• Published 19th Feb 2016
  • 900 Views, 40 Comments

Friendship isn't just Magic, it can heal hearts too - Raumo

Alex was afraid of friendship. Being a spy made friendship something to avoid.Transported to world where friendship is the most powerful of all, can he learn to make friends again.

  • ...

Chapter 30

There is another princess?! And she has a brother as well? How come I've never heard this before? I thought back to conversations with Twilight about her family and time as a filly. Nope. No mention of a brother. Perhaps they don't have a good relationship.

Twilight then began singing about her brother and how he was her best friend. Oh I get it now. Sometimes when you really miss something it's hard to talk about it. I then smirked as I watched the scenes of her song. I knew it! Your were a super adorable filly. I watched her sympathetically as she stared at Canterlot.

I frowned though as I looked at Canterlot itself. What is that around Canterlot? It looks like a force shield. Is there an attack on it's way?

Twilight finished her song, a tear falling from her eye. Applejack walked up and said Shining Armor sounds like a really great guy.

"He is. They don't just let any pony be the Captain of the Royal Guard." She said.

I coughed on my water I had just sipped, as something occurred to me. "Does your brother wear purple and gold armor, with a mark on the chest-plate, that looks remarkably like your cutie mark?"

She answered, "Yeah, but how did you know that?"

"He was one of the guards the came with Celestia when I first met her. He wasn't too happy when Celestia suggested me being your guard."

"Sounds like Shining Armor."

So let me get this straight," spoke up Rarity excitedly, "We are helping out with wedding of not only a princess, but a captain of the Royal Guard?"

"I guess so." Responded Twilight not so enthusiastically. As the girls began to express their excitement, Twilight didn't share in their enthusiasm.

I scooted over to her, "Come on, let's go pack a few things for the trip to Canterlot. I'm sure you'll want a few things, since we'll probably be staying a few days." She nodded and I informed the girls what we were doing, they waved us off.

"Packing isn't the real reason why we left the picnic, is it?" She asked me.

"You're getting more observant." I paused in my walking. "You're right though. It is a reason, but the true reason, is that I want to know why you're aren't excited for your brothers wedding."

She sighed. "I'd be happy, if he had told me in person, or even a letter, and not from an invitation. I'd also be happy if I knew who in the world Princess Mi Amore Cadenza was."

"Hmm, yes I would like to know that one too. Also, how I can develop an avoidance routine."

"Alex!" She tried to be scolding, but her amusement peeked through.

We reached the library. Twilight began packing scrolls, ink, and quills. Along with a few books.

I looked at my things. What in the world should I pack? I may not be invited to the wedding, but I'm still going with the girls to protect them. That was just the thing though. Everytime I thought of Canterlot and this wedding, I couldn't help feel a sense of foreboding. Like there was something just hiding around the corner. My instincts have saved me in the past, and I am going to listen to them now.

I packed a few changes of clothes, and normal hygiene things, then packed my mission suit and all my knives. I kept a few knives on me and then packed my pistols. Twilight walked down right then and saw me packing all my weapons.

"Alex, we are going to a wedding. Plus, it's a royal wedding. There will be tons of guards there, you don't need to pack all that."

"The last time I put my safety, the safety of those around me in another's hands, I was nearly killed and those around me were. I have never trusted someone else to do, what I know I can do on my own since. Besides, I can't help but feel on edge about this wedding, as if something isn't quite right. There is also some sort of force field around Canterlot that is visible even from here." I turned to her. "Let me have my quirks. My instincts say take these with me. I have learned to trust my instincts, can you trust me?"

"Yes I can, but do you have to take your wings? Isn't that a bit obvious?"

"Perhaps, but I want them. Besides, when it's actually on my back, it just looks like a weird carrying case." The advantage of using magic and not fuel tanks, the pack is slimmer and more streamlined. "Any ways, if you're packed, let's go see how the others are doing with their things." She nodded in agreement and we headed out.

