• Published 4th Sep 2020
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Twilight adopts a foal. The adventures of Comet Dust - Itztli FP

An orphan and lonely colt with a peculiar appearance, fear of ponies and the wish of find a familly. His wish comes true when Twilight Sparkle decides to adopt him and take him lo live in Ponyville with him.

  • ...

Chapter 4 An unorthodox presentation

Four ponies entered running into the thrones room. They looked worried. None of them were very sure why they had been called so sudden. But, that was one of the reasons they though it would be important.

“Twilight, when did you came back? What´s happening?”. Aked an earth pony of orange fur and blond mane.

“What´s happening? Is everything ok?” Asked a blue Pegasus with rainbow mane.

“I’m glad you came that quick. There’s some…” Twilight said with a serious expression as she stands of her throne.

“Wait a minute Where´s Fluttershy?” A Pink earth pone interrupted.

“She will be here in a few minutes Until then, I think it would be a good idea Twilight tells us what is going on”. A white unicorn answered her.

“We have a very important matter on our hooves. I can’t find Spike anywhere”. Twilight continued.

“What?!” The four mares screamed at same time.

“How did this happen?” Rarity asked a little frightened.

“We need to find him”. Applejack suggested.

“I don’t know. This morning, when I woke up, he was already gone… and last night, I’ve heard some noises… I-I think, somepony entered the castle”. She answered concerned.

“That´s impossible, who would do that?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I-I… Now what? “Twilight couldn’t finish because in that moment, every light turned off.

“Did you remembered to pay the light bill this month, Twilight?” Pinkie Pie asked innocently.

“I can’t see anything”. Applejack said.

“It’s midday, it is not supposed to…” Twilight’s voice got interrupted by an unknown reason and, instead, a desperately muffled shout was heard.

“Twilight!” Pinkie Pie screamed.

“Twilight, are you all right?” Applejack asked.

Twilight didn’t response.

The four mares started to freaking out. None of them couldn’t see anything, but they all expected the worst to happen. Then the lights turned on again, revealing their greatest fears. Twilight was gone.

“What just happen?!” Rainbow Dash yelled.

“How could this happen? We all were here” Applejack said with wide eyes.

“Didn’t you feel anything with your Pinkie sense?” Rarity asked.

“No, nothing at all”. Pinkie said in panic.

The four friends didn’t know what to do. Suddenly, a new sound putted them on alert. It was like a pounding and a whining coming behind one of the doors. Cautiously, they approached to the door, each one in a position so they could jump on whoever was the guilty. Nopony messed with her friend. They count 1, 2, 3 and…

“Spike!” They shouted when they saw the little dragon tided up and gagged behind the door. He was struggling against his ties. Watching with fear to his four friends with fierce looks in their eyes.

They quickly took the litthe dragon and freeing him of the ropes that impeded his movement and the handkerchief that prevented him to emit any sound.

“Spike, we were so worried about you. Where were you? What happen?” Rarity said exaggerating his voice like she was about to start crying.

“Quick, you gotta get out of here!” Spike warned them in panic.

“Why? What is happening?” Applejack asked worried.

“Who is responsible for this?” Rainbow Dash said pretending to be brave.

“I don’t know. Last night, when I was about to go sleep, someone attacked me from behind and dragged me to nowhere and…” He interrupted to himself. “Oh no, Twilight! We have to warning Twilight!

“She’s already caught”. Pinkie yelled hysterical.

“What?!” Spike yelled terrified to notice he was too late. “Oh no, if he already has her, that just mean that… We need to get out of here! As fast as possible!” The little dragon said as he pushed his friends to the exit.

“But… What about Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked not wanting to leave a friend behind.

“There’s no time!” He growled. “Hurry! It won’t take long for him to notice I’ve escape!” At the time he just finished to say that, all the doors slammed shut. Locking everyone in the room.

“Oh no, he caught us!” Spike screamed.

“I can’t open it!” Rainbow said trying frantically to open the door to the exit.

