• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 26,776 Views, 224 Comments

The Truth of Bonds and Friendship - Gadman85

Naruko (Female Naruto) thought she knew a bit about these bonds the Hokage always talked about. However when she tries a mysterious Jutsu. She is sent to a new land where she learns the truth. Naruto and MLP crossover.

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Into the Temple of Life

Chapter 11: Into the Temple of Life

The next morning Kyuubi and Naruko were hidden in the shade looking at the inner most courtyard again. They needed to figure out how best to approach this situation. “I think I could use up to five tails in there, but our movement would be very restricted. However, if what I fear is true then going big might be our best shot.” Kyuubi thought to Naruko.

Naruko looked it over and frowned in thought. “I think attacking in your current form and not holding back on magic attacks would be a better shot. We don’t know for sure if what you fear is true or not. We have no idea of what lies inside of the temple. I think we should try to still draw as little attention as possible.”

Kyuubi wasn't so sure about this but he could see her reasoning. He actually felt a little proud of her as he realized if they were back in Konoha she would probably still want to go in flashy and attention getting as opposed to being smart when fighting.

Alright. I see what you mean.” He thought in reply to her. The two then went back to speak with Fluttershy and have breakfast.

{-} {-} {-}

“Are you two sure about this? I mean it does seem kind of… tough to pull off.” Fluttershy said as the trio got ready to make their next move. She didn't like the idea of being told to just sit the fighting out. It pained her to hear they felt she wasn't capable of fighting to help protect her friends and other ponies. They didn't mean it to seem this way but the shy pony thought this regardless.

She could fight… sort of… she just preferred to exhausted other options first. However, she wasn't naive enough to think she could peacefully resolve everything they came across on this vital mission. She would follow Naruko’s plans, since the blonde unicorn knew more about these kinds of situations than she did. At the same time, she hoped to have an opportunity to show her friends she wasn't the meek and timid pegasus she used to be now, even if this was only a recent change.

Naruko sensed the uneasiness in her friend and decided to put it to rest right then and there hopefully. “I’m sure about this. Kyuubi and I are more durable than most ponies.” Fluttershy looked at her with an expression that said she took offense to the insinuation she was weak compared to others.

“Naruko is right Fluttershy. My energy helps increase her natural healing abilities and she has an absurdly high tolerance for pain. No doubt from pushing herself too hard while training on a regular basis. We are in essence the perfect tank or ‘cannon fodder’. Thus meaning it will help for us to go first to gauge an enemy’s weaknesses and strengths. Why else do you think she had no problem playing distraction against Nightmare Moon while Twilight figured out how to defeat her?” Kyuubi added to defend Naruko from “The Stare”. That was a very powerful move Fluttershy had. He figured very few could actually resist it.

Fluttershy gave a little frown. “I just don’t want to be seen as weak and useless is all…. I don’t want to be babied…. I know I am far from the bravest of ponies. That honor belongs to someone like you Naruko, or Applejack or Rainbow Dash. I just want to be capable of helping my friends…” Fluttershy then hoofed the ground and hid behind her mane.

Naruko gave her a warm smile as she gave the pegasus a comforting hug and said to her. “I don’t think you’re useless or weak Fluttershy, and neither does Twilight or the princesses. Remember Princess Celestia recommended you for this mission. Luna was a little concerned, but gave you the benefit of the doubt.” Fluttershy gave a small smile to Naruko for the nice words.

“Ok Naruko… I will go with your plan. I just don’t want to be babied is all.” Fluttershy said again as they headed out of their safe zone.

Naruko said to her quietly, “I won’t baby you Fluttershy. Make sure you watch our fight against these two things. I have a feeling we will see more in the temple. Hopefully not as large as these two, but nonetheless it should give us ideas on how to deal with their kind.”

Fluttershy felt a bit more confident she wasn't just a tag-a-long after talking to Naruko. She was determined to show she could be useful in other ways besides her gift with animals. She would prove to not only Naruko and Kyuubi, but also herself that she wasn't just the cute and shy pony in their group of friends.

{-} {-} {-}

Once they were outside Naruko and Kyuubi took up positions from the shadows as Fluttershy remained hidden for the moment. Naruko looked over the features of the two creatures in front of her. She decided to start things off with a bit of bang. She formed a blue ball of energy and shot it at one of the two creatures quickly, and it soon exploded where it impacted.

Naruko grimaced as she realized she hit a crumbling pillar instead of her intended target. These things were quick. She only hoped they were lacking in resilience as a side effect to their quickness as she jumped into the courtyard ready to fight.

Kyuubi got ready and sent a flying fireball at one of the two creatures. It struck true! He frowned as he saw the creature was mostly unscathed from his attack. He figured it must have been able to dodge the brunt of his move. Kyuubi didn't hesitate for a moment as he sent a claw swipe at his opponent. The wolf creature jumped back and howled along with the other one.

It wasn't as loud as he feared it would be, but now he saw four wolves in front of him and Naruko, with purple glowing eyes as they launched at him and Naruko. The duo was only able to dodge the fast attacks thanks to their training. Another wolf lunged at Naruko. She dodged to the side and sent a well-timed buck to the canine’s side as it went past her. It was a bit of a lucky shot, but now she and Kyuubi realized a small pattern to the creatures’ attacks.

The two started making use of this new weakness, but their edge quickly ended when the two main beasts launched attacks to compensate for the predictability they found. Naruko was about to send a good buck to the side of a wolf, when she felt a hard and fast hit to her ribs. She flew a couple of feet before she recovered from the savage hit.

Kyuubi sent a fire attack which the creature easily dodged. His subsequent swipe struck true this time though defeating the creature. Naruko feinted an attack on another wolf as it charged her. The other creature then appeared by her side ready to attack, but Naruko’s horn flared light blue as a gust of wind sent the creature off course followed by a fast hoof punch to the creature’s face. As the creature was momentarily dazed, Naruko sent a magic slicing attack at the beast’s neck killing it.

Once the second creature was dealt with, the two made quick work of the four wolves, the two bipedal canines summoned. “Well it seems we learned something form that at least. Wouldn't you say Fluttershy?”

