• Published 19th Feb 2016
  • 899 Views, 40 Comments

Friendship isn't just Magic, it can heal hearts too - Raumo

Alex was afraid of friendship. Being a spy made friendship something to avoid.Transported to world where friendship is the most powerful of all, can he learn to make friends again.

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Chapter 9 (EDITED)

(Alex POV)

I was reading a book on the common plant life and compared it to what I knew. I was startled at how similar some things were. Sure there were things I never heard of, but most I could confidently identify. I was going to read further when Twilight walked in. We had been studying mostly the agriculture at my request. I closed the book, ready for the lesson she had prepared. Instead, what she said was unexpected.

"We are going to Sweet Apple Acres today to help Applejack on the farm."

I blinked at her. "What?"

She groaned. "You heard me."

"Yes. I just didn't quite believe it. For two weeks we have hit the books in the morning, why the change?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Oh stop looking at me like that. My promise is still in effect. 2 weeks isn't quite far enough in the future for me. Though I wish it was. Anyway, I told Applejack I would help her today since Rainbow Dash couldn't. I thought you could come along, help out, and see Earth pony magic in action. Think of it as a hooves..er..hands on lesson."

I studied her for a moment, then sighed in agreement, "Fine." I got up and went to my small dresser and got out the clothes I had for working out. I was not going to slack off and let my skills rust, so I asked Rarity to make them for me since I had no clothes to spare. She had wanted to give them to me, but I proposed a trade instead. If she needed some help around her store, I would help out.

As we arrived at the farm, I could tell Applejack was surprised to see me with Twilight and Spike. She still welcomed us warmly.

"Morning y'all. Good to see you Twilight and Spike. I'm a bit surprised to see you here Rider."

"Miss Sparkle had me come here for a 'hooves' on lesson. I can help you out and see how farmer earth ponies live."

"Makes sense. We'll be moving the apples we bucked yesterday to the barn. Uh Rider, Ah don't have transfer baskets that you can really use."

"That's fine. Just give me one bigger one and I can carry it in my arms, instead of my back like your two."

So the next few hours we worked. I was so glad I had kept up my endurance training. It would have been quite embarrassing to take more than a couple breaks when it looked like Applejack could go on for days. She earned a bit of my respect with how hard she could work.

On our last trip, I watched Spike picking apples from Twilight's basket and then tossing them. I couldn't believe how many apples he was tossing, yet the basket still looked full. How is that possible? Am I just hungry and so I'm seeing things, or are these baskets magicked? And why is Spike tossing them? I was so busy watching Spike, I almost Applejack's words. A bet? We're here, because you want help to win a bet? That's...actually quite amusing. Especially when I hear the terms. I wonder though what you would've had to do though if you lost, Applejack.

Spike then pulled out a ridiculously red and shiny apple, then ate it one go, then burped out flames and...a letter? From the princess? What in the world? Just when I get used to a few things, this happens. Spike began reading the letter. Grand Galloping Gala? Sounds like a fancy ball or something. Glad I'm not going. Spike skipped a bit in the letter, then read out:

"Cordially extends invitations to Twilight Sparkle, Alex Rider, plus one guest"

What!? I'm invited? Why? Wait, who cares why...how do I get out of it? I'm not dressing up in a monkey suit for some gala!

Twilight and Applejack had a different reaction. They began jumping up and down in excitement. Spike shared my sentiment though. His face was not amused. As he faked gagged though, he burped out 3 golden tickets and a smaller scroll. That is really weird. Now how to give mine away, hmm... Spike interrupted my thoughts.

"This scroll's for you Alex." He handed it to me. They looked at me, curious. I sighed and read it out loud:

Dear Alex Rider,

You cannot in anyway shape or form give this ticket away. If you do, I'll send guards to escort you to the castle on the night of the gala. They will remain with you throughout the night. If you don't, you can be free of guards.

This will be a good way to introduce you to more ponies, and for you to see more of our society.

I look forward to seeing you that night and how much you have learned of us.

With warm regards,

Princess Celestia

I scowled. "How'd she know I would try to give my ticket away?" I sighed with resignation. "So there is no way I can get out of this. Blast. Well, might as well keep my ticket. Don't want to be chased by guards all night." The two girls looked at me weirdly. "What? I don't want to dress up and go to a fancy dance. I don't like them." Spike was nodding in agreement to my words.

"That's too bad. I think dressing up and having a dance would be nice," Twilight said with a bit of wistfulness.

"Nice?" Applejack spoke up. "It's a heap more than just nice. Land sakes..." She went on to describe ponies lining up and buying her apple products and gaining enough money to fix up her farm and granny's hip. Weird, I see scenes of her words playing out in my mind...that is just weird. I need food, I think hunger is going to my head. "Wow, I'd give my left hind leg like to go to that gala." Hmph. If only I could give you my ticket.

