• Published 4th Sep 2020
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Twilight adopts a foal. The adventures of Comet Dust - Itztli FP

An orphan and lonely colt with a peculiar appearance, fear of ponies and the wish of find a familly. His wish comes true when Twilight Sparkle decides to adopt him and take him lo live in Ponyville with him.

  • ...

A master class

Chapter 12. A master class.

Getting rid of Rumble had been a double-edged sword. On one hand, they stopped bothering him and he earned the respect of his peers, even when Cheerilee asked him if he had already apologized to Rumble, a simple glance at him was enough to make him nod, thus acknowledging that he was now in charge; but on the other, he was now feared by others, fleeing from him in his wake. At first he did not dislike the idea, sometimes taking advantage of the situation, taking it out on many of them and, especially, on Rumble.

Over time, the other foals began to move further away from Comet, as they came to consider him worse than his predecessor. Rumble was calm as long as you didn't mess with him, but Comet was more irascible and responded more aggressively to the slightest provocation, even if it wasn't intentional. But what other treatment could he give to those who had humiliated him in the past?

Comet felt more alone than before. Even Rumble being a bully had friends; but he was still not accepted by his contemporaries. What was he doing wrong? Why couldn't he fit in with them? The day he tried to apologize to the blue filly he had bullied in the living room, she ran away out of fear that he was going to do something to her. Even the Cutie Mark Crusaders had given up trying to join him in their club. The only company he had were once again his books and, sporadically, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, of which it was difficult to know their intentions, because sometimes they would annoy him and others to try to flatter him if they could tell him about it. somehow.

“Wait Scootaloo!” He heard a scream that brought him out of his thoughts, as he drew some notes in his notebook.

Previously he would have ignored the shout, but for a moment now, Comet had switched his lunch spot to one closer to the group, hoping, perhaps, to accomplish something.

"Catch it, Sweetie Belle!" Exclaimed the Pegasus at the moment of throwing a ball that inevitably hit Comet, as the little unicorn stumbled when trying to reach it; spilling his drink on his notebook, sweeping the ink with it.

The other foals that were there could not help but gasp when they saw the scene, beginning to murmur fearful of the outcome.

After the surprise, and after looking at his notebook, he gave the crusaders an angry look. He had been working on that melody for weeks and had already achieved about five chords, it wasn't much, but he had put a lot of care into them; and now all his effort, all his progress, was gone.

The crusaders took a step back, except Sweetie Belle who was still on the ground, surprised to see who had hit the ball. Comet got up slowly, which made them more nervous, catching the ball with his magic and taking a few steps toward them. When Comet stopped inches from Sweetie Belle. She covered her eyes, crouching as low as she could as she began to shake. However, he ignored her.

“C-Comet ... I-I'm so sorry ... you're not hurt, right?” Scootaloo said shakily, laughing nervously.

"Sounds funny to you." Comet replied, breathing heavily and in a voice that gave both of them chills.

"What? ... No. It was an accident." Apple Bloom answered, just as nervous as her friend.

"It wasn't my intention…" Scootaloo said trying to explain himself.

"She warned you!" He interrupted her, pointing at Sweetie Belle.

"I know; I should have listened to her." Scootaloo agreed with him, thinking that it would be better for them. Please, Comet, forgive me.

“Could you give us the ball back? It won't happen again, I promise.” Apple Bloom added, believing that everything had been fixed.

"Yeah, I'll take care of that." Comet said coldly.

Immediately, Comet's horn glow, squeezing the ball so hard it burst. He then simply dropped her to the ground as he walked away under the stunned gazes of the three fillies.

An expression of sadness began to draw on Apple Bloom's face as she approached the shapeless mass of rubber on the floor.

"I spent my entire money on this ball." She said pitifully.

“Sorry, Apple Bloom. I'll get you a new one.” Scootaloo apologized, feeling guilty.

Sweetie Belle finally got up, moving closer to her friend to try to comfort her as well.

"Yeah, so you know, don't bother Comet." Said a voice that made Comet stop dead.

