• Published 19th Feb 2016
  • 899 Views, 40 Comments

Friendship isn't just Magic, it can heal hearts too - Raumo

Alex was afraid of friendship. Being a spy made friendship something to avoid.Transported to world where friendship is the most powerful of all, can he learn to make friends again.

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Chapter 18

"I had nothing do with this," cried Spike as Twilight walked in with Miss Cherilee.

"Neither did I. There is no stopping these three." I stated.

"What is going on here?" Asked Twilight.

"Huh. Looks like we aren't getting our cutie marks for being librarians." Stated Applebloom frustrated, she and the other two on top a huge pile of books.

"Girls, I think you're going about this the wrong way. Instead of things you're not familiar with, why not do things in areas you already like?

"I have the perfect way for you to start," cried Ms Cherilee. She brought out a poster for the Ponyville School Talent show. "There will be all sorts of awards." She listed them off. "Surely you can find your talent." The girls were excited and started listing things.

"My little ponies, you're missing the point. Think of things you enjoy doing and are already good at."

They agreed. "Whatever we do, we'll do it as the CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!" They turned to me, "We love our name, thanks again for the help." I nodded at them, amusement on my face. They then left to dream up their showcase. Ms Cherilee got the books she needed then left as well.

I turned to Twilight. "How did you get your cutie mark?" She then told me the story, bouncing around cutely at the end. Wow, you must have been a majorly adorable filly if you're this cute now.

The night of the show case arrived. I followed Twilight backstage. She talked to the fillies.

I walked up to her as the girls went on stage, "This will be an interesting show." She nodded in agreement to my words.

I was right. Interestingly enough they won an award for comedy, something they weren't trying for. I laughed as they said something to Twilight that she was completely not expecting. "Someday girls, someday."

"Indeed. You know, you've been a good teacher to me. Ever thought of tutoring some of the fillies or colts?"

"Hmm, no. Perhaps I'll do that sometime." We returned to the library, where she studied for a few more hours. After that I pulled her away and forced her to bed.

"Alex! Rarity is going on a gem hunt today. If her hunt goes well, I'll ask her for some gems for testing power capabilities." She quivered in excitement.

"i am guessing Spike is helping her, because he isn't here," I answered looking around the library. "Oh and the parts we ordered came earlier." I pointed to a box in the corner. She squeaked in excitement and dashed over to the box. She opened it and began carefully taking things out.

"Oh this is amazing. I can't wait to see how the finished product works."

"I agree. Now let's see what we can put together without the gems." We went to work.

A few hours later, I turned as Spike slid in. "Rarity has been kidnapped!"

"Kidnapped?!" Twilight and I exclaimed simultaneously. "Where and how?" I continued.

"We were hunting gems in the woods. We had just found a jack pot when Rarity's horn took her to another spot. It was a Diamond Dog. Apparently they're gem hunters too, and they want Rarity so they can find as many gems as they want. I tried to stop them, but the three of them got away digging into the ground." Spike explained, starting to hyperventilate. Twilight gave him a paper bag to breath in.

They need her. So they aren't going to harm her, at least not at first. I hate asking the girls for help, but they can get Rarity while I distract the dogs. Well, at least that is what I hope happens. Plans never seem to go my way. "Twilight, gather the girls. I would like to go on my own, but I need help." She nodded and went to gather the girls.

We ran to the area Spike saw Rarity last. There were holes everywhere. Dang it. They must have a network underground. Should've seen that when Spike mentioned they dug underground. How are we going to find the right one? The girls each stuck their heads into a hole. A growl sounded out and suddenly all the holes were filled that the girls were in front of. As well as the surrounding ones. Whoa, they are quick. Or are there more than the 3 Spike spoke of? All the hole we could see filled up.

Applejack spoke of Rarity never touching mud unless it's important. Really? Scenes in my head now? Oh come on. Rarity is not that bad. "Really girls?" I spoke up. They looked at me. "Have a little more faith in your friend. She may be a fussy fashionista, but she has backbone when it counts. And she is resourceful. She'll find a way to stay safe."

"Either way, we gotta save her." Applejack replied.

"But they blocked up all the holes," Fluttershy pointed out.

