• Published 4th Sep 2020
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Twilight adopts a foal. The adventures of Comet Dust - Itztli FP

An orphan and lonely colt with a peculiar appearance, fear of ponies and the wish of find a familly. His wish comes true when Twilight Sparkle decides to adopt him and take him lo live in Ponyville with him.

  • ...

Apple time

Chapter 13. Time with the Apples.

“What?!” Comet exclaimed, somewhat annoyed.

"Understand that it's also very sudden for me.” Twilight explained, trying to calm Comet down a bit. “I have to go to Canterlot earlier to help with the preparations for the Celebration.”

"But why can't I stay here? It's not the first time I've stayed at home alone” Comet Replied.

“Yes, with Spike. This time, he's coming with me and I don't feel comfortable leaving you here alone without a supervision. The Apples will take good care of you. The farm is nice and quiet. You will have plenty of time to read and there will be plenty of room for you to play. Also, you know Applejack, I'm sure everyone will love having you.

"You could have told me earlier." Comet said.

“It'll only be a couple of days. And the two of us will return together after the festival. What do you say?”

“Do I have option?” Comet asked resignedly.

“Not really” Spike exclaimed thinking out loud, only to be immediately struck by Twilight's glare.

“Okay…” Comet said, rolling her eyes.

Reluctantly she went up to her room and after a few minutes, he came back downstairs with two suitcases, one that would be taken to Sweet Apple Acres and the other with what she would take on the trip. She had only just gotten home from school and now she would have to leave again.

“Apple Bloom, hurry up. We must have everything clean and tidy.” Exclaimed a mare with orange fur and a country accent.

"Why in such a hurry, Applejack?" Asked the filly somewhat confused.

“Because we´re having visitor. We must show them the hospitality of the Apples.” Answered the mare running from one side to the other.

“Visits… Who is it? I hope it's Goldie Delicious or Uncle Apple Strudel, they always have good stories. Oh, oh, I know… It’s Babs. She’s coming to Ponyville again.” Said the filly enthusiastically.

"It's not any of them, sugar cube." Applejack said with a giggle when she saw her little sister's emotion. This time it is someone different.


*Knock Knock*

Someone knocked on the door. Applejack hurried over to her, ready to greet the visitor.

“I think you'll find out in an instant.” Applejack said to her sister.

As soon as she opened the door, Apple Bloom's face went from excited to surprised to disgusted at the unexpected visitor.

“You?!” She exclaimed when she saw him.

In front of her, standing at the door, was none other than Comet, the least agreeable colt in the entire school. Of all the ponies who could visit the farm, why did it have to be him? And it seemed that Comet's face suggested that he thought the same. He looked upset.

“Welcome, Comet. Come in and make yourself comfortable.” Applejack said, ignoring the animosity with which her sister was watching him and Comet's unfriendly face.

"Thank you. Sorry for the intrusion.” Comet said politely.

“Not at all, you can stay as long as you want. Our house is your house. By the way, where is…?

"She's already gone.” He interrupted her, guessing the question she was going to ask him. “They were in a hurry. They took the first train to Canterlot.”

“Oh I understand. Well, I hope you enjoy your stay at Sweet Apple Acres. Let me introduce you to the family. This is Granny Smith...”

"My pleasure, young colt" Granny Smith greeted.

“…Big Macintosh…”

The huge pony with reddish fur nodded in greeting without uttering a single word.

“...he's a pony of few words…” Applejack explained. “…and you must already know Apple Bloom.”

“Yes, somewhat.” Comet said with indifference, but glaring at her.

“We've met a few times at school.” Said Apple Bloom in the same way as Comet. Both putting on a forced smile at the end.

“Why don't you take Comet to his room and help him settle in?” Applejack asked his little sister, more as an indication than a suggestion.

“Follow me, Comet.” The filly instructed, speaking as if she hated saying every word.

She led him upstairs, a look of disagreement clear on her face, into a room not very large, maybe half the size of Comet's. Maybe smaller. In it there was only a bed and a wardrobe. Despite how rustic the whole place looked, nothing to do with the sumptuousness of the castle, it was strangely cozy.

