> My Brother the Human > by Ireyah > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Intro > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey Cotton!" The filly didn't even look up as she walked past, "Cotton?" Not even an ear twitch to show she'd heard. He picked up his pace and trotted until he was level with the white pegasus, it was then he saw her eyes were completely unfocused, she wasn't looking at anything as she walked, something was really bugging her. He nudged her gently with his wing, "Hey? Cotton?" That got her attention. "Huh? Rumble?" She blinked her pale lavender eyes at him, "What is it?" Even under the effects of filly eyes, he managed to "What's eating you? You didn't even hear me just now." "Oh." She looked down again, "Nothing. I just... kinda have a lot on my mind." "Tests?" He tried to sympathise. "If only..." The were interrupted by the common phenomenon of what he'd come to call Keen's Fanclub. Two fillies charged past them, a third knocked Rumble away from Cotton as she dodged between them, and it wasn't until he'd got his balance back before he saw a fourth had clipped Cotton Cloudy's saddle bag so hard it'd swung around and hit her in the side of the head. "Hey!" He yelled after them, "Watch where you're going!" As usual, they ignored him. The four girls were galloping to catch up to the tall, bipedal creature ahead of them, who was reading a book as he walked. Keen Eye was a creature called a Human, he'd wound up in Ponyville when he was no older than a foal and they'd needed to find a place for him to stay until he could be sent back. At the time, Princess Twilight had been confident that she could return him to wherever it was he'd appeared from, but the more she tried, the more she found that she plain just didn't know where he'd come from in the first place. Since he was so young, he didn't either. The mare that took him in was Merry May, a caring pegasus with a foal of her own. By the time the Princess had come to the conclusion she couldn't send him back, the mother had already gotten quite attached to Keen and had volunteered to keep him and raise him as her own. Which was probably lucky for Rumble, because that meant Keen's new sister was Cotton Cloudy, the one filly Keen couldn't pull into his herd of giggling fillies. That was fourteen years ago. By the Princess' best guess, Keen was a year older than himself and Cotton, and he'd just grown and grown and grown. At seventeen he was now a little more than twice as tall as the average stallion, not as strong as them in proportion, but easily able to keep up with the same jobs and sports. He was also faster than most ponies in a sprint, since his two legs could get him to full speed faster than a pony with four, and his hands made him great at things that unicorns could do too. Cotton had told him once that for a while Keen had tried to be like everypony else, walk on four legs, pick things up the same way, do everything like a pony. It was Princess Twilight that had taught him how his body was different and how he should walk, even came up with ideas for things he could do with his hands that he'd never thought of before. Right now, if it weren't for Cotton walking next to him, Rumble would have been intensely jealous of her older brother. "So-ooo? You think maybe this weekend?" Apple Bloom, with the country accent and the big eyes and the big heart, was prancing just a little and trying to keep Keen's attention, "No way, you said this weekend would be with me!" Scootaloo, lean and athletic, already practicing to follow in Rainbow Dash's hoofsteps, pushed herself into Apple Blooms place in protest, "Girls, don't fight about it, we could always, you know, share?" Sweetie Belle, with the perfect mane and the perfect coat, and the perfect voice and the perfect eyes, always trying to keep her friends reigned in. She blushed for some reason and the other two giggled and blushed too. "But what about me?" Noi, the charming and slightly ditzy one of the group piped up, like a foal that wanted more sweets. "And me!" Aura, the last filly of his little cavalcade, a sweet, caring filly with a usually shy personality, demanded of the group. "I'm heading home." Keen Eye looked at the horizon, "Scoots, I'll see you Saturday." He seemed so... aloof, that was the word, like he didn't really care about any of those girls. With a chorus of 'aww's and 'don't go's and even a triumphant 'see? I told'ja.' from Scootaloo, he moved ahead of them and they quickly dispersed in different directions, muttering to each other. The whole time the two had been watching, Cotton hadn't said a word, or even changed expression, I don't think. But now she looked down again, like her hooves were suddenly really interesting. "Say." She said to the pathway, "You wanna go to the park?" He was about to ask why, but Cotton leveled a pair of the most needy eyes at him. Like she was desperate for somepony to talk to. There was always something hypnotic about girls' eyes, and he had no way to say no. "Alright." He agreed. * * * "He used to be shy, you know?" Cotton broke the silence between them after nearly twenty minutes. "Yeah." Rumble agreed, remembering the tiny human arriving in their class back when they were all little. "But something's happened to him, something when he got taller." She sighed. She didn't say anything more for a while, and Rumble didn't want to interrupt her thoughts. Even if they were talking about Keen, just walking in the park with Cotton was enough to keep him in good spirits. He gestured to a bench ahead, and she nodded, so they made their way there to sit down. Her eyes wandered vaguely over the grass and trees and other ponies of the park, eventually fixing on the little fountain the bench faced and it was another minute before she spoke. "It was back when he brought home his first fillyfriend." "You mean... what's her name? Piña Colada?" "Her. Yeah." Cotton sighed, "I didn't like her, she just seemed interested in having a strange coltfriend. One day they'd been in his room and I heard her laughing. Like, really mean laughing. So I went to see what was going on, and she comes out of his room. She's still laughing, sneering, y'know? And poor Keen's just sitting on his bed looking at the floor like she's torn out his heart. She says 'Maybe I'll come back when you've grown up down there too.' and Keen looks like he's taken a punch in the tummy." Rumble had to swallow the smile at Cotton still using 'tummy', but he thought he understood. Being called small was a real insult for a colt, and small 'down there' was mean for any guy. She'd even