• Published 19th Feb 2016
  • 899 Views, 40 Comments

Friendship isn't just Magic, it can heal hearts too - Raumo

Alex was afraid of friendship. Being a spy made friendship something to avoid.Transported to world where friendship is the most powerful of all, can he learn to make friends again.

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Chapter 15 (EDITED)

I pulled my jacket tighter around me. It was getting colder and I had requested Rarity make a jacket for me, this time paying her with bits I earned for doing odd jobs around town. I had decided to follow Twilight after Applejack requested she come. I could've stayed at the library and studied, but there was only so much of that I could take. Twilight was very thorough.

An Iron Pony competition? Interesting. I knew Rainbow Dash was competitive, but Applejack? This'll be interesting. They both have different strengths. As Spike became announcer the others arrived. "Let the games begin."

Wow, they're pretty evenly matched. Fluttershy looks like she is having fun being the scorekeeper. It still surprises me how fond I am of her. More ponies were starting to come and watch. Huh, Applejack has more back hooves strength while Rainbow's is more the forward. Applejack is geared towards strength, Rainbow dexterity. By now a whole crowd of ponies of come and I was starting to twitch so I moved to a tree instead of the stands.

Well, Rainbow is using her wings...is that cheating? She using something Applejack doesn't have. Rainbow was declared the winner. Then Applejack spoke of Rainbow cheating with her wings. I find I agree with Applejack. We'll see how this race goes.

At the library, Twilight turned to me, "Hey Alex. Excited to see the race tomorrow?"

"Sure. It's still amazing to me that you ponies are in charge of the weather and changing of the seasons. Also, I want to see who beats who. Applejack or Rainbow Dash."

"Don't you mean who wins?"

"Nope. They'll be so focused on outdoing each other, they won't place." I paused. "Hey, why don't you run?"

"You think I could do it?"

"Definitely. I also think you'd enjoy it. Just remember it is not always the fastest that wins. Sometimes slow and steady wins."

"Thanks Alex, I'll enter and keep that in mind."

(Next Day)

Hmm, beautiful day for the race. I wonder how Twilight is going to place today. I wonder what Applejack and Rainbow are going to do to each other to win. I watched the ponies stretching for the race. Twilight walked to the start, I watched as Applejack and Rainbow started laughing and teasing her. You will be surprised by the end of this race you two.

As I settled into a tree to watch the race an unexpected voice made me lose my balance. Quickly grabbing the branch I ended upside down on the branch, facing Princess Celestia. "You've got to be joking," I stated in disbelief. I dropped from the branch and quickly righted myself. I bowed, "Princess Celestia, this is unexpected. What brings you here?"

"Fall is my favorite season so I came to celebrate it by watching the Running of the leaves. I also thought I could take this time to talk with you."

"What about the gala? You wrote of talking to me then."

"I was going to during that time, then I remembered that I never really have time to talk because I am greeting guests. Now, how are you liking Ponyville?"

"It is satisfactory," I answered vaguely.

"Twilight tells me that you have become quite closer to her and her friends, especially Fluttershy."

"They are a unique bunch. You can't help but like them eventually. Are you unhappy with that? I'm still protecting Twilight, not there has been much to protect her from."

"On the contrary, I am elated that you have made friends." My eyes widened at her words. I have not made friends. Close acquaintances perhaps, but friends? No. Why would she be elated if I did though? I'm here to protect her pupil, not make friends. Make friends echoed in my mind, and the dots connected. Anger followed.

"I haven't. I am closer to them, but I wouldn't call them friends. Against my better judgement I have come to enjoy spending time with them. I'll never tell them though. I will admit I am closest to Fluttershy, but she...is something I never realized I had longed for." I took a deep breath, trying to control my anger. "I don't like being tricked. Being blackmailed was why I became a spy in the first place. You manipulated me into this situation quite well. Your student is learning of friendship. You needed me to choose to be near her. My question is why? You could tell I didn't want friends."

"If I had told you I wanted you near Twilight to make friends, you would have outright denied me. I saw that you did want friends, but was scared to let them in. I wanted to show you could have friends and not have to fear it because of your job."

"Well you failed on that. I still fear having friends and you know why."

"Not every friendship ends up in loss. Twilight is a powerful unicorn, and her friends enhance that. You won't lose them easily."

"I could still lose them. I don't like having to rely on others to protect them. What if I can't go where they are going because magic doesn't work on me?"

"There is always a chance of loss. You learn to cherish each moment." She paused. "About you and magic. Your body isn't as resistant to magic as it use to be, is it?"

I sighed in frustration. Am I just that transparent to her?"Now how did you know that?"

"I can see auras, you could say, around persons. Your's used to repel magic, because it wasn't used to it. Now though, because of your constant exposure around Twilight and the general magic around Ponyville, it is beginning to allow magic near and you could say in you. That is why I denied Twilight using the gemstones, I knew you wouldn't always be resistant." That makes sense, but I hate that I am so vunerable to her.

