• Published 20th Jul 2023
  • 845 Views, 36 Comments

Blood of the CHIMERA - discordjediknight

A normal pony, named Twilight Sparkle, has become a chimera. After finding others like her, they become superhero’s. She and her friends try to stop the cause of what is changing innocent ponies into unusual chimeras

  • ...

Chapter 18 Revelations

april 3rd, 7:00 am ----
Spike sat on patrol a long with shining armour over looking the city sights that morning. Except they weren't looking for any ordinary sightings of a chimera, no they were looking for one in particular.

Spike sighed as he put down his goggles.

"Woah thire little guy thats quiet a sigh bro, what's going on." Shining asked.

"Oh I'm fine shining, just between my step mom, pinky and dash, missing,"he sighed.

"Yeah man I get it. But hay we are gonna find them, we are going to cure them, and we're all gonna live happily ever after you'll see," shining encouraged.

Spike looked up at him and smiled, "right, right. Funny I thought I did have my happily ever after when I met twilight." He found.

Shining armour looked at the young teenager, and felt pity for him. Most kids his age would be worried about zits and girls, but him. He had a lot more going on then shining ever did. At least for shining,he thought his parents were dead and he just has a rich god father till he was eighteen and learned how cruel his god father actually was. Yet that all seemed like kindness to him at least compared to what the little lizard was going through.

Spike sighed, "can I ask you a question."

"Hmm sure kido what's up."

"Well it's just, you know your real mother, or at least knew, for me,"he chuckled. "I was made an orphan because of the last war, I was so young I don't even remember what my parents looked like, all I can see when I think of them, of my mom, is twilight or my step mother Luna. So what about you, what was she like."

"Hmm my mom, oh, oh she was the best," shining smiled at the thought of his mother. "Everyday when I got home from school she would often put out a snake platter for me and let me watch cartoons or read me comic books" he laughed, "much to dad's dismay, he'd always told me cartoons and comic books were silly and that i should be doing shcool work, how ever mom had more a relaxed approach to parenting. ',The two together i guess made a really good team. My mom was also super smart new alot about science and gadgets and was well educated, that's where twi got her love for science I believe. Me, I took after my father in a lot of ways, always wanted to be in the military like he was."

"That's funny because from what I hear I think you took after your mom," Spike told him.

" really," he asked?

"Yeah and I'd say twilight took after your father."

Shining thought about this for a moment, "hmm now that you mention it you got a point,";shining smiled.

Spike smiled back if not as big. "come on those chimera won't find themselves now will they,"spike said looking back through the goggles.

"No, no guess not." Shining said as he looked at spike, " you know I always wanted a little brother. Don't tell twiley that."

Spike chuckled at that, "Thanks bro." He said back making shining smile widden.

"I cant believe were doing this," AJ shook her head as she walked up to the tall building infront of he..

"Quiet down." Twilight demanded in a hush tone.

AJ lowered her voice but still continued to revolt. "THIS is such a bad idea, if we get cought well do jail time for sure."

Rarity tunred on her heal, "We will if you dont quiet down. now come on AJ we need your help."

"I dont want to be involved in this," she retaliated.

"Too bad we need you, you need to keep my dad busy so Twilight and I can get to his computer."

AJ rolled her eyes at Rarity and huffed her annoyance but she didnt argue again.

They walked inside and went straight to the elevator to the 2ed top floor. The three of them then walked down the hall way and over to an office door. soon the door opened up revealing a white stallion.

"Rarity!!!" Smiled the excited colt.

"Daddy," she cried as she was pulled into a hug from him.

"Oh, as soon as I heard you were coming I freed up my entire schedule just for you, now im starving lets head to The Tasty Treat, already!"

"Of course, of course." she smiled at Applejack.

AJ rolled her eyes and coughed, "uh Mr Shine I was wondering if you could give me a little tore of how the ESA works.? I'm kinda wanting to join it after collage, bit tired of all the apples my family puts out."

