• Published 4th Sep 2020
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Twilight adopts a foal. The adventures of Comet Dust - Itztli FP

An orphan and lonely colt with a peculiar appearance, fear of ponies and the wish of find a familly. His wish comes true when Twilight Sparkle decides to adopt him and take him lo live in Ponyville with him.

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Chapter 11. Ascension.

Another sunrise; another day started. As always, Comet got up from the bed, but this time was different. He had new motivation and resolution. For the first time in a long time, he wasn´t scared or freaked out of going to school, he was anxious instead. Excited to know what would happen. Rumble will be a problem anyway, as always, and he had to deal with it when the time comes.

Comet dressed up and get himself cleaned the best he could, showing again the vanity he acquired from Rarity. He put all the thing he will need for school in his saddlebag and went out of his room to breakfast, encountering with a surprised Twilight the moment he opened the door in a pose that indicated she was about to open the door as well.

She was completely stunned to see comet woke up and ready. She thought she will need to wake him up and convince him again to go to school. But he was there, standing in front of her, ready for the day, with the same expression las day when he came back.

“Good morning, Twilight.” He said before surround her and quickly go downstairs.

“Good morning.” She said still trying to process what was happening. She shook her head to snap out and follow the foal downstairs.

After an awkwardly quiet breakfast, Comet said goodbye to Twilight and Spike and take his path to the school. He stopped and thought for a moment that would be a good idea to invite Twilight with him this time, maybe it could help with Rumble, but he discarded the idea. He had to do it on his own. He had to probe himself he could do it.

Arriving to school, he stopped for a few second and took a deep breath to give him enough courage to face the day. He entered. As he expected, the trio of foals were waiting for him. They said a lot of jokes and nicknames he didn’t care about, they were the same he heard all his life, nothing new. He passed them by ignoring them.

The three ponies were shocked, their words didn’t have the expected answered in Comet, he didn’t even bother to see them. The moment he got to his seat, he took out a notebook and started to write some strange symbols in some lines. Rumble was upset. He started to clench his teeth in anger. But, before they could do something at respect, a pair of fillies, who noticed the good mood Comet was and the way he ignored them, they couldn´t help but say hello and flattered him, in their own way, and bothered him about his absence of Cutie Mark, getting back an awkward and indifferent “thanks”.

They left him alone just in time when Cheerilee entered in the classroom and started with the lesson. Once again, history; a class Comet specially liked. He had a special interest in all the ancient and archaic ponies. However, it was way to more interesting all the ancient magic and the old magical artefacts. The class went as always. Something didn’t change a lot, even with the attitude of Comet, was that he kept in silence most part of the call. If Cheerilee didn’t ask him explicitly to speak, he didn’t say a word. Who wasn’t paying attention, however, has one foal of gray fur and mane, which was watching with resentment to Comet. Comet was still not giving him importance.

The bell rang. Break was commencing. Before the foals could get up from their seats, Cheerilee ask them to leave their homework on his desk. Every foal did wat she ordered and leave it without paying too much attention in their way to the schoolyard. Rumble and his friend were ones of the first ponies to do it, and quickly a line formed behind them, leaving Comet among the lasts. While most of his classmates delivered two or three pages, some of them has illustrations or photographs, everypony got speechless when Comet left a thick work of almost fifty pages in front of Cheerilee, taking even her by surprise.

“Comet, what is this?” She asked a little nervous of the work he gave her.

“It’s my homework, Ms. Cheerilee.” Comet answered a little confused by the question. That was what she asked them to do.

“I just asked you to explain the Summer Sun Celebration.” She said a little overwhelmed, leafing the work.

“I know, but I didn’t want to made a coarse explanation about it. So, I decided to add it a little more.” Ms. Cheerilee and his remaining classmates in the classroom were in shock. If this was «a little», how much would be «a lot»? “It´s an analysis about how the celebration started, how was celebrated the first one, the changes suffered with the time, the host cities, its meanings, the preparations and traditional decorations and the participation of the Princesses. Oh, and I added an interview with Princess Celestia at the end, after the bibliographic references. I think you’ll find it interesting.” He said proudly.

