• Published 20th Jul 2023
  • 846 Views, 36 Comments

Blood of the CHIMERA - discordjediknight

A normal pony, named Twilight Sparkle, has become a chimera. After finding others like her, they become superhero’s. She and her friends try to stop the cause of what is changing innocent ponies into unusual chimeras

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Chapter 2 A Rarity...

Chapter 2 A Rarity

November 2,---- 8:00 am

“Good news. No broken ribs. Just two sprains.” A doctor said, Twilight sat in a doctor's office listening. “Well, as long as you rest up a bit. No fast activities for a while. And take these painkillers…” The doctor handed a bottle to Luna who stood next to Celestia staring at Twilight. “Then you should be fine within the next few weeks.”

Twilight nodded as Celestia put her head in her left hoof. ”Thank you, doctor.” with a nod, the doctor left the room.

“Well…” Celestia sighed. ”Care to explain how you got two sprained ribs last night?” Twilight shook her head. ”I'd really rather not.”

Spike coughed. ”Uh, it's my fault. I shouldn't have left roller skates out.”

Twilight rolled her eyes at his excuse. “It was just a bit of exercise, and I tripped on his skates.”

“Exercise.” Luna complained. ”Twilight, you know you are not the most athletic pony around…”

“Clearly…” Twilight remarked as she rubbed her hoof on her side.

“And you.” Luna turned to Spike. ”You keep anything with wheels away from her, is that clear?” She pointed a hoof at him, to which he agreed.

“Well, I'm just glad you're alright.”

Just then apple jack stuck her hed in the door, “were ready to move you, she smiled.

“Go on, you two. Spike help twilight pack up her room. I need to discuss with Luna about some office work.”

Twilight, still in pain, could only groan and nod. Following spike and AJ out.

Luna turned to Celestia. “Is this about the mutant attack last night?” She asked.

“No, but that is something to be aware of. I just…” Celestia shook her head. “I just made that up because I didn't want to discuss this in front of Twilight.”

Luna shifted her gaze with a nod. “Let me guess. You're second-guessing your decision to let her find her own apartment in town and attend the university.”

Celestia rolled her eyes. “She has no friends and sits all day in her room.”

“Yeah, well, maybe that's because you homeschooled her, and she lives with us at City Hall”. Luna said frantically. “I understand why we didn't send her to high school, but she's been dreaming of being in this college since she was in middle school. She's close to being a top politician already, and she only turned eighteen a month ago.”

“I know, I know.” Celestia sighed.

“She's an adult, let her make her own choices”. Luna told her sister.

“I just don't want to see her get hurt. ”Her mother and I were best friends growing up. When she, her husband, and son died. I had to do everything I could to take care of Twilight.” Celestia took a few steps away from Luna. “You and I are the only family she has left. And with the rise in mutant attacks. Her being on her own scars me.”

“Eh, she has Spike.” Luna joked. Celestia raised an eyebrow at her. “Spike's only a teenager.” She remarked.

Luna chuckled. ”Remember the day I adopted Spike from the orphanage and brought him home? The two have been inseparable ever since. Twilight loved feeling like she had a family again.”

Celistia giggled at the memory. “You being a mother for anything, sister, was not something I could ever see happening.”

“And yet here we are.”

Celestia laughed again and spread her arms out wide.

“I got my Spike and you got Twilight. They’re cousins. Hell, brother and sister. Nothing’s gonna change that. And nothing's gonna happen to either of them.”

Celestia sighed at Luna’s words.

“I remember when she was younger. She was obsessed with time travel.”

Luna smirked. ”I remember well. She studied harder than any young filly I ever met. Convinced that Starswirl’s time theory could probably exist.”Celestia smiled sadly. “She was convinced she could go back in time and save them.” she shook her head.”

“You don't think she still thinks that way. She's grown up.”

“Perhaps too fast”. Celestia choked on a tear.”

“Hey, if anything you can make her write you every day. Ok?”

