• Published 20th Jul 2023
  • 845 Views, 36 Comments

Blood of the CHIMERA - discordjediknight

A normal pony, named Twilight Sparkle, has become a chimera. After finding others like her, they become superhero’s. She and her friends try to stop the cause of what is changing innocent ponies into unusual chimeras

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Chapter 3 something fishy

Chapter 3 Something Fishy

November 3, ---- 11:00am

"Wow, this made the front paper," Twilight said as she set the newspaper on the table for all to see. They were all eating lunch underneath a large tent.

"Yeah, the whole campus is talking about it," AJ replied looking at the front paper as she began drinking from a juice box.

"Yeah, but who would want to hurt her? And why." Asked Fluttershy.

"Heh, I can think of a few good reasons," Dash muttered.

"Dash," AJ yelled. "Rarity is unconscious in a hospital bed, She was attacked last night!"

"Serves her right," Dash replied.

Twilight quickly turned to Dash with a burning glare. Her eyes begged to glow amber and red. "Look, I don't know what your history with her is, but no one deserves to be attacked. GOT THAT!"

Dash's eyes widened, realizing what she just said. She turned away from Twilight knowing all too well what had happened to her family, and felt ashamed that she could ever say anything like that, even if it was Rarity.

The airfield’s silence and tension was finally broken by Twilight. "Anyway. It seems she was shot with a dart. Not a bullet. It's most likely someone was trying to kidnap her. I mean, why else…?" Twilight froze as a thought came to her mind. A look of fear struck her face.

"Twilight?" AJ asked slowly.

"Guys, we need to get to the scene of the crime."

"And how are we gonna do that?" Complained Dash.

"Yeah, they have Rarity's room all blocked off by cops, why do you want to go see this so badly?" AJ asked with skepticism in her voice.

"A hunch. A hunch that I hope is dead wrong. Meet me later tonight just outside the building with Spike. Oh and try to disguise yourselves," she said as if it were obvious.

As the clock turned one in the morning, several shadows crept onto the building. Several police guards stood by. The window that was smashed was boarded up and covered with police tape. Shadow star aka Twilight jumped onto a tall branch. She helped them by a rope that a cowgirl with a bandana held tightly onto. After looking through a pair of binoculars, Twilight gave the signal and AJ lowered her down and back into the bushes.

"Ok, guys. There are two officers there and they're still waiting for the inspector. Fluttershy, you got your fake ID?"

Fluttershy, dressed in a police costume from the party store, nodded her head. “Uh, you sure this is gonna work?" She asked timidly.

"Eh, fifty, fifty," Spike smirked.
"All you and Spike need to do is enter the room and undo the latch on the other window. Then Dash flies me in. AJ will stay on the lookout for the real inspector. We have about fifteen minutes before they show up. Should be plenty of time." Twilight shrugged.

"Ok, ok, but I gotta ask what's up with these terrible get-ups." Spike giggled.
AJ was in a cowboy hat and a bandana with overalls. "AJ, you look like a bank robber from a Western movie."

AJ rolled her eyes.

"And dash." Spike chuckled. "Dash, you look like a Roman gladiator."

"Oh yeah because yours is any better," Dash said as she lowered her helmet covering her face.

"This whole thing was on such short notice. These were cheap at the party store." AJ said as she pulled the bandana over her face.

"Well as long as you won't get recognized if seen." Twilight told them. "Ok, mission set, let's go. And don't forget your walky-talky." Spike handed out several walkie-talkies to everyone. "It definitely fits Fluttershy's look at least."

The plan went as planned with no complications. The copes believed Fluttershy was an investigator and she unlocked the window before she headed out. Twilight and Dash got inside and began searching for clues.

"See anything?" Twilight asked.
"Uh, no. unless you mean how stupidly fancy this place is."

"Focus," Twilight told Dash. Dash rolled her eyes and got back to searching for clues. Then she stepped in something and looked down. "Uh, hey, Twilight over here."

Twilight got up and walked over to see what Dash was looking at. Stuck on the table was a dart. A purple liquid oozed out of it and seemed to dry on the tail solid.

Twilight brought out a plastic bag and a screwdriver. She quickly broke off some of the dry purple subsistence and bagged it. She then grabbed the dart. It still had just a little bit of substance in it in a liquid form. She set that in a second bag. "Good find Dash." She whispered as she eyed it.

Suddenly, the radio went off. "Shadow Star, this is Bank Robber, over. " Twilight giggled a little and called back, "What's the situation."

"The real investigator just showed up. Time to high-tail it."
Twilight turned to Dash, who nodded. The two of them flew out quickly, just in time as the investigator walked in.

The door slammed open. Twilight rushed over to her room and pulled out a microscope. She also brought out her laptop and set them on the counter.