“This is where you're going to sleep, I hope you're comfortable.” She said as she opened the door, groaning on each word. “Make yourself at home, but not that much. And don't come into my room.

“Which is?” He asked feigning interest.

“As if I were going to tell you.” Replied the filly.

“It's the bottom one, right?” He said pointing with her eyes to the last door of the corridor.

“What? How did you know?” Apple Bloom asked somewhat surprised.

“I guessed.” He explained as he indifferently entered the room to which he had been taken, leaving Apple Bloom somewhat confused and suspicious. She knew it wasn't true. On several occasions he had seen Comet be able to see or "guess" things that others wouldn’t notice, he heard some things that others couldn't and he knew when someone was hiding things, which was a bit unsettling. You can’t hide anything from him. “Look, Apple Bloom, I don't like the idea of ​​spending two nights here either, but we both don't have choice. So, we better get along for as long as I have to stay here. And don't worry, I have no intention of going into your room” He left his things next to the wardrobe and sat on the bed.

“To get along? Why would I? How do I know you're not planning to do something to me here?” Apple Bloom said suspiciously raising an eyebrow.

“I have no reason to do that, do I?” Comet replied with a flat tone of voice.

“You don't need reasons. You annoy and torment others for fun, or have you already forgotten my ball? That's why you're always alone” She provoked him, touching one of Comet's sensitive points.

“If you were observant, you would see that I never move a hoof first. Every time, it was someone else who started it. I have no interest or gain anything by intimidating others. Trying to provoke me won't get you anywhere.” He settled down to read for a while, trying not to lose control, letting her know that he knew what Apple Bloom's intentions were. “With you I exceeded myself, I admit it, but I fixed your ball and returned it to you the next day.” He added.

“So… Sweetie Belle was right?” She was surprised.

“And if I'm alone it's because I want it that way. I'm not interested in socializing with my own age.” He said as he picked up her book to start reading.

“Well, I doubt very much that someone wants to spend their time with a colt as spoiled as you.”

“That's not what it seemed to me when I gave you the Cutie Marks class.” He said with a sly look and a smirk that made Apple Bloom look away. Again, Comet was right. “As I remember, I saw you very attentive to what I was saying.” Comet mocked.

“That's different.” Apple Bloom claimed.

“Yes, of course” Comet answered sarcastically. “You can't fool me Apple Bloom. It's disappointing that you're still trying to do it.” He said to desist. “I can't believe you're Applejack's sister.” He muttered the last thing hoping she wouldn't hear him.

“My name didn’t tell you anything?” Answered the filly somewhat offended by Comet's comment, because she was able to hear it despite the low volume in which she said it.

“I thought it was a coincidence.” He said without giving it to much importance.

“How do you know my sister?” She asked suspiciously.

“She's a friend of my mom's. I was inevitably going to meet her, but I never imagine she had a younger sister; much less than it was you.”

“Well, she has never mentioned you.” She snapped to annoy them, feeling a little offended.

“That’s good. I don't like being talked about.” He answered in a cold way, although Apple Bloom thought she could perceive a bit of pain or sorrow in Comet's words for a moment, although she wasn't quite sure. “I know you don't trust me, but at the moment, you have no choice. Neither of us have it.”

Apple Bloom sighed resignedly. Even if she didn't like the idea, Comet was right. His stay with them was already a fact and she couldn't do anything about it. They had to learn to get along one way or another to avoid problems.

“Well, it seems that it's a truce.” Apple Bloom accepted, handing a hoof to Comet.

Comet turned to her with a slightly flat expression, leaning in with a bored expression, pondering for a moment what the filly was saying and smiling at the end.

“You talk to me as if I were your enemy.” Comet laughed, but giving it very little importance. “But I accept.” Comet disappeared from the bed and appeared in front of Apple Bloom, who backed away a little from the shock. Then, both shook their hooves, while more sincere smiles were drawn on their faces and the tension in the atmosphere was relaxing.

“Kids! Come down to Eat!” Applejack yelled.

“Coming!” Apple Bloom replied. “Are you coming, Comet?”

“I ate already, thank you.”

