• Published 4th Sep 2020
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Twilight adopts a foal. The adventures of Comet Dust - Itztli FP

An orphan and lonely colt with a peculiar appearance, fear of ponies and the wish of find a familly. His wish comes true when Twilight Sparkle decides to adopt him and take him lo live in Ponyville with him.

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Chapter 7 Back in Canterlot Part 1

Chapter 7. Back in Canterlot (Part 1).

After an exhausting week full of school, homework, the unpleasant company and jokes of Rumble and company and the annoying Cutie Mark Crusaders, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, which often were importuning him about his Cutie Mark; finally, it was weekend. Two days of relax, far from the school, his classmates and the routine. Just he, Twilight, Spike and the calm of the castle. But maybe another time.

Comet were pretty anxious all week for this day to coming, and not for enjoy his books as everypony thought; it was the they they’ll travel to Canterlot to meet his grandparents instead and, what was more important by the time, repair his mistreated violin. It wasn’t he didn’t want to meet her grandparents, but that made him more nervous than excited, compensated by the excitement of the trip.

They woke up early, ate their breakfast quickly ant started to carry their baggage to the door. Comet were finalizing preparations for the long trip in the train, which were bringing some books with him, when twilight called him. It was time to leave in order to reach the morning train.

They leave home just when Celestia started to raise the sun in the horizon. Ponyville’s streets were to calm, just a few ponies were outside at that time in weekend, unlike the schooldays when the sun wasn’t even seen and the streets were crowded; something that gave Comet a little confidence, he won’t see his classmates on the way to the station.

They made a stop in Sugar Cube Corner to pick a special order and some snacks for the trip. They took the first train to Canterlot so they will arrive for lunch.

The “road” on the train was very calm, both Twilight and Comet had the same idea to spend time during until they arrive to their destiny, because both the moment they were seated on their seats, they pulled out a book from his saddlebags and, without saying anything, started to read, losing reality.

The wagon was almost empty. Besides the three of them, there were three other ponies inside, ignoring the presence of the rest and remaining in silence; the only thing it was heard was the rattle of the wheels in the rails and the snoring of Spike, who has the habit of sleeping during the train trips.

They arrived to Canterlot without too much setbacks, just a little delay because a herd of goats that decided to browse on the tracks on the mountainside, a few kilometers from Canterlot. Nothing the train whistle couldn’t solve. In the station, there were two ponies waiting for them already, Twilight Velvet and Night Light, Twilight parents.

“So this is my new grandson.” Twilight Velvet said as she walked to Comet and hugged him. “I see we have another unicorn in the family.” She took a better look of the foal. “We were so anxious to meet you.” She hugged him again.

“He is a very handsome foal, sure it is. Just like me when I was his age.” Night Light said proudly.

“And a very good looking.” She added. “That outfit makes him look like a royal already.”

“Hello, I am Comet Dust. Nice to meet you.” He cordially greeted, not as nervous as before, but a little embarrassed for all the flattering.

“It is not necessary so much formality, Comet. We’re now family.” Twilight Velvet giggled. “You can call me grandma.” Comet nodded happily. He quickly become fond on both ponies who accepted him without doubting. Twilight had warned them about his appearance probably, but in their eyes he couldn’t see any trace of doubt or concern about him, on contrary, he could see the joy in them.

“Let me help you with your baggage.” Night Light offered.

“Oh, it is not necessary, dad. We didn’t bring much.” Twilight said.

“But you must be tired from the trip…” He insisted, but interrupted himself when he saw Comet lifting the three suitcases with his magic, releasing Spike from his weight, who went to look for them from a cart the employees of the station put the luggage of all the arriving passengers.

“Wow. Seeing a foal lifting all that weight is impressive, but knowing the great teacher he has, I’m not surprised.” Twilight Velvet said giving her daughter a glance and a smile.

“Sure it is.” Twilight agreed. “I was surprised the first time I saw it. But I can´t say I taught him anything.” She rejected the flattery gently. “He learned that on his own.” She added without noticing she just said the same Cary told her a few weeks ago.

“A prodigy in magic. Just as his mother.” Twilight Velvet muttered loud enough so Twilight could hear her, who blushed and smiled a little embarrassed.

Comet, who didn’t hear what were they talking about because he was talking with Spike about the best places to visit in Canterlot, couldn’t understand why she was so red.

When Twilight explained her relationship with Comet, she always did it saying she was “like her mother”, because she thought it was too early to fill that position. Even more, Comet had never called her “mother” or “mom”, but she assumed it was because the foal thought that, by being a Princess, he should show more respect. That was the first time somepony said bluntly she was his mother and, thinking about it, she liked the idea.