Everypony were openmouthed of the extension of Comet’s homework. Even Cheerilee hadn’t done such a large work until she got graduated from her career. Comet thought about everything, even he took his time taking care about presentation, he bound it so it will look like a book. But, unlike his other students, he didn’t put a single image.

“I-I see, Comet. Thanks. You can go out now.” She said nervously. She already had enough work with the other foals’ homework and she had to read a complete dissertation now.

Comet got out from the classroom and took his way to his tree. As strange as it sounds, he didn’t bring a book this time. He wasn’t pretty sure what will happen with Rumble, so he didn’t want to take any risk. This day was pretty calm, anyway. Besides the mocking of those three earlier, they didn´t do anything else. Rumble didn´t planned anything for this day, or he was going to giving up of seeing that he wasn’t affected by them anymore, perhaps.


His walk, also his thinking, were suddenly interrupted when something hit him in the face, knocking him out. It had been too fast he couldn’t see it coming, but, by the consistence and the sound of the object, surely it was a ball.

Not far away, three laughs started to be heard. As it couldn’t be anypony else, were Rumble, Bull and Blink, sat under a three, bigger and leafier, nearer form the building. Everypony knew how those three treated Comet, but besides those three, nopony was laughing. Even the foals who found some of the jokes they did to him funny in the past, looked to Rumble in disapproval. That was such a treacherous attack, even for him.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there.” The Pegasus mocked.

The foals started to mumbling. Then, Comet started to get up, a little dizzy for the hit and staggering, but refusing to fall down and head down again. In that moment, everypony could see his face. He gave them shivers. He had his lip swollen, and a blood thread down his face from his nose, but what stunned everypony was his stare, a cold and fiery stare; there wasn´t fear in it, just anger, something even Rumble could notice.

Comet´s blood boiled. At first, he only felt the strength of the ball pushing him, but just a few second latter the pain came and, while he was standing up, his face started to burn. Making no other thing than pissed him up even more. This was the drop that spilled the glass. The last thig he’ll allow Rumble to do. He endured him for so long time. This ended now. There wasn’t fear left in his mind, that was gone the last day, the only thing within him was pure anger. Anger that gave him the necessary strength for what he was about to do.

After seeing Rumble for a while, Comet turned to the ball, the one that hit him, on his left. He ignited his horn and turned again to Rumble with an assassin glance.

“Give me that back. I don´t want you to get hu…” Rumble tried to mock of him, but couldn’t finish the sentence because the pitch Comet gave him, knocking him out too, sending him against the tree. Gasps sounded around the foals. In all the time Rumle made a fool of Comet, this was the first time he was fighting back; even Rumble’s minions were astonished.

“Ups.” Comet said, but in such cold way that could froze even dragon’s blood, as he smashed the ball with his magic until it exploded. This will be enough to dismay anypony around, but not Rumble, or that was the message he wanted to express, at least. He sat painfully and, in the middle of a groan, he ordered to one of his minions: “Bull…”

Obedient as always, de huge foal charge toward Comet. But, without even flinching, Comet threw the ball on Bull'’ face, making his trip on a rock. Comet step aside to avoid Bull. Then, ignited his horn again, lifting the colt from the floor and throwing him to the bushes, where he got stuck. Everypony around was surprised and a little scare of Comet magic power.

“Blink…” Rumble ordered to the other pony. But Blink didn’t move. A frightful stare was enough to petrified him. Being watched for his white eye, the same white eye they joke lots of time before, gave him a terrifying sensation. He didn’t know if he actually could see with it, but he felt that Comet was crushing his soul with his stare. What can he do against that? “What are you waiting, Blink, an invitation? Move now.” Rumble insisted.

Blink was trembling in fear, and see Comet starting Walking toward them made it worst. “A-are you crazy… I’m not gonna fight with that monster. Do it yourself –he said freaked out and run away.

“Coward!” Rumble yelled standing up. “Do you think you already won just because you defeat those two? I’m still standing. I’m not afraid of you!” He said to Comet, but it seemed he tried to show more courage than he felt in an attempt to deter Comet, who speeded up when Blink fled away. What was coming was imminent. Both colts were pissed up with each other. Comet because everything he did to him, and Rumble for lost his two minions and his injured ego. They wanted to settle accounts.

