, and working for our mother no less," Twilight smiled.

"So what's the plan then."Asked AJ who was sitting on the couch already.

"Plan is to go in find Dash and work with law enforcement and the ESA to catch the Chaos king, or at the very least his second in command. Once we do that well win."

"Do you think Dash is even going to want to help?" Asked Fluttershy concerned.

"Once I make up with her shell need it, dash has to see reason. Twilight smiled sadly. Besides, if she doesn't I know my mom will."

"Alright well sounds like a plan to. me..."AJ smirked. "And to think when tonight's over you'll have your family back, even possibly a third sibling, well find Luna, get Dash and my cousin back, and end this whole story on a good note with the Chaos King behind bars."

The group all laughed happily at that all except Fluttershy who oddly felt a.pit in her stomach. Instead, she only smiled but couldn't shake this bad feeling.

Discord sat in his lab fiddling with his hooves as he stared at a small black box with a dazed look in the eye. He sighed happily at the thoughts of his plans tonight. He would take her sugar cube corner first and sit down for a nice cup of tea, then offer a ride on his bike and they drive up to his thinking tree. Then when things would be at their best moment he would pull her in for a kiss, the wind would blow sweetly through her hair and when he parted her lips it would finally be at the perfect moment. "She'll never see it coming," he told himself, a little giggle at his own fantasy.

Just then as he leaned over his right hoof he heard in a tiny voice similar to his, Fluttershy Fluttershy.

He chuckled happily at the name. "Yes Smooes, my pet, this is indeed a gift for Fluttershy, a very special gift at that. If all goes well tomorrow," he opened the caged box letting Smooes slime his way out of it. "You and I will never be alone again." He smiled softly. "I will never be alone again." Then he noticed the creature bubbling its way over to the box, he snatched it up, "Na a ah. I know you like gold, and can probably smell it but this is for Fluttershy. You can't eat it." The slimy form seems to retreat a bit.

'Gold can be quite expensive, I know it is your favorite treat, but soon after the tournament tonight I will have more than enough money to treat you alright." He said as he took a blood sample labeled chimera and placed it under his microscope. "besides there plenty of gold in chimera blood to suit you isn't... There..."His eyes widened as something occurred to him. He ran to the back refrigerator and grabbed a blood pack, one frozen but it would have to do, before racing back to his pet. Smooese he said as if teasing a dog.

"You want a treat, you want gold don't you."

The odd creature of pure science bubbled in response."Yes, yes, well what if i told you i wanted you to do a new trick for me."

The smooes seemed to flop over as if it questioned what its master wanted.

"Yes, yes I know smooes I know. Tell you what boy, how about you only eat the gold, can you do that for me, can you, oh can you" he repeated as if the puddle of slime were a dog, strangely it seemed to wiggle as if happy to try just like a dog would wag its tail.

"Ok then smooes, eat up." He placed the blood pack down. The creature didn't hesitate to surround himself in it and bubble up.

"Ah ah , remember smooes only the gold," he reminded his pet.

The strange creature seemed to stop digesting it all and soon turned his focus to what he wanted most. As the gold compound fed into its system, the purple substance that made up smooes body began to shift to a greenish tone, finally when it was done eating all the gold it left a puddle of blood in place. Discord smiled and decided to take a sample of it. He planned to look at it through a microscope. He continued his work. When he found nothing, no gold anywhere, his jaw dropped, he leaned back in his chair as he returned his gaze to the pile of green goo. "You've done well." He smiled, taking a syringe from a drawer, and drew some of the ooze from the smooes. Chuckling somewhat evilly. "Ah smooes you've done it, I've been researching for years but this." He turned back, "who knew I had the answer all along," he set a hoof to his chin and stroked his beard. "Hmm this might be an incredible break but to would need to fully cure a morphed creature would be quite a difficult task, but not impossible." He grinned. As he stroked his beard. Some more. "We have work to do." He said as he stared at the black box In Front of him.

As the clock hit seven smolder walked up on stage inside a fighting cage...