The meek pegasus nodded her head as she said, “I don’t like how they summon other wolves to attack by their side. I only hope they are at the least only allowed two each.” Fluttershy also didn't like the brutality of Naruko’s attack, but she figured there wasn't really any other way. At least it was a quick death.

“They are also rather smart and have decent tactical knowledge, if their combined attacks are anything to go by.” Kyuubi added his two bits.

“I only hope we don’t meet too many at once.” Naruko said as she looked at the door in front of them before searching the bodies in case they had anything like a key on them. She found two keys, frowned at what it possibly meant, and tossed one to Fluttershy.

Naruko stood up and sighed as she said to her two companions. “Shall we see what treasures and other such things this temple holds?” She gave a wan smile to each of her friends, who only nodded solemnly in return.

Naruko then made a shadow clone and sent it first to try the door. She shuddered as she heard the shriek of the clone as it stepped on a booby trap right by the door. Fluttershy gave her a weary look but then moved closer to Naruko and placed a hoof on her friend’s shoulder and said softly, “I will follow you and make it through whatever this place has in store for us, but it seems discretion is still the best option until we learn otherwise. I am sorry for your clone.”

Fluttershy knew Naruko vividly experienced whatever memories her clones did. She couldn't imagine what it was like to experience death over and over again, even if it was only a shadow of the real thing. At the same time Fluttershy was glad Naruko could do something like this. It was sure to prove very useful, but she wondered if Naruko was actually creating life with these clones or what. She had little understanding of unicorn magic and she didn't have Twilight here to explain the details of such things unfortunately.

Naruko gave her an odd look before saying to her. “They are just clones… They are copies of me made with magic energy. I have gotten used to the memories of their ‘deaths’. Don’t really be sorry for them Fluttershy. There will be lots of them ‘dying’ in here.”

Fluttershy gave Naruko a wide-eyed horrified look. “How can you just not care about something dying Naruko?”

Naruko winced realizing she should have explained her clones better to Fluttershy. “They are made of memory and magical energy only Fluttershy. They aren't really alive so much as they are solidified reflections of me. Their ‘death’ is only energy being dispersed and their memories being transferred to me and any other shadow clones. I am not creating life and then ending it on a whim just for my own safety.”

Fluttershy looked like she was still trying to figure things out. It still sounded like they were living copies of Naruko. She was wondering how it was they could sometimes all act differently from each other otherwise. Naruko had told her and the others about this before.

Kyuubi seemed to sense her unasked question. “The only reason why they can act so very differently is because they are reflections of my partner here and she is very complex personality wise. It only makes sense reflections of her would be the same way and respond differently to outside forces.”

Fluttershy nodded now. She kind of understood now what they were. “I think I get it now. I wasn't going to really question it until Naruko started to go into detail about them.”

Naruko face hoofed now knowing this whole conversation wasn't needed. She did think it would be best it happened in the end though. “Alright let’s go inside.”

{-} {-} {-}

As the trio entered the temple carefully, they found their selves in what looked like a dark hallway with a carpet similar to the one in their safe zone. This carpet however was more a black than red and very much worn. They closed the doors to the temple behind them carefully and waited in the dark of the hall for a minute or two.

Naruko was about to sigh thinking she would have to play living torch for them when suddenly the dark hall lit with lights casting a warm glow all along the walls.

“I hope that is normal… I don’t think it would be good if that just gave us away.” Fluttershy said quietly. Kyuubi and Naruko just nodded their agreement and kept their guard up.

They weren't inside for long when Fluttershy almost stepped on a trap of some kind. She flinched when she felt Naruko grab her hoof, but sighed in relief when she saw why the blonde maned unicorn grabbed her. Naruko then looked the trap over and disarmed it.

The trio kept moving slower into the temple. So far things were very annoying but relatively quiet. It was annoying because they kept coming across more traps in different rooms. They were lucky they didn't have to fight any enemies yet. Once they entered what was probably the fourth room in this large temple, the group noticed several traps again. Naruko groaned in frustration and finally decided she had enough.

Her horn glowed light blue and she said, “Shadow Clone Jutsu.” Several clones appeared before the group. “Alright everypony. We need to work on disarming all of the traps in this room. When you finish with that go on to the next room. Get to it!” With that the light tanned pony army went forth and started disarming traps in mass.

Fluttershy, Naruko and Kyuubi stared with their mouths open as they saw fires, spears, knives and many other things happen all at once. Several clones dispersed into smoke. Many chose to just spring the traps instead of disarming them safely.

After a few minutes, there were only a few left in the room as the smoke cleared. They paused and one asked, “Boss what do we do with these doors? They look like they need some kind of special magical keys. We tried picking the locks but that didn't do any good. We also tried using force to a small extent. Anything more and getting unwanted attention from those monsters would be the least of our worries as the temple collapsed on all of us.”

Naruko, Kyuubi and Fluttershy all three gave grave expressions as Naruko dismissed the two clones. She got their memories and couldn't help but say, “What the Hay!? Those moves didn't work?” Fluttershy wanted to ask what she was talking about but she decided it was best she leave it alone. Naruko gave a sigh and said, “Well here you go Flutters. We need to turn these keys at the same time it looks like.”

The blonde unicorn tossed the yellow pegasus an odd object that looked like some strange key. The base was a beautiful amethyst cut into a diamond that had worn down on the points. The gem was then connected to a gold piece of metal with an intricately designed end. Fluttershy took a look at Naruko’s key and noticed it was pretty much the same but worn in different places from her own.

“I really hope we aren't going to have to collect a ton of these keys.” Naruko said to herself mostly.

“I only hope we aren't separated, and find out each door requires two keys like this one at the same time to open.” Fluttershy said to her friend. Naruko nodded her agreement with Fluttershy along with Kyuubi.

The two approached the doors side by side cautiously with Kyuubi right behind them. The two pony friends stood right in front of the doors and took in a deep breath as they used their keys right in sync with each other. Naruko had her eyes turned away from the door scared of what might be on the other side.

The two felt a cold rush of wind, and that was all. Naruko slowly turned to look forward as she heard a sigh from Fluttershy. She was a mix of relief and disappointment when she saw yet another straight hall before them. On the plus side, this one was shorter than the others they had passed through before. On the down side, it was shorter than the other halls meaning it was likely the traps were a lot more condensed.