(The next day on the train)

I smiled as the girls were still so excited about the wedding. I may not share their enthusiasm, but it was nice to see them so happy.

Twilight though, wan't as happy. Applejack asked her why, and Twilight replied, "I'm just worried as he starts his new family, we won't be able to see each other. We rarely see each other as it is."

"You're his sister. He'll always make time for you." Applejack tried to assure her.

"He couldn't seem to make time to tell me he was getting married!"

"True Twilight, but Applejack is right. If he is the great brother you say he is, he'll always try to see you in someway. Plus, you never know, he may have wanted to tell you, but something has come up that has taken all his attention, besides the wedding."

"Maybe you're right." She replied sullenly.

We passed over the bridge into Canterlot. As we did so a pink wave of magic flowed through the car. "Oh, my stomach. What was that?" I asked Twilight.

"Not sure, but it sort of felt like my brother's magic."

"Whatever it was, I don't like it. It's making my stomach turn." I drank a few sips of water out of the bottle I had packed. "Okay that feels a bit better."

The train pulled to a stop. I slipped my pack on and followed the girls as we left the train.

I looked around and noticed the abundance of guards. "Hey Miss Sparkle, I know you said there would be a lot of guards, but isn't this overkill with this many?"

"You're back to Miss Sparkle?" She asked flatly. I just smirked.

"Oh Rider. This is a royal wedding, and they do tend to bring out the strangest ponies." Spoke up Rarity. Pinkie then accentuated her point by sneezing out confetti. "Come on now we have got a lot of work to do."

Applejack turned to Twilight, "And you have a brother to congratulate."

"Yeah congratulate, and then give him a piece of my mind." The guards around were first smiling at Twilight, then looked slightly alarmed at her statement. "Come on Rider!"

I smirked, and stated in an overly proper voice, "Oh, it's Rider now, eh Miss Sparkle?" I laughed slightly at her frustrated cry. I probably shouldn't aggravate her, but it was just so fun sometimes.

I followed her into a main courtyard leading up to a grand entrance. As we got closer, Twilight yelled out, "I've got something to say to you mister."

"Twily," a blue and white pony yelled out as he took his helmet off. Yup, that's him. From my very first day. And Twily? Oh, I am going to have fun with that one.

Twilight noticed my growing smirk and whirled on me, "Don't you even dare!" I grinned and shrugged.

I started to tune out of the conversation the siblings were having, but immediately snapped my attention back as Shining Armor said there has been a threat made against Canterlot. I watched as he renewed the barrier. Interesting, his magic is almost the same color as Twilight's. I can't feel like her's though. Why is that?

I followed them as they headed onto a bridge. Shining reassure Twilight that she was still important to him and gave her the task of being best mare. Twilight accepted happily, "I'm still ticked off you are getting married to a pony I don't even know. Who is this princess anyway?"

"Twily, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, is Cadence. Your old foal sitter."

Twilight became so excited and flashed back into memories of Cadence. Twilight was focusing on the memories, I was focusing on the pony. Her magic, cutie mark, her eye roll on Twilight's comment of being a princess. Seems she doesn't care about her title. Her talent. Spreading love? Okay need to develop avoidance routine as soon as possible. Seems though, if ponies are at odds she tries to fix that. If that's her special talent, it's basically part of her personality. She hates arguments.

As Twilight was bouncing around happily, Cadence appeared. For some reason, alarm bells starting going off in my head. I immediately did something I haven't done in a long time. I split my emotions. I projected one emotion and kept the real one hidden. On the surface, it seemed like I was fine with this pony, but deeper down, I was highly alert.

Twilight tried to greet her with her little rhyme, but Cadance didn't join in. Cadance passed by without even a little greeting to Twilight. Boy, she has changed. I don't see a hint of the caring Twilight was talking about. Shining Armor said he had to return to his post, but that Cadence would be checking in on all the preparations. The couple walked off.