"Alright folks she announced in the microphone, welcome welcome one in all to the annual street fighter tournament!!!"
She yelled out to the cheering crowd. "You all know the rules, no weapons of any kind except your fist, other than that anything goes. The goal Is simple much like a resealing tournament, pen down your opponent for 5 seconds and you win the match. Now this is one of the biggest tournaments on this side of the country, so we got participants, some new some old some straight out of the country. Ready to give it their all and win the prize of ten grand, so let's start the match!" She yelled out exciting the crowd.

Amon the crowd sitting in his own booth was none other than Capper who nodded approvingly before taking a bite of his noches.

Dash and Pinky watched him, as Smolder introduced the first match. Some girl named Swiffle and a big dude named Bulk, little did they know that Swivel was indeed AJ in disguise.

By her, a green colors pony patted her shoulders. "Alright, you ready for this?" Asked the green pony in a familiar voice.

"Yeah twi uh mean Grennie." AJ smiled at Twilight's announcement. "The fights I have no problem with, it's after that that I'm worried about."

Twilight bit her lip. "Just find Dash, my mom and kidnap the biggest bad guy of them all, no biggie. Twilight said sarcastically, trying to hide her own nerves and failing to do so.

"In this corner, we have the mighty Swiffle Soundra."Announced Smolder. "That's your cue go get 'em." Said Greenie as she turned her head to the crowd. She couldn't see them but she knew that shining Rarity and Spike were there watching the fight. Spike even had a bag of popcorn.

Round 1 went pretty quick as did round 2. It wouldn't be till round 7 that Dash would finally fight.

Dash had a good fight and ended up with a bloody nose thanks to her opponent kicking her in the face but due to her chimera abilities was able to flip her opponent down into a choke hold pining him to the floor winning the match.

Greene was relieved to finally find her friend and headed to her booth. I'm it was also pinky another huge relief for the green pony.

"Way to go, Dash, Pinky."

Dash's eyes widen knowing that voice all too well. "Twilight figured you show up she turned to see a green pony, oh oh sorry Greeny thought you were,"

"No your right I'm on disguise," she smiled.

Dash's eyes narrowed. "Ready for round three then?" She grumbled.

"Dash I'm here to help."

'Help who? Yourself? "

"You were right alright!" Twilight announced. "I know why you did this, Rarity's dad is shadows boss. He ordered you not to get her involved, am I right?"

"And let me guess she's here tonight isn't she?" Dash replied cross.

"Yeah, we're all here we're a team remember?" Twilight pleaded.

"Oh that's rich coming from you, some team we turned out to be."; She then pulled out a walkie-talkie.

"But before she could say anything Greenie kicked it out of her hand and caught the talkie.

"Give that ba-"

"Listen our stupid squabble didn't matter. What matters is stopping dis-"

"And we will, you, your just a lone wolf that doesn't know how to play fair." Dash snarled. "Your right." Greenie spat but then sighed.

Pinky gasped how was sitting back watching the whole fight and just smiled. "Ha, let's get the band back together. Let's finish this and bring the baddie down. What you say, Dash."

Dash, whose noes finally stopped bleeding, fixed her fake nose. And stared at them.

I" can't be a lone wolf anymore, I need your help, Dash."We can do this together."

Dash's eyes narrowed but she gave a reluctant nod. "Fine but we are not friends."

"Fine, but where's your boss I need to see her?"


"Because I think," Twilight chuckled, "She's my mother."

Dash's eyes widened in surprise as Pinky gasped. "No way, your mom is sha"

"Quiet Pinky," the two mares told her, trying to not let the enemies know. Pinky crossed her arms with a pout but not much of one since she had a smile on her face.

"Well, Dash."

Dash cracked her neck and her hooves. "The idea is to get close to that cat, he's the Chaos King's second-hand man. We capture him, we get his location and the police force already has air support ready to fire on the building. Surrounding this place both in the crowd and out is law enforcement ready to move on with shadows signal which shel get from me or Pinky."

