• Published 4th Sep 2020
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Twilight adopts a foal. The adventures of Comet Dust - Itztli FP

An orphan and lonely colt with a peculiar appearance, fear of ponies and the wish of find a familly. His wish comes true when Twilight Sparkle decides to adopt him and take him lo live in Ponyville with him.

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Relative calm

Chapter 9. Relative calm.

It was middle of the week. Comet was back in school after being trapped in the train with Twilight and Spike one and a half day due to a failure within the train they were in middle way, keeping all passengers stranded in the mountains out of Canterlot.

Try to return wasn’t an option, the pegasi programed rain for that night, and boy did they show off, the tremendous storm they let fall there was incredible. Tons of water fell form the sky every second; blinding lightning bolts lighten the dark night; and the sky roared every time a thunder sounded, making all the train rumble. The rain was that heavy that you only can see a few feet outside, and in the night, the darkness was total. He missed a whole days of classes in the time somepony could call someone for help and a new convoy came to pick up the helpless passengers.

Explain all of this to Cheerilee had been a feat by itself. She din´t believe a single word, but his detailed explanation and a little chat with Twilight latter that day were enough to convince her.

Now he was in art class. The task, paint the things most important for him. Comet made his biggest effort to portray Cary, Twilight and Spike in his canvas, but when he thought he had finished he gave a look to his work, then a frustration and estrange glace was in his face.

I really suck at this. He thought, without quitting his eyes of his rare work.

But nothing that could happen could take away the excitement he felt that day, his violin lessons started that afternoon. Not even Rumble jokes and company had effect, leaving the three colts upset and perplexed by the positivism he had, they thought they were losing control over him.

When Twilight said she were going to find an instructor for him he never thought it would be that soon, it wasn’t pass a week and she had already found one. Obviously, comet was really happy for this.

Not too far away from him, a fully was really happy to see him again. Since the incident last week she wanted to fix things up with Comet, but didn’t have the chance to do it because she always found him with rumble or was hiding somewhere and this week he missed a day. But he seemed in a very good mood that day, so she wasn’t afraid of talking to him and he didn’t want to hear her. Plus, he didn’t seem to have a book with him today, so he wouldn’t be distracted.

Brake finally came. It was the perfect moment to talk to Comet and, why not, invite him to their club. Unlike other days, the filly separated of her friends to walk toward the tree Comet surely was, carrying to lunch boxes with her.

In effect, Comet was there, sitting down the tree, out of the sight of everypony. But she noticed she had made a mistake, he actually had a book with him. It wasn’t as big as the last one, this was smaller and thinner, with the pictures of three foals holding a book with amazed expressions on their faces. She almost could read part of the title, Spider-somethig... She was now unsure if her plan was going to work, maybe Comet could get upset if she interrupted him, but she had come this far so she couldn’t quit now.

“Um… Hi, Comet.” She greeted a little nervous, touching gently his shoulder to call his attention.

Comet jumped nervous as well, thinking it would be Rumble and his friend again, but he relaxed the moment he saw the filly in front of him. “Uh… Hello?” he greeted back a little confused and curious to know what was she doing with him.

“I’m sorry I interrupted your book…” She apologized.

“No problem. I have already finished it.” He showed her he was in the last page.

She sighed. “What a relief.” She exclaimed.

“How can a I help you…?” He said formally but suspiciously, making a signal with his hoof to make her understand he didn’t know her name.

“Oh, Sweetie Belle.” He said happily, maybe she could get close with Comet after all. “I was wondering if I could stay and have lunch with you?” She said hopeful.

“Why?” Comet was puzzled.

“Well, I want to give you this.” She pulled out one of the lunches she made and showed him. Cut vegetables, almost smashed, something cut in small cubes Comet didn’t know if it was cheese, some vegetable he didn’t know or something else; and a cocked vegetable, if could call it in some way, because it apparently was melted but charred in some parts.

