• Published 4th Sep 2020
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Twilight adopts a foal. The adventures of Comet Dust - Itztli FP

An orphan and lonely colt with a peculiar appearance, fear of ponies and the wish of find a familly. His wish comes true when Twilight Sparkle decides to adopt him and take him lo live in Ponyville with him.

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Chapter 6 Problems continue

Second day of classes. Comet didn’t manage to recover from yesterday’s fiasco yet. And, even if was just passed one day, he didn’t want to return anymore. But he promised Twilight he’ll go, so he had to keep his word.

This time, Comet could wake up at time, something not as easy as it sounds because he didn’t sleep well last night. He couldn´t take Rumble out of his mind. He was used to nicknames and some insults from his contemporaries, but none of them has ever physical attacked him. That was new to him and had no idea how to respond to it. Words could be easily ignored, but a hit. He felt defenseless.

It would be correct to say something? Who should he talk to? Will he be bullied even more if he does that? Will it be worth doing? Questions rounding his mind all night until he woke up and while he prepared himself to go down for breakfast; they refused to leave him. It doesn’t matter how long he thinks about it; he didn’t get a convincing answer.

He convinced himself it probably was just a slip and everything would be in the past. This day would be calmer.

He wasn’t as nervous as yesterday. What he was afraid to happen was actually happen. His classmates reacted just as he expected. So, if everything goes as in Canterlot, they would ignore him so he will get the peace he wanted. Despite everything, his humor had no improved, after all, there was nothing to expect.

Breakfast was as normal as could be, except because Comet was notoriously in a bad mood. Twilight and Spike asked him if something went wrong, but Comet didn’t say anything. He blamed his lack of sleep as the cause of his bad mood, in part true.

Without more to say or do, Comet left to school, but first, he hugged Twilight to get the strength he will need to face the day.

When he got to school, certain colt was waiting for him at the entrance. He didn’t say or do anything, he just stared Comet with mockery eyes containing laughing with the other two. By seeing this, Comet was suspicious about what Rumble could have made. He obtained his answer as soon as he got to his seat. In his table was a piece of paper with a draw of Comet on it, obviously just to make fun of him.

Angrily, Comet took the paper, crumpled it and threw it in the trash. He decided to not let Rumble disturb him by a stupid draw. He saved some of his stuff in the drawer under his table, ignoring two fillies getting closer to him.

“So, you are the new blank flank.” Said a filly of pink fur and lavender with a white lock mane, taking comet by surprise. Startled, Comet quickly closed the drawer, thinking it would be Rumble again. When he saw there were two of his classmates, he changed his expression to one more indifferent.

“And you are…” Comet asked without understand that blank flank was really an insult.

The two fillies were astonished, speechless by the audacity of the colt. It took a few seconds to them to react, but, before they could say anything, the bell rang.

“We´ll talk latter…” Said the pink filly with an angrily tone.

“See you, blank flank.” The second one said, a filly with gray fur and silver mane wearing sky-blue glasses and a pearl necklace, emphasizing the last part.

Please don’t. Comet thought-

“Alright, students, before classes start, please everypony bring your homework to my desk.” Cheerilee said.

Homework? What homework? Come thought, open widened eyes.

Apparently, Cheerilee gave homework yesterday, something Comet didn´t notice because he was too busy thinking in Rumble. Another thing those three had ruined. He worried when he saw all his classmates leaving papers on Cheerille’s desk. He didn’t know what it was about. If it was grammar then there wasn’t any problem, but it was math, he was in trouble. He can barely add and substract, don´t even say multiply and divide.

“Comet, where’s your homework?” Cheerilee asked standing next to him.

“I-I… didn´t do it.” He said shamefully.

“Why, Comet?” the teacher asked a little worried, it was even the second day and the colt was actually missing.

Comet remain in silence. He couldn’t say that he hadn’t done his homework because he wasn’t paying attention and he couldn’t think in an excuse either.

“Comet, I know that being the new could be a little difficult, but that is not an excuse to not doing your responsibilities.” Cheerilee said when he saw Comet avoiding eye contact embarrassed. “I’ll let it pass this time, but there´s no going to be a second one, ¿understand?”

Comet nodded, feeling a little relieved, although it doesn’t last much longer, all foals’ eyes were on him, specially from five ponies in specific, Rumble and company and the two fillies from before, who saw him with satisfactory glances.