“Well Kyuubi you mind doing the honors?” Naruko asked with a slightly weak sounding voice. She was a very brave mare and pony period, but this whole temple had been giving her the creeps this whole time. She felt as if something was watching and waiting for them hidden somewhere just out of sight and reach. She felt as if some being was gauging their abilities as they made progress through the dimly light temple.

Kyuubi raised an eyebrow as he said with a smirk. “Ohh? Are you afraid Naruko?” Naruko shook her head adamantly to this. Kyuubi gave a mental chuckle to this. “Why not just spam your clones if you are worried about traps.”

“I don’t think that would be wise from this point on Kyuubi. I have an odd feeling about this place.” Naruko said in an even tone as she narrowed her deep blue eyes. Kyuubi didn't need any more convincing after that. He carefully took a step forward and as he pressed a paw on the floor an ancient rune appeared below him in bright white.

Naruko was about to shout or something but she felt Kyuubi’s presence inside her. Fluttershy on the other hoof was close to all out panic after seeing that. If something could take care of Kyuubi like that she wasn't sure if she could continue, even with her new found courage. “Don’t worry Fluttershy. Kyuubi is alright… He is inside me now hidden away.” Fluttershy wasn't sure what to make of this, but after seeing Naruko’s expression she just gulped and cowered behind her mane just a little bit.

Any ideas what happened Kyuubi?” Naruko thought to her familiar. She could feel him thinking something over before giving an answer.

It seems whatever that symbol was it dismissed me. I think it is safe to figure it would do the same for your shadow clones. You could try it to see if I am right, but be warned Naruko… The sensation was not very pleasant.” Kyuubi answered her mentally.

Naruko mentally nodded and summoned two clones. The clones ran forward and were engulfed by that same light. However, one was further down the hall than the first one or Kyuubi. The clone jumped over the first symbol, but as soon as it landed it was forcefully dismissed. As the clones were dismissed Naruko groaned, it was horrible and she heard screams of some kind. Fluttershy looked to her concerned.

“Are you alright Naru?” Fluttershy asked sweetly. Naruko gave a shuddering breath.

“That was horrible… I'm alright though.” Naruko collected herself and gave a weak but still warming smile as she said, “I now know clones aren't any good in this hall.” Kyuubi just let out a long breath. He would have said something along the lines of ‘I told you so’, but the sensation Naruko experienced twice like he figured was enough for her.

Fortunately it seemed the hall didn't have many traps for normal ponies. Fluttershy and Naruko made their way carefully and finally opened the door at the other end of the hall.

“Oh my…” Fluttershy said before giving a gasp. Naruko just stared in to the next room as well.

The next room was a large chamber with four darkened symbols on the floor in the center surrounding one larger symbol. This room was brilliantly light from the stained glass windows around the room that stretched from about 6 feet above the floor almost all of the way up to the ceiling. Kyuubi let out a whistle which Naruko copied as she looked around.

There were five large doors along the walls before them they could barely make out. There also seemed to be a few sections of stone benches around the room facing the center.

Fluttershy gave a little sigh, “Looks like we can’t try a divide and conquer approach.” She extended a beautiful yellow hoof to teach of the other doors. Each excessively large door required two keys to unlock them. The fifth looked to require a different couple of keys.

“Well at least our keys can open multiple doors.” Naruko said.

As the two ponies started descending into the center of the hall, Naruko sent Kyuubi a question. “Think you can come out now Kurama?” In a flash of fiery light, the fox in his three tailed form once again appeared by their sides.

“Hopefully the other halls aren't like that last one.” Kyuubi said in his low voice. “Do you think you can send a few test clones when we enter each of the adjoining halls Naruko?”

“I can. I won’t like that sensation again. But better to use shadow clones than to let these glyphs forcefully dismiss you again I bet.” Naruko said.

Fluttershy asked her. “I guess it wouldn't be good for Kyuubi to be continuing dismissed in that manner?”

Kyuubi shook his head. “I don’t think so… That power felt ancient… It felt as old as Celestia herself. I don’t think it would cause any long terms problems, but it would be best if we don’t tempt fate on this one.”

{-} {-} {-}

It had taken the group a good 10 to 15 minutes before they reached the center of the large chamber. It took them so long because the stairs were so many and they weren't ready to risk going at even a normal pace yet. Once they were in the center they started looking around hoping they could find clues besides the obvious doors on what they had to do next.

Naruko leaned in closer to one of the outer four symbols on the floor and reluctantly gave a sigh. “We have to go through each of these doors don’t we?” Fluttershy asked. Naruko just gave her a nod.

Naruko decided further explanation was needed after a few seconds. “It seems each of the four outer symbols is connected to one of the four side doors. We have to most likely go into some chamber on the other side of each door to activate the seals. I guess once we activate the four seals we will find the keys for the last set of doors.”

“And odds are it won’t be as easy as getting here was… will it….?” Fluttershy said weakly. Kyuubi and Naruko both nodded.

“Let’s take a little break first, you two ponies before going on.” Kyuubi said/ordered the mares. Naruko and Fluttershy both collapsed on their haunches to his words.

Fluttershy felt a lot more exhausted now that she was on the floor. She picked through her saddle bag in search of something to eat. Once she had it in hoof and she was about to take a bite she stopped. She looked around the area they were in and sighed as she leaned on Naruko. Naruko blushed a little bit to this but didn't really complain or anything. The blonde mare actually found it a bit comforting.

Fluttershy spoke after a few seconds. “I guess I need to... you know… be careful with my food huh?”

Naruko looked her over and gave her a small smile. “You do Fluttershy. But you shouldn't try starving yourself. I guess you aren't really used to this much walking and such. Also we don’t know what waits behind those doors.” A peach tanned hoof pointed to a door across from them. Fluttershy nodded and decided to have a little of her food but not all of it. Naruko gave a smile and continued to relax using Fluttershy as support as well.

{-} {-} {-}

Twilight gave a sigh as she looked into the sky. She was helping Rarity look for gems. This meant she was pulling around the cart as Rarity used her gem finding spell. Twilight sought out Rarity hoping the beauty unicorn would have something she could help with that would help pass the time. Naruko was on her mission and now that Twilight had finished her assignment for Celestia she knew what all it entailed.