"Doesn't mean we can't dig 'em out." Applejack jumped on one of the pile of dirt and started digging, the girls and Spike following. I stayed where I was and watched. Immediately I saw the dog creatures. They were popping out and playing with the ponies. They're not really hurting them, just playing. Albeit, very meanly, but playing. Trying to keep them away. Now that I knew there wasn't major danger I scanned the area. They can't fill them all. They need one open for air I scanned some more. There! I stealthily ran over to it. I stopped a bit of distance from it just as another scene popped in my mind. Oh come on. This hasn't happened in forever. "Again girls, your friend is not that bad just because she is a lady."

Spike ran over to me holding a gem, and yelling, "I'll save you my sweet." He then connected it to a fishing pole and lowered it into the hole. Where did he get the pole? Eh, never mind. He has a good idea. Oh great more scenes. I don't think you look quite like that Spike. He was pulled in by a bite, followed by the others as they grabbed each others tails. I jumped in after Pinkie, holding her tail. Quickly activating the spike in my gauntlet I always wore, I kept from falling on the others as we reached the final area. Why didn't I remember the grappling hook gauntlet when we were facing the hydra. I could've saved myself some bruised ribs.

We looked around at all the tunnels. Twilight's right, where do we go? Spike cried out a loud no. Oh geez. My ears. Was that really necessary? Applejack spoke of going down them all, Rainbow then shot down that idea. "I know, I bet they took Rarity doen the tunnel with the most gems," said Spike.

"That is a good idea and all, but isn't Rarity the only one who can find gems?" I spoke up.

"No, Twilight can copy Rarity's gem finding spell."

"Oh my gosh he's right, Rarity showed it to me the other day" Twilight exclaimed. "Now if I can just remember..." She began casting the spell. Gem impressions began popping up everywhere, with one tunnel having the most. We ran down it. As we got further down the tunnel we heard sobbing. I'm guessing that is Rarity. It doesn't sound terrified though, it sounds...I actually don't know. It's has a nuance I've never heard before.

We came to a area that had rusted barred doors. Before we could move to them, dogs jumped on the ponies like they were horses from my world. I knocked out the one that tried to jump on me. The others began bucking like broncos, flinging them off and making them run. As we heard noises through one door, Spike grabbed a rock lance and had Twilight become his noble steed. She was annoyed, but she gave him that and bust through the door.

The dogs running to us and giving us back Rarity was unexpected. As I processed the dogs words, I silently laughed. I knew you could be resourceful Rarity, but this was unexpected and priceless. We left with a huge amount of gems and Rarity.

"Alex was right about you, and you taught me something today." Twilight spoke up as were headed home.

"Oh, how so?" Rarity inquired, surprised.

"Just because you are a lady, doesn't mean you're weak or helpless. In fact just being resourceful and using your wits, you outsmarted them all. Alex tried to tell us that."

"Well, then I must thank you for your vote of confidence, Rider. After I am done with Sapphire Shore's outfits, you can have the pick of the gems you need. Twilight mentioned you needed them for a project."

"That is very generous, but there is no need to thank me. I do need the gems, but give me the ones you don't need. We'll make them work." I replied.

"Nope, I insist you pick the ones you need. If Spike doesn't eat them all first." They all laughed and I relaxed. These ponies and dragon are something. They are all so different, but it works.

2 weeks later I found myself in Rarity's boutique. I had come to support Fluttershy. She looked so nervous when she told me of the favor she was doing for Rarity. Aren't models bold and confident on the catwalk and such? I don't think Fluttershy is cut out for this, but one time won't hurt.

Photo Finish arrived. Took a few pictures of Fluttershy being...timid. No attitude or flashiness, more timid and Photo Finish seemed to prefer that. She only took a few pictures then left. Rarity was disappointed, when Photo Finish dashed in and spoke of finding a new fashion star and making it shine across Equestria. The smile on Rarity's face grew as the photographer left.

"Did you hear that? I am going to shine all across Equestria." She was so excited, jumping repeatedly on Spike's tail. Ouch. Really Spike. Oh young love. I wasn't ever like that though. As the thought of my first love interest flowed across my mind I sighed at what could've been. Then shook it away. Blast. I am getting sentimental. Besides last I knew she was happy being a journalist and dating some big star. Still, I hope she is happy. She never deserved what I put her through.

The next day I was sketching in the park. I was going to watch the shoot from afar. I watched as Rarity arrived with Fluttershy. Photo Finish arrived, then not too long after was pushing Fluttershy who was dragging her hooves, and left Rarity looking devastated. I walked up to her, "What happened and what are they doing with my little sister?"

