• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 26,747 Views, 224 Comments

The Truth of Bonds and Friendship - Gadman85

Naruko (Female Naruto) thought she knew a bit about these bonds the Hokage always talked about. However when she tries a mysterious Jutsu. She is sent to a new land where she learns the truth. Naruto and MLP crossover.

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New Friends and Old Friends

It was three days after Naruko met Luna on the balcony at pipsqueak’s house. She had once again watched over Pipsqueak yesterday. It was just as much fun and required just as much responsibility as the first day, but she was pleased with it. The young colt really grew on her and she actually enjoyed watching him. This is the exact reason why she was happy with being his go to foal sitter now, as long as she didn't have anything else to do that day.

Currently Naruko was relaxing for the day. She had decided to hang out with Twilight some in the morning. The blonde pony really loved and cared for her best friend, but she forgot that hanging out with Twilight often meant lying around while reading. She wasn't opposed to reading, but she wanted to do something else, and Twilight was busy looking into something for Princess Celestia again. It was a follow up on the history of how the myths of the artifacts from the previous assignment changed over time.

Naruko would have forced Twilight to do something fun, and Twilight would have been more than happy to go along with Naruko. However both of them had a feeling these weren't just random assignments the sun princess handed out to Twilight. That being the case Naruko just gave her best friend company for the day or at least that was the plan, but Naruko was getting bored. Naruko was usually a serious pony, but having a small little on going prank war with Celestia had kept her love for such things like jokes and anything fun alive through the years.

This is why when a certain pink party pony knocked on their kitchen window to only then somehow phase through it, Naruko felt a bit relieved. They didn't ask how she did the things she did. This was just yet another Pinkie Pie mysterious ability they decided.

“Hey Naruko! Twilight! Did you two fillies know this was yet another amazing super wonderful absolutely stupentacular day?” the pink pony asked the two slightly confused ponies. Naruko was wondering how she phased through a window, even if she didn't ask. Twilight was trying to think what the word stupentacular meant, and if it was a real word or not.

“I guess it is… What’s going on Pinkie?” Naruko spoke to their pink maned friend.

“I was wondering if you two wanted to come with me to find Rainbow Dash, and then the four of us could go and do something fun. Since Twilight here has been super-duper extra fixated on studying lately,” the pony asked hopefully.

“Actually Twilight has a pretty heavy assignment from Princess Celestia she is working on right now… That's the reason for her fixation on studying recently,” Naruko answered and gave Twilight a friendly smile.

Twilight gave her a smile and said, “But Naruko here has been itching to do something fun for the past couple of hours. I’m sure she won’t mind going with you to meet Rainbow Dash.”

Naruko gave Twilight a lost puppy look as she said, “But Twi… I was going to spend the day with you today since I have been busy lately…”

Twilight gave her a soft smile as she answered, “Don’t worry Naru. I’m ok as it is. Besides we can do something once I finish this assignment later. No doubt I will be in some serious need of fun after this assignment…" Twilight sighed, "I still can’t believe Princess Celestia won’t just come out and tell us what is going on already. Anyways Naruko go and have a break. You have been working yourself hard these past few weeks. Have some fun.”

“But….” Naruko was about to protest to Twilight.

“I'll tell you want I find once I finish it. No doubt it will most likely involve you as well eventually. Now go. I already gave Spike the day off as it is, other than a minor chore he has to do,” Twilight said forcefully to Naruko. This fact was another contributing factor to Naruko’s boredom. Kyuubi decided he was going to hang out with Spike today. Naruko bowed her head and sighed, but couldn't hide the grin growing on her face.

{-} {-} {-}

“So what was that about with Twilight earlier, Naruko? It seemed all super serial and so forth. Is something up?” Pinkie Pie asked her friend.

“Nothing for you to worry about as far as we can tell, Pinkie. Celestia has just been showing an interest in ancient myths and studies lately from even before she was Princess,” Naruko said to her friend. The unicorn then asked, “So what is it we are going to do with Rainbow Dash?”

Pinkie just gave her large smile as she answered cryptically, “Oh but I don’t want to spoil it for you, Naruko. I will tell you, it will be fun though!”

“Okay…. Let’s just go get Rainbow Dash then. Any idea where Equestria’s fastest Pegasus is?” Naruko asked.

Pinkie gave her a knowing smile and then answered promptly, “Nope!” She then took off as she said, “I was going to try Sweet Apple Acres first.” Pinkie then paused for a second and placed a hoof to her chin as she said, “I find it odd that Dashie spends so much time there even if it is just to take a nap in a tree. I wonder why that is…?” She had a serious face before it vanished and was replaced by her usual grin. “Oh well! Let’s go Narucorn!!”

Naruko paused before asking, “Narucorn?!”

“Oh! You didn't know? I’m trying to come up with an original nickname for you. Since Twilight has already claimed Naru I have to come up with one of my own for you,” Pinkie said as if this was perfectly normal. For Pinkie Pie, it was normal. She didn't mind others using the nicknames she came up with for ponies, but she would never just settle for a name others thought of first.

{-} {-} {-}

Just like Pinkie predicted they found Rainbow Dash napping on a cloud right by Sweet Apple Acres. Naruko just stared for a minuet as she too started to wonder why it was Rainbow Dash spent so much time here. The blonde pony eventually shrugged her shoulders as Pinkie took it upon herself to wake up Dash.

"Hey, Daaaaaash!!!" Pinkie shouted.

Dash woke up and looked like she was about to try and make a break for it. However, the blue Pegasus saw Naruko and instead made a showing of coming off her cloud and landing in front of the two ponies. Rainbow figured if Naruko was here things wouldn't be that bad after all. Pinkie Pie did get a little annoying at times, but Naruko was pretty cool even if she got to be a little to focused and serious on being 'useful'. “What’s up girls?” the rainbow maned pony asked.

“I’m not really sure, Dash. But Pinkie here says it will be fun and I could use a little of that. Want to come and see what she has in store?” Naruko asked.

“I promise you it will be fun, funny and extremely more better than napping, Dashie!” Pinkie added.

Rainbow Dash figured she might as well do what her friends said in this case. “Alright! But it better be fun, Pinkie. I am delaying my awesomeness practice for this after all.” She finished as she stood proud and smiled.

Naruko and Pinkie both smiled as the three friends left together to wherever Pinkie was going. Several ponies in Ponyville got a sudden shiver as they envisioned a Pink Earth Pony, Cyan Pegasus and a peach tanned Unicorn joining forces that day for something...

{-} {-} {-}

Naruko just watched with curiosity as Rainbow Dash tried her best to position a rain cloud just right outside of Ponyville Town hall. “Just a itsy bitsy scorch to the left, Dashie,” Pinkie instructed the weather Pegasus.

As Rainbow made the shift, Pinkie kept making more changes. “Would you just make up your mind already, Pinkie?!” Rainbow Dash shouted not at all happy with the picky placement of the thunder cloud.

“Ok right there is good now get ready,” Pinkie said.

Rainbow Dash did just that as Naruko and Pinkie both hid behind a bush. Once a familiar baby dragon walked outside with a fox a good bit behind him, Pinkie gave the signal. Rainbow Dash sent a thunderous boom and lightning strike near Spike, who started to hic up and shoot green fire from his mouth.