Celestia finally agreed to it, drying her own eyes.

"Ok, so do you have everything?" Celestia asked.


"Are you sure?"

"Of course," Twilight said, determined.

"Really. Your chemistry book?" Twilight nodded.

"Your radio?" Twilight nodded again.

"Your favorite doll, Smarty Pants."

Twilight eyes grew in surprise as she heard some snickering from Luna and Spike in the background...

"I was eleven. I don't need that thing."

"Uh-huh," Celestia said as she pulled out the doll from her own saddle bag.

Luna and Spike tried to stifle their laughter to no avail, as a few others passed by laughing at the sight,

Celestia just had a motherly smile on her face.

Twilight began to blush, causing the others to laugh harder. "Get that out of here."

"Oh, come now. This was your favorite toy as a kid. "

"Yeah, when I was little." She complained.

"I know, I know," Celestia hugged the doll. "But. It was the first thing I bought you after..." She trailed off.

Twilight stopped and looked at Celestia who seemed to be on the verge of tears. Twilight sighed and grabbed the doll out of her arms and quickly stuffed it in her bag with an annoyed look on her face.

Celestia smiled and hugged her. Twilight chuckled. "Ok, ok. I'm gonna be fine, ok."

"I know, I know," Celestia said.

Suddenly an orange pony came behind them up the steps. She had a cowboy hat on and seemed to be wearing a rather wooly hoodie. Little did anyone know this was her actual hair. "Alright, Twi you're all set."

"Thanks, AJ."

Celestia looked up. "Um, remind me again how you met your friends."

"We all met in online chats from the school." Another voice said behind them. They turned around to see a blue pony standing alongside a yellow one. It was quite a surprise since the last she saw of her, she was a griffin. In truth, she had a fake nose and a lot of makeup on, done by the yellow pony behind her. Who gave a nod and hid behind her pink hair. She wore a fake leather jacket and tried to hide how pale she actually seemed to be.

"Alright, well if there's anything and I mean anything at all…" Celestia began.

"We're only a thirty-minute train ride away. Spike can even come visit." "Which I hope you often do." Twilight grabbed Spike and rubbed his head with her hoof.

"Anytime. Anytime." The purple lizard chuckled.

The two oldest ponies nodded and departed, along with Spike.

Twilight and her friends headed up to the apartment." I'm glad you decided to roommate with me." Fluttershy said just loud enough for anyone to hear.

"So am I. To be honest, I was worried about finding a roommate for an apartment anyway. "

"And it's so cool that you guys are just next door to us," Dash called out.

"Fluttershy used to sleep on our couch, it's better this way I think." Apple Jack smiled. "Plus we're all so close, so if any of us gets out of hand we're all to be right there to stop the other."

"Shh twilight shushed Apple Jack. Keep that stuff down. Even these walls are pretty thin. We shouldn't talk about that unless it's absolutely necessary." The others all nodded as they went up the stairs, and down the hallway. To the left were Apple Jack's and Dash's Apartment. To the right were Fluttershy and Twilight's. They all gathered inside the door on the right.

Twilight turned on the light, and they all looked around. It was already covered in science tech stuff and other junk from Twilight. There were also animal cages from floor to sealing. An aquarium with two reptile enclosures. A snake cage. A rabbit cage and two birdhouse cages.

"Oh, I hope the animals don't trouble you," Fluttershy said as she opened up one cage and took out a rabbit.

"Not at all. So long as they don't get into my room. I even had a pet owl growing up. "

Dash ran over to the cages and looked around. "Where is he, where is he?"

"Where's who?" Asked twilight. Apple Jack laughed. Dash turned with a glare. "I'm just checking to see if the turtle is alright, What's the big deal?"

Fluttershy smiled. "Dash if you want the turtle…"

"Nope. After all, it's your turtle."

