• Published 4th Sep 2020
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Twilight adopts a foal. The adventures of Comet Dust - Itztli FP

An orphan and lonely colt with a peculiar appearance, fear of ponies and the wish of find a familly. His wish comes true when Twilight Sparkle decides to adopt him and take him lo live in Ponyville with him.

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Chapter 1 The last is the good one

Author's Note:

This isn´t the first fanfic I made, but is the first that I've decides to write. The idea came one day I created an OC (Comet Dust) and I started to put him in "What if..." situations, finally getting to the idea of "What if Comet dust was Twilight's son". After that a lot of stories and crazy ideac started to come. With the time, I've crated a whole story with all de othes, and without even thinkint, I ended up fond with the character for oll i gave him of me giving him life. That's why I decided to share his story with you. I hope you like it as much as me writting it.

All events in this work take place in an alternative universe, so they don't fully follow the canons an timeline of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. In this AU Twilight is already a princes and has her castle, however, the events with Lord Tirek an Starlight Glimmer never happened and it might be some variations in the personality of the characters, but I'll try to keep as close as the original.

Note: Sorry, my English is not the best. Actually, it isn't my native language, so it may be some parts where my sintax is wron, but im making my best to write as best as posible. Plus, this help me to improve. If there's a part where I made a mistake, please tell me, I'll try to fix it, after all, I'm still learning.

So, enjoy it.

“Comet Dust, please report to the interview room”. Someone called through the megaphone, hoping it would be heard by whoever they were looking for.

A few minutes passed, no one appears.

“Comet Dust, report to the interview room”. It was heard again throughout the building, but now with a tone of annoyance.

Another ten minutes passed. Hoping they finally gave up.

To his bad luck, the room’s door opened and a one of the caregivers appeared. A little overweight, pale pink fur and purple mane gathered in a bun, wearing her typical white apron with pink lace.

“Comet, I’ve told you a million times don’t lock the door, besides, they´re calling you” Said the mare, knowing that he heard perfectly his name on the megaphone. However, she spoke to him in a very calm and kind mood, as she used to be.

Inside a large room, in which there were two rows of five beds, there was a foal reading alone, sitting on the bed closest to the door, who even move a single muscle by the presence of the caregiver.

“Hi, Cary. I´m not going. Can you tell the others? Tanks.” He said reluctantly, without even turning to look at her.

“You don´t decide that.” Cary replied trying to still speaking calm. She knew very well that working with children wasn’t easy and she specially knew how difficult Comet can be at times. On several occasions, she’d gotten into trouble covering up her antics or giving in to his whims, yet this was something she couldn't give in on.

“I already did it. I’ve already told you: no more interviews. I´ve had enough of those. I won´t be rejected again.” Comet replied, without even leaving the book he was looking at.

“Perhaps, you haven’t had luck finding a family, but this time could be different.” She said, trying to convince him. “It’s a very important pony who is waiting for you, maybe, you could give her an opportunity…”

“Cary, any pony that comes her, “surely” is someone important.” He said with a mocking giggle, downplaying his caretaker comment.

Cary didn’t know how to answer in response to the foal, he actually was right. Being located in Canterlot, almost every pony who went to the institution was wealthy ponies, be they diplomats, big merchants or some public figure. Leaving the mare without her best weapon to convince the foals.

“So, if that’s all you’ve have to say, you can go. Please lock the door when you leave.” He said proudly.

The comment upset Cary a lot. She was already too busy taking care of the other foals on her own to bear with Comet.

“I didn’t come here to argue with you.” She replied authoritarian. “So, get ready and come down, now.”

“No.” He answered sharply, thinking that she was just bluffing.

Comet knew he was putting his hooves on the fire, being the foal who was stayed the longest time in the orphanage, he knew perfectly each caregiver, how to deal with them and how far he could get and Cary wasn’t the exception. She was calm and patience almost every time, but, she was the kind of pony you didn't want to make upset, however, he can’t afford to lose this battle, so he tokes the risk.