“Um.., Thank you?” He said even more puzzled. He didn’t understand the reason of her generosity, and it wasn’t the most appetizing thing to see, but Cary and Twilight had told him that it was rude not accept a kind offer from someone so he took it. It was obvious she made it by herself, but he didn’t want to say something that could hurt her because of her effort doing it, it was strange, it was the first time he cared about the feelings of somepony he didn’t know.

“Take it as an apology of ruined your lunch last week.” She said rubbing nervously her scruff, but making Comet understand the situation. “Maybe we started with the wrong hoof, so I would like to start over.” She said with a smile that seemed sincere.

Comet quickly remember the day she, her friends and the other two fillies make him toss his food when they surprised him. Besides their noisy discussion didn’t let him focus on his book, making him move away.

Still doubting, Comet accept the kind offer she was giving to her. She really seemed to be convinced in what she was saying, so he decided to take the risk ant trust in her, inviting her to sit next to him.

“What’s your book about? It seems interesting.” She said a couple of minutes later after seeing Comet so quiet, trying to break the ice and start a conversation with him.

“Oh. Well, it’s about three siblings that move to an old house from a distant family along with their mother. They found a secret room with an old field diary about unknown magic creatures there and, with the help of a little elfin that live with them, try to understand and…” Comet explained, feeling surprisingly comfortable by Sweetie Belle’s gesture; happy that someone finally was interested in something he likes.

Sweetie Belle pay attention to Comet, who happily and passionately explained her about his book. It could be heard the fascination he had for that marvelous and fictional word he described. She felt really happy she finally makes contact with him, the next step was closer.

“There you are, Sweetie Belle.” A voice interrupted from behind, a voice that, un fortunately, Comet know very well. “Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are looking for you.” He explained.

“Oh, thank Rumble.” She said naively. “I’ll be right back” She said to Comet, who stay there, wishing Sweetie Belle didn’t have to go, hiding his book. If he were more astute or assertive, he probably would offer to accompany her, but he didn’t think that because his nervousness of Rumble.

The moment Sweetie Belle was far enough; the trio gave him a dark glance while an evil grin was placed in their faces.

“Rumble, you fooled me. They weren’t looking for me.” Sweetie Belle reproached him upset when they crossed their ways while she was going back to the tree after a few minutes searching for her friends.

“Oh, really? Maybe it was just my imagination.” He said mocking, giving less importance to the matter, passing by herself.

Sweetie Belle stared at him while he passes by, really upset with him; he deliberated interrupted her for nothing when she already had made a connection with Comet. Thinking it was just one of his stupid jokes, she continued her way, hoping she could continue her conversation where they left it. To her surprise, she found comet laying on the ground, coughing and holding his stomach in pain, bleeding from the nose; next to him were their lunches, all stomped and ruined. His clothes were dirty and scruffy, his tie untied and he was covered in Dust and dirt, something strange in him since he was as vain as Rarity and prevented get dirty over all.

“Comet!” She yelled anguished. “Are you ok? What happened?” She was worry to see Comet in that state, not wanting to belief that rumble had something to do with that, he never got that far, but everything appointed that he was the responsible.

“As if you care about it.” He said with regret as he tried to stand up weakly, surprising Sweetie Belle.

“Need help?” She asked a little frightened.

“I’m ok.” He said sitting down with all his body aching, giving her a disdain glance.

“Are you sure? Can I do something or…?”

“I SAID I’M OK! Don’t you understand?!” He yelled in anger, scaring her. “Why don’t you leave me alone? I just want to be alone! Why don’t you go to laugh with your friends, surely you have a lot to mock at me after this!

“Why are you saying that? I didn’t…” She said almost crying, feeling hurt that Comet thought she had something to do with this.

“Get away from me! I don’t want to see you again!” He yelled while her horn started to sparkling due to the rage he was feeling. Sweetie Belle, scared, run out away from there thinking Comet was about to attack her.

