• Published 19th Feb 2016
  • 899 Views, 40 Comments

Friendship isn't just Magic, it can heal hearts too - Raumo

Alex was afraid of friendship. Being a spy made friendship something to avoid.Transported to world where friendship is the most powerful of all, can he learn to make friends again.

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Deals (Alex POV) (EDITED)

Straightening to my full royal posture, I then proceeded to say, "Alex Rider, I have a proposition for you, if you are willing to take it."

My guard went up immediately. Propositions, deals, trades, whatever you chose to call it, they never went well for me. I was always on the losing end. Sometimes the end result was fine, but I always lost something important to me.

"A proposition, eh? I'll bet it's the kind where I do everything you say or I'll end up in a nice, comfy prison cell," I bit out sarcastically. Internally I winced. I may not trust her, but I know making her mad isn't my best option. I've made my captors in the past mad in the past with my sarcasm, but I know their reaction. They end up telling me their plan in their anger, and I can complete my mission. They all pretty much react the same. Princess Celestia on the other hand, I know nothing of.

I froze as I stared at her my mind thinking back to a brief study I did. Didn't unicorns have magic in mythology? Sure she has wings, but she definitely has a unicorn horn...Oh shoot! I just remembered the weird light around the doorknob before she came in.

The Princess was still looking at. I detected no anger in her eyes, but she was just probably hiding it well.

I chanced it, "I know it's weird to ask this right after my little comment, but do you have magic? Our myths said unicorns had a little."

She was quiet for a moment. "Yes we do. In fact all of our ponies have some form of magic. Whether they're unicorns, pegasi, or earth ponies."

I drew back slightly in surprise and a little fear. Magic was unknown to me. I have no idea how to fight it. I was vulnerable. I had no idea how to protect myself. I don't care if I die, i just want to have a say in how I die. Not killed by some abstract, mythical concept.

I must have shown my fear, because she spoke to me in a softer tone, "It's peculiar. Magic doesn't seem to affect you."

Now that got my full attention. "What do you mean?"

"When we decided to move you to the infirmary in my castle , we had to physically lift you onto a stretcher. Levitation didn't work on you. Magic just seemed to slide off you."

"Levitation? You can actually lift things without touching it?" Disbelief coloring my tone. In response, she lifted the previously unnoticed glass of water on the bedside table. I quickly recognized the light surrounding it. "Apparently you can open doors with magic too."

"Indeed. All ponies use some form of magic in everyday life. Some study it more in depth than others."

"Why are you showing and telling me this? To intimidate me? You say magic doesn't work me, but excuse me if i don't believe you."

"I'm not surprised you feel that way, but no. This is part of my proposition, you may learn of our culture and magic, freely roam Equestria with no guards, and have my protection if you do one thing in exchange."

"One thing? Must be pretty big thing if I get all that."

"Indeed." She paused. "I want you to be a personal guard for my prized student Twilight Sparkle."

Shock once again ran through my system. Darn it all! I've kept my emotions in control for years, and yet this alicorn princess has managed to throw me off balance so many times in such a short amount of time. Protecting her prized student? She doesn't even know me! "Why me? You don't even know if I can protect her. Why not one of your pony guards? If humans are rare or don't even exist here, I'll make her a walking target!" I growled this out in the coldest tone I could. Wolf would be so proud of that. I slammed that thought to the back of my mind.

"On the contrary, I know you can protect her." At that, I scoffed. She gave me a stern look. "I've watched you ever since I opened that door. You were poised to run or fight if attacked. You watched my guards walk in and cataloged their every weakness and strength. I may have shocked you with many things, but your guard was never fully down. You see only one viable exit, but that doesn't concern you because you have something that can help you out the window. There is a confidence that you aren't trapped. Confidence, not bravado. I watched your eyes as you spoke of being a spy for 11 years. You can hide many things, but I saw the truth in those words, and one doesn't live that long without skill."

"Am I that transparent?" I once again reverted to sarcasm.

"To me, yes. Yet, I have lived over 1,000 years. I can see through masks easier than most. To others, you would mostly come off as a cold statue." I continued to do my wonderful impersonation of a statue. "Why you and not a pony? Think of it as an undercover assignment. You go in as her personal student wanting to learn of Equestria under my recommendation. That's very true, yet it gives you the excuse of why you're constantly near her. If I sent a pony guard, she may instantly recognize the fact and raise a protest. With you she won't suspect such a thing. And she won't be target because you're just a student, not anything valuable. Well… not of major value. You're still unique."

It made perfectly annoying sense… but I don't want to babysit what's mostly likely a spoiled brat who thinks she entitled to everything... "If I refuse?"

"You will live in this castle as a guest indefinitely. You may learn about us, but you'll have a guard at all times if you leave your room or castle. My protection will only extend to this city's limits. If you go beyond, you'll have guards, but if something happens you are not my concern."

Knew there was something that would make me lose. Great. Be a glorified babysitter or be under house arrest where I might die if I run? I could run now, but I may be another world. What I know of my world probably won't help me here.

I glared at the Princess. "Fine, I'll be a personal guard to your student."

Author's Note:

Now before you start yelling at me about how I'm making Celestia a tyrant or that she wouldn't abandon Alex to die, I know that. Alex doesn't though. And Celestia knows he doesn't know. She needed to force him to choose of what he thought was the lesser evil and where she could push him towards friendship. Remember she wants to help him