"I'm not the star going to shine across Equestria, it is Fluttershy she wants." She stated sadly.

"Really? Fluttershy is not really cut out to be a model."

Fluttershy walked up, "Oh hey Alex." I nodded. She turned to Rarity, "I can't Rarity."

"Oh but you must. She wants to make you a star. This is a chance of a lifetime. Course we hoped it would be my lifetime, but nonetheless you must not throw it away. You must do this for me. You must, you must, you must!" Fluttershy walked away reluctantly to start the shoot. I looked at Rarity skeptically, then followed.

We ended up at a show. Photo Finish turned to me, "Who and what are you? And why are you here?"

"I'm Rider, her unofficial brother, a human and I'm here to support my little sister," I replied coldly. I made sure she got the message I was not leaving.

"Fine." She then turned back to Fluttershy and directed the stylists. For the next two weeks I made sure I was at all her shows. She was getting to be very popular and a lot of people were using her for advertising and such. I could tell she was hating this though.

After another show, we were walking in Ponyville. Then the paparazzi showed up. Really? I quickly stepped in front of her. "Go. See if you can fly away." She ended up at Rarity's. I got in by using a window. I reached the main floor in time to see Fluttershy pulled out by Photo Finish. And hear Rarity say "I should be the one mobbed by strangers where ever I go." Ponies burst in looking for Fluttershy, then quickly left when they heard she wasn't there. Rarity looked steamed.

"You know. Green doesn't look very good on you." I commented, startling her.

"Whatever do you mean? I am not wearing green." She said haughtily.

"Hmm, yes. Your eyes though. The blue has an interesting green hue, just hovering on the edges. I think the shade is called jealousy."

"I am not jealous!"

"Really? My mistake." I walked to the door, then paused before leaving. "She is not enjoying being a model. She is only doing this because you asked her to." I left with that.

Later we were at another show. Twilight was there to make her look ridiculous. It was going as planned when someone made the crowds cheer. Wonder what happened. Poor Little Shy. She really hates this.

In the back room Fluttershy was so mad she kicked a vase. Of course she barely hit it so it was fine. "Oh if only Rarity didn't want me to be a model."

Twilight started to say something when she stopped and stuck her hoof in her mouth. Okay, that was odd. So I stepped forward, "Little Shy, why don't you talk to Rarity." She opened her mouth to protest. "No. Listen." She closed her mouth. "You think she wants you to be a model, perhaps that is no longer true. Talk to her. Tell her how you really feel, not how you think she wants you to feel, okay?" She nodded. "Good. Now here is your chance."

She turned to see Rarity there. "Are you alright Fluttershy?" She asked worriedly.

Fluttershy looked at me then Rarity. "No, I am not."

"Oh you poor dear. No wonder, that was a terrible runway and everyone was turning on you. It is so awful, because I wanted them to."

"You did?" Fluttershy asked surprised. Twilight again was going to say something, then aborted it by putting both hooves over her mouth.

"I'm jealous! I didn't want to admit it, but Rider pointed it out and I confirmed it to Twilight. I wanted all the attention you were getting. I began hoping you would do something silly to end your career, but when it started happening, all I could think was 'how could I want you to fail at something you love so much'?" I shot my hand out and clamped it over Twilight's mouth.

"Love? Oh Rarity, I hate being a model so much. I was afraid if I quit though, you would be mad at me for not wanting to 'shine all over Equestria'."

"I thought if I told you how jealous I was of your success, you would think I was a terrible friend."

"Never." They then hugged. "Oh if we had just told each other the truth." They promised to always reveal their feeling then using Pinkie's promise. As Photo Finished appeared, Fluttershy quit and they left the photographer bewildered. Then she left.

I carefully released Twilight's mouth. "What is with you?"

"I promised not to tell Rarity or Fluttershy of the others true feelings. I kept almost doing it. Thanks for clamping my mouth on the last one."

"Uh, your welcome." I then left to go do something normal. I have been hanging out with these crazy girls too much.

That night as I stared at the stars, my thoughts turned to love, spurned on by seeing Spike's infatuation with Rarity 2 weeks ago. I don't think I'll ever be capable of the kind of love between couples. Spying has made me incapable of revealing everything about myself and trusting someone completely. The love of family and friends though. I thought of Fluttershy. Yes, family love I can do. Little Shy is prime example of that. I thought of Twilight and her friends The princess said I am in denial...maybe I am. I can't have friends though. Not yet. Perhaps...someday