• Published 4th Aug 2013
  • 3,301 Views, 72 Comments

My Brother the Human - Ireyah

My name is Cotton Cloudy and I think something's going on with my brother, I might need some help.

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Comments ( 25 )
Sup #1 · May 4th, 2014 · · ·

Keen's back on the prowl. And Spike needs a mustache.:moustache:

Hmm, wonder what it was that he did to get himself "changed"? Were the emotional changes a product of the process, a part of the "deal", or something else? While he seems to be very good at pleasing (and being pleased by) mares, it certainly doesn't seem to make him happy. I suspect some escapee from Tartarus or the like was/is involved.

4338668 Well, I'm sure we might find out... but things can only get darker before we do.

Don't tell me if I'm right or wrong but my theory is that Zacora had something to do with this. Either that or he made a deal with someone in exchange for his emotions.

4340144 Oh dear, we're going to have this debate again... Thanks for reading, and for caring enough to call bullshit, but really, I've actually got the arguments to back up my words here. And they've all been made before on this site and lots of others.

Let's see, first off, these are little ponies, not big ones, hence the name. The popular image to compare is this one: Linky-link So that's what I'm using. According to this a six-foot-something human, is twice the height of Big Mac or Mr Cake, who are taller than the average stallion.

Second, have you actually been watching the show? They have all the same things that we do. Hammers and saws, doorknobs/handles, even the cups and mugs are very, very similar. What is there in the pony world you've seen, made for ponies, that Keen couldn't use?

Third, even in this world a fast human can outrun a horse over a distance of a hundred meters or so, it takes a horse longer to get all four hooves in gear and then a little longer to hit full speed. Proven fact. In a world where their legs are less than a half as long as a human's legs? That works out at quite the speed difference.

Again, thanks for reading, but this is a tired one.

Even in public, fukin nasty bruh!

4352986 Yeah, but sooooo hot... little fetish of my own, actually.

4353435 if Keen was a pony I would be hella into it, but he ain't. SO I THINK IT'S ICKY!

4353444 That's a shame, sweetie, but personally... fictional, mature-rated, cartoon ponies are quite a fetish of mine too.

Even more of a shame; this whole fic is about a human getting around with a whole pack of post-pubescent pony plot, so you'll be disappointed by the rest.

Even more of a shame; all of my fics are about humans making whoopie with non-humans. Well... I'm planning one that's just non-humans and some very, very interesting toys, but that's not the topic.

The question is, though, if it were pony on pony, or even anthro on anthro, instead of the cross-species boundary, would you think it was icky? Does it have to be human on human? Or... did you like it even though it's human on pony and icky, hmmm? :raritywink:

4353534 Naw, I just wasn't into it because he's well, in public, and you know. He's a he, i'm usually not very intrigued by having an image of a guys dick in my head, because it just gets worse from there, my imagination is a sickening thing.
What's interesting though is how this guys sister is oggling them the entire time he's gettin' 'is dick sucked, it made meh laugh.

4353974 Not to give too much away, but the ogling by his sister is definitely supposed to be there. There's a reason I've tagged this fic with particular tags.

Besides, all you have to do is picture me instead, drooling from both sets of lips as I write about public indecency and ponies (and enormous phalluses, but you don't have to think of them, just me). Sometimes I actually have to be sitting on a thick towel to get through my scenario writing :raritywink:

But besides the hefty man-meat in this one, are you a fan of my works in general?

4354386 You know, that does help alot, and it's pretty amusing too.
Well, no i'm not a fan, but this is the first story i've read and i've just got like 1000 other stories i'm tracking atm, but maybe I could become a fan, as soon as I get to those other fics you got.

4354438 [Insert joke about your first time here...] Wait... seriously? First story on this site? If you're not kidding me, then I'm honoured sweetie. Now go out there and enjoy the rest of this place, y'crazy kid :twilightsmile:

I know this is porn, but please let it be different. Don't let Cotton just drop to her damn knees on this, for one damn time have the character stand up for themselves. Please.:ajbemused:

4355812 Oh no, there's a reason certain tags are in my tag list. There'll be no 'just' about anything. That doesn't mean, though, that there's any chance Keen won't end up doing exactly whatever the hell he wants to do :twilightblush:

4356821 Sorry, I just have this insatiable urge to see those pushed into submission rise up and beat the shit out of those who did such a thing to them. Not sure why. Might just be part of my personality, or a result of either 4chan or Reddit. :applejackunsure:

4356835 You know, as much as I enjoy that too, this isn't going to be one of those times. I think the end of this will be pretty satisfactory nonetheless, hope you find it the same :pinkiesmile:

Not to be "that guy", but when do you think you'll be getting back to this? I really, really, really want to see where this goes (not to mention this fic has touched base with all my fetishes thus far, and the execution has been perfect).:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

4689751 Really having trouble with this fourth chapter. I've re-written it twice now... first iteration was a Lyra/Bon Bon thing where Lyra found out her non-sexual life-partner was the biggest glory-hole slut in town and confronted her by jumping in the box with her and forcing herself to do everything Bon Bon did... it was hot, but angry sex with somebody else to prove a point just didn't scratch that itch inside my brain.

Can't tell you the second iteration, it would spoil everything, but the third is coming along. I just have a very short time to write in, compared to the rest of my day, so it's a little slow :twilightsmile:

I read the first chapter of this a long time ago, and it was really impressive. Now that I've had the chance to get caught up, I'd say this would easily make my top ten. A selfish part of me is hoping you come back and finish it but don't let me pressure you. No pressure. Seriously.

no pressure bro

its okay

6862511 Fans like you are the reason I feel so bad about having no time to type. Also the fact that there are so few overtly female authors on here besides me... Thanks for reading! :twilightsmile:

question will there be a scene where we see keen and his mom getting down and dirty and not just hitting at it also so about this fic i.qkme.me/3so7mp.jpg

7375954 Well, yeah actually, but writing the rest of this has been... slow. This is definitely my priority when I get back into my work, so I'll see you when I'm back :twilightsmile:

Well another dead story

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