• Published 20th Jul 2023
  • 846 Views, 36 Comments

Blood of the CHIMERA - discordjediknight

A normal pony, named Twilight Sparkle, has become a chimera. After finding others like her, they become superhero’s. She and her friends try to stop the cause of what is changing innocent ponies into unusual chimeras

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Chapter 22 Just A Game

With her fallen to the ground tempest shadow looked up, "Son" she slurred as she began to lose all feeling in her body.

Discord hit the ground, amazed himself that he only got scraped by a few bullets but never got himself. He was speechless as he scurried across the sand.

"Fire again!" Shouted Luna.

At that point the train began rolling away, in seconds it began picking up speed.

Discord not even thinking about it roared the loudest roar he could. The sound waves picked up dust as a shockwave blew back the enemy.

He quickly grabbed his mother and used every strength he had left to catch up to the train.
Luna took flight pulling out a sword. You're not getting away, she snarled.

Discord jumped landing on the roof of the train. Luna tried to follow but stopped just in time before she went splat against a sign.

The train quickly at top speed entered a sub-tunnel system.

A fellow chimera caught up to her, "Mam your orders?" Asked the dog.

She huffed her annoyance.

Discord ripped open the side of the car not caring about the damage he was causing.

"Son burst!" He demanded.

"Here sir," Sunburst said trying to get past the crowd.

Discord laid his mother down, the room tried to back up to give him space but I'm the car was so cramped little could be made.

'Mom, Mom," Shining said trying to get through but to no avail.

Twiley held on to sp6ike in complete shock.

Discord stood up but hit his head on the roof. In his true form, he was much to talk to be inside. Even in his pony form, he was quite tall. He rubbed his head slightly as Son burst and began to look over Tempest.

"Do. Do what you can do for her." Discord orders

"Yes sir," he said a bit frantically. To his surprise, she was alive despite being hit three times.

Discord took a moment to catch his breath as Capper wobbled his way through the crowd. "What now sir?" He asked.

Discord took one final breath, his eyes still burning amber. Now. He sighed and looked around. He then looked at his own bloody hands and his scars.

He groaned in frustration as he looked at Capper. "Your jacket?"He asked.

Capper didn't hesitate and handed Discord his jacket. It didn't fit Discord completely in his true form, but it would have to do. As he put it on covering up his scars, Discord gave his orders.

"Listen up all of you. Due to the following circumstances, you all know too much. Rest assured no harm will come to you so long as you behave. I am sorry but you are now prisoners of chaos vill," he snapped his claws. And all chaos members raised their guns and stood attention. "Anyone tries to escape gets shot! SMOLDER!"


"I want every chaos member in the city to report to hide out immediately. Once we get there we shall be prepared for the oncoming attack. In the meantime I'm going to think of a new strategy, we have to make our move soon. Within the next three hours at the very least, we can't let this opportunity to capture the equalizer go."

He stepped over to the door, and the passengers made as little room as they could for him."All hail the chaos king," shouted those in Chaos Vill, as Discord left.

Fluttershy sat in the corner her leg broken, her hoof on her belly tears in her eyes as she watched him leave without saying a word to her.

No one notices, except Rarity how she was acting. Her face grew curious as she thought why but then like a ton of bricks it hit her. She put her hoof over her mouth as she realized the truth.

Half an hour later the train came to an abrupt halt departure in the mining tunnel. The chaos members ushered out their prisoners into the large cavern. Sitting in the middle of the strange large mining cavern was a three-story building carved into the rock. at the top was a rather large deck and a few screens, otherwise it was just a strange-looking building that made no sense why it was there.

Those that were injured especially Tempest were moved out right away to a location where she could be taken care of better.

Twilight her friends and family watched as she was carried threw the doors of the building.

Flutershy felt bad but then looked around for Discord.

He stepped out of the train last, his body now that of a pony, yet his eyes still glowed amber. His horns were gone. She watched as he put on a hat, the brim just covering his eyes.

Someone came over to look at her injuries and told Twilight the king would like to have a word with her in a few minutes.

Twilight nodded, not knowing how to feel about this at the moment.

Soon Twilight was brought to the top of the building, out on a balcony.

Everyone else stood in the cavern below.

Twilight looked out over the edge seeing at least a few hundred.

As she walked over there were also cameras showing her face on large screens around the building.

"What is this?" she asked the guards. The guard shrugged, "The King. Wants to have a word."
There was a table set up with a chessboard and two strange devices next to the two chairs.

Suddenly the door opened behind her and she turned. Four steps out and lined the walls, next it was the cat called Capper. He walked down the center of the room and stood by the table on the left side.

