• Published 25th May 2018
  • 10,715 Views, 216 Comments


I went to Comic-Con dressed as my favorite character bought some stuff from a creepy Merchant and woke up in Equestria... I am very confused

Comments ( 18 )

It is quite alright, pls take your time. Truthfully I have read many stories that have gone on hiatus, heck there is one that only updates once a year at around march or July. Even if for whatever reason you silently drop this for whatever reason that's fine and even if you delete this it is also fine. Most of those that do delete their stories or leave the stories are due to them being preoccupied, seeking new ventures, suffering through personal matters and etc.

I'm just glad to see you alive

If you think you need time to make a good chapter, then by celestia take your time.

Thank you for letting us know. Looking forward to reading the next chapter.

Just happy this story isn't abandoned.

Thanks for the update take your time!

It's all good take your time.
I swear you guys need to get paid for all the time you put in to this.

Hey I don't blame you as long as it doesn't go from hiatus to canceled I'm happy, hell I've waited years for a story to update so this is nothing new to me. Just keep up the good work and don't burn yourself out.

Damn that cliffhanger lmao its alright, at least this story wasn't abandoned without a single word from the author like many others

This Story is great, and exactly how would have written it if i could write that is lol, hope you get though your writers block


I understands I hope you continue this story when you are ready for it

Will the story continue?

Like a weapon for hire?

Also God dam its been YEARS since I read this chapter in particular...

I was hoping for this type of displaced story so it is number 1

i have read this story 100 times so far

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