• Published 19th Feb 2016
  • 899 Views, 40 Comments

Friendship isn't just Magic, it can heal hearts too - Raumo

Alex was afraid of friendship. Being a spy made friendship something to avoid.Transported to world where friendship is the most powerful of all, can he learn to make friends again.

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Ponyville (Alex POV)

The next morning found them flying in a chariot to Ponyville. The Princess felt that while using the train would've been a good experience for Alex, ponies reaction to seeing a human for the first time might not be the best for him and so she decided to gradually introduce him to society. So there he was flying with his companions, enjoying the ride, and completely relaxed...well actually quite the opposite.

I knew it, knew it, knew it! That blasted white alicorn wants to kill me! And this lavender pony's in on it. All that talk of guarding and learning, and friendship is just a cover up. I'm going to be pushed off this flying death trap in some remote area! My paranoia and fear was yelling at me at how much of a fool I was. Oh relax you numskull. She's not going to kill you and you know it. We may not be sure about Celestia, but Twilight's not going to. We've become quite good judges of character over the past years and you know that Twilight doesn't have it in her to kill. That's why you're here. To protect her and eliminate potential/actual threats against her. And look at her, shes relaxed. She knows we won't fall. My rational side reasoned out.

"How do you like the ride?" A gentle voiced asked beside me. I cautiously looked over at her, careful to not shift my weight in any way.

"I'd have to say I prefer being on the ground, or in an enclosed area at least. I have been flying before, but in a cabin. I hate to admit it, but this open air makes me nervous. Especially since where being pulled by someone who could tire out at any moment," I told her through clenched teeth.

"Oh. There's no need to worry. The pegasi are trained for long distance and these have been trained for chariot pulling when needed. They often escort the princess and there have been no accidents. Plus, the weather is scheduled to be clear, so no storms to worry about."

"Scheduled?" I asked this to learn something new and get my mind off flying.

"Yes. Pegasi have passive magic to walk on clouds and control the weather. They have a weather factories that makes all types of weather. They also make seasonal weather too. Also just by their will they can make a cloud rain or thunder."

"Interesting. In my old world, weather happened on its own. It all depended on the season, temperature, and our rotation around the sun to change. We could predict it, but we couldn't change it at will."

"Sounds like the Everfree forest on the edge of Ponyville. Everything thrives without pony intervention. It's a dangerous place though. All sorts of strange creatures."

"What kind of creatures?"

"Timberwolves, cockatrices, and manticores to name a few. I some books on them if you want to know more."

"That would be great. We had legends of manticores and cockatrices and I would like to see what similar and whats different, also what is fact, not fiction. We had timber wolves. They weren't legends."

"You have legends of those creatures. How about others like sea serpents and dragons?"

"Yes we had legends of those. Sea serpents sightings were common, but they were never concrete. I speculate that it was just wild imagination. I never really payed attention. Dragons on the other hand are never seen in modern times that I know of, but there are many writings of them in history. Also plenty statues of them throughout our world. They are quite popular in my world, even if know one has seen one or knows what they actually look like. So it's actually pretty cool to see your friend Spike." I nodded to the dragon. He gave me small smile in return. I noticed that he seems pretty wary of me and has kept his distance.

I felt us lowering and realized we were at Ponyville. As we landed I was began to tense for a different reason.

We exited the chariot and I turned an grabbed my bag that had my returned weapons and a change of clothes. I slipped that onto my back then grabbed Miss Sparkle's crate of books. I could feel the stares and tension. I could practically hear the silence. As the chariot flew off and I turned to face the ponies in the square, I schooled my expression into something neutral. I didn't want to scare (much) what would be my neighbors for the foreseeable future. I've been told my scowl and glare are quite...chilling.

Sparkle stepped forward and addressed one of the ponies at the front of the crowd. "Mayor Mare, this is Alex Rider. He is a human from very far away. Under Princess Celestia's orders, he is to be my student and learn of Equestria. He'll be staying with me in the library."

"Under Celestia's orders? Well then, I welcome you to Ponyville and I hope you'll learn to love our town and nation. I'll be sure to spread the word that you are a guest here," she smiled at me hesitantly, her voice nervous.

