• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 26,776 Views, 224 Comments

The Truth of Bonds and Friendship - Gadman85

Naruko (Female Naruto) thought she knew a bit about these bonds the Hokage always talked about. However when she tries a mysterious Jutsu. She is sent to a new land where she learns the truth. Naruto and MLP crossover.

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A New Friend

Naruko woke up late the next day. She could tell it was late by the sunlight, but she showered and got ready for the day as she usually would. At least she had planned this. The truth was in her sleep she forgot that she was now a pony and not a human. So she instead stumbled out of bed and crashed to the floor. On the positive side, she was now very much awake. On the negative side, it hurts when you crash into the floor.

Kyuubi just yawned and said, “Morning Naruko.” To which she mumbled her own good morning back. Once she stood back up and had showered she came back out and found Orbit waiting near the entrance of her room.

“Good Morning Naruko! Or should I say Afternoon?” Orbit then gave a giggle as Naruko’s jaw opened. “To answer the question you are no doubt wondering about. Celestia decided after everything last night you needed some extra sleep. Plus it gave her a chance to explain things to Twilight. Anyways lunch is ready in the dining hall. Celestia wishes for you to join her.”

“I really didn't think it would be afternoon already. Thanks Orbit.” Naruko said as she nodded in thanks and called to Kyuubi, who jumped on to her back. Naruko turned her head to look at him, “Really? You are riding on my back again?”

The fox just gave her a foxy grin and said, “Yes it is very comfy.” Since Naruko liked to call him Kyu, he decided that he would use her back every so often to annoy her, and because it was comfy like he said.

Naruko just shrugged and turned back to hide a grin as she said to him, “I actually think it is kind of cute wittle Kyu.” The fox stood up and almost hoped off, but decided this must be some kind of test of wills or something. He instead decided to stay there.

Naruko just gave a little chuckle as she made her way to the dining hall. She honestly didn't really care. She was just surprised he chose to ride instead of walking himself.

She thought it kind of funny how he seemed to think this some kind of test of wills. She was thinking things would be much more interesting between them now that he wasn't sealed inside her. She figured that while they could talk to each other through their minds, they actually couldn't read the other’s mind unless they wished it. That being the case Naruko kept her thoughts to herself about how she actually did like this fox version of Kyuubi a lot.

Naruko finally made it to the Dining Hall and opened the door to see Princess Celestia and a white unicorn stallion with a blonde mane. He was wearing the top half of a tux. As she took another step she noticed that he seemed to have some kind of sprinkling light surrounding him that soon faded out after he gave her a ‘charming’ smile. Naruko was proud she managed to not roll her eyes. After all, this pony might be somehow related to Celestia and Naruko was a guest here, so she should behave.

I think we found the Uchiha showoff of this world minus the brooding.” Naruko thought so Kyuubi could hear. The fox managed to stifle his laughter as they approached the table, but it seems the others heard it. Both the Stallion and Princess Celestia raised their eyebrows at her.

“What is so funny Naruko?” Celestia asked.

“Oh nothing Kyu is just enjoying his pony back ride too much is all.” Naruko answered.

“Hey…. My name is Kyuubi… not Kyu.” The fox said as he looked around from her back. This had the desired effect of drawing attention away from his laugh as the stallion’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

“It talked?! I didn't know such lowly creatures could do so Auntie.” The stallion said. Kyuubi sent him a glare that despite the fox’s small size seemed to cause the stallion to sweat nonetheless.

“Prince Blueblood, court hours are technically still in session. You know we refer to each other by title during these hours.” Princess Celestia said not at all hiding her irritation with the Prince. Naruko was actually glad it seemed they didn't really get a long all that well.

Prince Blueblood looked a little sorry as he apologized. “Sorry Princess Celestia.” He then stood up in a pose that showed off all of his good features. He gave a smile that showed his white teeth and emitted a sparkle for five and a half seconds.

Naruko just stared in awe at this. “Seems he is the offspring of an Uchiha mixed with that green spandex guy we saw that one day.” Kyuubi let lose a loud, but thankfully mental, laugh at that. Naruko then snapped out of it and decided she should greet him herself and follow royal protocol.

She bowed to him real quick, as Kyuubi hoped off her back and she said, “It is an honor to meet you Prince Blueblood. I am Naruko Uzumaki a newly realized Contract Guardian, and the fox next to me is, Kyuubi my familiar.”