“Sure? There's apple pie for dessert.”

“Okay, you convinced me.”

They both ran down the stairs and sat down at the table. The food couldn't be simpler than the family that had prepared it, but that didn't mean it was bad. On the contrary, it was delicious, so much so that Comet devoured full portions despite having already eaten in the castle.

“Hey Comet, what do you say if after eating, Applejack shows you a bit of the work here on the farm?” Granny Smith invited him.

“I don't think so. That's more work for an earth pony.” Comet said.

“Excuse me?” Applejack exclaimed, trying not to feel too offended. She knew that Comet came from Canterlot, but she didn't expect that he already had the class ideas that the unicorns there used to have.

Comet, seeing his mistake, quickly tried to correct himself before the inquiring gaze of the Apples.

“Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean it that way.” The colt explained. “I didn't mean that because you are earth ponies that was your job. What I wanted to say is that: I am a unicorn; I don't have the strength, stamina or magical connection to the land like you do. Besides, I'm still very young, I can't be of much help to you. Have you tasted what is grown in Canterlot? It’s horrible. I never liked apples until I came to Ponyville.”

“Well, sugar cube, that's because we have the best in Equestria here.” Applejack boasted, more relaxed, seeing that Comet spoke sincerely. “If your concern is your size, it is not very important; Apple Bloom helps us with some chores.”

“I think Apple Bloom is still stronger than me.” Comet exclaimed, surprising said pony, since it was a compliment that not even Comet had realized she had paid her.

“Maybe, but your strength is in your magic.” Applejack pointed out. “What are you saying? You could help Apple Bloom with his chores so she would finish faster.

“There's always room for a couple of extra hooves on the farm.” Grandma Smith added, walking over to the window, where they'd left a pie to cool off.

“Eyup.” Big Mac said.

“Well, I guess it's okay.” Comet accepted somewhat hesitantly, more thinking that it was a form of retribution for his hospitality than for mere pleasure.

“That's what I wanted to hear.” Applejack exclaimed. Nothing like a little hard work after a good meal.

“Very well, dessert is served. Who will want?” Granny Smith said, putting the pie on the table.

Without delay, everyone served themselves a generous slice. But Comet, to the surprise of the others, had served himself one almost as big as Big Mac’s. Making them doubt if he could eat that whole portion.

“Comet, are you sure you can finish that whole slice?” Asked Applejack a little unsure.

“Of course he won't, it's too big.” Apple Bloom assured.

“Do you want to bet?” Comet challenged her with an arrogant look.

“It depends. How much are we talking about?” Apple Bloom took the bait, playing along.

“Twenty bits, I can eat the whole slice; if I lose, they are yours.”

“And do you have to pay?” Apple Bloom hesitated.

At that moment, Comet made a small sack appear with the twenty coins inside.

“And you?” She asked him.

Immediately, Apple Bloom ran up the stairs. She came back a few seconds later carrying twenty coins from her savings, determined to get on with the game.

“Apple Bloom, are you sure about this?” Applejack tried to dissuade her. “If you lose, you will have to pay him those twenty coins.”

“Don't worry, Applejack, I know what I'm doing.” Apple Bloom assured her. “There's no way he can eat all that, I've got it all figured out.”

“So, do we have a deal?” Comet said. Very tentative.

“Go ahead.”–Apple Bloom affirmed, pretty sure of her victory.

After those words, Comet began to eat calmly. There was no time limit, so he wasn't in a hurry to finish either, nor did she want to get indigestion from eating too fast. Besides, she would savor the delicious dessert that the Apples had prepared for longer.

At first, Apple Bloom was very sure that she would win without a doubt because of how slowly Comet was eating. But as time progressed and Comet continued, her face began to show concern, because the colt did not seem to have any intention of stopping. They were almost the same height, where did he put so much food?

“Ah, that was delicious” Comet said triumphantly.

Apple Bloom had a shocked expression, like the rest of the Apples, mixed with defeat. He couldn't believe that he had actually been able to finish the huge portion she had served herself. It couldn't be true, they were the same age, she could never eat that much without nauseating her, but Comet was as if nothing had happened.