Twilight hated the idea of Naruko and Fluttershy having to travel to such a dangerous place on their own. Well they did have Kyuubi, but it still worried Twilight. Right off the bat Twilight had to get away from just sitting around in the library all day. She wouldn't have been able to concentrate on reading a book knowing what her best friend was doing. Spike was understanding, so Twilight left for Rarity’s right away as he took over the library's duties.

The lavender unicorn hoped her fashionista friend might have something for her to help with doing. She thought maybe she might also learn a little bit about tailoring. Instead she was out here roaming around with Rarity searching for gems. Twilight’s mind kept focusing on Naruko and Fluttershy the whole time.

Twilight knew she would have to get used to this, but there wasn't anything she could do that she found helpful. Her books in the library didn't have anything on the other possible temples for her to look up. She didn't have any new spells to study, least of all any combat spells. She already made a mental note to try and coax Naruko into giving her combat magic lessons again. This time she would be more stubborn about it. She didn't know why Naruko was reluctant to teach her though.

“Darling. Are you ok?” Rarity’s cultivated voice spoke breaking Twilight from her thoughts.

“Uh? What is it Rarity?” Twilight asked. She hadn’t fully caught her friend’s question.

Rarity shook her head and sighed, “I asked if you were ok Twilight….” Twilight tried to put on an everything is fine smile, but failed completely. “Don’t you dare try to tell me everything is fine Twilight. It is all too obvious that is not the case.” Twilight frowned to that. “It is about Naruko isn’t it?” Rarity asked with a concerned look.

Twilight let out a breath. “Yes it is. I know she is capable but I am still worried Rarity. It also doesn't help that this is the first time since I met her, that we really are actually separated. In the past when she went away I could still easily reach her.”

Rarity gave a frown as she walked over to Twilight and gave her hug. “I wish I could say more than just to believe in her Twilight. But you said she was doing something you couldn't really talk about, so I can't further comfort you.”

Twilight returned the hug and after a few seconds the two ponies broke their hug. Twilight gave a smile as she said, “It’s alright. You are helping me a little bit. I just wish you could talk more, but you did tell me it takes a lot of concentration for you to use your gem finding spell.” Twilight’s smile grew wider as she said, “Just remember you promised to teach it to me Rarity.”

Rarity gave an elegant giggle, “Somehow I figure you wouldn't allow me to forget that promise Twilight.” Rarity then stretched out a little bit as she said, “Shall we continue? We don’t have too many more to find. After that I can teach you the spell or maybe even a little bit about tailoring if you want Twilight.” Twilight gave a little nod and the two ponies continued there gem finding job.

{-} {-} {-}

Naruko was currently examining the four outer symbols again. She was trying to figure out if there was a certain order they had to go in or anything like that. As far as she could tell there was a “recommended” order, but that was all. Naruko gave a grin as she said, “Alright lets go through door number four first.” She pointed a hoof at a door on the right side from where they entered.

Kyuubi gave her a look, “And why are we going through door number four?”

“Well there are symbols for one through four on each of these.” She pointed a hoof to each square symbol marked with what looked like a tree of life or something of the like. There were also smaller different symbols as well on each one. “There is a ‘recommended’ order, but from what I can tell there isn't any reasoning to their being a specific order.”

Fluttershy gave Naruko a deadpanned look as she asked, “No offence Naruko but usually there is a reason for ‘recommended’ orders to things. Why do you want to start with door number four, and how do you even recognize any of these symbols in the first place?”

“I sometimes looked over Twilight’s shoulder as she worked on her assignments from Celestia and asked her questions. Also the way I see it, there recommended order is based on difficulty. So I say we get the harder stuff out of the way first!” Naruko then gave her trademark grin as both Kyuubi and Fluttershy rolled their eyes simultaneously. In the end, they went with her idea because they figured it would be too much trouble to argue with her.

The trio then followed her to “door number four”. Fluttershy looked to Naruko, and the two ponies put their keys into the doors while Kyuubi got ready. The doors opened to reveal another hall. Without any hesitation Naruko made two clones and sent them in to test for traps or glyphs like the one that forcefully dismissed summons. The clones made it to the end of the hall with no problems and dismissed their selves.

“Seems they only placed that precaution on that first hall I guess.” Said Kyuubi as they all entered the hall. The two ponies both thought it odd they hadn't run into anymore of those outside beasts yet, just traps and such.

The group entered into the next room and all three mentally sighed as they saw three of those bipedal wolf like creatures. “Well I guess we had to run into them again eventually.” Naruko said as the beast charged each of them.

The largest beast charged Kyuubi. The beast decided Kyuubi was the biggest threat of the group. The medium sized one charged Naruko. The final beast was the smallest, but seemed to also be the most dangerous of the group.

Kyuubi dodged the beast’s swipe and tried to counter, but the beast quickly kicked him and didn't let the fox demon attack back. Kyuubi gave a “tsk” but continued fighting and alternately dodging. The giant fox swung one of his tails at the beast and sent it back just a little bit. Kyuubi would have attacked right away, but the beast recovered too quickly for him to land a decent hit.

Fluttershy dodged an attack. She wasn't sure how to fight these things all that well yet. She was however glad for her homemade armor. It had already helped her out some. She also did notice this small creature was faster than the others and much more vicious with his attacks.

Fluttershy dodged another deadly swipe from his claws, but received a rear leg kick from the thing square in her side. It hurt like hell but she wasn't going to go down yet. However, she needed to think of an attack strategy quick if she wanted to be useful.

Naruko wasn't doing too much better than the others. She was far too busy being concerned for the others instead of herself. Her beast wasn't just swiping and kicking it was actually throwing in a punch or two ever so often as well. Naruko took a hit to her face as she was worried Fluttershy needed help immediately.

Kyuubi growled at the large beast and soon he charged forward and managed to land a solid kick on the thing. It grunted in pain and then let loose an unearthly howl before charging again at Kyuubi.

The fox was ready and made an attack when the thing seemed to vanish before his eyes and reappear on his side. The creature then swiped at Kyuubi and the fox howled in pain. Soon Kyuubi put some distance between him and the other beast before thinking up a new plan of attack.