“I can’t either!” Applejack screamed helping her friend.

“It´s useless! This is the end! We all are going to…” Spike said fatalistically.

The light started to flashing, now faster than the last time and irregularity. Taking the four mare by surprise, frightening even more with every second. Twilight was the only one with the most powerful magic among them, without her, they feel helpless at whatever was happening.

“This is the part in horror movies when the killer appears…” Pinkie said, thinking aloud.

“Shut up Pinkie! Rainbow Dash indicated her, fearing by the comment of the pink pony. “I’m not afraid of you! Come on and fight like a pony!” She said Punching the air with his hooves, trying to show more courage than she was feeling.

“NO. HELP ME…” Spike screamed, disappearing in a second they just turned to Rainbow, leaving the scratches of his claws in the floor. “SPIKE!” They shouted.

The light started to flashing even faster.

They even hadn’t had time to process what just happen when a second shout was heard, now from Rarity, who disappeared as fast as Spike before. Leaving the three remaining ponies perplexed by losing two of their friends is just few seconds, terrified of being the next.

All the courage Rainbow could have felt in that moment, fade. Making her returning to the other two, getting as closer as possible to feel more safety.

A lot of noises started to be heared in the room, like if something was trying to get out of the floor, breaking it and crawling under it. The flashing and dimed light blinded them, confusing them. The only they can see were shades swirling around them.

They started to step back, getting back to back, very close from each other, fearing that was the end, as the sound of broken stuff, collapsing or being destroyed by an unknown force they couldn’t see were even harder every second.

Then, they heard a sound behind them, very close. This wasn’t like the others, this one was more like a bump, like if someone just landed behind them.

Shaking in fear, they turned to see what was that they had behind. What they saw freeze them up. In front of them, there was a shadow, staring at them with a terrifying shining white eye. They were all terrified when the shadow draws a maleficent grin on its face before it pounces on them.

The three mare scream helpless, hugging each other.

“GOTCHA!” Four voices shouted.

Still scared and a little stunned by the experience, the open their eyes confused to see who were there with them. They were nothing more and nothing less than their friends, which were supposed to be captured.

“You should see the look on your faces”. Rarity said giggling, trying to contend the laghing. At the same time, the four of them remove a kind of shadow from them with a movement of his arm.

“Everything were a joke?” Applejack said shaking.

“Of couse! And I may say it worked perfectly”. Spike commented, laughing, as he jumped to high five an unknown foal.

Pinkie, being Pinkie, started to laugh out loud as if nothing of above was happened.

“Good one, Twilight”. She said between laughs. “I didn’t expect that one”.

“That is not done!”. Rainbow Dash replied. “I really got scare… worried”. She said with tears in her eyes. “I thought you were in danger”.

“Are you crying?” Twilight asked mocking.

“Of course not”. She shout.

“Well, maybe that would teach you to not play me jokes when I am delivering an important job to Sapphire Shores”. Rarity claimed.

“Or giving me dragon sneeze when I’m carrying important documents”. Spice continued.

“Or when I’m in conference with Princess Celestia. Besides, Pinkie laugh at it”. Twilight said.

“Pinkie laughs at all”. Rainbow answered annoyed. She knew best that her friends were right; Applejack, Pinkie Pie and her had done all that jokes to them a few weeks ago, but she didn’t expect they would payback. “And who is this?!” She said pointing at Comet, making Pinkie stop laughing, remembering about the other pony there was with them, someone she didn’t know.

“It’s true! The new pony!” She exclaimed, getting closer to the foal with an incredible speed, surprising Comet and making him step back. “Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie. You should be new in town. I know because I know everypony in Ponyville and I’ve never seen you before, and that only means that you are new here. What’s your name? Where are you from? What are you doing here in Twilight’s castle? When did you met her?”

Pinkie started to asking questions to Comet far too fast to him to be capable to answer all of them. When he was about to answer one she already had asjked him another three. She just talked and talked non-stop. Comet couldn’t understand how she managed to not runout of air.

