• Published 19th Feb 2016
  • 900 Views, 40 Comments

Friendship isn't just Magic, it can heal hearts too - Raumo

Alex was afraid of friendship. Being a spy made friendship something to avoid.Transported to world where friendship is the most powerful of all, can he learn to make friends again.

  • ...

Chapter 32

I trotted quickly to the area on the edge of Ponyville that Alex and Rainbow were going to fly in.

We had been back for two weeks, and since then Alex has been flying constantly. For Luna had upgraded the pack.

She had been fascinated with the blend of technology and magic. Alex, seeing her stare at his wings in wonder, showed them to her. He showed her the power core and matrixes and the extension and retraction of the wings, and definitely the pegasi gem.

She had been impressed with the matrixes I had done, complimenting me on them. I had blushed and stuttered at the time, and told her I had studied thoroughly books we had found at the old castle.

She then told Alex and I, she could upgrade the gems and their power, making it so Alex could go faster and even longer. Mainly she could upgrade the pegasi gem to not only allow Alex to walk on clouds, but control them as well. She was putting concentrated pegasi magic into the gem that he could use almost without limit.

For a moment, Alex had looked like a young foal, being told he could have the best toy in the world. I had giggled as he quickly controlled himself and calmly told her that it would great.

Alex, being Alex had been practicing like crazy, to fly quickly and accurately with the new gems. He had also been carefully practicing manipulating clouds, with some of the other pegasus's help. He could now make clouds thunder, rain, or punch them into nothing.

Two days ago, he had left the library for practice. Then 15 minutes later, he came back with a huge grin on his face.

Rainbow had seen him practicing. She had challenged him to a game of elaborate tag. For half and hour Alex would have a flag on his wrist, and Dash would try to take it from him. The game would end when she got the flag or the time was up.

I had looked at him skeptically, thinking Rainbow would win hands down. He explained though, that there would be cloud obstacles all over the agreed playing area. They could make each other crash or lose them in twists and turns. It wasn't just a game of speed, it was agility and cunning.

And that was why I was so excited, as I walked to the agreed area. Alex may not have Rainbow's speed or even her agility, as his wings weren't as versatile as hers, but he had an abundance of smarts. He could make almost anything work into his favor.

Spotting Alex not too far from me, I ran up to him. Once at his side, I asked, "So ready for the game?"

He looked down at me with a grin. "Yup. Even if I don't win this is going to be fun." He adjusted the flag on his wrist. "You here to cheer me or her on?"

"I believe I'll cheer you on today."

"Why thank you." He gave an elaborate bow. "The others are over there, if you want to sit with them." He pointed to an area.

I nodded. "Alright, see you when the game is over. Good luck."

I walked over to the girls and sat next to Fluttershy on the blanket that had been spread out. "Hey Fluttershy. How are you today?"

She answered quietly. "Oh, I'm fine. You?"

"Great. I'll be cheering on Alex. What about you? Who will you be cheering on?"

"Oh, um, I'll be cheering Rainbow on." She almost whispered this.

"Really? I thought you might cheer on Alex. Well either way, it's going to be a good game." She nodded.

For the next 28 minutes we watched Rainbow chase Alex around the sky. Alex was evading perfectly, even if Dash did come close to grabbing the flag. He was using the clouds to his every advantage.

The last minute was counting down. Alex was speeding in a straight line, Rainbow just inches from the flag.

I was so focused on Rainbow almost grabbing the flag, that I was startled when Alex suddenly retracted his wings and somersaulted in the air opening his wings on a lower point.

Rainbow too, was startled, and therefore crashed into a bunch of clouds, giving Alex the seconds he needed to win the game.

They both landed on the ground near us and Rainbow genuinely congratulated Alex.

"That was an awesome game. You can really fly now. I am amazed though at how you were able to outsmart me. I see what you meant about studying and outsmarting your opponents." Rainbow stated.

Alex grinned at her. "Yes. Well I've had years of practice on that. I have to say though, that last move was a gamble. If that hadn't worked, you would have won."

The rest of us went up and congratulated Alex on the win, and both on the good game.

The other girls soon departed.

Alex looked at me with a smirk. "Well Miss Sparkle, did I live up to your expectations?"

I pretended to think for a moment. "Hmm, I think you just barely did." I teased.

He pretended to be affronted, "Just barely? How can this be? Perhaps you need glasses."

"Glasses? I'd look terrible with glasses."

He laughed. "No Twilight. I think you'd be quite cute with glasses." He reached out and tapped my nose. "Though sometimes I wonder if you need them with how close you hold your books sometimes."

I rolled my eyes. "I don't need glasses. I just get so into my studies, that I don't realize I have moved closer to the book."

"I know, I'm just teasing you." He slipped off his wings, set them down, and then stretched his arms out. "Ah, that feels better. That is pack is lighter than it would be in my old world, but still gets heavy after awhile."

"Then why do you use it so much? For that matter, why do you like to fly so much?" I tilted my head at him questioningly.

"Well, how about I explain that to you after I take a shower and we get something to eat?" He suggested.

I nodded in agreement. We walked to the library, Alex relaxed and happy. Hmm, he is always like this after flying. Of course it could be the win. Why is that though?

Once at the library, Alex set down his pack, grabbed a change of clothes out of chest and headed upstairs. I headed to the kitchen to make some food. I then made some sandwiches out of some lettuce, tomato, and sprouts, and mayo that was in the fridge.

