• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 26,776 Views, 224 Comments

The Truth of Bonds and Friendship - Gadman85

Naruko (Female Naruto) thought she knew a bit about these bonds the Hokage always talked about. However when she tries a mysterious Jutsu. She is sent to a new land where she learns the truth. Naruto and MLP crossover.

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That Holiday Named after Naruko's Boss’ Past Self

Naruko smiled as she woke up this morning. “Good Morning, Twilight!” she shouted as she opened the door to Twilight’s room. Twilight responded with a groan as she plopped out of bed.

“Good Morning, Spike!” Naruko shouted at him as well.

“Huh?! What?! Oh yeah! Morning, Naruko,” he replied as he yawned and stretched before heading to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

Naruko was humming as she cooked breakfast for everyone. It wasn’t technically her day, but she figured it would be a nice gesture after the way she woke them all up. Today was a day she really enjoyed. She was excited for all they had planned for it. Rainbow had been going on and on about how awesome this day’s celebration was in Ponyville and Naruko was ready to find out herself.

“I thought it was my turn?” Spike asked as he made his way to the kitchen.

Naruko smiled to him. “I figured after the way I woke you both up this was a good idea. You can help me out if you want,” she said to him as he nodded.

“Can you check the oven? The croissant rolls should be almost done,” she said.

Spike nodded and checked them. He turned off the oven and put on mitts to bring them out. The rolls were a mouthwatering golden brown. “Their good,” he said as he licked his lips and Naruko chuckled.

Twilight came down and gave a mighty yawn. “G-g-g-good morning,” she greeted. Her eyes then widened a little, “Oh… You’re cooking today?” she asked Naruko.

“I begged Spike to let me cook instead given how I woke everyone up,” she said as she winked at the baby dragon who played along.

“I told her only if I could still help,” he said in pride. He was giving himself a high five mentally. He wouldn’t have to make up for the day this way.

Twilight nodded to that as she sat down at the table. “Okay,” she said. Twilight then blinked her eyes for a moment. “Today’s Nightmare Night isn’t it?!” she asked now much more awake and there was more than a hint of excitement in her purple eyes.

“Yep!” Naruko said with a huge grin as she placed the grits and eggs on plates.

“I still don’t get why it is you like Nightmare Night a lot more than your own birthday, Naruko. You're birthday is earlier in this month.” Spike dug into his meal as he said that.

“I’ve told you how in the past before I came here the others in my home village were kind of mean on my birthday. That’s why I like Nightmare Night so much. Sure, my birthdays are actually nice and fun here. Sadly, I just don’t think they're all that interesting,” she explained.

“Oh…” Spike said with a frown. “I’m sorry I said that. I wasn’t thinking. I should have known better,” he said.

Naruko smiled to him. “Don’t worry about it. Let’s not think on that. Let’s all just enjoy the holiday named after my boss’ past self,” she said with a chuckle.

“Sure thing!” Spike said, his attitude back to its usual high. “I can’t wait to show my new costume to everypony!”

Spike was really excited about that. He was originally thinking about wearing a dragon costume, but that was kind of silly. He instead decided to go with a dragon ninja costume! He even got Naruko’s input on it. For his costume, he had a dark blue long sleeve shirt, a mask that covered his nose and mouth, a pair of pants with a pouch taped on the right side, and a heavy-duty sleeveless jacket with several pockets on the front. To top it all off, he wore a slanted headband with a design very close to, but not exact like, the Equestrian Royal symbol.

His costume wasn’t what you saw in movies and such, but Spike thought this was much cooler than ninjas in movies. Rarity even said it was really suave with a certain allure to it. Naruko admitted she based his costume off of a rather famous ninja from where she used to be. Apparently, the ninja she based his costume off of was one of the best and in the ninja special forces on and off as needed.

Spike’s costume was so cool that even his friends Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom decided to be ninjas like him too. Spike was worried at first that they would be too similar, but Naruko helped them out there. They were all wearing the headband and jacket, but the rest of their costumes were different.

Scootaloo had holes in her outfit to make room for her wings and her costume was more like what you saw ninjas wearing in movies. She was wearing a snug fitting black body suit with a black blindfold mask with eye holes. She was going to call herself the Raging Storm Ninja for the night.

Apple Bloom was wearing an outfit that was a bit on the more eccentric side if you asked him, but she liked it and the outfit oddly worked. Apple Bloom was wearing a green bodysuit with orange leg warmers on her hooves, with a pair of saddle bags on top of her unzipped jacket. Her headband used red fabric instead of medium blue. Apple Bloom even asked to have some weights sewn into the leg warmers. Naruko had told her it was an outfit she saw an earth pony stallion wearing who was really really fast, even when compared to a pegasus flying. It was actually a human and not a pony, but that would complicate things for the young pony.

Sweetie Belle’s outfit was different. She wore a red snug fitting short and sleeveless red dress with some kind of mesh shirt under it. Her dress was split and showed off her flank, where she had a temporary marking grey in color. It looked like a stylized arrow with a swirl in the middle. It was placed in a way that you couldn’t mistake it for a cutie mark, much to the unicorn filly’s disappointment. Sweetie Belle then decided maybe she should try being a ninja pony for real and she hoped her ninja pony cutie mark would be similar to her costume’s mark.