“I think I've won.” He said pedantically to Apple Bloom, holding out his hoof to claim his prize.

“Take them.” She groaned, pushing the coins towards Comet disdainfully.

“Thank you very much.” Comet said mockingly as he took all the coins, including them in the sack where his were and making them disappear in the air.

“I warned you it was a bad idea.” Applejack said, feeling a little sorry for her little sister.

“I do not understand. I can't eat that much. How could he?” Apple Bloom exclaimed, frustrated.

“It's true.” Granny Smith agreed. “But I think you forgot something very important; Comet is a colt and you are a filly. His stomach is bigger than yours.

“Eyup.” Big Mac nodded.

“And I'm a unicorn. Casting magic uses a lot of my energy, making me need more food, and I've been using it all day.” Comet added, thus revealing the last detail of her ruse, leaving Apple Bloom's mouth open.

“You cheated on me!” Apple Bloom exclaimed, annoyed. “You are a cheater.”

“Just a little.” Comet said. “But you were the one who decided to ignore the most important thing.”

“You went straight into his trap, little filly.” Granny Smith told her.

“Give me back my money!” Demanded the filly.

“I won't do that Apple Bloom; you accepted the bet.” Comet clarified. “Everyone seemed to notice there was a hidden trap, you were the only one who didn't.”

“It's true. Maybe he wasn't very righteous, but you accepted.” Applejack said, not being able to avoid agreeing with Comet and feeling empathy, although it was true that he had taken advantage of his naivety.

Resigned, Apple Bloom accepted her defeat, grunting in annoyance. Soon, everyone returned to their usual tasks, Applejack and Big Mac went out to buck some apples, take care of the orchards and take the product to the barn to prepare it for sale, while Granny Smith took a nap; as for Comet, he wanted to go to read, but he had said he would help Apple Bloom with her chores, so he went out with her to work too.

They first went to feed the pigs, something Comet was initially reluctant to do. He didn't want to get mud on his clothes or himself, finally giving in when Apple Bloom compared him to Rarity when he didn't want to do something for fear of getting dirty. Comet knew that he was not the “manliest” colt to be found, physically speaking, but he was not going to allow her to taunt him and get away with it, not realizing that now he was the one who fell into her trick. Then, they went to check the freshly harvested apples, separating them by color, maturity and eliminating those that were rotten, wormy or crushed, something that Comet did much faster than Apple Bloom thanks to his magic and his white eye, with which not only he didn't see well, as he used to say, but he had slightly above average eyesight, always keeping this fact as a secret, only having revealed it to two ponies, Cary and Twilight. This allowed him to classify them with just a glance. Something good had to come with his condition. They washed some windows, cleaned Big Mac's plow, and collected some eggs from the chicken coops. Comet had serious problems in this task because the rooster they had kept chasing him and attacking him without even stopping to see Apple Bloom, who couldn't stop laughing when he saw Comer run away from a chicken. Getting revenge on her, Comet ran closer to her, causing the rooster to chase after her as well.

After a lot of running, some pecking and scratching, they finally finished the last of the tasks. Tired and hot, they went to the well to soak a little and cool off. Comet's clothes were a mess, mostly because of the dirt on them. But at this point, he hardly cared.

After shaking off the water a bit, Apple Bloom turned to Comet.

“Thank you for your help.” Apple Bloom told him, leaving aside the animosity she used to feel towards him, perhaps due to exhaustion or gratitude.

“Don't even mention it.” Comet answered, trying to fix her mane. “I wouldn't have done it if didn’t say I would.”

“What? Would you have let me do all those by myself?” Answered somewhat annoyed and confused by the colt's sincerity.

“It's your farm, not mine.” He stated. “It was fun, but this kind of work is not my thing.”

A good time we had and he had to ruin it. Apple Bloom thought, believing that he didn't mean at all, while giving her a skeptical look.

“Just a "you're welcome" would have sufficed, you know?” She said trying not to give it too much importance.

“Whatever you say, Apple Bloom.” Comet said, taking her side, returning to the disinterested attitude that used to irritate all the foals in the school.