Forgetting about the rest, Comet paid a lot of attention hoping to not missing anything, preventing that would happen again. Maybe he hasn’t had a lot of friend, or any, but if there was something he could replace them was study. This wasn´t like studieng with Twilight perhaps, but if he amazed Twilight with his school performance, maybe she would forget about friends.

A few hours pass, the classes continued. This time, the natural history of the ponies, a fascinating topic for some and boring for others; for Comet, it was both of them. He didn’t know much at respect, but he wasn’t too excited either.

Inevitably, with the topic they reach the part of the cutie Marks, but just as a mention. But it was just enough to make some foals to start presuming theirs and make some jokes to the ones who didn’t get their own yet or blank flanks, how they called them. And for some foals, I meant the same fillies that tried to provoke Comet moments ago. Apparently, their name were Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, presumably, fillies of wealthy families due to the expensive accessories they had, a diamond tiara and a pearl necklace, respectively.

The bell rang, interrupting the lesson and the fillies’ jokes. Everypony ran out to the school yard to their deserved brake, only remaining Comet the last.

“Come, can I talk with you?” The teacher said to him before he left the classroom.

A little confused, he approached to his desk, curious to know what she had to tell him. “Is there something wrong?” he asked gently.

“It´s about your homework. I think I know why you didn´t do it.” Cheerille said trying to not sound too authoritarian and empathizing with the colt. “Tell me, do you need me to change your seat?”

“Say what now?” Comet said confused. Yesterday, she told him to choose the seat he wanted and now she was asking if he wanted to change.

“I suppose that it’s a little difficult for you to see the blackboard, so I think if you seat closer to it would be easier despite your eye.”

When Cheerille mentioned his eye, he understood everything. He put a tired and a little upset expression, not for his teacher’s comments, they were with good intentions, she was even careful to speak to him in private since it was a delicate matter; his upset was more by hearing that somepony thought that he was blind in his affected eye, but he didn’t blame them.

“With all respect, Miss Cheerilee, you are wrong. I can see perfectly with both eyes.” Comet Said.

“Oh. I see. Soo…” Cheerilee said expecting an explanation.

“I don’t have any excuse why I didn’t do my homework, but my condition didn’t have to do anything in that.”

Cheerilee nodded, understanding, and kindly made him a gesture to indicate him that he could leave. Comet nodded in response and walk to the schoolyard holding his stuff, specially his book, very firmly this time so Rumble couldn’t take it from him again.

Fortunately, he wasn´t in sight; who knows where he was in that moment, but he didn’t really care as he stays far from him. He sat down the same tree hoping he could finish the chapter this time.

“Hi!” Someone greeted him energetically, making him jump scared and deactivated his magic throwing all his stuff to the ground, his book and his lunch. At least nothing was spilled on his book this time.

He stared angrily at the guilty, a unicorn, a Pegasus and an earth pony. They had ruined his lunch, again. The unicorn flinched.

“I’m sorry, we didn´t mean to…” The unicorn apologized, apparently the only of the three who noticed the accident.

“What do you want?” Comet interrupted, upset.

“Hai, I’m Apple Bloom and these are Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. We, couldn’t help but notice you don’t have a cutie mark yet…” The earth pony started to talk, maybe the leader of the three.

“So what?” Comet said expecting a joke.

“Well, you see, we wanted to ask you if you…” Scootaloo spoke, but she couldn’t finish the phrase because another two fillies appeared behind them.

“Well. Well. Well. So all the blank flanks are reunited here” The leader mocked.

“Diamond Tiara.” The trio said at unison with suspicion, making said filly gave them an arrogant and devious glance, like if hearing her name gave her more importance to her presence.

“What are you doing here?” Apple Bloom asked as if she didn’t know that.

“Isn’t it obvious?” She said mocking. “We’re here to welcome the new pony.”

“Yes. We wanted to tell him how glad we are to have him here with us.” Silver Spoon added.

“We’re not gonna let you bother Comet.” Scootaloo pointed.

“Bother him? We would never think in do anything like that at all.” Diamond Tiara faked indignation. “What´s more, we are willing to forget that he is a blank flank and let him join us.”

“Besides, you have already did that.” Silver Spoon pointed to Comet’s ruined Lunch.

