• Published 20th Jul 2023
  • 846 Views, 36 Comments

Blood of the CHIMERA - discordjediknight

A normal pony, named Twilight Sparkle, has become a chimera. After finding others like her, they become superhero’s. She and her friends try to stop the cause of what is changing innocent ponies into unusual chimeras

  • ...

chapter 17 cross lines.

Rarity enterd AJ and dashes apartment to find that dash was dressed up in a trench coat and hat. she froze as she saw Rarity stepped in. "oh are you going somewhere," she asked politely.

"uh maybe I actually have some thing I got to go do so ill see ya soon ok." Dash said and quickly walked past Rarity only for her to catch her by the arm.

"Dash these past few months you've been kinda quiet. where are you going," she asked this time a bit more concerned.

"doesn't mater Rarity."

"Really beacuse you've been acting like this ever since you joined chaos vill."

"chaos vill, Rarity, thoes are the bad guys, you know im just a spy."

"Yeah a spy that hasn't come back with any intell at all, what have you been doing Dash."

"I uh," she stuttered, not knowing what to say.

"You've been avoiding everyone especially me lately, and im pretty sure its not beacuse of a guy like Fluttershy."

"That's not, dash shook her head, wait Fluttershy's got the hots for a guy, since when?" she asked in disbelief.

"Your changing the subject. tell me what do you know about chaos vill that your hiding from us."

"I told you everything I know."


"Yeah really."

I dont believe you."

"Well im telling the tru-" just then a ring tone went off. Dash went to go pick it up but rarity slid in and picked it up for her. she looked at it and saw the name Tempest Shadow. "who is this,"she answered.

'Zapp get your buty over here now, that cat is on the move and i need back up." Yelled shadow.

"on my way got a situation!" she yelled back.

"WHO the hell is the cat." demanded Rarity. "who are you. are you a member of chaos vill. "

"chao- zap! who is that on the line!"

"Its no one just a friend mom." Dash lied.

"Mom, your her mom. hi im Rarity Shine one of her best friends from collage.";Rarity emidatly cheared up. "nice to meet you Tempest."

Tempest shadows eyes widen, "uh yes i am Dash's mother, uh how do you know my name. did Dash tell you," she said through grit teeth.

"Rarity, give me back my phone."

"No its on your contact."

"con-" Tempest nearly had a car wreck, "Dash you seriously put my spy name as a cell phone contact." she grumbled as she tried to follow the cats trail with out looking suspicious.

"And so who is the cat your brother or something."

"uh yeah, yeah my uh brother.'

Rarity smirked. "Ha got you in a lie. Fluttershy already told me your mother's name and i know your an only child. who is this really, are you a member of chaos vill."

"Dash you imbacell," Tempest grumbled and hung up the phone."

"Great," she grit her teeth and pulled the car around. letting go of her track on her target.

Flutershy was as happy as could possibly be in that moment as she walked down the hall way following Mr ghost to his apartment.

Mr ghost stoped at the door only unlocked it and stepped back with a slight bow, "Laddies first." He grinned, to which she smiled and enterd the dark room. Discord turned on the lights revealing the strange place he called home.

Fluttershy has been here once before, but this time she was actually invited in by the man himself, and she smiled at the thought as she asked, "what's for dinner."

"Sorry my place isn't exactly ready for a nice dinner or anything, I wasn't expecting company, I never do except capper."

"Oh, no I don't mind."

Mr Ghost smiled. "Anyway I have pasta and garlic bread, would you like to help in the kitchen."

She nodded and the two headed to the kitchen together as they soon began preparing for dinner, the entire time flutershy couldn't but feel happy about it. "So pasta huh," she asked with a sly smile.

"What I like pasta, besides it's a simple dinner to make."

"I suppose," she replied, "It's just, I remember a sertin movie with two dogs and pasta," she smiled.

Mr ghost almost lost it, "ha I assure you Mrs breeze thire will be two plates, after all this is just a friendly dinner. Right?" he asked.

"Hmm right. Since when am I your friend," she asked in a small voice.

Mr ghost sat the pot on the stove just before he answers her. "I don't know," he replied before he walked over to the dining table in his home and pored a glass.

"Oh uh, ya know I'm not that good of a drinker." She said.

"Oh don't worry yours is grape juice. Mine is... well a little stronger," he shrugged.