"Oh sure, we can do that after lunch."

"No! uh um, I mean why not do it now, since were already here, surly the tasty treat isn't going anywhere?"

Mr Shine was a bit taken back by this, but our reservation is in a few minutes."

"Well be able to make it Mr Shine, go ahead and give AJ the tour i actually have to use the restroom anyway, Twilight told him."

"Uh oh all right, come on Rarity."

Actually, you know I got to use the restroom too. soooo."

Mr Shine just shrugged and left along side the country pony. aj and twilight head the other way only for a short time till her father couldnt be seen, then they went right for his office door. As soon as the door gently closed, so it didnt make to much noise, they ran over to Mr shines computer.

"Alright Rarity thank you for this," Twilight said.

Twilight typed in the pass codes she got from Rarity,Her eyes widden as she claimed "I'm in."

" Great."

"No it isn't, Rarity I'm sorry but it looks as though...'

"I know," Rarity huffed. "Let's just do this. Find out what we need to know."

Twilight noded and went to work on the computer. "It would take me forever to hack in but with this /, we can scan the files quickly, all we need is a time frame, And a name."

"A name, but Twilight we don't know the equalizers name."

'Thire you go copping things into questions again," Twilight chuckled .

Rarity ingored that.

"We don't need the equalizer, we just need," she typed In her father's name. "As for the years let's go back," she typed in 7 years. But before she hit inter she stopped for a moment.

"Twilight?" Rarity said in a concerned voice, seing her friends hesitation.

Twilight shook her head. "Sorry it's just... I've been wanting answers for so long, and... And here they are with a tap of the button." She began to shiver in fear. But Rarity placed a hoof over her arm, she didn't say anything, she didn't need to, Twilight got the message loud and clear. They were here for her, no matter what they were her friends and she could trust them with anything. She felt a little bad for not trusting them before , but right now was not the time to deal with such things. Twilight closed her eyes and took in a deep slow beath, she held it as she pressed enter on the key pad. She let it out slowly as her eyes opened, to her surprise thire was only only one file that included her father's name.

She cautiously opened it and began to scan its contexts. Most of them she quickly copied onto a flashdrive to look at latter. It finished just in the nick of time. Twilight quickly closed the files and deleted her search history before quickly headed out the door and cought up with Mr shine and applejack. "Ahh thire you girls are ready to grab lunch then?" He smiled.

"Yes Mr Shine I believe we are." Twilight gave a definitive nod telling Applejack the job was complete. She sighed with i hate this written all over her face.

As night, began to fall on the city bathing the sky in the last light of day, Twilight went over the files on her computer like a mad pony. She cornerd every nook and craney the story had to offer, giving her as much detail as possible. Slowly but surly she came to her answer just as thire was a nock on her bedroom door.

"Yes AJ, Rarity, come in. She called out as she stretched out her legs. they were sore from siting for so long.

"Well find anything useful," asked Rarity who handed her a milk shake.

"Alot actual, this might be the greatest treasure trove of information weve got," Twilight told her friends, "oh really and what the story then." Asked AJ.

"Well that's the thing, thire are still so many detailed incomplete, detailed Im missing, but in the short of things my dad your dad and a few others, were involved with a government project known as beast. Thire were designing a super weapon to end the war that was going on at the time. Of course it's classified, and really while I have a name. a
And a few of those involved, I've yet to discover anything on what it actually was, however I can specialty, based on some interesting facts."

"Like what,"AJ interest was peeked..

"Well for one thing on one document liked this, thire was a prison transfer, for only one inmate. The inmates name I couldn't find nor why he was in prison in the first place. But I did decifer why he was there."

"And?" Rarity questioned.

Mr Ghost sat in a chair, drink in his hand, staring at the mare across the room. She was laughing at the bad joke he just told her. To hear her laughter made him smile for reasons he didn't quiet understand. Or at the very least, didn't want to understand.

"If you like that one I should tell you about the guy told me when walked into the bar."

