• Published 19th Feb 2016
  • 900 Views, 40 Comments

Friendship isn't just Magic, it can heal hearts too - Raumo

Alex was afraid of friendship. Being a spy made friendship something to avoid.Transported to world where friendship is the most powerful of all, can he learn to make friends again.

  • ...

Chapter 31

Throughout the night I tried to sense Twilight. Luna told me to focus on happy memories of her and that would increase the connection. I had a surprisingly large amount. Simple everyday things, are happy for me though. A chance to just spend time with those I care about. Right now though, one of the ones I cared about was in trouble.

A new day began to dawn. Luna and I stayed on the balcony. Though Celestia would usually take her place here, I knew she wouldn't today, because of the wedding. I sighed then spoke, "I told the changeling I would see her in the morning."

"Go then. Be on alert though." She warned.

"I will, Luna. I will still try to sense Twilight though." I slipped my wings on after taking my jacket off. I didn't care if anyone thought I looked suspicious. I wanted quick easy access and speed.

"Come here as fast as you can when you do."

I nodded then left. Reaching Twilight's room I knocked.

"Who is it?" Twilight's voice sounded out. It's creepy how they can make their voice sound just like the one they're impersonating.

"It's Rider. May I come in?" I replied.

"Please do."

That's an odd answer. I took a deep breath, and slipped inside. I raised my eyebrow when I saw the imposter just laying on her bed. "Pardon me for asking, but shouldn't you be preparing for the wedding?"

"Hmm? What do you mean?" She looked at in confusion.

"I thought that because you smoothed things over with the princess, that you would retake the best mare position."

"Oh that. Unfortunately, Shining Armor wouldn't speak to me. Apparently he was still too mad. I can see why though. Cadance is wonderful and me accusing her wasn't good at all." She said this sadly. Hmph. Nice try, but I could feel her heartbreak, you creature, your display isn't enough to convince me.

"How about your friends? Have you smoothed things over with them?"

"I will after the wedding." Yep, definitely not Twilight. She would try to make amends as soon as possible.

"I see." I was about to say something else, when I felt anger flow through me. It was faint though, like I was just feeling an echo. Twilight. You're awake, and mad. Where are you?

Standing like a guard so the imposter wouldn't get suspicious, I focused on my memories of Twilight. I got the sense to go down. Down? I know she isn't downstairs though. I focused harder. Underground? Is she in a dungeon or something?

"Excuse me, Twilight?" She looked at me. "Princess Luna asked me to get something for her last night, but I couldn't procure it till just before I came here. Will you be alright if I deliver it now?"

"Oh, I'll be fine. If the princess needs something, you should deliver it as quickly as possible."

"Many thanks. I shall do so now." I quickly slipped out the door. Scanning the corridors and seeing no one, I opened a window and jumped out. Thankfully I have my wings, so I can fly to Luna instead of using all my energy.

Landing on the balcony, I turned the engines off, but kept the wings extended. "Luna, do you have a dungeon underground or something? I could finally sense Twilight, and I got the impression to go down."

She looked confused. "A dungeon...no. There are the crystal caverns. Unicorns used to mine them long ago."

"Crystal caverns? Can we get in and not get lost? Mines are very complicated."

"Yes we can get in. I can mark a route with my magic, but I won't be able to find Twilight and Cadance."

"I'd do the route, but if it's all crystal down there, I might get mixed up. I can usually do it, but I'm usually imprisoned in someplace that has a set layout. I'll focus on Twilight, and you can follow me. Sound fine?" My heart hammered at asking her to do this, for I was truly having to trust someone to help me.

Luna looked me in the eyes. "Sounds fine. Rider, I will do my part. We can go in, find them, and know a direct route out. I promise you that."

I stared into her blue eyes. Seeing the determination and truth in them I nodded. "Let's go then."