Fluttershy shifted to her side just out of the way of her attacker’s fist. However, the small beast sent a kick at her again. Fluttershy dodged the kick, but took a back hand blow to her side followed by three more hits.

The butter yellow Pegasus was in pain but still stood her ground. She knew she could take a beating, even if she didn't like it. “I have suffered worse giving Mr. Bear a massage. You can do this Fluttershy.” She thought to herself. Her blue eyes widened as she then thought, “That’s it!

Fluttershy charged right past the beast’s legs and then immediately turned around and launched herself at it with a kick. The beast was surprised by this sudden ferocity. Next Fluttershy sent a hoof punch hard into the creature’s back before it fell to the ground. She then grabbed it’s back leg and pulled it down hard. She had done this before, but in the past she used just the right force to not cause any harm. This time though she went past that point and the beast cried in pain.

Next Fluttershy pulled the other leg just as harshly before then sending several punches into the creatures back. Fluttershy then grabbed then thing’s neck and used all of her might to twist its neck. She winced as she heard the bone snap, and then oddly the thing poofed away in blue smoke.

Fluttershy would have helped after that, but she had to recover from having seemingly killed something for her first time ever. “Ohh… My…” She said in disbelief. She had no idea how fine a line her massages were actually walking if it just took a little more force and strength to injure and kill instead of relieving.

Naruko saw Fluttershy finish her attacker, and wanted to go and give her emotional support. Even if these things were heartless monsters they were still living things. She knew what it was like to kill for your first time. She needed to be there for Fluttershy, but this monster in front of her wouldn't let that happen.

Naruko narrowed her eyes and charged the thing. It sneered and charged her back. Naruko mentally smirked. This would be all too easy. This one was easily baited she noticed while fighting it. Naruko looked like she was attacking head on, and the beast was more than ready for that. However, it wasn't ready for her to duck down, shift to the side, and then thrust her horn at its underside before withdrawing it again.

The beast howled in pain after crashing on the floor, but before it could do anything Naruko stomped the thing’s side. It howled again and Naruko stomped one more time before it too burst into blue smoke. She looked to Kyuubi and figured he had things under control. She needed to be by Fluttershy’s side right now.

Fluttershy was staring blankly at where the wolf thing was before she beat it. Where it was before she killed it. Fluttershy stared more. She was supposed to save creatures. She was supposed to help them heal. She wasn’t supposed to end them. She soon felt a comforting hoof on her shoulder, and she started crying as she reached out and hugged Naruko tightly.

Kyuubi glared angrily at his opponent. It was time to end this now. It didn’t matter his enemy was bigger than the others. He should not have been the last to beat his opponent. The fox charged the large beast in front of him and right as the beast was about to make his move. Kyuubi opened his mouth and exhaled a large red-yellow flame and burned the beast. It was only a second after the attack the beast disappeared in the same manner the other two did.

“Shhh.. Fluttershy calm down.” Naruko said trying to help her yellow flying friend. “You knew this might happen. You didn’t have a choice.”

Fluttershy cried harder as she said through her sobs, “But… I am supposed to help animals not kill them… I should have tried talking to it, or anything before attacking. I couldn’t help it I immediately thought how to fight it and hurt it. I was hoping to help you two out… But I… But I…”

“These things would have eventually broken free of this place and hunted down all of those animals you help Fluttershy. Besides these things are being tortured the longer they stay here. They should have died naturally long ago. But something in this place is keeping them alive… Preventing them from getting their eternal rest.” Kyuubi said to her.

Fluttershy sniffed. “That still doesn’t change that I have killed now!! I am a bad pony! You two should just leave me here… I am bad, evil, horrible pony!”

“No you aren’t Fluttershy. You are still the kindest pony I know. You did what you had to for us. You were helping us. You are further helping all of Equestria with this mission. Killing something that is attacking you in defense doesn’t make you a bad pony.” Naruko said evenly.

“Yes it does!” Fluttershy said through tears in her blue eyes. Naruko frowned to this. It hurt hearing her say that a little bit, even if she knew it was just the yellow pegasus freaking out. Fluttershy mumbled to herself calling her horrible names like “Flutterrage, or Cruelityshy.”

“Do you really think that Fluttershy?” Naruko asked in a cold tone. Fluttershy nodded emphatically before her eyes widened and she gasped.

“I don’t mean it like that Naruko… You aren’t a bad pony… I just… I mean….” Fluttershy started whimpering apologies.

“Fluttershy. It is good that you don’t like killing. But you are one of the Elements of Harmony. You are one of Equestria’s defenders. It is good to want to get through to your enemies, but in a place like this there isn’t anything to get through to. Also with the Cosmic Darkness the Princesses are talking about you will have to kill again.” Kyuubi said in a nonthreatening, but still stern tone.

“So long as you don’t start to enjoy killing Fluttershy you won’t become a bad, evil, horrible pony. You may not have your innocence anymore, but you are still Fluttershy the element of kindness, and you will still be our friend.” Naruko said.

Fluttershy sniffed again, but this time she shook her head to clear it. “I don’t know if I can accept this but I do know that we can’t dwell on this for now… I just want to get this mission over with Naruko.” Naruko and Kyuubi nodded in agreement. However, it also seemed as if something took hold of Fluttershy from deep within herself with those words.

She was still Fluttershy, but the aura around her seemed a little colder than it was before. She also seemed to have narrowed her eyes. Naruko and Kyuubi were a little concerned about this change, but right now it was as she said they had a mission to do.

The trio looked around and found a door in the back of the room. They slowly cracked it open and entered. The room was large, but fairly dark with a faint glow to it. They could make out the walls on the far side, and they also noticed some dark figures as well resting at the moment.

Kyuubi narrowed his eyes. He saw what looked like a panel similar to what they saw inside the building they were using for their temporary base. He gave a soft sigh, and whispered so both Naruko and Fluttershy would hear him. “We will have to fight these things… I think I know why this was ‘Door number Four’.” He gave a glare to Naruko that she couldn't see but she did feel.

“What are we going to do? Can three of us take on all of these?” Fluttershy asked.

