• Published 19th Feb 2016
  • 899 Views, 40 Comments

Friendship isn't just Magic, it can heal hearts too - Raumo

Alex was afraid of friendship. Being a spy made friendship something to avoid.Transported to world where friendship is the most powerful of all, can he learn to make friends again.

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Chapter 22

I walked into the library as Twilight yelled with horror, "I'll be tardy."

"Late for what?" I asked setting my bag of paint supplies down.

She sped down the stairs. My eyes widened slightly at her speed. "I'll be late sending the princess a friendship report for this week, if I don't send one before tonight. I have never been late with an assignment."

I looked at Spike, he shrugged. I tried to reassure her. "You are the most dedicated student ever. I am sure she'll understand if you miss one deadline. Most teachers do. Besides, did she actually say you needed to send one every week?"

"I am afraid to take that chance. This is the ruler of all of Equestria we are talking about. She holds my fate." She seemed to freeze, then spoke, "What if she doesn't forgive me, what if she gives me a test to prove my dedication and I fail? She'll send me back to magic kindergarten!"

"Twilight!" She snapped out of her imagination. "Celestia does not strike me as one who will punish someone for a small mistake."

"This isn't something small! It is huge!"

"Alright then, how about this? We look for a friendship problem and try to solve it." She almost ran out the door to do so. "Wait!" She froze. "If we don't find one, we'll send a note to the princess. In it you can apologize for not having a report, but that you are still dedicated to learning of friendship. Then you go about the rest of the day with me. We can do something fun. How does that sound?"

"Acceptable. Now let's go!" She ran out. I quickly followed.

She trotted through town muttering to herself. We heard Rarity scream. Twilight dashed over and bucked the door open. "Don't worry Rarity, I'm here." I stayed outside. Twilight needed to solve a problem now, not me. I could do that another day. Twilight ran out muttering about finding someone else. Oh dear.

We ended up at Sweet Apple Acres. Rainbow Dash was destroying an old barn. Applejack told me about the other day, said she was going to have Rainbow do demo. Twilight apparently didn't know that, as she sped over, stopped Rainbow mid-flight and started talking. Rainbow then flew off and dived. Holy crap. That was a rainbow nuke. Twilight walked towards me with hairs out of place.

"You okay?" I reached out and smoothed the hairs.

"Thanks, and no." She sighed. "Oh I know. Fluttershy! She always has some fear she is trying to get over. Let's head there." She trotted off. Eh, I'm not sure I want you near my sister in your state. I followed her to make sure my sister didn't develop a new fear from Twilight's visit. We arrived as Fluttershy was attacking a bear, or so it seemed. Twilight walked off stressed. I looked at my little sister now massaging the bears shoulders. Really, all that to get a bear to relax? It almost looked like you snapped his neck, not cracked it.

I found Twilight completely stressed laying on a bench. "The day isn't over yet, the day is almost gone!" She surged up in a panic.

"Twilight!" She looked at me with slightly twitchy eyes. "I want you to follow what I do." She nodded. "Breath in," she copied me, "now breath out." She exhaled. "Good now do that a couple times. She did so. "Better?"

"That actually helped. I still need to find a problem though."

"True, but things always look worse when you're panicked. We'll find something, just don't make something happen by panicking."

Spike walked up. He held a pastry box. "Hey Twilight, Alex. No luck finding a problem?" We shook our heads. "Oh well. Why don't you take a break. It is time for Fluttershy's picnic. Why don't you see your friends?"

"My friends! Great idea." She grabbed the box and ran off. I quickly followed, she was still completely stressed.

Unfortunately her friends weren't taking this seriously. As she teleported away, I nearly swore. "Where did she go?"

"Does it really matter Alex?" One of the girls asked.

"Yes! I've been trying all day to soothe her fears, and help her find a problem to solve. She is really stressed over this girls. I am worried she is going to do something crazy."

"This is Twilight we are talking about," said Rainbow, "she is the most level-headed pony there is."

"Normally, yes. But when she is stressed like she is now, she comes up with crazy ideas. Now, see you later, as I have to find a stressed out pony." I ran to the library. Spike was there. "Where is Twilight?"

"She just left as I came in, holding her doll. Her eyes looked quite unfocused and there was a weird grin."

"Oh dang it. Spike write a letter to Celestia. Twilight's fear is getting to her."

"I was actually just going to do that."

"Really? You're a great friend to her."

He flamed the letter away. "So are you. You tried to help her all day, when I know you wanted to work on detailing your wings to your taste."

I blinked. "I guess. I just knew I could do that any day, Twilight needed help today." We watched the town through a window. They have gone crazy. Oh, there is the princess.

The princess flew into the library. Spike and I hid and eavesdropped on the conversation. I sighed in relief now that Twilight's assignment was for when and if a friendship problem came up. What a relief. This level of stress won't ever happen again. Spike and I ducked out of sight as Twilight looked back at us.