When he turned around, there was none other than Blink, Rumble's scrawny colt henchman. Seeing him sticking their noses where they didn't call him, all the colts, including Comet, looked at him with contempt.

“And what do you think you're doing?” Comet scolded him, now directing all his fury at him.

"Well, as the new chief of the school, you need a friend and lackey to support you and follow you and ... well ... I thought I could be that friend." He said, getting more and more nervous at Comet's inquisitive gaze. “I-I'm on your side.” He added.

Blink's words only increased Comet's anger. The crusaders had been forgotten. How dare this liar think he could be his friend? His horn began to flash and emit much energy from the rage he felt at that moment.

"Friend? ... From you? ..." He said in a tone of voice that made everyone present shudder as Blink flinched when faced by Comet, again feeling tiny before the intense look he gave him. “After everything you said; after everything you did to me; do you have the nerve to believe that I am going to be friends with someone like YOU? Many sparks began to come out of his horn. You're lucky I didn't give you what you deserve before and I'm not doing it now. Now get out of my sight before I regret it.

Completely terrified, the colt ran away from everyone. Once he was away from everyone, Comet turned and walked away as well. The rest, terrified, watched the colt move away directly to the trees and disappearing behind them, grateful that they were not the ones who were in that position. Comet really scared them, they had never seen him so angry, the crusaders at least had the consolation that with them he had been softer.

As he calmed down and his mind cleared, aided by the sound of the water and the billowing willow leaves, Comet began to feel terribly ill. He had done it again. He let his anger take control of him again. Without realizing it, he had become one of the bullies he had so disowned. He couldn't say that Blink hadn't earned it, but the crusaders didn't deserve that trade. Yeah, they bothered him before, but they didn’t do anything but telling him about his Cutie Mark. Nothing compare to Rumble. Everything had been an accident; none of them would have done it on purpose and he knew it. And what Apple Bloom said only made things worse. If he wanted something, he just had to ask Twilight, she would give it to him, in addition to her generous allowance; but he knew that others were not so lucky and many of his classmates had to save the little money that their parents gave them. But he was so frustrated with himself, jealous of his classmates; he was so envious of what others had and he couldn't get, that he ended up taking it out on them. How to get friends if nobody wants to be?

“With Celestia as my witness, I promise never to be a bully again; never again.” He told himself.

Seeing what time it was, since Twilight had bought her a pocket watch at his whim, she hurried back to school. Lunch would be over soon. On his way back, he found the crusaders not far from where he had left them, still looking sad.

The bell rang and the three of them headed for the classroom. Comet was the last to enter, staring at the deflated ball for a few moments. Not knowing quite what to do, he took it and carried it to his saddlebag, where he put it without anyone seeing him.

"Very well, students, I hope you enjoyed your recess." She said Cheerilee cheerfully as she started her class again. However, the faces of some of the foals present there could say otherwise. “As you know, we do some excursions to important or historical places as part of school activities…”

As soon as Cheerilee said the word excursion, all the ears of the students perked up and their eyes turned to her very attentive to what she would say, completely changing their mood to a more enthusiastic one. An excursion meant a day without classes, leaving the town, something that many normally did not do, and an experience full of games and fun.

“This time, we´re going to Canterlot. It will be a long trip; we will be there for two days. The first, we will take a tour of the city and the castle of the princesses; And on the second day, we will visit the royal gardens and will culminate in attending the famous Canterlot Flower Festival.

Voices of excitement and amazement began to be heard throughout the classroom, even Comet shared the feeling with his classmates, although for different reasons. Visiting Canterlot meant nothing more to him than seeing Cary again.

"So I need your parents to sign these permits." The teacher continued, showing some sheets in which she explained in more detail what the trip would consist of, where they would stay, what will they do, etc. “It is very important that you do not forget to give them to them, because whoever does not have your signed permit will not be able to accompany us. It is understood?”

All the colts nodded fervently, making everyone, even the crusaders, momentarily forget about the bad taste in their mouths from the altercation in the schoolyard.