Fortunately he took it in good fun and they all got a little laugh from it. Naruko then noticed he was exhaling fire at timed intervals, and gave a little snicker. She made a couple of clones that gathered up the extra scrolls, and they all started writing before she started tossing the scrolls at timed intervals at the baby dragon as he sent them to Celestia. The others couldn't help but laugh as they heard Naruko read them aloud as she tossed each one.

{-} {-} {-}

Meanwhile in Canterlot…..

Princess Celestia sighed as she finally had a break from her court duties. She was surprised to see a scroll pop up in front of her. She would have wondered how Twilight would already be responding to her assignment, but she saw it was Naruko’s seal on the letter instead. The sun princess opened it and read a single word. “I”

She stared at it confused before another letter appeared before her. “Wrote” was all, the second letter read. Another then appeared followed by many others all in timed intervals each with a single word.


Celestia gave a little snicker as she read the last one and then another one came. This one had more on it than the others did though. “And also because I know you love reading about friendship and such. Ponyville for this day will have to deal with three allied pranksters!”

The sun princess then gave a loud chuckle as she envisioned the wonderfully controlled anarchy some residents in Ponyville will experience today. She then had one more letter. She hoped this was the last joke letter. If it wasn't than the joke would be going too far and lose its hilarity, as a fellow lover of jokes she wouldn't stand for this.

The last letter read, “P.S.: Don’t worry I bought replacement scrolls for the ones I used for this little joke. I hope Ponce Blueblood isn't being too much of a pain for you. Also Twilight and I know you aren't just giving her these assignments for no reason either Princess Celestia. However we will give you the benefit of the doubt, and figure you are making sure you have a complete picture of what is going on before you tell us that update you promised. Love, Naruko the best and most radical Contract Guardian Ponyville has known.”

Celestia gave a little chuckle, but at the same time noticed the sincerity in Naruko’s last letter. “You two are right about that, Naruko. I do hope what I am guessing is wrong, but once I know what is going on I will tell you two,” the sun princess said to herself before sighing and getting ready for her afternoon duties. She was just glad Cadence was ready to help out as a way to get practice for her own future court duties today at least. Despite this the white alicorn wished she could be with Naruko and the others as they enjoyed their day.

If that were to ever happen though she knew the residents might wish for the days under Discord to return, instead of facing the combined efforts of Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Naruko, and Princess Celestia.

{-} {-} {-}

Rainbow Dash was rolling on the ground laughing at both Pinkie’s prank idea and Naruko tossing letters perfectly timed into Spike’s green fire. She did notice the blonde unicorn didn't read the last one that she sent. However since Rainbow Dash was in a good mood she didn't pay much attention to this fact.

“I didn't know you two liked pranking. We should definitely hang out like Naruko’s letter to the princess said.” Rainbow Dash said. They all started laughing including Spike, who was now over his hiccups, and Kyuubi as well. They all got a kick out of Naruko’s ‘report’ to the princess.

“Well duh! Of course I love pranks! They are very fun and entertaining!” Pinkie Pie said as she jumped from excitement.

Kyuubi then gave out a deep laugh that would have been unsettling had they not all gotten used to his voice. “Ohhh… The stories my partner could tell you about her pranking past if she wished to share.”

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie both stared at Naruko expectantly. Rainbow Dash spoke, “Really?! You love pranks Naruko? I didn't think you would.” Naruko gave her an incredulous look. Rainbow gave a little giggle before continuing. “Don’t get me wrong you're cool. I just didn't think you were into that kind of stuff is all.”

Naruko placed a hoof on her mouth as she laughed, “Ohhh… Trust me when I say that I used to be a pranking queen. I’m just now mellower is all. I still got it in me though, I promise you.”

Both Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash looked at her with a little doubt. Naruko frowned and then asked, “Do you guys remember that letter from Celestia during the ticket crisis?” They both nodded. “That was Celestia’s little way of getting back at me for a prank I pulled on her. She has a good sense of humor, but if you prank her expect retaliation. She also knows how to get you where it counts as well without going overboard.”

The two ponies thought that scene over again. Rainbow Dash said, “Wait a minute! You mean to tell me the Princess is that masterful at pranks with minimal effort?! Also what did you do to her?”

Naruko gave a mischievous smile as she said, “There is a lot more to Princess Celestia than raising the Sun you know Dash.” Naruko let that settle in for a minute before she answered the second question. “As for what I did to the Princess…” Naruko’s mischievous smile turned into a large foxy grin. “I dyed her mane and tail pale pink without her knowing until the next day when she woke up.”

Rainbow Dash looked at the blonde unicorn with awe. “That is awesome!!!”

Naruko gave a little giggle as she said, “I usually go for more grandiose and challenging pranks, but a true prank master can appreciate the simpler ones no problem. So what's next?” Pinkie Pie gave a smile as the rest of the trio followed her that day.

{-} {-} {-}

The trio of pranksters pulled a few different pranks that day. Naruko was glad that all of them were funny without being too horrible to other ponies. Her respect for Pinkie Pie raised more because of this.

Their pranks included small ones like sneezing powder in a bouquet of flowers left for Rarity. The fashion unicorn might have gotten really upset, but Pinkie Pie also got some sneezing powder on her nose and rocketed herself to the right with just one sneeze.

Another prank included painting the apples at Sweet Apple Acres different colors. They were only really able to complete this prank because Naruko made use of her shadow clones to help them out. Applejack wasn't happy, but when she saw the paint easily washed off the apples without harming the fruit she gave a little laugh herself.

Next they pulled a prank on Twilight. Naruko wouldn't have been happy but this prank gave her best friend a little bit of a break from her studies. They replaced her ink bottle with a bottle of disappearing ink. This confused Twilight at first, but she soon noticed what was going on, so she didn't make too much of a fuss.

{-} {-} {-}

The trio headed to Rainbow’s prank idea, but he pegasus was vague on the full details about her prank. As the made their way to their next stop Naruko thought back to her prank idea. The blonde pony decided to target a couple of known bullies and had Rainbow Dash and Pinkie distract them as she got a spell ready that would turn the two mares’ coats a tie-dyed color, that would last only a couple of days. The looks on their faces were priceless, Naruko thought.

They finally reached their hidden point as Rainbow Dash pulled a small telescope from somewhere and aimed it in a certain direction. Naruko was too busy asking where Dash got the telescope to notice Pinkie do something to the eye piece. Once Naruko finished putting together the sorry looking squirting stuffed animal. Dash placed it in the water just right so it reached the target, who Dash still hadn't shared with them yet.

Pinkie was bouncing a little bit, ready to squirt whoever it was. She decided to ask again, “By the way Dashie, who’s the target?”

Rainbow Dash just chuckled as she said, “Fluttershy!”

Naruko stared unhappily as Pinkie dropped the squeezing device. Pinkie spoke up, “What?! No, no, no, no we can’t prank Fluttershy.” Naruko nodded in agreement.

Dash still looking through the telescope asked, “Why not?”