"What did he say?"


She looked at him curiously as the joke settled in. He could see the gears grinding in her head as she came to the conclusion and gave a slight giggle. "Oh I get it, "ouch."

"Wow took ya long enough to figure that one." He smirked.

"Ok I'm slow, big deal." She teased him. The two laughed a little and enjoyed eatchothers company.

Mr Ghost cought himself several times that night stating at her. Her teal eyes, her pink hair, being a model she was quiet nice to look at. She wasn't over the top in any way. Not to curvey or to flat, just enough to say she was perfect. "Perfect , oh dear what have I gotten myself into," he mentally groaned to himself. Mr ghost smile then faded away as the hairs on his neck stood on all ends, he finally shook himself out of his thoughts catching up on thire conversation.

"So I finally got Dash to take home the turtle. She's loved that thing for years now. She acts like she doesn't but she's got a soft side for animals even if she doesn't want to admit it. But now since that stupid fight Ive taken care of him once again. I don't even know where she went to but she's been gone nearly two months." Fluttershy smile diped a bit.

"I'm sure she needed some time, perhaps she'll be back eventually" Mr ghost reassured her. Her smile returned with his words and she began talking again. He laid thire listing to her talk. That's all he wanted to do was hear her voice. With every word she spoke he could feel his heart beat a little fasters
not like when he almost had a heart attack but faster none the less.

"What's wrong with me? I can't seriously be falling for her can I? Thires no way this is true. It can't be." He thought as his gaze drifted to her hooves. The memory of her touching his scars, the warmth he felt from it on his rough skin.

"Hay you ok you seam distracted tonight..." with her words his attention return back to her.

"I'm fine Mrs breeze. He smiled his siniture toothy grin.

With that she went back to her conversation with a smile. "I think that turtle should of been hers from the beginning, I mean at first she acted like it was nothing but a turtle, but slowly over time I cought her staring at it and petting it, oh and I can tell Tank misses her."

"Yes, yes of course," he said more thrilled to hear her voice then the subject of her words, "Um... Mrs Breeze."

"Yes, what is it, you look worried." She chuckled.

"Uh well you see um." He played with his hooves. "Come on, you can do this," He told himself trying to mentally prepare to ask her his burning question. "Do you uh, remeber that night at the bar. The night you were drunk and we uh..."

The memory of that night came crashing to the front of her skull. Was he actually asking her if he could kiss her. Her face turned red. Since thire time together the two would hold hooves for a moment or two but he haddint kissed her since that day she saw his scars. "Uh yeah I do. Uh do you want to..."

'Yes," he said a bit loudly making her jump, "I mean. Uh, well we've been going out every night this past few weeks and I uh, I just thought you wouldn't mind if..."

"No, no," she walked towards him and sat on the couch. "I mean, it doesn't bother me, and it's kind of you to ask, just." She nodded.Mr ghost moved from chair onto the couch next to her. This was it. Her second kiss. The first one really didn't count since she was drunk and out of her mind. The other kiss was just on her neck so it didn't mean anything. She closed her eyes and puckered her lips just slightly waiting for the contact. Only instead she felt him wrap his arms around her and pulled her cloes, laying his head on top of hears. This surprised her as she sat there with him around her.

Twilight layed down on her bed as she continued.

"He was some type of mad scientist I think, but he was not head of the project some one else was, my dad was just was in charge of funding for the project. i found lunas name to but she was a general at the time so that makes sence, she would have to authorise it after all, and she was friends with my dad. Twilight shrugged. What it was is all to clear when you realize the head of the project was a. Nio geneticist named doctor Galaxy, she is the only one who actually signed off in anything, inclooding the transfer of the criminal."

"Bio geneticist, like,"rarity said with a shiver.

AJ noded, "just like what you would need to create the serum"

Flutershy was being held tightly by her colt friend, she didn't exactly have a problem with this, but wonders what he was doing.