"Appreciated madam." I gave a short polite nod. Her eyes widen at the fact I could speak. She nodded back and then left to spread the word I suppose. As she did, the other ponies went on their way as well, though they gave me wary glances. Mentally I rolled my eyes, knowing this was going to be the norm for awhile.

"Come on, let's head to the library and we can put away your things and my books. Also, settle the sleeping arrangements. I think we'll take a couple days for you to get acclimated before I start your studies," she said as we started to walk down the street.

"Sounds agreeable." Great, back to school. The thing I've always wanted to do. Well at least I'm learning privately and they didn't stick me in with the...um...oh wait, foals. I believe that's what their called. Should check though. "Miss Sparkle, what do you call young ponies?"

"Hmm?" I must have startled her out of her thoughts. "Oh, we call them foals for babies. Fillies for girls, colts for boys if they are older and go to school." Hmm, so I was close. As I was about to ask her about marks on her flanks and others, 5 ponies came running up.

"Twilight, Spike! You're back. Where were you? You can't just disappear with no word like that!" The blue one cried out. I recognized her somewhat from the window. Rainbow Dash. She then noticed me and immediately became defensive. "Who the heck are you? Did you do something to Twilight to mare her run off suddenly? And what the heck are you anyway?"

"I'm surprised your last question wasn't your first," I drawled out unconcerned of her hostility. Her face became a little angry and she opened her mouth to no doubt tell me off, when-

"OK! Rainbow Dash, please settle down. I'm sorry for not telling you girls, but I forgot and the letter I had gotten from the Princess said I should come to Canterlot as soon as possible and the next train was leaving in 20 minutes at the time," Twilight spoke up quickly. Their attention now on her she quickly continued. "She sent me a letter yesterday morning saying I should come to Canterlot for a once in a lifetime opportunity and that I would be back the next day. I should have told you I was leaving, but in my excitement and rush I forgot. Sorry girls."

"That's alright, Sugarcube. The good thing is your back safe and sound," the orange one drawled out in a country accent. "Though Dash has some good questions. Who and what is your new friend?" My eyebrow went up at the word, friend.

"Girls, this is Alex Rider. He is a human from very far away. He knows very little of Equestria and so I'm going to be his teacher. This is the opportunity the princess wrote of in her letter." She then turned to me, "Rider, these are my friends I told you of last night." She then pointed and named each one. All of them nodded politely, except Fluttershy. She was shaking behind Rainbow Dash, who had stopped hovering.

"No offense, but what's with the yellow one?"

Twilight stepped closer to her. "Fluttershy, what's wrong?"

Thanks to my training I heard her tiny reply, "Hes so scary." Her voice quivered as she said this. I'm not that scary. I know I can give off a dangerous vibe when I try, but when I'm not trying to, I'm not that bad. Am I?

"He won't hurt you. I know he seems scary, but he's nicer than you think." At those words I stared at Ms. Sparkle. She ignored me. "Come on just try and say hello," she coaxed. Fluttershy slowly lifted her head and met my eyes. She squeaked in fear and immediately hid again.

Unbidden, my heart twinged at the fear I had seen in her eyes. I didn't want friends, but I didn't want them to be afraid of me. I just wanted them to leave me alone as much as possible. I ran my hand over my face, and came to a stupid decision.

I stepped forward, gently lowered to a knee and in the warmest voice I could muster, "Fluttershy. Please look at me."

Rainbow Dash tried to step in, "Hey back off mister. She doesn't want to talk to you." I ignored her.

"Fluttershy. Please?" I gently pleaded. I must have done something right, because she slowly raised her head and looked at me. As I looked in her eyes, once again I softened, just as I did when I first met Twilight. Unknown to me the ice in my expression melted as well. "I know I seem scary, and I am to those that would hurt the innocent, but I promise, I would never intentionally hurt you." I knew that was true, because I would only do that if she attacked me, and I could see no situation where that would come true. She just didn't seem violent. I gave her a tiny smile. It's been a long time since I truly smiled so it was a bit stiff.

I thought I had failed in reassuring her, because she just stared at me. Just as I was about to give up, she spoke. "I believe you. I hope you come to like Ponyville. It's a wonderful place."