Pinkie answered, “Because she is so super sensitive. Her feelings would be hurt and she would cry. And pranks aren't fun if someone actually gets their feelings hurt, unless they deserve it.”

Dash grimaced at that. She knew Pinkie was right. She was so caught up in pranking that she forgot doing so to Fluttershy was a big no, no. She fought for Fluttershy’s honor and would again if needed. She shouldn't be doing this to her. Rainbow Dash sighed as she said, “Yah you're right Pinkie. We need someone tougher and more likely to take a joke than Fluttershy.”

The light blue Pegasus then looked to the other two ponies and saw them start to crack up. She was confused and asked, “What’s so funny?”

“I think we just found our next target. Good one Pinkie simple, but effective.” Naruko answered.

“What are you talking about?” Rainbow asked.

Pinkie pointed to the water and said, “Take a look Dashie.” Rainbow did and laughed as she too agreed with Naruko. After that the pranking trio pulled a few more before calling it a day, and all retired to their respective homes.

{-} {-} {-}

A couple of days had passed since three ponies went on a pranking spree, and one Pink coated pony was thinking it was time to go on one again. She was hopping her way to Naruko’s and Twilight’s home first since it was closest. She was wearing "an arrow through the head" hat, a pair of swirly glasses with a nose and mustache and she had a party kazoo in her mouth she blew whenever she landed on the ground.

Pinkie decided to use the door for once and knocked on it. A blonde unicorn answered, “Hey Pinkie.” Naruko gave a little laugh, “Nice get up there. So what’s up?”

“I was wondering if you wanted to go and do some pranks again today with me and Dashie, since it was so super fun last time.” Pinkie answered lifting up her glasses.

Naruko gave a little frown as she said, “Sorry not today Pinkie. I had a lot of fun but I have plans with Twilight for today. She finally has a break from all of those assignments Celestia has been giving her. Maybe another time?”

“Ohh ok. I will just go see if Dashie wants to then. You two have fun.” Pinkie said as she left.

“Who was it Naruko?” Twilight asked.

“It was Pinkie wanting to go pranking again. I was about to ask if she wanted to come with us but she left.” Naruko answered.

“I guess she really wants to go prank again then.” Twilight stated.

Naruko shrugged her shoulders and asked, “So what do you want to do first Twi? We got all day.”

Twilight thought for a bit and then said with a smile. “I want to try bowling! I heard it can be fun and there is a Bowling Alley here in Ponyville. They didn't have one near us in Canterlot. Sound good to you?”

Naruko smiled. “Yah that sounds good. Besides I did say anything you want today besides reading a book goes Twi.”

Twilight gave a little giggle. “You do love pulling me away from reading don’t you Naru?”

Naruko gave her a wider smile, “Only to balance my best friend out. I mean if it was left to just you alone. You would probably even turn your friends down every so often just to spend more time reading.” Twilight sighed but realized Naruko was right about that.

{-} {-} {-}

Pinkie Pie was making her way over to Rainbow Dash’s house. She was excited about hopefully getting to spend some time with her rainbow maned friend, even if she was a little sad Naruko had plans with Twilight already. Pinkie wasn't hopping anymore but she was prancing about while she made her way and blowing the kazoo in time with her steps.

She arrived at the house of clouds and shouted, “Hey Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash!” She was surprised when instead of the rainbow colored mane she expected to pop up, it was an Eagle’s head. “Oh hey I don’t think I know you. I’m Pinkie Pie. Who are you?”

Rainbow Dash then popped up and answered, “Hey Pinkie. This is my griffon friend Gilda!”

“Ooooo… What’s a griffon?” Pinkie asked.

“She’s half lion and half eagle.” Rainbow Dash smiled.

“And 100% Awesome!” Gilda added to Rainbow Dash’s explanation.

Rainbow gave her a laugh as Pinkie smiled and said, “Great so do you want to come as well then? I was going to ask Rainbow Dash if she wanted to go and do some pranks. Unfortunately our other friend Naruko can’t come since she already has plans. But hey doing pranks with a griffon could be fun.”

Gilda didn't really want to do any pranks. She had her reasons, but knew her friend Rainbow Dash liked them. However she decided to instead remind Dash that they were supposed to go for a fly around the area. Rainbow nodded and said, “Sorry Pinkie but I did promise Gilda to go flying with her this morning, maybe later.” With that the two left a saddened Pinkie Pie alone as they raced each other around in the sky.

When it was later, by Pinkie’s standards, she tracked them down and asked again. Gilda still didn't want to do any pranks and after Rainbow Dash had her recite the Junior Speedsters Chant, she was ready to go again.

She also wanted to lose Pinkie Pie. However, Pinkie Pie would keep popping back up. Each time Gilda did what she could to try and get the pink pony to leave the two of them alone. It would end up taking most of the morning and into the early afternoon before she finally ditched Pinkie for good she hoped.

{-} {-} {-}

Naruko and Twilight had learned two things about bowling that morning. The first was they liked it and it was incredibly fun. The second thing they learned was that neither of them is very good at the sport. Twilight ended up winning most of their games with her highest score being 95. Naruko ended up getting a high score of 81. Considering the most you could get was 300, they both knew they were far from good.

Currently the two best friends were in a park with a nice clearing, where ponies commonly came to run. Naruko was helping Twilight stretch out before they started. “Twi…?” Naruko asked.

“Yes Naru?” Twilight responded.

“Why are we still stretching?” The blonde pony asked.

“Because the book I read, said you need to stretch out really well before doing any physical activity, especially running. Why do you ask?” Twilight responded as if it only made sense.

“We have been doing so for about 40 minutes now. That is why. I think we are good to go.” Naruko replied a little exasperated.

Twilight was about to respond when a Pink something stopped just inches away from running into them. “I can’t believe Rainbow Dash’s griffon friend. She is so rude.” Pinkie Pie then started going on and on about how she just knew Gilda was the most evil and rudest of all Griffons, even if she was the only one she knew.

When she finally stopped to breathe, Twilight spoke. “It sounds like you're a little jealous Pinkie.”

“Me jealous?! I would never be jealous of any pony. Or well in this case any griffon.” Pinkie defended herself.

“Yes you are Pinkie. Rainbow Dash has an old friend of hers visiting and you don’t like it. You're instead coming up with any reason you can to say she is horrible.” Twilight responded to the pink pony before adding, “Maybe you should give her a chance and see what she is really like Pinkie.”

Pinkie wasn't happy about this but sighed, “Maybe you’re right Twilight.”

Twilight understood Pinkie’s grumpiness over the matter. She wasn't sure what she would do if Naruko suddenly had a friend come from her past who she didn't know about. Twilight was shamefully and secretly glad there was little chance that would happen though.

Pinkie spoke again, “By the way what are you two doing?”

“Twilight wants to join in the running of the leaves this year. We decided to do a little training before hand to be ready when the time comes. However, Twilight here seems to think you have to stretch for an hour before starting to run….” Naruko said not at all hiding her irritation.

Twilight just gave a little nervous noise in response before she stood up and said, “Alright I guess you are right Naruko. Let’s get going shall we?”

As the two got ready to start Naruko said to Pinkie, “Well see you late Pinkie. I hope things work out between you and Gilda.” Those words said, the two unicorns started running together, Twilight going close to full speed.