Comet started walking, turning her back on Apple Bloom. However, just a few steps ahead, he stopped, as if he had remembered something.

“By the way, Apple Bloom…” He spoke with his back still to her.

“What?” She answered, not knowing that he now wanted the colt.


Comet turned half his body, smiling, and threw a bag at her, which fell on the hooves of the filly, who did not understand what he was plotting now. As soon as she opened it, he saw that there were several coins inside, leaving the filly with an expression of confusion and surprise, but happiness too.

“I thought you said you weren't going to give me back my…” she said taking out the coins and starting to count them.

“My intention was never to keep your money…” He said trying to sound indifferent. “…just to have a little fun.” He explained without letting Apple Bloom finish speaking.

“Here are twenty-five coins. I only gave you twenty.” Apple Bloom said when she finished counting.

“Oh really? That’s weird. Where did the others come from?” Comet asked with a tone of unbelievable astonishment. “Take it as compensation for the hard time I put you through.”

Apple Bloom didn't answer, she didn't even thank him, but a small smile on her face took care of it. Not far from there, through the orchards, a pony saw the scene and she couldn't help but smile as she continued with her work, thinking that both foals had become good friends.

“It's so hot.” Comet said, quickly changing the subject. “Do you want to go to Sugar Cube Corner for a milkshake? You pay.”

It was then that Apple Bloom found the trap of the extra coins. A milkshake cost two to three coins, covering the five he'd given her and leaving her twenty intact. But, instead of protesting, he gladly accepted the invitation, as he believed it was the least she could do for his help and generosity. And if she thought about it, the milkshakes practically came out of Comet's pocket.

Shortly before leaving, Comet entered the house and took off all his dirty clothes. However, he would not change into clean ones as he normally would; he had his clothes just for the days he would be with the Apple and in Canterlot, so he couldn't afford to dirty others. Before going back out, he picked up the book he was reading, so he could continue it on the way to town and while they enjoyed their drinks. It felt a bit strange to go out again with nothing on. He had already gotten used to always wearing the outfit that Rarity had given him that he had even forgotten how the breeze felt on his fur and how refreshing it was. For Apple Bloom it was a similar feeling. She had never seen Comet without his suit. And the big white spot on her chest was something completely new to her. She knew that the colt had several, he said it before, but it was jus a surprise see the colt with his fur messy and looking more like a farmer or another colt than the hoity-toity pony of everyday.

“Where are you two going?” Applejack stopped them just before going through the arch of the entrance of the farm.

“To Sugar Cube Corner.” Apple Bloom answered.

“Have you finished all your chores?”


“And Miss Cheerilee didn't leave homework, so we have the rest of the afternoon free.” Comet interrupted, answering at once the next question he thought Applejack was going to ask.

“Okay, you can go. Just come back before sunset.” She told them.

“Okay.” They both nodded.

Sugar Cube Corner was packed, not uncommon for that time of day. They waited a few minutes in line, until they could make their order, Apple Bloom a chocolate milkshake and Comet a strawberry milkshake. As soon as they had them, they sat down at a table. Apple Bloom was hoping to have a conversation. Maybe she could learn more about him. Since he didn’t talk to anyone in school, he was a mystery. But Comet seemed to have other plans; he did what he would be expected to do. As soon as he sat down, he opened her book and started to read.

After a few minutes, Apple Bloom began to get bored and desperate for the monotony of the situation. Comet didn't do anything, he just sat there motionless while he read.

“Where in Ponyville do you live?” She asked, hoping to break the ice. Everypony knew that interrupt Comet’s reading was a bad idea, but he looked a completely different pony that day that she wasn’t nervous to do it.

“In the northern part of the town.” He answered with the characteristic indifferent voice and the brevity he had when he was reading. But at least he was answering her, it meant he was paying attention to her.

“Oh, near Twilight Castle?” She said showing some interest.

“Yes, something like that.”

“You know, she and Applejack are very good friends.”

“Yes, I've seen them a few times.”

“It must be great to have a princess as a neighbor.”

“Yes. It's good. She’s a nice pony. Very kind and gentle. She's one of the few ponies that didn't judge me or was afraid of me as soon as she saw me.” He said what he thought of her, being careful not to talk too much.

