• Published 19th Mar 2016
  • 16,792 Views, 1,226 Comments

One Step Forwards, A Huge Shove Backwards - Hawker Hurricane

Life is going well for Gordon. Two years ago he won the jackpot on the lottery and decided to build his dream home in the Yorkshire countryside. 6 months after moving in, he wakes up one day and realises that either the hills have moved, or he has.

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Comments ( 37 )

Sh*t is really, REALLY going down soon I bet.

I’ve never been more happy to be wrong, turns out this story isn’t dead or abandoned.

Give me liberty or give me death

I’m glad there are finally some positive developments. But why were the Mane 6 still hating on Gordon in the next seen with them? Didn’t the changelings admit to messing with their minds?

Yessss the story is back!

Also, I wonder what does Gordon's dad has to do with Philomena and Celly and Equus as a whole.

Um, what’s going on here? The changelings just admitted to messing with their heads but they still hate Gordon. Did they remove it or are they really as dumb as the changeling say? I’m glad the stories back though.

Holy fuck, it actually happened.... an HiE story came back after being left for 2 years. Fuck yeah

Wait. The changelings admitted to messing with their minds, and yet they still hate him? Unless of course their minds are still being messed with.

I don't get it, the changelings told the girls that they manipulated their thoughts on Gordon, and they STILL hate him? Sure they would would feel regret by now.

sadly i thought of something worse the changelings can pretty much pull a Borg assimilation by turning ponies into changeling drones since the mane 6 emotions were manipulated could their minds be affected as well and how long would the effect last it could take hours days even years if that to fade or undo meaning they are possibly a threat to themselves or others

I have reason to believe that the mane 6 has been compromised

Great cliff hanger i want more pls

So, despite having only good history with Gordon, and having a race of known manipulators and shapeshifters taunting them about how easy it was for them to manipulate and trick them into believing that Gordon was evil, they still, somehow, with mental gymnastics that would make them Olympic gold medalists, believe that he is genuinely evil?

And despite all of the horrible things going on that are clearly the result of the Changelings in front of them, on top of literally assimilating ponies that they've known personally, they still somehow only see Gordon as the only evil creature to occupy their thoughts with?

I honestly don't know if I should be rooting for the Changelings to just consume everyone at this point.

I am SO GLAD to see this story updated. The mane six still have no idea how much and how deep the changelings f:yay:ed with their emotions towards Gordon. After the changelings are defeated, and Chrysalis has her head handed to her (literally I hope), Celestia will have a LOT to answer for, as far as Gordon is concerned.

I hope the author is able to keep writing. I really want to see this story to its conclusion.

I think it's simply because they are in denial (and still in shock).
Because for them to admit that Gordon isn't evil, means that they caused him an immensly amount of pain and suffering.
It would probably also mean that they are as bad as they accused him of being.

It would mean that they betrayed their elements...

  • Twilight is a violent and jugdemental 'yes-pony' of Celestia, who denied his friendship.
  • AJ refused to listen to the truth and honesty of Gordon's words.
  • Rarity could not afford to show any generousity to a person in need and that her assosiation with him was only skin deep.
  • Fluttershy could not afford to show any kindness to him when he need someone to support him.
  • Pinkie activly isolated him from any reprive in Ponyville, by banning him from the Sugarcube Corner. Thus denying him any joy, no matter how small that would be.
  • And of course.... Rainbow Dash... how showed that she was not able to be loyal to the one she loved, to the one who is now the father of her unborn foal/child.

By still keeping their mind set on hating Gordon and persiving him as evil, they are perserving their own image of themself.
Thus not needing to take a good look at themself in the mirror.

And after that....

I really love this observation. I really hope Celestia berates them for the element betrayal when everything is under control. On a slightly unrelated note. Looking at the dates of chapters around the 5000 word range. Makes me hopeful that the next chapter will be out in the ballpark of 1 or 2 months.

Even if they're using blame as a coping mechanism, it doesn't excuse the fact that, despite the fact that they're witnessing Changelings assimilate their friends and neighbors while planning to annihilate everything they know and love, they're STILL choosing to focus on hating someone who currently has nothing to do with the situation they're currently in nor the evil event that's about to transpire. They're not even trying to reflect on the idea of them being in the wrong at all, just straight to assuming that he's completely evil. It's disgusting that they're so much more obsessive over how evil they want to paint him rather than pay attention to the actual genuine villainy occurring directly in front of them.

I never said that they're in the right....
Just what I believe to be the 'why' as it were.

I never said they were either, I was just explaining that the "why" doesn't hold much weight considering the situation they're in and the events surrounding them.

After seeing your last response on this story I was worried I'd never see it back! No rush on more though, write it as it comes to you willingly.

11620396 Wow. Very interesting.

11620402 Celestia has no right to berate the girls because it was her own views and teachings that got them, and most of Equestria, thinking humans were evil in the first place.

11620421 I agree. That's why I was so glad to see an update.

the return of the king

It's alive! ALIVE!

I honestly agree with your assessment, they can’t let it go because it means the real monsters are themselves. I hope the author doesn’t make Rainbows unborn child something to magically fix their relationship. Baby’s don’t fix broken relationships, sad but true. When it really mattered Rainbow didn’t want to hear the truth. I think their relationship should be over at this point, though I would ideally like the baby to be taken from her. I wouldn’t trust her with the child considering her behavior as of late. Though it could be a case of when she gets past the Denial phase she chooses to clam up about the kid, not wanting Gordon to stay with her just because she got knocked up. Sort of a round about redemption/penance for her, spending her days as a good single mom, with broken dreams, and no relationship prospects.

As for the rest of the girls… I think it’s gonna take a verbal beat down from Sunbutt (maybe Luna too) to finally get it through their skulls. Maybe even losing their elements because they certainly don’t deserve them at this point. That’s not to say Sunbutt is innocent here… she feared humans and let her own emotional baggage effect how she saw Gordon. Sure the changelings messed with her emotions, but the reality was she threw humanity under the bus to save her own flank. She needs to answer for that, really answer for that, I hate when ponies get a pass…


My genuine FIRST reaction: https://youtu.be/3WMBFghFCIg

The GOAT has returned!!! :)

I was genuinely concerned this would never get updated again. I would’ve even forgotten about it if it weren’t in my Favorites.

Please 🙏 update again soon

Yes the story is still alive and also I still bloody hate the main 6 girls for being so f****** stupid man wow they are that bad aren't they?

Just... wtf.
Like this fic was so good, but then it just went weird and destroyed all charecter growth. And even now with the Changlings being open about they were doing the mucking around ect, the characters are still gunning after Gordon.

Like, what happened to you author?


Probably because they're in denial, if you scroll down some of the comments they'll put it in better words than I can. But to simplify, they would have to admit they did wrong by Gordon and essentially being worse than what they saw him as. But of course, pride can be a hell of a thing.

Even then, it's gone off the rails...

Is the guy gonna finish this because honestly I hope gordon goes off on the ponies after everything they did to him

Damn, it’s almost been a full year again.

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