• Published 20th Jul 2023
  • 846 Views, 36 Comments

Blood of the CHIMERA - discordjediknight

A normal pony, named Twilight Sparkle, has become a chimera. After finding others like her, they become superhero’s. She and her friends try to stop the cause of what is changing innocent ponies into unusual chimeras

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Chapter 11 A Vilian, A Hero, Or A Pony

Chapter 11
february,7 ---- 8:42 pm.

A dog with wings was terrorizing the streets chasing a blue griffin, in a dark blue suit. Her helmet was that of a gladiator and her rainbow hair flowed past her. She was flying just above the ground but was screaming at the top of her lungs as she ran down.


"Hold on zap." Mistress Mare-velous said as she was running after the chimera. She using her scorpion tail threw a rope catching one of the wings. She tried her best to slow it down a little. Shadow Star stood at the top of the building watching the scene go down.

Over her com link she in a dry tone said, "Good work team remember to bring her this way, down Zippy Lane."

"Tell me again why I'm always the one they chase!" Asked Zap, who was indeed Dash Rainbow.

Twilight rolled her eyes. Zap quickly turned the corner down Zippy Lane. Spike along with Raidence was getting anyone on the streets out of the way for their safety before the monster came their way

"All civilians cleared Shadow Star," Spike told her.

"Just in time 'cause here it comes," Dash yelled out over the comms.

Raidence and Spike looked up, eyes wide, and took cover just in time for the chimera to run through. Its seven other tentacles smashed into cars and left basic small damage on buildings.

"Are you in place Target?" asked shadow star.

"Yeah, I am." He told her. Right down Zippy Lane on top of a building was none other than Shiny, hero name Target Practice. He had a sniper rifle ready to shoot a tranquilizer at the oncoming threat.

"Hurry up!" Dash panicked.

Target used his robotic to get a better target on the beast. "Little closer."

The beast, even with AJ pulling it back, was catching up to Dash.

"Uh, where's Fluttershy when you need her?" Dash complained.

"She's studying for school remember, she found a tutor," Twilight replied to Dash.

Fluttershy sat with her head in a book, across from her wearing glasses, grading her paper. Was non other than Mr. Ghost. Fluttershy peeked over her science book In hopes of getting an idea of his thoughts.

He sat almost bored like, as he quickly moved to the next few questions. She winced as she saw him make an ex on one of her answers, marking it wrong. She sat quietly and patiently setting her book down and grabbing her tea. Finally, he put his pen down and handed her the paper. it's been nearly two months since he began turning her and was thankful for it. at the same time, her paper wasn't what had her concerned the most, as she shyly took the paper back. he changed his reading glasses for a pair of shades just as he looked at his watch...

"Not bad Mrs Breeze." He set his arms across the table." Your improving Congratulations, you're close to passing. I marked a few places you need to improve on but overall. I don't think a seventy-nine is much of a bad score. but not enough to pass yet." He took a sip of his own tea.

She sighed in relief. "Oh, thank you, Without these study sessions, I would have dropped out of college by now."

"Yes and what is it again that keeps you from studying at home?" He narrowed his eyes. They were unlike her own, both, when normal or in her bat form. She had red eyes with a yellow glow or a teal color. His were a bright ruby, nothing out of the ordinary at first glance.

"Oh not much, just between friends, family, my work, and um, exercising," she lied not wanting to say she was a part-time superhero. "I barely get time for proper studying, Till I met you."

He raised one eyebrow at that but didn't question further. instead, he turned his attention to his muffin on the plate next to him. he was about to pick it up when he noticed her watching him again. "Stop that," he almost snarled.

"What?" she asked almost not registering the command.

"Stop that, You keep staring at me, What is it? Do I have something on my face?" He rolled his eyes

"Umm well, you see I bumped into an old friend from high school the other day, and... And they asked me to come hang out with them only I uh have to bring a friend so I thought that."

"So take pinky or something." He mumbled, tired of the conversation already.

"Oh, Pinky isn't old enough..and I Mean you and I are friends after all, and we..."

"Friends? He questioned her. Ha, I am not your friend nor are you mine."

"I'm not."

"Of course not he grumbled. I have no friends. Don't need them either." He replied before turning his attention to his muffin.

"But Capper, he's your friend."

"Capper, Capper cat, that Capper. Oh please he chuckled. He's a servant, an employee. He is of use to me. If there is a time he is not I will fire him on the spot and thank nothing of it." He replied before opening his mouth about to take a night of his delicious muffin.


He paused with her introjection and interjected her. "Now I am not a bad employer, I give breaks and holidays and write their paychecks when their work is done, but I am no one's friend. I have need for employees, I have no need for friends." He said and tried to once again to take a bite of his muffin, only for her to interrupt again.

"But I'm not an employee, so what am I?"

He lowers the muffin before replying a bit sarcastically, "Are you not? Do I not pay you by teaching you and helping you study?"

"Then what use am I to you then?" She asked a bit confused.