The time the five of them started to fight, Comet was left background, but that was useless if they were too loud to let him concentrate and to top it off, he couldn´t lunch again. To Comet´s eyes, those five were as annoying as rumble, at least the other foal preferred to ignore him.

Knowing they didn’t go to stop in a long time, Comet decided that move to another place was the most convenient. So he did with a tired expression in his face, he took his book and left. He walked to the grove that surrounded all the school. Comet knew he didn’t have to go there, but by the moment it was the most peaceful place to be alone.

“Not at all, Comet will join the Cutie Mark Crusaders.” Sweetie Belle, assured facing the two fillies.

“That losers club of yours?” Diamond Tiara faked surprise. “Oh please, since you created it none of you had gotten yours. Why Comet will join a club that promises something his own creators couldn’t do by themselves?”

That comment managed to hurt the Cutie Mark Crusaders’ feelings. They had tried by a lot of ways to discover their talent and gain their cutie marks and, until now, none of them could obtain theirs, but it was true that it wasn’t too long since its foundation, just a few months ago, just before vacation started.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon grin to each other with a triumphal expression, the had nailed it.

“Oh yeah? Well… Why Comet would prefer to be with you? You just messed with other ponies.” Scootaloo said trying to save some of her hurt honor, but without any arguments to counter, really.

“Have you seen the way Comet always wear? It is obvious that he is a rich pony.” Silver Spoon Said arrogantly.

“What dos that have to do with anything?” Apple Bloom asked, furious.

“What is better for a rich pony than hang out with his kind. But sure, that is something you can’t understand.” Diamond tiara started to laugh.

“Well, I haven’t seen Comet show interest in you.” Apple Bloom answered viciously.

Diamond Tiara was in shock of Apple Bloom’s daring. “Well… I… You… He hasn’t shown interest in you three either.” She babbled not knowing what to say.

After that, the five fillies stared to each other angrily, killing the other with the stare, Diamond Tiara and Apple Bloom more intense than the other three. They two were face to face, one very close to the other.

“Let Comet decide who will he join.” Apple Bloom said in a tone that seemed to want to hit her.

“Fine.” Diamond Tiara responded in the same way.

“Comet…” The two ponies said at the same time, turning to where Comet was, but, for their surprise, Comet was gone.

“He’s gone.” Apple Bloom exclaimed with her eyes wide opened.

“That´s perfect. You annoyed him and made him run away.” Diamond Tiara said, really upset.

“We? He was perfectly fine until you appeared.” Scootaloo sharply answered.

After a short discussion. Both groups went for their side. But something was clear, who find Comet first keeps it, a non-talked agreement but everyone there understood.

Break continue its course until the bell rang again. Out of the discussion of the fillies, it was actually really calmed; Comet could read his book, Rumble and company hadn’t had appeared in all brake and anypony else bother him again. That new hide he found was really useful, the problem was he couldn’t use it frequently or he would get in trouble. Nopony went there, but someone can see him and give him away.

Comet returned to the classroom.

There, in the first places, there were five fillies looking to each other with animosity. The five looked tired, dehydrated and, especially the crusaders, their hair were messy with some leafs in it. They had been looking for Comet for all sides trying to win to the others.

Rumble didn’t appear yet and he wasn’t in the classroom, a little break for Comet. But when he arrived to his seat and he was up to take out his stuff, he realized what Rumble and his henchmen were doing, again. All the drawer was full of mud wetting and soiling all its content; his notebook was soaked, so when he tried to pull it out it teared. All his notes from that day were lost, his quill and his inkwell as well, only his pencil was in good conditions to be used, but without paper it was useless.

Comet was grateful he had his book with him all the time. He thought to leave it there in the classroom so it wouldn’t get more damage; leaving it there it could be meaning its end.

It was obvious who was the guilty. But Comet doubted. The crusaders had their fur so dirty he didn’t know if they had something to do with this; as a revenge from ignore them in the brake. When Rumble entered the classroom, his doubts disappeared. His and his friends’ hooves were filled with dry mud to the elbows. Comet was frustrated, he should have known it, but he wanted to believe that Rumble would leave him alone after yesterday; he was wrong.

Without anything to take notes or write down the homework, he had to turn to his memory. It was a lucky that the class focused on the history of Equestria, Twilight had dozens of books about it; it would be easy as pie.