Without saying another word, the mare started to glow his horn, with a clearly angry face.

“¡Hey!” Comet yelled when Cary pull him out of the room by his ear, taking him with all and book.

“I tried to be nice, I wanted you to come for the good, but you didn’t listen, you leave me no choice” She scolded him while she was trying to comb his hair without success to make him look more presentable. “Now, stay still.”

Comet just grumbled under his breath, following the same route he’d traveled back and forth numerous times. The path that every foal in that place do with a smile, he did it reluctantly. His enthusiasm had gone since the tenth time he walked in the same direction.

He hated to have to do the same old charade again. A couple of would ponies arrive, they would sit in the interview room waiting for Comet, they would look at him with contempt just the moment he entered the room, they would talk a little pretending to be interested in him, and then, leaving saying that they would think about it and never be seen again. The only thing that comforted him and stopped him from being arguing with Cary was his book, which he had already read at least five times before, but, at least, it would be more interesting than the fifteen to twenty minute chat with the arrogant visiting pony and, by the way, avoided adding fuel to the fire with Cary.

“We´re here. I’m very sorry for the delay, the interview tokes him by surprise and he was getting ready.” Cary said when she opened the room’s door with a forced smile, taking the responsibility for the inconvenient that Comet had caused, again, hoping that the pony that was there wasn’t too upset.

“Don’t worry, I understand how nervous foals can get in this situation, so, there’s no problem” Answered gently the voice of a mare, which Comet didn’t bother to put his book down to see.

“Uff… What a relief.” Cary muttered. “Well, I´ll leave you alone, so you can know each other. Be good, Comet.” She said the last thig under her breath with a threatening tone to Comet, who just gave her a disgusted look.

Cary closed the door, giving a sigh behind it, wishing Comet good luck, like other times before. She was the one who accompanied Comet to all of his interviews and she hated the deception and frustration in the eyes of the foal every time he got rejected. She understood perfectly why Comet didn’t want to come back to that room, but she would hate more if Comet never gets a family, she couldn’t never forgive herself. Comet had been in the orphanage for six years, most of the foals who arrived there didn’t last more than twelve months before being adopted, thanks to the good reputation the pace had, in addition to being under the supervision of Princess Celestia herself, like many other ones she had inaugurated throughout all of Equestria; he had exceeded the average length of stay at the institution, and as much as she had grown fond of him, she knew it was time for him to leave.

The room was very cozy. It was a small room, with a couple of puffs under a window through which a lot of sunlight came in; in the middle, there were a little table with its chairs, painted in different colors, the decoration was very cheerful. There were some story books and coloring books near some crayons in a corner, and there were toys spread over the entire room. On a small table, in one corner, there was a phonograph, which Comet never find out if it worked since he had never used it.

“Let´s finish with this as far as we can, all right?” Comet said suddenly, in the moment Cary closed the door, moving toward one of the puffs as far away from the visiting pony as possible.

The mare was stunned. She never expected that kind of reaction from a foal she even hasn’t seen, the book he was holding covered him completely. But that wouldn’t be enough to take away her optimism.

“You must be Comet Dust; I’ve heard a lot of you.” She said with enthusiasm.

“Mmm… I see.” He answered indifferently, trying to be the as rude as possible to, whoever this was, would leave as quickly as possible.

The mare couldn’t understand the foal’s attitude. She sat down on the puff next to Comet’s, unsure if the reaction of the foal it was a signal that he doesn’t like her.

“I’ve heard that you’re very independent, you like to read a lot and you’ve learned how to use magic by yourself…” The mare said, trying to find a topic to start a conversation.

“Thanks to telling me things about myself that I already know…” He interrupted her sarcastically, making the mare even more nervous.

She didn’t know how to act in that situation. She knew that some foals could get nervous o timorous and she prepared herself for that, but she never expected such a show of apathy. Still, something inside her told her not to give up, that she must keep trying.

“Could you, at least, let me see you?” She asked gently. “It’s kind of awkward speaking to a book.”