"Oh, that's simple muffins, your otherwise no use to me."

"I am more than just a free muffin." She retorted

"Free Oh no, he chuckled, nothing's free.my dear. I'm here tutoring you that is my payment for the muffins and tea. A simple trade agreement is between us, nothing more."

She scowled at that. Fact is in a way he was right. What more could she be for a lord anyway, she thought.

"Now if you please," he snorted. With that dealt with, he raised his muffin again licking his lips, he couldn't wait to taste the chocolate and wanted her to leave him alone so he could indulge himself in his favorite treat.

She huffed a bit. "I was just going to invite you out to a drink with an old friend," She spat. But forget it. She looked away.

"A drink?" He said dully, annoyed once again to be interrupted from his main priority that night.

"She works at a bar, I'm really not into it but she wants to take me out to catch up, and wants me to bring someone with me."

"Wait are you asking me out on a date?" He narrowed his eyes with an annoyed look.

"As friends, just friends."

"Well since I'm neither your friend nor interested in dating I think the answer is no."

"I was just trying to be nice." She Replied with a huff.

Mr. Ghost looked back with a smirk, as he watched her. He had to admit she was a bit feisty when she wanted to be. "A bar huh? What bar? There are several in town."

"Some place called the Dragon Pony." Fluttershy mutterd.

"Fine." Mr. Ghost said in a dull tone.

"What you'll, you'll go?"

"I will meet you there at the bar. 8:00." He said with a roll of his eyes before returning his attention to the one thing he wanted more than anything at the moment. His precious muffin. now if you excuse me.

"Oh yes yes of course I'll uh see you Saturday then." She said a bit too excited than what she wanted to show.

He gave no response as she left, "Finally, alone at last," she heard him say as she began her way out the door, only to stop when she heard. in a strange way, she was happy to hear those words from him, the way he spoke it as if finally relaxing after a hard day's work.

To many, on the outside looking in, he would look like a high-class businessman with a playful side. He often enjoyed annoying the wealthy, telling bad jokes that seemed out of place, and seemed to enjoy the confused looks he got from others when he did. No one could figure him out, And he did indeed come off as rather shellfish and inconsiderate of others. Especially if you were tarty. Like any businessman, he would complain about being even a moment late. Which seemed odd when he almost acted laid back as if he didn't care. Yet whenever they met up and she wasn't exactly on time he would often be annoyed with her for the night. Tonight was no different. She was exactly seven minutes and twenty-four seconds late. She knew that because he reminded her every so often that evening. He seemed to keep to a schedule on the dot as much as possible, he hated to be kept waiting apparently.

Then there was the other side. The side she got to know. Yet again, it all seemed like an act, like a different play same actor. He seemed to play an annoyed teacher or scientist. who wanted nothing to do with her, or anyone for that matter. Wished to be left alone to his research. Much like Twilight at times.

Then there was the guy she met for her date. This tall kind gentleman. Who had a, don't mess with me persona about him? A bad boy biker who saved her life.

Confusing without a doubt. The question was who was he really? Who was he when not putting on an act? At times she thought she saw a little of the real him. He would give a genuine chuckle here and there, and act childish in many ways. At least with the cakes. The way he grins for a second when getting his favorite muffin. Like a little child getting a cookie from the cookie jar. Or the way he ate and talked with his mouth full. Crumbs all over his face. Pull a prank or two on the cakes, but always seem respectful of them. Mostly tho, she saw this side of him when on the back of his bike. The smile on his face, the excitement in his eyes. He almost never looked like that except when riding.

Yes, the more she came to know him. The more she found she was confused. No one would know him. and it seemed to Mr. Ghost that's just the way he wanted it. She only wished she knew more about him. But whenever she tried to bring up anything from either his past or hers he would give her the same line.

"I have no interest in formalities Mrs Breeze Please refrain from them and pay attention to your lesson."

Very different from the way he acted on their first date. And the way he would address her. Mrs breeze. That night she first met him he spoke her name in such a respectful manner. Now he spoke her name in such a way as if her very presence annoyed him. She kind of missed the guy she first met. And not too often would that side of him come out. As for his first name, he rather not give it, but it was Loki, Loki Ghost. For some reason that just didn't sound right to her.

As she began to walk past the kitchen door however she heard a startling sound come from inside. then a moan as if someone was hurt. soon the hero mortiefe kicked in and she bursted through the door to see what was going on.

"Hay, are you ok in there?" She asked entering the back room.

There Mrs Cake was covered in flower and several plates were smashed all over the floor.

"Oh yes, yes thank you," she said.

"Honey," shouted a male voice from upstairs. "Honey, what was that? Are you..." He stopped when he came down the stairs and saw the mess in the kitchen. He had one of the babies in his arms.

Mrs. Cake rolled her eyes. It's not easy doing this job and watching the twins. I was trying to wash dishes but little pound cake over here," she pointed at the baby who was laughing and having a good time, "got into the flower. I slipped and fell and now look." She said tiredly.