laughed at him! "Not cool." He muttered, and Cotton nodded. "It was the holidays, so nopony noticed, but Keen shut himself in his room for weeks after that. I barely saw him. Then one day he's not there at all, and nopony's seen him or knows where he went. When he came back he was... different. He looked like he knew what he had to do. He looked... well, like he does all the time now. Colder, distant, watching everypony." She sighed again and Rumble couldn't stop himself from edging closer, trying to show he was there for her, wanting to... comfort her. "He brought Piña home again only a few days later, and the next day she was... well... like those other girls around him. I didn't know what had happened, but she didn't just like him, she acted like she needed him. But Keen ignored her after that. He just got cold all the time. Pretty soon, Piña stopped coming around, I saw her a few times after that and she's been okay, but she won't talk to me about anything." "So what do you think he did?" "I know what he did. And I can't really blame him. It's just... if he hadn't, he might have found somepony who didn't care about that and might be his special somepony because of him, not because of how he looked." "Then what was it?" "He went to somepony who made his... you know... bigger. Even bigger than a normal stallion's." She didn't look at him. "Oh..." was all Rumble could say to that. "Anyway, now you know why all our friends hang around him like that." The expression on Cotton's face, her tone of voice, showed how little she thought of them for that. "Because he's got a-" "Every friend I've brought home for a sleepover, a little later she's come back to see Keen, not me, and every time after that too. He just does... something, I don't know what, and they get like that." Her confusion and frustration was rising. "And that's not the worst of it." This last one was... she glared at nothing like she was seeing something that made her incredibly angry. Rumble tried to calm things down, "But it can't be all that bad, right? He's not shy anymore, and he's grown up, he showed Piña that she was wrong, and now he's the most popular colt at school." The positive tone sounded forced, even to himself. "And he's not the brother I grew up with anymore." Well, that one stopped him in his tracks. "Rumble," She turned to him with those big eyes that kept messing with his brain, "Keen scares me sometimes. He looks at me and... it's like I'm one of those other girls. Like he's thinking about me that way." He didn't know what to say to that one, either. And now she was looking at him with those same pleading eyes that got him to come here with her today, he knew she was going to ask him something, but it was Cotton, he'd probably do anything for her. "I'd like... I'd like it if you were my coltfriend, Rumble, that way Keen would stop looking at me that way." In his mind there was nothing but a humming blank. Cotton Cloudy just asked me to be her coltfriend. Cotton Cloudy just asked me to be her coltfriend. Cotton Cloudy just asked me to be her coltfriend. Cotton Cloudy just asked me to be her coltfriend. CottonCloudyjustaskedmetobehercoltfriend! She was withering now, he hadn't answered her yet! Oh Celestia! "I..." He swallowed and tried again, "I'd like that. Too. I'd like to be your coltfriend. I... yes." He didn't care, words, who cared about them. Cotton Cloudy had just asked him to be her coltfriend and he'd said yes. That was all that mattered. "Oh thank you Rumble!" She leaned forward and pecked a little kiss on his cheek, "Thank you!" And she jumped off the bench, trotting away with a spring in her step. "I'll see you at school tomorrow!" He sat there, watching her go, with one hoof raised in a dazed wave and a goofy smile on his face. When she finally turned a corner out of sight he let that hoof rest on his cheek where she'd kissed him. * * * "I'm home!" She called, shutting the door behind her. Nopony answered her. "Mom? I'm home!" Trotting up the stairs to her room, figuring that her mom must be out at the market, she heard a door open and shut behind her. Keen's door. "Oh, welcome home honey." Mom. Merry May, mom, a pegasus with her long purple mane and light green coat that made Cotton think of fresh grass and flowers, looked like she'd been rolling in a field. Her mane was mussed, her coat rubbed in different directions and her tail was pressed down. "Hi mom." Cotton didn't want to look, but had to, she offered her mother a smile that she didn't really feel. "You're a little later than usual, Keen told me you were going on a date." She blushed, "Not a date, but I do have a coltfriend now." "Oh sweetie, that's so good for you." Her mother smelled of musk and of Keen. "I'll just be taking a shower, and then I'll be getting dinner for us. It won't be more than half an hour, okay? Be down in time." "Sure, mom." She offered another smile, hoping it would get her out of this awkwardness. Unfortunately it did, because her mother turned and headed down the stairs. It was unfortunate because Cotton couldn't divert her eyes in time, and once they noticed, her slow, creeping horror meant she couldn't look away. Her mother's tail was held down, but it didn't matter. The coat around her haunches was matted, slicked with moisture. She was walking carefully, and every step made her tail twitch. Then she went down the stairs and Cotton watched as the tail didn't cover enough any more. There was a slow drool of milky liquid leaking down her mother's thighs. The sight froze her for just too long because the next moment Keen's door opened again. Keen Eye looked down at her from his towering height. His eyes cold, his lips thin, but he wasn't looking at her in the way that scared her, this was just regular, cold Keen. He usually wore clothes, ones that Miss Rarity made for him, because unlike other stallions he couldn't hide his... stallion parts. So outside the house he usually wore shorts or trousers, but like most ponies, he preferred not to wear anything at home. And with much the same horror as she'd watched her mother's soaking rear end walk down the stairs, her eyes were drawn to his stallionhood that was hanging more or less at eye level in front of her. It was slick too, shining in the afternoon light. Flaccid and dangling over the top of his large balls, it didn't look anything like a pony stallion's thing, it looked as different from one of those as the rest of him did from a pony. But where just last year a cute little thing had hung a little past his sack, now it was a bare, glistening length of meat as long as from her hoof to her elbow and