“Judge you? Is that why you're usually alone?” Apple Bloom asked, thinking she had connected some points.

“I don’t want to talk about that.”

“A while ago you said you didn't want to socialize with ponies of our age, does it have something to do with that?” She insisted.

“Apple Bloom, I don't want to talk about it.” He said out dryly, lowering his book as he spoke to her, something he didn't normally do, but it meant he was serious.

“I always see that you bring a book with you, have you visited the Golden Oak Library?” He obeyed Comet, he knew it was better not to upset him.

“No. I don't usually go out of my house much. We have an extensive library at home and my mom constantly buys books for me. So, I don't have to visit the library since I arrive from Canterlot.”

“When you talk like that, it seems like you live with Twilight.” The filly joked, not knowing how close she was to reality. “She also has a huge library in her castle and used to live in Golden Oak before.”

“What a coincidence.”

“You said you lived in Canterlot before living here. How is?”

The bell attached to the door rang. Someone entered the building. Two voices, a little acute, were laughing pompous and loudly.

“Well, it's... it's... pretty...” Comet said, turning to the side, lowering the book and sighing with a little annoyance seeing that Apple Bloom was not going to let him read in peace, opening his eyes wide and staring at a point almost instantly to do so.

“Pretty? That's not saying much, could you be a little more speci… Hey, are you listening to me?” She asked when she saw the colt distracted, with a lost look. But Comet was no longer paying attention to him. He was staring to the right, completely ignoring Apple Bloom or anypony else in there. Somewhat annoyed by Comet's impoliteness, she turned to where he was staring. As soon as she could figure out what it was, she couldn't believe it. She was looking at somepony and not just any pony.

“Silver Spoon! You like it Si…!” She shouted in astonishment.

Quickly, Comet put his hoof over her mouth to shut her up. He blushed, hoping no one had noticed. Fortunately, due to the number of ponies present, the yell was lost in the noise and the pony in question they were talking about didn’t notice their presence.

“Why don't you shout it louder? That way the whole town will be able to listen to you.” Comet reproached her, blushing.

“Sorry.” She removed Comet's hoof from his mouth. “But Silver Spoon… Seriously?” She said in in a whisper. “You know how she is. What do you see in her?”

Comet didn't reply, just tried to hide behind his book again. She didn't like people discovering his secrets or his private life and now, due to an oversight, Apple Bloom knew one of the biggest ones he had.

“You better not say anything,” He warned.

“If I do, what will you do?” She replied, joking about the advantage of her situation, but only as a game.

“I will be forced to erase your memory.”

“Oh, come on. As if someone like you knew how to do that.” She scoffed.

“I don't like being made fun of.” Comet said, standing up menacingly, leaning firmly on the table, misunderstanding the joke.

“Alright, alright. Take it easy. It was a joke.” Apple Bloom said nervously, hoping to calm Comet down; for a moment she had forgotten how scary and impulsive he could be sometimes, which was why everyone preferred to stay away from him.

Although it was a joke, much later she could understand, in part, why he reacted that way. Rumble had made him the center of all her teasing and meanness until Comet got tired and put an end to it. By mistake, he had misunderstood her joke, making him think that she was making fun of him again, reacting that way to prevent it. But for the moment, to her he was just the same old school bully.

Despite everything, however, Comet sat back down and continued with his book. Surprising Apple Bloom again, who believed that the colt would do something to him as punishment, but he just sat there as calm as he could be.

“You were going to tell me about Canterlot…” Apple Bloom said, resuming the conversation a little nervously.

“Oh, right. There is not much to say. It's a big city; many restaurants, ostentatious buildings, and a lot of opulence” Comet summarized.

“Life must be good there.” Apple Bloom guessed.

“Not really.” Comet disagreed. “It's a nice city, but I don't consider it a good place to live, I prefer Ponyville.”


“The ponies there are…cold. Very distant from the others. The vast majority are high-class unicorns, which makes them very prejudiced and classist with those who are not at "their level". They all look over their shoulders and strut like they're the best thing in the world. They are only interested in frivolities and superfluous things.”