Naruko shook her head. “We fight together this time. And Kyuubi… I think we shouldn't care so much for discretion at this point. Besides who wants to bet we won’t have to worry about any outside interference in this room.” She then pointed out the low glow. “Protection and sound proofing magic” was all she said.

Kyuubi gave an evil toothy grin. “Sounds fun! I could use a little time to let loose.”

“You know if he wasn't a fox I would say he was a bad meanie pony Naruko.” Fluttershy said.

“I am not a pony though! I am a hunter! In some places I was even considered a Demon! Just like I am sure Celestia was by her enemies on the battle field.” Kyuubi said as he was surrounded in flame.

He then reappeared with five tails. Naruko got ready and took a battle stance. Fluttershy took to hovering above the ground with cold determination in her eyes. She tried to be detached from it all. She didn’t want to think she was the one about to kill.

The room lit up suddenly and the figures were now visible. There were more of those wolf creatures. A whole lot of them. The creatures just started at them for a couple of seconds before they let loose howls and attacked. Three went for Naruko. Five went after Kyuubi. Three more jumped up to try and get Fluttershy.

Naruko fired a blast of magic at the three. It hit two and she went in and landed a devastating reinforced hoof punch to the third’s stomach causing the creature retch before then falling backwards and crashing to the floor. Naruko had a bit of a smile on her lips. It felt good to use more of her and Kyuubi’s power in an actual fight.

Kyuubi chuckled as the five animals charged after him. He gave an evil grin and swiped with his claws. He missed on purpose causing the things to momentarily halt their advance. He then unleashed a large plume of fire that took out two and caught a third on fire. The giant fox then launched at the remaining two. He slashed one with his claws and kicked hard with a back leg at the fifth.

Fluttershy watched as the three creatures jumped up at her. She was able to calculate how high they would reach. Fluttershy hovered up just enough to be out of reach of their claws. As the things tried to slice into her with their claws, she just calmly waited.

They started to fall to the ground after a couple of seconds. Their fall was starting to increase in speed as Fluttershy’s now cold blue eyes narrowed and she quickly dived down after them. The trio of wolf creatures were bunched up together. Fluttershy Sped into them throwing precise punches.

She then used her back hooves to shove the one a little on top of the others towards the ground. Her shove forced their decent to increase speed, and the bottom two broke their backs on the stone floor. Fluttershy then landed hard on the top one and once again used her massage techniques with lethal force to kill it.

Fluttershy didn’t pause this time after killing a creature. She immediately sought out her next target while still staying close to Naruko and Kyuubi. She picked out a target and attacked. The thing attacked back with a friend of his.

Fluttershy dodged and did her best to counter. She wasn't experienced like Naruko though, so she did take some hits but for some reason her cold aura allowed her to keep fighting without much problem.

The usually shy pony managed to dodge an attack, and then send a good hard sideways buck into its ribs. She heard them crack but didn't flinch as she followed through with a hoof to the thing's throat.

Next the other one attacked her. She dodged and quickly used her hooves to snap its neck. As she stared coldly at it, she gave a slight but cruel smile as she hovered up a little bit to dodge a different attack. Fluttershy grabbed the hairy arm and pulled it down before kicking the thing into the back of the creature Naruko was fighting.

Naruko was attacking four new opponents at once. She easily dodged and countered their attacks. She managed to land a harsh buck on one that sent it crashing into another. She then summoned up her blue ball energy attack on the tip of her horn.

She was about to drive the attack into the creature when she suddenly heard an impact on the back of creature in her cross-hairs. Soon after the impact the creature exploded along with two others as her attack dissipated. She was about to give Kyuubi a “good job,” but she instead saw it was a butter yellow pegasus in front of her. Fluttershy was in a stance showing she had just thrown an enemy.

“Fluttershy?” Naruko asked in surprise. Fluttershy just gave a curt nod and quickly sent a hoof attack at one of the creature’s faces. Naruko noticed the cold look in her eyes. She didn’t like this at all, but they still had several of these things to fight.

Kyuubi gave a low rumbling laugh as he used a chakra enhanced back swipe. He sent a few of the beasts flying into others. He then used a flame attack to finish them off. He then took some time to check on his companions.

He first noticed how Fluttershy was actually doing fairly well at hoof to hoof combat against these things. She was being brutal and lethal with her attacks. He grinned at her carnage, but mentally sighed knowing this wasn’t like her at all.

The trio managed to find fighting styles that meshed soon after the first two waves, and made quick work of the last groups. Kyuubi even dropped out of the fight at the end and observed. He wanted Fluttershy and Naruko to get some more actual experience. He was ready to join in a heartbeat if needed.

Naruko and Fluttershy actually managed to fight pretty well as a team. They both knew it was because of Naruko’s flexible attacks though mostly. However, they were ready to finish this fight. There weren’t too many more left, and the things were close together.

The wolf creatures attacked from the front because the fox beast was now fire blasting anything that tried to attack the ponies’ rears. Naruko got an idea. “Fluttershy get ready to send a horizontal arc of wind. Can you do that?”

Fluttershy actually blinked and said, “I don’t know… I will try if you want though.”

“Do it! Tell me when you are ready to release it.” Naruko replied. She was forming her blue magic into something that Fluttershy couldn’t really make out.

The Yellow pegasus got right behind Naruko hovering just above her as she gathered natural energy into her wings. She focused on making a horizontal wind.

She wasn’t on the weather team or anything, but all pegasi could use what they called weather magic. It was just the ones that excelled at it that usually got weather jobs. This did make up a large percentage of their race though.

Fluttershy had the energy and said, “Ready!” She watched as Naruko threw her attack out at the remaining creatures. It was some thin bent blade of magic. It was going at a decent pace but it wasn’t real fast. Fluttershy unleashed her wind at the magic.

The magic attack seemed to catch the wind and then it suddenly burst forward quickly. The remaining creatures could only widen their eyes as they were all struck by the final attack. They burst into smoke just as most of the others had when they were killed.

Naruko gave a cheer as did Kyuubi as well. Fluttershy seemed to snap out of her battle trance and just gazed with her mouth open in surprise. The yellow pony then collapsed to the floor breathing in relief. They had a short break at least.