Spike was actually going to be trick-or-treating with the CMC this Nightmare Night. Granny Smith promised to chaperon them and that was enough to get Twilight’s okay. Spike wished Rarity would be walking with them, but he was more than happy to just be going with a group this year.

The baby dragon had mixed feelings when it came to Naurko’s and Twilight’s costumes. Naruko’s wasn’t a problem and kind of cool. She was going as a pirate. It had something to do with how she was watching over Pipsqueak tonight. His parents were going to drop him off before they went to their office party. Spike was fine with Naruko’s costume idea.

It was Twilight’s costume that got to him. She was carrying on about how it was an outfit Star Swirl the Bearded wore and how that was super important. She even carried on about how she made sure to get the details exact and everything from the accounts she heard about his usual attire. Spike thought it looked kind of silly and like an ancient bearded clown, but he wasn’t about to ruin Twilight’s fun for the night. He only hoped Naruko and Pipsqueak didn’t mind it too much.

{-} {-} {-}

There was a knock on the door to the Library. Twilight answered it. “Trick or treat!” a trio of loud voices shouted.

Twilight smiled to them. “Well Hello there!” she said in greeting as she hoovered some candy over to each of the CMC as Granny Smith smiled watching over the youngsters.

Spike rushed over as the trio greeted him as well, “Hello Spike!” Sweetie Belle said aloud with a smile.

“Come on, Ninja Sweetie... It’s Ninja Spike tonight!” he corrected with a nod as the fillies giggled.

“I’m Ninja Scoots then! Oh wait scratch that. I’m still Raging Storm Ninja!” Scootaloo said as she did a couple of ‘ninja pony’ moves. The kids thought them cool and the older ponies thought them adorable.

“Does that mean Ah’m Ninja Apple or Ninja Bloom?” Apple Bloom asked. She then frowned a little, “It doesn’t sound as cool with my name…”

Naruko chuckled. “Then how about Shadow Bloom?”

“Ah like that one!” she shouted and grinned widely in thanks.

“Ahhh man… How come she gets the coolest name?” Spike whined in a not serious manner as the group laughed and he joined them.

“Thank you again Granny Smith for letting Spike trick-or-treat with you all,” Twilight said.

“Now don’t be getting worried about thanking so and so and all. Nightmare Night is supposed to be shared with friends when yer a youngin’. That’s how it’s always been,” the Apple family matriarch said with a smile as she led the group off to their next stop and closed the door behind them.

The next group that came to their door was larger. Naruko still found it odd that Pinkie Pie would watch over a bunch of colts and fillies. She loved her party planning friend, but she didn’t really think mature and responsible adult pony when it came to Pinkie. It didn’t help matters that said pink pony was wearing a chicken costume and asking for candy as well. She even clucked a few times like a chicken.

“Really, Pinkie?” Twilight asked with a slight frown.

“I’m never too old for candy, Weirdo Clown Twilight,” she said. This statement earned laughs from the children and a deeper frown from Twilight. Twilight wasn't petty in return to the slight. She for sure did not make a point of giving Pinkie much less candy then the children she was watching.

“Its Star Swirl the Bearded!” Twilight shouted as the group left. She gave a huff and turned to Naruko. “Ponies these days… Don’t even know about a famous unicorn like Star Swirl… What’s becoming of the youth these days?”

Naruko laughed. “I think you’re channeling the grumpy old pony version of Star Swirl, Twilight. You’re only a few years older than Pinkie Pie,” She said as the other unicorn rolled her eyes and leaned more on her ‘magical’ staff like an old pony would. Naruko chuckled again and this time Twilight snickered in return.

There was another knock on the door. This time Naruko answered knowing who it would be. “Avast me Harty! If it isn’t Captain Pip of the Seas!” she greeted in a pirate voice.

Pipsqueak cheered and replied, “Aye it be me! I’ve heard of ye! You’re Pirate Lady Naru! They say you’re as dangerous as you are beautiful!”

“That I be! But tonight! I’m First Mate Naru!” she said. She then turned to face Twilight and spoke again, “This here be the renown Star Swirl the Bearded! He may not be a pirate, but he be a unicorn of talent with a thirst for knowledge and adventure!”

Twilight then smiled and spoke in an exaggerated old yet still grand pony voice, “That I am. I seek knowledge and it can only be found by those most daring. I have heard of your exploits Captain Pip and your First Mate speaks highly of you. But I must ask. Do you thirst for adventure and wish to face the unknown? There will be plenty a booty for those who dare! Are ye such a pony?”

Pipsqueak was actually struck in awe at Twilight’s performance, even if it was obvious she was forcing the voice. He then grinned brightly and actually jumped in a couple of circles before saying, “Aye! I be such a pony! They also call me Pip the Fearless!”

“Good to hear, young Pip. I look forward to our travels together!” Twilight said to him.

While Twilight was giving her piece, Naruko spoke to Pipsqueak’s parents and went over the schedule once again. “Thank you again for this, Naruko,” Pipsqueak’s dad said.

“It really means a lot to us,” the young colt’s mother said with a smile.

“Don’t worry about it. I’m glad I could help you both out again,” she said with a pleasant smile in return.

“Pipsqueak, dear,” his mom said.

“Arrggg… What is it ye want, mum,” he replied still using his pirate voice.