half as thick. The mushroom-like head dripped a drop of something clear onto the floor. Her nose was full of the scent of Keen, and her mother, and sweat and pheremones. "So, you've finally got yourself a coltfriend, Socks?" He always called her 'socks' since learning that 'cotton socks' were real pieces of clothing, it was childish, but it was now the only reminder that this was her older brother, who'd teased her and laughed with her, played together with her, as children. "Yes. His name is Rumble." She tore her eyes away and made to go to her room. "We'd like to meet him sometime." His voice was even, dry, but not devoid of emotion like it was around his fillyfriends. "I... I'll bring him for dinner soon." She knew teasing should follow, it wouldn't, instead Keen would stand there in his doorway, naked, and looking at her with his cold eyes. She didn't want to turn and see him again, so she quickly slipped into her room. > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The panting and moaning was coming through the wall. She hadn't even paid attention to which of his herd he'd brought home this time, ever since mom had shown her that... even family wasn't safe from his grasp, Cotton had kept to her room as much as possible. Well, it had only been one day. Today was Saturday, and she remembered that some filly had wanted Keen for today, but she didn't remember which. This was unbearable, though... a long, breathy moan that ended in a squeak made her snap her eyes open. She'd been curled up in bed, hoping for sleep to take her, waiting in the evening darkness for the relative safety of her dreams. It wasn't meant to be. She got up, running a hoof through her pale blue mane and flicking the tip out of her face, she didn't have energy to fight with it. The pants were closer together now, accompanied by light 'yes, oh Celestia yes' cries too, and she didn't know why she put up with it. Her hooves traced circles around her room as she paced, muffled by the carpet. Maybe because she was scared of what she'd see if she went and knocked on his door. Wait... why was she scared? It's not like she'd never seen how ponies... you know... before, and there had been those magazines that the colts had been caught with at school before. She knew what was happening. It's just... how was he doing it that turned even the three Crusaders into giggling bimbos at his beck and call? That was it. She had to know. That was what scared her; not knowing how what Keen was doing was different from normal. She turned from her pacing and slowly edged out of her door and into the hall. It was a little louder out here, only having to pass through the wooden door of Keen's room to reach her now. She slid her hooves over the carpet, rather than pick them up, to sneak the few body-lengths down to his door. His room had no lock, so no keyhole. She turned the handle very slowly, trying to time it to the cries of the filly on the other side. His bedside light was on, casting the room into a warm, but shadowy relief. Keen's bed was at the far end, giving him the most floor space he could get out of the small bedroom, and what she saw on it began to answer her questions already. An orange coated filly was sprawled on her back across Keen's bed, her purple tail hanging free, off the the edge. Keen Eye was kneeling next to the bed, his face buried deep between her back legs, hands grasping her back hooves and holding those long, athletic legs apart as he made obscene slurping and lapping noises. Scootaloo, it was her, was raising her voice higher and higher, her head thrashing from side to side as she writhed under his ministrations. All of that noise so far, that was just him doing this to her? They hadn't even gotten past the foreplay and she was already in this state... With an even louder, longer moan than the ones she'd heard before, Scootaloo reached her climax right then and there. Hips jerking, back arching, wings trying to flap and pressing against the mattress to jerk her whole body up and down in spasms. Without saying a word, Keen pulled back and folded her legs to the side, rolling the panting pegasus over, before getting up and sitting next to her on the bed. His member was standing a little up, swelling, but not hard yet, between his legs, and he ran his hand up and down her coat, rubbing gently, but with purpose. She met his eyes with her own blissed out and half-lidded gaze and nodded. Awkwardly, as if her legs didn't work properly right now, the filly slid from her place on the bed and turned towards him. She didn't even stop to think about it, as if it was just what you did next and she enjoyed doing it, the head of his erection slid into her mouth and her hoof came up to stroke up and down nearer the base of it. She'd obviously done this before, and soon enough the already impressive length and girth had expanded into its full size in her willing mouth. Cotton tried to imagine what that was like, what that fleshy, bulbous head would feel like as it pushed through her lips and over her tongue. She watched as Scootaloo flicked her own tongue out and around the length, as far as it could go out of her lips and as much as it could curl from side to side, and then the orange pegasus started to bob her whole head up and down. She straightened her legs, standing up properly between Keen's knees, even though her own were shaking. Cotton wondered why she'd do it until the filly's now-straight neck posture let her slowly lunge forward until, impossibly, Keens length slid in further and further right up to when her nose hit the skin at the base of his abdomen. Keen's head rolled back a little, his eyes going to the ceiling. When she started to move, rolling her head a little from side to side to make twisting motions, he hunched over her, tangling his fingers into her tomboyish purple mane. His fingers flexed in their grip, he was pulling her head towards him again and again, moving a little faster now. This couldn't be good for Scootaloo, Cotton thought, how had he forced her into doing this? But then the orange filly's front hoof came up and began rubbing at her crotch, massaging and gyrating on the top of it while Keen gratuitously pulled her onto his length even harder. He grunted, and she stopped her hoof, sitting down and pulling him out of her throat and simply holding him in her mouth. Cotton could see she was staring up at his face as he gritted his teeth, face taught in concentration. Then she realised what what happening, he was cumming into her mouth. His thick member pulsed and his stomach tightened in four long contractions, then he leaned