Naruko was keeping pace with Twilight, even if she could run a lot faster because of her previous training. The point of the day was to spend it with Twilight though. She knew tomorrow she would take care of a couple of quick morning jobs and spend the afternoon training with Kyuubi, so she was perfectly happy to go at Twilight’s pace and enjoy the company.

{-} {-} {-}

Pinkie Pie had taken Twilight’s advice. She was giving the griffon a chance by stalking her. She wanted to see what Gilda was really like when she didn't think anyone of importance was watching her. Rainbow Dash was busy doing some weather deliveries and Pinkie Pie thought she would now see what the griffon was like.

Gilda gave Dash a smile and wave as her friend left to take care of some business. The trip really hadn't been as wonderful as she thought it would be. Rainbow Dash had changed since their school days, though she expected that. However, she didn't like how Rainbow kept going on and on about her friends most of the day, especially Pinkie Pie and Naruko. The Pegasus was glowing when she talked about how Naruko really could do some really awesome stuff and came up with some good pranks. The Pegasus then glowed equally when she talked about PInkie's rad parties.

Gilda sighed as she walked the streets of Ponyville. “Again with the pranks. Why is Rainbow so hung up on them?” the griffon thought to herself. She could appreciate them a little and had even said she liked pulling one before going for a flight sometimes. She said that part as mostly lip service to Dash though. After all friends are supposed to sometimes do things they don’t like for their friends right? Still she was starting to think that maybe the other griffons were right about ponies.

She decided to give one prank a try. One she had seen many times before. She stood on the opposite side of a vegetable stand and used her tail to startle an old mare. She gave a laugh that was a little bitter at how it actually worked. Pinkie Pie gasped as she saw this and then explained it away as a prank that while a little mean was kind of funny.

Next Gilda walked quietly by a fruit stand. She looked both ways with shifty eyes wondering if she could pull it off or not. She then took an apple without anyone noticing other than Pinkie. The pink pony started panicking as she tried to be open minded. She didn't notice Gilda smile and then place two bits on the table after she ate the apple.

Gilda was a little happy she pulled off taking the apple, but it seemed to add to what all of them kept saying. She thought there might be at least one redeeming quality. Rainbow Dash was always fearless so when a Pegasus bumped into her while leading a group of ducks through a crowded street, she told her to watch where she was going in a forceful voice.

When the Pegasus muttered out a small hard to hear “sorry”, she went further thinking that this had to be wrong. She then mocked the yellow Pegasus and roared at her. The yellow Pegasus then cowered as the ducks scattered.

Gilda then took to the air and said, “Wow I never knew ponies were this lame!” She then took off after scoffing at them all. The yellow Pegasus really pissed her off. Why would you lead a group of ducks right through the center of a marketplace in the busiest part of the day backwards? If she was trying to help them then why did she so quickly cower when there was a threat? Gilda sighed as she said again with disappointment. “Ponies are lame….” She mentally hoped that maybe Rainbow Dash wasn't as she flew back to Dash’s house where she was staying.

Pinkie having seen the parts of the day she had decided that she would get back at Gilda for being mean to Fluttershy, because no one is allowed to ever be mean to Fluttershy. She then went about making preparations for tomorrow. After all for something as big as this a pony needed a little time, even Pinkie Pie, when the pink pony did things her way she never half assed them. Anypony that had been to one of her parties knew this.

{-} {-} {-}

Once Rainbow Dash was done with her weather deliveries and caught up to Gilda it was getting late. Still the two went on an evening flight. “So Gilda how long are you staying again?” Rainbow asked.

“A couple more days max Dash. Don’t worry I won’t be so lame as to take up too much of your time. After all some pony’s got to fill the Ponyville coolness quota, and if I stay around too much it might distract you.” The griffon replied as they approached the cloud home after an evening flight.

Rainbow Dash hovered for a bit before she gave a little frown and said a little saddened, “If you say so Gilds.” The griffon just nodded not noticing Rainbow Dash’s mood. The truth was Rainbow wished her friend was staying a little longer. The two of them didn't really have much time to catch up, and she hadn't been able to introduce the griffon to her other friends yet. She hoped what Pinkie Pie mentioned to her earlier would work out for the best though.

Rainbow had noticed that Gilda seemed a little different than she was and though she didn't let it show, she was a little concerned for her half eagle friend. She wasn't going to make a deal about it though.

She wasn't good at mushy stuff and the like, plus it was Gilda’s place to mention it if she wanted to bring it up. At the same time Dash wanted to just enjoy her friend visiting, it wasn't easy for them to meet up anymore. Gilda lived in Griffon country and Rainbow Dash lived in Equestria. Passports weren't easy to come by and tensions between Griffons and Ponies weren't the best, even all of these years after the Griffon and Pony war.

{-} {-} {-}

As the sun set, a blonde unicorn was walking back to the library with a purple unicorn draped on her back. Twilight was a mess. Her mane was dirty and messy, her coat had scratches and one of her hind hoofs was hurting. However the two ponies did have small smiles on their faces. Despite the mishap, which Twilight seemed to have often, the day was very much a success in their books.

“You had to keep trying to run faster didn't you Twilight?” Naruko said as a small giggle escaped her lips.

“How was I supposed to know I would slip and fall into that creek?” The exhausted pony said to her friend.

“Ohhh. I don’t know. Maybe my warnings would have prevented it had you listened.” The blonde unicorn said not really hiding her amusement.

“I was in what the book called 'The Zone' Naruko!” Twilight defended herself as she pointed a fore hoof to the horizon.

“Is this 'zone' the reason why you forgot everything else the book told you about, such as pacing yourself?” The trotting pony asked.

Twilight frowned. “I know it isn't the best excuse but it is the truth.” She gave a nervous whinny as she scratched the back of her head like a certain blonde unicorn did often. “I guess I should be thankful you know some first aid magic, though it doesn't seem to be your strong suit.” She then gave a little giggle.

“Hey it worked. Also it isn't my fault my control isn't that impressive. Before I could tackle the more advanced first aide stuff I would need Rarity’s level of control. Like I said though it worked for you… mostly…” Naruko said to her a little ashamed she didn't know better first aid.

The healing eased Twilight's pain and started the healing process, but she would have to take it easy tonight and part of tomorrow. A unicorn that specialized in healing could have healed it at least to the point she could walk back on her own.

“Well even you can’t be perfect Naruko.” Twilight said as she smiled bigger and said, “Either way today was lots of fun. I really enjoyed our day out.”

Naruko turned and gave her a wide smile as she said, “Yes it was.”

A two tailed fox decided to make his presence known from Naruko’s side as he said, “Just next time make sure you don’t hurt yourself Twilight. When I came to check up on you two I wasn't happy that my spot was taken.” The fox then gave the purple unicorn an angry face that didn't last long before it turned into an amused one.

“Sorry Kyuubi I’ll try not to take your spot next time. Though I can see why you like it so much. It is very comfy!” Twilight said as the three laughed.

When they finally arrived home, the two ponies took a bubble bath together. After that, Twilight read a book in her bed for a little bit before falling asleep. Naruko just yawned and laid awake for a little while planning how she would train tomorrow before also falling asleep as well.