We headed to the entrance and entered. I looked around. Seeing the repetitive rock and crystal, made me glad that I wasn't memorizing the route. "Ready?" I asked Luna. She nodded. So I closed my eyes, and thought of nothing but Twilight.

I got the impression to go right. I opened my eyes and did so. Still thinking of Twilight, I kept my eyes open and flew automatically. We flew for quite a bit of time, but eventually my impressions were getting stronger.

Flying quickly, I almost missed the turn I needed to make, but just made it, my wingtip nearly scraping the walls. We hadn't gone far when we saw two ponies ahead. I looked at Luna and we landed, before we reached them. "Is that them? I believe it is, but I don't want to be tricked."

She activated her magic, "It's them! That's their magic signatures."

We ran forward. "Twilight!" I called.

The pony's head on the right snapped up. "Alex!" She started limping forward.

I ran faster. Sliding a bit as I reached her, I knelt down and gave her a hug. "It's good to see the real you." I leaned back and looked at her. "You look okay." I looked at her leg. "Except for that." There was a gash on her leg. The blood was dried, but I could tell it was really painful. I looked to Luna.

She nodded. "I can only heal some of it, though she'll need to see a doctor." I moved back as she went to work.

I looked at the other pony. "You must be the real Princess Mi Amore Cadenza."

A bit of me untensed as she answered, "Yes, but I prefer Princess Cadance or just Cadance."

I frowned at her exhaustion though. "Have you had any food while you have been down here?" She shook her head. "What about water?"

She nodded. "There was a small pond of water that had collected near my area."

"Okay good." I pulled a food bar out of my pouch. "Here eat this, slowly. You need some energy to confront the changeling that's stealing your wedding."

"You know they're changelings?"

"Luna guessed, when a changeling was brought to make us think Twilight was fine." I looked at Twilight. "She may have looked like you, but she definitely couldn't be you."

Luna had finished her healing. Twilight walked over and leaned against me. "Thank you Alex for supporting me the whole time. I'm sorry I couldn't keep my mouth shut though. I just couldn't stand to see that imposter near my brother."

"No problem. I just wish you didn't have to go through so much pain before we could do something."

She looked at her leg. "My leg is fine now Alex. No need to feel guilty about that."

"I'm talking about the heartbreak and despair of being kick out of your brother's wedding and your friends leaving you." She looked down at that and I ran my hand through her mane.

"Shining did what?" Cadance had a look of rage.

"Uh, princess. I'm not sure it was completely him. Your look-alike had just cast a spell on him earlier." I tried to reassure her.

"Perhaps, but I'll be talking to him later. Now how do we get out though?"

I turned to Luna. "Our escape route, please." She nodded and turned her magic once again flowing. A deep blue line shot from her horn and out of sight. I turned to Candance, "Can you fly or run?"

"Not for long, unfortunately."

I turned to Luna, "Can you carry Twilight?" She nodded. I looked to Cadance. Oh this is going to be awkward. "So, um, I'm going to need you to put your front hooves around my neck and your back one around my waist or hips, for me to carry you." She did so, I shifted her a bit to the side, not enough to interfere with my wings though. "Alright let's go."

We flew quickly and made it to the exit in a short amount of time. I quickly set the princess down gently. She nodded in thanks. "need food or water? You need to keep your strength up." She shook her head at my question.

We were about to leave when three ponies appeared, their eyes glowing green. They were wearing wedding outfits. "Oh that's what happened to them." Twilight and I commented together.

I was about to stun them when Cadance cried out, "Wait, I have an idea." She produced a bouquet of flowers and shook it in their faces.

Then tossing it, the three went after it crying, "I want it!" I snickered.

"Alright come on." I grabbed Twilight and lifted her through the entrance, the others following.

"Rider, I'll take Twilight to the infirmary. You and Cadance confront whoever that changeling is." Luna spoke.

A cold grin morphed on my face. "With pleasure." I turned to Twilight. "Get better soon, okay?"

"Don't kill her Alex. You're better than that." Twilight pleaded.