Something that surprised Comet was the fact almost everypony in Canterlot were unicorns, there were a few pegasi and earth ponies of course, but they were minority; unlike Ponyville, where the three species were seeing in equality numbers –remember that Comet never explored the city far from a few squares from the orphanage-. Another difference was that the ponies in Canterlot were colder and more distance; even though Comet didn’t get along with them, he could feel the warmth on Ponyville habitants, but here, everypony look at each other over his shoulder with arrogant glances or they even care in look at you if you greeted them. “I don’t understand why so many ponies want to move here.” Comet thought.

“I hope you’re hungry.” Twilight’s mom said opening the house door. “I prepared a delicious hay and berries stew specially for the occasion.”

They entered into a modest house compared with the luxurious and pompous mansions all around the city, but it was cozy. You could easily feel in home in that house, contrasting with the rest of the city, and Comet loved that.

“Great. I’m Starving.” Comet yelled running into the house.

“Comet, don’t run inside the house…” Twilight reproached him, being interrupted by his mother. “It´s ok.” She told her.

“Let me bring your baggage to your room. You two, make yourself comfortable.” Night Light indicated.

“Thanks, Dad.” Twilight said him putting the two packages they picked up in Sugar Cube Corner on a table. “Be careful with that one. It’s fragil.” She pointed at a small suitcase he was levitating with his magic.

“What inside?” He asked curious.

“My violin.” Comet answered quickly with enthusiasm.

“Why did you bring a violin?” He asked in response a little confused.

“Do you know how to play it?” His grandmother asked him.

“A little. But Twilight promised she will find an instructor for me.” The colt said happily.

“He call you for your name.” Twilight Velvet whispered to his daughter with confusion.

“Yes. But I think is because he doesn´t feel confidence enough to call me “mom”. Twilight whispered back.

“Is this?” Night Light said with surprise, seeing awkwardly the instrument. “You should be more careful with it.” Ha added emphasizing the state it was.

“I didn’t leave it like that, those were the other foals, I would never treat a Chords like that.” Comet said indignant by his grandpa suggestion.

“It´s a Chords.” Both ponies, Twilight Velvet and Night Light, exclaimed at Comet´s revelation.

“That’s the reason we brought it.” Twilight explained. “I know they are made here in Canterlot; we want to see if it can be restored.”

“You know that would cost a fortune.” Her mother said in response. “Don´t you think it would be better buy a new one?”

“I know. But Comet doesn’t want any other. He wants that one.” Twilight answered with a little tone of giving up.

“I know the place you are looking for.” Night Light pointed. “They moved to the main street a few years ago. We were going to go to the marketplace to buy groceries anyways. We can go after meal.”

Agreeing with the plan, they prepared to eat. Besides the stew Twilight´s mother made, which was really delicious, there were salad, not that good though, but you couldn’t ask much of the Canterlot crops; fruit water and, for desert, one of the cakes they bought in Sugar Cube Corner. Twilight Velvet was a pretty good chef; it was a shame Twilight didn’t inherit those abilities. In the castle, Spike was who took care of those chores and, even it was a heavy task sometimes, he said it was better that way, because, in his own words, “he proved Twilight’s cook once and it was enough for a life.” Something Twilight didn’t take so well, but she knew better it was right.

Arriving to a square where it was a huge fountain, near the downtown of the city, Twilight and Comet separated from Twilight´s parents, who continued their way to the marketplace. They walked in the direction of an establishment elegantly decorated with a fine and glossy hardwood floor, with impeccable glass display cabinets where were exhibit different kinds of violins, violas, cellos and contrabasses that were made there; all of them of the highest quality and an exorbitant price. Twilight hoped that the price of the repair wouldn’t exceed that of buying a new one.

“Hello, good afternoon.” Twilight greeted, hoping somepony was there by the fact there wasn’t anypony in sight.

“I’ll be there in a moment. What do you need?” Answered an old and raspy voice, although kind, from behind the store, where probably it would be the workshop.

“We need some help with a violin…” Twilight said as Comet was pulling out the instrument from the suitcase he kept it so it wouldn’t get more damage and putting it on the bar they had in front.

“Are you here for shopping?” The voice interrupted her. I could be heard in his voice that he was busy. “In the cabinet in the front of the store are the most popular models, you can ask for anyone you like.”

“No. It’s rather a repair.” Twilight cleared looking at all the instruments in the store.

“I see… Give me second.” The voice said.

A few moments later, a water green with sky-blue graying mane pony came out from a swing door. He was wearing a pair of glasses and a brown leather apron. All his fur war covered with dust and sawdust. Cleaning his hooves with a damp cloth, he approached to the bar, adjusted his glasses and look at the instrument.