{-} {-} {-}

Gilda woke up the next day shortly after Rainbow Dash. As she stretched her griffon wings and yawned, she saw Rainbow Dash sitting at a table eating some breakfast. “Hey Gilda. Good morning. I don’t really have any griffon food like meat or anything here. I do have some pancakes I made a little while ago. They should still be warm and I made plenty. Will that work?”

“Yah.” Gilda said. She hadn't expected this. She figured she would just get herself some breakfast.

Once she had her breakfast Rainbow spoke again, “Hey Gilds. I have a lot of work to do this morning. Do you think you can find your own things to do? I will be done shortly after lunch.”

Gilda just nodded her head. “Yah I'll just take a morning flight and then lounge around for a while. I’ll try not to get into too much trouble without you Dash.” She said with a little mischievous grin.

Rainbow laughed and said, “That sounds about right. So see you later then.” With that the Pegasus took off for her weather assignments.

Gilda took off shortly after Rainbow and flew quickly all over the sky. She loved the speed and the freedom. She also felt that only Rainbow could compare to her awesomeness. However, she was surprised when a grey and pale blonde blur shot past her. Gilda sped up to catch up to it. The blur stopped for a second before shooting off again almost as fast as Rainbow Dash at take off.

Gilda followed and eventually saw the flying grey blur stop and deliver some mail. She then recognized it as the Pegasus she saw in the park yesterday when she was on her way back to Dash’s house. She was honestly impressed. She thought the Pegasus was just a complete idiot with her eyes and the faces she was making to that little filly unicorn’s delight. However, that Pegasus was a pretty amazing flyer and very fast as well. She thought maybe some of the ponies weren't lame after all.

Next she saw a pale blue Pegasus with a light amber and light yellow mane and tail working on some clouds. The pale blue Pegasus took care of the cloud pretty quickly. It wasn't anywhere near Rainbow’s speed, but she was efficient and knew how to fly fairly well.

Soon the Pegasus’ eyes narrowed as she shot towards the ground quickly and turned sharply only inches from the grass before then shooting forward and stopping completely on a dime still in midair.

Gilda was once again impressed. She had winced when the pony shot towards the ground. Rainbow Dash wouldn't have been as good at that turn even if she slowed down to the same speed. Plus this Pegasus was just as quick on the air brakes as some of the better griffons she had seen.

The griffon soon continued her flight until she saw a peculiar sight. She saw an Earth Pony and a unicorn fighting each other it looked like. She glided in stealthily to get a better look at the two. The Earth pony had a pale yellow coat with a cobalt blue and fuchsia colored mane and tail. She swung her back legs out and the unicorn dodged her kick.

The unicorn was a very bright and light green with a light grey blue and white colored mane. The unicorn then used her forehooves to throw a punch at the yellow pony, who dodged and countered. The earth pony landed a hit on the unicorn that sent her back a good bit, but the unicorn recovered and launched forward. The yellow pony ducked and bucked with her back hooves which sent the green unicorn to the ground.

The yellow pony’s eyes widened as she rushed over and said, “Are you ok, Lyra? I didn't mean to hit you that hard.”

Lyra got herself up and said in a friendly voice. “Don’t worry about it, Bon Bon. It just goes to show I need to get better at fighting without magic. I still can’t believe I’m doing this with you.”

“Well after what happened with Nightmare Moon, I figured us ponies needed to get ready to possibly fight for our beloved Ponyville. After all, we were lucky that Naruko and The Elements of Harmony were able to break her free from her jealousy. It might not happen again in the future if we are attacked again,” the yellow pony said to her friend.

“It’s still hard to believe, but I think we were right to do this. Besides, they shouldn't have to do everything if others can help in some way. At least I know I’m kind of decent when fighting with my magic, oh well. Shall we go again?” The bright green unicorn said as she got in a stance to fight.

The yellow pony smirked as she said, “Yah except this time you can use your magic.”

They started circling each other as the unicorn said with a matching smirk, “If you say so, Bon Bon.” The two then charged each other and continued their spar.

{-} {-} {-}

Gilda finally stopped watching the two ponies sparing with each other. She was starting to maybe see why it was the ponies were able to hold off the Griffons of old before the treaty was signed. She was kind of glad she was sent to learn over here though. The ponies definitely didn't hide much of how the war went here in schools. Back in Griffon country the Griffons usually skirted over the issue. It was getting better, but it was far from the truth Gilda knew.

The griffon decided that maybe she had been a little harsh in her judgment on the ponies yesterday. She decided to give them another try despite what she knew would happen once she got back home again. She decided to watch the market square for a bit from a cloud. She was just glad it was supposed to be a partly cloudy day.

As the day went on Gilda was getting a little frustrated. She was starting to think maybe she spoke to soon yet again. Sure she saw four cool ponies, but that was all she could see. She was a little upset because the Ponies had won the war way back then, but now they seemed to not even have a care in the world. It was as if they were too used to peace and quiet. She knew that things were easy here, but it annoyed her to no end. She wasn't so sure why it was getting to her though.

She was giving a bit of a glare unintentionally to the ponies below and didn't notice Rainbow Dash land next to her. The blue Pegasus frowned at this sight, “Whoa Gilda! Did you take a nap and wake up on the wrong side of the cloud or something?”

Gilda’s eyes returned to normal and she shook her head before responding, “No… I didn't.”

“I was just wondering because it looks like something is bothering you Gilds. What’s up?”

Gilda thought for a bit before shaking her head again and answering, “It isn't anything to worry about Dash. I was just thinking about something is all. I won’t waste your time… So want to go for a flight?” Gilda got ready and she looked a little excited to fly with Rainbow Dash again.

Rainbow Dash thought for a minute and pushed her worries to the back of her mind for now. She gave her friend a smile and said, “Sure want to race or just go as fast as we can while keeping up with each other?”

“Option B sounds best to me Dash. Let’s Go!” Gilda replied and the two shot off again into the sky. They flew around really fast together. Gilda felt the wind against her face as the continued speeding through the air. This is what her trip was supposed to be like! Just the two of them, flying around as fast as possible, without having to worry about pink ponies somehow appearing with increasingly crazier means of transportation getting in the way of their time together.

They continued for a good while before they finally landed on a cloud and laughed together as the adrenaline rush left them. “Oh that was awesome Dash! Just like old times.” Gilda said with a smile as she relished in the past a bit.

“Yah except faster and much cooler!” Rainbow shouted as she hovered in the air for a little bit.

Gilda gave a laugh before her stomach growled and she looked down and frowned. She hadn't eaten anything since breakfast and she had been flying around everywhere that day. She was hungry and it was now about mid-afternoon.

Rainbow giggled as she said, “Sounds like you’re hungry.” Gilda just gave her a ‘ya think’ look before Rainbow giggled again. “Well it’s a good thing. I wanted to take you to Sugarcube Corner for a party. It should be fun and it is being thrown to welcome you here. Even if you aren't staying much longer.”

“Really?” Gilda was confused by this. None of the ponies really knew her here and she didn't make a good impression yesterday with some of them.