“I knew that trick would work! I didn’t think it would be that awesome though.” Naurko said with a big smile. “Thanks for your help Fluttershy.” Said pony just nodded in return as she breathed in and out.

“I didn’t think we would finish them that quickly either if at all!” Fluttershy said.

“You should have more faith in your skills Fluttershy. They are very good for a pony that doesn’t have guard combat training. How did you do it? Some of those attack were very…. Final.” Kyuubi said deeply with approval. He was now in his more manageable three tailed form again.

“I just thought of the way I give mister Bear massages. He gets a lot of knots in his muscles. I just applied more force and used more strength…. I hope it wasn’t too risky of me or anything like that…” Her voice trailed off towards the end.

Naruko and Kyuubi were both relieved by this action. Fluttershy was acting more like herself again, instead of the cold-hearted fighter she was earlier. The last thing they wanted was this mission essentially breaking her, especially after seeing how efficient of a killer she could be.

{-} {-} {-}

After resting for half an hour, Naruko finally went to activate the console in the room. She stared at it intently. She saw several different symbols, but they were different from the ones she saw earlier. These she didn’t recognize from the time she spent looking over Twilight’s shoulder.

Naruko narrowed her sapphire blue eyes, hoping they would provide her some clue she managed to over look. “You don’t know what these symbols will do. Do you?” Kyuubi said with a grin.

Naruko sighed. “So I don’t… Sorry I don’t know everything about some long lost civilization that sprung up just after Discord was first defeated by the Princesses.” She glowered at Kyuubi who gave a small chuckle.

Naruko then felt a soft hoof on her shoulder. “I believe in you Naruko.” Fluttershy said in her normal airy quiet tone. Naruko smiled but then Fluttershy added in a trying to be helpful tone. “Besides worst case scenario you get us killed…. I mean… But I don’t think you will.”

Naruko gave her a look while Kyuubi laughed. Fluttershy squeaked and said quietly, “I’m sorry… please don’t be angry at me…”

Naruko sighed and gave her a smile. She was fairly certain it was impossible to stay angry at Fluttershy if you have any shred of a heart. “Well here goes everything!” She then pressed something with her hooves.

The area whirled to life and they saw magic light fly through the air and along the ceiling back the way they came. The area then lit up brightly and they suddenly found their selves back in the large room with the other doors.

Naruko blinked a few times then smiled widely as she said, “Alright! Door number four is down! We completed the hardest route first.” She was very much full of confidence. “So door number three next!”

{-} {-} {-}

After the trio finally managed to make their way through the first chamber behind door number three, they were all breathing hard. Fluttershy spoke up first. “Really? A multilevel maze with boulders and giant falling blocks?!”

“I get the feeling the ponies in charge of this temple were really bored at times.” Kyuubi said.

“Well at least we didn’t have to worry about fighting any of those crazy wolf creatures!” Naruko said hopefully with a foxy grin. Kyuubi and Fluttershy both rolled their eyes to her statement.

They now entered another long hallway. Naruko used clones to check for traps, and again they found none in the hall. Kyuubi narrowed his eyes and said, “Remember what happened last time we didn’t find any traps in a hall.” The two ponies nodded glumly.

They opened the next door. On the other side was a long and large low lit chamber. This time at least they didn’t see any big bad creatures in the shadows. Naruko smiled and took a step forward. “See told you it would be easier!”

Right as she said that they heard a loud whoosh and a large stone secondary floor crashed down inches from Naruko’s muzzle. Her eyes widened while her pupils shrunk. Kyuubi’s jaw dropped and Fluttershy, who was hovering, suddenly landed with her wings snapped tight to her sides.

As the ceiling/ floor thing rose back up, Naruko gave a nervous laugh and backed up closer to her friends. “So Fluttershy! Good thing you can go all cold an uncaring like in that battle earlier. You can still do that right?” Naruko asked with a nervous lilt in her voice.

Fluttershy just whimpered and shook her head. Naruko gave a nervous laugh as parts of her usually silky smooth mane stuck out at odd ends. Kyuubi though it reminder him a lot of Twilight in one of her “Phases”.

Naruko spoke. “Because you know! You could just fly over… and take Kyuubi with you and I can teleport to Kyuubi!” The butter yellow pegasus gave another whimper.

Naruko laughed again with even less humor this time and said in an almost pleading voice. “You know you are brave right! You were chosen for this mission by Celestia herself! I know you can do it!”

Fluttershy gave another whimper as the floor crashed down with force again. “Why don’t you just send out an army of your clones or something Naruko?!” She said.

Naruko grimaced. “I really don’t feel like experiencing being crushed by a huge and heavy floor ceiling thingy over and over again and again! It just isn’t that day today! I am only up for experiencing that on Wednesdays thank you very much.”

Kyuubi chuckled and said, “So should we just wait until tomorrow then?” Naruko glowered at him and despite the situation Fluttershy gave a giggle.

“No I think we can do this.” Fluttershy then looked around and noticed several large torches of some kind that were well over 15 feet tall. She then narrowed her eyes and asked, “How thick would you say that floor is?”

Naruko gave a confused look. She hadn’t really been paying attention to the floor’s thickness. She was just making sure she wasn’t crushed by it. Kyuubi spoke up. “I would say it is about twelve feet thick, but I am sure it rests flush against the real ceiling, so hopping on top of it isn’t a good idea.” He sighed, “Even if that would make it really easy.”

Fluttershy nodded and gave them a soft smile. “Then we just need to make sure we reach each of these torches before the ceiling falls again, until we reach the other side.” The other two looked at her questioningly.

Fluttershy pointed to the torches and said, “Those torches are about fifteen feet tall. This means they are in a safe zone… or whatever you want to call them…”

Naruko gave her a bone crushing hug and said happily. “Thanks Fluttershy! See you are even more useful than you have probably ever dreamed about! First you saved us from those manticores. Then you helped us beat those crazy bipedal wolf things. Now you pointed out something that would have taken me a long time to notice on my own probably.”

Naruko gave her a smile and friendly nuzzle. Fluttershy blushed, but felt really happy. A part of her decided that she really was still a good pony even after she did such horrible things earlier.