Apple Jack leaned into Twilight and whispered in her ear. "More times than I can count, both I and Fluttershy have caught Dash hanging out with the turtle. She acts like it's a lame turtle, and she doesn't care, but we know the truth." Twilight smiled at that.

"Oh, there he is. Hi Tank." Dash said more eagerly than she meant it to come out. Tank was popping his head out of his shell, just waking up while sitting on a rock inside his reptile aquarium.

Twilight turned around and saw a photo sitting on the counter. "Oh Fluttershy, who's this?"

Fluttershy turned to see what Twilight was talking about. "Oh, I'm sorry, I meant to put that in my room. It's just my family."

"You have a brother." Twilight smiled.

"Ugh, Zephyr," Dash complained. That little twerp has been trying to get me to date him since we were kids.

Fluttershy giggled. "Come on, my little brothers, not that bad."

Applejack and Dash both looked at Fluttershy with raised eyebrows.

"Ok, he is that bad." Fluttershy finally gave in.

Twilight laughed.

"What about you Twi, any family?” Asked Dash.

Twilight shook her head. "My parents are gone. Same with my brother."

The room fell silent. "Yeah, I getcha. My parents passed away a few years back. While I have a large family it's mostly just me, my little sis, and my big brother. It's never the same without the whole family but…" Apple Jack walked over and flung a forelem around her friend. "There's always room in ya heart for more friends and family along the way. That's what my granny always told me, anyway."

Twilight smiled, but her eyes still held sadness in them. She pulled out a photo from her pocket and placed it next to Fluttershy's. They all looked at it and smiled.

"Hey, that's Don Sparkle. He was a top politician who got..." Dash put a hoof to her mouth at the realization.

"Murdered," Twilight said softly. "The whole family. Why I survived I don't know, but…" She turned her head to her friends with a smile. "I'm glad I did." Dash then pulled out her phone. "That is it, come on you guys, selfie!" The four friends gathered around and took a few photos together. "We’ll, get these printed out and all of us will have a copy," Dash told them.

“Well, later on we’ll show you around the town to the best restaurants. Let's go, Dash.” AJ said as she headed out the door. Dash smiled, giving her friends one last hug before following her roommate.

"I'm going to tend to the animals for a bit. You don't mind if I let the snake out, do you?"

Twilight gulped. "So long as it doesn't get in my room."

Fluttershy nodded and walked away. Leaving twilight staring at her family photo. Her eyes for some reason staring mostly at her brother.

"Ok Twi, welcome to the main campus," Dash said excitedly as she jumped ahead of them. She then began to itch her side.

"Are you ok, ya keep scratching your side?"

"You try to keep a pair of wings secret."

"Ya know, that's a good question. Why don't I have wings?"

"Quiet you two," Twilight complained, trying to yell quietly. "No one is supposed to know we’re mutants."

"You know, that brings up a good question. How do you keep your horn a secret?" Dash asked.

Twilight smiled. "Oh well, you see, using my ice ray I create a geometric shape that refracts light and..."

"Uh, Twi, English," AJ told her after noticing Dash's confusion.

Twilight shook her head and rolled her eyes. "I make an ice ray around my head that makes it invisible."

"Oh, then why didn't you say that?" Dash asked.

AJ chuckled. Along with Twilight. Walking behind them with a small smile was Fluttershy.

Suddenly a red carpet rolled out of nowhere. A large crowd of creatures all gathered around. Ponies, cats, dogs. They all clapped as someone started walking down the carpet.

"Oh, look at the fans." Said a white pony with a purple main.

"Rarity, Rarity" shouted others.

She waved at them and began to sign autographs.

Twilight looked over and asked, "Who is that?"

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Ugh, it's her."

Apple Jack nodded her head. "Let's just keep walking."

"Oh, come on she's not that bad," Fluttershy said, but it was too quiet for anyone to hear...