“We’re going now. You behave for Twilight and Naruko. Have fun and be safe,” she said.

“Okay, mom!” he replied in his normal voice this time with a smile. “You and dad have fun too!”

“We’ll see you later, son,” the dad said as the family gave a parting group hug and the parents left for their party.

“Ahoy ye mateys! Let us be off! There are many seas to conquer! By the night’s end they will be singing tales of Pip the Fearless!” Pipsqueak said as he jumped on to Naruko’s back and thrust out his toy cutlass.

Naruko laughed. “I’m not going to let you just ride on my back the whole night you know,” she said as she left and Twilight closed up the library for the night.

{-} {-} {-}

There were a lot of booths and stalls for games and food in the town square for all ponies to enjoy. Decorations were hanging from dark ropes and wires between buildings in the area. There was a stage where a country band was playing Nightmare Night music with a country twang as they were calling it.

There were ponies of all ages wearing costumes of all sorts. Naruko managed to catch a glimpse at Dr. Hooves, Derpy and their youngest Dinky. The teenage daughter of the family was spending Nightmare Night with friends. Doctor Hooves was dressed like a temporally misplaced Sophisticated Gentleman with an extremely large moustache. Dinky was dress like an angle pony with a halo and wings. Derpy was dressed like a paper bag.

“Looks like Bon Bon will owe her five bits,” Naruko said with a chuckle to herself. Yesterday Derpy talked about being a paper bag pony for Nightmare Night. Bon Bon bet she couldn’t be something like that.

“Arrgg! Ahoy there!” Pipsqueak said as he greeted a friend he knew from school. This friend seemed to be in Pinkie’s group and the filly giggled in reply. Pinkie was literally pecking the ground with her costume’s beak as the little ponies followed her.

“I’m guessing Pinkie is getting a little too into character…” Twilight said with a sigh.

Pinkie gave a loud “Bakaw” as she helped herself to some candy corn. Twilight and Naruko both chuckled to that. It was kind of funny how Pinkie was pecking candy corn dressed as a chicken.

“Hey Apple Jack!” Twilight said as they made their way over to the apple family stand. Big Mac and AJ were running it. It seemed they already had a good number of customers come by it.

“Well Howdy there!” AJ said with a smile. She next pretended to be a little shocked. “Pirates?! Ya’ll ain’t here to take our booty are ya?”

“Arrggg! Pip the Fearless earns his Booty! There be no adventure otherwise!” Pipsqueak said as he thrust out his toy cutlass again.

Apple Jack gave a chuckle as she said, “Well in that case we got bobbing for Apples! Right over here! Two bits! Ya’ll can keep going until you get one. You can also pay three bits and you can try for 45 seconds to get a Golden Delicious apple. You get a prize if you succeed! But they ain’t easy to get now.”

“Can I go twice?” Naruko asked. She used her pirate voice and said, “Ain’t right making Pip the Fearless do such a thing!”

“But I want to try!” Pipsqueak pleaded with a lower quivering lip.

“If you don’t mind me holding on to you, then you can try. I’ll bring you up when I need too,” Naruko said in her regular voice.

Pipsqueak thought it over. “Okay!” he said with a smile.

“Alright, you only get to try for one though. Either a regular apple or a Golden Delicious. I won’t let you try for both,” Naruko added.

“Awww…” Pipsqueak whined but thought which one he wanted to try and get. He put his cutlass back up and tapped a hoof to his chin. “I want to try for a Golden Delicious!” he shouted cheerfully.

Twilight paid the three bits and Pipsqueak and Naruko positioned themselves. “Alright then! After I count to three,” AJ said as she set the timer.

“One,” she said as Pipsqueak tried to do all sorts of high end mathematical calculations to figure out the best way to get a Golden Delicious apple. They didn’t really amount to much. Math wasn't his strong suit.

“Two,” AJ said. Naruko positioned Pipsqueak while she held on to him. She had to keep him further away from the Bubbling Bobbing Cauldron because he was trying to dive right inside it.

“Three!” AJ shouted.

“Now!” Pip the Fearless shouted as Naruko put him under while still holding on to him.

Pipsqueak opened his eyes and looked in front of him finding where there were a couple of the prize-winning apples. He was just about to reach out when Naruko pulled him up.

“Aww… I couldn’t even reach one!” he said disappointed.

“Where did you see them?” Naruko asked.

“There,” he said as he pointed at it.

Naruko adjusted her hold and aimed him in the proper placement. “Take a big breath,” she said.

He did just that. She put him in again and pushed him down further while keeping a good hold on him.

Pipsqueak opened his eyes underwater and was surprised how close one was to him. He might have looked around a little more but he wanted that prize! He wanted that Pirate Booty! He quickly reached out and grabbed one. He had it in his mouth and tapped Naruko’s hoof as a signal he was ready to be pulled up.

Naruko pulled him up. Pipsqueak quickly held the apple with his front hooves and took in another deep breath after he exhaled. “Got it!” he shouted with a broad smile as Naruko pulled him away from the Bubbling Bobbing Cauldron.

“Well how ‘bout that!” AJ said with a grin. “We have ourselves a winner!” she said as Big Mac rang the winner bell. A few ponies nearby paused to look over at the Apple Family stand.