Without hesitate, Rumble walked towards Comet with firm step. Suddenly, a filly interposed in Comet´s way, Apple Bloom; encouraging all she could to prevent those dissuade the encounter. The atmosphere was really tense, the crowd was holding their breath, expectant of the inevitable.

“Wait!” She yelled. “You prove your point. You don´t have to….”

Without stopping, Comet used his magic to make Apple Bloom aside, leaving her with a confused look when he did it. He didn´t want to hurt her, but he didn’t want her to interfere either. When the way was open, the two ponies started to run to each other.

A cloud of dust rose when both colts collide and started to fight and roll on the floor. It was hard to say who did the first hit, some say Comet, some say Rumble. They were in equal circumstances. By being a Pegasus and a unicorn, neither of them had the strength nor the stamina of an earth pony, instead, Rumble had the agility and speed of pegasi and Comet the quick thinking and cunning of unicorns. The weir of all was that none of them was using their innate abilities, such as his wing and horn, to fight. Hits, bites, kicks and punches were what thy used; only the brute force. It was hard to say why they did it, maybe for honor or because they were blinded by their anger to notice it. Until a pair of ponies tried to separate them, Comet used his magic to create a pulse to push them away. In that moment Rumble tried to fly, but Comet didn´t allow him, using his magic to put him back on the floor.

The rest of the foals made a circle around them, moving with the fight, giving them their space. They made a fuss; among cries of anguish, gasps, cheers or some foals yelling “Fight, fight, fight” over and over again. Some them tried to separate them, but thy were received with some hits as well, dissuading them instantly.

“What’s going on here?!” An upsetted voice called everyone attention in just an instant. When the foals turned, they saw what they feared. Ms. Cheerilee was standing just behind them with a severe and angry look in her face. In the moment, everypony took a step aside showing her the two ponies fighting. By seeing this, she quickly walked toward them. “You two, that´s enough, stand back.” As it was expected they didn’t obey, so Ms. Cheerilee has to intervene pushing away the foals from the other. The two were staring angrily to the other. The other foals could see the results of the encounter. Both ponies were completely dusty and dirty; their manes and tails were disheveled and matted; they had bruises and scratches all over their bodies, marks of hooves and teeth and their fur were stained with little splashes of blood. The clothes of Comet were completely ripped and his bow tie was lost, he has a huge black eye and a broken tooth; Rumble, on his side, wasn´t in a better state, he lost a tooth and a lock of hair from his mane, leaving him a bald spot on his head. In some moment of the fight, Comet had snatched a watering can from the hooves of a filly who liked to taking care of the schoolyard flowers, floating it above Rumbles head, with the intention of hitting him.

“Put it down, Comet.” Ms. Cheerilee ordered. But Comet didn´t answer neither obey. “Comet, this is not a game, put it down now.” She said with an even more authoritarian tone. Then, Comet turn to her and gave her a defiant glance, filled with anger. “I’m talking serious. Don’t do it…”

Just like talking to a wall and defying all the authority of the mare, Comet, hit the head of Rumble with the watery can, getting stuck inside of it.

“That’s it. I want to see your mothers after class.” She said completely angry as well now due to Comet´s disobey. “The rest of you will stay the rest of the break cleaning the mess they made. And if I hear any complain or any of you attempt to disobey, will join these to. Is it clear?” Every foal nodded with a nervous expression. Cheerilee took Comet and Rumble back to the classroom with her.

“I´m so sorry, I´m late. I was busy in some paperwork I didn´t notice what time it was.” Twilight entered heavy breathing into the classroom. She went the fast as she could from the castle to the schoolhouse. In it, there were the two fals, sitting at distance from each other. They looked upset. Comet constantly gave Rumble a stare just to continue drawing some symbols in the same notebook of that morning. Ruble still had the watering can stuck on his head, it was made of metal, so they couldn´t take it off. It was a comical image to see. Bothe were dirty and bruised, they had their bodies covered in scratches and bruises, an Comet’s clothes were irreparable. Thunderlane, Rumble’s brother, were there as well, watching his brother trying to figure it out how to remove the watery can. Ms. Cheerilee was seating behind his desk, watching over the two foals. But there wasn’t anypony else.

“Don´t worry about that. We aren’t waiting for too long.” Cheerilee answered.