This left Apple Bloom with a expression of rareness. Comet had just described himself. But if he, being so, criticized the ponies of Canterlot in the same way, what would they be like then?”

Soon after, they both ordered another round of milkshakes, this time paid for by Comet. He must have spent his money on something.

“Can I ask you a personal question?” Apple Bloom said on her way back to the farm.

“What is it about?” Comet answered, believing that it would be about his reluctance to be with ponies of his age.

“Can you see with your eye?” She pointed to his white eye.

Comet's expression changed again from being indifferent to the typical one of annoyance every time someone asked him the same question.

“You know, that question is becoming a recurring theme every time I talk to someone.” He said somewhat irritably. “Yes, I can see with my eye.”

“I’m sorry, I didn't think that would bother you.” She said thinking she had said something she shouldn't have.

“It doesn't bother me, not at all. I'm tired of hearing the same question over and over again. Every time I meet someone, they have to do it.”

“You can't blame them, they don't know. Gives a little curiosity.”

“It's more because of the color than anything else.” He corrected her. “It's the only thing that makes them think I can't see with him. If it wasn't completely white, no one would ask that question.” He turned her gaze to the front and lowered her head a little. “No one would be afraid of me.” He murmured with a sad countenance.

Apple Bloom couldn't quite hear what Comet said, but she understood that it was also something about her eye, however, it didn't seem to be something he wanted to share. As much as she wanted to ask him, Comet would try to divert the conversation or maybe she would be annoyed that she was getting his nose where she shouldn’t. It was best to leave him alone.

"So, you're telling me that's all what you did yesterday?" Scootaloo asked Apple Bloom.

They were in their clubhouse, hidden among the thousands of trees in the orchard, together with Sweetie Belle. They had met shortly after lunchtime and Apple Bloom had finished her homework. This time Comet didn't help her because they put him to work in the kitchen, where she was struggling with the pie dough and apple pies.

Apple Bloom nodded. She had told her friends everything, omitting the Silver Spoon part, it wasn't certain that Comet knew how to erase memories, but he knew many powerful or strange spells; she wouldn't risk it.

“Who would have thought that you would spend two days living with Comet.” Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

“He hasn't done anything to you, has he?” Scootaloo asked.

“It was unexpected for both of us. In fact, he didn't know that Applejack and I were sisters.” Apple Bloom answered. “And strange as it may sound, outside of the bet, he hasn't done anything. Actually, he's pretty tranquil.” She added.

“Comet... tranquil?” Scootaloo said surprised. “Are you sure we are talking about the same colt.”

“He doesn't want to hang out with his age, did he really say that?” Sweetie Belle asked, incredulously.

“Yes. I don't really understand his reasons and I know he's still hiding things, but I think it has to do with something that happened in Canterlot.”

“Why don't we ask him?” Sweetie Belle suggested.

“You lost your mind? It's a bad idea. He doesn't like us.”

“I tried to do it, but he got upset when I did it.” Apple Bloom explained. “But I don't think he dislikes us, not entirely. Yesterday we were working together for a while and he seemed to enjoy himself. But for a moment, when we got back to the farm, he seemed to look sad. I do not know why; it was a bit strange.”

“I still can't believe it's the same Comet. At school he is a bore, or have you already forgotten your ball?” Scootaloo said skeptically.

“He fixed it. He even admitted that she overdid it that time.” She tried to convince her. “Maybe he had a bad day that time.”

“Then Comet must have a lot of bad days.” Scootaloo snapped. “Not that I don't believe you, Apple Bloom, but I have a hard time believing that Comet is a softer pony. He just became a monster after Rumble.”

“Where is Comet now, by the way?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“The last time I saw him, he was reading in the guest room.”

“That colt… Doesn't he know how to do anything than read?” Scootaloo said, thinking how obvious the answer was.

“I guess he likes to read.” Sweetie Belle guessed.

“It'll be the only thing she likes.” Scootaloo said.

Suddenly, a small explosion was heard, not far from where they were. Looking out the window, they could see hordes of birds moving away from the place while a small cloud of dust rose a few meters above the treetops.