I stared forward, listening to Spike, and then Pinkie's crazy commentating. "So, what now? I am vulnerable to any magic used against me?"

"No. You can resist most mental spells because you have a strong mind, if they know of a weakness though..." She trailed off, then continued, "Other types of spells, you'll have to experiment. Twilight can help you with that." The race was coming to an end. "Alex, the choice is yours. Stay be Twilight's guard. Or, you can go anywhere in Equestria."

I hesitated. "Princess?" She looked at me. I kept my gaze on the race. "Thank you. I still fear friends and losing them, but for the first time in 10 years I believe I might have a home. I don't know how long it'll last, but it is...nice, while it is here. I may hate you later, but thank you for now." I watched Twilight sprint to the finish and finish 5th. I smiled.

The Princess nodded to me then walked to the finish line. I followed her. I smirked as Rainbow and Applejack tumbled across it. I knew they wouldn't place, but finishing last? That is priceless. As Twilight said she followed her books and my advice, my heart warmed. Aw she gave me credit. That is sweet of her. As Twilight spoke of friendship over competition, I silently walked to her side. The two friends ran off to shake more leaves off the trees.

I spoke to Twilight, "Well done getting 5th place Miss Sparkle."

"Ah! Stop doing that!" She yelled in surprise.

"What, complementing you?" I teased.

"Ugh, you. When will you stop calling me Miss Sparkle, and just call me Twilight?"

"I really don't know Miss Sparkle."

"You're impossible!" She then smiled warmly, "But I wouldn't trade that for anything." I gave her a warm smile back. Something that had become easier in the past weeks.

The princess smiled knowingly and then departed. I turned to Twilight. "The princess has given you a new task." She looked at me in interest. "You are to help me see which spells I can resist, and what spells can effect me, and how they effect me compared to a pony." I added the last part, because of my own curiosity. She quivered in excitement, then started bouncing around.

"This is so exciting, " she exclaimed.

So as winter blew in they experimented. Some spells worked on Alex, some failed or did not have the intended effect. Alex was sore a lot and he reverted back to Alex the spy once in awhile, but they completed their experiments. Twilight was close to perfecting her magic when it came to Alex, since he wasn't a pony, and he found out he could build resistance to some spells. So they passed the winter with spell testing, snow activities, and occasionally spending time with Twilight's friends. While ice reigned in the world, Alex was thawing day by day despite his fear. Then spring came around.

Wrapping up winter. It actually sounds fun. A lot of work, but fun. Fluttershy just had to make me promise to help with the animals. Not sure how that'll go. As my thoughts centered around today and what would take place later, I continued to clean my pistols. They may no longer need bullets, but I still needed to clean them regularly. I still did target practice even if I had never had to use the pistols. Thankfully Twilight could recharge them with Celestia's permission. My aim is still close to 100%. Even when I haven't practiced for awhile. I hated SCORPIA, but they sure knew how to drill skills in, till you never forgot them.

I had just finished cleaning and reassembling them when Twilight's gasp sounded out. It sounded excited not fearful so I relaxed. Her next words confirmed my thoughts. Wow, she is early and excited. Why? She has experienced it every year. Ah, right she is from Canterlot, so she has never had a hand in changing the season like she could here. I raised my eyebrow when she mentioned me in her checklist. "Don't worry I'll come," I said in response to her 'see if Alex will come' item.

"Check, check, check. I am ready. Bright and early!" She burst through her door, "Oh maybe a little too early." I chuckled a she walked back in. "You could have stopped me."

"With your level of excitement, no I actually couldn't have." I smirked.

"You're up early even for you." I didn't want to tell her of my nightmares, so I shrugged. "Oh well. I can study till it is a more reasonable time." She then immersed into a thick tome. I picked up my sketchbook. Art had been my minor in college, a whim made on a sliver of hope that I could stop being a spy. I was grateful for it now, as it filled the time when I woke up from my nightmares, since it had been too cold to head to the balcony.


We ran to the town hall. She gets up early and we're almost late? i have to learn how to pull her out of her books faster. The mayor did her speech and then everyone went to their teams. "Hey Twilight, I promised Fluttershy I would help her out, so I'll see you around okay?" She nodded and I ran off scanning for my little sis. Spotting her I walked up to her, making a lot of noise as not to scare her.

She looked up, "Alex you're here." She hugged me. She was the only one I allowed to initiate contact with me. "Let's get going." A song began, everyone joining in. I didn't sing, but I hummed as I followed Fluttershy. This tune is catchy. I like it, gets you going. Fluttershy woke the animals and I fed them.

As Fluttershy was waking up another animal family, Twilight walked up. I smiled at her. "How is today going for you?"

