• Published 19th Feb 2016
  • 899 Views, 40 Comments

Friendship isn't just Magic, it can heal hearts too - Raumo

Alex was afraid of friendship. Being a spy made friendship something to avoid.Transported to world where friendship is the most powerful of all, can he learn to make friends again.

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Chapter 7 (EDITED)

(Twilight POV)

When Alex Rider walked in behind the guard, I could see what the Princess had meant. He had the cold, blank look of a guard, only more intense. Tall and completely covered in black except for his head, he was very intimidating. He gave off a very cold, dark aura. He seemed to silently yell: Don't mess with me. I felt a bit uneasy when his gaze passed over me before focusing on my mentor.

After hearing who Spike and I were, his gaze completely focused on me. Instead of flinching, I merely kept myself open and friendly. Smiling gently at him.

Then something happened. His eyes softened. Where they were like hard gemstones before, now they were like melted chocolate. His aura, so to speak, was more protective now than intimidating. His tone was warmer than I expected as he introduced himself. I felt my cheeks warm as he said it was an honor to be my student. I was about to say something when I saw fear flash through his eyes, then they were back to being gemstones.

"If it is alright with you, your Highness, I would like to speak privately with you," he said.

"That is fine," she answered. Turning to me, she said, "Twilight, why don't you and Spike go to your room. You can sort through your things to see what you want to take with you tomorrow. We can have dinner later as well."

"Sounds great, Princess. Come on Spike." Turning to Rider, I gave him a nod and said, "See you later." He gave a slow nod.

Trotting out of the room, I headed to my old room. I was mentally going through my book collection to see what I needed to supplement the library with for Rider's education. I could ignore the stares and whispers now that I knew what was going on. Reaching my room I gently set Spike down off my back and walked over to my bookshelves.

"Twilight?" I looked at him. When he saw that I was listening, he continued, "Are you sure you want to do this? That Alex Rider looked quite scary and intimidating. You sure he won't hurt us?"

I thought for a moment. "The princess said he wouldn't, and after meeting him I don't think he will either." Spike looked at me as if I had grown another head. I sighed. "Spike, you heard what the princess said, he was a protector in his world. Keeping the innocent safe from threats. I don't think he has it in him to hurt us. I don't know if you saw it, but for a moment he softened as he looked at me. I felt protected in that moment. No, he won't hurt us. Not intentionally."

Spike sighed. "Alright. I don't like it, but I'll go along with this for now. Just know that if he hurts you, I'm setting him on fire and sending a letter to Celestia to come kick his butt."

"Spike!" I tried to sound stern, but I couldn't help chuckle. "I don't believe you'll ever need to, but I thank you for the thought just the same." I gently nuzzled him. "Now! Help me choose what books and scrolls to take."

That night, Twilight lay awake in her bed. She was tired, but her mind raced. Dinner with the princess had been wonderful, but she was disappointed because she hadn't seen Rider since that brief meeting. She wanted to get to know him a better before they headed to Ponyville.

She decided to get up a take a walk. As she had lived there before and it was agreed Rider was free to roam, she no longer needed an escort.

She ended up at the hall of stained-glassed that depicted past events. There, she found the very person she wanted to see.

(Twilight POV)

As I turned to walk into the hall, I saw him further in. I hesitated. I really wanted to talk to him, but his reaction earlier made me pause. And he seemed to be staring intently at one of the windows, so I also didn't want to disturb him.

"If you want me to leave, I can." His voice startled me out of my thoughts. "Or if you think you're disturbing me, you're not. Matter of fact it would be great if you could explain this one to me."

"I'll do my best." I walked over to him and looked at the window. "Oh, that's me and my friends. The gems in the middle are the Elements of Harmony."

"Elements of Harmony?"

"Six magical artifacts that represent six aspects of harmony. Loyalty, Honesty, Laughter, Kindness, Generosity, and the last one, magic."

"So why are you and your friends depicted with them?"

"My friends and I used them to defeat Nightmare Moon not to long ago. We each embody one element. Rainbow Dash, the cyan one, represents Loyalty. The orange one, Applejack, represents Honesty. The pink one, Pinkie Pie, represents Laughter. The yellow one, Fluttershy, represents Kindness. The white one, Rarity, represents Generosity. I represent Magic."

"Interesting. Who was Nightmare Moon?"

"Nightmare Moon was our other princess's evil form. 1,000 years ago, Princess Luna, embittered with the fact that nopony loved her night, but always loved the day, transformed into Nightmare Moon, and was going to make night reign eternal. She and Princess Celestia fought, and then with the Elements, Princess Celestia banished her to the moon. She had returned at the Summer Sun Celebration, but my friends and I defeated her, using the elements and our friendship. Princess Luna was returned back to her old self, and now reigns over the night once again."

"Princess Luna? Is she a dark blue alicorn with a light blue mane?"

"Yes. Have you met her?"

"Sort of. We saw each other as I was walking in the halls. Looked at each other and then went our ways. She seems...sad."

"Maybe she needs a friend. After the whole Nightmare thing, she could use one. Maybe then she would feel better."

"Having friends doesn't solve everything. Sometimes it makes it worse," he snapped coldly. I shrank down at this. He noticed this and sighed. "I'm sorry for snapping at you, but I can't believe that you would really think friendship can defeat someone that powerful. It was probably just the magic in the gemstones."

"It wasn't just the Elements! I couldn't get them to work till I realized I had friends. Once I realized they were my friends, and they were there for me, that was the spark that activated them. Friendship helped us defeat Nightmare Moon, friendship brought back Princess Luna, and friendship is something we all need," I stated with passion looking at him in the eye. Because of this, I saw the deep sadness in his eyes.

"Maybe that is true for most. For me though, I do not. Doing my job is all I need. Friends just get in the way." With that he turned and briskly walked out before I could say anything.

"I thought that too. I just studied and didn't bother with friends. The others showed me I did need friends, and maybe I'll be able to show that to you too," I said softly to an empty hall.

She then left. Back to her room where she would fall asleep, unaware that her soft words had been heard by him.