Comet turned to look at Twilight for a moment a little surprised. Thunderlane went to the school almost every day to pick up Rumble, that explained why he was there, but Comet retuned home alone, Twilight had never gone to the school, how did she know that Cheerilee wanted to talk to her? Maybe he didn’t notice it, but he didn´t remember had seen Cheerilee move from his desk or ask anypony to send a message for her.

When Thunderlane saw Twilight, he made a reverence, completely surprised of seeing who actually was the other foal’s mother. Rumble didn´t follow this action, he couldn´t see who else was in there with them and the voice wasn´t familiar for him; nor Chereerilee because Twilight ask her to treat her like another parent.

“What is happenin, Ms. Cheerilee?” Twilight asked a little confused by the situation, but she could sense the answer.

“Wll, you see. I´m ashamed to say this word, but Comet and Rumble were involved into a fight.” She explained, but not much for their surprise.

“How did this happened?” Twilight was curious.

“Do you have any idea what could started it?” Thunderlane asked a little worried.

“Not really. I was checking homework when I heard a lot of noise out in the schoolyard. When I went out to see what was happening, I found these two fighting. None of them wanted to say anything after separate them.” She explained. “It puzzles me. Comet used to be quiet and tranquil, he had never gotten in troubles and, despite his notes had been lowering with the time, his not a bad student; pretty dedicated if he proposes it.” She showed them the homework Comet have her that day. “Rumble is a little restless, but he had never done something like this. “She added.”

“Wow, Comet did this.” Twilight exclaimed taking Comet’s work starting to leafing it. “How impassive. Now I understand what he was doing in the library until late…” She said excited to see how mucho he effort in School. He was so similar to her. But, a few second latter, she noticed de serious glare they gave her for getting out of the topic, indicating her to focus on what matters in that time. Twilight cleared her throat and returned to her serious mood, turning to Comet. “Comet, care to explain?” She said with a severe tone.

“And you, Rumble, what do you have to say at respect?” Thunderlane said to his brother.

None of the colts say a word. Comet just stared at Twilight with an annoyed glare while Rumble turned to his brother, maybe with the same expression of Comet.

“Well…?” Twilight and Thunderlane say at same time expecting an answer.

“I have nothing to say.” Comet said upset, making clear he wasn´t going to say anything.

Rumble tried to said something as well, but the can muttered his voice and prevented him to move his mouth, making everything he tried to say unintelligible.

“And why Rumble have this on his head’” Thunderlane asked.

“It was Comet.” Cheerilee said. “I have no idea how he put his head inside of it and I don´t know how to remove it either. We tried to force it and cot it, but we couldn´t, not without hurt him. And Comet didn´t want to tell me.

“Doesn’t he suffocate from having that on his head?” Twilight asked a little worried.

“Fortunately, it has holes to breathe through.” Thunderlane pointed.

“Comet, you better tell me how did you put the can on his head, or else…” Twilight said trying to sound intimidating.

“Or else, what?” Comet dare, surprising everypony for his irreverence.

“Well, I-I…” Twilight doubted, she didn´t expect that answer from Comet. He normally was obedient. Actually, she didn’t have anything to threaten him-. You will not enter in the library for a month.

“How will I do my homework?” Comet answered without frightening.

“Well… No more violin lessons.”

“I haven’t had one in months. I can practice by myself.”

“No more comics, then.”

“I already read them all.”

“No more cupcakes.”

“I can live without them.”

“Oh, c’mon! What do I have to say to you to tell me how to take that can off him?” Twilight said without ideas, Comet had an answer to every threaten she said. Comet didn’t say anything, he remained in silence. After giving another annoyed glance to Rumble tuned back to his notebook. Twilight could see that he was writing some musical notes of some melody in the pentagrams.

“If you allow me…” Tunderlane said clearing his throat, interrupting their argument which wasn’t going anywhere. “…This is just a children lawsuit, maybe the reason behind it isn´t that big. Maybe, an apology will be the better solution here.”

Comet got tense, breaking his pencil tip. Did he hear right? They wanted him to apologize.

“If both of you agree.” Ms Cheerilee said.

“I guess… If that solves the problem…” Twilight said.

Then, they make both reluctant foals to stand up in from the other in front of Cheerilee’s desk with bod adults behind them.

“Alright, Rumble…” Thunderlane indicated to his brother.