Rainbow Dash smiled as she said, “Yah Pinkie Pie is throwing it for you. Let’s get going.”

Gilda followed but she was now on alert. She wondered if this was Pinkie’s big finishing move or something since the pink pony kept interfering all of yesterday. She followed none the less and would try to have fun while she kept cautious about the pink pony’s master plan.

{-} {-} {-}

At Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie was greeting everyone as they walked inside. Rarity and Applejack were talking about who Gilda was supposed to be, and Twilight was talking to Fluttershy. “So you met Gilda, Fluttershy?” Twilight asked.

“Ummm… yah…” Fluttershy answered as she hoofed the ground and tried to hide behind her mane.

“What is she like then?” Twilight pressed her.

“um… I'll tell you later Twilight. Where is Naruko?” Fluttershy asked.

“Oh she won’t be coming. She is spending the afternoon training with Kyuubi.” Twilight answered as Fluttershy walked away with her head hanging down before reaching Pinkie.

“Umm… Pinkie Pie… About this party for Gilda” Fluttershy said quietly before Pinkie cut her off.

“Oh don’t you worry about mean old Gilda. Auntie Pinkie Pie has got it all taken care of Fluttershy.” Pinkie said.

“I’m a year older than you…” Fluttershy said softly with force as the pink pony headed towards the front of the store.

“Hey Gilda! I’m so glad you could make it.” Pinkie Pie then offered a hoof for Gilda to shake. Gilda took it thinking maybe she was wrong about the pony. However when she was shocked by a buzzer. those thoughts went right out the window. It was even worse when Rainbow Dash laughed and called it a classic and a good one before going to talk with some others.

“I know what you are up to.” Gilda said narrowing her eyes on the pink annoyance and her nemesis when the two of them were alone.

“I hope so it wasn't supposed to be a surprise party Gilda.” The pink pony said to her.

“I mean I have my eyes on you.” Gilda said trying to get her point across.

“How can you have your eyes on me when you still have them yourself? If you did have them on me would you even be able to actually see silly Gilda?” Pinkie said before skipping off and offering Gilda a vanilla lemon drop, which was the griffons favorite treat. Pinkie Pie asked Dash about this before planning this party.

Gilda smiled and decided this was safe since others would eat one too. She ate one and it turned out to have been a pepper. She breathed fire from the spice while Pinkie roasted a marshmallow with it. Gilda recognized this as meaning she planned it instead of it being a Pinkie Pie thing. Pinkie always had sticks for roasting marshmallows on her at all times in case of a marshmallow emergency.

“Quick to the punch Gilda!” Rainbow Dash said not really sounding upset. Gilda ran over and tried to drain the glass only for nothing to happen. Pinkie then pointed out there was a hole in the glass and all of the ponies laughed. Gilda then found a different punch glass and downed it to her relief.

Rainbow Dash then pointed out the stack of presents which caught Gilda off guard. She then opened one and a bunch of snakes popped out of the can causing her feathers to ruffle. She then heard the laughs of all the ponies. She didn't like this party it reminded her of things she would rather not remember. She was also hungry and she felt like she was losing the war Pinkie had declared on her.

It got even worse when Rainbow Dash came over to her and asked with concern, “You aren't getting upset about a few party pranks are you G?”

Gilda gave a false smile not wanting Pinkie to get the satisfaction of seeing her admit the pranks were getting to her. She then said in a slightly strained voice, not wanting to ruin Dash’s good mood, and said, “Nah. Dash. I told you I was down with the jokes…” She was nervous but it seemed to have worked as Rainbow left smiling.

{-} {-} {-}

Things got a little better after that but Gilda was getting hungrier. She didn't trust any of the snacks after the earlier vanilla lemon drop. She saw Pinkie rolling out a wonderful looking cake and was debating on what this would have in store for her.

“Oh candles! Can I blow them out Twilight?!” The baby dragon said.'

“No Spike! Gilda is the guest of honor she should get to blow them out.” Twilight said.

Gilda then made up her mind and decided the cake would be safe and she was hungry. She then shoved Spike out of the way not really meaning to as she got ready to blow out the candles. She blew and they light again on her. She tried again. Once more the candles lit again on her.

She tried a few more times before the little dragon laughed and said, “Ha Ha! Relighting candles! I love that prank!” As everypony else laughed.

Gilda gave a nervous laugh as she agreed. She was actually going to be ok with this one until the baby dragon started eating the cake from the inside. This made her and all of the ponies lose their appetites.

Soon the orange pony wearing a cowgirl hat said, “Hey ya’ll! Let’s play pin the tail on the pony!” Gilda was starting to think more of them were in on Pinkie’s plan. She thought maybe they didn't want her and Rainbow Dash to spend any time together or something.

She wasn't sure what was going on, but when she saw a white unicorn grab the purple tail she figured that was a safe object. She didn't know whatever else was going to happen next, so she took the tail and insisted on going first hoping nothing would happen.

Once they blindfolded her and spun her around she knew she had played right into their hooves. When Pinkie guided her to the correct wall she figured this was another prank, and she turned around. Despite the concerned warnings from everyone she kept walking. Eventually she slipped on something and went sliding into the kitchen, crashing into a bunch of pots and pans, and getting herself covered in different icings and creams.

When she emerged looking like a mess and just thankful she didn't hurt anything. Pinkie Pie spoke up. “Umm… Gilda. You put the tail on the wrong end.” Everyone started laughing at her including Rainbow Dash. Gilda’s eyes widened and she lost the little cool she had left and jumped in the air and roared!

“You think this is fun?!” She shouted to a stunned group of ponies. “You ponies are all a bunch of dweebs!” She then turned to a smiling Pinkie Pie and glared at her. “Especially you Stinky Pie! You are Queen Lame-o! For setting up all of these stupid pranks. They were the worst I've ever seen!’”

She then landed on the ground and huffed a few times as she went over to Rainbow Dash and grabbed her by the leg. “Dash and I are ten times as cool as you all will ever be!” She then urged Rainbow Dash to follow her, but the blue pegasus didn't budge.

Rainbow Dash then said, “No Gilda! I am not going with you. All of those pranks you talked about. I set them up! So I guess I'm Queen Lame-o!”

Gilda was shocked to the core. “Come on Dash that can’t possibly be right…. You set the pranks up?! No no no! It was Pinkie Pie she has had it in for me this whole time…. She set them up for me… To make a fool out of me….”

Rainbow Dash then looked a little saddened as she said, “They weren't all meant for you Gilda… It was just dumb luck you set them all off….” Gilda didn't want to believe this was happening.

Rainbow Dash then continued. “As for making a fool out of you. You did that yourself. If you care so much about being cool. Then maybe you should go and hang out with some cool new griffon friends of yours instead.”

That cut deep in Gilda. She bit back to hide how much it hurt. “Yah well….. Well… you’re such a flip flop! Cool one minuet Lame the next!” She then gave Dash a look of deep betrayal that only Rainbow Dash saw before she stormed out not wanting them to see the tears that were coming out of her eyes.