I silently padded to Twilight's side. "Forgive me if this offends you, but I don't like Cadance. She seems to have greatly changed from what I saw in your memories, and I just don't get that caring vibe. More of a snooty one."

"I don't have any proof, but I don't like her either. Something just doesn't feel right." She replied.

"Tell me if that feeling grows. We could be wrong, but sometimes it's best to listen to your instincts. Like you said though, you need proof. Find it, but talk to me first before you do anything. Rash actions can lead to costly mistakes." I told her. She nodded and we headed to the kitchen to see how Applejack was doing.

She was running around doing a bunch of things. Twilight was sulking slightly as she checked things off the list. She cheered up though, when Applejack gave her a treat. I was handed one too. "Mmm, these are good AJ." She smiled happily.

Cadance walked in. Applejack greeted her. The princess corrected the greeting by asking everyone to call her by her full name. Another internal alarm went off. She use to not care about her title. What changed? It seemed it would be the opposite. Care about the title when you're a teen, then learn it's mostly just a title as you grow older. I kept myself easygoing even as I saw her facial expression change, everytime AJ looked away, to something annoyed. No need to set her alarm bells off.

She tried one of the treats and said she loved them. That sounded so sincere. Bleh. How is Applejack not seeing through her lie? She is usually able to pierce through a lie so fast your head spun. Also, the color of her magic is different. Then threw away the bags of treats given to her when AJ's back was turned.

Twilight ran off to follow her. I quickly caught up to her and made her stop. "Twilight, easy. She knew you were watching. She wants to rile you up." She tried to go forward, but I stopped her once more. "You can watch her, but one last thing. Does the color of each ponies magic ever change to a completely different color?" She shook her head. "Okay thank you. Now go on. I'll talk to you tonight. Don't do anything rash." She ran off.

I looked to the tower where I could see Princess Celestia. I don't want to talk to her, but I need to see if she notices anything different. I knew the guards wouldn't let me pass, so I flew straight up to the balcony she was on. "Afternoon, Princess Celestia."

"Rider. Wonderful wings you have created. What brings you here? You usually avoid talking to me." She looked at me pointedly then went back to her telescope."

"I'm surprised you have yet another princess. I get the impression she is the princess of love." I tried to open the conversation.

"Indeed she is. I've adopted her as my niece. She is quite the wonderful pony. It's too bad the stress of the wedding and possible attack, has been making her a bit snappy than usual."

"Hmm, yes. I saw that. I'm wondering though why you're having the wedding now. Wouldn't it be better to wait till the possible attack is over?"

"Possibly, but this will keep Canterlot's spirits up and distract them from all the guards around. Plus, Cadance requested it be now. She really wants to be finally married to Shining Armor. She is insistent that Shining will be able to do his duties and have the wedding. I couldn't help indulge her as she is right. Shining Armor is a very good captain."

"Interesting. Well, I'll leave you to your vigil. Thank you for talking to me." She nodded and I flew down to street level.

Walking around looking for the girls, I thought over our brief conversation. Is Celestia so caught up in the hype of the wedding and the possible attack from the outside, that she hasn't noticed the difference in Cadance. She adopted the pony, for crying out loud. Shouldn't she see the difference in magic and personality. Snappy? She has become snobby. I then scoffed as I thought about the safety precautions. A shield is good and all, but what if you're enemy is already inside? Plus, a wedding is a major security risk. Sure they have Shining, but what if he is incapacitated? And who asks insists to have a wedding during a major crisis? That's just bad etiquette, if not downright stupid.

I was so caught up in my thoughts, I hadn't realized that I had been heading straight for the girls, through twists and turns. I hadn't been wandering, I had been walking with a set destination. How did I....? Oh, I'll think on it later. Right now I have bigger concerns. Evening had fallen as I joined the girls.