"Ok, Twi mind telling us what's this all about?" AJ asked, taking off her disguise.

"Give me a moment," Twilight replied as she looked at the purple substance under a microscope. Her eyes widened. "I knew it." She raised her head. "Guys, we need to get to Rarity before…"

A large boom was heard from the hospital on campus. "Too late.” Twilight nervously smiled. “Suit back up Apple Jack, we're gonna have a long night."

"What was that?" Dash asked.

"That, Dash, would be Rarity Shine, transforming into a mutant.” Twilight replied.

Dash's eyes widened as she slapped her forehead. "Of course."

“Dash, AJ, you and I will deal with Rarity. Spike, Fluttershy try to keep any nearby civilians safe. It's all hands on deck guys, let's move out."

"On it." They simultaneously replied.

As they got to the hospital, people were quickly trying to get out of the way of a giant sparkling sea pony.

AJ's mouth dropped. "Uh, you seeing what I’m seeing."

Dash nodded as Twilight shrugged...

Many creatures were screaming at the top of their lungs as they ran away from Rarity. Rarity roared like an angry bear and whipped her tail at them. She tried to stand but with no legs and just flippers, she was anything but graceful. She whipped around and smashed into the side of the hospital, breaking glass and steel poles. A pipe burst and water came flooding out, that's when the Rarity seahorse chimera eyes widened, and she rushed over to the water to get under its spout. She took a long drink and then seemed to swim in the growing pool of water, flapping her fins as if she were happy. As the water poured into her, she seemed to gain strength. Her scales began to shine, and her fins began to fan out.

"Uh oh. Guys, if she keeps doing that the hospitals gonna collapse." Fluttershy squealed.

"Ok, we gotta stop her, and we gotta do it now." AJ charged in, using her cat-like reflexes and her scorpion-like tail she broke some telephone poles and used the wires to try and tie her up. Rarity saw this and her happy floppy dance came to an end as she roared at them, baring her teeth.

Twilight tried to zap her with lightning and fire, but nothing could stop Rarity’s powers. Next Twilight tried shooting a tranquilizer dart, but it bounced off her scales. "Her scales are too strong!"

"No duh," Dash yelled back as she used her powers to create a large gust of wind. It blew Rarity back against the hospital, breaking more glass. As glass rained, more creatures ran inside.

"Dash, ya should be stopping her from dishing out more damage, not creating it," AJ complained.

"Sorry." Dash replied and ran down to save some civilians from the raining glass.

"Uh, now what?" Spike asked.

"Any ideas?" AJ yelled called out.

"I'm thinking, I'm thinking," Twilight said as she looked around with a hoof on her chin. "Ugh, if only my wounds were fully healed." She thought as she set a hoof to her rib. Her eyes widened and she turned to Fluttershy. "Uh, Fluttershy."
Fluttershy peeked her head up from behind a car. "Yes, Twilight?"

"We need you. Need your powers." Fluttershy squeaked in fear. “Oh, no, no no, no no. I can't. I don't even know how it works."

"It works with anger. So get angry."

"Uh, but what if I can't control it?"

"We can tranquilize you if need be. But right now you are the only one who can take on Rarity."

"What but I, I." She stuttered.

"Fluttershy!" Dash screamed out as a giant back tail whacked her across the face. Fluttershy eyes began to glow. "Dash!" she screamed out. Suddenly, she grew twice her size and became a vampire, along with her muscles. She charged at Dash and smashed into the wall. She then began to punch Rarity, who tried to fight back as she roared. Fluttershy roared back, punching more fiercely.
Fluttershy began to grow angrier with her punches. She also grew till she was five times the size of her original height. She punched down on Rarity one more time. The punch shattered some of Rarity's scale and then her face. The force of the impact flung her into the ground.

Fluttershy wasn't done, tho. She then proceeded to pick up a car and was going to throw it down on the now unconscious Rarity.

"Uh oh," Twilight muttered and quickly shot a tranquilizer dart at Fluttershy. AJ then used her tail to take the car out of her hooves as she began to shrink back down.

"Ugh. What happened?”
"You just saved my life, that's what happened. You're feeling alright?" Dash asked excitedly .
"Uh yeah but..." She shook her head clearly. "That rage. It's scary." She mumbled and began to tear up.

"Don't worry, I used a tranquilizer dart on you, so you're gonna feel a little tired." Some of the folks around began to look, noticing the two monsters were now down. Some began to cheer as others cowered in fear of the other mutants.

Twilight shot a dart at Rarity. "That should calm her down. Quickly, we have to get her out of here and back to our apartments". Twilight looked around. "We've been seen enough."