Rarity heard a small little voice. "Oh. Excuse me, everybody. Fluttershy, Fluttershy." Rarity rushed over to see her. She quickly threw a hoof over her shoulder. "Hey Flutters, how have you been? My top model last year. I heard you went back home for the break. You should have told me, I would have invited you to my yacht."

Fluttershy nervously smiled. "Hi, Rare… Rarity." She stuttered

AJ and Dash rolled their eyes simultaneously. "Oh and look it's… I'm sorry, what're your names again?"

"No, please don't remember our names. Come on Fluttershy." Dash stated as she tried to rush them away.

"Oh, and you." Rarity said, noticing Twilight. "Hmm, do I know you?"

"Well I"

"No, don't tell me." She interrupted as she put a hoof to her chin. "Hmm. Oh, I'm sorry Fluttershy I don't remember your friends. It's been so long."

"Rarity, Twilight is new here. We just became friends over the break." Fluttershy told her.

"Oh." she perked up." Well, it's nice to meet you, and I mean well, you know me." She shrugged.

"Uh, no, no I don't." Twilight smiled.

Rarity's mouth dropped open. "Oh. I'm sorry, it's not often I meet someone who doesn’t know my name. Heh.” She laughed nervously. "I'm Rarity Shine. I actually come from the west side of Ponyville. It's more country out there, but it's home. Still, I've never been into the countryside of things. I'm a fashion girl at heart." She turned to Fluttershy. "And dress season is coming up Flutters. You're my best model."

Fluttershy shook her head. "Sorry, Rarity, I have too much to do now." She smiled awkwardly and turned to Twilight, who realized what she was saying.

"Oh yeah, you have to help me with schoolwork and stuff," Twilight replied. She knew the reason why Fluttershy didn't want to model was because of her new wings, which would expose her as a mutant.

"Oh, but surely you can help a little. After all, it was me who got you into this school." Rarity flipped her hair.

"No, you didn't." Dash grits her teeth.

"Oh no, here we go again." Apple Jack replied and rolled her eyes. Twilight just stood and watched.

"She got here because of her musical talent. "Dash continued. "And she wants to be a vet."

Rarity rolled her eyes upward and mumbled: "Not this again."

"And you need to stop blackmailing her."

"Blackmail?" Rarity gasped.

Fluttershy stepped in along with AJ. "Now hold on, that's not."

"No, she's right." Rarity said to everyone gasping and shocked. "You did get here on talent. I just helped out. I remember you now." She said, turning her gaze to Dash. "You're a good friend. Dolly was it."

"Dash Rainbow," Dash muttered, through grit teeth.

"Why would I dash through a rainbow? Anyway, it doesn't matter." Rarity shook the thought away. "Well, we should all get together sometime, see ya." She said and headed off.

"Uh, what was that about," Twilight asked AJ. "You see Twi. Rarity is one of the fancy rich gals who never worked a hard day in her life. And just because her dad is a big time Equestria security agency director who holds most of the shares in the school, she thinks she owns the place." Twilight nodded at that.

Deep in a dark cave, a white colt dressed in black walked around a corner carrying a briefcase. He stoped at the slightest hint of a sound. It was nothing but the sound of wind from outside and a few drops of water from the deep, dark, damp cave. He had a robotic eye with a green lens, just above where his eyebrow should have been was a dial switch.

Switching to night mode. He whispered to himself as he turned the dial. His green eye turned red. He pulled out a rifle. He flipped it open, revealing several tranquilizer darts, and one bullet, moving the bullet into the firing chamber he got into position..

Just down the cave. He tapped a little button over his eye, and a targeting system showed over his vision as he winked his other eye shut. He placed the briefcase down and slowly walked in. his robotic eye could make out a shadowy creature just up ahead.

"Target acquired." He mouthed, but kept quiet.

The creature stepped to the side of a table. A grunt came from the creature. Only a faint outline of it could be made out, even with the high-tech robotics in the eye. Nevertheless, it was clearly a tall, skinny creature with an antler and a horn.