“Why does she insist so much? Didn’t she get the message?” Comet thought.

Comet turned with weariness, hoping that if he gave her a disdainful look, she would go away.

“Agh… Ok.” He said while he was putting his book down to see the stranger. “I don’t know what do you expect this would do but… P-P-Princess!” He yelled in surprise, hiding the left side of his face immediately.

What was SHE doing there? Cary told him that it was an important pony, but he thought it was another haughty rich pony from Canterlot, not that he would be in front of the Princess of Friendship herself, Twilight Sparkle.

“Now you made it big, Comet.” Thought the colt.

“Princess, I’m… I’m very sorry for what I said… I-I shouldn’t have…” Comet stammered crestfallen, unable finding the words to apologize. “…knowing it was you… I never…” He sighed. “I’m sorry.” Comet said al last, thinking that he just made a fool of himself in front of the princess.

“Don´t worry about that, it´s not a big deal.” She answered giving him a very nice smile, while the colt was trying desperately to hide his face from her. She thought it was for the shame. “It´s not necessary to call me princess, you can call me Twilight.”

“Ok, Miss Twilight.” Comet answered.

“Just Twilight. ”she said with a giggle.

Comet didn’t understand what was happening. He’d behave in such a rude way towards one of the highest authorities of Equestria and the only thing he would hope would be an exemplary punishment, however, the princess was calm and understanding. That the princess was who had come to look for him was a surprise, but, the fact that she wasn’t furious at his attitude was another bigger.

“What are you doing here, Prince… Twilight?” He asked fearful.

“What do you think I’m doing here?” Twilight answered kindly with another question, seeing that the colt, although fearful, finally dare to chat.

“Are you coming to teach a magic or friendship class?”

“You might think that, but if that was the case, the other foals would know I’m here, plus I wouldn’t be in this room with you.”

“So, are you coming to see the place?”

“Sort of…”

“And, why did you were looking for me for?” Comet asked, still hiding part of his face, but with a face that reflected nervousness.

“Is there any problem?” Asked Twilight a little confused by the colt’s sudden change of attitude.

“It’s just that there are another foals that you will surely like more than me.” He answered sadly.

“Why wouldn’t I like you?” Twilight asked even more confused.

“Because I’m the oldest here.” He lied.

“That doesn’t make any sense, why I wouldn’t like you because of your age? There must be another reason for you to think that.”

“It’s just that it’s always been like this.” Comet said on the verge of tears in a barely perceptible murmur, but one that Twilight heard.

“I don’t understand, what has always been like this”

“The ponies…”

“What happen with the ponies?”

“…They don’t like me because I’m… different” He said with teary eyes and a brittle voice.

“But, every pony it’s different, that’s what makes us unique, even you and me, just because you’re different doesn’t necessary mean that they don’t like you…”

“No, Princess, you don’t understand…”

“I know that meeting another ponies can be scary, but if you give them a chance and give yourself a chance, you’ll see that the impression you though they had of you is not true…”

“I know that, what I’m trying to say is…” Comet said, increasingly frustrated that the princess wasn’t listening to him.

“I understand that you’re nervous and because of that you thought that hiding behind a book was a good idea, believe me, I know for experience, but if you put the book aside and just relax…”


“You just have to be yourself…”

“LOOK AT ME!” He yelled, throwing the book away hard. Annoyed, frustrated, sad to know how this would end. A sea of emotions that was only expressed in a weak cry and a slight sob, as he stood in front of Twilight.

Twilight was speechless, more from Comet's outburst than her appearance, which was what Comet wanted her to notice.

“You wanted to know me?! Well, here I am!” He screamed between tears “Now you know what I am! A monster!”

Comet started crying, venting all the accumulated frustration, anger and sadness from the many times he had been rejected by a family or another foals who just saw him without even taking the time to meet him.

Twilight was saddened to hear Comet´s self-loathing words. Just thinking on all the times he had to endure the jokes, insults and the nicknames the others gave him, to think that he was a monster himself, that he didn't deserve a family or love, it caused a lump in her throat.