“Then…” Rainbow said. “I understand you played us a joke, but what does he have to do with all of this?”

“That’s true, Twilight, who is he?” Applejack agreed with rainbow, who decided to calm herself before speaking in order to prevent an outburst like Rainbow did.

“Are you kidding? He planned everything”. Twilight answered.

“He what?” Applejack exclaimed in surprise.

The three of them, even Pinkie, turned to Twilight, amazed by her affirmation. Immediately, the same glance turned to the foal next ho them, who had an arrogant smirk in his face as he pumped up his chest proudly.

“Then, who is he?” Applejack asked even more surprised, ‘case she knew Twilight wasn’t lying.

“I promise I will tell you everything at time, but by the moment, you’ll have to wait”. Twilight said. “Until then, Comet, go clean yourself, it´s time for lunch”.

“Ok, Twilight”. The colt answered obediently, not before giving Twilight a tender look.

“I’ll go to the kitchen”. Spike said with a big smile on his face, giggling.

This left the three friends open-mouthed, without understanding even a little of what was happening. First, Twilight called them for an emergency; after that, the emergency and the terrifying scenario results to be a joke she planned with Rarity and Spike; then, results that the joke was planned by a little foal they had never knew; and finally, he treated Twilight like they were very close. They didn’t know what they were missing or if all of that was a strange dream.

“Um… Hi, girls. Am I late?” A soft voice broke into the room. “I got this note saying to come here at this time and…”

“Fluttershy. Of course not, you are just in time”. Twilight interrupted her. Come in, Make yourself comfortable.

“Oh, thanks”. She answered with her typical kindness. “Huh… What happened to you three?” She asked when she saw her friend with incredulous faces.

“It´s a long story”. Twilight answered. “I´ll tell you in a moment. Could you come with me? I need help setting the table, I’m a little late.

“Sure, Twilight”. Fluttershy answered cheerfully, following her friend, also being followed by Rarity.

The rest stayed these, sitting on the floor, still trying to understand what just happen, everyone but Pinkie, who was thinking about the best decorations for the welcome party she would make to the newcomin.

“I can’t wait to tell our friends the good news”. Rarity said very excited.

“And, what do you think if we don’t tell them?” Twilight said with a mysterious air.

“What do you mean, dear?

“Do you remember the jokes they played to us a few weeks ago?”

“How not to doing it, Rainbow Dash had so much luck Sapphire Shores was in a good mood. If she had ruined my job…” Rarity said, getting anger just to remember it.

“Well, I think it is time for a payback”. Twilight said with a malicious glance.

“What do you have in mind?” Rarity said interested in the idea.

“I don’t know yet, but if we work together, we can…”

“If you want to make a joke, I can help you with that”. Comet interrupt her.

The two mares looked to each other a little unsure about Comet’s suggestion, but then, they grin thinking in giving the foal a chance, after all, who’s better to plot a mischief than a foal.

“Tell us, what’s your plan?” Twilight asked him.

Comet smiled machiavellically and made them a signal to get close to him. “It´s kind of difficult and it will require a lot of coordination, but if everything goes well…” He started to explained his plan.

“…and that’s how all this perfectly synchronized farce arose. We had been preparing it for three days, but I think it was worth it”. Twilight happily finished narrating the story. She was sitting on the head of the table, enjoying her lunch with his friends, Spike and Comet.

-So, let me get the straight, everything was an illusion?” Pinkie Pie asked amazed.

“Yup”. Comet nodded. “Nothing was real. Every shade, every figure, was a trick. Everything is in knowing how to play with the shadows”.

“And you did it all by yourself?” Applejack asked still can’t believing it.

“Well, I had a little help”. He answered turning to look twilight.

“I’m glad I wasn’t there; it must have been terrifying”. Fluttershy said, shuddering just thinking about it.

“And you say it”. Applejack agreed.