The princess left and Twilight came back in. She gave a hug to Spike, and then looked at me. rolled my eyes then knelt down and opened my arms for a hug. As she hugged me, she whispered, "Thanks for trying to help me today." I patted her shoulder got up and headed to my bed. I started sketching out the girls as they sat around dictating the letter to Celestia. Softly laughing at Spikes attempted postscript.

Twilight and I had figured out the power cells. Using a matrix, and multiple gems, the power wouldn't burn out, but be recycled repeatedly, giving an almost unlimited power supply. Now, though we had to painstakingly etch it into the metal. One mistake and it blows up on me. We were blessedly taking a break, when Sweetie Belle ran in, talking about Applebloom having 2 special talents.

So we followed her as she stopped to get Rarity then take us to where Applebloom was. when the little filly saw us, she threw a hoop at Twilight. It spun around her horn, and as it pulled away it styled her mane's to Rarity's. Spike popped up out of nowhere with hearts in his eyes. I couldn't help laughing. Twilight gave me a 'really?' look.

The next morning, Applejack came into the library with her little sister. Applebloom now had 3 cutie marks. Whoa, that is odd looking. What is weirder is that she can't stop doing any of them. Twilight spoke of a book she was reading about equine illnesses. She started looking for it. Spike, as usual, found it quickly.

Twilight flipped through the book. Then read out a passage. The cutie pox. Sounds about right. No known cure...lovely. Another cutie mark appeared, and Applebloom spoke. My eyes widened. That sounded like French. There are other languages here? How come I never read that in my studies? Did I accidentally skip something? I'll think on that later. I spoke up, "Let's ask Zecora. She seems to have a cure for almost anything." They agreed and we ran off.

We were in the middle of town, when the pox got worse. They were appearing faster. We watched as Applebloom went about town doing different talents. The Dramatic Trio, as I had dubbed, spoke of hexes and curses. When Spike mentioned the cutie pox, it became a ghost town. Then Zecora's voice sounded. Oh, what a relief. She is here and maybe she knows a cure.

Twilight explained the situation, and Zecora answered about needing a flower. She thought she had enough, but mysteriously ran short after Applebloom's visit. What in the world was that filly doing alone in the Everfree?! I don't let even the older girls go alone. She tried to get Applebloom to confess, but no luck.

She then said she had a cure for the pox within the seeds of truth. She brought them out, saying they only bloomed when they were planted and the truth was spoken. As she said this, she gave Applebloom a stern look, not quite a glare though. Ah I get it. She has to tell the truth of how she got the pox, and the flower will bloom.

Applejack planted the seeds and then yelled out, "Now somepony tell the truth!" Applebloom looked worried. As did Pinkie Pie. She then yelled out something about eating more cakes than she said she did. The plant didn't bloom and Applebloom became a little tornado. Zecora looked very unsympathetic.

Applebloom yelled from within her tornado, "Oh I can't stand it anymore! It's me!" She then confessed of taking the flower and maikng a potion and putting the Heart's Desire in it. The seeds bloomed to a beautiful flower, just to be immediately consumed. As soon as the little filly did, the marks disappeared. She apologized to everyone, as her friends walked up.

She then stated, "I know now, good things come to those who wait." Less than a minute later, "Okay. I've waited long enough. What should we do next?" The CMC walked off, talking of their plans. I chuckled as they passed. Oh, the impatience of youth. Yikes, that made me sound old. I froze at their next plan.

"Hold it you three!" They looked at me in surprise. "I don't even let the older ones go into the forest alone, so I am coming with you." They started to protest. "Oh hush. I won't hinder your plans. I'll just be there to make sure you all stay safe."

Scootaloo spoke up, "But what if our special talent is fighting off a huge monster and you...will protect us. Nevermind it'll be great to have you." She changed her words as I just stared at her. Something in my expression must have said 'no arguing' because I wasn't glaring.

So I spent the rest of the day at Zecora's hut with three energetic fillies and a rhyming zebra. How does she do that every sentence? Making sure they didn't add the wrong thing in the potions, and they didn't break anything. Near sunset, I rounded them up to head home. Amazing they didn't lose interest in the middle of the day.

I flopped into bed after dropping them off. Twilight looked at me, a smile of amusement on her face, "Long day?"

I nodded. "Where do those fillies get their energy? I mean I have endurance, but watching those three is exhausting."

"Well, if it is any consolation, I was able to finish most of the matrix. A little more tomorrow, and then you can test it."

I grinned at that. "Awesome. Can't wait. I'm going to bed now. Don't study too long Miss Sparkle." She agreed.

