• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 26,776 Views, 224 Comments

The Truth of Bonds and Friendship - Gadman85

Naruko (Female Naruto) thought she knew a bit about these bonds the Hokage always talked about. However when she tries a mysterious Jutsu. She is sent to a new land where she learns the truth. Naruto and MLP crossover.

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The Rise of Kindness.

Chapter 12: The Rise of Kindness.

The three stepped into a bright and blinding light. Once on the other side of the light, all three gasped and sighed at the sight. They didn't see any enemies in the area so they sighed in relief. In fact, the new chamber was large and also very bright. It was almost as if Celestia herself made a way for sunlight to reach down into this new area filled with fields, grass and trees. This was the reason why they gasped at the sight. It was really that beautiful to them after everything else.

All around them they saw animals of all kinds frolicking about, and felt the warm and gentle glow of the Sun on their backs. The room had a whole lot of trees and other such vegetation growing in the area. It was a rather peaceful place. The only thing that reminded them it was inside a temple were the grey rock walls surrounding the whole area. However, these walls weren't all visible, but the group knew they were there.

The trio couldn't help but relax to the sight before their eyes, even knowing they were still in the temple. They still kept their guard up somewhat as they moved. The group made their way through the area happily watching the animals go about their business. Some of the younger animals watched the newcomers with wonder. Some of the elder animals seemed to more or less ignore them as they made their way through the paradise like area cautiously.

{-} {-} {-}

Different thoughts ran through the ponies' heads as they kept moving forward. Naruko wished they weren't on a mission, because she really wanted to explore this new area. Fluttershy wished they weren't on a mission because she really wanted to make a lot of new animal friends here.

Kyuubi had his eyes searching all of the area. He wasn't going to say it to the others, but he sensed animals that could be actual threats hidden just beyond their sight. “Fluttershy. If needed these animals can be talked too. So if we need any help here to avoid… unpleasant situations. You are going to be key in our negotiations. Are you ready to show why your abilities are very powerful and important if needed?” The butter yellow pegasus nodded glumly to his words as she continued to march forward.

The trio were now standing on a ledge that went down further into a vast area of farms near what looked like a town. Below them they saw little huts and creatures that looked a lot like rabbits of all colors and sizes.

Some of the rabbits were closer to the size of Spike while others were the size of normal bunnies. The majority of them fell somewhere between the large and small ones, and all of them had hoods and cloaks of forest colors, and some carried around staves of some kind. More surprising, some carried what looked like swords of an odd make.

Fluttershy gave a happy squeal, despite the presence of rabbits wearing swords. She thought they were cute with their little hoodies. She also thought the staves added a certain charm as well. She knew most bunnies didn’t use tools, but she also knew her Angel Bunny did, so she wasn't as wary of the swords and staves. Besides she was just really happy to see cute little cuddly creatures again.

“Oh you’re so cute aren’t you? You little bunnies!” She said aloud as she dove for one of the slightly larger ones in front of her. She was surprised when there was a bright flash originating from the bunny’s staff. Once the flash disappeared so did the bunny, but only to shortly after reappear. It was now a few inches away from her, and out of her lovable grip range.

Fluttershy was about to go for it again when the bunny actually spoke. “We are not little bunnies. We are the Holders of Secrets. We are the Guardians of the Temple’s heart. We are the seers of Past, Present, and Future! We are the Bunnicans! We are the Harmony Watchers!” The creature said with pride as he puffed out his chest.

Fluttershy, Naruko, and Kyuubi just all three stood there frozen in shock for a few seconds before Naruko decided to break the silence. “Wait a minute! You just talked!” The bunny like creature stared at her with a flat expression. “I mean you just talked and I understood you! I didn't know bunnies could talk. Did you Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “No… I mean they do talk the way all animals do like I said when we first met. But they don’t talk like this. That is why I was so excited to see Kyuubi and Spike.”

The trio then heard an elderly, but still powerful and wise voice speak from behind them with amusement. “Bunnies do not. But we are the Bunnicans. We were gifted with speech long ago by the ponies who held this temple sacred so long ago that even the Princesses may not fully remember this place.”

The dark colored bunny in front of them bowed and said, “Elder it is good to see you out and about again.”

The elder nodded and said, “Rise Fredrick. We have honorable guests before us. I must speak with them alone and offer them shelter. Go and find Alicia Tail and have her prep her home.” The dark furred bunny, Fredrick, gave a smile and nod as he hopped away towards the largest hut in the area.

The elder then turned to the adventurers and said, “Come ponies of the sun and moon. We have much to discuss. You as well honored one of the celestial foxes. I welcome you all to Life’s Glade!” The trio nodded and followed still trying to grasp that they were following a large bunny wearing a hood, holding a staff, and walking on his hind legs.

{-} {-} {-}

The elder gave the group a tour of the glade. He was buying time for Alicia Tail, but the adventurers didn't really care about that. They were too taken in by the sights around them to do much else, but dumbly follow the elder.

They saw several bunnies talking to each other as they went about trading goods. They saw huts of different designs and coloration. They even saw a place called the Carrot Juicer. It looked like a bunny version of a bar to Naruko.

They were finally inside Alicia tail's hut and in the dining room when the elder spoke again. “I feel honored to meet one of the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony. I am also honored to meet the Guardian from the Stars, despite what her coming means.” Fluttershy turned to Naruko for an answer. Naruko gave a shrug in response.

After a small pause the elder spoke again, “We, the Bunnicans, or if you prefer the Harmony Watchers, are in trouble. In the past if things went bad we would have gone out and faced these wolf like creatures on our own, but they are smarter than they were previously. Also it seems someone is keeping an eye on them, and forcing them to stay in this plane of existence. This is bad, for we know what is at stake!”