I sighed, the memories of hunting SCORPIA flowing through my mind. "Actually I'm not. I hunted down a whole organization after Jack died."

"That wasn't the real you. You had nothing left to fight for or pull you from the darkness. You have me, and the other girls now. Don't sink back to that level."

I stared at her pleading eyes. I wanted to promise her that I wouldn't, but the memory of Twilight's pain was too fresh. "I can make no promises. I'll try, but she hurt you. Physically," I pointed to her leg, "and emotionally." I pointed to her heart. "She hurt you and I'm going to make her pay. I'm sorry, but it's what I do."

"I know. Just promise me this, don't go back to being a cold statue. Whatever happens I will still care about you." She leaned her head against my heart.

"I promise." I whispered to her. "Now go with Luna." I pulled back and stood up. They started off. I looked to Cadance. "Can you fly now?" She nodded. "Then let's go."

We sped towards the wedding area. The doors came up, deactivating my wings I swung my feet forward and kicked the doors opened and forward rolled in, finishing in a crouch.

Everyone looked at me alarm. "Oh shoot. I missed the part where she asked if there are any objections to this wedding." I sarcastically stated and stood.

"Alex Rider! What in the world are you doing?" Celestia demanded.

"Simple. I'm cutting this wedding short. Considering it's not even her wedding." I pointed to the imposter next to Shining.

"What did I do to you, that you're trying to ruin my special day?" The imposter fake cried.

"It's not your special day! It's mine." Cadance cried.

Cadance then explained everything. Seeing she was exposed, the imposter, well, burned off her disguise.

She laughed. "Right you are Princess. And as Queen of the changelings, it is up to me to find food for my subjects. And Equestria has more love than any place I've ever seen. We will gain more power than we have ever dreamed!"

I looked at Shining Armor and winced. His eyes were a sickly green. How are you all so blind you didn't even notice that? My hands tensed as the queen said the shield was getting weaker.

Celestia steeped forward and confronted the queen, losing badly. Luna, where are you? I didn't think you were staying with Twilight.

"Get the Elements of Harmony and stop her." Celestia told the girls.

"Oh that won't work." I stepped in front of the girls. "You see this isn't the correct Element of Magic. Am I right?" I smiled coldly at Twilight's imposter.

"What are you talking about? I am Twilight." The look-alike cried.

I whipped out my pistol and pointed it at her. "Don't lie to me changeling. The real Twilight is in the infirmary right now getting her leg fixed. In fact I've known you were an imposter since the moment you opened that fake mouth last night."

"You will never shoot me." The imposter declared confidently.

"You're right, I won't shoot you when you hold that form." She relaxed. Without taking my eyes of her, I changed my aim and shot at the queen. "But I'll shoot your queen."

At the queen's cry of pain, the imposter whipped around and ran to her. "Queen Chrysalis!" She inspected the wounded shoulder.

"You fool!" Chrysalis hissed at the changeling. It shrunk back. Turning to me the queen spoke, "So, Twilight Sparkle wasn't the only one who was suspicious of me."

"Indeed. I was on guard the moment you appreared on the bridge yesterday. I told Twilight to keep quiet till we could find evidence and help to expose you. Unfortunately you ticked her off so bad, she couldn't stay quiet any longer." I stepped forward as I spoke. The minion rushed at me. I threw a small knife at her, just knickng her shoulder.

"Ha you missed." The small changeling jeered.

"Nope. Just hit you enough." I smirked as the changeling stumbled and fell just before reaching me. "You see that one was special."

"what did you do to me?!"

"Oh something." I moved past her and headed to the queen. "Hey bug queen. I know you eat love, but can you eat this?!" I shot another bolt at her and she dodged. She shot at me, and I dodged.

The guests ran out in fear as I started attacking the queen. She dodged most of my shots. but I got her on the neck, and the back leg. She hovered in the air as she could no longer stand. Her shoulder wounded and her back leg couldn't support her.