It wasn't long before Mr Ghost walked out on his pony form, wearing another black trench coat (that fit him much better than Cappers) and hat. A cup and bottle of vodka in his hooves which he placed on the table and took a seat.

"Twilight sparkle take a seat." He demanded.

Twilight with a raised eyebrow sat down across from him. The white pics of the chess board by her side.

"Tell me," he said as he poured himself a drink. 'Do you know what this device is?" He asked.

She looked at it and took a guess. A lie detector?"

"Correct. Though someone of your smarts will know that they don't actually detect lies they only monitor heart rate which is a good indicator of nervousness. Still," he placed the bottle down, "it is better than nothing."

"So your gonna hook me up to them and ask questions then?' She deadpaned as she held out her arm for Capper.

"No," Discord smirked. "As you can see I have every member of Chaos Vill watching us. They can also hear us. This is a simple trade of information. You have questions, questions everyone below has, I figure kill two birds with one stone." He took a drink, "I would offer you one but I know you're underage." He said placing the drink down and giving Capper his arm.

"So what's with the chess board?" She asked.

"Do you like games? He asked. I love games. Hell, all I do is play games, and let me tell you this," he gestured to the room, "is all a game to me."

She scrunched up her face in annoyance.

Which only deepened his smirk. 'It's simple, well take turns playing chess. Each move we'll ask each other a question until the game ends." He said as Capper finished hooking him up to the lie detector

"I have nothing to hide, and everyone here can learn what they need to learn. I even gave you the first move." A cocky smile sored on him as he took another drink.

Twilight narrowed her eyes as she slowly said "ok,"
She moved a pawn. "What do you know of the chimera disease."

"Nothing." He said cocky.

"You lie!" she yelled.

"No, you simply didn't ask the right question. This is a game of strategy Sister. I do lie from time to time but not often, as I find the truth so much more chaotic. Come now, think carefully."

She bit her lip for a second, 'fine, what about the mutations."

"Not so fast, you already moved, and I already answered, so it's my turn," he said as he moved his left knight

'How long have you been studying the mutations?'

"Since I figured out I was one when I one day got angry and my eyes turned red. I think I was thirteen."

He smiled with her answer. She then moved another pawn this time taking one square instead of two.

"What do you know about how the mutations started?"

"Now that's the right question." He replied. "As a boy, I wanted to understand my own strange body. As soon as I learned about DNA I began my own studies diving into mine, the government took the research, with the days of the war, they were desperate for any chance at stopping it, and used my research in alternating genetics as a basis for the mutation project."

He then slid a pawn over. "What are your chimera abilities?"

"I can freeze and melt things with my horn, or burn things to a crisp. I also have a unique sense of smell sight and hearing."

She moved her rook. "How'd the government get a hold of your research?"

"I at the time got myself into trouble, I had a few years in prison lined up for me or a few years in the war. I picked the war." He shrugged. 'They were interested in my work and gave me a chance not to go to prison and I took it."

He then moved his Bishop. "Tell me what is Dash Rainbow's powers."

She told him and asked her. next question. "What are your powers?'

He laughed. "I can alter my genes to transform into any form I want, as well yell a sonic sound wave blast, superspeed, and we'll every other skill. I can even camouflage erasing every sign of my being there. It's quite a useful skill actually. Gets me out of a lot of crowds searching for me."

Twilight remembered how at the galla he despaired, that must have been how he did it.

He moved his next piece. "What is Rarity shines powers."

Twilight took his pawn out as she told him. "If you can change into any look what's up with the monster vibe with the antlers and such?"

"I do have a true form. My true looks are pretty terrifying. I choose not to show it often unless needed. Still, I suppose since everyone's already seen it there isn't much of a need to hide it now." He took a drink and tossed off his hat. A horn and antlers emerged out of his skull, and as his limbs morphed. His neck grew as he moved the next piece with his scally tail.

"What is Pinky Pie's powers?"

She told him and quickly asked her next question moving her piece. "What are you?"

"That's more a question for our bitch of a mother, don't you think?"

"Don't curse my mother?" She yelled back. "She just saved your life."

He chuckled. "She really did warn that best mom of the year award I suppose. I am a dragon, yes dragon, not a lizard, hybrid with a pony. I was born not made." He shook his head. He used his tail to move his night taking her pawn.

"What is Jacky Apple's powers."

She told him and took his knight with her bishop. "Why did you turn me, into a chimera?"