“Alright, let’s see how sever is the damage.” The pony said without looking at them.

By having the instrument in his hooves, he was horrified to see how bad it was. The scraped and tarnished wood, the strings all tangled in the pegs, a hole in one of it sides, the bow stick repaired with some tape, where some of the most noticeable details.

“Hey kid, how dare you to treat such a fine instrument like that?” The pony scolded Comet the moment he saw him. “You should be ashamed to look down my father’s work like that.

“What?... It wasn’t me who mistreated it.” Comet argued, upset by always being blamed for it.

“Who was, then?”

“Other foals. I recued it from the trash.”

“What?!” The pony exclaimed completely surprised. “Who would throw away one of our instrument as if it were worthless?” He said indignant and completely confused.

“So, can you repair it?” Twilight asked calling the pony attention who didn’t notice her presence.

“P-Princess… It is a great honor having you here in my humble workshop.” The pony said while bowing, making Twilight a little uncomfortable, she hadn’t gotten use to that kind of attention. “Of course I can. I couldn´t call myself otherwise.” He assured proudly.

“AChords?” Comet asked, still upset, but curious too.

“My family has made violins for generations, but it wasn´t until my great great great mother, Viola Chords, when our work started to gain renown, becoming the best of Equestria.” He explained.

“And you say that this one was made by your father?” Twilight asked curious as well.

“Not just saying; I know it.” He asserted.

“How do you know that?” Comet asked, now intrigued by the backstory his instrument could have.

“I never forget any instrument that comes out from this doors, not even one. This in specific, was one of the last my father, Cello Chords, made before die; it has his signature everywhere. I was just an apprentice in that time.” He said with nostalgically. “It was ordered by a rich merchant, who bought it for his son. After the delivery, we never see them again. We thought they moved. My dad used to call it his “Magnus opus”, since he thought it was the best and finest instrument he had ever made. We accepted we would probably never see it again, but I’d never though it would end in the trash. It was a fortune you were there to rescue my father’s work. Thanks.” He finished giving a sincere smile to Comet.

“You are welcome… I guess.” Comet said. “Mister…”

“Bass. Double Bass Chords” He introduces himself.

“Tell me, Mr. Chords, how much will it cost to repair it?” Twilight asked still nervous about the cost.

“For you, Princess, I’ll give you a special offer. You’ll pay only the restoration ant I’ll include our Royal Pack as gift.” Bass said smiling at the time he gave them a brochure with information about the pack.

It included a personalized case, made of hardwood and varnished; an extra set of strings, an extra bow and a care and cleaning kit to keep the instrument in perfect conditions. The case was more expensive than any violin in the store, so you can imagine the price of the all set.

“We couldn’t accept it.” Twilight rejected, feeling a little awkward for so generous gift. “You are too gentle, but…”

“I insist.” Bass interrupted her. “I the least I can do for rescuing my father´s work. I won’t accept a “no” in response.” Twilight sighed. She couldn´t fight back the pony’s determination.

“Alright, if you insist.” Twilight said resigned. “When will it be ready?”

“Tomorrow you could pick it up.”

“What?!” Twilight exclaimed. “I mean, I know you are happy for all the memories this brings back to you, but you don’t have to press yourself.”

“It is no pressure at all. I’m doing because I want to see this artwork back in his glory. My team an d I will work all night long If it´s necessary. We’ll make it look just as the day it came back from these doors.” He said with resolution.

“I think it can´t be helped, Twilight.” Comet said, trying to contain his excitement.

I’m sorry, I got carry away by emotion. What name will I should put on the certificate?

“Which certificate?” Both asked at unison.

“Every instrument we sold have its own certificate of authenticity to demonstrate that is in fact a Chords and who is its legitimate owner. Since the simplest violin to the highest contrabass; everyone has its own. It is part of our signature and guaranty.” Bass explained. “And, since the original owner threw I away and the original certificate may be who knows where, you are the owners now. So, what name should I put on it?”

Twilight indicated Comet with her head for him to say his name; after all, the violin it was going to be for him. Comet understood the message, nodded and smile.

“Comet Dust.”

Before meeting again with his grandparents and taking advantage that the castle wasn’t far from there, the two of them decided to take a walk around. The plan was to meet Princess Celestia so she could meet Comet. It worked perfectly, they found her while they were having a stroll through the castle gardens. Comet, in the second he was in front of her, bowed by the fact he was in front of the highest authority and one of the most respectable ponies in all Equestria. It was funny, he couldn´t remember when was the las time he had to do that, maybe de day he met Twilight, but, thinking about it, he didn’t remember doing it that day either. When Twilight introduced him, he was too nervous he barely could talk, not because he was afraid of, he knew Princess Celestia where one ok the kindest ponies in Equestria, but because she was a pony who inspired respect wherever you see her instead.

