• Published 19th Feb 2016
  • 899 Views, 40 Comments

Friendship isn't just Magic, it can heal hearts too - Raumo

Alex was afraid of friendship. Being a spy made friendship something to avoid.Transported to world where friendship is the most powerful of all, can he learn to make friends again.

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Introducing Alex (EDITED)

Author's Note:

This chapter is to introduce Alex more than anything. He's not an OC. He's the main character for the Alex Rider series. I'm a little rusty on the content of the series and and it deviates from the canon ending of the series, so he may be OOC

I do not own Alex Rider or My Little Pony. They belong to Anthony Horowitz and Hasbro respectively. This is for ALL chapters

The thought of having friends use to terrify me. That may seem odd, but it's true. To let someone in and let down the walls I had built so carefully to protect myself seemed impossible.

I had been trained and conditioned to trust no one. Let no one in. To make friends would be inviting my death or theirs. If not death, one of us would still get severely hurt.

You are probably thinking that there is no way making friends could end up with someone killed or harmed. For a normal person this is true, but for me, anyone I had gotten close ended up either dead or severely injured. The reason?

I was a spy.

Now you may be thinking, "Oh, that's cool." Well, no, it isn't! Not when I'm an orphan, and my uncle getting killed when I'm only fourteen.

Jack was the only one I had left. She had been my caretaker/sister/mother since I was 7. She was an American. Though she was only supposed to take care of me for a few months at the time, she ended up staying with me in London for 7 years. She filled the gap my uncle left when he was constantly on his trips.

I thought he had been a banker, but he had lied to me my whole life. He had been a spy. Killed before he could finish his mission, I was being forced to finish it or lose Jack to deportation and be sent to a terrible boy's home.

So I completed the mission…and the 9 after that.

All of them within a year's time. Each one leaving more and more physical and mental scars. I became colder and withdrawn. My grades dropped. My "friends" left me due to rumors being spread that I was a druggie. I had one faithful friend, but I pushed him away so he wouldn't get hurt. Things were terrible, but I just couldn't lose Jack.

Until I did.

Till then I had fought against being a spy, even though I knew it was futile. When she died, I changed.

I threw myself into spy work. In between missions I would get my schoolwork done through online courses. I trained my body to the max, then trained more. I was the best. 100% mission success rate.

But I was alone. And I preferred it that way. I never took any partnered missions out of the fear that they would die and I would lose yet another person. I knew it was suicidal to go alone, but I didn't care. I couldn't trust them to have my back, not after being betrayed a few times. And no one else was going to die instead of me.

This went on for 10 years. It surprised me. I thought I would be killed sooner than that, given my reckless and maddening lifestyle.

Then I died. Killed right after completing my mission. I was relieved, to be honest. As the blackness closed in, my only thought was, "Finally, I can rest".

But then I woke up…to a white pony, with a crown, a floating mane, wings, and a horn poking out of its forehead!

Now I had seen some strange things during my missions, but this…was beyond anything. I mean a winged unicorn! Really?!

That white winged-unicorn would eventually lead me to a lavender unicorn that would teach me that friendship isn't just magic. It's a light that can heal a heart, even if it's hiding behind a wall of darkness.