When the figurine was finally deadlocked in his targeting computer, he lowered his arm a bit and fired.

The bullet went flying around only to be caught by a sharp claw.

A menacing cackle came from the creature. "Ahhhhhh hahahaha. Nice try.

Hmm. You're about ten minutes late." The creature looked at the bullet between its fingers. It seemed to have a sharp eagle-like claw. "A nine caliber. Not one I gave you. Bought it yourself, did you?" He eyed it with large ruby irises. They glowed in the darkness of the cave.

"Well, good luck next time, Sparky. Now let's get on to business, shall we?

The pony grabbed the briefcase and threw it at the creature. It landed on the ground.

"Yeash boy. Did your parents ever teach you manners?"

At that comment, the colt narrowed his good eye.

"Honestly, what's with that face? Haha. I'm beginning to think you're not glad to see me." The creature bent over and picked up the case.

"Hmm, let's see now. "He placed the briefcase on the table and punched in a code to open it. "Ahh, you see that." He said, turning the case to his companion.

"It's perfect, all the stuff I need for my research." The case was filled with packs of blood and bottles of labeled painkillers. "I'll be able to run my research for the next month now at least." He said as he pulled out a bundle of cash.

"And with you as my middleman, things have been pretty easy lately."

"I'll get you. I'll get you and all those who buy from you. One day you'll all be locked up, I swear it!"

The creature grinned a toothy smile. "Ah yes. Your dear old daddy had a very similar sentiment." He quickly pulled out a pile of cash and tossed the bills aside on the table. "Here."

"I don't want your money."

"Uh-huh. Yet without it, you can't pay for your apartment, buy food, or pay off your medical bills for… well that." He said, gesturing to his eye.

The creature closed the briefcase. And seemed to almost slither around the room. "So, is it bothering you again?"

The pony nodded. The creature slithered over to him. "Let me take a look." The pony could feel a screwdriver undo the screws holding his robotic eye in place. He stood silent with a scowl in the dark as the creature draped in shadow fiddled around with two wires coming from his robotic eye.

"There, try that." He placed the eye back and re-screwed it. "Too tight?" Asked the creature.

"Too loose?"

The creature then tightens the screws, causing the colt to cry out in pain.

"Oh yes, go and cry to your mommy." The creature turned its back on him. "Oh, wait, that's right. She's dead! Oh, well." He shrugged, then walked over and picked up the briefcase.

“Do make sure you get something good to eat. As your guardian, I can't let you just eat junk food now."

The colt growled, to which the creature only sadistically smiled. "You do a good job, my boy. Thanks for running that little errand for me. Now get back to the job I hired you for. If that annoying brat of a pony isn't captured in the next twenty-four hours, I'm going to do the job myself.

"No! No ill, do it."

'And don't mess up this time. Last time, some innocent girl got turned instead. I don't go for the innocents, I go for those who deserve it… Like your father, for example. Oh, now there was a bully. He was a classic politician. Oh, do this. It's good for the world when behind closed doors he stepped on anyone he needed to while climbing to the top. Ha, not that it matters anymore."

"My father was a good pony!

"Oh yes, yes, believe it was your mother, now she was the real villain in all of this."

"Don't you dare say one thing about my mother, you vile menace!"

The creature grinned in the shadows. "Oh my boy, if only you knew."

The creature shook his head. "Now I only want the mare captured to threaten her father, so don't mutate her, got it?"

"And what of the innocent?"

"Oh, who cares. She’ll probably go completely mad, and if not, I'm sure the police will capture her. A shame though. Her blood is most likely on your hooves if she didn't survive. Don't worry about her. Go after the real target."

The pony gave a slight nod and turned around to go the way he came in.

"And Shining." The creature began walking deeper into the cave. "There can be no mistakes

Author's Note:

So this was not how I was going to first introduce Discord to this story, but I think I'm happy with the way this turned out.

update 9/2/23 My editor and I have worked out a few bugs in this chapter.