The barrier fell. I steadied myself as the whole place shook.

"Haha. There is nothing you can do now! My minions will take over Canterlot, then all of Equestria!" She laughed truimphantly.

I flew up and rammed her. Not expecting that she went flying into a wall. I quickly threw 5 knives at her. All striking at different points of the body.

She cried out. "Ah! What did I do to you? This isn't just about stopping me. I can sense your rage."

"Rage? This isn't rage." I threw another knife, it landing in her neck. I let my emotions flow. "This is rage!"

"Ah! It feels like I'm freezing from within! What have I done to deserve this from you?! Answer me!"

"I know what it's like to have your heart break. To feel a pain like no other. I wish that no innocent would ever feel that." I glared at her. "But one did. Twilight's. You orchestrated her heartbreak. You caused her friends, mentor, and brother to turn against her. Her heart shattered, and I FELT IT!" I couldn't help yelling the last part. "Twilight has been patient, forgiving, kind, and a wonderful teacher. She never deserved what you did!"

She was thrashing in agony. I watched her impassive for a long while. Then I closed my eyes and slowly contained my rage. I could feel it swirling inside me. A vicious storm, but I contained it.

"Why?" The queen panted out in a whisper, too weak for anything louder. "You could've killed me. Why not?"

I walked over and pulled all my knives out. I didn't answer her question. Looking at the last knife in her neck, so close to being in kill spot. "Don't move." I told her. I reached out and pulled the blade out cleanly. I turned and walked off. I looked at Cadance and the now lucid Shining Armor. "Can you get the barrier up?"

"No. I don't have the strength to repel them." He replied wearily

I looked at Cadance. She nodded. "My love will help him."

They were about to start the spell when Chrysalis cried out, "Wait! Rider?"

I turned at looked at her. She had gotten up and was leaning against the open window. "What?"

"Why didn't you kill me? You could've easily done so." She was desperate for an answer

"I wanted to. I almost did. She asked me not to, though. And she was right to do so."

"She? The Princess?"

"No Twilight Sparkle. Not sure if it was mercy for you, or desperation for me not to sink to my previous level of revenge. Either way, you have her to thank that I didn't kill you. Not sure that you will even live though." I nodded to the couple and they started the spell.

I looked coldly into the eyes of the queen. She stared back, knowing she was defeated. I watched as she closed her eyes as the wave hit her and threw out every changeling.

I looked back at the couple that were looking at each other with love almost tangible.

I looked to my right as Luna landed next to me. "What happened to you?" I noticed a couple cuts on her.

She sighed. "Turns out Twilight's imposter wasn't the only changeling on the inside. I had to fight a few to get to the infirmary. I was on my way here, when the barrier fell. I helped some of the citizens."

"Twilight's alright?"

"Yes. The doctor said her leg is fine and the muscle isn't permanently damaged."

I sighed in relief. "Good. I'll go see her." I headed to the exit.

"Rider. Wait." Celestia's voice sounded out.

I didn't turn when I stopped. "No. I can't talk to you right now. Not after what you all did. I'm disappointed and mad. Not that you didn't see through Chrysalis, but what you did to Twilight. Now leave me and Twilight be till we both can be rational." I quickly left, hearing Luna stop her sister.

I was halfway to the infirmary when Luna called out. I turned to look at her trotting towards me. "Twilight is fine Rider. In fact she is probably asleep. Go wash up. You have soot on you from Chrysalis's magic and you should take care of your blades. Twilight would be worried if she saw you in this state."

I grumbled under my breath as I knew she was right. I nodded to her, changed directions and headed to my room.

Once inside my room, I slipped off my wings, suit, and knives and holsters, and grabbed my clean change of clothes. i was thankful my bathroom had a shower. I hated baths except for bubble baths, and having one would take too long right now. I cleaned myself up, dressed, and exited the bathroom.