"Not the best." She sighed. "I keep messing things up. I can't make nests and I can't skate either."

"Huh. Remind me to teach you to skate next winter. Maybe you can help Fluttershy and I." Right then the family woke up and walked out of their burrow.

"Aw, how cute." Twilight cooed. I went to feed them.

"Yes, aren't they?" Fluttershy replied. "This is my favorite task of the whole season, when I get to see all my little animal friends again. I'm also so excited, because I get to share it with Alex this year." I shook my head at that. Don't know why she is excited. I am just a silent shadow pretty much. She then explained hibernation to Spike as she woke another family. She then spoke of being worried that she won't be able to wake up every animal before spring. "It's going a bit faster, because Alex is feeding them and I can keep waking them, but it's still slow going."

"Well, I'll help Fluttershy," Twilight exclaimed. Fluttershy was grateful, and gave her a bell.

Twilight was so excited to see what animal would wake up. "Snakes!" Oh shoot. She is afraid of those. I rushed up to help her but she was too panicked. She backtracked into a cave of bats, then rammed into a tree that dropped a hive, then blindly ran into the skunk burrow. I cringed. As Fluttershy greeted the skunks, I carefully slid some food to them. Twilight sighed as she came out, "I'll see you guys later."

"Cheer up Twilight, there is always something you can do. The answer is not always obvious." I tried to give her a pep talk, she smiled at my efforts and left.

I kept feeding the animals. Awhile later, Fluttershy left to make sure the snow wasn't melted too fast. I heard arguing and jogged to the square. Why are they arguing? They need to hurry, at this point they are going to be late bringing spring in. I watched them argue and I realized they were all over the place. Ponies were doing what they could, but things were moving to slow because no one had a set plan to follow. Now, who do I know is the queen of planning and organization?

I looked for a certain lavender unicorn. Where is she? I then noticed Spike talking to a bush, out of hearing range of the arguing. I ran over. Spike looked surprised. "Twilight, I know how you can help."

"I can't help! I keep messing things up! There is nothing I can do to help without magic and you know it." She sounded so mad at herself.

"They're going to be late if you don't listen to me."

"Late?" Her head popped out of the bush.

"Yes, late. Now they need organization, and who here is the best at being organized?"

She grinned at me. "Spike get my checklist and clipboard. Stat!" She then looked at me, "Thanks Alex."

She then ran over to the group, and got them to listen. Spike then dashed over with her things. After that things were much smoother. Twilight gave them a plan and the followed it through the night.

The day dawned beautifully. I stood by Twilight, and Spike (who was asleep). "Well, done Miss Sparkle. You helped them bring spring in on time."

She looked at me, "Thanks for encouraging me. You were right. I could help, it just wasn't the obvious way." I shrugged.

The mayor came up with the rest of Ponyville. They gave her a All-Team Organizer vest and title. I smiled and then looked to the sky, remembering the pegasi flying by, taking all the clouds and snow with them

As the ponies dispersed to sleep or enjoy the first day of spring, Fluttershy walked up to me and Twilight. "So how did you like your first Ponyville Winter Wrap-Up?"

"Now that I know my place, wonderful," was Twilight's reply. They both turned to me.

"It was great. Thanks for asking me to help with the animals Little Sis." I watched her eyes light up at my name for her.

"You're welcome Big Brother." I gave her a soft smile then looked back to the sky. I've been parachuting and skydiving for missions, but what is it like to be in the sky freely? To be somewhere there is practically no obstacles. Fluttershy interrupted my thoughts, "What are you thinking about?"

"What it would be like to fly. The ground is wonderful, but sometimes I wonder what it would be like to take to the skies anytime I chose."

"Maybe you'll someday find out."

"Perhaps." I looked to the sky one more time then turned to them once more, "Well, I'll be studying if you need me." I walked off to the library. What I'm really going to look for, is how advanced these ponies are, and if there is any chance I could have someone help me create wings for myself. I was free to dream. I halted my steps.

I was free. Free of being a spy, and I could go anywhere in Equestria. In my wish to know how magic effected me as I became more used to it, I had forgotten the Princess's words. I didn't have to be Twilight's guard and stay in Ponyville. I could go anywhere.

My heart pounded. For the first time in years I was free to go anywhere. Sure, in my world I was allowed anywhere, but I had to be on call all the time for a mission. It's what I had chosen. Here though, I could be anywhere and answer to no one except the common laws.

I looked around me at Ponyville. I can't leave them though. I thought back to the conversation with Celestia. I realized I was closer with a few of them. I was still getting to know the rest, but they were slowly reaching the friend point. And Fluttershy...I can't leave her. If I left and something happened to her... Fear pulsed in me as I continued walking to the library. This has become my home. I will protect it, and them till my dying breath.

I better not lose them Celestia, or I am coming after you, for putting me in this situation where my heart beats again, and I stand to lose so much.