Comet sat down still holding his aching tummy, the punch Bull gave him was really strong. But this was even surpassed by the ire he felt in that moment. He was furious with Sweetie Belle for cheated him that way; furious with Rumble and his friends for hitting him; and furious with himself for that stupid to believe that somepony would be interested in him and wanted to be his friend. They set him up, and he went straight to it.

With all this anger clouding his mind, he ran towards the grove. He didn’t know why he was running or where he was going, but he didn’t care, he just continued running without any reason. With the time, his emotions started to whirl his mind, passing form anger to frustration, to sorrow, to fear and back to anger over and over again, showed in a crying that blurred his vision.

In his no way race, branches, bushes and brambles scratched his clothes and her fur. Reaching a deep part of the grove, Comet stumbled, falling through a hillside he would have noticed if he were paying attention. He rolled until the roots of some shorter trees, less leafy and more spacing one from other. Among them, it could be seeing light from the other side.

Comet painfully stood up, turning to see from where he had fell. With crying eyes, he started to walk to the light, a little more calmed. When he went out of the trees he saw a beautiful scenery; a large spot where a crystalline and calm small lake called his attention. It uses almost all the space, sparkling with the sunshine; next to it there was a huge solitary old weeping willow standing right on the edge of the pond.

All the place spread a calm sensation; the soft water swell, the mumbling of the wind and the waving leafs of the willow make the place the perfect description of serenity. All that quiet got into the foal, who forgot all his worries and his sob slowly faded away.

Comet went closer to the willow, curious to know what it was hiding beneath that curtain of leaves characteristic of its species. The tree was leafy, his leaves reached the ground and some of them even scratched the surface of the lake, creating a small room inside of them. The floor was covered in the fallen leaves of the willow, a thick layer of moss and fungus that grew thank to the humidity and the little light the willow let pass through its curtains, making it have a slight green tone under it.

With the only company of the birds and his trills, and the coo of the nature around him, Comet started to feel sleepy. Snuggling between the leafs and the willow roots, he slowly closed his eyes while his mind was getting blank.

The school bell rang, making all foal walk back to the classroom. In the end of the line, there was a crestfallen Sweetie Belle along with her best friends, who tried to lift her spirit after she told them what happened before with Comet and that now he hated her without doing anything to him, and what Rumble has to do with that. Bit, without proves, she couldn’t say something at respect.

When everypony were inside, Miss Cheerilee came in and started to talk to start the lesson, but she stopped suddenly when she had a strange sensation. Something was wrong. She turned to all sides to make sure what it was, as his students stared at her with expectant or confused glances by his teacher attitude.

“Has anyone seen Comet?” She finally asked when she noticed the absence of the foal.

Immediately, everypony turned to Comet’s seat, where he should be, noticing that, actually, he wasn’t there. Mumbling all over the classroom starter to be heard while worried or confused expressions were on the students faces, so as in their teacher’s. Most of them said “no” with their heads, increasing Cheerilee’s worriedness. For being so quiet and lonely, nobody had notices his absence.

“Anyone? Nobody?”

“Maybe he’s still in the playground.” A brown fur and mane colt wearing a cap with a pinwheel on it suggested.

“Maybe he felt asleep and didn’t hear the bell.” Rumble said with a fake concerned tone, something that make the crusaders stare at him.

“Someone was with him during break.” Cheerilee asked.

Everypony shook his head except for Sweetie Belle, who were the only one who raise his hoof.

“Me.” She said nervously. “He was sitting under the tree.”

“Can you go to see if he stills there.” Sweetie Belle nodded pretty unsure it was a good idea, she was probably the last pony Comet wanted to see. She walked fast toward the tree, but, what she saw when she surrounded it left her perplexed while the fear started to creep in her face.

Sweetie Belle ran back to the classroom, yelling in concern. “Miss Cheerilee!” She said when she opened the door. “Comet is gone!”