"Alright I'll let you take center stage, just know we're here to help if you need it." Twilight smiled.

"And now we got the big mean green Greeni tree give it a hand.' Announced Smolder.

"Well that me." Twilight she said apprehensively and turned around.

"Greenie," Dash shouted catching her attention
Dash looked away still cross but uttered the words, "Good luck."

Greenie smiled and gave a nod. "You too." She replied, before heading in the ring.

The crowd went wild for new commer to the field as Twilight jumped for a backflip kick hitting her opener in the jaw and flinging him to the ground knocking him unconscious.

"Wow!!! The crowd shouted. One hit knock out, Dash you got some competition." Smolder patted her on the shoulder, before heading out on stage to announce the next match. Two more matches and it came down to Dash and AJ who let Dash win. And Greenie forfeited the match, her excuse was her foot hurt after that last round.

"Well, I'll be darn. I didn't see it coming folks but here we have Dash the winner." Smolder said as Dash flung her arms up in victory.

"Now your prise," Smolder announced as Capper began to walk towards them with a suitcase full of cash. "Ten thousand cash price." Announced Smolder as Capper opened the case showing off the big win. He held out his paw to congratulate her.

Dash smiled and went to go shake Capper's hand only for her to jump him knocking over the cash prize. Capper was caught off guard but was able to raid his knee into her gut flinging her off. He rolled over and stood up cautiously only for several members of the crowd to jump up
Some chaos members but we're quickly subdued by officers of the law.

One of them even went for Smolder, but she punched his head and turned to Capper. 'We're trapped." She announced. "Oh, you think." He said sarcastically and somewhat panicked.

Dash fell so hard that her fake muzzle fell off revealing her beak, in seconds as she raised her wings her facial feathers came out as well. The crowd was scared but the cops quickly got a hold of everything. On the ground now, most of them shouted at those with I'm the crowd. Chaos members tried to fight back but Rarity and Fluttershy jumped into action taking their mutant forms and supporting the cops.

Flutershy dived for Smolder but she was quick on her feet. She wasn't expecting a chimera but she held no fear fighting back the creature before her. She was quickly able to get under Flutershys and twist her leg, taking her out of the fight for good. Only when she rose she found herself at gunpoint. You, she growled as she saw shining.

Capper wouldn't stand still he was quick on his feet, too quick for most others, however, a green pony jumped In Front of him. A blue horn emerged from her head and her eyes went red. Twilight quickly engaged him trying to knock him off balance. Smolder was able to nock a barrel of bear at her, ruining her disguise not that it matters as it washed away the makeup and hair dye from her. She shook it off hating the smell of beer all over her.

"You," Capper said a bit astonished.

"Ready for round 2," she asked. This time she's not alone, dash said as she flew to Capper, he dodged her attack and then side-kicked Twilight, who caught his foot and went for a punch giving him a black eye and knocking him to the ground. However, with his tail-nocked twilight off her feet as he hit the ground he quickly came up for another round only stopped when he heard the clock of a gun at his head.

"Don't move." Said shadow

"Dash who is this?" Asked shadow.

"Yeah, uh, that's my friend Twilight Sparkle. She smiled knowing all too well who Tempest was.

With that name, Tempest's mouth drew wide. "Twilight. " She whispers I'm a pleading manner. "Could could it,"

"Yeah it's me, and that over there she pointed at the guy who captured Smolder. Is my brother Shining?"

Shining turned his attention to shadow, he was serious about not letting Smolder get away but he couldn't help but let his expression fall to one of hope. Hope that they were right. That Tempest shadow recognizes them.

"I, I know it sounds crazy but?"

"We know Mom," Shining said.

"We read your files," Twilight uttered in a half cry.

"Oh great happy family reunion," Capper said running the moment. That snapped Tempest out of her daze. "Alright tell us where your boss is. Where is discord." She shouted.

Fluttershy who was being held by Pinky because of her leg injury, jaw dropped along with her friend. "Discord but that's."