back on his hands while Scootaloo made thick swallowing sounds around his shaft. It was still twitching as she pulled her mouth off it, strands of saliva and fluid sticking to her lips, and she pressed her tongue to the bottom of the head to let the last, light spurts land on it. Then she pulled her tongue in, swallowed the remains, and started to gently lick away anything that might be left on his glistening length. In the moment of calm, Cotton felt three distinctly different sensations, the first was that her wings were completely open, braced as if for flight, something cold was moving down her thigh and, by contrast, the fiery heat of her crotch. She was stifling her breathing already, so they wouldn't notice her, but closing her thighs made her nearly gasp. Just putting pressure on her nethers felt like a shock of pleasure running through her. The cold sensation was her own juices, rolling slowly down her coat and tingling in the cool night air. She didn't take her eyes off the scene before her, though, and watched as Scootaloo quickly brought Keen back to full mast. A light, shaky hop back onto the bed and she looked at Keen with a slight question. He lifted one hand and made a gesture with his finger, like stirring a cup of water, she smiled and turned to present herself to him. It was a true presenting too, front legs bent, braced, hips high and tail lifted to the point where he wouldn't even have to hold it aside, she didn't even look at him, just held her head steady and pointed at the wall, waiting patiently for him to mount. And mount he did. Kneeling up behind her, he took his length in hand, the other hand reaching out to rub and grasp at her rump, and lined himself up with her winking... she was winking... Like a mare in heat, she was giving him the most desperate of signals to rut her, the muscles around her entrance flexing her clitoris in and out. Keen let the head of his phallus rest against that point, letting her flex out to rub against him, then retreat, once, twice, three times and she whined a high-pitched noise of protest, begging and arousal. He sank inside her. Not a thrust, no sudden move, just a push. From head to balls he steadily slid into her. The orange filly went into spasms by the time he was half-way done. Her wings fluttered erratically, her neck tightened and stretched, her back arched so far down that her chest hit the mattress while her chin rested on a pillow. Keen gave an experimental shift of his hips, side to side, a little back and forward, getting himself set. Then he leaned over Scootaloo like a true Stallion, sliding his hips back and away, right back until his head was all that connected them. In preparation the mare beneath him abandoned bracing her hooves and grabbed at the pillow, clutching it tight as it propped up her chest. Cotton didn't quite see what he did next, but after that, with a surprised cry of pleasure from his filly, he latched his lips onto her ear and thrust himself back inside so that his hips thudded into hers making her flanks shudder. The cutie mark on Scootaloo's flank danced, Keen moved like a machine, a steady 'pam, pam, pam' of flesh hitting flesh along with the slick squelches of her hole being penetrated in huge, hip-swinging strokes. All of this was overlaid by the soft grunting breathing of Keen and the gasping, higher-pitched breaths from Scootaloo. Cottons thighs were flexing in sympathetic reaction, more little trickles of liquid ran down her thighs with each flex as it crushed in against her hot lips. This wasn't just... doing it... this was sex. Raw, heavy rutting without holding back, and that orange pegasus seemed to be completely brain-fried by it. His hands squeezed at her flanks, then slid up to her waist, holding her firmly to give himself leverage. Then they moved higher, sliding up to the base of those strong orange wings. When he hooked his fingers around the joints at the base, pulling on them to keep up his momentum, Scootaloo lost her breath in a single, long moan that left her panting. She was scrunching up her face, like she couldn't take the pleasure he was giving her, and her breathing didn't match the rhythm of his strokes anymore, fast and uneven. He pulled her wings back, leaning back away from her again at full arms length as he flexed the orange span of feathers back as if she was diving at full speed. Cotton's own wings mimicked the motion unconsciously, the stoop of high-speed diving, and it felt... amazing. Scootaloo thrashed and climaxed. She bucked her spine, head jerking, wings pulling out of his grasp and flapping then trembling away from her back. Then she simply collapsed. A puppet with her strings cut. As the filly's hips dropped, Keen was pulled out of her in a long, sticky-sounding movement. "Suh-sorry." Scootaloo rolled a little over to see him, "Too... Too much." She had a goofy, breathless grin on her face. Keen used his hands to roll her lower body over a little, then he lifted her leg. "You wanna... finish off?" She made a good attempt at looking alluring, with her messy, sweaty mane and her smoldering bedroom eyes. He murmured something Cotton couldn't hear, "Are you... sure? That's... okay." The filly's voice sounded unsure, and Cotton only caught those few words from the sentence, but Keen let himself settle into a different kneeling position, lining himself up with the panting filly's lowered hips. He lifted her a little and Cotton saw something that she'd never thought she'd ever see in her life. Keen's penis lined up to Scootaloo's other hole! He couldn't! He mustn't! That wasn't the right one! But sure enough, he pressed into the puckered flesh and, with surprisingly little resistance, slid himself inside. No sound of pain from the pegasus, no sound at all, but her back slowly arched off the mattress and her head rolled further and further back into the pillow. When he bottomed out inside her, the filly seemed to come back to life. She shook her head and then seemed to jackknife hersef up and into his arms, sitting in his lap and throwing her hooves around his neck. She practically slammed their lips together and almost seemed to be sucking his tongue out of his mouth. She moaned, putting her head back, then looked him dead in the eye, "I love you!" She told him, "I love you, I love you, I love you!" She kissed him again and Keen started to roll his hips, thrusting up into her as she slowly bounced on his lap. Again, Cotton's hips and thighs flexed in response, trying to match the movements, squeezing down on nothing but herself. Scootaloo's cries of love and pleasure devolved into moans and