Blueblood gave a nod of acknowledgement and dismissed her to stand as he said, “It is an honor to meet you as well, Guardian. I hope you do Equestria proud once you learn to utilize your powers.”

He then looked around as if trying to figure out what time it was and said, “I do wish I could better make your acquaintance, but I fear I have royal duties to attend to. Perhaps another time.” He said the last part in a manner that showed he really didn't care, but was still trying to be polite. He then bowed in thanks to Celestia and trotted out of the dining hall in a showy fashion.

Celestia merely rolled her eyes as he left and sighed in relief. She then smiled to Naruko, “Good afternoon, Naruko. I do hope you slept well. Do you care to join me for Lunch? I haven’t eaten yet and Ponce Blueblood was only here because he wished to meet you and show off how Prince like he is. Though he didn't really say it in that exact manner.”

Naruko and Kyuubi both gave a laugh before the blonde maned pony answered, “I would appreciate that Princess Celestia. Though truth be told, Orbit made it sound as if it wasn't optional.”

Celestia giggled, “It is optional. I would still have to meet with you, but if you wanted lunch alone all you had to do was tell Orbit you didn't wish to have Lunch yet.”

Naruko gave an ‘ohh…’ expression. She figured when royalty wished for something it was a command done politely. Clearly pony royalty, or at least Princess Celestia, wasn't like this. Naruko then smiled and said, “Either way I would still like to join you for Lunch Princess Celestia.”

Celestia gave her a smile and said, “Naruko, you may just call me Celestia. I told you so last night. You only need to use my title in formal ceremonies.” She then motioned with a hoof for Naruko to sit next to her.

Naruko then took the spot next to the princess and Kyuubi decided for Lunch to stand on her head. “Kyuubi… really? Could you please sit down somewhere?”

The fox turned his chin up and said, “Tch. Fine.” He then jumped down and sat in the chair next to Naruko. Celestia gave a little laugh at the two as their food arrived.

“So how exactly is the prince related to you? Is he also hundreds of years old? And why did you tell him to call you Princess Celestia?” Naruko asked quickly.

The alicorn princess gave a laugh. “Well you certainly are full of questions Naruko. He is my… I have lost count of how many times great nephew. That is very, very far removed thankfully. While he is a prince there are others that have more of a right to rule Equestria in place of me if needed. However, I intend to stay around for quite a while yet.” Celestia took a sip of tea using her magic to hold it.

Naruko then looked at her cup questioningly. She wasn't sure how to hold a cup with hooves. As Naruko pondered the cup, Celestia seemed to have noticed her predicament and cast a spell that turned it to something more akin to a very stylish and easier to hold mug.

Now Naruko could figure it out, she found a way to hook it with her hoof and drink from it as Celestia answered her other questions. While they were served what looked like a salad with carrots and apple slices.

Naruko was shocked, but relieved her stomach seemed to have adapted to her new body. She knew this because she was actually craving veggies, which she was never very fond of before.

“Fortunately for Equestria’s sake he only has a normal unicorn’s life span. He won’t live to be over 200 years old at best for his sake. As to why I have him refer to me by full title. Well… I don’t like Ponce, I mean, Price Blueblood’s eagerness to show off he is related to me. He wants my subjects to think we are really close, just so they would like him even more. I am sure you noticed he is very full of… Self-pride let’s call it.” Celestia said before taking a bite of her food.

Naruko laughed after swallowing her food. “I did notice that. That's the real reason Kyu laughed. I kind of whispered to him how the Prince reminded me of someone I used to know.” The fox merely flicked his tail at Naruko’s informal nickname for him. One does not simply spend time around Naruko without getting used to things like that though, so it didn't bother him too much anymore already. It still did a little bit though.

Celestia changed the subject to get the business portions out of the way quick so they could enjoy their lunch. “Usually Twilight Sparkle would have joined us for lunch, but she was extremely excited to be teaching you today. She decided she needed to prepare for it. I told her once you were done with lunch you would meet her in the Ivory tower study. She has more or less commandeered the place as her personal study room. She even sometimes falls asleep in there.” Celestia frowned as she finished.

“Wow…. That's a lot of studying. Does she do anything other than study? Also what does she know about Kyuubi and me?” Naruko asked.