"I'm sure I will." Why did I say that? I want to get out of here, not like it. Blast these ponies's wide eyes, they make me say things I never meant to say. I got up and stepped back.

I was about to ask Sparkle if we could continue on to the library when Fluttershy spoke again. "If you like, you could come over for tea sometime and meet my animals. I'm sure they would like to meet you." I opened my mouth to protest when-

"That would be wonderful Fluttershy." I looked at Twilight sharply. Again, she ignored me. "Then we could see which animals Rider knows of and which ones are new to him. Well, we need to settle him in, so i'll see you girls later?" She inquired brightly. They agreed and once again we set off to the library.

I was trying not glower, and therefore scare any remaining ponies we crossed, but I was mad. As we went into the library I evenly spoke, not looking at her. "Why?" She looked at in surprise. Unfortunately, when I was mad I didn't yell, it went an interesting level of frosty. "Why did you accept her invitation without my say in it?" I had an idea why, but I wanted her to hear her say it.

"It's like I said, it'll be a great way to see what animals you know and those you don't. Fluttershy takes care of all types of creatures."

I could tell she wasn't saying everything. "Just that?" She nodded with her eyes averted. "Really? It wouldn't happen to be a ploy for you to show me I need friends, and not just my job, would it?" Paraphrasing we she had said last night.

She looked at me in surprise. "You heard me?" I nodded. "How? You left."

"The hall perhaps. I was just beyond the doorway. Words spoken softly at night, are like words yelled in the day."

"I didn't see you."

"You were deep in thought and only looked one way. Plus, I can stay unnoticed if I choose too. We're getting off topic though." I pointedly stared at her.

"Alright fine. I wanted us to go to Fluttershy's on the possibility that you would be open to being her friend. You were so nice to her, I thought there was a chance."

See? Stupid decision. "I merely wanted to quell her fears. I wanted to assure that I was no danger to her. In no way was I trying to be her friend," I firmly stated. I then tried to soften my voice. "I would greatly appreciate that in the future, if you desisted with the friendship attempts. I am not here. To. Make. Friends." Didn't work.

She backed away slightly. I wanted to apologize for my tone, but I needed her to get it. I wasn't going to make friends. I was here to learn. And guard her. Though if she reached the point her mentor had spoken to me of, I wouldn't be even that. By then, she would know that she had to take a guard. Or 10. And a pony one would be more practical.

She looked at me in sadness. "I don't know what has happened to you that has made you against friends, i wish I could fix it. For now though, I'll stop. I make no guarantees for the future, but for now I'll leave the topic of friendship alone." I gave her a nod in thanks.

I hesitated to say this one thing, but I didn't want to harm her. "One last thing...if you are ever awake, but I am asleep don't touch me." I could tell she was confused, but I didn't want to continue. I had to though, for her sake. "To protect myself from threats, even when I am asleep i have trained myself to be on guard. If anyone touches me, even on accident, when I am asleep...I'll instinctively attack them. I don't know who I've attacked till I have already done so. So, please, please no matter what don't touch me if I'm asleep," I pleaded. I desperately didn't want to harm her. It didn't matter what her mentor would do to me if something happened, though that would no doubt be horrible, I couldn't live with having harmed her so. She was so innocent.

"I promise." I could tell she meant to keep that promise and a part of me relaxed. "Can I throw a pillow at you though?" I looked at her in surprise. Her expression told me it was both a genuine question and an attempt at humor.

I huffed, "That is acceptable." She chuckled. A small thrill of joy went through me. *sigh* I am so screwed.

They then settled in. The next two weeks would fall in a routine. They would study together in the morning for five hours, then go their separate ways. Twilight to her friends or individual study. Alex to wander through the town, watching how ponies lived their daily lives and the things he studied were applied. As he did that though, his route never strayed far from where Twilight currently was. He kept a watchful eye on her and she remained oblivious to this.

For two weeks this went on, then one day Twilight announced that Alex was coming with her to help Applejack on her farm. Then another letter would arrive. This one the start of something new.

Author's Note:

I may change that ending later...or not. I like cheesy
Anyway next chapter will be my spin on Ticket Master with Alex in it. Hopefully it goes well. If not, it may be awhile before the next chapter comes out.