With his head low, and hating to say that words, his voice was muttered by the can once again, but it clearly could be understood that he said “I’m sorry”. His brother was satisfied now. Even though they couldn’t see his face, it was probably he had an angry expression.

“Now is your turn, Comet.” Twilight ordered him giving him a little push. But Comet didn’t say a single word, he just stood seeing with an assassin glare to the foal he had in front. “What are you waiting, Comet? Say you are sorry.” She ordered again, a little impatient.

Comet turned his head to Twilight to give he an angry stare, then turning back to Rumble again. He couldn´t believe it. Twilight, who was supposed to support him, was asking him to apologize to Rumble, the pony who made his life impossible since months, because he give him what he deserve. Never. Not in a billion years. Finally, he gave Rumble a lesson; finally, he did something at respect. Rumble would think it twice before mess with him again. Comet won giving all that and put his proud aside to “apologize”. Rumble doesn’t deserve that pleasure. He won never law his head never again.

“Comet…” Twilight said again.

“No.” Comet said firmly and loud. Every pony was speechless.

“What did you said?” Twilight said irritated.

“I said: NO. I’m not going to apologize.” Comet made it clear, turning to Twilight. “He deserves everything I did to him and more. I’m not going to apologize, not now nor never.

“Comet, I’m not playing. Apologize right now.” Twilight ordered.

“Let me made it clear to you.” Comet turned to Rumble and walk toward him. “I am not going to apologize!” Comet gave a punch to the watery can, making Rumble tumble. Then, he picked up his saddlebag and stuff and started walk to the door.

“Comet, you are not going anywhere until you apologize with Rumble.” Twilight interpose in his way.

With a look of tiredness and annoyance, Comet ignite his horn an thed disappeared and reappeared behind her, next to the door. He opened the door and gave them a last glance. “Never!” He yelled, slamming the door.

“Why did I teach him that spell.” Twilight regretted his magic lessons. “I’m so sorry. I don´t know what´s happening to Comet.

“You must talk with him. I think there’s something he is hiding.” Cheerilee suggested.

“I´m sorry, Thunderlane.”

“Don’t worry. We have to leave anyway. We must find out how to take this off Rumble.

Twilight nodded and she run out of the classroom looking for Comet immediately. She took flight so she could find him easily, because, even though he just left a few seconds ago, Comet could be pretty elusive. She didn’t have to search for too long, she found Comet sitting beneath a tree a few hundreds of meters from school. Ha had taken off his ripped clothes, leaving them next to him. He was watching to nowhere. Twilight land slowly a few steps from him.

“Comet…” Twilight called him.

“Don’t insist. I’m not going to apologize.” Comet interrupted, guessing what was she was going to say.

“I know. I know.” She said a little annoyed for his stubbornness. “What I want to know is why.” She said gently.

“Because he deserves it.” He said coldly. “So he will learn to respect me.”

“Respect you? That’s what this is all about? There are better ways to gain his respect without violence.

“You don’t understand. You don’t know him.”

“Maybe not, but what you did isn’t right. It is not correct hitting other ponies.”

“Nor correct…?” Comet repeated feeling his anger increasing again. “That he insulted me and mess with me every day was correct?! That they stole my lunch every day until I faint was correct?! That they hit me and abuse me every buking time they wanted was correct too?! It was correct that they stole and ruin my homework and three of my books just for fun?! Their stupid pranks were correct?!” He said louder every time as tears started to run on his face due the anger he felt. “That they made my life miserable was correct?!

“Uh… Well… No” Twilight was surprised about everything the foal was confessing, she barely had time to process it. Thinking it a little bit, all fit now. The bad humor of Comet, his bad school performance, his fear of going to school and his low spirit; everything made sense. “But, what about your friends, didn´t they help you?

“My friends?” Comet was surprised as well. He couldn’t believe Twilight didn´t figure it out all was part of the same lie. But he decided to take care of one problem at time, he will continue with the friends lie so Twilight would leave him alone for a while-. We distance ourselves when Rumble started to bully me.