“Arrg!! Told ye Pip da Fearless always earns his treasure,” pipsqueak said before taking a bite out of the apple as AJ placed a new one in cauldron to replace it.

“Whaddaya want?” AJ asked as she pointed to the prizes. The prizes were different kinds of wonderful Apple Family treats.

“I want that Double crust Apple pie!” Pip the Fearless cheered in a not very pirate voice.

“Do you want it now? Or a fresh one delivered tomorrow afternoon?” AJ asked.

Pipsqueak smacked his lips. He could just taste it and smell it. He then was thoughtful for a moment and smiled. “I want a fresh one delivered tomorrow! I want to share it with my parents,” he said.

“Well alright then!” AJ said as she made a note with the address he gave her.

Naruko then tried bobbing for an apple. She got one with ease. It was a granny smith apple. “Mmmm… There really is something different about Apple Family apples,” she said after taking another bite.

AJ gave a friendly chuckle. “I’ll gladly take that compliment. That there difference is the Apple Family Quality.”

Twilight went next. It took her a good while. She was eager and didn’t think to take off her hat at first. Pipsqueak and Naruko both chuckled when she came up and the hat’s brim was drooping. “Hold this,” she said to Naruko as she forcefully passed her marefriend the hat and got ready try again with renewed determination.

It took three more tries and many laughs from Pip the Fearless and Pirate Lady Naru, before Twilight managed to finally get an apple. She was spending too much time underwater making calculations, which had to be redone every time she went back under due to the shifting water. In the end, she just tried without over thinking it. That was the time she actually got an apple. The mare dressed as Star Swirl made sure to fully enjoy the apple which she won. She considered it the best apple in all of existence between three universes.

The trio enjoyed more of the games the festival had to offer and even took a break to trick or treat at some of the surrounding houses. Naruko was a little embarrassed when they went to the house of one of the newer patrol members. They gave more candy than they probably should have, since she was their boss. “I kind of feel bad about this,” Naruko admitted to Twilight.

Twilight gave a little giggle. “Well you haven’t really met with all of the new patrol members yet. They did just finish their testing under First Lieutenant Hooves. It seems fitting they would be surprised when their immediate boss comes to their door,” Twilight said.

“Arrggg! We scored more Booty! Tis nothing to fear, First Mate Naru! We shall just better discover all the ocean’s secrets in memory of their sacrifice!” Pip the Fearless said while motioning with his toy cutlass. He was getting really good at that.

Naruko chuckled and smiled. “Thanks, Captain Pip! I shall take yer words ta heart!” she said in character as the colt smiled brightly and they continued.

{-} {-} {-}

Pipsqueak, Naruko and Twilight were playing one of the many games when suddenly there was a flash of lightning nearby causing them to jump a little in surprise. They then heard a familiar giggle and the two mares turned and frowned at Rainbow. “Ha! Got you!” Rainbow said as she giggled. She was dressed as a shadow bolt and even had a personally crafted thunder cloud she was using to prank ponies. Naruko looked to Twilight who nodded as Pip looked between the two holding his recent prize.

Naruko disappeared.

Rainbow blinked in surprise and looked around. “Where did she go?” Rainbow asked.

There was a large pillar of fire behind Rainbow and the pony was about to turn around, but before she could, a deep demonic sounding voice calmly spoke, “What’re you looking for, little pony?

“Ahhh!” Rainbow shouted as she and her thunder cloud moved quickly forward a short distance and she turned around. She then looked and blinked as the now giant fox gave a grin that matched Naruko’s who was standing on his head. The two then laughed together.

“Got you,” Naruko said as Rainbow frowned a little bit and then chuckled herself after a couple of seconds.

“I would say that was cheating… But it was good!” Rainbow said as she chuckled again and sought out her next target.

“Wickedddd!” Pipsqueak said seeing Kyuubi in his five tailed form as he grinned. The other surrounding ponies chuckled a little thinking about Rainbow’s reaction and got back to their regular festival work. Kyuubi's appearance distracted them for just a moment.

“Sorry about that, Kyuubi,” Naruko said in apology with a smile on her muzzle.

Kyuubi gave a deep rumbling laugh before he shrunk down to his regular size again. “I actually found that a little fun,” he said with a grin.

“Thanks again, Kyuubi. I couldn’t just let Rainbow off,” Naruko admitted.

“You’re so wicked cool!” Pipsqueak shouted with a wide grin.

Kyuubi gave a small grin to the little colt. “Thanks, Pip the Fearless. A most fitting name, given you didn’t even flinch at my arrival,” he said with a hint of approval to the little pirate dressed colt.

“Arrggg! That be Pip tha Fearless!” he said with a pirate salute.

“I must go now! I was glad to be of service on your journey,” Kyuubi said in character before he vanished back to where he was before Naruko came to him.

{-} {-} {-}

The trio did have some more fun, but shortly after the incident with Rainbow there was a much louder boom sound and several flashes of lightning. This time all of the ponies were caught off guard by it. Twilight thought about scolding Rainbow for trying the same trick again and so soon, but she paused with her mouth hanging open when she turned around.

The skies were filled with many ominous looking clouds which were glowing with lightning as every so often a boom of thunder could be heard. A figure in the distance on the horizon was shrouded in shadow as the lightning flashed. The figure soon came closer. It was a chariot led by what looked like two pony bat hybrids. Naruko recognized them right away. In the chariot, there was a tall pony with eyes that seemed to glow from under a cloak that covered their whole body.