Staring at my dirty ensemble and weapons I quickly set to cleaning them. Once done I quickly hid a few knives on me and put the rest away with my gun. I slipped my gauntlet on as well. Never know when I need that grappling line.

My stomach growled so I grabbed a few bars and unwrapped them to eat on the way to the infirmary.

Once there, I walked up to the pony at the desk. "Hello, I've come to see Miss Sparkle. what room is she in?"

"Are you Rider?" She asked. I raised my eyebrow but nodded. "Ah yes, Princess Luna told up you would come. Room 8."

I nodded in thanks and headed to the room. Quietly opening the door I peeked in. Twilight was asleep on the bed, but it wasn't peaceful.

Quickly walking in, I sat down in one of the chairs and reached out, and ran my hand through her mane a few times. She usually slept peacefully, but once in awhile she had nightmares. She calmed down, but as I tried to move my hand away she whimpered, so I kept my hand there.

I was tired, since I hadn't slept at all last night and it was nearing the late afternoon. Laying my head on my arm, on the bed, I fell asleep, with my hand still stroking her mane.

I snapped awake as I heard sobbing. Twilight had rolled over to face me and my hand was now under one of her hooves. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked her worried.

"It hurts." She sobbed out.

I sighed knowing what she was talking about. "Your heart?" She nodded. I moved, and sat on the bed, leaning against the headboard. She buried her face into my side as much as she could and just cried. I ran my hand through her mane over and over again.

She soon quieted and just stayed how she was. Eventually she spoke up, "What happened when you and Cadance confronted the changeling?"

I knew she was avoiding talking about herself, but I indulged her. "Well I burst in, made a comment about missing the part where to speak up if someone objects, then Cadance stepped in. The changeling revealed herself to be the queen of them." She gasped at that. "Her minions were chipping away at your brother's barrier, and Chrysalis had him under her complete control."

She looked up at me.

"Yes, I believe it wasn't all your brother last night." I replied to her questioning look.

She looked down once more. "Maybe." She whispered. "What happened next?"

"Celestia stepped up and confronted the queen, but lost badly. Apparently Shining Armor's love for Cadance had greatly empowered her. She is fine now though." She relaxed at that. "Your double was there. Celestia was going to have the girls get the Elements, but I stopped them and exposed yor double by shooting the queen."

"Did you...?"

"No I didn't kill her, but she might be dead anyway." Again she looked up at me. "When the barrier fell, she was reveling in her victory prematurely. I rammed her into a wall, threw some knives in her. They feed on love, but can eat other emotions too. Rage though, is poison. My rage was freezing her inside out."

"But you stopped, didn't you?" I nodded in response. "Why?"

"Because of you. You were right. If I had had someone like you to pull me out of my revenge all those years ago, I wouldn't have become so cold and heartless. I would've still worked to stop SCORPIA, but I would've done it differently."

"Do you think if you hadn't had your training, you wouldn't have believed me about something being wrong with Cadance?" She asked this hesitantly.

"That's a hard one. My uncle had been secretly training me to be a spy for years while I was unaware. I would like to believe I would have."

"Why didn't my friends? Or even the princess. She has said in the past that she trusts me. Why didn't she now? I tried to present my case calmly and with evidence."

"I don't know the answer to that. You have to talk to them, to learn why."

"How can I face them?! They left me for someone they didn't even know. I know I can overreact sometimes, but I'd never accuse someone without good reason."

"You don't have to face them alone or even all at one. Talk to your brother though, he is the main one right now."

"Can I leave or will he have to come here?"

"Don't know. I'll go ask the doctor. Plus you need to eat. It has to be evening by now." She opened her mouth to protest, then her stomach growled. She blushed. I chuckled. "I'll be right back."

I walked out of the room and spotted a nurse. "Excuse me, but Miss Sparkle is awake now and hungry. Can she have some food?"

"Oh yes. I'll get that to her right away." She answered.

"Great. I was also wondering, can she leave or does she have to stay here overnight?"