“What was that?” Scootaloo asked, staring at the dust cloud.

“I don’t know. Let's go find out.” Said Apple Bloom.

The three of them ran towards the place where they saw the cloud of dust. It didn't take them long to find the exact spot, a small open area among the apple trees, where Comet was sitting in the middle of it all, coughing from the dust he had breathed in. Around him was a circular area in which the grass had turned yellow, like when it is scorched by the sun, with all the blades pointing away from it. Beside him was a somewhat weathered book, which Comet dusted off after him.

Comet stood up, said something the three of them couldn't quite hear, and dusted herself off. Ignited his horn creating a breeze so that it carried away all the dust that had been kicked up, hurling it directly at the crusaders. Without time to move, the dust reach them, beginning to cough as well. Comet was surprised to hear them, approaching them to see who was there spying on him.

“What are you doing here?” She asked with a tone that was more curious than intimidating.

“We could ask you the same question.” Replied Apple Bloom with a slightly scratchy voice due to the dust.

“I was practicing a spell.” He said in a normal tone, giving little thought to the fact that the three of them were there. “I thought I was far enough away not to disturb anyone.”

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle couldn't believe how naturally the colt spoke, it was nothing like the coarse and arrogant tone he used to speak at school.

“We heard the explosion from our clubhouse, and we came to investigate.” Apple Bloom explained. “What spell are you trying to do?”

“A Magic Bullet. I was trying to hit that barrel.” He pointed to an old wooden barrel a few feet away, full of little holes.

“Well, it looks to me like it’s still in one piece.” Scootaloo commented,

“I wanted to see how much power I could accumulate before I fired.” He explained. “I accumulated too much and it blew up in my face. But it helped me to know the limit, now I know how much I can accumulate without losing control.”

He walked back to the circle of burned grass and, after revising the spell a bit, he prepared to do it again.

“You'd better get away a bit, it could be dangerous.” He told them.

The fillies thought about going back to their clubhouse and leaving Comet alone, lest she get upset, but on the other hand, they wanted to see how he cast a spell. They finally decided to stay, hiding behind the trunks of the apple trees for cover.

Once everyone was ready, Comet began to concentrate. Her horn began to glow brighter and brighter until a quick, luminous projectile of energy was fired. In just the blink of an eye, she hit the barrel, blasting it into a million pieces. Splinters and bits of wood scattered all over the place, giving the crusaders barely time to take cover.

Once everything calmed down again, the three looked out again to see what had happened to Comet, since he was in the ideal place to be hit by any debris, but he was no longer there.

“I got it! Did you see that?” Comet said from behind them, startling them. “I've been practicing that spell for weeks.”

“Why would you want a spell like that?” Scootaloo asked with a bad feeling and an expression of fear on his face.

“I'll let you answer that question yourselfs.” Comet said with a mocking smile and a somewhat somber tone. He then began to walk towards the farm, leaving the three fillies somewhat scared. If he was already to be feared with the spells he knew, what could be expected now that he knew how to use that one.

“He was joking, right?” Sweetie Belle finally spoke laughing nervously, with a lot of insecurity and a trembling voice.

“I hope so, I don't know anymore.” Apple Bloom replied in the same way. He told me that he also knew how to erase memory.

“And you think he had changed.” Scootaloo snapped.

Author's Note:

Thank you to all of you who follow and support this story and sorry for being late, work takes much of my time.
As always, a kiss and a hug. Until the next chapter.

Comments ( 6 )

This chapter has a ton of misplaced he's and she's in it.

Oh, sorry. I´llcheck my grammar

Im glad to see that this story is still alive. Well done.

As for the grammar, while it's not perfect, it's not annoying or a problem to read. I have read stories so badly written that its painful to read. This isn't that at all.

Perhaps someone who is unhappy with the grammar would be willing to edit it for you.

I look forward to reading more great stories from you.

The Monk
"Yes, I will eat the Fear Turkey." -Illua

It's not just this chapter, it's the last one too. A lot of gender-swapping as well as some "it"s instead of gender pronouns.

Overall, these last two chapters were good, but the grammar, and not just the gender pronouns, needs a big overhaul.

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