“What?!” She screamed terrified. “How could that be possible?”

“He is not there, when I went looking for him I only find this.” Sweetie Belle show her Comet’s book.

Cheerilee’s face paled in that moment, so as much of the students, because, even though they didn’t know comet for so long, they knew he never got separated of his books. That he left it alone was worrying. Terrified of thinking that something bad could have happened to him, Cheerilee ordered his students to stay inside the classroom and went out looking for Comet.

She called his name everywhere with the slight hope that he could hear her and answered her finishing that nightmare, but the foal never appeared. The rest of foals saw his teacher through the windows desesperately looking for their missing classmate. As the time passes, the consternation of every pone grew, even Rumble’s, who started to feel worried and guilty.

After large minutes of unworthy searching, Cheerilee went back to the classroom. Fearing for his students’ safety, maybe something dangerous was outside, she finished the classes for that day and walked with the foals to the town again. Then she had to do the unpleasant and horrible duty to tell Comet´s mother the bad news, something nopony wanted to do never in its life.

She walked nervously to the castle door, doubting on how she must start or what word use to make the situation the less difficult, but there wasn’t. If it was difficult to anyone to tell somepony that his/her child was missing, now imagine doing the same to a Princess. But she didn’t want to make the wait any longer, the longer it takes to tell her the worst it would be for everyone, even for Comet if he was in danger; so, knowing that this was risky for her too, she knocked the door.

Spike opened up the door, surprising of see Miss Cheerilee there so early or sudden. Twilight appeared a couple seconds later, curious of seeing who was it. She greeted kindly giving her a smile, a little surprised to see her. But his smile quickly disappeared when she saw the worry in Cheerilee’s face and not seeing Comet with her. With a lot of shame and nervousness, Cheerilee told Twilight all what happened.

As fast as they could, Twilight trying to controlling herself in order to not get crazy, She and Cheerilee went to the city hall, not without ordered Spike to stay at home if Comet returned and sending a message to Princess Celestia for help. Spike follow her indications, even if he wasn’t really comfortable with them, because he wanted to join in the searching of his “brother”, but it was necessary.

Seconds tuned into minutes and minutes into hours. How many? Comet couldn’t say it. He woke up under the willow’s shadow at afternoon. The heat was hot, but the tree kept the ambient template. When she went out of the curtains of leaves, he could see that the sun was in its zenith and by the heat, he could say that it was passing the two in the afternoon. That meant, he lost the rest of the class.

Now he needed to went back for his saddlebag and explain all what happened, even his dispute with Rumble. The fact of remembering again made his blood boil. If he actually who was messing with, if he only had the slightest idea of who he was son, he should’ve gave him the respect he deserves. But he promised to himself not telling that secret, because they would respect him because they admired or feared Twilight, but not because who he was. Besides, how could he call himfelf the Princess’ son if he couldn’t stand on his own?

Remember the path back to school wasn’t easy at all. In his commotion he didn’t really pay attention where he was going, so he only could guide by the few things he could remembered. While he was walking, he couldn´t help but think about the calm of that place, it wasn’t seemed to be touch by someponys’ hooves in a long, long time. Few ponies, or even any, probably knew of its existence; he didn´t went too far, almost a few minutes walking, but nopony appeared in all the time he was there. Finally, he reached the starting point, the school.

It was weird, the school was completely deserted. He knew it was late, but he didn’t think it was late enough even for Cheerilee to leave and there were some royal guards near to the place, something rare to see since Ponyville was a quiet town and the Royal Guard it wasn’t needed except for special situations.

Carefully, se walk close, hiding quickly behind his tree. When he saw that no one noticed his presence, he walked toward the building and took a look through one of the windows. Empty, completely empty. Trying to get in would be a waste of time, he didn’t have the skills to open a lock and his stuff wasn´t there, somepony took them.