“You have to admit it was funny”. Pinkie Pie added. “It was a good joke”.

“Well, I was not scared”. Rainbow Dash said.

“Well, I have a picture that says the opposite”. Comet said showing a photograph with a terrified Rainbow Dash on it, screaming and hugging her friends.

“Hey, give me that”. Rainbow dash said very blushed, flying toward Comet in a tent to take the picture, but Comet moved it before she could reach it, playing with her like one will do with a cat and a laser pointer. But disappearing it at the end.

“If you dare to tell somepony about this…” Rainbow threatened.

“Rainbow Dash, control yourself. He is just a foal”. Rarity scold her.

“Anyway, the joke is over, why you still having make up?” She said ignoring Rarity, pointing at Comet’s eye.

“It… It is not make up”. He answered lowing his head, covering his eye with his hoof.

“Oh…” Rainbow said, ashamed because she knew she messed things up.

“Rainbow Dash, how can you be so insensitive?” Fluttershy reproached her, looking at her disapprovingly, like the rest of her friend.

“You didn’t have to making fun of him like that”. Rarity scold her again.

“Don’t listen to her”. Twilight said kindly, getting closer to Comet. “Rainbow usually is very impulsive when she is upset. I am sure she didn’t mean it.

The rest of her friend got closer to comet to try to comfort him. Rainbow, in the other hand, she just stared how she had become the bad guy of the story. Even though she tried to remain angry with the foal for making her look bad, she couldn’t. The only thing she only could felt was regret. She knew she was wrong, despite having spoken out of ignorance.

“It is true he played us a joke…” Pinkie Pie said getting closer to Rainbow, pulling her out of her thoughts. “…, however, no one was hurt, but making fun of other, Rainbow, is not fun”.

Driven by Pinkies words, Rainbow knew perfectly what she had to do. Even though that meant to swallow her pride. She flew to stand in front of Comet. “Hey, kiddo, listen”. She said to get his attention. “I’m sorry about what I said, I didn’t mean to. I really thought it was a kind of Rarity’s make up…”

“Although I’m flattered, darling, there is no way I could do that”. Rarity replied.

“I know that now”. She continued. “I was upset and I didn’t think about what I was doing. What I’m trying to say is… I’m sorry”.

Comet listened every word Rainbow said, a little hesitating about the truth on his words, but as she continued speaking, he could notice there wasn’t any hint of falsehood on her voice, indeed she was being very honest. So, Comet looked at her with a smile on his face, nodding in agreement, indicating he accepted the apology.

“What you did was so awesome”. Rainbow added in a better mood. “You did a great job with your eye there. That was really scary”.

“Thanks”. Comet said sincerely, feeling proud that someone complimented his work.

“I would like to ask something about your eye…” Fluttershy said. “If that doesn’t bother you, of course”

“What?” Comet replied.

“Can you see with it?” Everypone, except Comet, tuned to Fluttershy with a surprised and awkward expression because it was the same question they had in mind, but only she dared to ask, making Fluttershy shrink.

“Yes, I can see with it”. He answered with a tone that denoted he was tired of hearing that.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you”. Fluttershy apologized.

“It´s not your fault. But, if I had a bit every time I’ve even heard that question…”.

“There’s still something I don’t understand”. Applejack said. “You’ve already told us about all this thing about the joke, but you haven’t told us who is he yet.

“True. How could I forget about the most important thing?” Twilight said giggling. “Girls, I’d like to introduce you to Comet Dust, he is, basically, my son.” She said happily.

Everypony were speechless, everypony but Rarity –obviously-, trying to understand what they just heard. The confusion could be seeing in their faces, specially Pinkie. She was open-mouthed, not knowing if feeling happy or confuse, so her face stayed in an intermediate grin a little weird.

That explained the familiar form –and motherly- Twilight spoken to the colt and the obedience he had at her indications. But that wasn’t enough, it hadn’t cleared all their doubts.

“Did you know about this?” Fluttershy asked to Rarity.