The chariot came to a stop above the town’s square. Many ponies were a little scared at the figure they didn’t recognize. When the figure spoke, her voice did not help matters. “Where fore aren’t thou sacrifices! You’re Ruler of the Night Hath come!” the figure said in a loud echoing voice.

The cloaked female then jumped down and landed on the ground and seemed to look around. “What manner of creatures are these?! Where fore aren’t thine subjects! Where fore aren’t thine sacrifices? We shall dine tonight whether on sweets or not!” the pony said still using the loud echoing voice with extra flashes of lightning and booms of thunder at certain words. Several ponies in the area cowered at the display and some screamed in fear.

“She’s going to eat us!” shouted Pinkie Pie with her group of fillies and colts shrieking behind her. Pinkie then screamed again before letting out a loud, “Bakaw!” and running off seemingly scared. Most of the little ponies with her followed, but a few stayed either too scared or intrigued by what was happening.

The mysterious pony, that wasn’t really that mysterious, threw back the hood of her cloak. She looked around a little worried.

“Princess Luna!?” Pipsqueak asked in wonder. He had his cutlass drawn and while he screamed earlier, he didn’t cower like many others. The small group that broke off from Pinkie’s group were staring in awe at both Pipsqueak and Princess Luna.

“Yes,” she said in a much friendlier voice. “You must be Pip the Fearless,” she said.

She earned an, “Arrgggg that I be!” from Pipsqueak. He was really loving this.

“Was it too much, my friends?” Princess Luna asked Naruko and Twilight.

Twilight gave a nervous laugh and replied, “A little bit.”

The other ponies in the area were watching now and not as fearful as they were earlier.

“I think it was the lightning and the voice, Boss,” Naruko answered with a slight smile.

“I see… I thought this was now actually a night of fun and scares,” Luna answered. She placed a hoof to her chin in thought. “Perhaps the atmosphere I was going for with my dramatics was too much,” she said more to herself than anypony else. She then turned to her escorts, “You are free until I wish to return.” They nodded and took off their chariot harnesses.

The town ponies were a bit surprised and confused now, but they weren’t really afraid. Princess Luna was one of their princesses and she seemed to be on friendly terms with two really respected ponies in Ponyville. They also knew the only reason they had the Ever-Free Patrol was because of Princess Luna and that put them further at ease. They were still really nervous being in the general company of Royalty. Many were just wondering why such a pony would visit here on such a night.

“P-P-Princess Luna…” Mayor Mare said not at all hiding her nervousness, even with her clown costume. “I did not expect you to make an appearance…” she said.

“I was planning on doing so as a surprise visit for my subjects,” the night princess said.

“Still… I will make sure we had a celebration worthy of royalty! What do you require?” the mayor asked.

“Worry not. I wished to partake in the festival as it was. That is the only way to truly appreciate it in my opinion,” Luna replied. She then looked around and said louder, “Go about your business. I shall partake at my leisure and wish not to distract from your festivities,” she said. The populace of ponies nervously got back to their regular activities. They at least did as normally as possible when one of your rulers came for an unannounced visit.

“Do you want to join us?” Twilight asked Princess Luna.

Naruko added, “We’d love it if you did.”

Princess Luna was about to accept when she got an idea. She smiled and asked Pipsqueak, “What does the pirate captain say? May I join your crew?” She gave a large smile to him.

Pipsqueak’s eyes widened for a moment and he didn’t even bother to keep up his pirate manner as he spoke. “Whoa! That’s awesome! My favorite Princess is asking me to come along?!” Princess Luna nodded to the colt. He grinned even wider. “This is the best Nightmare Night ever!” he shouted. He then cleared his throat and raised his cutlass. “Do ye seek adventure?!” he asked.

“That I do!” Luna replied.

“Than there always be room for ye on Pip the Fearless’ crew!” he said barely containing his excitement. He’d have to tell his parents all about this later.

“Ha ha! I accept!” Luna said. There was a flash of light and Luna was now covered in a pirate costume as well. “Pirate Princess Night Glow at yer service! Captain Fearless! The pirate fun has been doubled!” she said in her own pirate voice.

Pipsqueak would swear he couldn’t grin any wider. “Now, it’s the best Nightmare Night ever!” he said.

It was at this moment the fillies and colts who stayed after the rest of Pinkie’s group left started to talk to each other. One filly with a yellow green coat and blue mane spoke first. “Can we join your pirate crew for tonight too?” she asked. The group were impressed Pipsqueak wasn’t as scared as even the adult ponies when Princess Luna first arrived.

“Aye! There be plenty o’ room on my crew for those that wish to be brave and thirst of adventure and booty!” he said still in character. “This is a lot of fun! I can see why this is such a great holiday,” he thought to himself.

“Yeah!” the ponies shouted as they grinned to each other.

“Awww….” One pony started. “But I’m dressed as a ghost….” she sighed.

“Then ye be a ghost pirate! Welcome aboard!” Pipsqueak said. The filly smiled brightly to that, even if it was hard to see given her costume.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” she shouted and jumped for joy.