Cheerilee went to the seat of each colt to hand them a copy personally. The vast majority, as soon as they had the paper in their hooves, immediately put it away except for Comet, who began to read it quickly. The school trip would be until the following week, I would not have much time to give the permission to Twilight, it would be best to do it as soon as possible.

“Ma ...! Twilight! Twilight!” The colt entered the castle very excited, trying to start calling her mother, although he still did not feel very used to it.

“Comet, you're finally here.” She said excited.

"I have something important to tell you ..." They both said at unison. “How? You too?” They both started laughing.

"You first." Twilight said.

“There's going to be a school trip next week; they’ll take us to Canterlot, the castle and the Flower Festival. I just need you to sign this paper to be able to go.” He said very excited, giving her the permit.

"What a coincidence…" Twilight exclaimed, taking the sheet. “Princess Celestia had just sent us invitations to attend the ceremony.” She said, showing Comet the letter. “I must leave a day before you…” She noticed as she read. I suppose we will meet there.”

"That means…" Comet said, sensing the answer.

"Mhmm, you can go on the trip." Twilight replied smiling as she signed the authorization. One way or another, I think you would have gone to the celebration.

Comet, unable to contain his excitement, hugged Twilight tightly and then ran to his room and put down his things. However, no emotion was enough to make him forget the hunger he felt, making him go down immediately to eat.

The next morning, back at school, Comet was among the first to arrive. I was a little nervous, not so much because of the trip, since that was already insured, but because of a mission that had been done that day. Just a couple of chairs in front of him, there was a lone ball waiting to be picked up by a certain pony.

The reason for her nervousness was to know what reaction she would have. He had been very hesitant about leaving a note apologizing to the owner, in the end leaving nothing more out of shame than anything else, only repairing the ball with his magic and inflating it again. However, his plans were about to be ruined.

"Wow, look." One of his classmates exclaimed. “Someone must have forgotten it. Do you think the owner would mind if…?” He said to his friend.

"Leave that there." Comet interrupted.” It is not yours.”

"Oh come on, as if you hadn't thought of taking it." The filly next to him snapped.

"If it had, that ball wouldn't be there." Comet said. “Now leave her where it is.” Comet added seriously.

“Okay. Okay. Take it easy” Said the filly, somewhat alert. Not stopping to think about how strange the situation was. Comet upset by something that did not involve him and defending the interests of another, who would have said it.

Shortly after meeting her, the three fillies he hoped to see entered. Immediately, he picked up the book he had with him, pretending to read. He hid behind it so he could listen to the three without them noticing.

“What is this?” Apple Bloom said at the moment she payed attention to her seat. “Girls, look. It's my ball. It's repaired.” Apple Bloom exclaimed happily.

Comet couldn't help but smile by hearing her as well. He had sorted out his mess yesterday, more or less. But that made him feel good.

“Who left it there?” Scootaloo asked, looking around.

"I don't know; it was already here" Apple Bloom replied.

“Do you think it could have been Comet?” Sweetie Belle asked innocently, something that surprised Comet.

“He was the one who broke it in the first place, why would he repair it?” Scootaloo said skeptically.

"Well, maybe he regretted doing it and wanted to make things right." Sweetie Belle suggested.

“Oh please. Sweetie Belle. It is nice that you think that about Comet, but that colt gets upset for the least of reasons and doesn't care how many he hurts. I highly doubt he has any regrets.” Scootaloo rejected the idea again.

“Yes. I think you're right.” Sweetie Belle agreed.

Behind the book, the colt's smile faded upon hearing the talk. Sweetie Belle, the only one who had given him the benefit of the doubt, also accepted that Comet would not have done such a thing. Perhaps he had gone too far. Was this how they all saw him now? A heartless colt that didn't mind hurting others. Although he didn't like hearing that at all, much less from the crusaders, who never stopped teasing him about his Cutie Mark until just a couple of weeks ago, it made him understand the seriousness of the situation.