"Like I'd tell you. Your never gonna get anything out of me, or any of those who are loyal to him. You might as well just shoot me and get it over with. long live the Chaos King! He shouted.

His voice was unmistakable. Flutershy grew cold at the very thought. "No, no Discords not a villain." She shouted.

"Fluttershy how do you know him?" Asked Twilight.

Fluttershy felt sick to her stomach as she placed a hoof over it. "Please, please there must be some mistake."

"You know where he is?" Asked Tempest.

"Probably at his house on Elm Street?" Pinky said sputtering nervously. "Last house on it why don't we go there and ask him."

"Oh god no." Capper mutterd.

Tempest didn't hesitate to call in the strike team. 'Elm Street last house take him down now!" She shouted.

"Copy that."

"Wait, you can't just gonna bomb a Sevillan house."Dash stuttered.

"This is the Chaos King, we must take him out now!"

"Bomb!" Pinky repeated in a panic. No no not my brother. She yelled turning into a chimera herself only to be subdued by a dart shot by tempest.

"I've come too far now, we have to take him out. The orders have already been made."

"Yeah like, mother, like daughter," Dash uttered.

Fluttershy tho fell to her knees despite the pain in her leg. The pain in her heart was unspeakable.

Two helicopter equipment with explosives flew over a house, they dropped their payloads letting the building explode to smithereens.

"Target neutralize."

At the sound of that Fluttershy collapsed into grief.

"Am I missing something?" Asked Twilight.

Then Capper gave a chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Twilight asked him.

"Oh, oh you think you won. Granted my performance has been almost as good as his, was I a bit too convincing?"

"Huh, what performance," asked Dash.

"Umm does anyone hear that?"Asked Rarity as a. Sound of a motorcycle could be heard. Fluttershy head head shot up tears still streaming down her face. "Discord" she whispered as a bike jumped a train sitting by the warehouse. As it stood midair discord mutters something to himself.

"500 psi at a third-degree angle, two bullies 12 targets. He pulled out his gun and as the bike landed he shot one bullet and then another that ricocheted off the wall, smashing into the other, with it the two bullets flew around disarming and freeing every chaos member in one go.

But that wasn't all, another train, this time led by Sunburst came screaming to a stop, a hundred members of Chaos Vill all gathered surrounding the entire building and taking it hostage.

"Late to the party as always boss." Capper chuckled as he quickly spun around and back-kicked Shining’s gun up in the air before catching it for himself.

Discord chuckled slowly at first before it built into a maniacal laughter. Shining eyes as well as twilight whet wide. Tempest stood staring at Discord dumbfounded.

"Oh, what's with that face sparky, I'm beginning to think you're not glad to see me. After all mother we are blood, aren't we, hhahhahahahah."

Author's Note:

And the meaning behind the title of the story is revealed. 🤯

IVE BEEN BUSY, my apologies but with the holidays and me getting back to work I barely have time to write. tho this story has been done for months I need to spell check it and other things, and that just takes time.

Continuing my author notes on how I made this story.

So I had one major issue that I couldn't overcome. It's the same issue I had with all my fan fiction ideas and why the others were scraped. 😮‍💨 How to keep Twilight relevant as the MC, despite having a fluttercord story. And I wanted to connect her to the mystery of the tale as well. Well, this was my solution. Make Twilight Discord's brother. That kept her involved the entire way through. Once I had this down, I needed to go back and change half the story to make it work.

Then the title of the book. I needed something that was relevant to the story. Before this change I thought of calling it beast or mutant mayhem. Or heroes of harmony. I didn't want to call it power ponies. That name, I'm sorry sounds lame even to me who loves that episode.

But once I figured out Twilight was Discord's brother I figured naming something like Family of the Beast.

Didn't like how that sounded. And one random Tuesday ... Why Tuesday 😆I looked up Discord and read somewhere he was some type of chimera.


Yep. Family of chimera... Not edgy enough... What's another word for family? Blood . Ding ding ding we have a winner. And once again I went in and changed everything again. I even called the. mutants chimera. 😏

More on this later 😂👋