After several minutes of talk and spending time with the princess, the two ponies returned to the fountain square, where Twilight´s parents were waiting for them. They walked back home while Comet and Twilight told them what happened in the Chord workshop and how crazy the things turned there, finishing in that his violin will be ready for tomorrow.

“That Bass Chords, surely was excited to see that violin again.” Night Light commented.

“Who would say it has a backstory within.” Twilight Velvet added.

“Yeah and he was very inflexible about giving us all the set.” Twilight said.

“Well, you know what people said: on a gift horse, no tusk can be seen.” Her mother said.

Comet, on the other hand, wasn’t paying attention to the adult’s conversation; he was debating with Spike about the best Power Ponies Character –a comic Spike showed him and quickly got caught by it-.

Back in home, they spent the afternoon talking, joking and laughing together as his grandparents chatted with Comet in order to know him better, there wasn´t much to say before meet Twilight though. Among the few things he could told them were how he found his violin, how he learned to play it, more or less, some of the mischiefs he did and the spells he knew, included the one that erase the memory, but unlike twilight, his grandparents weren’t as paranoiac as Twilight, they just amazed.

They ending plying a board game which consisted in made words with some pieces with letters on them they picked; game Twilight and Comet dominated due to all the books the read. A few rounds later and tired of losing against those two, they decided to play a card game so they could have a chance to win and chat more easily.

They enjoyed a hot drink while they were playing; Twilight’s parents were drinking coffee, Twilight, Comet and Spike had cocoa instead.

“You know, Comet, Twilight learned to play when she was younger too.” His grandma told him. “I think we still keeping his old clarinet.”

“That was long time ago. Besides, I’d never been that good.” Twilight giggled just to remember how awful he used to play.

“Oh, you just need some practice.” Her mother answered her. “You could do it with Comet and learn together.”

“Sounds interesting.” Comet agreed. “It´s curious though, I never thought Twilight was a pony into the music.”

“Music was a compulsory subject in Princess Celestia’s school. I chose clarinet because I thought it would be easier, I was wrong.” Twilight laughed. “With time and practice, I started to liking, but I stopped some time and the rest is history.”

“I won!” Spike yelled proudly showing his hand and taking all the candies they were gambling.

With certain displeasure for losing, everypony started to complain to the little dragon as he was just laughing. He knew that none of them liked to lose –nobody likes to lose-, whatever the game was, so that was pretty funny.

“So… You would like to be a musician?” Twilight Velvet asked to Comet at the same time she shuffled the mallet.

“I haven’t decided yet. I like music, but I’m interested in magic too, perhaps a little more.” The foal answered.

“Oh, You’d like to follow Twilight´s steps then. Do you have in mind qualify to the Princess Celestia’s school?” Night Light asked.

“I’m not sure. I’m going to Ponyville’s school and I have learned some magic with Twilight. We’ve been focused on improve my illusions by the moment, and It´s easy to learn with her, it´s a good teacher and I know that, as a Princess, she could be my mentor. I’d like to continue like that.”

In that moment the wall clock rang, making all of them turn to it. Interrupting the conversation.

“It´s too late.” Twilight said without takin her eyes off the clock. “Time to bed, Comet.”

“But, we can play one last round. I still can win Spike.” He answered trying to convince Twilight.

“I your dreams.” Spike mocked, making Comet stare at him with disgust.

“Actually, we were going to sleep too already.” His grandmother said.

“And you must get some sleep if you want to visit her tomorrow.” Twilight responded him. “So, prepare yourself for sleep.”

“Alright.” Comet said a little disappointed, but happy for the next day.

From a sip, he drank all the cocoa remaining in his cup and left it in the sink. He went upstairs to brush his teeth and then go to his room. Just a few minutes passed when Twilight and Spike entered the room to see comet fast asleep, spread on the bed, and in a not very comfortable position, at least to their eyes.

Twilight accommodated Comet and clothed him again, making him to one side of the bed so she could have some space. The house didn´t have more rooms and being that the only free bed, two of them will have to share it and the other will have to manage to find where to sleep. Spike and Twilight improvised a bed with a basket and some pillows and blankets, something that made him remember the time when they lived in the Golden Oak Library, which still working, but they didn’t live there for some time.

When everyone was ready, they turned off the lamp that was next to the bed and went to sleep.

Author's Note:

Thanks to all of you who suports me and my work.
A kiss and a hug. Until the next chapter.