I arrived in time to hear Rarity telling Twilight, that Cadance's attitude is just the result of nerves. As Twilight's frustration was mounting, I reached out and carefully ran my hand down her mane a few time. She calmed slightly. "Easy there Twilight." I spoke quietly to her." You need to stay calm. Losing your cool will only result in something bad happening. Breathe in and out a few times." She did so calming further. "Let's take a walk. That can help." We did so and Twilight did seem to calm a bit more.

"Thanks Alex. I just don't feel like Cadance should marry my brother. He deserves someone kind and wonderful, and Cadance isn't what I remember. It's like she is a completely different pony!" She cried. "And my friends are so caught up in the wedding they won't listen."

"I'm not saying they were in the right, but you were getting quite agitated. When you get to that level, some may think you're overreacting. Keep your calm. Present your case with ease and confidence. Otherwise what your claim will seem childish and a wild grab at keeping your brother. Go talk to your brother. Tell him your concerns and how you feel about him marrying Candance. I believe he'll listen to you. Then come find me. I'll be either where the girls are, or talking to Princess Luna."

She ran off, and I went to the room I was staying in. I put on my mission suit and put my knives in their hidden spots. I slipped my guns onto waist holster and put a jacket on, concealing them. I wanted to be prepared, but not obvious. I couldn't help feeling something was about to happen anytime.

I walked out of my room. I nearly bumped into the pink princess. I quickly projected a pleasant demeanor and bowed. "Ah, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. My apologies for almost bumping into you. I should've been paying more attention."

She said with a hint of superiority, "Indeed you should have." Then asked, "You are Rider, correct?"

"Yes, and I must say I am surprised to see you here. These wings aren't the Royal Wings."

"Yes, well, I needed to inform my new bridesmaids of their new position. The girls have been working so hard, I'd thought they deserved to be part of the wedding."

"That was very kind and generous of you."

"I'd give you a position, but I have no idea what role you could play."

"That is alright, Your Highness. I'm not attending. Just came here to keep an eye on Miss Sparkle."

She nodded snootily then walked off. What in the world happened to your bridesmaids, that you would need to replace them so quickly? And with the girls? That makes no sense. I walked out into the area where Twilight had confronted her brother earlier.

Twilight came up running. I stopped her. "Have to get the girls. Shining Armor under a spell, by Cadence. Need help!" She panted out.

"Easy Twilight. What kind of spell?"

"Shining's head was hurting. So she cast a spell to help him with a headache. But it wasn't like the ones I used on you. When she hit him with it, his eyes started spinning in his head."

"That definitely doesn't sound like a normal head cure. The girls won't believe you now, though. Cadance made them bridesmaids in a so called reward for all their hard work."

"What!? What happened to the old ones?" She cried.

"I don't know. Now, I am going to talk to Luna. Maybe she'll believe me. Go to the rehearsal, but don't say anything and try not to glare at the pink princess. Okay?"

"But I can't let my brother marry her!"

"She won't. This is just the rehearsal. We need proof and not just claims. They're all so into the wedding, they aren't really thinking straight. Even Princess Celestia. I just need Luna to believe me then she can help us. Now go. Remember, keep quiet."

We ran inside and split ways. I headed up the tower Luna was in, thankfully no one stopping me. I reached the balcony and Luna looked at me in surprise. "Rider, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with the girls?"

"I need your help." She nodded. "Twilight and I think something is wrong with Cadance."

"What do you mean? If you mean she is more--"

I interrupted her. "I know you just think it's nerves and stress, but her magic is different. It's a sickly green instead of a comforting blue. Twilight also said that Shining's head was hurting, so Cadance used a spell to cure it, but that it was nothing like the spell she has used on me. She said his eyes actually started spinning."

"She isn't overreacting? Being a little possessive of her brother."