As for him he nuzzles the top of her head, enjoying her warmth. His smile never been so true. It simply felt nice to have her in his arms. He wishes she wrapped him in her as well but he was fine with her so long as she let him hold her. As he did his mind drifted, a blissful sleepy sigh escaped Him. After a minute or two she then decided to ask. "Uh what?"

Hmm oh, are you uncomfortable. He said raising his head and loosening his grip. Internally he panicked. The idea of letting her go now nearly broke his heart right then and there. Too soon, he hadn't had her long enough, still he would let her go of she wanted it. "I'm sorry I wasn't holding you to tight was I"

"No, I just uh. Wasn't expecting this."

"What do you mean, he seperstes from her but didn't take his hooves off of her, keeping her in his arms "I wanted to snuggle just like we did that night when we were drunk."

"Oh," she said just now realizing what he wanted. "Oh yeah, ok". She said snuggling into him. Making the air awkward.

"Uh thank you", he said confused but tightened his grip on her again.

"Um what were you thinking I meant?" He asked a bit worried.

"Oh uh?" She quickly let go of him and scurried out of his arms. "I just thought that you were gonna kiss me. You know like we did that night."

His eyes widen as his fur stood on all ends. "Oh uh. Yeah we did do that." Didn't we he nervously chuckled.

She then turned to him shyly.

"You must forgive me Mrs Breeze, I never did, well this, this dating thing." he said and sat back almost laying back against the couch, his face nearly as red as hers.

"Really but I read,"

"I told you before, all of those reports, my entire reputation it's all a lie, made up by thoes who want to ruin my good name. I never even kissed anyone before that night."

"Never kissed?"

'Never anything," he slightly chuckled. "I know, wierd right? With my reparation, you would assume Ive been with a hundred mares and kissed a thousand more. He shook his head. But it's all bull shit."

"Really , so that night...?"

"I never even snuggled with anyone before. Not even a hug."

"What, what about your parents your,"

"Im an orphan remember, not one hug my entire life. I do tease, I like to keep people guessing. Ill put my arm around a mare, I'll dance with one, and yes beacuse of my reputation. And the fact that I'm rich most do not mind, but that's just it, isn't it... Thire just after my fame, my money, and while I have been drunk and had others try to kiss me, I just can't." He closed his eyes tightly, "I don't like anyone, I get along with them because I have to, it's my job, but you. Your different. I dont know what it is."

She smiled a small smile.

"I never gotten along with any one this well. And though I enjoy a good drink and can definitely party I have never been that drunk where I don't know what's going on." He then tilted his head a bit towards her so he could see her eye. "I wasn't even that drunk when I kissed you. I wanted to say no," he chuckled and took her hoof guiding her down to sit back next him.

"That night, I can't explain it," he gave his head another shake. "When you told me you wanted to kiss me, part of me wanted to say no but," he paused for a moment, He slightly laughed. "Then we snuggled and it felt nice," he lifted his head and slouched forward. "And warm, and safe."

Her eyes widen at that. The honesty he had, the sadness in his voice. She leaned forward about to kiss him, only stopped instead when he put a hoof to her lips.

I'm sorry but... but thires something I have to tell you

"So Galaxy the scientist,is she the equalizer?" Asked Rarity nervously.

Twilight shook her head, "I searched her up," Twilight pointed at her computer.

Rarity took a lol and saw a light purple and pink cat. "Doctor Galaxy went missing, and is presumed dead for over a decade now."

Rarity gasped. as aj narrowed her eyes.

Flutershy sat up and looked at him curious of what he had to say. He never used her name except when drunk.

"Ok I'm hear to listen."

Mr ghost sat up and looked away from her. His back almost to her. A moment of silence spread across the two.

"I don't think I can do this any more."

"Do what she asked In a confused tone."

"This." He turned to her as he began visibly shaking. He was actually scared. She nearly jumped. She never seen any one so frightened before I'm her life. To visibly shake like that.