"You were just in the way. An innocent. And I don't go for the innocent I go for those who deserve it. You were never supposed to be a chimera, and while you might not accept it, I am sorry you got hit, but I am not sorry for going after your dirty politician of a father." He spat before he took her bishop with his. "What is Fluttershy Breeze's powers."

She told him and moved her knight. "What was it that made you go after my father then?"

"Your father was the one in charge of the research funds. After the war ended I found out he was continuing my research and all I wanted was my cut of the money he owed me. We were business rivals since, like him, I am in charge of the banks. I went to end his stupidity once and for all. But you got in the way." He spat before moving a pawn.

"What other skills are you good at, like computers and stuff."

"I'm pretty good at hacking and researching now," she moved her rook. "What about all this, why did you make chaos vill."

He narrowed his eyes. With a straight face. "Simple while there are those who deserve it, there are those who do not, I don't like seeing those who don't deserve it being hurt. I made Chaos Vill originally to protect my city and the good folks in it from being hurt. To do so becoming a crime lord. Soon, once I found out about the so-called chimera disease it turned into more of a spy group I use to stop the CHIMERA."

"Thanks to it I have found the cure to the so-called chimera disease," he said over dramatically to mock the name. He then moved his other knight.

"What do you do in your spare time, do you have any hobbies," he smiled.

"I tinker with devices," she said a bit surprised by the question. She wasn't expecting a personal question like that. She took her move and asked 'how do you know pinky pie?"

"Like I said I once had trouble with the law as a kid. My parole officer brought his kid around all the time. I consider you my sister as much as her. That Is to say, I don't care about either of you or Shining for that matter."

He took his turn and asked what's your favorite color.

"Marron," a bit surprised, she took her turn and asked, "So what your just some anti-hero then?"

He chuckled at that and poured another glass. "No, I am not stupid enough to claim that. Hero, villains it's all ridiculous.'

"You're a hero if you go and fight for your country or save a life. Your a hero to those you inspire. But a villain to those who hate you. All great villains think thire heroes because they think thire doing the right thing. And their only right if they win the game. But I am above all that and bellow. Simply, I am not the villain here but I am no hero," he smiled.

"I am only looking for revenge. Revenge for those like me who didn't deserve what they were dealt with in life, revenge on my mother who abandoned me as a baby. And revenge on those who use my research and don't give me what I deserve. I don't like seeing those who don't deserve it, hurt, but I don't care either way as long as those who do deserve it get what they deserve, and I get what is rightfully mine." He took a drink and then slammed down his glass. "I just like the chaos of it all. And I know how to play the game well. It's my responsibility is all." He grinned. "And I will win the game, or die trying."

He then moved another rook, "So, how well are you at shooting?"

"pretty well actually," she said and made her move. "So what was the blood and painkillers for?"

"Research a cure for all of you which I found."

He moved his rook and took her knight,

She then moved her queen and took the same rook.

"Why didn't you just tell us, me or shining, you had him for years."

"Simple I didn't want you involved. But I'm not losing sleep over it, it was your choice to come after me," he moved his queen next.

"You want revenge for your daddy isn't that right."

Twilight eyes widen at that.

"You want to kill me, wanted to avenge him for years."





Twilight opened her mouth to say something but had no words. This creature, this chimera, the Lord of crime and chaos among the city. She wanted to for years take him down, but now, now what could she do? He was her brother, and he may have been the reason why the chimera existed, but it really wasn't his fault now that she knew the truth. And she knew it was the truth. Like him, She only wanted what she thought she deserved. She took in a deep breath and opened her chimera eyes.

"So what if I am?" She replied...

He grinned an evil grim. "Check-" his eyes glowing like hers,

"What Is your relationship with Fluttershy!" She yelled

Oh, sorry sister but you didn't let me finish, "check mate."

He was right, she left her king wide open to attack his queen if she moved to any other spot she'd be in either the dead zone of a rook or a knight. Simply put he had her and he never moved his king once. Because the game was rigged from the start. And she only fell right into his hands, and she knew it.

The Lord then drank some more out of the bottle this time, not caring for the cup as he stood up tearing off the lie detector wires.

He then walked over to the edge of the balcony and looked down at the crowd.

"I didn't ask for this ya know, I was born. I am the lord of chaos, and I have my own goals and wishes and don't care if they are right or wrong. But you," he gestured to the crowd.

"You all stand here and praise me, like some hero. You all have families and innocent ones, and all pretty much Innocent your selves, I know I'll end up getting what I deserve one day and I look forward to it, but you, this community, you don't deserve what has happened to you, and as the one who created it is my responsibility to stop it, and stop it alone. I do not consider you my friends, your just employees, pawns even. Loyal and I am thankful to you but that is all I see you as. So leave. Your all fired." He deadpanned.