Celestia sighed. “Unfortunately she doesn't do much besides study. That is one thing I will have to figure out how to fix sometime. I told her what I felt she needed to know. She knows to teach you the basics of magic.”

Naruko nodded and then turned to Kyuubi and asked, “Do you want to attend the lessons with me?”

The fox thought for a few seconds and answered, “I would like to attend these lessons as well. I may have my own version of magic I can use, but it would be a good idea to know how pony magic works I believe. Plus I might be able to offer insight on something you might otherwise over look.” Naruko nodded to him and the three of them enjoyed the rest of their lunch talking about different things before they each took their leave.

{-} {-} {-}

Naruko followed the attendant, a light green unicorn pony with a dancing mop on her flank, to the study. Once they got there Naruko could already hear a commotion on the inside as a young boy’s voice said, “Twilight… Stop running around so much. You stepped on my tail twice now.” The fox winced in sympathy.

“Sorry Spike. I’m just a little nervous. Princess Celestia trusted me to help train this new pony, and I will make sure she enjoys the lesson.” Suddenly the commotion stopped and a few moments later Naruko and the attendant opened the doors. The green unicorn left while closing the doors once Naruko entered the study.

Inside was a brightly sun lit room with bookcases all along the walls. There seemed to be a second level, which was about half the size of the first floor with a giant half glass dome. It like many other things in Canterlot was very impressive looking.

Naruko’s eyes looked towards the center of the room to see a light purple colored unicorn with a dark blue mane, with purple and pink streaks. Her tail matched her man and she had dark purple eyes. The unicorn had a large dark pink star surrounded by smaller white ones on her butt. Naruko didn't say anything out loud but she was starting to wonder what was with all the multicolored manes and tails so far.

Naruko then took in what looked like a small baby dragon. Spike, she guessed, had green eyes and was covered in purple scales with a yellow underbelly and green spikes on this head and along his back. His tail ended in what looked like a spearhead. The two looked her over as she looked them over. Kyuubi then hoped off her back and the two next looked him over

After moments of silence, Naruko decided to speak first. She was nervous and spoke rather quickly, “Hi! I’m Naruko and I’m here to learn how to use unicorn magic again, because my power grew once I contracted with Kyuubi.” She finished by giving a small nervous smile and squeak.

Twilight stood up and introduced herself. “I am Twilight Sparkle and this is Spike. Nice to meet you, Naruko.” Twilight gave a smile, but it was as if she wasn't really used to smiling at other ponies or interacting with them. This caused Kyuubi to roll his eyes, and he hoped that she would at least be a good teacher in basics for Naruko, despite her apparent lack of social interaction. Twilight’s horn lit up again and the doors glowed for a second before the energy disappeared.

“I hope to learn lots Twilight.” Naruko said adding a ‘-sensei’ at the end mentally. Soon she saw three books float over to her surrounded in magenta colored energy. Naruko gazed in awe as Twilight effortlessly seemed to float the books.

“These books will help you learn about the basics of Unicorn magic in detail. Hopefully it won’t take you long to learn how to use it, since you are already used to something similar to it. You will just have to concentrate and focus this chakra stuff through your horn instead of in hand seals like you did as a human.” Twilight said as she walked over to a chalk board and started writing something on it using her magic to do so.

Naruko nodded and got ready to take notes when suddenly something hit her. “Wait?! How did you know I was a human?! Can you even say that out loud? Wouldn't that cause problems?” Naruko looked around as if she was scared there was somepony hiding in the shadows ready to pop out and demand answers.

Twilight looked at Naruko neutrally before answering. “Celestia told me everything about you for the most part. I can only say so out loud because I used a spell to give us privacy unless there is an emergency. Usually it would cause problems so Celestia asked we not talk about it unless in private and safe from overhearing ears. Didn't she tell you?”

Naruko looked at her with her mouth opened, “She didn't say anything about that she just said… She told you what she thought she needed to…” Naruko sighed as Kyuubi gave a little chuckle. After a couple of seconds Twilight did as well. Naruko then said, “It seems the princess has a sense of humor…”

In her throne room, Celestia hid her mouth behind a hoof as she gave a little giggle with her eyes squinting in amusement. She just knew Naruko was hearing that Twilight was told everything about her. It may be a little mean, but being around for thousands of years you needed to have a little joke every so often. Plus she knew Naruko would take it, but the princess also knew Naruko would get her back.