Luna gave a royal and elegant laugh to that. “And here I was about to use magic to change your costume. But Pip the Fearless knows best! The captain says we will have a ghost pirate and so we shall!”

She still cast a small spell which caused the filly’s costume to glow a little. “Whoa! This is so cool!” she said in more joy as the now much larger group enjoyed their night together.

The group had plenty of fun that night and there were many shouts of “The fun has been doubled!” from Princess Luna. Eventually the other fillies and colts joined in her shouts.

When Luna played a spider toss game and landed her second one, she clapped her forehooves and said, “The fun has been-”

“Doubled!” the rest of the group shouted in joy as they all laughed in joy.

“I really like that phrase,” a pegasus colt said. He was dressed as a Wonderbolt zombie. Twilight decided to cast a small illusion spell on his wings to really sell it earlier. She made sure it wasn’t too horrific so it would just remain fun.

“That is some impressive magic, friend Twilight,” Luna had praised when Twilight cast the spell. The purple unicorn couldn’t help but blush and smile at the praise.

“Thanks!” she said in reply.

At a different game, Naruko was giving one young colt, who hadn’t won a prize yet, pointers. The game was a dart game. “Remember. Aim a little higher before you throw it with the same power you did last time,” she said to him as she helped him adjust his aim a little.

“O-o-okay…” he said a little nervously. He wasn’t good at these kinds of games and it was a little embarrassing, even if none of the other ponies cared. They even cheered him on. He did as Naruko told him and threw the dart.

Thunk! It sounded as it hit the target.

The colt couldn’t even see it since he closed his eyes.

“We have a winner!” the stall attendant shouted as he rang a bell for surrounding ponies to hear.

The little colt wearing what he called a super scientist outfit opened his eyes. He took in a quick breath in surprise. “I did it! I won!” he shouted as he danced and picked out his prize.

“Such skills in their own way are admirable,” Princess Luna praised as the colt beamed to everypony.

“I knew ye’d get it!” the pirate ghost said as she nodded happily.

“Arrggg! Let us give our Matey, Rock Solid a pirate cheer!” Pip the Fearless commanded as his crew obeyed cheerfully.

“Arrggg! Yo Ho! Yo Ho! Yo Ho me Matey!” they all shouted together in the pirate cheer. Pipsqueak came up with it earlier for their crew.

{-} {-} {-}

As the night for the little ponies came to an end, everypony gathered as Zecora again gave the story of Nightmare Night. When she got to the part about handing over some candy as a sacrifice to the Ruler of the Night, all of the gathered fillies and colts gave Luna her share. Princess Luna smiled and even had to wipe a tear away as they happily did so with bright and lovely smiles.

Those who were a part of Pipsqueak’s pirate crew even gave her a little extra and said in unison, “Thank you Princess Luna! It was fun getting to enjoy the holiday with you.”

Princess Luna then donned her character of Night Ruler from earlier, though not as intense, and spoke to them in a grand but not too grand voice. “Your Princess of the Night, who hath survived the Nightmare thanks to the Elements of Harmony, Approves of your sacrifice! My lovely subjects. Enjoy the rest of your night!” she said as she caused the light of the stars and the moon to glow even brighter. The gathered ponies all cheered in happiness and even hoof stomped in approval as they left with their groups for a little more fun before calling it a night.

“Captain Pipsqueak,” Luna started. He and his crew paused and listened. “I appreciate your hospitality for tonight, but I must now part company and return,” she said. She was a little surprised when the gathered ponies frowned and ‘Awwww’ed in disappointment for a reply.

Luna couldn’t help but smile at that. “I know it is a little sad to part like this after we all have doubled the fun numerous times tonight,” she paused as the ponies chuckled. “However, I am still Princess of the Night and must attend to my duties. It is what we must do to watch over all our little ponies,” she said as Pipsqueak actually gave one of her legs a hug.

“I knew I picked right when I chose you as my favorite princess,” he said.

“I am glad to hear it,” Princess Luna replied as she returned the little colt’s hug. Several other fillies and colts came to hug her as well. Princess Luna returned their hugs as her Night Guard ponies appeared by her side. “Farewell, My Little Ponies. Know that your Princess of the Night hath found much enjoyment in your festival,” she said as she climbed into the chariot and took off for Canterlot. “Happy Nightmare Night, all!” she said as she disappeared into the moonlight.

Just as the Princess of the Night left, several adult ponies came over to pick up their kids. They were a little worried at first when they approached Pinkie Pie, but she laid their fears to rest. “They wanted to stay with my friends Twilight Sparkle and Naruko Uzumaki. I’m pretty sure Princess Luna even joined them all. I figured it was okay cuz you know Twilight is really impressive with magic and Naruko took on even Discord. Then you add in one of the princesses, and you can’t really get much safer than that,” she told them. She also pointed them into the right direction to pick up their kids.

As the fillies and colts left with their parents, apart from Pipsqueak who was giving mighty yawns from Naurko’s back, they heard one of the colt’s ask his parents, “Can I be a Night guard bat pony next year?”

The parents chuckled good naturedly and said, “If you still want to be that next year, then yes.”

The colt made a small pouty face to that for all of two seconds before he smiled and said, “This was the best Nightmare Night ever! I was a part of Pip the Fearless’ pirate crew and everything!” He then started to excitedly explain to his parents all about his night of fun and they happily listened.