Rainbow Dash was shocked. She should be the one really upset, not Gilda. However the look in Gilda’s eyes and the tears made her wonder if there was something more going on with her friend she was missing. When her friends tried to comfort her she merely said in a quiet voice, “This is not how I thought it would go having my old friends meet my new friends.”

Rainbow Dash did not feel happy right then. She had thought the party was going well at first. Not even the group hug and the double buzzer shake her and Pinkie did helped much, but provide a brief moment of laughter. Eventually she told the others, “Guys I’m sorry but I don’t feel like partying right now. I need to go. I’m a little tired.” The others were concerned but understood her, and let her leave while they continued the party even with the "Guest of Honor" long gone.

{-} {-} {-}

Gilda was flying fast away from Ponyville. Her small vacation was ruined. Just when it was starting to look up that party pony had to ruin it all. Tears were flying from her eyes. She finally couldn't take it anymore and landed on a cloud a good bit away from the cursed pony town. She now thought maybe the others were right about ponies. She didn't want to believe it though. She sat on the cloud and started crying. She was glad no one was around to see her cry like a hatchling.

After she had cried for a bit she heard something that sounded like a massive beam. And she looked to see two pillars encircling each other and shooting through the sky. One was light blue and the other looked like it was made of fire. The two pillars collided and a bright flash, exploded while clearing several clouds, and causing the area to rumble. It was awesome but it caused her to lose her cloud.

“Yeah! We can use that move in five tails form now Kyuubi!” She heard a loud voice shout and looked down to see a blonde unicorn standing on the head of some strange looking fox creature with five tails.

Did you expect anything less Naruko?!” The fox said in a deep voice.

“I suppose not!” Naruko shouted in return as the pony hoped off and the fox shrunk.

Gilda’s anger at ponies returned as she looked at the pony and said, “You caused me to lose my cloud!”

“Sorry about that.” The pony replied without a care. Gilda didn't like that attitude at all. She dive bombed towards the pony but stopped just short of the pony and roared at her. The pony just looked at her with an unimpressed expression.

“What’s got you all bent out of shape?” Naruko asked truly curios.

“All of you ponies do!” Gilda shouted. The pony still not reacting to her anger. This actually kind of impressed her how the pony didn't seem fazed, but she didn't show it.

“And why is that?”

“All of you ponies laugh at me and kept me away from my friend and turned her against me! You ponies and your tricks taking my best friend Rainbow Dash and getting her to turn against me.” Gilda said not paying attention to what she said as the emotions started to flow from her.

Naruko gave her a look over and figured she would listen to what she said. Rainbow Dash was loyal to Ponyville and her friends. Rainbow wouldn't easily turn against one. “What makes you say that? What is really going on here? From what I've heard you aren't exactly nice. I heard you don’t like ponies at all.” Neither of them noticed a rainbow trail dive into a tree near them.

Gilda was getting fed up with everything and couldn't keep it inside anymore. All of her anger, pain, and suffering was coming out of her. This time in a much more constructive way. “I did like ponies! I was a good friend of Rainbow Dash’s. Even after I returned to Griffon Country. Me? Not nice? Well when all anyone in Ponyville does to you at a party meant to be for you is pull pranks on you, including your supposed best friend as well. Let’s see how nice you are!”

“What is wrong with pranks? I heard you claimed to like them. Can you not take them?” Naruko asked sensing there was something more here but would be angry if their wasn't and act on it.

Rainbow Dash, hidden in the tree, was confused. Gilda loved pranks. She had said so. They also used to pull them all of the time when they were younger.

Gilda wasn't sure why she was about to unload on this pony she had only heard about, but she figured it was just everything coming out finally. “Nothing is wrong with them I suppose. I used to be able to take them. But after I returned to Griffon Country. All of the other griffons made fun of me and pulled pranks on me for being a pony lover.”

“Pony lover?” Naruko asked confused.

“Yes…. Pony lover. I became good friends with Rainbow Dash and decent friends with some others while I was here. But when I returned home the griffons my age and many others made fun of me for it. They would pull nasty pranks on me just so everyone in their group would get a laugh at me. They were trying to break me as well.” The griffon said.

She took a breath and continued, “But I didn't give in to the ponies or lose hope in the better nature of Griffons. I always told them they were wrong and how awesome Rainbow Dash was and some of the others. As a result of that I don’t really have any friends in Griffon Country. Most don’t want to get involved or are simply too busy with their own life. Unfortunately most of the others that visited over here either left, or have been spread all over griffon country.”

“Why didn't you leave then?” Naruko asked as she raised an eyebrow.

“Because it’s my home. I was schooled here as part of a cultural exchange. I was supposed to come here, learn about ponies and go back to help griffons realize they were wrong about them. It was supposed to help improve relations between our countries.” Gilda answered.

“Why was it needed? Aren't our countries allies now and on good terms?” Naruko asked.

“They are politically… But a lot of the younger generations have started to dislike ponies and are getting angry over the war from long ago. In Griffon Country, we don’t get a through lesson on the war. It’s a sore subject, and we try not to focus on it. This is slowly changing because the current griffon King realizes what this practice has caused, and doesn't want the younger generations starting a war up again. That would be unforgivable!” She answered.

She breathed again and continued, “If I were to just leave and come here. It would be a huge victory for them, because I am one of the stronger ‘pro-pony’ griffons in our age group. If I left I would be failing my country as well. I don’t want the war to start again. Equestria doesn't sugar coat it when they teach the war here. They teach you how bad it was for both sides and everything that led to it. I don't want to see days like that ever if possible”

“Why doesn't the Griffon King send more griffons as part of this exchange program then?” Naruko asked.

Gilda was calmer now taking respite in the conversation as she answered, “Because before the war started there were lots of griffons that came here pretending to be coming for peaceful reasons, but they were really gathering information for when the invasion started. The invasion failed horribly in the end. We stalemated at the border pretty much. However, Princess Celestia has a long memory and she might think he is trying something. If he sends more than what they originally agreed upon it might strain relations or something worse.”

Gilda sighed as she sat on the ground, “It doesn't matter though. I got carried away and started thinking the others might be right and lost my only true friend. Even if we were far away from each other and I couldn't come and visit often. In the end they won and I will be returning home friendless and broken.” Gilda then looked to the ground and sniffed as a few tears escaped.

“Why can’t you visit more often? Is it that hard really?” Naruko asked.

“Yes, because it’s hard as hay to get a passport, let alone time off for a vacation… This was also ruined….” Gilda said sadly. She let out a small sob, “I wanted to have some fun with my friend again. But shortly after I arrived that pink pony comes and tries to steal Dash away to pull pranks… Even when she was told ‘maybe later’ she checked back after not even half an hour… She wouldn't leave us alone. I tried to get her to leave us alone and maybe I was a bit mean, but all Rainbow Dash would do is talk about you and her other friends and Pinkie the whole time. It pissed me off.”

“That doesn't sound like something to get angry about.” Naruko said.

“I was a little jealous…. Ok…. Like I said I don’t really have any friends. Yet she does. I’m glad she is happy, but it did hurt hearing her going on about them. She felt distant and like she didn't really care much about our friendship anymore. It was fun when we flew, but she’s very busy here. I wasn't about to stop her from doing her job. I also didn't want to take up much of her time. I told her I was only going to be around a day or two, despite having a little over a week off for this trip. I just wanted to have a break from it all, even for a little bit.” Gilda said as she sat up.