"It's been fun. Believe me it has, indulging you. But I think we should..."

"Your gonna break up with me. Why I thought things were going great."

"They are, thire going to well. Flutershy I'm scared of falling but hear I am. And I'm falling way to fast."


"Falling for you my dear." He said as he placed a very Shakey hoof on her hoof. "I can't do this."

"Dead?" Rarity utterd in disbelief.

"Yep and not just her, infact most of the names involved with the project are missing or presumed dead."

'Inclooding that crazy scientist?" AJ asked

Twilight noded.

"Hmm so," Rarity raised a hoof in thought. "Is it possible that crazy scientist is our king of chaos then."

"He would have to go underground and with all the info we know about him, knowing he's a dragon he could easily over take the criminal under world of the city." AJ pointed out.

"Ok so that explains him, but what about Tempest Shadow," asked rarity.

Twilight sighed "was about to look into that when you two came in."

"lets see what we can find," Applejack sat down and began looking through the esa files.

"Mr ghost I... I love you to."

"Oh please don't say that." He said and stood up passing back and forth around the room.

"I don't understand, just..."

"I had someone once before. And it was down right terrible. It ended down right terribly. Besides you don't even know me."

"Yes I do, and you just said I was your first kiss,"

"No you don't. And trust me if you did you'd wish you never did."

"Just tell me."

"I can't I don't trust you, I don't trust any one!!" He yelled. 'I can't," he whisperd with a far away look.

"Mr ghost. We've known each other for months now just." she sighed in defeat. "Please I want to understand. I want to to help you. Your scared I get it but I can't help you if I don't know why. Just tell me."

She sighed again. 'We known eachother for so long," she began to sing.

"Your seriously rara rolling me now." He laughed as he stood shaking.

She smiled and continued. "Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it
Inside, we both know what's been going on
We know the game and we're gonna play it

And if you ask me how I'm feeling
Don't tell me you're too blind to see"

Mr ghost grit his teath still shaking as he opened the doors to the balcony of his home. He reached in his pocket and pulled something out and placed it on the porch table Infront of him blocking it's view to flutershy.

He then pulled out two more things. A lighter and a box of cigarettes.

"I didn't know you smoked."

He said nothing and lit the cigarette. Smoke began circling above his head as he stepped aside and sat down.

Flutershys eyes widen as she saw a pistol sitting on the table.

"ah ha found it, Tempest Shadow,huh turns out shes an agent for the ESA, working under Rarity's dad. AJ said as she clicked on her profile. Twilight looked over to see what she looked like, however froze as the image of a dark purple mare with hot pink fire hair in the shape of a mohawk came into view, despite being a middle aged pony but was so recognizable.

"Yep thats Daring Do's author alright, AJ noded.

Twilight looked at the photo before her and gasped almost as loud as Rarity.

"Twilight?" Rarity asked.

She only nodded and the two mares simotainsly looked behind them to the photo siting on Twilight's dresser. The dark purple pony with a red fiery hot pink main. "It couldn't be,";Twilight said in disbelief.

"What? What am I missing?" AJ asked both concerned and confused.

'How could it not,"Rarity replied.

"My mother! daring do author, AK Yearling, the super spy who's actually Tempest Shadow, is none other then my mother, Fizzlepop Sparkle.!" Twilight spat in disbelief. "That makes no sense."

"But you can't deny the two ponies look so similar," Rarity pointed out.

"Yes but I've seen AK Yearling tons of times, I never saw her mane but you really think I wouldn't recognize my own mother. And for her to not recognize me!" Twilight breathed.

"Well darling, she defiantly aged. Her face structure is as young as she was on that old photo," Rarity pointed out. "And as for you, you grew up so much since then to. You were a little filly when she died." Rarity said doing quotatiomars with her hooves. "Neither of you are recognizable after so many years."

Twilight plummeted into her bed.."I suppose that's true." She whined a little.