Pipsqueak gave a mighty yawn as they made their way to his family’s house. “Thanks, Lady Naruko. Tonight, was the best Nightmare Night ever! It was my first one too!” he said with a tired grin. The two unicorns found it impressive he still had enough energy to be as excited as he was. Pipsqueak turned to Twilight. “I really liked meeting you too Lady Twilight,” he said.

Twilight gave a giggle. “Even with my family’s titles and such, I still can’t get used to being referred to as Lady anything. You can just call me Twilight,” she said.

Pipsqueak gave a laugh. “I didn’t call you Lady Anything, but okay Miss Twilight,” he said to her.

Twilight paused in her steps for a moment and laughed. “It seems Naruko is rubbing off on you, Pipsqueak,” she said before giggling again. He just smiled in response before giving another yawn and his parents thanked them one last time before taking their son to bed.

{-} {-} {-}

Naruko and Twilight were happy and relieved when they got home that night. They had the place to themselves, since Spike was spending the night with the CMC. “I think Princess Luna handled it really well tonight,” Twilight commented. She then gave a giggle. “I figured things would get messy and she would get upset about the holiday.”

Naruko gave a giggle. “She might have, but she asked me about the holiday in advance. That’s why she asked if what she did was too much. I told her while the night was named after her past, it was something much more than that and ponies loved it. I told her all about Nightmare Night after that and she was actually really happy with it,” Naruko explained.

Twilight gave a laugh. “I guess it isn’t surprising you would tell her all about your favorite holiday. I bet it didn’t even take much to get you started,” she said. Naruko rolled her eyes, pouted and shook her head all in a playful manner in response as they got ready to enjoy the rest of their night.

{-} {-} {-}

Three ponies emerged from clear blue ocean waters around the sandy shores of a mostly uninhabited island. The trio consisted of a royal guard grey pegasus stallion, a unicorn stallion with a dark grey coat and golden eyes and an earth pony mare with a light blue coat and a purple and red striped mane. Her cutie mark was a scuba mask and dive fins. They started taking off their specialized scuba gear. The process went much smoother thanks to the unicorn’s magic and instruction he already received from the mare earlier.

The group stretched and made their way to the island’s base camp. They were actually really excited, but exhausted as well. It wasn’t easy scuba diving as long as they had been. However, it was worth it in the end.

A couple of royal guards saluted as the group entered the camp. “Anything to report, Inspector BlackHoof?” one asked.

“Of course, there is. There always is. You do have to report both success and failure in matters such as these,” he said. The guards seemed to try and straighten up as a way of showing they had been properly chastised and understood. Inspector BlackHoof was always different in a way. Some of the guards liked it. Many didn’t appreciate it. They felt he was being too strict and condescending at times. The officers in the guard really hated his manners since they were more often than not from noble stock.

BlackHoof spoke to the guards again and said, “Gather all of the Heads. We have success to report.”

The guards’ eyes widened and they quickly did as told. He was one of the main ponies here. His specialization in dealing with ancient magical artifacts cursed or otherwise was the main reason he was brought on board for this mission.

“Remember,” started the now ecstatic looking earth pony mare. Her earth pony stamina allowed her to recover sooner. “You promised to ask I be given permission to help with further exploration after the main mission here is finished.”

BlackHoof gave a smile. “Of course, Aqua Life. Your instruction and assistance for all of the search patrols in this matter has been instrumental,” he said.

The Earth pony mare clapped her forehooves together. Her special talent was scuba diving and ocean research. She excelled at both book and field research but preferred the latter. She was called upon to help instruct the whole team on scuba diving and assist in the search phase of this mission.

“Besides…” BlackHoof started as the pegasus guard went to get some refreshment and rest. “It isn’t like the princesses will want too many ponies gaining knowledge of what we have found here quite yet. They aren’t about to ask another pony to take over in your stead.” She smiled in thanks to him as she trotted along ahead of him. She was glad using scuba gear was the norm for all ponies and allowed her this opportunity.

There is a spell that allows ponies to essentially breathe underwater and one that allows you to have magical dive fins. The problem with these spells is they aren’t easy to cast on a group and they’re even more difficult casting together. Inspector BlackHoof knew of two ponies who could do both and there might be more, but it was still generally preferable to use pony scuba gear. There was also the fact you needed to worry about keeping warm when scuba diving. Even with a pony’s coat, it got colder the deeper you went in the ocean. A spell solution for this would be very draining on a unicorn.

Inspector BlackHoof was recruited for this phase of the mission because soon after finding this island and beginning the search, a number of ancient magical totems were discovered on the island and in the water. On top of his usual skills, he was very good at finding things. He helped put the guards’ minds at ease and made sure it was safe for them here. He was looking forward to finishing his work here though. He was ready to get back to Canterlot. “But before that… I have to meet with the officers and get the message to the princesses,” he thought to himself.

Once all of the stuffy noble ponies, who were officers in the royal guard, and a few who actually earned their position, gathered in the command tent, BlackHoof spoke. “Today Sgt. Wind Wing, Aqua Life and myself found it.”

The nobles looked to each other and started to talk excitedly. One raised their voice to quite the others and verify with BlackHoof. “Is that right? Inspector BalckHoof?”