Twilight finished giggling. “Yes she does. If you try to get her back don’t get too carried away and be careful.” Naruko nodded and then somehow knew to grab her pencil in her mouth, and started to take notes on Twilight’s lessons.

“So Naruko you do realize when we have the time, I am going to have to ask you all about your home right? It just seems so fascinating to be a human and all of that. I can’t imagine always walking on two legs and having things called hands!” Twilight said.

Naruko gave a little chuckle, “No problem as long as we do it at the right time. It’s a way I can pay you back for the lessons on unicorn magic.”

Kyuubi then gave a chuckle and spoke, “Yes if there is one thing my partner can do it's talk about herself.” Spike starred at the fox with interest after he spoke. Twilight’s chalk stopped writing on the board as she stared as well.

Naruko gave him a look and said, “Whatever you say Kyu.” The fox just glared at her as she smiled smugly at him.

“That fox just talked Twilight! I didn't know they could do that.” Spike said as he got closer to further examine the fox.

“Yes little dragon I can talk. I can do many other things as well. Most I won’t be able to do in this form though.” Kyuubi told Spike and Twilight, who was listening with interest.

Spike gave a pout, “I’m not little compared to you…”

Kyuubi gave him a foxy grin, “You are not yet grown so you are a little dragon. Besides even if you were fully grown you would at the best be the same size as me at full power.”

Naruko rolled her eyes at him, “Behave Kyuubi.” The fox just gave her a look before sitting down next to her and pulling out his own pen and paper. This perplexed all three of the others, but they decided to leave it alone.

“Anyways… Let’s get started shall we?” Twilight asked. Both Naruko and the fox nodded. “Unicorn magic is based off of power, will and concentration….” She then started giving them their first lesson. Both Naruko and Kyuubi paid a lot of attention.

Naruko because she wanted to be able to use her jutsus again, and she knew it would be important for her to use magic to do so. Kyuubi because he knew, despite her best efforts, Naruko would probably still miss a few details.

{-} {-} {-}

After the lesson, Naruko was given an assignment that she managed to actually finish before having supper with Celestia and Twilight. She was glad to see one thing as she walked into the dining hall with Twilight. “Good Ponce Blueblood isn't here.” Naruko said to a scowl from Twilight, and a giggle from Celestia.

“Naruko! He is a Prince…. You should be nice.” Twilight scolded. Naruko just looked to her and gave a frown.

“As long as you don’t use that name in front of him, or at royal events I think you and I will become good friends Naruko.” Celestia said between laughs as Twilight looked to her teacher with her jaw open.

“Is he really that bad Celestia? I just thought he acted the way he did because princes do.” Twilight asked. She met him once and was actually a little bit ashamed now that she had a small crush on him; after all he was a prince.

Celestia rolled her eyes and answered, “He is infuriating! He always acts like royalty is better than everypony else. I think we should treat everypony equally despite their station.” Hearing her mentor’s heated answer Twilight decided that maybe she should reevaluate her small crush on him. It wasn't that hard to do actually. She spent most of her time with her studies anyways.

“So Naruko, I never did get how old you were. I am sorry to pry if it bothers you.” Celestia asked.

Naruko gave a friendly grin and answered, “I’m twelve and a half!” She decided not to ask Celestia her age. The number would probably be too long for her to imagine being that old.

Twilight gave a smile, “That means you are only a year younger than me. I hope you can catch up in magic fast so we can learn together.” Twilight didn't like magic school kindergarten, where she had a whole room full of classmates, but she was more confident in herself now and thought it might not be too bad to have someone to study with.

Naruko gave a determined looked as she declared. “I will catch up so we can learn together Twilight. You better believe it!”

Both Celestia and Kyuubi gave small smiles at that. Kyuubi thought it would do well for Naruko to make a real friend that was close to her age, and hadn't been raised to call her a ‘demon brat’. Celestia thought it would be wonderful for Twilight to have a friend period.

The rest of the meal went along pleasant enough. Twilight eagerly went over what all she had planned for Naruko's lessons. Naruko went on about how cool she thought Twilight's magic demonstrations were for her first lesson. Twilight blushed to this and bragged just the tiniest bit.