grunts again, and Keen's hands were roaming up and down her back again. Soon, though, it seemed like he didn't care for this position, because he began to turn her. He leaned back, grasped one leg and guided it across his body until she was side-on to him, still impaled on his thrusting cock. Then he detached her forelegs from his shoulders, ignoring her little protests, and turned her fully. He pressed her to him again, pushing her wings to his chest and making them fold flush so he could keep her close. His head dropped and his lips found her neck, kissing, licking and even biting at her neck and shoulder. Not once did his hips stop rolling and rising. She was nearly helpless now, clutched too him as one hand roamed high, up her neck to her chin and she sucked two of his fingers into her eager mouth, eyes closed as she moaned around them. Then his other hand trailed downwards, along her stomach and over her teats, giving each a little flick, tickle, tweak and roll before passing further down. When his fingers dug into her crotch, Scootaloo's eyes snapped wide. Her mouth hung open and her tongue lolled out, her wings simply relaxed down at her sides and her legs all gave out at once. Cotton thought that if he'd let her go, Scootaloo would have fallen into a little puddle on the bed. As it was, she was caught, stuck, being jerked upwards and sliding back down again and again, no control anymore over her actions, no words, barely even gasps for air. After only a few moments of this, Keen started to thrust in earnest. His hand worked furiously, doing who knew what kinds of pleasurable things to his filly's nethers, and her head lolled back and forth to the motion bonelessly. Four, five, six, seven... Cotton tried to count out the thrusts as he made the orange pegasus' body flop like a ragdoll from his determined pumping. He came inside her hard, grunting and clasping the limp filly's body to him, and Scootaloo came for him in complete, unconscious reaction, juddering and jerking, a strangled sounding noise all she could make this time. Keen lowered his broken pegasus to the bed, arranging her limbs and pulling out of her with an empty-sounding schlock. He paused there for a moment, then sighed, reaching over to grab some tissues from the box beside his bed, and carefully wiping down the matted, glistening, slowly oozing backside of the comatose filly. Cotton could actually see her backside twitching as he wiped it, but not fully closing yet. Then he covered her with a sheet and got up. Cotton panicked. She couldn't be here! He'd see her! She had the sense left to remember to sneak away, but she was nearly too late. She heard Keen's steps as he noticed the door was open just as she slipped inside her own room. She hoped and prayed that he didn't hear her door close as he opened his to peer outside. She did, however, hear the little 'Hmm...' he made before he shut his door and went back to his bed. No wait! He was walking down the hall! He was coming to her room! Cotton, as quietly as possible, threw herself into bed and pulled the sheet over herself, then she stilled everything the way she used to when her mom would check she was asleep. Please don't come in, please don't come in, please don't come in! A door opened and she nearly squeaked. But it wasn't hers. It was the bathroom door. She heard the taps running and Keen sighing, and then the distinct sound of him brushing his teeth. A little longer and he was done, then the sound of him going to toilet, flushing, washing his hands, and then his long stride down the hall to his room again. * * * She didn't know when she fell asleep after that, but she woke up to the smell of mom making breakfast and the uncomfortable feeling of her backside being matted together by her... juices... from last night. It took the efforts of a quick shower to clean herself up, there were signs that other ponies had used it before her; long purple hair wasn't in the family, that was for certain. But she felt better already, despite that. Today she was going to go to the library, read the afternoon away, maybe she'd even see Rumble. The thought of Rumble made her blush, she'd actually asked him to be her coltfriend...! She made her way downstairs with her mane and tail still damp, the towel around her shoulders, and... stopped dead in the doorway to the kitchen. Merry May kept a nice kitchen, clean tiles and polished flooring to make messes easier to see, she said it was her pride as a single mother that she could keep both her children, especially one as big as Keen, fed and happy every day of the week. But that wasn't what stopped her. Scootaloo sat next to Keen at the table. "Hey Cotton!" She waved, "Hey." She offered a very half-hearted wave back. "What's wrong, honey?" her mom asked from where she was making pancakes at the stove, "Did you not sleep well?" Scootaloo had the good manners to blush and look away. "Yeah, sort of, just a bunch of weird dreams, I guess." She quickly lied to cover her own embarrassment. "Hmm," the parental prerogative to try to fix things kicked in, "if you're having trouble getting to sleep..." She slid some pancakes onto Keen's and Scootaloo's plates. "Thanks Miss May." "No problem, sweetie, it's so nice when Keen brings a filly home. I'm glad to see him so popular." The big, friendly smile dropped back into concerned thought when she turned back. "Maybe you should have Keen give you one of his massages, that's sure to relax you." She stopped, hoof reaching to pull out her chair at the table, "I don't think-" "I know, right?!" Scootaloo jumped in, "Keen gives the most insanely good massages, one time he gave me one the day before my try-outs, and I swear I've never flown so good in all my life!" Cotton backed up a little, "I don't think that's... really necessary." "You sure, honey? Or maybe I should make you something Zecora taught me, it sends you right off for the whole night." "No, mom, thank you, I'm..." She glanced at Keen, who hadn't even looked at her this whole time, "I'm fine. I'll be at the library if you need me." Before she left, though, for just a moment, Keen's gaze flicked up to meet hers. She felt a chill and knew. She knew that he knew. Cotton was out the door as fast as she could without running, just long enough to hear Scootaloo say "What was that all about?" > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday morning. A typical bright and sunny day, beautifully arranged thanks to the help of the weather team, and Cotton felt miserable. Seeing Scootaloo at the breakfast table, after seeing what had happened last night... it just... it was