Just then the door opened. "Hay what's going on in here," asked shining armour who was playing dragons and dungeons with spike in the living room.

"Oh nothing just found out our mother is alive." Twilight smiled and said nonchalantly.

"What! How,wait, what!" Shining called out.

Twilight looked at her brothers goofy expression and smiled , before she began telling him what they know.

Mr ghost took in one breath of smoke and began talking as the smoke fell from his lips as if he were a fire breathing dragon.

"During my time in the military. Five pointless years mind you. I was a bio geneticist engineer, the reason I got into the military was beacuse they were interested in my research and offers me a deal I couldn't refuse. I was looking at a decade in jail, or they'd erase my history and let me off scot free if I helped them end the war."

"I, I have a condition." Something, he shook his head. "Something I was born with. And a fellow scientist. A feline. Oh she was gorgeous, funny, and had the most beautiful mame..cosmos,cosmos galaxy, he shook his head at the memory.and I was a stupid boy just trying to figure out who I was in the world. I miss took her fascination with me as. As affection."

"Don't get me wrong she was crazy about me oh that's for sure." Mr Ghost said narrowing his eyes. Fear and dread filled his voice as he continued.

"So when she was speaking about kids and how the genetic could effect them, I thought she was interested in me to. On the contrary tho she only wanted to use them for experiments. Even if they were her own kids."

Fluttershy could do nothing but stand thire in awe of his tragic tale.

"So how could I love some one? Who only wanted to turn my kids into experiments? Who only wanted to lock me up and use me as... A test subject.

He grit his teath. Yet due to the cigarettes effect he no longer shook in fear any more. It was only in his eyes. They began to change. Not only did his red eyes turn a brighter crimson. But his pupils shined and the white of his eyes glowed a sinister yellow.

She new right there what he was. He was a mutant. A chimera.

"I finally told her to forget about the science and live a happy life with me. Telling her my feelings, and what did she do, she laughed!" He yelled.

"I can't believe this." Shining armour said as he ran a hoof through his mane. He backed up agints the was and slid down it in disbelief.

"Oh it gets better then that." Twilight mutterd.

Rarity turned to Twilight not understanding.

"Rarity, think back at what Dash said."

Rarity tried to but came up with nothing.

A new voice joined the conversation. "Dash said daring do has three children."

They turned to spike who was listening in the entire time and just remained quiet.

None of them cared about his eaves dropping since he was part of the group any way. He only cam in to see what was taking shining armor so long but sat quietly as he listened to the story Twilight had to tell.

"That's right spike, she said three children." Twilight confirmed.

'Wait so let me get this straight," Shining interuoted. "Your telling me that not only is our mother alive, but that we have a third sibling."

"Perhaps your mother was pregnant and lost the baby." Rarity tried to come up with a solution.

"That or our third sibling is older then either of us."

Discord took a shuttering breath before he continued. She then tried to lock me in a cage like the animal I was according to her. Well I refused. And when I did she gave me this. Mr ghost opened his shirt reveling his worse scar on his body. I had to defend myself and, and I, he cleaned his hooves I felt her go limp in my arms. If I didn't defend myself tho, he winced. "When it happened I ran to the one person, the one person I thought I could trust more then any one. And do you think that person believed me," Mr ghost growled. "Do you think anyone believed me!" He yelled at her. "Do you think they would see my side. No. All those who I trusted saw me as a threat and they even tried to kill me. You want to know how I got these scars all over me, he
removed the rest of his shirt. Taking a step forward. "It's beacuse they saw me as a threat." His hooves then morphed into a pair of claws. "So tell me Mrs breeze. If I can't trust any one?!" He grabbed the pistol and dropped the cigarette. He then pointed the gun at her head making fluttershy jumped back a bit In Fear. "Then why should I trust you?"

"Wait wait that's." Shining shook his head. "If that's the case Dad couldn't be the father. I was his first child according to all the records"

"True but mother never said her first child was you."

"So, so we have an older sister or brother,";he smiled cheerfully.