"Normally, I would say yes, and that Cadance is just filled with nerves and stress, but is this really the Cadance you know? Insisting on a wedding during a crisis, insisting on her full name, throwing out food after it being freely given to help keep from becoming peckish, yelling at a bird for being off-key, and switching her bridesmaids at the last minute for ones she has known for barely a day and giving no explanation for what happened to her old ones. Also Twilight was excited that her brother was marrying her, till she actually saw her again and Cadance brushed her off."

"Hmm that doesn't sound like Cadance at all. Even stressed, she makes sure to be kind and caring. And the different color of magic is worrying. It usually matches their eyes or cutie mark, and Cadance's is usually blue, not green. That fact that it has changed means something is wrong with Cadance."

"So you will help us convince the others? I know you need to keep vigil, but if someone has already gotten to Cadance, it won't---Ah!" My hand went to my heart as sudden despair and heartbreak flowed through me. My eyes widened as I realized it wasn't coming from me, but, "Twilight! Something has happened to Twilight."

I turned and ran down the stairs and sprinted to the reception room ignoring the pain flowing through me. I could sense Luna behind me. About halfway there I met the girls. I scanned them, they looked irritated. "What happened to Twilight, and where is she?" I asked urgently.

"I can't believe it. Twilight actually accused Princess Mi Amore Cadenza of being evil and casting a spell on Captain Armor." Rarity spoke.

"There has to be more. Why did I feel Twilight's heartbreak and despair?" I demanded.

"Well, Shining Armor did kick her out of the wedding and we sort of just left her there after Princess Celestia scolded her, to go comfort the other princess." Spoke Applejack.

"You left your best friend alone, after just being kicked out by her brother, who I might add, she has never fought with before, to comfort a princess you haven't known for even a day?" My voice was starting to drop a few degrees.

"Well her claim was outrageous. The princess would never do something like that!" Rarity declared.

"Oh and you know Princess Mi Amore Cadenza so well." I said sarcastically and bitingly. They flinched at my tone and the fact that they really didn't know the princess. "Whatever happened to your promise to listen to Twilight even when her fears or concerns seem outrageous?" My voice was coming out cold. They looked down at that.

"Easy Rider. take a few breaths," Luna told me. "We need to find Twilight, then I need to see Cadance for myself. Hopefully Celestia will be close by and I can convince her of a problem." I nodded. "Girls, where exactly did you leave Twilight?"

"Where the wedding ceremony is being held." Pinkie answered, not as exuberant as normal.

Luna and I turned and were going to run, when I stumbled and cried out as I could feel Twilight's surprise and terror. "Twilight!" We sprinted to the wedding area.

We burst through the doors in time to see Twilight disappear in a ball of green flames, and a pink rump disappearing at the other end of the room.

"No!" I cried as I could feel Twilight's terror fading away, but I knew it wasn't because she was fine, but that something had happened to her. She either lost consciousness or was too far away from me now. "Please tell me you saw that too. Not that I wanted this to happen, but that I have another eyewitness." I said to Luna.

She replied gravely, "Indeed I did. Now I just have to convince my sister, before this Cadance gets to her. Come, let us find her."

Unfortunately we found her too late. Cadance was already with her. I looked to Luna. She nodded and stepped forward. "Dear Sister, may I speak to you alone?" Celestia agreed and they walked to an adjoining room.

I was too emotional to project something pleasant to the pink princess, so I just shut every emotion down. Well, every one except worry. I could feel the princess studying me. I ignored her. I began to think on why I could feel Twilight's emotions. I can't feel the others. Then again, I don't think anyone of them have ever felt that level of pain before. It felt like my heart was being ripped out and stomped on. Or that level of terror. I shivered slightly as I recalled it.

I focused back into the room as the other princesses walked in. Celestia then spoke, "Rider, you and Luna must have your eyes checked. Twilight is in that room over there. She has talked things over with Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, and things are fine between them. Just nerves and stress all around."

I looked at Luna, who eyes were filled with sadness and confusion, as were mine probably. We walked over and opened the door. I hesitantly walked inside.