"Now have a seat," he said and pulled out a chair for her. She sat down and smiled as he pushed her in. "dinner will be only a moment I cooked most of it this morning before I left."

She giggled at that and looked around the room. She's only been in here twice before. Hung over the fireplace was his siniture art work. A predatory beast that looked to be injured surrounded by prey animals.

Nothing over his piano but over the table sat his uniform from back n The army siting in a shadow box.

Other then that the room usually seemed dark and dreary yet tonight it seemed brightly lit and cheerfully. Although it could of been just her

Soon he brought out the plates. And placed a basket of garlic bread in the middle of the table before he sat down.

She took a bight and he asked her "how is it?"

She nodded in approval making him smile as he started diving in. While he had meatballs she only had sauce on hers. She took a bight of the bread and her eyes shot open. "Wow that's good where did you get your bread."

"Baked it this morning." He replied as he took another bite of his dinner.

"You made this?"

"The doe and everything. The speggetie to actually."

"Wow you really can cook.who taught you?"

"Living alone, you got to be able to survive and I wasn't going to just eat ramen for the rest of my life. I taught my self at an early age."

"Well for some one self taught you really have out done your self," she complimented before diving in to eat a bit more.

He smiled at her complements. And watched her for a minute.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Oh nothing, It's just I can't remember the last time I ever actually sat down and ate dinner with someone fun, i enjoined being around. I'm invited to things all the time," he took his drink, "but I normally can't stand any one. You are the abseption."

She grined and continued eating.

"Well Dash who is she?!" Rarity yelled.

"A super spy," she yelled back. "not just any super spy, but daring do her self, ok. Shes helping me get down to the bottom of who the Chaos king is."

"Really and why dont we know about this then." Rarity threw the phone smashing it.


"beacuse why!?"

"beacuse were in so over our heads Rarity and its scarry, alright. im terrified every fricken day, and yet here I am on the front lines infiltrating a known criminal organisation. You really think this is easy for me!"

"Daring Do is the only one who knows what thire doing unlike a bunch of amateur mutants who dont know what were dealing with!"

This sudden out burst from Rarity's friend made her gasp in disbelief. "You dont think I dont know what were up against!"

"He killed them Rarity, he killed Daring Dos whole family, her three kids and husband I heared her say it."

"I am not gonna loose any of you, any of my friends or any of my family." she hufyed and walked right past Rarity. So stay out of it for your own safety! she yelled only to bump into a bewildered Twilight with a shock, crazed smile on her face, and a pile of dragon books in her hands, muttering, "dragon ponies, were were dragon ponies. haha, hahahahahaha."

the two mares stood staring at he, in unison all they could say is "uhh."

Still eating dinner Fluttershy thought of some small talk to start a conversation. just as always it was her to began the small talk, much to thire surprise. "So how long have you been able to cook like this."

"Since I was very young actually." he replied in a reminiscing voice.

"Your mother must of been proud."

He narrowed his eyes and a look of disinterested crossed his face. "No I grew up in a orphanage. Not a very nice one either."

Flutershy's eyes widen. For the first time since the night they first met he actually said anything about himself or his past.

"I ate alone for so many years... And even after I was invited to parties and outings, I just never really wanted to hang about." He told her before he continued eating.

"Well it's nice to see you've grown out of that then," she told him. "So you were an orphan. But you were adopted right, what was it like growing up with pinky, shes such a nice girl but she definitely has a lot of energy."

Mr ghost muzzle twitched a bit at that.

"She adopted me as her big brother. I was never adopted by her family. For three years I couldn't get rid of her till I went into the military." His expression changed to one of a far away distance.

"In hindsight Im actually rather thankful for it. It felt nice to have some one want me to actually come home from the war. She wrote to me every week and sent plenty of care package full of little gift boxes to me over my time thire." He grabbed his glass. "Still I never wrote back to her or anything, it wouldn't have been right to do so since she is not my sister adopted or otherwise" he sipped his wine.

"Well I think that's a very sweet thing to do, and she still brings you muffins from sugar cube corner. Between the war and the event at suger cube your quiet the hero."

"Event..what event?' He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, Mr Cake told me the story of how you stoped those gangsters from ruining the shop." With every word she spoke his muscles seems to tense up. But she never noticed. "I can't believe you survived being stabbed, and then all those gun shots, im so happy your alive.'