Kyuubi and Celestia just smiled as the young unicorns talked about several things to one another. Celestia answered questions Naruko asked, while Kyuubi answered some of the questions Twilight asked about the shared connection he had with Naruko. Kyuubi answered freely because he noticed Celestia dismissed the servants and used her magic to ensure they had privacy for their meal.

{-} {-} {-}

It was a few days after her first lesson with Twilight, and Naruko was getting ready for bed as she looked out her window into the night sky. She thought it was pretty, but she had a feeling that if Celestia’s sister hadn't gone dark, the nights would probably be even better. She had always liked the night really. She didn't have to worry about seeing glares and hearing nasty remarks from everyone at night, since most would be home back in Konoha.

“You seem to be taking things rather well Naruko considering. Any idea why that is?” Kyuubi asked breaking her from her thoughts. They had only been here a short time, but Naruko was already much happier than she was in Konoha.

“I think it has to do with the fact there wasn't much for me in Konoha really. Especially once I thought about what you said about the Third Hokage. I still think he is a good person and I care for him, but he does have to think about what is best for the village and not one girl alone. Plus I like it here already.” Naruko said giving a smile. She had been doing that a lot lately, and these smiles were mostly her true smiles instead of her ‘idiot brat’ ones.

The fox raised an eyebrow and asked, “And what about your dream to be Hokage?”

Naruko sighed, “You were right about that one. My reasons were stupid. I wanted to be the leader of a whole village just so they had no choice, but to acknowledge and accept me. Here everypony accepts me for who I am, even some of the elite Canterlot ponies. All I had to do was be who I am and respectful of them. I don’t have to prove I am the strongest ninja in the village. I don’t have to save all of their lives multiple times before they finally decide to maybe give me a chance. It seems so easy Kyuubi. Is it supposed to be this easy? I don’t even get prices jacked up on me at every store I go to here, when we go to town.”

The fox gave a sad smile as he answered her, “It more or less is supposed to be this way Naruko. That is why I thought those in Konoha weren't worth a damn for the most part.”

Naruko shed a couple of tears as she thought over her time in Konoha before she wiped them away. “You know how they say home is where the heart is Kyuubi?” The fox nodded to her. “If that is the case then I think Equestira is already more of a home in a few short days than Konoha ever was in over twelve years.”

She gave a sad smile as she lay down to go to bed. She was happy things were going better here already, but it was still sad how quickly and easily Konoha was replaced as home in her heart and mind.

The fox feeling more sympathetic than usual got on the bed and curled up right next to Naruko. He usually liked his space when sleeping, but decided to make an exception tonight. Naruko opened her eyes in shock. “This won’t be something that happens every night Naruko so don’t get any ideas.” The fox said as he closed his eyes.

Naruko gave a smile as she then wrapped two forehooves around him and snuggled him so he couldn't escape, but would still be comfortable. “If you say Kyu. Goodnight.” She said to him cheerfully despite her tiredness. The fox rolled his eyes at the name, but figured he would have to get used to it completely. Besides it gave him a reason in his brain to use her as his personal taxi from time to time by riding on her back.

{-} {-} {-}

It had now been three weeks since Naruko and Kyuubi first arrived in Equestria, and it turned out that Twilight, while definitely a very studious bookworm, was also very good at teaching. After their third lesson when Naruko first got a glow from her horn, the blonde maned pony jumped for joy.

Naruko after these weeks now knew the basics of unicorn magic and could even cast several of the basic spells with ease. She even used her quill to write while it hovered in the air like Twilight did. Naruko cheered about this and explained to Twilight that she was actually the dead last in her classes at the ninja academy, even if she was actually smarter than that.

Twilight just smiled and was happy to help the blonde unicorn learn. She even thought that she might one day become a teacher, or at least be a substitute if she had the chance. Maybe if things went really well she might someday take on a student of her own like Celestia. It only made sense to her that she could do this since magic was her specialty.

During their off time, Naruko and Twilight spent a good bit of time together talking about many things in private, so they wouldn't have to worry about somepony over hearing them by mistake. Naruko usually asked everything she could about ponies in general and Equestria.

Twilight would in turn ask everything she could about humans. Twilight even touched on subjects that made Naruko a little embarrassed to talk about. Naruko knew how babies were born and human relationships and such a little bit, but it was still embarrassing to talk about, even if she was a pony now instead.