"Yeah seems possible." Twilight sighed laying her head back down.

"Why aren't you excited about this, this is amazing," Shining told her.

"Simple, beacuse we don't know if they are alive or dead. According to Dash all of daring do's family was likely killed by the chaos king."

"And what if they weren't."!Spike spoke up.."I mean, the chaos king didn't kill shining, what if he raised your sibling like he did you." Spike asked.

"Possible but if that's true then our sibling is likely the enamys right now, to convince a pony that thire whole life is a lie and that thire working for a villain and they were thire family. That's a tall order spike," Twilight said sincerely.

"We have to start searching for them, right. We have to atleast try Twilight.";Shining expressed.

"And how do we start, right now our only lead is daring so aruther slash super spy Tempest shadow, is Likely mother."

"And to find her youl need to find Dash,"Rarity said as she bit her hoof.

"Yeah and good luck with that,"Twilight moaned in frustration.

Mr ghost coked the gun. "Why shouldn't I just pull this trigger and make this all look like an accident and move on with the rest of my life. I killed others for a lot less so you better have a good reason why, beacuse now you know to much!" He yelled, eyes furious and yet tear filled. They were filled with so much anger. But was it anger she saw in them. No. No it was pain Fluttershy saw in them. She finally knew who Mr Ghost was. He was a someone hurt. And she wanted to help him.

"WELL!?" he yelled at her when she gave no answer. He lowered the gun to her chest. "I'm listing."

"Beacuse, you know if you do youl always be alone, alone and hurt."

He said nothing stun at her reply.

"You trusted me so I will trust you.";she said and slowly blinked. When she opened her eyes he could see that she was a chimera as well. She took off her jacket revealing to him her bat wings.

He instantly new she was the hero mutant that has been taken down the dangerous ones that ran among the city.

She looked at him with a warm smile.

"Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you"

Spike blinked and looked down in thought before rising his head. "Well it's a start.";He smiled.

The kids right, "it's a start sis." Shining agreed.

Rarity noded.
Twilight moaned under her pillow again but when she came out from under it she had a smile on her face. "Yeah it is a start,;One that we can not loose." She jumped off her bed. "The tournament is our best chance to see Mom and catch the chaos king."

She said with a new found determination in her eyes.

"Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you" flutershy continued the song as she slowly grabbed hold of the pistol in his claw.

With a whimper that escaped him he let go of the gun handing it to her as he whined the next few words of thire song. Thire song, a song that was a complete joke to the world, but one that they made for themselves.

"Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you"
She then set the gun back down on the table as soon as it was gone out of the way he fell into her arms.

She softly stroked the back of his mane. As he mutterd the words I've been alone for so long,

I know Mr ghost, I know.

"Please stay with me, please" He begged, tightening his grip on her and kissed her neck nocking her over a long with him. With his lips on her neck her face grew bright red and she instantly shivers, but otherwise her body was frozen.

"I will mr ghost... I will."

"Discord" he whispered to her his face looked as if in pain.

"What?"She asked softly.

"Discord, that's my real name." He said before locking lips with hers.

Author's Note:

Lol no joke the scen with discord telling flutershy this was the third scene I ever written for this fan fic. Strangely woke up one night at three in the morning couldn't fall asleep and wrote it 😳. Any way on to what I was talking about in my last author note.

Ok so idea 1 didn't work. Scrap the whole thing, despite having a third done because I didn't like twilight in it. Can you tell that my top 3 fav characters are 1 discord 2 twilight 3 flutershy, in that order. Lol.

Another idea, when I saw the power pony episode of MLP I loved it. I am a huge marvel and DC fan. So I wanted to do a MLP a fan fic on superheroes. Being inspired by some of my favorite story lines form both marvel DC, and some anime. It started out as joker discord vs Batman twilight. No seriously that was it. And long story short it was goofy it was funny, and I didn't like it. Story 2 scrap.

Ok more on this later 😂👋