Yes! Finally I can really try flying. The pack now had lasting power cells. A gem and matrix with the pegasi spell was embedded where the pack rested against my back. In addition, I had embedded gems in the wings and two gauntlets. They acted like magnets to allow the wings to follow my arm movements. When my arms were carrying something or I was using one of my guns the wings settled into a neutral position.

Twilight was actually having a hard time keeping up with my pace to the field for testing. I couldn't help it though, I was actually really excited. I've always loved trying out new inventions/gadgets. It was the only part of spying that hadn't been a chore. We reached the field. As I was about to activate the wings, Fluttershy appeared out of nowhere and smashed a helmet on to my head. I took it off and looked at it and then her.

"Safety first. I won't have you getting hurt from not having protective gear, or a helmet at least." She crossed her arms determined.

I looked at her for along moment, then sighed. "Fine, but you don't mind if I make a different one or improve this one to suit my tastes later, do you?" She shook her head no. "Great. This'll do in the meantime." I put it back on and adjusted it. Fluttershy flew to stand next to Twilight.

I activated the wings and engine. I jumped up and began hovering. At a slow pace I began doing circles and laps. When the power didn't cut out, I flew higher. Now to see if the gems in my gauntlet and wings give me more control. At a slow pace I started doing twists and turns. I definitely had more control, as the wings responded beautifully.

I sped up. Bad choice, as I couldn't maneuver around a cloud. I hit the cloud and my vision was obscured. When the cloud dissipated, I realized I was going down at an angle straight for a tree. I quickly accelerated upwards. Oh dang it, too fast! I hit another cloud. In trying to remove it from my eyes I accidentally hit the power button. The engine cut out and I began to free-fall.

I quickly activated the engines again and leveled out. Headed towards some trees. I did a u-turn. Now, I was speeding to where I had started. Now is a good time as ever to learn to brake. I pulled my arms forward to slow. Darn it! I slowed too quickly to right myself correctly to stand. I retracted the wings and prepared myself for a painful roll. Oh great. My poor back again. When I stopped I just lay there.

"Are you alright?!" Fluttershy asked frantically as she ran up to me, Twilight with her.

"Except for a slightly sore back later, yes." I grinned at her. "That was amazing though. Except for losing control and crashing that was awesome!" They looked at me as if I was crazy. "I mean it. Just have to learn control as I speed up and how to land. Which I am going to practice now." With that I got up, patted her shoulder and took to the skies. Okay not quite, but soon I'll be there.

Hours later, after some crashes and a few breaks to rest, I shakily landed next to girls minus Rainbow Dash. I looked at the finish line set up. "What's with the finish line? Did I miss an announcement of some sort of race today?"

Fluttershy flew up to my level her eyes wide with excitement and sparkling. "Rainbow Dash is choosing a pet. Whoever crosses the finish line first is the one she chooses."

"That is wonderful Little Shy. I know how much you love it when someone adopts one of the animal's you take care of." She turned wide hopeful eyes to me. "No. A pet is not a good idea for me right now. Sorry, sis." She nodded in understanding. "I wonder what pet Rainbow is going to have though."

"Oh look here they come now!" Cried one of the girls. "Whoo hoo, it is the falcon! Yeah!" They all cried. The other animals followed. Hmm, where's Dash though? I expected her to be first. The girls noticed the same thing.

Twilight produced binoculars. Fluttershy then stole them , then Applejack, who reported there was an avalanche. Fluttershy looked at me in hope. "Sorry, but I'm still not flying steady. I'd probably do more harm than good." She sadly nodded. Darn it! If only I had figured out the power thing faster. I could've been practicing sooner and helped here.

"Wait! Look!" Cried Pinkie. "It is the turtle, tortoise or whatever."

"It is carrying something on its back." They all began cheering as they realized it was Rainbow. Seeing that they were approaching the finish line slowly they quickly moved it up to them.

They made sure she was alright. She said she was. Then getting off her rescuer, she leaned down and thanked him. Fluttershy presented the falcon. I tilted my head in confusion at her unenthusiastic response.

"He is everything I wanted in a pet, but I said whoever crosses the finish line with me gets to be my pet." Pinkie agreed enthusiastically. Dash then continued, "And the only who crossed the finish line with me, was the one who stopped to save me when I needed help. The tortoise!" She held him and rubbed noses.

The falcon shook hands with the tortoise and walked off. I smirked at that. Well, he is a good sport. Then the tortoise smiled slowly at Dash. She named him Tank. Fluttershy walked up "You said you didn't want a pet that couldn't fly because it would keep you grounded."

I stepped forward, "I think Twilight and I can help you with that. We won't give him a pack like mine, but we'll get him flying." I looked at Twilight and she smiled back at me confidently.

We worked on it and we came up with a simple helicopter rotor propelled by magic that could strap to his shell. Both of them were excited. I knelt down to the tortoise and said with amusement, "Looks like we both have to learn how to fly." He gave me his slow smile.