“What’s the reason for that?” Naruko asked.

“Besides the no friends’ thing, it’s because I’m not from a nice part of Griffon country. I can’t just leave though because it isn't easy. I was hoping to come here and have fun hanging with Dash again and flying everywhere, maybe meet a couple of new ponies. Things were going good again until Pinkie Pie’s party….” She said looking down at the ground with anger in her eyes.

“What happened there other than the pranks? It seems like it really got to you.” The blonde unicorn questioned her voice softer with a hint of concern. She knew it was odd to be talking about all of this stuff to someone you barely knew, but sometimes you got to talk to someone no matter what.

Gilda’s eyes watered. “I blew it big time. Rainbow Dash even said she didn't want to be my friend again, and I should go find some cool griffons to be friends with instead.”

She cried again before going on. “She didn't know what it meant to me but it still hurt a lot…. She more or less told me I should hang out with the griffons that went out of their way to put her and other ponies down, and make my life miserable. It hurt a lot and cut real deep…. I had spent all of my time defending her and telling them they were wrong. My friendship with her was one of the main things that kept me going through all of that, and she told me to throw it all away. I know I should have told her, but I didn't want her to worry about me. I know she isn't good at ‘mushy’ stuff.”

Gilda paused to work through another sob and would have continued, but she felt a rush of wind and a pony grab on to her and bury their face in her chest. She was surprised when she looked down and saw a pair of light blue wings and a rainbow colored mane.

“Rainbow….” She asked in shock.

“Stupid Gilda! You should have told me that's what was going on. I could have gotten Pinkie Pie to leave us alone. She maybe hyper active and always looking for fun and over bearing, but if I told her. She would have understood. I wouldn't have put up those party pranks either. I only did so because I thought you still loved pranks.” Rainbow Dash said through tears of her own.

“I’m sorry, Dash… I just didn't want you to think I wasn't cool anymore, and I didn't want to bother you with those things. I wanted to just have a fun trip mostly…” Gilda said.

“No! You don’t say sorry about that….I was also stupid… I knew something was bothering you. I should have pressed you a little more. I just let you off easily because I feared getting like this…” Rainbow said still hugging Gilda who returned it.

After they continued hugging longer Naruko said, “It seems you two are still going to be friends. I’ll let you two be alone.” Naruko then walked off with Kyuubi now on her back.

Once Naruko was gone Rainbow spoke up. “So you don’t have to leave tomorrow, Gilda?” The griffon nodded her head in response. Rainbow gave a big smile as she said, “Great because I have the next few days off from weather duty and…” She sighed as she looked at her friend sternly, “It seems we need to talk about a lot of things and catch up.”

“I won’t hold anything more back I promise, Dash.” Gilda said with an equally serious look. The two then smiled and flew back to Rainbow Dash’s house to catch up, and finally talk about important things with each other.

{-} {-} {-}

Naruko opened the door to her and Twilight’s home and spotted both her and Spike in the library’s main room. “Hey Twilight and Spike.” She greeted them. They both returned her greeting. She then asked, “Hey Spike can you take a letter for Princess Celestia? I have a friendship report this time.”

“Ok Naruko!” Spike cheered.

“Huh… Funny I just sent one myself a little while ago about how you shouldn't try to influence who your friend spends time with, but instead be a good friend yourself and trust that the true face of a false friend will reveal itself.” Twilight said.

Naruko nodded. “That’s a good lesson Twilight." She smiled to her friend and then turned to the dragon. "Spike, are you ready?”

The baby dragon cheered that he was, and Naruko began:

“Dear Princess Celestia,

I am sure you have read Twilight’s letter by now, and the friendship assignment was more for her to thoroughly research, since she is the best study in Equestria. However I, Naruko Uzumaki, have learned an important lesson today I feel I should share. I was training with Kyuubi near the forest when suddenly a very angry griffon confronted me. While she seemed angry at me, she soon made it clear that there was something else bothering her.

I recognized her as the "Guest of Honor" for a party that was going on today. She told me how she felt she had lost her best friend, and while she realized she was at fault for the occurrence. She was angry at her friend as well. She felt like her friend didn't care for her anymore. When in actuality her friend did care, but was afraid of the ‘mushy’ parts of friendship and stayed silent about certain matters herself instead of talking about them.

The griffon wanted to try to make the best of her vacation here in Ponyville, and decided to stay quiet about the matters bothering her to just enjoy the only friend she had. But when things at the party thrown for her, which she thought was some scheme to tear them apart, went bad. Her friend broke off their friendship in a very hurtful way. However, this wasn't done intentionally by her friend. Her Pegasus friend didn't know how deep her remarks cut and their full effect on the griffon.

The griffon eventually broke down in front of me and told me how Rainbow Dash was her only friend because of her misguided peers in Griffon country that don’t hold ponies in high esteem. Gilda told me she was pretty much hated and left alone, because she would constantly defend her pony friend and ponies in general. She admitted they pulled mean pranks on her on a regular basis. She remained strong for the most part, but was reaching her breaking point before she came to Ponyville.

Once she was here, she kept things to herself and as a result the actions of others were blown out of proportion in her eyes. She ended up giving into what the bullies back in her home kept telling her, once she and her friend had their fight. Fortunately in the end, it turned out Rainbow Dash had followed to see how Gilda was doing and overheard the griffon's entire confession, so the two decided to rebuild their friendship again.

While Twilight’s lesson is still very true and important. I too learned a very true and important lesson. The lesson I learned is that communication between friends, while difficult at times, is very important and can lead to either making or breaking a friendship. Had either of the two involved spoken about what they noticed, or what they were feeling a lot of heartbreak could have been avoided.

Your Perceptive student
Naruko Uzumaki”

Spike finished the letter and sent it away to the princess.

“Wow…. So then Gilda wasn't evil this whole time after all?” Twilight asked still trying to compute what she heard.

“Nope, but she kept the truth from Rainbow Dash for fear of worrying her friend. Also because of her refusal to talk about things, she painted Pinkie Pie as an evil mastermind. Instead of the overly excited, overly friendly, overbearing and bizarre pink pony she is,” Naruko said.

Twilight then sighed as she added, “And the whole of Ponyville now sees her as some evil griffon. I kind of feel sorry for her in that respect.”

Naruko gave a smile as she said, “That may be true, Twi. But now she has her best friend back and by her side. If she can handle sticking up for Rainbow Dash on her own for all of these years I think she will be okay.”

“I guess you are right, Naru,” Twilight replied. She had taken a habit to using her nickname for Naruko whenever the blonde unicorn used her nickname for Twilight.

“I guess we will have to try and help straighten out the others tomorrow it seems. Won’t we, Twilight?” Naruko asked after sighing.

“I’m sure we’ll have to Naru. But they are all good ponies and I have faith in them to pull through in the end.” Twilight answered with a pleasant smile. She made a point to use the nickname again for her own reasons.

Author's Note:

I know the pranks were pretty much cannon, but I am not a pranking mastermind like Pinkie Pie or cannon Naruto.