A pony that looked like Twilight sat on some pillows next to a fire. She looked at Luna and I, as we walked in. "Princess Luna, a pleasure to see you. Rider, where have you been? I looked for you before I came to the reception, but couldn't find you. My guard slacking off." She said it playfully, but it wasn't quite right.

Alarm bells were going off like crazy. "I'm sorry. I won't be slacking off anymore. It has been a long day why don't you go and bid the other princesses goodnight and I'll escort you to our room. I have one more thing I need to speak with Princess Luna about to better guard you."

She nodded and left. I spoke lowly to Luna, barely audible, but I knew she would hear me. "That isn't Twilight. How Cadance got a pony to look like her so fast, I don't get though. Should I try to interrogate her or leave her be?"

"Leave her be. I think I know what is going on. Meet me at the telescope after you settle the look-alike in." She replied and I nodded.

I exited the room and bowed, "Princesses." I turned to the imposter. "Twilight, shall we go?"

We walked to her room. When we reached the door, the pony turned to me, "Will you be guarding my door?"

"Unfortunately, no. I need some things from my room, then I'll be heading out to guard a different tower. Princess's request." She nodded. "Sleep well, Twilight. I should be here in the morning." She entered the room and closed the door.

I speed walked to my room and grabbed my wings. I walked as fast as I could to Luna's tower, without looking suspicious or worried. I climbed the stairs. "What is going on?" I asked as soon as I reached the balcony."

"A moment." Spoke Luna, then her magic flashed one then nothing. "A sound barrier."

"That's handy."

"Indeed. Now, I believe changelings have replaced Twilight and Cadence."

"Changelings? Creatures that take on another form and steal the love meant for the one they've replaced?"

"Yes.They don't just steal the love though, they feed on it. matter of fact, they can feed on any emotion, but some are like poisons to them. With you and I seeing Twilight disappear, the fake Cadance had to bring in another to look like Twilight to discredit our story and make us think we saw incorrectly. I have to ask though, the pony we saw, seemed just like Twilight, how did you tell the difference?"

"A lot of things. One, she called you Princess, when you had asked her to drop the title. Two, that she looked for me before the reception. I had told her to go to the reception and that I would be talking to you. Three, she called me Rider. She never does that unless she is annoyed or we are teasing each other. And lastly, she outright called me a guard. She alludes to it, but never has she directly said it."

"I see. I saw a few of those things, but I almost believed it was her." She looked to the stars. "Unfortunately, we won't be able to convince my sister. She too is caught up in the wedding hype. We need to find the real Cadance and Twilight."

"How though? I can't feel Twilight anymore."

She looked at me again. "What exactly do you mean?"

I sighed. "It something I don't understand or fully know, but I can feel her magic every time she uses it. I had walked unerringly to the girls, or more specifically Twilight, earlier while deep in thought and using a winding path. Earlier, I could feel Twilight's despair and heartbreak, and then shock and terror. It faded as she disappeared."

"And you can't feel her now?" i shook my head no. "Perhaps she is unconscious. We need to wait, till she might wake up. I've already scanned the castle and have detected nothing of her magical signature. Or Cadance's." She stated sadly. "Why did I not see that sooner?"

"You were all so focused on a threat from the outside, you never considered they were already in. Plus a wedding is a great distracter."

"It seems it has been. The wool has been pulled over all our eyes except your and Twilight's. You pulled it off my eyes, but now it may be too late."

"It may seem that way, but we'll find them. Then we'll confront the changelings and set things right." She nodded in agreement.

And I'll make sure that the one impersonating the princess learns to never hurt one of my girls. You caused Twilight major heartbreak and pain, changeling. You're going to pay for that. You're going to pay for it dearly.

Author's Note:

So I was gong to do both episodes as one chapter, then I realized it was getting very long. So I am goingto break it up into two. Next part will come soon.