"Good morning, students." Cheerilee greeted as she entered after the ringing of the bell. “Before class begins, does anyone already have their permission signed? If so, please put them on the desk.”

Immediately, about half the room got up to deliver the paper, including: Comet, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon.

Sweetie Belle, on the other hand, had to ask Miss Cheerilee something about her permit. As her parents had gone on a trip, again, and she was staying with her sister Rarity, who had been taking care of her lately. But I would wait until the end of class for it. For the moment, she only stared at Comet for a moment, still having her doubts about the colt, looking quickly away when the colt turned to her upon feeling her gaze.

Once the last permit had been collected, the class began. Today's topic, Cutie Marks, again. There were already several times that the subject was aired in class, Comet did not understand why so much fascination and there were three fillies who listened with special attention to the explanation. But for Comet it was very different, it was getting boring and somewhat tiring to be listening to the same thing over and over again, not being able to prevent the dream from beginning to beat him, nodding repeatedly.

“Comet, are you paying attention?” A voice next to him called his attention that was heard was annoyed, making him wake up quickly from his lethargy, a small disadvantage of being almost in the front and not in his previous place at the back of the room. “I understand that the subject is not as interesting as the others, but do not fall asleep in class” Cheerilee scolded him.

“With all due respect, Miss Cheerilee, this is about the fifth time you've explained this topic. What else can I learn from him?” Said Comet, causing some gasps of astonishment among his classmates for the boldness in his words.

“Oh, so you already consider yourself an expert. All right, Comet, why don't you teach the class then?” Cheerile snapped, irritated by his insolence.

Comet sighed somewhat annoyed, but then smirked. He would make Cheerilee regret those words. This would be a good opportunity to surprise both her and her classmates, educate them a bit and show off, of course.

He got up from his seat and walked to the front of the room, much to the surprise of Cheerilee, who believed that the colt would hesitate with that words, as would any other of his students. But no Comet, with much confidence he planted himself in front of everyone, ready to give his explanation.

"We hear you, Comet." Cheerilee said, returning to her desk, somewhat doubtful.

Comet took a deep breath to mentally prepare himself. So, it started:

“The Cutie Mark or Beauty Mark, as it is called in other regions, is one of the best known topics and, contradictorily, the least known about it.”

“There are many unanswered questions and few are the data obtained from the little research that has been done in an attempt to better understand something as common as a cutie mark is.”

“But what is a cutie mark? The simplest description we can find is: A mark that appears on the flank of a pony, which can vary from individual to individual. This tells us that it is characteristic of our species, because, despite the fact that there are other magical creatures, such as griffins, hippogriffs, dragons, sea serpents; it has never been seen that any of them can have them.

»We have always been told that it represents the special talent of a pony, which is what it is destined to do, this being the explanation that Clover the Clever gave them from times before Celestia, remaining as the valid acceptance for millennia, and which it will appear at some point of our lives. But if so, why aren't we born with it instead of having a blank flank? Why do we have to wait to find such talent for it to appear? And, if this is destined to appear, why is it not programmed to appear at a certain age like teeth? The most accepted theories that explain this are: 1) It is linked to the magical maturity of the pony; 2) The pony decides when it appears and what appears; and 3) It is because of a task with which you have a lot of practice and mastery.

»However, each of these theories has its limitations and counterarguments, as there are ponies that do not know how to use magic or are very young and get their cutie mark; there are ponies who spontaneously get a cutie mark and don't know what it is or why; and there are those who obtain it the first time they do something and discover that they like it. There are even those who say that it is a mixture of these or more factors, but they can never sufficiently substantiate or describe the other influencing factors.

»All this without leaving the idea that the Cutie Mark represents the talent of the pony.

“Without leaving that idea? So are there others?” Asked a filly with cream-colored fur and red hair that wore glasses and braces.

"It's a very good question." Comet replied, feeling flattered that they were paying attention to him. “Yes. There are many other acceptances about the meaning of the cutie mark. As I already said, the explanation of Clover the Clever, has been the most widespread everywhere, even outside of Equestria. But, currently, it is an archaic reasoning and to continue using it would be incorrect, despite the simplicity with which it is understood.