Comet returned to the castle, not without being bothered by Rumble, the crusaders, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon again; Rumble was the most cautious to doing it out of the sight of everypony.

-I’m here! –Comet yelled when he entered in the castle, faking a smile like yesterday.

When he didn’t get an answered, he thought that Twilight and Spike had went out. Feeling relief that he doesn’t have to pretend, he walked upstairs to his room with not the best mood- It was a big surprise to find the door open and encounter Twilight and Spike in there.

“Twilight… Spike… What are you doing here?” The colt exclaimed siprised.

“Oh, hi, Comet. I didn’t hear when you arrive.” Twilight said surprised as well.

“Uh… we live here.” Spike said, answering the strange question.

“I meant here, here… in my bedroom.” Comet cleared.

“I can ask you the same question about this.” Twilight showed an old and ramshackle violin.

“How did you find it?” Comet ask exalted and nervous. “I had hidden it.”

“We were saving some things I bought to you when I found it behind your closet. Care to explain where did this come from? I’m pretty sure this wasn’t in the castle.” Twilight said with a serious tone, like if she was pursuit a crime.

Comet knew that that voice tone of Twilight meant that she wanted the truth. There wasn’t a lot to hide although, there wasn’t any reasons to hide it anymore, but the voice of Twilight made him nervous.

“From Canterlot. I-I found it…” Comet said ashamed, but he wasn´t pretty sure why.

“Comet, did you… steal it?” Twilight asked worried.

“What? No, of course not.” Comet denied, feeling offended by what Twilight said.

“Whose is it then?”

“It’s mine.” Comet assured. “Somepony got rid of it and I recued it.”

“How are you so sure about it? Where did you get it from?”

“Of the trash, near the orphanage.” He scratched the back of his head embarrassed.

“Why would somepony just drop it?” Twilight was confused and not very convinced of the story, waiting for Comet to let out something.

“You’re asking me?” Comet said confused as well. It was in better shape when I found it, but some of the other kids discovered its hiding place.”

“Hiding place… The caretakers didn’t know about it?” Twilight said suspicious.

“Ah… No. I may have escaped when I found it.” He said nervously. “If they found out, they would take it from me and now “it would belong to everyone”.” He said imitating the voice of one of the caretakers, exaggerating his voice tone to ridicule the phrase. “Look what they did to it with just a few foals who found it, now imagine the entire orphanage playing with it.”

“If other foals had actually found it, how is that they didn’t say anything?” Twilight asked, but she already knew the answer.

“I… erased their memory.” He smiled nervously, because he knew how much Twilight disliked that he knows that spell.

Twilight face hoofed.

“Do you know how to play it at least?” She asked resigned. She can’t erase all what the colt had done.

Without saying a word, he picked the instrument and started to play awkwardly a very known melody and one of the first pieces a pony who is learning to play an instrument learn to play, “Ode to harmony” from Bridlethovven. It wasn’t the best interpretation, the colt missed some notes and sometimes he forgot what string he had to press. Also, the instrument condition didn’t help either. But they could see how much the little one liked to play, putting all his effort in it.

“I know I’m not the best, but I didn’t hat much time for practice.” Comet blushed a little to see the incredulous faces of Twilight and Spike.

“Where did you learn how to play?” Spike asked, who kept in silence until now because he thought that was a discussion he didn’t have to interfere.

“In Canterlot, the filly who lived in front of my window. Her parents paid her lessons with a private curmudgeon instructor.” He laughed a little just to remember that, finally something lifted his spirit a little. “His yelling and screaming could be heard up to my room. Thanks to that I could learn something.”

“Did you lern just by hearing?” Twilight was amazed.

“Not at all. In the orphanage there was a book with some musical scores. Three of them were the ones the filly was learning; I just follow her. The notes were the most difficult, I could only guide with the screams of the instructor and he wasn’t very helpful in that.” He added, trying to make Twilight understand all the situation. “So… Can I keep it?” He was unsure.

Twilight smiled in agreement, because, if the foal wanted to learn how to play, who was she to interfere. Besides, that would help Comet with his personal enrichment. “Well, we’ll have to find somepony to give you lessons.” She answered.

Twilight’s words made comet really happy; that violin was one of Comet’s most precious treasures and being able to keep it without having to hide it meant that he could practice longer and improve much faster. Comet run toward Twilight and gave her a hug.