At that his eyes widen. It was clear from his expression she completely cought him off guard. "Oh. Oh I didn't mean... I mean I just, your a hero," she tried.

Once aging his expression fell to one of disinterested. His usual poker face, "Yes well that was long ago."

"Perhaps but it's clear Mr cake is thankfully for it... And to think you keep them from foot out of business. I think that's..."

"Enough." He grumbled starling her in th process.
"Let's talk about something else. He then grew a sly smile. How did you get into modeling?"

"Oh that," She nurvosly chuckled a bit embarrassed. "Well you see... "As she went into the story Mr Ghost relaxed into his chair again and began finishing his dinner.

"Dragon ponies, dragon ponies," she repeated crazily as her hair became more frizzled by the minute.

"Twilight what are you muttering about?" Rarity asked only for the door to open up and shining armour to come out, "what's going on out here?" he questioned.

"Dragon ponies." Twilight tossed her books in the air and they conveniently opend to the right pages. "Look, look, a lions mane, a fish tail a, goat horn. she pointed at the illustrations. "Were not any old chimera, were Dragon ponies were draconiqui." Twilight shook and shiver and laughed to herself scaring every one around her.

"Ok maybe you should switch to decaf Twily, Pinky dont let her eat sugar," Shining called back to the table behind him as Twilight walked in through the door.

"Oh, oh dont worry I wont, not if shes acting like that." pinky smiled.

Dash picked up a book and looked at it. the claws on one of the dragons resembled hers, as did another's beak. "Sooooooo were dragon ponies, yeah im gonna stick with chimera beacuse i dont know that just sounds twenty percent cooler,"she shrugged.

"Twilight I know this is huge and all but we got bigger issues," Rarity told her crazy friend. "Dash here is working for someone called Shadow Star and is trying to go solo on us."

"No, no let me explain, look i found out that Daring do Arthur, AK Yearling is actually a super spy and shes been trying to track down the Chaos king for years, seeking revenge for her dead family.

"Oh and what organisation is she apart of. Asked Rarity not buying it.

"I uh I cant tell you, Rarity, sorry." Dash winced.

"hmf likely story, you trust them more then your own friends."

"You dont know what were getting into, trust me Rarity this is the for the best," Dash explained. Twilight set a hoof on her chin as Dash finished her story. "What's ya thinking twi." Asked Dash.

"The question is can we trust her, how do we know she's not involved, how do we know she's not the equalizer."

"Or lord Chaos in disguise!";pinky shouted.

"She's like a super spy for the agency, what more proof do you need? She also handed me this phone and said she'd call when she needed me."

Twilights eyes widden, "Dash that could have a tracker on it, if she's working for the enamys she could know our position."

"Don't worry I already broke it.";Rarity boosted.

"Hay, I told you she's one of the good guys why don't you trust her," she asked.

"Beacuse I don't trust anyone.";Twilight yelled.

At that the room grew silent. Dash's expression was filed with a look of hurt as she asked, "So do you trust me, do you trust your friends?"

"Trust you, your all chimera, I'm in charge of you!" Twilight tried to grab her.

Dash moved out of her reach spun around and kicked twilight into the floor, not enough to hurt her just enough to send her back.

"Dash,"shining claimed!

"You should trust your friends, you should be loyal to your friends."

"Friends, do friends kick friends into the floor!" Twilight yelled her eyes beging to glow.

"You speak of trust yet you didn't trust us," Rarity called her out.

At that Dash stared at her in disbelief, but soon her expression turned to one of anger as her own eyes began to glow. "Fine then I guess we're not friends."

Pinky at hearing that dropped her jaw. "Now hold on a minute," she stepped on the middle of the two, "everyone just needs to calm down and think this through.

"Think, think, no, no we've been working together for how long, and here I ask her to give me some trust and she tries to claim I'm the bad guy here. No I'm out of here," Dash said and walked towards the door.

"Leave and we'll hunt you down."

"Twilight," gasped Spike.

"No spike, now that I know what we are, I know how dangerous this is. If my theory is correct, if we truly are dragons, one wrong move and we could be playing into the villains hands. Dash as your leader I'm telling you this one time, stand down."

"Ha some leader, you from the start never actually worked with any of us, so what if I say no," Dash grumbled.