“Well, of course”. She answered feeling a little superior of knowing something the rest of her friends didn’t. “I’ve met him a few days ago; they went to my boutique for a mane emergency”.

Twilight gave them the same explanation she had told Rarity, since her arrive to Canterlot, why she decided to enter the orphanage, how she met Comet, until her decision of adopting him. Once she finished, her friend couldn’t help but look with tenderness to the pair of ponies and the little dragon which formed a family now.

“Is the loveliest story I’ve ever heard”. Fluttershy said with tears in her eyes, moved by the tender action of Twilight.

“A little cheesy if you ask me”. Rainbow said, reverting to his rude facade.

“What a dumbs the Canterlot ponies could be”. Applejack said. “Rejected him just because the look of his eye. If they only knew what he can do”.

“That’s right”. Rainbow agreed. “To make a joke like that requires talent, a lot of talent. Besides, I think that eye makes him look 20% cooler”.

“I agreed with you, darling”. Rarity said. “It is very distinctive”.

Even though Comet knew they all were just empty compliments, the fact of knowing that six ponies appreciated him just because how he was and not because how he looked, made him feel comfortable, that al last he belongs somewhere.

“Welcome to the family, Comet!” Pinkie Pie shout hugging him so tight. “I’ll make you the most spectacular welcome party. There will be cakes, sweets, music, games and tons of fun. All ponies in town will be there, you will meet a lot of interesting people and you’ll make lots of friends…”

“Pinkie, wait… I… I don’t want a party –Comet rapidly said with an uncomfortable expression.

“What? Why?” Pinkie asked a little sad of hearing all his planes destroyed.

“Introduce me to you five is a thing, but doing it in front of dozens of ponies I… I can’t… I’m not ready”. Comet said nervously, letting him go from Pinkie’s arms. “I think we should postpone it”.

“Don’t be afraid”. Fluttershy told him. “I know being under everypony’s eye could be frightening, but you’ll see it will worth it when you make some friends”.

“That’s what I’m worried about”. Comet said, freaking out just to think about all the ponies’ reaction when they see him.

“It’s all right, I understand”. Pinkie replied a little depressed, but she understands Comet rejected his party not because he wanted to despise her effort, but he was afraid of being the mockery of everyone.

“Are you sure about this?”. Twilight asked him, knowing how much how the others saw him affected Comet. Comet just nodded keeping a nervous look.

“Well it’s a shame. I was hoping I could give you this in the party, but since It won’t happen, I think you can have it today”. Rarity said, pulling out a huge box wrapped in a shining red paper, decorated with a blue ribbon, from a closet.

“What is this?” Comet asked when he saw the box Rarity putted in front of him.

“It’s for you, Comet. It’s a present”. Rarity answered.

“A present?” He asked to himself as the excitement started to arise on his eyes.

“It’s not the only one”. Twilight interrupted. Pulling out a box too, apparently heavier, from the same closet.

“Awww, you should have told me”. Pinkie said pitifully. “I’d like to give him something too”.

“If we had done it, the joke wouldn’t have worked”. Twilight said giggling.

“What are you waiting for?! Open it!” Rainbow yelled, excited to see what was in the boxes. Not just Rainbow, the rest of the friends were curious to know what was inside too, spreading this enthusiasm to Comet.

He started to rip the paper uncovering the first present, Twilight’s. When he ripped the last piece of paper, the face of the foal shine with happiness when he saw what was beneath. Unlike Twilight’s friend, which couldn’t help but show the obviously that Twilight couldn’t give anything else but books, staring at her as if it was the worst gift in the world.

“Yay! Books!” The foal screamed very excited. “Thanks Twilight”.

Twilight snorted as a victory sign as she gave an arrogant look to her friends, who couldn’t believe that someone could be that excited for receive paper. It has to be Twilight’s son after all.