Although the appearance of the colt was similar to that of many other, it could be noted that the little one suffered from a medical condition. His grayish blur fur was stained with large white patches, which would be anything out of the ordinary, were it not be for the fact that the affected areas were so pure white, that it seemed to have no color; perhaps, in fact, it would be say that it was transparent, even Rarity couldn’t compete with such clean white; in addition, the hair in that areas grown longer and shaggy than normal, resembling more of a scratchy beard than the soft and smooth coat that ponies possessed.

One of the white spots that’s crossed the left side of the foal´s head and face, just the one he covered with the book, affected his horn, leaving it half grayish blue, half white; a part of his mane, turning it into a tangle of stiff white hair; and also his eye, taking away its natural orange color, as his other eye, from a milky blue that affected even de pupil.

Twilight, without knowing what to do or what to say to help him, just took the colt in his hooves and hugged him, trying to comfort him. After all, at first he’d hidden behind that façade of disinterest, deep down there was a little foal, insecure and scared of what might result from that encounter.

“I can’t see any monster.” Twilight said tenderly once Comet had calm down a bit, who just keep quiet, letting out a slight sob “Here, you should clean yourself.” She said making pop in front of him a tissue.

Comet did what Twilight said, still in her arms. He didn’t want to get out from the safety that that warm hug gave him.

“I’ll tell you what I see.” She continued. “I see a colt, like many others and like many others, deserves a family.”

Comet got out of Twilight’s arms, looking at her with hopeful eyes. Wishing those words would steer the conversation in the direction he believed.

“Tell me, would you like to come home with me?” She finally asked.

The moment Twilight said those words, the eyes of the colt were filled with joy and happiness and huge smile was drawn on his face. After so many years trying and dozens of unsuccessful interviews, it was happening. Finally, some pony had accepted him, asking the question he had long been waiting to hear.

The tears start to welled up in his eye again, but these were different, they weren’t loaded with sadness and anger, on the contrary, there were the kind of tears every pony wanted to see, of pure happiness.

Driven by it, Comet jumped again toward Twilight, rounding her neck with his arm, as a show of affection to the only pony who hadn’t flown away from his strange appearance, the only one who had gave him a chance.

“Thank you…” Was the only thing Comet could say, burying his face in his new mother’s fur.

Comet woke up. A little dizzy. He couldn’t recognize the place where he was at first.

As his body was waking up and his mind was slowly clearing, he remembered the dream he had, the same that had repeated some nights before. All that happened a little less than a week ago and he still couldn’t believe that that really happened. But he was there, lying on a makeshift bed in one of the many rooms of Twilights castle. Woke up every morning after that dream, remembering how he had met the Princess of Friendship and she had accepted him in her life, was the happiest thing in his life.

However, he wasn’t very sure what happened after that, all he could remember was some fragments and scenes. He remembered how bored he was when Twilight was filling the paperwork, the envious glance his partners had when they saw him leaving with the Princess and, above all, being hugging Cary. She was crying, the fact that she had to say goodbye to the colt she had taken care all those years made her sad, although she was happy too, because Comet finally had found a family which will love him as much as she did.

Thinking in Cary made him a little sad, he knew that she was happy wherever she was in Canterlot, but having to say goodbye hadn’t been easy at all, after all, she was the pony who Comet had gotten to be closest with, she practically had raised him, she knows him and understands better than any pony. She was who, actually, had taught to use magic, though she liked to say that he had learned by himself.

He got up from the bed, ready to go downstairs to the dinner room, Twilight and Spike must had been there an d he didn´t want to be late for breakfast.

Before he closes the door, he gave a quick look to his only properties he had taken with him, a little book of basics spells Cary gave him, an alarm clock with the form of an parasprite and, on a box next to his bed, kept with love, a photograph of him next to Cary and the other caregivers from the orphanage, taken the same day he left to Ponyville with his new family.