Mr ghost and his friend finished thire dinner and she even helped him clean the dishes. The two of them seemed to be getting along. To her atleast. But she learned very quickly that unless he gave it away, anything about his past was a subject off limits for the most part. Still she did learn a few knew things about him. It was a start. He told her more of what he did for work And how he was studding the chimera disease, himself to find a cure. The one thing he talked about most though was the trips he often took on his bike. Turns out he's been all over the world not just equestria. And his favorite thing was his mode of transportation. The entire time he had a genuine smile when he explained his time.

"I once rode on the back of my bike through the jungles of zeefrica, I was thire visiting on a business trip with a politician. You would never imagine the size of the trees thire and the many strange creatures who livrd there."

"I always wanted to visit thire one day. I love elephants."

"Saddlearibia is a good place to see elephants believe it or not."

"You've been thire two?"

"Absolutely." He boated. "Probably the most fun I've had a trip. I can tell you what, The drinks thire are something else,"He shoo his head. "You can't take the ones we have hear, you wouldn't be able to handle anything back thire believe me," He chuckled.

"So you seam to have been on a lot of business trips ever just taken a vacation?" She asked.

He shook his head. "Far two busy. Mostly my job consist of business transaction's. I only go because some one wants to meet with me about money and trade. Otherwise I never leave this town." He sighed with another look of disinterested. Always on the constant move, despite having this set up I actually barky stay here. Never having a home to be honest," he finished.

Seing that look again made flutershys frown abit. They were having such a good time and she didn't want him to close up again. She had to thank about something, anything to change the subject. Luckily for her something did come to mind.

"Umm what interesting art." She said as she pointed at the pice over the mantle.

"Yes that happens to always be a conversation starter," He replied.

The art was of a strange beast. A predator judging by it's fangs and claws. It has a serpent like tail, a skull like pony yet thire was no eyes or any much detail to its face at all. Thire was a lot of detail how ever depicting it's large bat like wings which it seemed to using to hide its face. Yet on the wing it seemed to be bleeding. The gruesome detail to the bloody wing was what was making flutershy uncomfortable.

Surrounding it was bunch of prey like animals. Rabbits dear, squirrels and other small rodents and creatures.

"Um so what is it?" She asked.

Tensions ran high in room, as the the two chimera with glowing eyes stared daggers at eachother,

Finally Dash blinked and took a more aggressive stance as she said I'm out of here, she restched over for the door, as soon as she did twilight pulled from her door her tranquilizer gun. "I don't think so." She said confidently.

"Twilight what are you doing," shining tried to grab the gun but Twilight used her abilities to not only evade him but nock him onto the floor. She's been training and so far it seemed to have paid off.

Dash looked at Twilight over the shoulder, "you know the last time we did this I remembered you walked away with a broken rib."

"Sprained actually, and this isn't like last time." She said as she cocked the gun.

Spike and Pinky took a step back just in time as Dash growled.

"Well see." Sudently she jumped and was so quick she almost kicked Twilights gun out of her hoof.

Twilight wasnt the fastest of the group, defiantly third behind Dash but never the less she dodged her and brought her own hoof up into the rainbow griffins jaw.

Dash stepped back running the end of her jaw, the nee defiantly hurt but was no where near enough to take her out,

Twilight readyed herself for another attack as Dash recoverd looking for an opening herself.

"Hmm what the painting."

She gave a slight nod.

"Oh well let me ask you this, what would a dragon and a pony look like if you combines the two." He smirked.

She tilted her head at that. "I guess a dragon pony. Like your bar."

"Correct. This here is a painting of it. I painted it myself." He said examing his hoof.

She took a look at the painting of the beast. "So why is it hurt?"

Mr ghost eyes widden as he heard those words.

Dash found her opening and lunges at twilight, who dodged it and came back for a back kick only for dash to throw her through the window. But this did not stop Twilight, she quickly got on her feet, as dash came in for another punch, Twilight used her Horn to create an ice shield that made Dash slip over it and hit the wall face first.

"Stop it you two. Pinky do something," Spike panicked.

"But what, I don't want to hurt my friends."

Just then Dash growled and created a burst of wend that sent her flying to to twilight who used her I've powers to ice skate her way to safety, tho she did slip on her own powers.

"If you don't do something thire gonna kill eatchothers," Shining told Pinky, who quickly bit her lip in fear. "please!" Rarity yelled out.

"Hurt?" He asked.