During the hug, Spike was able to see better the violin, without thinking about all the damage it had.

“Wouldn’t you prefer a new one?” He innocently asked.

“Are you crazy. It’s a Chords, there isn’t any better than these.” Comet was surprised and indignant by his suggest.

When he saw it closer, it stills seemed an old and cheap instrument. It had a fey ornaments hoof-painted, but many others too. The poor condition of the cover, the scraping of the varnish and a hole on the edge depreciated it greatly. If it was a Chord, knew to be the best of Equestria, it didn’t look like one at all.

“He is right Spike.” Twilight agreed. “Those are the best you can find. I’ve heard some ponies say that there’s no other violin that can compare to a Chords. All great musicians have one.”

“But look how bad is it, practically it’s falling apart.” Spike was hesitant about the authenticity of the instrument. “How can you be so sure it is actually a Chords?”

“Easy.” Comet showed them the pegbox. “It’s a little scrapped, but it still can be seeing the logo in the pegs and, if you look here…” He shewed them the ribs. “…it still can be seeing the mark where the insignia was.”

Spike and Twilight tuned to the instrument. The marks Comet was pointing were just scrapings and a spot without form in the wood, nothing they could recognize as a logo.

“Are you sure about that, Comet?” Twilight said not very convinced trying to look closer.

“One hundred percent.” He assured.

Spike was right, she had to admit that it was in a deplorable condition; but you don’t find a Chords violin every day, much less free, and is Comet’s defense, it wasn’t his fault to end like that.

¿Can’t it be restored?” Comet asked.

“What?! You want to restore it? Do you know how much it will cost?” Twilight said in panic, like if the colt was asking to her to buy the Canterlot Castle.

“C’mon Twilight. Please.” He put baby-doll eyes as a puppy will do it to obtain some food, his best weapon to get what he wanted.

Twilight tried to avoid eye contact with the foal, but, as much as she tried she, couldn’t resist to Comet’s eyes who saw her with hope, hope she didn’t want to take away from him, so she gave in.

“Alright. Alright. But you have to promise you are going to take good care of it.” Twilight pointed.

Comet, smiling gratefully, made a cross on his heart with his hoof and cover his eye with it after, indicating he was doing a Pinkie Promise; something that pony taught him after know her.

“I don’t want to interrupt so tender moment, but I have to insist. Those violins are made in Canterlot, hoof-made. Assuming it really is a Chords and they accept repair it, it would take weeks to be ready. When do you think you are going to be able to carry it?” Spike said.

“I had thought about it already, Spike. We could go next weekend.” She said nonchalantly seeing how the eyes of Comet sparkled to know that he wouldn’t have to wait longer to have his violin ready. “By the way, can you send a letter to my parents? I want to tell them that we are going to visit them.”

“I’m on it.” Spike ran to the door. Twilight made it clear that she planned to go to Canterlot before knowing about the violin.

“Letter…” Comet remembered something. “Now that you mention it…” He pulled out something of his saddlebag. “This was in the mailbox.” He gave Twilight an envelope with the return address of the Crystal Empire. Spike stopped, curios to know what was on it.

“Oh, finally!” She exclaimed excited. She took the envelope opened it and pulled out a letter and started to read. In her eyes it could be seen the excitement growing with every word she read.

“What does it say?” Comet and Spike asked at same time.

“It’s a letter from Cadence and my brother, Shining Armor. They answered the letter I send them a few days ago. They want to meet Comet.” She said while she was reading.

“Me?” He was surprised.

“Yeah, I told them about the day we met, the adoption and about you. They can’t wait to see you.”

“When are they coming?” Spike asked.

“They didn’t say a date, but I hope it is soon.” Twilight said spreading her excitement to Comet and Spike. “For now, prepare your bags, Comet, we’re going to Canterlot to meet your grandparents.”

Comet was a little thoughtful, he wasn’t very sure about the reactions they’ll have to see him. But he calmed down quickly; everypony who were close to Twilight had been good with him and who didn’t, were more alien to her, for example, his classmates. So, if they parents were as good as her, there wasn’t anything to worry about then.

Author's Note:

Thanks to all who supor and enjoy my work.
A kiss and a hug. Until the next chapter.