As Twilight was starting to say something, a yell sounded out. Then a cyan blur crashed into the two, scattering apples everywhere. Ouch. That must have hurt. Where did Rainbow Dash even come from? I looked up. Is that a blanket with a pillow? I've slept in trees before with a blanket, but a pillow? I tuned back into the conversation to hear Rainbow Dash wanting to see the Wonderbolts at the gala and becoming one. Scenes played out once again. What the heck? More scenes? I need food apparently. I looked at my basket of apples. I could claim it as a trade. Just one apple. I mean I've been helping her out all morning. Hm... I was pulled out of my thoughts by Twilight's voice.

"Girls. These are my tickets, I'll decide who gets it, thank you very much. Whoever has the best reason to go, should get the ticket. Don't you think?" Pretty good logic. Problem is each one will think their reason is the best. My point was proven when they both started stating reasons related to their personal goals. Wonder who Sparkle is going to choose. My stomach growled. I looked up to see Twilight backing away, talking of making her choice after eating.

I quickly spoke up, "Hey, Miss Applejack?" She looked at me in surprise. "May I have a couple apples in exchange for helping you today?"

She nodded. "Sure thing. You earned it. I'm mighty impressed with how hard you worked today. Thanks for your help."

"Your welcome." I grabbed 2 apples that looked good. I hesitated, then added to her, "And I admire your endurance. I really respect your dedication." With that I jogged off to catch up with Sparkle, biting into the apple, so I missed the slight blush on her face. Why was I following Sparkle? For some reason I wanted to see how she chose who got the ticket.

I caught up to Twilight just in time to see a pink blur tackle her. How is she not breaking anything? Or even limping after those hits? Then Pinkie Pie starting yelling about bats? Why does she think it's bats? Oh no, the scenes are coming again. Why? I ate something, so it's not hunger. Is she singing? Wait, doesn't she realize a gala is formal? I'm pretty sure it has the same theme here as in my old world. Which doesn't include the things she singing about. I still can't get past the scenes playing in my mind, much less her singing out of the blue, so I began eating my other apple, throwing the core of the other one in a bin nearby. Wonder how Twilight is going to handle this...

As Pinkie was thanking Twilight for the tickets, I saw Rarity walking up, with Fluttershy not too far behind. Oh ho. This just got even more interesting. Oh crap, more scenes. These are of Rarity meeting and falling in love with a prince. What the? It's sounds like a odd version of Cinderella. She can't be serious. Is she? I looked at her just as was saying something about keeping her from her one true love. She's serious.

I saw a bunny run up to Spike and snatch the tickets from him. It then ran back to...ah Fluttershy. Oh right. Twilight mentioned she takes care of animals. Fluttershy also invited me for tea to meet them. Haven't fulfilled that yet. Not even sure animals like me anymore. Argh! More scenes. Although, this wasn't too bad. A private garden. Hmm...maybe I can make an appearance at the gala, slip away from Celestia, and hide there.

"Wait just a minute!" Rainbow's voice pulled me out of my planning. I looked up to see her looking like a righteous sentinel, perched on a rooftop. Oh boy. If she's here, so is Applejack most likely. Now that they're all here and know of the tickets...things are going to escalate. Again, proven right when they began yelling at each other. I wonder if Sparkle has a strong enough friendship with these girls to make it through the fighting for the ticket.

"Quiet!" I rubbed my ear. Wow, she has quite the set of lungs. My poor, sensitive hearing. She went on to say they were her tickets, her decision, and she couldn't think with the noise and her hunger. "Now shoo. Don't worry I'll figure this out...somehow."

She looked so sad and worried, I wanted to say something, but chose not to. She needs to figure this out herself, plus I've got nothing that could help her. I silently followed her as she went to a cafe. She was so deep in thought she never noticed me, even though I wasn't far behind.

I leaned against the building as she and Spike sat at an outdoor table. I watched as she pulled the petals off a flower, saying each of her friends names. Then eating the petals. Two weeks and I'm still not used to that. They seem almost human sometimes, that I almost forget their ponies. A small chuckle escaped me, as she unknowingly yelled, "I can't decide!", to the waiter.

I noticed rain clouds had gathered. As Twilight got her food, it started pouring everywhere except on Twilight's table. Hmm...pegasi can regulate weather...and a certain blue one wants a ticket. Rainbow Dash popped her head through the sunny hole in the clouds. So they are going to try and gain favor with her. Well, I am not sticking around for that. Seen too many suck-ups and I don't want to see more. I'm surprised they're acting like this. What's so special about this gala? I smirked at her sarcasm to Rarity.