"Yeah, you see his wing. It's bleeding."

Discord narrowed his eyes at that. "And how do you know this creature didn't kill."

"Because if it was then thire would be blood on another animal," she twitched an eyebrow, "but it seemed to me the dragon pony is scared because of his injuries and the other animals are only glaring because of how frighten they are of the obvious predator in thire sights..injured or not."

He stood stun, his mouth opened at the surprising comment made by the mare. "Congratulations,I think your the first to ever dissect that photo and be right."

"Huh, I'm right."

"Yes," he said with his eyes narrowed. Yet thire were something sad I'm his expression. "The dragon pony is definitely hurt in that painting."

Flutershy, watched him curious of what he was going to do next. Seing his expression she quickly wanted to change the subject, oh but to what, she didn't want to loose him, not after learning so much and breaking down so many barriers with him.
Then her eyes widden with an idea. "So uh, you said you had a jelly fish tank once?"

Mr Ghost noded.

"Umm can I uh see it then."

He smiled at her and gave a slight nod as he walked over to the stairs. "The jelly fish are in the back of the lab, come I'll show you."He helped his hoof out to her.

She took it, so thrilled to touch him if only slightly.

Pinky stood in place watching her two friends tussle as she struggled with what she was going to do.

"Pinky!" the boys shouted at her to do something.

The two went from the nicely set almost romantic atmosphere of his apartment down to the sterile white cold clean lab.

Flutershy once saw apart of the lab before, but she never got to see all of it. She gasped as she saw the large round fishtank in the back corner full of colorful jelly fish.

She marbled at the sight of the majestic moving creatures in the water. Some were pink, some white almost clear, and some were dark blue almost hard to see in the fishtank.

"Amazing are they not?" He said with a dreamfull sigh, letting go of her hoof.

She wished he he heled onto it, held on to her, but didn't fight it when he let her go.

"Why do you have so many?"

"Oh well it's uh. Thire actually my test subjects."

Fluttershy eyes widen at that.

Mr ghost gave a slight nod. "You see these creatures have no brain,no heart or really any pain receptors of any kind. It's delicate work due to thire jelly like texture but due to thire transparency it's also easy to see what happens on the inside to them during an experiment. Best part is I can get what needs to be done, whether that's implanting an organ or something in the jelly fish, or simply seing wether or not the experiment would kill the creature with out causing any pain to them at all. Most people use lab rats and while it is far easier I actually don't like the idea of harming any creature. By using jelly fish Ive eliminated that issue.

Flutershy was a bit stun by this but then slowly came around to the idea. It was true that jelly fish had no brain or heart or pain receptors. She didn't like the idea of any creature being experiment on but one with out felling any pain would be acceptable in some odd since right. Question was what kind of experiments did the Lord do on such creatures. Still it was one question that she decided she didn't want to know the answer to.

"And hear I thought you said you weren't one for animals Mr Ghost_ she gave a slight giggle with his name.

"That doesn't mean I like seeing those in pain. They didn't do anything to deserve it."

The way he said deserve it made flutershys raise an eyebrow. As if thire was another question she wanted to ask but decided she didn't want the answer to. Still the question remained. Did any one deserve it. And some how it seemed like he believed thire were thoes who did, the way he spoke.

"Some of them have turned into quiet the unique creatures due to my experimentation. Normally many do not survive and I dispose of them but one in particular I've come to keep as a use full pet. You just got to meet him. I think youl rather enjoy this seing as to you liking of animals." He said as he walked down a ways away from the fish tank. She followed him never taking her eye of the beautiful jelly fish I'm the tank untill she bumped into him not watching where she was going.

She quickly tuned to him. "Sorry,"she said as he stood. She barely moved him.

"That's quiet alright, now look." He told her as he held out his hoof to a glass box sealed with a big black lock on it.

Inside of the box was a purple substance that filled the entire box. She looked into the box expecting to see a jelly fish swimming in the ooze but thire was nothing. She raised an eyebrow and only Snickers at her look as he pulled out a rusty black key. He slipped it into the lock and opened the latch.

"Come now smoose you have a visitor."

The purple substance began to buble and expand making Fluttershy a bit worried. It continued to expand and buble till it over flowed over the container making her eyes widen more unsure of what to do.

He just watched her reaction with an amused look on his face.