so weird how she'd been so normal! At school she was normal, around Keen she was... well, normal, but clingy and always trying to one-up the other girls, just like when she was the leader of the Rainbow Dash fan club, and then this morning, sitting and eating pancakes in the kitchen... normal! But last night... last night she'd been completely... completely different. Her face had been contorted, her breathing ragged, and then she'd even... taken him... there, and it looked like she'd completely fallen apart, unable to think. Like she was overwhelmed by pleasure. Cotton gave a shudder, if that was the case, then she now knew what it was Keen Eye was doing that made fillies flock to him. Wait... that meant he'd done that to the others too! He'd done that to Piña, and to Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle, and even to Aura and Noi! He'd done that to mom... The thought of that last one, remembering the guilty, but still happy, look on her mother's face before turning to go downstairs, trying to conceal the mess made of her behind, made her head spin. She was appalled, she was disgusted, she was shocked, she was amazed, she was also a little worried. If Keen had started treating their own mother the same way he treated his fillyfriends, started doing the same things with her, then what was to stop him from trying to do the same thing to his sister, to her? She shuddered again, shaking her head to try and put that one out of her mind. Looking around, Cotton found herself nearly to the door of the library, thankful for something that might keep her mind occupied for the rest of the day. She knocked and entered, the Princess' assistant, Spike the Librarian, called out a welcome to her from somewhere beyond the main room, "Come on in, I'll be right with you." Cotton trotted over to the fiction section, looking for something with adventure in it that would fully distract her from the day-to-day world and she had already considered and passed over several before Spike came up from the basement, dusting off his claws. Spike was a dragon, still young by dragon standards, but older than Cotton by a year or so. He'd been Princess Twilight's assistant all his life, and when she was away, something that happened more and more as time went by, he became the de facto librarian of Ponyville. To Cotton, he was the real librarian and Princess Twilight was the Princess, it just made sense because she'd never read about a Princess that worked as a librarian, not anywhere. He moved with care, as if he was still worried about breaking things, especially since his wings had started growing in. They'd done that a few years ago, and even though he went flying with the younger ponies now and again, and enjoyed using his wings to get to high shelves, he was still cautious around ponies in case his large body, tail or his wings accidentally hit somepony. Spike was nice, too, a complete contrast to Keen Eye, who was still a little taller, and bigger looking, than the dragon. Where Keen had gotten colder, Spike had kept his sense of fun, and his penchant for bad jokes, and he loved to help ponies that came to the library. "Looking for something new?" He asked her, his head cocked to one side. "Yeah, something exciting, but not romantic." She perused another line of books. "Hmm, that's a tough one. Most every adventure book I've read has had a romantic interest, part of being an adventure, I think." He rubbed his chin. His claws were like Keen's fingers, only there were three claws and a thumb-claw, not four, but the similarities were small ones. Spike's 'fingers' were half claw, the curved lengths coming down to wicked points that let him pick up books and small objects with amazing precision, they were also great for peeling and slicing fruit, or so he'd told her. Keen's were all soft, with rough patches where they usually picked things up, and she'd used to marvel at how they were even more flexible than pegasus wings. Darnit, here she was trying ot take her mind off things, and all she was thinking about was things to do with Keen! "It's alright, Spike, how about something really out there, a big adventure, it doesn't matter about the romance." "Oh, okay then, try these over here." He gestured to a section of shelf she hadn't reached yet, Second Article, Wolf Chaser, Cards Wild, they seemed to be exciting. Book by its cover, though... She thanked him and flipped open a couple of them. The first line of a book was always what hooked her, whether it told her about the adventure to come, or shocked her with a surprise beginning. Lines like 'This is the story of how I died.' or 'You've always been a little different. Everypony says that.' They were strong beginnings and always told her what to expect. She settled down with two of them on the window seat and lost herself in the high-flying adventures of a dimension travelling pegasus until the story finished, and moved on to one about a satyr stage magician, trapped in a giant game played by the gods. The hours just flew by, with Spike only interrupting to offer her some tea from time to time. And when somepony touched her shoulder she actually jumped a little, she'd been so engrossed in the fiction. A quick glance at the clock told her it was now a little way after lunch time, no wonder she was hungry. "Oops, sorry Cotton, Ah didn' mean t' scare ya." Apple Bloom, the sister of Applejack and one of her brother's fillies. She was attractive enough, long, strong legs from working the farm, a flank you could bounce bits off, and that long red mane tied up with a bow that always made her seem cute. Plus she had that accent that interested the colts, too. "Ah was lookin' fer yer brother, saw ya in the window there, an' Ah thought y'could help." "I've no idea where Keen Eye is. I haven't seen since breakfast." Of course, Keen. There's no way any filly her age would come to see her in public for any other reason. "Oh, that's a shame, Ah'll leave ya to yer reading then. Nice t'see ya!" A flash of memory combined with the face in front of her, and she imagined this yellow coated filly presenting herself to Keen just like Scootaloo had done, being fondled and teased the same, hanging breathless and drooling in his hands, impaled on his - she shook her head and said a polite goodbye to Apple Bloom before she noticed. As Apple Bloom left, Cotton buried her face in the plush cushion of the window seat. Distracting herself wasn't helping. "You alright, Cotton?" That wasn't Apple Bloom, nor was it Spike... She tentatively raised her head to see. "Rumble!" She gasped, happy to see somepony her age that