“And what would those other explanations be?” Apple Bloom asked somewhat skeptically, since that is what her entire club was based on, putting aside her conflicts with Comet, at least for a moment.

“That's what I was going to. There are those who say that they represent our affinities; others, that they are our destiny to follow; some authors suggest that cutie marks are inherited as a kind of family magic; a few believe that they are influenced by our environment or where we live; there are even those who claim that they appear randomly.

“Which of all is correct?” Said the blue-furred pony that Comet had bullied long ago.

"Couldn't come up with an answer" Comet said. “They all have their backing. There are ponies that have Cutie Marks for things they like to do...”

"Like Rainbow Dash, she likes to win." Scootaloo said.

“...there are entire families that have theirs with the same theme...”

"Like mine." Apple Bloom interrupted. “My whole family has Cutie Marks about apples.

“…and ponies have been known to have Cutie Marks from living in the mountains, for example, or that theirs has nothing to do with what they do or like.”

»Of these theories and many others that did not gain greater importance, it is that they began to make classifications to try to group them, describe and explain the Cutie Mark in a faster and less confusing way.

»The first was given by Saddle, who classified them by the number of drawings they are, as simple, if he only had one drawing; and composite, if they were a set of several.

Another would be Greathoof, focusing more on races. Classifying them into only pegasi, only unicorns, only terrestrial and any race. The problem with this classification is that it does not explain much, it only focuses on breed and there are many Cutie Marks that different breeds of ponies can share.

Trotten tried one in which he divided them into objects, plants, animals, and ambiguous. Their biggest problem was the number of sub-ratings that could get out of them; tools, music, planting, weather, among many others; which, in turn, were subdivided into many others.

»The last classification that has been tried to introduce is that of Glowing. Which I consider the most appropriate and correct.

“Why?” Asked Miss Cheerilee now.

“Because, unlike the previous ones, it does not focus on a single idea or acceptance of the Cutie Marks. Part of three of the previous postulates, modifying one. Glowing put aside the idea of ​​a single explanation for its meaning and stopped focusing only on the drawing to go to the interpretation of it. Thus reaching the categories of talent, since it is still valid and the most common; personality, when a trait of it is very dominant or marked, the affinities also entering there since they can determine one's personality; and, finally, those of the destination type, being the least common and confusing for those who obtain them.

»The advantage of this classification over the others is that the rest can fit in it and it gives us a general and concise idea of ​​the Cutie Mark that one has.”

“For you, what do the Cutie Marks mean?” Asked Miss Cheerilee again.

Comet think for a moment. “Nothing.” He said.

Several of the foals present there gasped at such assertion of the foal. After all that explanation, the ideas that he said he agreed with and how entrenched the idea of ​​Cutie Marks ponies had, that he said it in a way that seemed like a minor thing, completely collided with their ideas.

"Those are harsh words for a blank flank." Diamond Tiara sneered, followed by a laugh accompanied by Silver Spoon's.

"Diamond Tiara.” the teacher chided her. But the filly didn’t seem to take the teacher seriously. “Comet has his own way of thinking and he's not...”

"If I may, I'd like to answer." Comet interrupted with a shrewd look.

"Huh...? sure." Cheerilee said somewhat confused.

“Thanks. I'm in no rush to get my cutie mark, like many other ponies. At some point it will come, because it has to come. This is how our species works, there has not been a single pony that has not obtained it. What you contemptuously call "Blank flank", is not an insult to me, but a reminder of the almost infinite potential of what I can become, as well as an ironic way of calling me since I have a white spot on my side, like many others in my body.

"Then why do you say they don't mean anything?" Diamond Tiara replied, annoyed at feeling humiliated that Comet did not see her nickname as something bad, leaving her in a fool.