The substance boiled and bubbled and expanded till it was at least three times it's size, it then literally all bubbled out of the container and seemed to collect itself into a pile of goo. No eyes or anything. But it seemed to have a mouth, not unlike those of a jelly fish. It finally stopped bubbling and sat almost as if it was staring at the two of them.

"That's it, that's it come here buddy." He cooed as he left restched his hoof out to him. The smooze seamed to approach it and almost seam to sniff it before it bubbled over discords hoof. As it moved it left a slimy substance in its path as it ran up his arm and almost seam to cuddle with it. A strange sound that almost sounded like a cat purring under water came from the slimy substance now allover discords arm.

He then turned to the still unsure and slightly frightened Fluttershy. He Snickerd a bit before he spoke. "No need to fear. It's harmless. Well mostly harmless," he said as he held out his arm to her.

As it did the slime seamed to come to life on its own as it continues to move around bubbling as it did.

Fluttershy very cautiously finally built up the nerve to restched for the creature. If you could call it that.

She did shake in fear a bit when the substance finally moved off of his arm and onto hers. It was a strange substance. It felt as if a bag of hot water was on her arm. Hot but not uncomfortable. It seemed to sway back and forth on her arm and the more she had it the more use to the strange creature she got. As she warmed up to is, she began to play with it. Poking it and brushing it. Funny enoufe the creature seemed to like the interaction since it continued to make strange sounds. A cross between a dolphin and an excited dog like sound.

"See he like you. Or it I suppose." Mr Ghost shrugged.

"What is this thing?" She asked.

"It was one of my first experiments. I don't know why it survived. Every time I try to recreate the thing it never does. It started out as a jelly fish, and some how gained not only intelligence but the ability to well do that." He shrugged. The creature then made a sound almost as if a stomach was growling. "Oh he's hungry, unny thing is he's not actually making noise. Some how he's able to repeat sound. Believe it or not that's my stomach he's mimicking when ever he's hungry."

"He eats?"

"Yeah tho he has one of the most strangest diet." Mr Ghost said as he headed to a fridge. "He eats meddles, problem is when he eats to much he grows to fast so don't let him eat your jewelry or anything ok."

He pulled out a pouch of what looked to be old rotting blood.

"I keep him around since he's great for disposable. Watch this," he replied opening the blood that reak of decay and placed it on the counter.

The creature seemed to know the scent well, even thou it had no nose and it began to bubble and move off of flutershy and over to the bag.

"I thought you said it eats meddles."

Oh but it does, thire is plenty of iron in a blood cell, and other medals in the body. Smoose will eat it all leaving only water to remain."

He said as the bag of red turned into a cleaned clear liquid. The creature was half in the bag absorbing the red stuff and leaving it clear. It bubbled and seamed to began to boil the blood as it did so.

"It won't harm anything but you might notice that where ever he touched, dead skin might be gone due to him eating it."

Fluttershy looked at her arm and he was right. Thire wasnt much of a trace of dandruff or anything on her arm where smoose touched.

The stranges part of smoose tho wasnt the fact that it was alive, but the fact that it seemed she once saw something like this before. This color atleast. But she couldn't figure out where she saw the color before. Something to think about latter she supposed.

The creature finished it's dinner and made what sounded like a burp noise.

Mr ghost laughed a bit nervously at that. "Aging mimicking me. Believe it or not I can get it to mimick my voice to." He cleared his throat." Smoose say something."

The smoose seamed to move and twist as if curious like a puppy would move it's head when trying to figure out a command.

"Something." It said mimicking discords voice but squeaky.

"Good boy smoose. What else can you say."

"What else can you say." The creature said.

"Oh wow, that's incredible." Flutershy gasped

"Yes even if he's only mimicking. He can also dance." Mr ghost clapped his hooves spun around and slid a little to the left with his hip out.

The creature, best to its abilities copied his movements.

Fluttershy giggled at the sight of this as discord continued his dance moves with the pile of goo copping him. Mr Ghost smiled at that her laughter, not realizing just how much he enjoyed hearing it.

"It's only to bad it leaves such a mess when it moves around other wise I'd have it follow me like a dog or something."

"A dog or something," it repeated and stoped dancing when he did.

"Well it sure is a strange one. But I love it."

"I knew you would," He smirked. "This one's a survivor that's for sure... Just like me," he said the last part under he's breath. Fluttershy did hear it and raised another eyebrow but decided not to pry.