Fortunately for Naruko’s sake they didn't usually get too personal in their talks. The twin tailed pony knew it was only a matter of time before ‘that night’ was brought up, and she already decided she would tell Twilight the truth, but she was scared Twilight might act different afterwards.

Naruko didn't think it would be too bad, or at least she hoped it wouldn't be. They had told Celestia everything about it and Naruko could tell the princess kept that secret for Naruko to tell, but still it bothered her to tell someone about it period.

{-} {-} {-}

It was a couple of months later that Naruko realized she had to tell Twilight when the girl asked her about her family. “Hey Naruko we are friends right?” Naruko nodded to her. “I don’t mean to push or anything, but I was wondering how come you don’t really talk about your family or what the people were like to you back home.”

Naruko sat down and motioned with a hoof for Twilight to do the same. Twilight decided this called for extra privacy and cast an enhanced spell. Once the glow ended showing the spell had taken effect Naruko started.

“First of all I don’t call Konoha home anymore. As for my parents, well before I tell you that I have to tell you more detail about the Tailed beasts.” Twilight listened as Naruko told her about the tailed beast and how a masked man sent Kyuubi into a rage that attacked the village.

Twilight gasped as she looked at the fox in surprise. What she said caught them off guard, “I didn't think you actually would get that big Kyuubi. I mean you told me, but it still is amazing. No wonder you told Spike he would still be small compared to you fully grown. Sorry, Naruko please continue, I know there has to be more.”

Naruko nodded and told her about how she was an orphan and never knew her parents. She then told Twilight about how the villagers saw her as someone to place the blame for their losses on and didn't even bother to try and hide their hatred for her. This brought tears to Twilight’s eyes as she kept listening.

When Naruko took a pause to breathe some, Twilight couldn't help but ask, “How bad did it get?”

Naruko’s eyes widened at her friend's question. Twilight was about to say something, but Naruko raised a hoof telling her to not worry. She knew this was a big thing she was about to talk about, but she felt she had to tell Twilight. She also had a small feeling Twilight would still see her as a friend afterwards as well. “Remember how I told you about well ummm…. Sex and puberty for human girls?” The dark purple eyed pony nodded her eyes more vivid than before.

Naruko sighed as she gathered up her courage. “Well I kind of started developing early because of Kyuubi here. One night shortly after I turned twelve. I found myself cornered in an alleyway at night. I usually didn't have to worry too much about any attention wanted or not. That night though a man that was in good shape and knew how to handle himself decided he wanted to ‘make me a woman’.”

Twilight gasped hearing that. She was about to ask more, but she held her tongue seeing the dark look on Naruko’s face. “He didn't do more than hurt me a little bit and tear off some of my clothes. However, that was only because when he was on top of me getting ready to go further I… I slit his throat with a sharp piece of metal.” Naruko finished to silence.

Naruko realized fully she had actually killed someone. She had talked about this with Kyuubi already and knew she would have to do so eventually, but it was realer to her now after admitting it to Twilight. She started to have doubts about her choice in telling Twilight everything about that night.

Naruko looked down as the silence continued on for a long time. She feared the worse, but was surprised when she felt Twilight wrap two hooves around her firmly.

“I'm sorry to hear you went through such a thing Naruko. I still love you as my friend though. I know you are still a good pony and amazing friend. I’m sure you were just as amazing as a human too and none of that was your fault.” Twilight said to Naruko.

Naruko sniffed before crying in relief and hugging her friend… no best friend back. “Thanks Twilight… You are my best friend you know….” She managed to say quietly.

Twilight hugged her tighter and replied, “And you are mine Naruko. You always will be too. No matter what.”

“Same here Twilight.” Naruko said back to her. Kyuubi smiled and let the two have their moment.

Things were definitely much better here for Naruko than they ever were, or probably would be in Konoha. Kyuubi liked things here much better as well. He actually believed that Naruko trying out that Ultimate Escape Jutsu was the best thing to have happened for both of them.

When the time came of Naruko to go to bed that night she had a great big smile on her face. It was a sight that would never have been seen in Konoha. Naruko had a best friend now, and she was starting to understand a little bit what the bonds of friendship really were like. She also felt immense relief Twilight had accepted her even after hearing about the worst night in her life, and the horrible thing she did then.