wasn't crazy over her brother, then she remembered herself, "Uh, yeah, I'm... fine. I'm alright." "Apple Bloom told me you were here, I hope I'm not interrupting anything." His unsure smile was adorable. She couldn't help but smile at him, he always wanted to spend time with her, and he was her... Oh wow, she'd asked him to be her coltfriend too, hadn't she? This was perfect! "Say, do you wanna go somewhere? You know, do something?" She hopped down from the window seat, using her wings to smooth the cushion and scoop the books up. Rumble walked after her as she trotted quickly back to the shelves and placed them back. She'd put her secret bookmark into place already so that she'd remember her page for next time, she wanted to know if the two sidekicks were going to defeat the giant sea monster, or if the clever satyr would get away from the pirates in time to save them. "You mean, I mean, like... a date?" He looked so shy, but the question made her blush too. A date was a big thing. "Well... yeah, if you've got time." She ducked her head, tail flicking in embarrassment. "Of course!" He nearly shouted, "Err, I mean, yeah, I'd really like to go on a date with you." She couldn't help but grin, he really was a sweet colt, she could be herself around him. "So where do you wanna go? I've got a few bits, we could get a milkshake or something." "Could we? That'd be so great, Rumble." "You'd better hurry then," Spike pointed out, leaning his chin on his hand at the reading podium, his smile was indulgent and amused, "Pinkie's throwing a party at Sugarcube Corner this afternoon. If you're late, you'll be roped into everything, the way she always does." He waved a lazy claw to emphasise that this was just the way things go. Mastering the blush on her cheeks from his amused look, she swallowed, let out a half laugh and thanked him all while herding Rumble out of the door. The two of them stood outside the library door for a moment, free of the knowing smirk Spike had given them, looked at each other, blushing and unsure, but then burst out laughing as they headed for the Corner. * * * Rumble was as good as his word, his allowance was enough for a milkshake each and a cupcake with sprinkles to share... her cheeks reddened just a little as she pictured her new coltfriend holding up the cupcake for her to take a bite, and then the two of them just gazing into each others eyes while drinking their milkshakes... Well, maybe that would happen. While Rumble was buying she found a table and scooched onto the stool, back to the window so she could get him to sit across from her, or next to her, or wherever even, this was fun just to think about. But then, of course, things started to go downhill. The bell jingled as another customer arrived and the familiar accent from not so long ago spread its happy twang through the room, "So whaddya wanna get?" Apple Bloom trotted in ahead of... Keen. "You pick, I'm sure I'll like it." His voice was neutral, although he was making the effort to smile at the filly for a change, so she was obviously flattered and pranced ahead to the counter, telling him to find a seat. He was dressed as he usually was in public, a pair of knee-length shorts to cover his modesty with a drawstring tie to hold them up, his mane was combed away from his face, but a few strands fell down towards his eyes in the way she'd heard the girls coo over in class, and he had a simple watch he'd gotten for his birthday from Time Turner on his wrist. Other than that, he was proudly baring his bronze skin in a way that he hadn't ever done back in the days before his... transformation. Keen, not noticing Cotton in the window seat, picked a table towards the back, one with a semi-circular bench around it, she had to turn to her right a little to see him while he probably could have seen her if he'd cared to look around, and settled down with his hands laced together in front of him, not looking at anything in particular. Rumble returned, balancing treats on his wings and looking pleased when he didn't spill anything as he slid the drinks onto the table for them. He tried to show off a little, flipping the cupcake from one wing to the other, nearly fumbled, and blushed as he slid that into the space between them. Then he sat down, on her right. And she realised that every time she looked at him, Keen was right there beyond him in her line of sight. She gave Rumble a smile, he was sweet, and she didn't mind a little showing off if it made him happy. Thanking him for the milkshake, and mostly to distract herself, she took a sip. Of course, Sugarcube Corner's milkshakes were perfect, so she smiled at her coltfriend and tucked in. As a pegasus, Rumble had a cute habit of shuffling his wings around when he wasn't paying attention, it was actually kind of fun because it meant she could pick up on a little of what he was feeling. He ruffled them with a little, pleased smile on his face, and dipped his mouth to his straw too. Beyond him, Apple Bloom trotted happily back to Keen's table, two drinks and two donuts bouncing in perfect balance on her back and head. Cotton envied her poise and control, the farm filly had grace and strength that made even Scootaloo's movements look a little awkward at times. She shimmied the order onto the table and then bounced into the seat on the opposite side from Keen, only to slide herself around until she was able to sit up and lean into his shoulder. Cotton wondered if that was as nice as it looked, eyeing Rumble's shoulder and thinking that, maybe next time, she'd pick a table like that and, if he wanted to, maybe Rumble could put his wing around her the way Keen stretched his arm over and around Apple Bloom. Rumble had good feather control, right now his primary feathers were hooked around his milkshake glass and angling it towards him so he could drink. Would that feel for her the way Keen's hand felt on Apple Bloom's... cutie mark? Keen's fingers were roving and Apple Bloom's cheeks were slowly warming as she tried to pay attention to her donut and her drink, tried to not look as if the human's broad hand was massaging her flank and slipping over to cup at her rear. She tore her attention away from them and realised that Rumble had been talking, something about school and, for a moment, she was saved from the sight of Keen by paying attention to her coltfriend. "-and Miss Cheerilee said that our cousin was really noisy all through her lessons. It was so embarrassing for the poor guy when they called his mom, but you should have seen the look on his face. It's always great to see somepony earn their cutie mark, don't