Comet thought it would be better to leave before some of the guard see him. But a shadow got close to him from behind. He turned nervously, seeing one of the guards standing right there, watching at him pretty serious. “What are you doing here, kid?” He asked in an authoritarian mode, scaring Comet. “What is your name?”

Comet couldn’t answer. His mouth was dry and his mind was in blank, only babbling nonsense noises. When the guard indicated him to accompanied him, he fell in panic. Scared of probably being arrested, he did the only thing he could think it was the only way to scape. He called the guard attention so he could stare at him, then he ignited his horn casting a spell that stunned the guard momently. Comet used this precious seconds to escape.

The other guards saw that flash of light and ran to see what was happening. They find his companion with a dizzy look and confusion. When they asked him about what was happened he couldn’t remember it.

Comet ran as fast as he could in town’s direction. That was too close, but his best spell had saved him again, or not. The moment he was far enough of the school que notice that he just attacked a royal guard, something really serious. What if somepony else saw him? What should he do if they catch him? There weren´t more guards in sight, but he couldn´t trust in that, he didn´t see the guard that talked to him. If someone knew about it he would be in serious problems, not only for miss the class, but for this now too. What should he do? Twilight would be angry and didn’t want to spend the rest of his life in the dungeons.

Trying to convincing himself that his spell would work and the guard won’t remember their encounter, he continued walking home.In his way, he passed in front of Sugar Cube Corner and his stomach growled, reminding him that he couldn’t have lunch because those bullies, returning the anger and frustration sensation. From a pocket on his vest, he took out some bits, the necessaries to buy a milkshake. He doubted for a second, finally deciding to buy something to eat. He was already in troubles, what would make a few more.

It was strange not seeing Pinkie Pie in there, but he didn’t give it too much importance, she was way too random for being predictable. However, the Cakes’ attitude was weird, he couldn’t say why or what it was, they were just weird.

Passing the hungry and the anger, Comet returned to thing how bad the day turned in just few minutes; that day that was supposed to be perfect went ruined again for the same ponies. He didn’t want to go home; he didn’t want to see the disappointed expression on Twilight’s face; he didn’t want to deal with the shame for let Twilight down. But he didn’t have another choice. The most he delays, the worst would be for both of them.

Comet got into the castle a little depressed. Thinking what would be better to tell Twilight.

Twilight was flying frantically all over the town. After Cheerilee told her that Comet was missed, the went as fast as they could to the city hall, where Mayor Mare started to move ponies to help in the searching. Thanks to the letter Spike sent to Princess Celestia, she sent back a garrison of guard to help. Sounds a little exaggerate, Comet was missed just a few hours, but there weren’t any missed foals in Ponyville in decades, so they took the matter really serious.

Always counting with the help of her friends, the search and rescue of the foal started. She and Rainbow Dash patrolled the town and its surroundings; Fluttershy and Applejack searched in the perimeter and the forest and orchards neighboring for any signal of Comet; and Pinkie Pie and Rarity were in charge of the town.

Twilight were starting a new round searching for Comet; she already lost count on how many circles did she do all over the town without any sight of Comet, just as if he just disappeared, but that doesn’t matter to her, she would do over and over again, back and forth, the times necessary until she found his child. She was flying over the school terrains hoping to see something she missed the times before. She was desperate. Tears started to fell down her face thinking that he probably did something wrong and she didn´t was going to see his foal again.

Then, a sparkling smog cloud appeared in front of Twilight and from it appeared a scroll. She quickly opened it hopefully. In it there were written four words, but the four words she wanted to see. “He´s back. He´s ok.” Without wasting any second, Twilight ignited her horn and lots of lights were shooted to the sky that explodes as fireworks spreading sparks all over town. Then, she flew at fast speed towards the castle, to fast some ponies could think that was Rainbow Dash instead of Twilight.

“Where is he?” She said slamming open the castle door. She was exhausted and very troubled, but her state was the less she mattered in that moment.