“After what I have read about and the different ways in which it has been tried to explain the existence and meaning of Cutie Marks, I came to that conclusion. A Cutie Mark doesn't mean anything. It's just a image on your flank. The meaning is given by the pony to whom it belongs. He and only he can interpret and decide what it represents. Taking Miss Cheerilee for example, her Cutie Mark is three smiling flowers. Anyone who does not know her would say that her talent is gardening, but she interpreted it as seeing us flourish as her students. It gave it its own meaning.”

"Continuing with that idea, I can get whatever Cutie Mark and I would make it mean whatever I wanted it to mean and it still would fit into the classifications and theories I mentioned." Comet finished with a proud smile and an arrogant look for having left Cheerilee speechless, who couldn't believe Comet had exceeded her expectations of a colt teaching. “Did I forget to say something?” Said Comet, already being pedantic.

The bell rang.

“No, Comet. I think you've explained it very well.” Cheerilee replied, still stunned. “You can go out.” She told them all.

All of the foals enthusiastically walked out into the yard, some still commenting on the class Comet had given them, others surprised that instead of using the blackboard and chalk, Comet created a series of holograms and images with his magic as he explained. Leaving a pensive and somewhat embarrassed Cheerilee inside the classroom.

Note to myself: never tell Comet to teach the class again. She thought to herself. He was Twilight's son, for Celestia´s sake, when it had occurred to her it was a good idea. It was obvious he was going to be a cocky know-it-all; his past homework must have warned her.

“Watch out!” Someone yelled as, coincidentally, the same ball headed back toward Comet.

Everyone was silent, expectant, when it hit him again, although this time none of his books or notebooks were damaged. Thus closing an incredible and cruel irony of fate. The same Pegasus watched fearfully that she would be in trouble again, and this time Comet would be less considerate.

“Scootaloo! I just got my ball back.” Apple Bloom scolded.

“Comet… sorry… again. I-I didn't mean to... I swear…” The pegasus said nervously.

“I thought you said it wouldn't happen again.” Comet said, obviously annoyed, but trying to control himself.

“Yes… I'm so sorry. I got carried away and I didn't see where I was throwing the ball.” Scootaloo closed his eyes at the end, leaving one ajar, believing that now he would take it out on her.

"Be more careful." Comet said, throwing the ball at her again.

Scootaloo caught her, not without putting on a look of disbelief and confusion that the rest of the colts shared. Was it possible? Comet did nothing? No one could understand the reasons for the colt, it was completely strange behavior for him. Something very good must have happened to him to put him in such a good mood that day. But since you have to learn to accept things as they come, no one asked any more questions. Even with their minds somewhat distracted by Comet, they all went back to business.

“Very good, students, since everyone has already given me their signed permits, I need you to choose a partner. They will be with you the whole trip and will share a room, so make sure you choose well.” Said Cheerilee just a few days later.

As expected, many got together with their friends to spend the trip together; the crusaders, being three, had to decide who of them would go together and who would have to go with someone else, finally deciding that Sweeetie Belle and Scootaloo would go together and Apple Bloom would go with Twist, a friend she had since before the crusaders; someone very nice and knowing her, would share many of the delicious sweets that she made.

Comet, on the other hand, lagged behind in finding a partner. With no friends or ponies to talk to and many of his peers still fearing him, it was a very difficult task. For a moment, he was about to be paired with a lavender-haired, blonde-haired unicorn, Dinky Hooves, if he remembered correctly. She hardly knew the filly, they had never spoken, but she was one of his few companions who had never done anything to him; he'd never had a problem with her, so being with her wouldn't be either. However, in the end, she decided to team up with a pink-furred Pegasus, leaving Comet alone.

This disappointed him a bit, but it was better this way. It would be easier to go visit Cary without a partner who was dragging behind him constantly telling him that what he was doing was not right. Also, that would mean he would have an entire room to himself, without any noisy to disturb him while he read. It had its advantages and disadvantages.

Author's Note:

Thanks to all of you who read and support my work. I've been working on few chapters I will be publishing soon.
A kiss and a hug. Until the next chapter.