As they dashed off, I turned and jogged back to the library. As I walked in, I stopped short. Fluttershy with a bunch of birds was dusting the shelves. And the bunny from earlier. Tossing a salad? That is just...yeah I've got nothing. I then noticed Fluttershy was vocalizing. Very beautifully, too. "Oh, Alex. Um, hello. I was...just..um.." She was getting quieter and had stopped hovering.

"It's alright Fluttershy. I am just going to change real quick, then head out onto one of the balconies." I quickly reassured, moving quickly to my dresser, then the bathroom. I came out and grabbed my book from earlier. She was still hesitant. "Oh, and your voice is quite pretty."

"Oh, um, thank you. I don't really sing in front of others, just my animals."

"Well, they're very lucky. And don't worry, I'll be on the balcony with the doors closed. So, sing to your hearts content, I won't be listening in on you." Even though I really want to. Her voice is actually relaxing. No wonder the animals love her.

"I-I don't mind if you listen. Just don't watch me please." I gave her a small gentle smile and nod, then walked onto the balcony. I saw Twilight not to far away talking to Applejack. I shook my head and listened to Fluttershy. Why is it that whenever I meet Fluttershy, I soften so much? She even makes me smile so easily. Darn it, just two weeks and two ponies are worming their way in. At least with Twilight I can be pretty firm. Fluttershy though, I don't know how I would push her away without completely breaking her. The vocalizing stopped. I then heard Twilight's voice. I smirked at Fluttershy's reply. I am guessing Angel is the bunny. He doesn't sound very angelic.

I had to fight back a laugh as I watched Twilight being thrown in the air while Pinkie sang a song. At Twilight's flat voice and expression, I had to let out a chuckle. Hmm..that's that the most I have truly laughed in one day for a long time. I can't help it though. Twilight may have a hard choice, but her reactions are so humorous. Ouch, how many times is she going to crash into something? And really how is she not hurt? I mean she's now running. Is that music? Where...why...how? Oh I give up.

The sun eventually started to set, so I walked into the library. I was going to go sit on my bed when I noticed the 5 ponies waiting by the window reading nook. "Librarian is not in. She is being chased by townspeople at the moment." I said that in hopes that I would see a bit of remorse in them. I may not have friends anymore, but I knew putting pressure on them as they had done wasn't right. I wanted to know what kind of friends they were.

"We know. When she gets back, Ah want to apologize for my actions. That's not how a true friend acts. Should've just waited to see what she chose and been happy with it, not put pressure on her like that" said Applejack. The others nodded in agreement. I relaxed at that. So they really do care for her. That makes me...happy. Another thing that hasn't happened in a long time. I must be letting Twilight in more than I thought. Shoot.

"That's good." I started to walk to my bed again, when a static pop and flash came. Then Twilight and Spike were there, looking a bit...fried and dizzy.

"Lock the doors." She and Spike went around slamming everything closed and turning out lights. As they gave a sigh of relief, I flicked one back on.

"Ahhhh!!!!" Oh come on. Again, really? Should've expected that. I rubbed my ears once again. Wow, this was weighing on her more than I thought. Well, at least they came here to apologize and not make it worse.

Twilight then dictated a letter about having blessings and sharing them, and feeling awful when you can't share them equally. So she was returning both tickets. Wait, she is not going at all? Then I am not going! There is no way I am facing Ms White Alicorn and going to the darn dance on my own. "Hold up. Before you send the letter, put mine back too. If you aren't going neither am I." I handed Spike my ticket. He then put it in the scroll went to a window and burned it. It turned into a mist and disappeared. I looked at Twilight in confusion.

"Magical matter transportation flames. It sends it directly to the princess." I nodded as if I understood that. I am just glad I no longer have to go to that dance. I feel bad for Twilight, but I am free. Yes!

As they did a group hug, Spike gagged again. Just as Applejack was making a comment about boys, he burped out flames right above her head. I got an uneasy feeling.

Spike read the letter: My dear faithful student. Why didn't you just say so in the first place? Oh, and Alex wonderful display of loyalty, but you're still coming.

Seven golden tickets popped out. The girls cheered. As they left to treat Twilight to dinner, Spike looked sad. Then he burped out another letter with his ticket. The happy look on his face was priceless.

They may have been happy, but one thought ran through my mind: Noooooo! Why do I have to go?

As I closed the library door, I heard the laughter coming from the group. Pain lanced through me as I thought of Tom. I wondered how he was. Hopefully he is happy. I would never say it aloud, but I missed him so much.

I didn't bother to push away the memories this time. I made a promise to myself. This world was pretty peaceful, but I would do anything I could to make sure that Twilight kept the friends she seemed to love so much.

"You won't lose them, or have to push them away. Not like I did, Twilight. I'll make sure of that."