"Oh, dear." He said as he helped her up. "Go upstairs and clean up I'll take over the kitchen..."

"No, no, you have the kids..."

"I'll watch them. I don't mind. I'm rather good with kids."

"Oh, if it isn't too much trouble."

"Oh, none at all. I'll even help clean up the kitchen while you go and clean up, I'm just glad you're not hurt."

"Oh, thank you, dear." Mrs. Cake said and headed upstairs.

Mr. Cake set the one in his hoof on the counter while Fluttershy grabbed the other. He then grabbed a broom.
"Thank you really. Pinky usually babysits but she had an exam she wanted to get ready for."

"Oh, no problem at all." She said and played with the two twins for a bit.
"Wow, two twins. I could never imagine having twins."

"Ai, it's a lot of work. He nodes. But completely worth it. A little family all your own, nothing could be better." He said somewhat sarcastically, thanks to the state of the kitchen.

"Oh come now it can't be all that bad," she replied.

"No." Mr. Cake grinned. "It's really not. These things happen." He chuckled. And continued to sweep up the glass from the ground.

Zap flew as fast as her wings could carry her which was pretty fast but it was somehow no match for the raging chimera after her and came very close to catching her hair. Finally, at the last moment, something zipped past Zap and onto the chimera dog hitting it square in the chest. It fell, already beginning to calm down.

She jumped and turned around as she saw the creature collapse to the ground. "Whew, a little close, don't you think?" She said over the comms.

Target smiled as she continued.

"Did I mention how happy I am you joined the team, with that eye of yours taking these things down has become a lot easier."

"Good work team, now get out of there," Shadow Star used her binoculars. "I see the Chimera task force coming your way," she said as the cops headed down the road.

"On it," they called back.

Fluttershy watched the twins but helped pick up anything from the floor. There was a news article that was framed now broken. She picked it up careful not to cut herself on the glass. The headline caught her eye.

Local boy saves coffee shop from Robbers. The photo showed a Young skinny teen colt in a hoodie.

"Umm, Mr. Cake, what is this?" She asked.

He walked over to see what she was referring to. "Ahh yes. He smiled wildly. He's quite the hero, isn't he?"

Fluttershy tilted her head a bit waiting for more.

"He saved my life that day, And everyone at the coffee shop. I'll never forget it."

"This town, especially this side of town wasn't always the nicest place to be. I'm the third generation to own this coffee shop. My great-grandfather my grandpa and me. My dad did something else. Things were rough back then and we came closer to losing the shop. We needed money and I was a stupid teen. I borrowed some cash from the wrong folk."

"And it wasn't long before they came looking for their money back. Four big fat ugly and dangerous ally cats came walking in looking for their money. Of which we didn't have enough to pay back. My grandad and I tried to coax them into free coffee and snacks but they wouldn't take it. "

"They were about to rob us. Rob us of every penny we had. And one pulled out a knife. Telling all the customers of which we only had seven not to go anywhere or they'd get hurt."

"One kid in a hoody keeping his head down in a book studying by the looks of it stayed quiet and out of it. Until he got up to leave and was stopped by one of the big cats."

"Hay kid," the boss said, "not one person leaves till we get our money."

"Get out of my way fatso ." He told them. "It wasn't long before a fight broke out and I never saw anything like it"

"This skinny little colt in a hoody took on Four cats twice his size and three times his weight. And was winning against them too. All until the one with a knife stabbed him."

Fluttershy gasped in horror. "I was sure he was dead too. As the cat turned their attention back on me. But just before a claw could reach my neck the boy still with a knife in his stomach got up and kicked the cat away. He helped those two and gave the cops just enough time to come and arrest them. He had black eyes and bruises like you wouldn't believe from the skinny little colt."

"And what happened to him?" To the boy?

"An ambulance came and took him away much to the boy's Sown dismay. I never got to learn the kid's name till a few years later."

Mr. Cake then took the photo from her hooves. "Mr. Ghost. He may come off at first like he doesn't care like he wants nothing to do with anything but one thing for sure." Mr Cake smiled. "He's a good guy."

"Mr. Ghost, as in the guy who's helping me study, that Mr. Ghost."

"The one and only." Mr Cake nodded.

Leaving Fluttershy's jaw dropped as she looked over the news article.

As the team got back, to twilights apartment Dash collapsed in the couch. "I'm just saying we should join that tournament, we might be able to meet up with the big bad himself and take down the villan." She told the group.

"Were chimera Dash, that whole thing would be cheating," AJ warned.

"If it's out only chance to take down the group then I think a little cheating is fair," Dash replied.

Twi, AJ asked a bit crossed.

"It's a possibility if we don't find him first," she sighed and sat next to Dash.

AJ grumbled, annoyed as she looked out the window.

"I still don't like it. She grumbled."

Author's Note:

Hope you guys like the story so far. Let me know your thoughts.