“Yes, it is. I wouldn’t have called for this meeting otherwise. I wish to inform you that I will take it upon myself to get this information to the princesses,” he said in answer.

The noble rolled his eyes at the Inspector’s tone. They were used to it by this point. Some took offense at first, but mostly they agreed he simply didn’t know how important it was to verbally verify information and, in most cases, further verify it from multiple sources. Fortunately, they wouldn’t have to worry about that here. There was no way anypony, even BlackHoof, would dare falsely claim this mission was successful. You would have to be dumber than the stupidest pony to lie about such things to Princess Celestia, and even further idiotic to lie about them to Princess Luna.

A different noble pony guard let out a long sigh of relief. “I for one am glad to finally hear such news,” she said. Several nodded in agreement. They could all finally go home. There would be a guard of ponies left here to watch over the area and keep others from getting in trouble, but that would be a different set of guards. The nobles were glad of this. Their subordinates were fine, perfectly fine, but they lacked a certain understanding and as a result made for rather poor company over an extended period of time.

This mission had gone on for a good while yet. It was the kind of mission that took a lot of time because you couldn’t take short cuts. They even missed Nightmare Night. Fortunately, they did at least have some form of a party for the celebration. The lower ranking royal guards put something together that was rather crude for most of the officers’ tastes, but it was still somehow rather enjoyable. Regardless of such things, the truth was even most of the regular royal guard were ready for some leave and a new assignment, even if it was palace duty again.

BlackHoof couldn’t blame the officers’ reaction. He enjoyed his time here, but it had been really long. He still needed to further figure out leads he got from the Swinn Del Sale case. Swinn Del Sale was still alive and brought in for questioning. Unsurprisingly, the pony was very forth coming and eager to cooperate once his gig was up. That was usually the case with ponies like him.

What was surprising, was where Swinn’s information led. He had several leads on other potentially harmful artifacts. Many of the ponies under BlackHoof’s command were narrowing the leads best they could. BlackHoof expected a lot of paperwork and information when he got back after this long mission, but you didn’t turn down a ‘Royal Request’. Knowing the ponies involved in this ongoing and overarching mission caused BlackHoof to feel even more eager to help.

The gruff inspector pony was glad to finally be getting back to Canterlot. He might take a couple of more days to just enjoy the locale. It was essentially a private beach under the protection of the royal guard, but he was ready to get back. He took time to enjoy this place during his free hours, but the nobles were getting to him by this point.

The noble ponies weren’t an evil lot or anything like that, but there was a definite disconnect between them and most ponies. There were a lot of them in the Royal Guard as officers, just more or less serving their time so they could claim to be ex-military of the Royal Guard. They were usually rather lazy, but they still more or less did their jobs.

BlackHoof had to admit there were some who were changing. He even felt hopeful for the future of the Equestrian nobility, but that was a ways off yet. He overheard a mare from the rather well known and respected Tafiter family named Energy Dancer talking about hoping the Ever-Free Patrol would have a Canterlot Contingent to join. That dream wasn’t too unlikely. BlackHoof looked up the past of the patrol and found out there was such a branch at one time.

Canterlot did have some grounds apart from the mountain that were considered part of the city, but the main purpose of the Canterlot Contingent was to act as a local defense for the city. That way the Royal Guard could focus on Canterlot Palace or other military facilities across the land. It was especially helpful in the past to protect Canterlot from spies and undercover enemies.

I hope she gets her wish. It would be nice if the nobility got back to being actually respectful like it was in the past and even when I was younger,” BlackHoof thought as he wrote a letter. He was granted access to a letter teleport for this mission. Once he was given a letter in response saying his mission was complete, the object would disappear.

His letter was simple. It read:

We found it.


Inspector BlackHoof

Dark Artifact Retrieval Agency

He sent the letter and waited for a response. It didn’t take long. He smiled as he read the letter.

Good to hear. Take a couple of days off and give us a full debriefing when you return.

The letter wasn’t signed, but he recognized Princess Luna’s writing. He knew the princesses would discuss this together during their meeting with each other. He planned to tell them during the full debriefing how Aqua Life was instrumental in her aid along with her desire to help with further study of their find. He would also tell them of Sgt. Wind Wing’s help as well. He was sure good things would come to both ponies as a result. After all, it wasn’t every day you discovered an ancient and mythical sunken Earth Pony city like Ponlantis.

Author's Note:

By this point in the story I figured I should point something out. I have been hinting about it some here and there in comments. I know I took a long break from this story, but I was still planning things and already had plans for later in the story laid out. I wish to point out that this is an AU story.

Regarding post season 3 content/revelations (including the movie), I will be picking and choosing if I follow it or not. I may not even follow season two stuff completely, but in this case, it is more of a if it isn’t mentioned then just pretend it didn’t happen situation instead of me completely changing events.

I know most people are probably okay with this and don’t have a problem. Sadly, there are some people out there who get upset if you don’t follow cannon almost religiously even if a story is labeled AU (alternative universe) and a crossover. I can’t recall anyone commenting about such things like that in this story, but I have been keeping things relatively cannon, even with Naruko mixed into the story. Things might be okay for a good while yet, but they will change very much from cannon soon enough.

There are also some ideas I will start to introduce with the next mission Naruko goes on as well. Hopefully they will work, but I still feel I should give a warning at this stage of the story.