"Love love. Love it love it." The smooes said witch made the tall pony tense up a bit. Hearing his own voice wether squeaky or not say such a thing in front of her made him uncomfortable. "Um ok, now the hard part. Smoose it's time to go to bed."

He said as he picked up the glass box it was originally in and placed it next to him. The smoose didn't seam to want to go in at first but discord grabbed a little jar and sprinkled something in it.

"Iron shavings". He told fluttershy who looked at it curiously. The creature along with its treat got into the container and settled back down shrinking into every inch of the box before Mr ghost, closed it and locked it tightly up.

As the fight came to a close Twilight raised her gun at Dash who came in for a finishing blow, one way or another this fight was going to end In the next two seconds. In that time pinkey watched scared of what ever was going to happen

A gun shot went off and a flash of pink ran past them, the two mid Fighting eyes didn't register at first what had happened but as thore minds caught it it was all to clear what did.

Pinky ran in between the two as twilight shot her tranquilizer, it hit pinky and not dash, sending both her and Dash flying. Pinky!!! Shouted the two.

"Look at what you did, Dash yelled."

"It's a tranquilizer she's gonna be fine she'll sleep for...A few hours."

"Hmf "the Griffen snorted. "You got your priorities twisted Twilight. She picked pinkey up.

"Where you goin,"asked her opponent.

"Where do you think?" She replied.

Twilight wanted to follow but new she had no more amo and decided to let them go. She lost this round and she new it, she then walked right into the window of the apartment, just then AJ walked in, oh guys I'm back did I miss any- she stoped just as she saw the mess around the room.

Twilight didn't even hesitate walking past her and going straight to her room, slamming the door shut.

"Thing..." AJ finished her sentence with a look of shock.

"Well, this was nice." He smiled.

"Yes, yes it was," she blushed.

"So uh, perhaps we could do this again some time then. "

He was asking her on another date. she saw the clock on the wall and new he was ending the night. "Uh yes I, I would like that very mix, umm are you busy tomorrow."

"No I mean yes but I always come home for dinner." He said a bit out of breath, pleased with her response.

A moment of awkwardness began to settle in as silence came between the two of them. "Umm so."

"So," he repeated after her."Its a date then."

"A date yes, were dating now," she grew a sly grin if her own, "since when was this a date."

He chuckled, "for a shy pony your not very shy."

'I'm not around my friends, if I am at least your friend."

He looked at her a smile on his face, "very well friends, if nothing more."

"Good buy then." She finally got out and began walking to the door. Of course it was behind him so she was walking towards him.

"Ya- yes,good uh., Good buy for now." He said not wanting to emit how much he wanted her to stay.

As she was about to walk right past him, the two exchanged happy looks. A question on both of thire minds that was never asked or answered. "Are you going To kiss me good buy?"

But no such gesture came from either of them. it was too soon for that. As soon as she was out of the door Mr ghost dropped his facade, a look of bewilderment on his face. did he really just have a nice date with some one he actually got along with. And wanted another. Did he actually hope for a kiss good buy from her. He could not answer all he could do was shake his head, what did I get myself into m, he said just above a whisper.
Flutershy ran into the bus and when she sat down she hid her face with her hair as always. She had a smile on it tho. One she couldn't hide.

Author's Note:

Continuing off my last author note I was telling how I came up with this story. Thought I be a cool idea.

So my ideas were many. Some I might turn into a full fan fic later. One ide was what if instead of multiple villains, MLP was about twilight vs one villain. Of course they'd be side villains but one big bad guy to take over everything. Discord being my fav obviously took this spot. And I started a rough out line of that story... In it I thought it be cool to have all the ponies be a bit difrent. We'd have Alicorn twilight, unicorn rarity, seapony pinky, I know wierd. And shy flutterbat. They'd come together as knights of the round table to fight off thire true enamys discord. Except being a flutercord fan I wanted discord to eventually fall for flutterbat and in the end give up his right for her... Good idea right... Well problem was flutershy became the main lead. Something I didn't like because twilight is the main lead . And no I am not doing twicord. Not the worst ship ever I just like fluttercord. Twilight is the main lead of the show. And I wanted to focus on her as the main lead. But Everytime I try to introduce flutercord that all fell apart. And I gave up.

Ok more on this later 😂👋