“He is upstairs; in his room.” Spike said bluntly. “He didn’t say anything, he just locked himself there.” He said a little concerned.

Without sayind anything else, Twilight ran upstairs to the foal’s room.

Comet where attempting to clean herself and trying to hide the bruises since he was back in the castle. Twilight wasn´t in home, he didn’t remember if she had told him she where going out in the afternoon, but that was better for him, that only gave him a little more time to think in something. If he managed to convince Twilight that all was about an argue with his friends, maybe everything will be solved easier, even if that meant he would lie to Twilight again. He didn’t like to do it, but if Twilight was happy with that, it will worth, even if that meant he will have to keep all to himself again.

Comet had already finished to clean himself the best he could, the rest will depend of how he handled the situation. He was about to play his violin to calm his nerves, when someone slammed open the door.

“Comet!” Twilight exclaimed with a crying voice and run toward the foal hugging him with love. “Oh, I’m so glad your back, safe and sound. Where were you? Are you ok? Why didn’t you come back?”

Comet didn’t understand that show of sentimentalism o why Twilight was crying, but that hug was all what he needed.

“Calm down, Twilight. I’m ok, I’m just late for a few hours.” He said a little confused; confusion he spread to Twilight with that words.

“A few hours?” She exclaimed incredulous. “comet, you were missing a whole day.”

Comet was about to stumble due to the surprise. He knew it pass some time while he was sleeping, but he didn’t think it would be that much. He slept for a whole day. Reminding it, now everything make sense; the empty school, yhe royal guards, the Cakes’ attitude and the absence of Pinkie Pie in Sugar Cube Corner.

He felt his stomach turning over and starting to make strange noises, maybe that milkshake hadn’t been a good idea after all. He ran to the bathroom before his body expel it in his room. When he felt better, he went back to his room, where Twilight was waiting for him. Comet sat on the bed next to her, still feeling a knot in his stomach, but nothing in it that his body could expel.

“Are you ok?” She asked calmly, seeing that he was as shocked as she.

“I… I don’t…” He tried to follow with his plan, but words simply didn’t come out as he started to cry by the lots of emotions he felt in just one day, Throwing himself into Twilight’s arms.

Twilight returned the hug, waiting for Comet to calm down so she could talk to him.

“Comet, please don’t do this again.” She said calmly, but with a tone that showed anguish. “I was really worried for you. I know it was just a day, but I think I’ll never going to see you again. I was afraid something could happen to you or I did something wrong.” She started to cry again, hugging him tighter. “What happened, Comet?”

Comet took his time to answer, he didn’t know what to do. Hearing all the pain and sorrow his actions had made to Twilight made him think that maybe it would be better if she just “forget” everything. But Comet didn’t have the courage to do that, after all, he still could feel the love and care in her words, he couldn´t take the risk of losing them.

“I’m sorry…” He finally said. “I had an argue with my friends and… I was so upset I just… left… I felt asleep and when I woke up… I though it just passed a few hours… I didn’t want to make you worry… I just… I’m really sorry.”

“You argue whit your friends? Why?” She asked a little concerned. What would be so important to absent a whole day?

“That doesn’t matter now” He say couldn’t thinking a reason. “It was just a stupidity.

“If they are really your friends, they will understand this just as you did, and they will forgive you so as you. But run away of the problems never solve anything.” Twilight suggested, thinking she could understand Comet. Discussions and fights are common in friendship, and they used to be nothing serious, but being inexpert in the matter, Comet may had thought that would be the end.

Twilight had taken the bait. She believed every word Comet said; too easy. He, much to his regret, decided that would be a better explanation than saying that other foals hit him or harassed him at school. He repeated over and over to him that all was worthy if Twilight was happy believing in a lie than disappointed and sad with the truth, encouraging him to continue it. But for how much longer?

Author's Note:

I'm back after a few weeks of rest.
Thanks to all who supports and follow my work.
A kiss and a hug, until the next chapter