you think?" Thankfully, that was an easy answer, so she nodded and agreed, "Yeah, it's amazing when it's you, but after you grow up, watching somepony else get theirs brings back all the memories." "Uh-huh, you said it." He looked pleased that she'd agreed. But again, her eyes wandered. At Keen's table, one of them had forgotten their drink entirely. Apple Bloom's eyes were crossed and she was breathing a little fast with a slack jaw. To contrast, Keen's face was neutral as before, if not colder, his eyes were on his donut as he bit slowly around the confectionary ring. Apple Bloom slid slowly down next to him until she was practically laid flat, her head was resting across his lap and his arm was resting down along her back, fingers disappearing over her flank and under her tail. Although it seemed like she wasn't completely gone, despite whatever his clever fingers were doing to her, as her hoof pawed at his crotch. From where Cotton was sitting she had a clear view under the table at what was happening, although she figured that Mrs Cake at the counter probably couldn't, nor could the few other occupants in their tables down from Keen's. Cotton took a deep suck on her milkshake as she watched Apple Bloom's hoof pull the fabric taught and let her tug on the string ties that held his shorts up. It looked like she'd had practice at this, considering how quickly she had the shorts loosened and Keen's large stallionhood out on her hoof. Jerking her eyes away she noticed Rumble giving her an odd look, "Are you alright, Cotton?" He sounded a little concerned. "Oh, yeah, just... I wasn't expecting to see somepony here." She tried to cover her blush, taking a bit out of the untouched cupcake sitting between them. "See somepony?" He started to glance in the direction she'd been looking, which sparked panic in the white filly. She grabbed for his muzzle, pulling it back around, "No don't look!" He looked shocked, and she really blushed this time, her whole face lighting up when she realised how close together their noses were. "Sorry, it's... My brother." She explained, "He's here with some filly, I can't seem to get away from him." "Oh," He frowned, "you wanna get out of here?" Cotton looked back at the other table in time to see Apple Bloom's mouth tongue slide up the entire length of Keen, now erect under the table, and then her lips open to slide down again, engulfing as much of the thing as possible. It didn't seem like very much, compared to the length left over, but her eyes widened at how much was actually inside the filly's mouth. Meanwhile Keen's expression still hadn't changed, and his fingers were still a thrusting, twiddling motion under the red tail. "N... No," She tried to focus on the conversation, "I c-can't keep running away, just because I don't... don't like seeing him with... with fillies." Rumble gave her an appraising look, and then smiled, "That's the way." He took a long drink of his milkshake, "You live your life, and leave him to his, he can't bother you if you don't let him." Apple Bloom had built up a steady rhythm, swallowing nearly half her brother's length, her hoof rubbing at the rest, and her hind legs were twitching as if they wanted to be in synch as his hand treated the yellow filly's nethers to equal measures. "R-right." She latched onto her straw and began to suck up the strawberry cream of her milkshake again. Rumble happily started in on a story about his older brother and the weather team, but Cotton could barely hear him. Her eyes were glued to the sight of the attractive earth pony slurping on her brother's member like it was a giant milkshake straw. The pink bow in her hair kept rising up over the top of the table, her red mane jouncing with the movement, and her tail thrashed every now and then as Keen's fingers teased a particular spot. It wasn't too much longer before Keen finished his donut, drank the last of his own drink, and then transferred his free hand to the back of Apple Bloom's head. He pressed down with her movements, pushing her a little further onto his length than she was going before, and she happily sped up. At her rear, Keen's fingers moved harder, thrusting and working whatever magic it was that Cotton couldn't see from here, and the farm filly spasmed again. And again, and then her whole body tensed up, her head ceased its bobbing and the taught muscles of her belly flexed once, twice, three times... four times... and she lay still. Keen slipped his hand free and wiped it on a napkin before using both hands to position Apple Bloom's head. He rolled his hips just a few times before thrusting as far as he could into her mouth, the drowsy filly sucking until her cheeks were pressing against his girth, and Cotton watched the flex and push of Keen's cock as he unloaded into Apple Bloom's throat. Long moments passed while Keen's cold expression didn't really change and Apple Bloom's throat made swallowing motions before he lifted the filly's head, his penis sliding out of her and bobbing, still partially erect. He patted it down with a napkin and then tucked it back into his shorts, tied them again and slid out from under Apple Bloom's head. He stood, leaving Apple Bloom plaintively watching him from her collapsed position along the bench, turned back long enough to pat her head and place a kiss on her brow, before simply walking out, waving to Mrs Cake as he left. Just before he walked out the door, Keen noticed her, looked between her and Rumble, then frowned. His thoughts were unreadable behind that disapproving look, but one thing was certain; he didn't like her sitting with Rumble, not one bit. But he was gone a moment later, only the jangle of the bell announcing he'd ever been. "Uh... Cotton?" Rumble's voice intruded on her thoughts, "Hey, Cotton?" His eyes came into focus, peering at her. She pulled back a little, startled, "W-what? What's wrong?" She asked him. "I'm asking that, Cotton, you spaced out completely, everyone's looking at you. You keep slurping on your milkshake, even though you finished it." Her eyes went all around the room, it was true, the other ponies were all looking at her, she'd been the perfect distraction to stop them noticing what Keen and Apple Bloom had been doing over in their corner. She covered her face with her wing, embarrassment welling up to smother the other strange feeling inside her, "I'm sorry..." She managed. "Was it Keen?" Rumble said, "Do you want me to take you home?" He really was so sweet, and concerned for her... She was so glad she'd asked him to be her coltfriend, "Yes, that... that would be great. Thank you, Rumble."