The three companions waited until the upper floor crashed down and raised once again. As soon as there was enough room for a pony, Naruko shouted to Fluttershy, “GO!” The two raced to the first torch and grabbed onto it tightly making sure they weren’t in the floors crush area.

Kyuubi was lucky in that he didn’t have to worry about it. He reverted to his one tail size and grabbed hold of Naruko tightly as she ran. It took a little while but the floor crashed down again as they all three caught their breath.

Regardless of the seemingly extra time they had, Fluttershy was glad she spent a lot of time on the ground. After all Rainbow Dash may be fast in the air, but she never spent much time on the ground running. Fluttershy had a feeling that if she were to race Rainbow Dash a decent length on the ground she would easily win. Rainbow could probably still run fast because of her over all talent for a bit but not for long.

{-} {-} {-}

The trio had spent a good amount of time making their way across the room, but now they noticed there was a long distance between them and the next torch. There was no way for them to get there fast enough. Naruko sighed. “I wish I was as good as Twilight with the teleportation spell.”

“So I guess that means I can’t just hold on to you as you magic us over there?” Fluttershy asked weakly. Naruko nodded. The butter yellow pony frowned and her ears drooped.

Naruko sighed as more memories and thoughts of her favorite pony, she had met so far, rushed through her head. “Twilight would be able to figure this out no problem.” Naruko thought to herself.

No use crying about it Naruko. I am sure eventually you will get to go to one of these temples with her, but now is not the time for such thoughts.” Kyuubi thought to her in reply.

Soon after that he gave a smile and said. “Naruko! When the floor crashes next time hoist me up in the air. Fluttershy’s wings aren't working properly right now, but if you hold me up there long enough I bet I will find a non-lit safe area between here and the next torch.”

Naruko gave a smile to him. Once the floor crashed again, Naruko surrounded him in her light blue magic glow without warning and hovered him above. Kyuubi might not have liked the abrupt and was unprepared for the change of altitude, but he didn’t complain. He looked and found what he was looking for.

Once he was back on Naruko’s back he said, “Ok if you go right three white squares from facing the end of this hall, and then up two black you will be in a safe area. It isn’t very big though.” Naruko nodded but waited until after the floor had crashed down one more time before moving.

She ran as fast as she could without losing Fluttershy. Once they were in the designated location she left out a breath as the two ponies huddled in close together. Naruko couldn’t help but take in her friend’s scent. She blushed as she inhaled. She liked it even if this wasn’t the time to be thinking about such things. Also she cursed herself mentally for some reason and thought of Twilight.

Fluttershy blushed a little as well. She wasn’t used to being this close to any pony in such a manner. It felt extra intimate or something. At the same time, she had mixed feelings about it. Part of her liked it, and part of her wasn’t as thrilled. When the floor rose again she sighed in relief as they made a rush for the next torch.

After a few more minutes, the three travelers made one mad dash for the door on the other end of the hall. Fluttershy eeped as she barely made it to the safe area as the floor crashed down one more time. Once her heart rate slowed down a little, the group opened the door and found an empty room apart from another magic console thing. Naruko wasted no time in activating it, and soon they found their selves back in the main lobby area.

“I am not so sure about your reverse order theory partner…” Kyuubi said in a low tone. Naruko sighed to this as Fluttershy tried to be supportive but agreed with Kyuubi.

“Fine!” Naruko said aloud. “We will go through door number one then! This will show you all I was right!”

{-} {-} {-}

It took them a few minutes to work their way through the enemy wolf creatures. Finally they reached the last door with only a few scrapes and bruises. Naruko then said, “Okay… So I was wrong. Still that was easier than door number four was!”

Fluttershy shook her head and said, “Only because we knew how to handle them now…” Naruko sighed as she pressed a button on the console and they were teleported back to the temple lobby again.

Naruko, still trying to be optimistic said cheerfully, “Well now we just have one more door left before we go into whatever opens in here. Cheer up guys! We are making good progress.” She then smiled at them as they both shook their heads before smiling as well.

“So all we have left is door number two.” Kyuubi said. The other two felt adrenaline course through their bodies as Naruko opened the last door. They expected the most fearsome of tasks to lay before them. They thought there would be some kind of crazed undead ponies working alongside these wolf creatures that had somehow also learned all of their tricks. They expected a battle for their lives and to face nightmares they would never recover from for the rest of their lives.

A short ten minutes later Naruko looked disappointed as she pressed the button and they were again in the lobby. There was nothing but two empty halls they passed through without problem behind door number two.

“Okay so I was wrong about the meaning behind the numbers…. So sue me…. I won’t pay up though if you do.” Naruko said. She then looked around and saw one last magic console appear in the lobby along a wall.

Naruko approached it carefully. She then said to the others. “Be ready for anything.” Kyuubi was now in his three tail form and ready to jump to five if needed. Fluttershy’s eyes seemed to once again turn cold and uncaring as she took a stance. Naruko got her horn ready to throw magic attacks.

The floor in the center clicked and pieces seemed to retreat into large parts of the floor as stairs descending below appeared. There was an odd light coming from below.

Each of the companions stared and slowly made their way below, never dropping their guard as they descended cautiously. Both ponies felt scared, but they refused to let it get to them. Kyuubi felt exhilarated, as if they were about to find something truly amazing just below them. He wasn’t sure if it would be amazingly wonderful or amazingly terrifying though.

The three stepped into a bright and blinding light. Once on the other side, all three gasped and sighed at the sight.

Author's Note:

I know it took a while to update this fic and I am sorry for that, but it took me time to come up with some of the elements of this chapter that will end up affecting the story as a whole majorly. I do have half way decent news though, because of how I sometimes skip around a little bit when writing chapters for my really long stories. I have some distant future chapters mostly ready to go, and I have parts of the next two chapters written out. This means sometime in the future, distant or otherwise, there will be some multi-chapter updates! Hopefully that is good news for some of you readers.

One last thing I wish to point out. I would like to hear your thoughts on the story as it is going so far. I know some out there just read fanfics and don’t actually write, but I believe those people still have worthy opinions and thoughts on the story regardless. I want to hear thoughts on the good and bad, because I believe most criticism can have something to provide. Unless it is offered without any actual thought put into it or just out of spite.