Dash picked up Fluttershy and threw her over her shoulder, as AJ and Spike picked up Rarity. Twilight threw a ball from her belt. It was a smoke screen. Once the smoke surrounded them she guided her friends into the shadows and with that, they disappeared

Rarity slowly opened her eyes. A young purple lizard stood over her. He gasped. "Guys, guys she's waking up."

"Uh, what?" She sat up. "What happened and who are you?"
Spike finally seeing her up fully widened his eyes. His heart began to race. "Uh umm, I'm. Uh."

"That's my little cousin Spike. He's like a brother to me." A voice said from the kitchen.

"Ugh". Rarity was about to barf. "And why am I in a torn-up hospital gown?" The gown was a dirty green. “Ugh, green is so not my color.”
Fluttershy chuckled. "I'm glad to see you are awake."

"Oh, Fluttershy is this." She looked around. "Your apartment."
"Yep, and I'm her roommate," Twilight said as she walked over and sat down. "How are you feeling, Rarity?"

Rarity put a hoof on her head. "Ugh, like I got hit by a truck."
Fluttershy's eyes widened and she nervously smiled. "Uhh, and why do I smell like a fish?"

"Well, Rarity you're kinda a mutant now, and when you get near water I think it makes you grow stronger. It's ok, we're all mutants, AJ shrugged."
Fluttershy spread out her wings to show Rarity.

Rarity froze in fright. "You, you’re..."

"Uh, Rarity calm down." At that, Rarity fainted.
Ten minutes later, Rarity woke back up. "Uh. Um, hey Fluttershy. I had the oddest dream. I was at your place with your roommate, and you had..." She froze as she realized Fluttershy had bat wings.

"Oh my god, it wasn't a dream." She said and taped her head.

"No, it wasn't," Twilight said, bringing her head out of a book. She was sitting down on the chair next to Rarity.

"I'm afraid as a mutant, you have a choice to make."
Rarity nodded, still shocked and taking in all that she'd learned.

"You can either.Go turn yourself in and get help. Or."

Fluttershy chimed in. “You can stay with us and live a normal life till Twilight can find a cure."

Rarity turned her head to Fluttershy.

"What she means is you can live a normal life for the most part. But you have to take relaxants on occasion to calm your anger. And help me with my research whenever I require it. Oh, and be careful about getting wet. You seem to grow a tail when you do."
"And in the meantime act as a superhero." Spike grinned.

Rarity turned her attention to him. Her face was still in shock. "A… A superhero."
"Yeah," Spike handed his phone over to Rarity. "And with powers like yours, you could really help us."

Rarity looked at the phone. It was hard to tell, but there was a giant seahorse that looked just like her fighting a giant yellow monster with bat wings.

"Am I, the yellow monster?" She shouted in horror. "No, that would be me." Fluttershy nervously giggled. "You are the one I'm fighting."
The door then flew open. "We’re back," AJ said alongside Dash.

"We got hay burgers and shakes for everyone." Dash then spread out the bag contents to her friends. "Oh, the good rarity up."

Rarity noticed Dash had wings and stared wide-eyed. "You, you too. You're all mutants."

"No, I'm not." Spike said. "I'm just a little lizard here to help my mutant friends." at that moment He bit into his burger. Instead of meat or hay, it was filled with a large red gem.
"We're all trying our best here". AJ told Rarity as she held a strawberry shake out to her.

"Ok then. I'll join you, I suppose." She took the shake with shaking hooves and began to drink.

"That's good Rarity. Now I have a few questions for you. "

Rarity nodded but didn't look up from her drink.

"Who did this to you? Did you see them?" that made Rarity jump with surprise.

"And did he have a goat horn and antler on his head?"

The others stopped eating and turned their gaze to Twilight in surprise. Even Spike tilted his head in confusion.

Rarity set her drink down and stood up, wobbly. Spike quickly caught her hoof to help her balance. She gave him a little smile as if to say thank you. She then took a few more steps as she rubbed her forehead, feeling her horn and trying to think of what she saw.

"No. No, I didn't see that." She closed her eyes. "No, but. I was sitting reading my favorite book when someone broke through my window."
"And did he have an antler and horn?" Twilight asked coldly. Her eyes began to glow red ever so slightly.

"No, no, it was a pony. A colt. He… he had a gun and shot something at me." She looked up. Her eyes widened as terror filled her face. She pointed at something on the counter.

"There. That, that guy."

Twilight turned to see what she was pointing at.

"Someone in the photo." Asked Fluttershy.

"Yes, the white one."

Twilight got up as terror filled her face, color draining from it.

"Twilight, who is that?" Rarity asked.

"That's my brother…"

Rarity gasped and turned to her along with the others.

"My dead brother."

Author's Note:

Dun Dun Dun!!!!

UPDATE 9/4/23 this chapter has been edit, specil thanls to my editor.