The crowd looked at each other for a moment then back to him.

"With pay. Go on all of you!" He yelled. But not one person left.

He then sighed, as he leaned over the balcony and placed a claw over his face. "I'm surrounded by idiots, brave and foolish idiots, but idiots bent on protecting their city." He chuckled. "I hate all of you." He then took one more gulp of his drink and smashed the bottle.

"Very well then listen up." He turned to Twilight.." how many chimera cases have there been"

Twilight has to think for a moment "19"

"you just thinking of the ones you know. No in fact there have been 32 in all." He smirked. "Minus the 6 of you and the 6 I took out back, there leaves a total of 20, chimera, most likely fully trained under orders from Luna herself."

"This is what we're up against! If you follow me your following death. I have to fight, but I won't stop any of you, it is your choice!"

"But assuming you do come were split into three teams."Team. one will distract the enemy's firepower, including the chimera, and team two will infiltrate and take over this facility.."

Discord clicked a button on a remote and then left screen showed a picture of an army base.

"This is where they're working, I got this information thanks to infiltrating ESA. The base is secure but we have no choice but to attack and attack soon before they move."

"Team three will be communications. We just capture and take down all chimera, especially Luna." Joining me you join a terrorist group. One that will fight for this city."

The crowd cheered for their leader.


just then the crowd ran to the crates of supplies and tore through it passing out weaponry and body armor. even the civilians and those who didn't belong to the city joined in to protect their homes under the leadership of their mayor.

Discord rolled his eyes at the sound of their cheers.

"so sister you in?"He asked.

Twilight nodded and pulled out the key Discord gave her.

"Keep it, call it insurance." He turned to the crowd.

"It's time they learned a lesson, he began to sing.
It's time that they understand, the crowd began to grow more excited as they heard him sing.
Don't ever count on anybody else
In this or any other land

I once hoped for friendship
To find a place among my kind
But those were the childish wishes
Of someone who was blind

Open up your eyes they all shouted out loud.

See the world from where we stand
Be among the mighty
The world at my command" Discord sang.

Open up your eyes
Give up your sweet fantasyland
It's time to grow up and get wise
Come now little one

Open up your eyes
The crowd sang, as they did tempest could hear their songs as she slowly came back to consciousness.

"We all start out the same
With simple naive trust
Shielded from the many ways
That life's not fair or just

But then there comes a moment
A simple truth that you must face
If you depend on others
You'll never find your place

And as you take that first step
Upon a path that's all your own
You see it all so clearly
The best way to survive is stand alone.

Open up your eyes!" THEY all shouted back.

Open up your eyes discord sanged sweetly.

Twilight was shocked herself. She knew that song. It was her mother's lullaby. Twisted into something far greater. But if there was any proof Discord was her brother, it was that he knew that song word for word.

"Open up your eyes" Discord sang softly Turing away, he then chuckled darkly as he left the room, Capper following him.

Author's Note:

I had to do open up your eyes, one of the best MLP songs in my opinion. What's yours let me know?
Now back to what I was talking about with these author notes.

So how did Luna become the villain? Uhhh. Ok, I have a confession. I didn't have this figured out. 🤣
In my original try at this story, I had a third party show up and fight Discord. Who was the third party, at a time it was either an OC, or a character that I'm going to be in the sequel so I'm not going to reveal that. But as I wrote this chapter I realized while it was a great twist that no one saw coming, because I literally didn't put them in the story till at the very end. I realized that that character has at this time no connection with our heroes or discord. So I needed someone to replace them, but who?

Not even trying to set this up. I originally just wanted a story with Discord and Luna. Because everybody does Discord backstory with Celestia, and I find the stories with Luna instead much more interesting. No, I never was doing Lunacord. I just wanted to give Discord and her a story, so I made her once a friend that betrayed Discord over her fear of his true form and self. I wanted to add some tragedy to the situation so I had her turned into a chimera, and originally the heroes were gonna fight her first, take her down way back before the equalizer was ever discovered.

Ok so here I am writing the big twist villain now, who to pick? I had no idea. And was slightly panicking over who this villain was gonna be. Being tired myself I decided to for fun read back what I wrote, in the story. As I was reading I realized Luna was perfect for this role. 1 she has a connection to our heroes and discord. 2 She gets turned into a chimera. And 3 Nightmare Moon is a villain, it all just worked out in the end. 😏

Ok more on this later 😂👋