"Oh I'll get the doctor for that." She trotted off.

I turned around and was gong to head into the room when I saw Shining Armor. He was hesitating at the end of the hall. Walking over to him I gave a nod, "Captain."

"Rider, right?" I nodded. "Seems Princess Celestia was right in making you Twilight's guard." He said reluctantly.

"Things turned out alright, but I failed in keeping her from being sent to the caves."

"Yeah, but it turned out fine, you all found Cadance."

"Indeed. Twilight is about ready to see the doctor and eat dinner. Would you like to speak to her?"

He hesitated, "I don't think..."

"You need to talk to her. She is hurting badly right now. I'm trying to get her to talk to her friends, but I told her she needs to speak to you first. Come on." we walked to her room. "Hey, Twilight. Your food and the doctor are on the way, but I met someone in the halls you need to talk to."

She looked worried. "Shining?" I nodded. "Okay I'll talk to him. Can you stay here though?" I nodded once more.

The sibling talked it out. The whole time Twilight was on the verge of tears, but the healing would begin.

Celestia apologized as well. I knew it was very hard for Twilight as she looked up to the princess and to be disregarded and scolded so forcefully had hurt her deeply. I knew Twilight's image of the princess was slightly tarnished and would always have a flaw from now on. She still loved her, but now knew she wasn't perfect and made mistakes.

The talk with her friends was harder. Of course Twilight forgave them, but she was deeply hurt that didn't even try to listen to her and broke their promise. It didn't help that all they could say was they were blinded by the wedding planning and excitement.

I found it harder to forgive, even though I loved the girls. I wasn't that they didn't believe Twilight, but that they had left one of their own that bothered me. They should've stayed.

Together, Twilight and I started to be around the girls over the next two weeks. I could see the sincere effort to make amends. As Canterlot was being repaired, damaged bonds were being so too. I found I liked Cadance, even with her scary love magic. She was warm and caring and knew when to back off, when I started reaching my limits. I also grew to like Shining Armor. He started to grudgingly like me, when he realized how much I cared for Twilight and I had the skills to protect her.

I smiled as I followed Twilight and her checklist. I relaxed as Cadance proved to be warm and caring even as I could see the nerves of the upcoming wedding. As the last item was checked off, I walked to Twilight's side. "I can see why you loved having Cadance as your foal-sitter. She is everything you described."

She smiled happily, "Isn't she? I don't know how my brother got her to marry him."

We heard a chuckle behind us. Turning we saw Shining Armor. "I told her she wouldn't just be gaining a husband, but also a great sister too."

Twilight blushed then ran up and leaned against her brother.

The wedding went beautifully.

The outside reception was getting started. The couple were starting their first dance. Twilight then nodded to Pinkie. I chuckled as Pinkie gasped excitedly and dashed to a turntable and pulling Vinyl Scratch out into the open.

Twilight caught the thrown microphone and began singing a beautiful, upbeat song. I smiled and nodded my head to the beat.

When Twilight was done singing, the dance floor opened to everyone. Twilight stared at me for a long moment then yanked me into a dance. "Really, Miss Sparkle? I'm not much for dancing."

"Oh just dance, Rider." I laughed and did so.

The bride and groom headed off. A wonderful wedding and party coming to an end. Twilight and the girls were yawning quite a bit. "Head to bed girls. You deserve it, the wedding, and reception was beautiful."

They did so. And I followed them not to long after. I fell asleep content. I helped rescue a princess, stopped an invasion, helped Twilight, mend her bonds, and enjoyed a royal wedding. Sounds like my normal crazy life.

Author's Note:

Argh, I don't like the ending, but I just couldn't think of anything. And I didn't include the part of them working to restore their friendships, because I just couldn't make it flow.

Another note, it may seem like Alex went easy on Chrysalis, but imagine being frozen from the inside out and there is no numbness of hypothermia, plus knives in painful points in the body.