When I was finished Alex came walking in, drying his hair with a towel. He sighed in frustration, "My hair is getting too long again. Have to make another rip to the barber."

"Oh I don't know, I like it better than the short, short style you usually have. Sort of makes you look younger." I said blushing slightly.

He blinked at me. "Are you saying I looked old?"

"What?! No! I...um...was...well," I stuttered out.

"It's okay Twilight. I was just teasing again." He reassured me. "Tell you what, I don't like it this long, but I'll keep it a bit longer than I usually keep it." He suggested smiling at me.

"You don't have to do that just because I like it longer." I couldn't stop blushing.

"Well, I value your opinion. Besides I like to look my age, not an old man." He teased.

"Oh just eat your sandwich." I pushed the plate of food towards him.

"Yes ma'am." He grabbed the plate and leaned back against the counter. Taking a bite he nodded, "Yum, this is good. Thanks for making it."

"Your welcome and stop talking with your mouth full." I then began eating my own sandwich.

Once we finished, I looked a him pointedly.

"Alright, I'll explain why I love flying so much." He looked out the window, then looked at me. "I have a different idea. Why don't I show you?"

I raised my eyebrow in disbelief. "Show me? As in carry me and fly around?" He nodded. I though about it for a minute. "You won't go too fast?"

"Nope, a nice easy speed. I promise."

I took a deep breath, then nodded. "Okay, I'll do it. How though?"

"Cast the pegasus spell on yourself. Then meet me on the highest balcony." He told me. Then he dashed upstairs grabbing the wings on his way.

I quickly cast the spell on myself and ran up to the balcony. Alex was staring at the sky, wings on his back and extended. He turned around at the sound of my steps. His eyes held a spark of excitement. As I walked up to him, he knelt down. "Alright then put your front hooves around my neck."

I followed his instructions. "Now what?" I asked him.

"Close your eyes and don't open them till I tell you to."

I tightly shut my eyes. I felt one of his arms encircle my back, and him standing up.

Then suddenly wind was rushing past me and ruffling my fur. I let out a loud squeal and yelled out, "I though you said we weren't going to go fast!"

I could feel more than hear him laugh. "Sorry Twilight, but I need speed to be able to go high," He spoke in my ear.

I could feel us turning and I held his neck a bit tighter. His arm tightened around me. Again he spoke in my ear, "Open your eyes now Twilight, and look around. I promise I have you secure."

I hesitantly opened my eyes and looked around. I gasped. Not in fear like I had thought I would, but in wonder. For I could see all of Ponyville. Things beginning to close down for the night and ponies walking around looking small. I looked towards the horizons and just saw open sky and land so far.

"This is amazing. It's another world up here. And I can tell it's different when you're just using wings and not a flying contraption or chariot." I spoke in wonder at the world around me. It gave a new meaning to me about looking at things from another perspective.

"Yeah, there is a freedom up here that's different." Alex's voice was filled exhilaration. "Now hold on, I'm going to turn so I can show you a couple more things."

I held on as he turned west and we were completely away from Ponyville. He then set me gently on a cloud, and sat next to me. "So this is why you wanted me to cast that spell," I stated, adjusting myself to sit comfortably on the cloud.

"Yep. Now look." He pointed to the setting sun.

I gasped again in wonder. There was something different about the sunset, when you were high above anything and could see miles around with no obstructions. "This is beautiful. It's the same sunset, yet so different from all the past ones." I spoke in wonder.

"Yeah, it so different when you can see the setting rays touch so much more than what you see on the ground. Don't get me wrong though, I love the things on the ground, but this," he gestured all around us, "this is why I love to fly so much. I love the tricks I can do, but it's the feeling I can go anywhere, do anything that draws me."

I looked at him with gratefulness filling my heart. "And yet you choose to stay with Spike, and the girls and I. You can leave, but you chose to stay, even though you have everything you need to live out there." My voice choked up. I hadn't realized that his choice to stay meant so much to me.

His voice came out softly, "Well I can't leave my family and home now, can I? Out there, I would have everything I need to survive, but here?" He looked at me, "Here I can live."

"Isn't that the same thing?"

"No Twilight. For me, surviving it just remaining alive. For 10 years I was alive, but there was no enjoyment of being so. I just woke up, did my missions, went to sleep. Each time hoping the cycle would end. Here I live. I enjoy waking up each day. I enjoy spending time with you and the other girls, and figuring out ways to keep you all out of trouble or at least minimize how much trouble you get into. I go to sleep, not hoping it'll end, but that the next day will dawn. That's the difference for me between living and surviving."

I looked up at the now darkened sky, with the stars beginning to shine. "I understand now. And you know what?" I looked back at him.

"No, I don't believe I do." A smile twitched on his lips.

"I can't imagine life here without you. I'm so glad you were brought here to our world, and Princess Celestia sent you here." I gave him a hug.

"Yeah well. I'm thankful too." He hugged me back. "Now, if all of you would stop trying to give me gray hairs early and stay out of trouble, my heart would be grateful."

I giggled. "Sorry Alex, but it's not entirely our fault. We don't really look for trouble, it just finds us. Unless of course the Princess asks us to."

He groaned in frustration. "Oh I know it, but it was worth a shot. Hopefully the princess won't ask you to do something dangerous for years. Knowing my luck though, there is something around the corner."

"I think you're just being paranoid. Equestria has been peaceful for years. It's not like something is just going to pop up out of nowhere." I reassured him.

"I think you just jinxed it."

Author's Note:

Oh wow I did it. Took me awhile, but hopefully it's worth the wait.