» “I’ve had enough of Rumble.” Comet Continue. “He made my life impossible for months. I’m tired to have to endure his crap. I’m tired of hiding and run away from him. And, specially, I’m sick of not doing anything. I’ve finally put him on its place; I gave him what he deserves. And if you think I’m going to put all that aside and apologize, you are you are very wrong. I’m not going to low my head again. Never. Nor in a billion years. I prefer to give up my magic for the rest of my life than humiliate me in front of him. Not anymore.”

“Months…?” Twilight couldn’t stop surprising. “Why didn’t you say anything? Why did you wait until things got out of control?”

“These are my problems, not yours. I know all these things about school were a bad idea. I know this would happen. I tried to warn you, but you didn’t listen. You were too excited with this idea that… I didn’t want you to worry with all these things.”

“It’s my work to worry of all these things.”

“You have better thing to do than take care of my problems.”

“My work is take care of you; guide you, help you and give you the support you need. That´s I accepted to adopt you and made you part of our lives. You are more important than any royal duty. I could have help you with this if you just had told me.

“Not everything can be fixed with sermons. Rumble doesn’t understand words.”

“And who told you fight was a good solution?”

“Um… Well… Was Rainbow Dash.” He said nervously.

“What?!” Twilight exclaimed angrily, but he couldn´t be sure if it was the fact that Comet hadn’t had trust in her to tell his problem or because of Rainbow’s advice Comet was now in troubles. “Rainbow Dash!” She yelled igniting her horn and making a confused Rainbow Dash in front of them.

“What just happened?” Rainbow asked eyes open wide. “Comet…? Did they hit you again?” She said the moment she saw the foal. “We just talk about this yesterday, I thought you understood it.

“On contrary, Rainbow, you should feel proud of yourself.” A sarcastic and annoyed voice sound behind her, making her feel a shiver down her back knowing who was this voice. “Thanks to your wonderful advices is why Comet is in that state.”

“My advices?” She asked nervously.

“Yes, your advices.” Twilight affirmed. “I’ll be grateful if you talk with me before you derail my son. Comet had never act like this before, why did you told him he should fight with Rumble?”

“He was bullied in school, what should I do instead?” Rainbow was trying to be firm avoiding upsetting Twilight ever more. “But he must get me wrong, I didn´t tell him he must firth.

“Oh, really? What did you tell him then?” Twilight didn´t believe her.

“I told him he must teach them a lesson, that he must show them he wasn’t a pony to mess with…” She then stopped and think about a few seconds, then put a silly smile on her face. “Now that I mentioned it, maybe I used the wrong words…

“You think?” Twilight said sarcastically.

“So what? If that makes nopony bother him again, let him fight the times necessary then. Not everything could be solved with sermons.” Rainbow answered.

“Told you”

“Keep quiet, Comet.” Twilight ordered.

“Look, Twilight, maybe you think all problems could be solved if you just speak about it, but it’s not like that. Prove of that are all the times we had to use the Elements of Harmony.” Rainbow said with a firm posture. “I don’t expect you understand this; you had never had to put up with a bully. But I did, and sometimes the only choice you have is to fight. I hope the other foal end worse than you –this last thing was for Comet, she said with a proud tone.

“The other? There were three of them.” Comet was glad someone was giving him the reason.

“Did you fight three to one?” Rainbow was a bit surprised.

“And I won.” Comet said proudly. “One of them flew away the moment I defeated the fist. But Ms. Cheerilee interfered before I could finish with Rumble. But I put his head inside a watery can.” He laugh.

“Aww, I would like to see that.” Rainbow lamented. “What did I told you? I knew you had strength.”

“I have a photograph. Wanna see it?”


Comet pull out the photograph from his saddlebag and show it to Rainbow. Both of them couldn´t stop laughing, something Twilight disliked because Comet didn’t show a little bit of regret about what he did.

“It’s not fully.” She said. “You could hurt him.

“It’s a little bit late for that.” Rainbow defend him still laughing.

“And where did you get that photograph anyways?”

“Featherweight. He’s in school newspaper. He takes pictures of everything.” Comet said laughing as well. “C’mon, Twilight, calm down. You had to admit it’s funny. He put the picture in front of Twilight, couldn´t contain a little giggle as a smile showed on her face, something they won´t let pass, giving them the reason. With the can in his head, Rumble looked like an elephant with a can head.

“Alright, maybe a little.” She admitted. “But that doesn’t justify your actions. We still need to talk about.”