“Open mine, now”. Rarity said, anxious to see the colt´s reaction. Rapidly, Comet untied the ribbon that hold the wrapper. But he hadn’t had to rip the paper this time. Skillfully, Rarity arranged the paper so that this will open like a flower when he remove the ribbon, keeping the beautiful wrapper she chose intact.

When he opened the box, the excitement became to confusion. Within the box there wasn’t toys, candies o books, as he thought; there were a lot of fabrics, perfectly folded and meticulously arranged inside.

“Rarity, what is this?” He asked.

“It is not obvious? Is your new wardrobe”. She said proudly. “Made it by nothing more and nothing less than me”.

“Oh… Thanks”. Comet said trying to smile, a little unsure.

“Didn’t you like it?” Rarity asked when she saw his reaction.

“It isn’t that… It’s just… I don’t know what to think…” He answered choosing very well his word to not sound rude.

“Oh is that so? That’s because you haven’t had proven it, darling”. She said understanding what he was trying to say, she had seen that reaction dozens of times before. “Come here, let me help you”.

Without even gave him time to answer her, Rarity pulled Comet toward her and appeared a screen with his magic, only their shadow could be seen through it it, Twilight and her friends watched Rarity dressing up Comet against his will, as they could hear some complains from him.

“Oh, you look divine”. Rarity said, disappearing the screen and appearing a mirror in front of Comet. “The perfect attire for a handsome little gentlecolt like you”.

For everyone’s surprise, even Comet, Rarity was right. Talking about fashion, she knew best what was better for everypony just to see it.

Comet was spellbounded in how good he looked in that attire Rarity made. It was a Bordeaux dress vest –very elegant-, a kind of white shirt without sleeves and, as complement, a dark turquoise bow tie and handkerchief.

He really looked like royalty now or, at least, like a high society pony. A foal worthy of being called the son of the Princess of Friendship. “It’s incredible”. Comet said non-stop watching his reflect. “I look incredible”.

“I’m so glad you like it”. Rarity said.

“Like it?... I love it”. The foal said, with shining eyes in happiness. “I’ve never had such fine clothes, actually, I’ve never had new clothes. I… I don’t know what to say… Thank you”. He hugged Rarity.

“Aww, I’m sorry not having anything to give you this time”. Fluttershy said. “I promise to give you something nice the next time”.

“And you will look fabulous in the school too”. Rarity added. “You will be the best dressed colt around”.

“School?” Comet and Twilight asked simultaneously.

“Of course”. Rarity replied. “Don’t you remember Twilight? The vacations are ending and Comet has to assist to school like the other foals.

“It’s true. You can agree with me, Twilight, when I say that learning is very important for everyone.” Applejack added.

“You are right, nopony should miss their studies”. Twilight solemnly say at what she thought was the most important thing in foals’ life.

“I don’t need to go to school”. Comet replied. “I can learn evrething I need here in the castle, after all, Twilight is the most intelligent and wise pony in all of Equestria”. He put baby doll ayes.

“I´m flattered, Comet, but I’m not the indicated pony to do it”. She answered him, erasing the smile in his face. “I can always help you with your studies if you need it, but you must go”.


“No need to worry. Miss Cheerilee is good and very kind”. Fluttershy said to convince him.

“And I can see you don’t have your cutie mark yet. I know three fillies who will be very happy to know you”. Applejack commented. “You’ll see; you’ll be better than a swine in the mud in a hot day”.

“And you will know a lot of foals of your age to be friends. It will be fun!” Pinkie Pie said.

“With your cunning and your awesomeness, you’ll have them eating from your hoof, I can assure you”. Rainbow dash finished.

“Yeah… Friends…” Comet said with a forced smile and a tone of voice that indicated concern.

Comet turned around and walked away from the group of mares, which continued talking to each other, while all the excitement Comet felt moments ago slowly fade away, leaving him with only his fears overwhelming him.

Author's Note:

Thanks to all who got here. All your reviews, comnts and criticisms are welcome.
A kiss and a hug. Until the next chapter.