Next morning, Comet was going to school. He managed to convince Twilight about his point respect Rumble and, even though she still didn’t approve his behavior, she resigned Comet wasn’t going to apologize. Like it or not, Comet had valid reasons and was stubborn enough and wasn’t willing to give up.

As usual, some foals were inside the classroom and others playing outside. Everypony had his friends and they congregated in the same groups, however, the topic that was in mouth of everyone was the same: the defeated of Rumble against Comet, something that certain trio of foals didn’t liked at all. It has been humiliating. Lost in a three to one fight and, if that hadn’t been enough, Rumble had the can in his head for an entire day. But he had a little consolation prize, he just had to wait for it.

“Do you think Comet would join us now he’s in a better mod?” Apple Bloom asked to his friends.

“How are you that sure Comet is in a better mood? We haven’t seen him since yesterday, and it was after seeing him fight with Rumble.” Sweetie Belle was unsure if it was a good idea to stay close to Comet after what happened moths ago.

“Exactly. He finally got rid of Rumble, he doesn’t have anything to worry now, that’s why he’ll be in a better mood.” Apple Bloom assured.

“We’ll know when he arrives.” Scootaloo said.

As she just foresight it, Comet entered the classroom in that instant, with a higher energy as usual and with a slight smile on his face.

“See? I told you, better mood.” Apple Bloom boasted. “Maybe Rumble will be calmer too. I may say he let us all free of him.

“Now you are exaggerating.” Sweetie Belle warn her, as they follow Comet with the sight.

Comet passed by them without giving them too much attention, walking directly to where Rumble was, which put a smile on his face the moment he saw him. However, this didn’t intimidate Comet, continuing until he gas stand just in front of him and Bull. Blink wasn´t with them anymore, he was rejected by them after being a coward last day probably.

Comet gave a quickly glare to the classroom, checking Ms. Cheerilee wasn’t there. It was his lucky day, she was talking and laughing with some parent outside and the classroom was almost empty; besides them three, the Crusaders and a pair of fillies where inside.

“Are you going to apologize? I’m still waiting.” Rumble mocked.

“You’re in my seat, move out.” Comet ordered in a cold and frightening way.

“Don’t even think I’m going to…” Rumble answered, a little surprised by Comets dare.

“I said, Move!” Comet said a second time, taking Rumble with his magic this time and throwing him painfully toward the seat Ms. Cheerilee gave him time ago. With Bull it wasn´t necessary to do anything else, a fiery stare had been enough to make him low his head and walk backward to his seat like a scolded dog. The message was clear: he didn’t fear him anymore.

The other fillies present were astonished. This new aggressiveness was new on Comet, being able to intimidate the biggest foal in the class.

“Ms. Cheerilee!” A filly of fur and mane of color blue exclaimed, stopping his chat with her friend to warn the teacher Comet was fighting again.

With a quick thinking, Comet grab her with his magic and put her back in her seat. Being immobilized by his magic, she turned frightened to Comet, feeling scared by Comet’s glance.

“Not a single word, is it clear?” He threatened her. He didn’t have anything against her, but he couldn’t take the risk of getting in problems again.

The filly, freaked out of what Comet could do to her, frantically nodded with her head. Convinced with his classmate answer, and not wanting to intimidate her, he let her free. Immediately, the filly sight in relief that didn’t scale anymore for her.

“What are you looking at?!” Comet said turning to the crusaders when he felt their stares.

The moment Comet turned to them, the three fillies looked away with a frightened sight in their faces. Then, Comet sat on his seat and started to read his book.

“I won’t say he set us free.” Sweetie Belle said with a concerned expression.

“I think there’s new pony in charge.” Scootaloo added with the same expression.

Finally, Comet gave him his place among his classmates and he didn´t need to reveal the secret about Twilight; he did it by his own merits. Everypony would think it twice before even look at him. He didn´t have any friends yet, but his classmate will give him the respect he deserves now. If they didn’t want to give him for the good, the fear will obligate them to do it. For the first time, he felt big, important, self-sufficient; he felt the strength Rainbow Dash talked about. Nobody will mess with him again. He felt powerful, and he loved it.

Author's Note:

Thanks to all of you who read my work.
A hug and a kiss. Until next chapter.