The older bunny turned to the window and sighed sadly, “The wolf creatures don’t even really know what they are fully doing. It is the Stone Guard’s doing that has forced them to fight and exist as they have many years now. He needs to be dealt with permanently for the curse that binds them and this place to be broken.”

Naruko and Fluttershy remained silent waiting for the leader to continue. The aged bunny narrowed his eyes as he looked out a window. “I ask that you two continue your quest and destroy the stone's guardian. The guard became obsessed with its duty. The guard was originally designed to protect a stone called the stone of Life’s Freshness. It was called this because it randomly altered genetic composition in animals in the hopes of forming new and viable life. The pony monks and priestesses of this temple called it simply Life’s Stone and they held it sacred.”

The Bunnican leader sighed. "The Stone Guard was given the gift of intelligence. His duty was to protect the stone until the time came it was needed to help this land. He was then to aide in the land's protection in anyway he could. He stayed true to his duty for many years, but one day he decided in order to protect the stone he needed to exterminate those who stayed and lived here."

Two sets of pony eyes widened in comprehension and the ponies blanched at what this meant happened here long ago. "How did your people survive then?" Fluttershy asked.

The leader continued looking out the window. "We were saved by one of the priestess ponies. She told us a time would come when we would need to help a group of travelers in retrieving the stone. We were told its secrets, and she then used a special stone that mimicked Celestia's sun to allow us to provide our own food.

The aged bunny leader turned to face them both. "You must take Life's Stone from here."

Fluttershy seemed a little less certain about their mission. She didn't like the idea of removing something that was responsible for so much. She figured if they removed it they would cause something bad to happen. She also feared that the princesses didn't know this when they sent them on this mission. She would have shared her concerns with Naruko, but she heard a throat clear and she turned to look at the rabbit again.

The elder smiled to them as he said, “It is called Life’s Stone, but worry not. If the stone is removed by the right pony, or ponies it won’t cause anything bad to happen.”

“And if something bad happens? Then what?” Naruko asked simply. Her face was expressionless, but she was deep down a little terrified that even this rabbit didn't know everything about this stone, since he was told about it by somepony else. She also feared she wasn't the 'right' pony.

The elder rabbit might have usually laughed at such a question, but he knew not to do so in this situation. Instead the Elder of the Bunnican’s sincerely said. “Then it won’t matter how dark the times before us are. The wrong pony will have gained control of the stone, and we most likely won't see the end of days ourselves."

The elder narrowed his eyes on Naruko as he said, “If that happens, you will already be lost to us all. Much depends on you Guardian from the Stars.”

He then turned to Fluttershy and said calmly, “Much depends on you and the other Elements of Harmony as well.” Fluttershy gulped and shivered a little in response for only a moment.

The two ponies gave each other determined stares briefly before Naruko sighed and asked, “So what do we need to do, in order to avoid ‘bad things’ from happening before picking up the stone?”

The old bunny then explained to them what they needed to do. He told them about traps to avoid and to be ready before grabbing the actual stone. Honestly, it wasn't much different from what Naruko would have done herself anyways, but she did appreciate knowing what to do in advance rather than having to figure it out on the fly.

“Come though… We still have much to discuss. Most of it is good news as well. Join me for dinner, if you two ladies would like.” the elder said to them both.

The dinner was very pleasant, and the trio learned a little more about what still laid before them on their journey beyond the Temple of Life. The elder also mentioned something about trials each would face. “What trials lay before us?” Naruko asked.

The elder took in a deep breath and said, “Ahhh…. You shouldn't worry about it for yourself just yet young Naruko. However, I will tell you that the trials which lay before you will enlighten each Element and you as well on this long multi-staged journey you are all taking.”

The elder rabbit then looked to Fluttershy and said, “Kindness will be the first to face these trials. She must succeed, or all will be lost even more than it is now. She will be the first to start this personal quest all of you must face.” Fluttershy started to leave and get ready for 'this trial' feeling a little sick and nervous. It was a lot of pressure for her, and she was tired.

Naruko gave the rabbit a raised eyebrow before he spoke again. “Yes even you, Naruko will face many trials. However the time for your trials is still far off. You will serve as both friend and guide for the others Naruko Uzumaki from Konoha!” Fluttershy was too busy worrying about what she would be doing to take much notice of his title for her unicorn friend.

Naruko and Kyuubi both raised their guards and got ready to attack if needed. They didn't like someone knowing their secret they hadn't told and didn't even really know.

The elder spoke calmly as he said, “Worry not. We shall keep your secret to ourselves no matter what happens. Besides, to us you are a blessing from the stars of sorts, Naruko. You are here to help end that which will plague all of life on every planet if left alone, for this reason though, you must teach one in particular all you know...” The Bunny leader’s eyes narrowed at her. Naruko wasn't sure what he meant but deep down a part of her knew what he meant. She still refused to lend his words any credence.

Fluttershy gulped as she finally and slowly reached the door. She had paused to listen more to Naruko's and the elder's conversation. She hoped to now leave unnoticed, but both Alicia and Fredrick stood blocking her exit. One held a sword while the other held a hearty staff. She was tempted to bolt for a window.

“If you run now Fluttershy, you will do a grave injustice to not only Equestria, but all of your friends. Are you sure you want to disappoint them?” The elder looked at her with cold hard eyes.

Fluttershy gulped and quickly shook her head. She might have tried to talk him down, but she had a feeling that tactic wouldn’t work on him or the guard bunnies. She sighed in defeat. The elder gave her a softer look as he said, “You may however take some time to yourself and rest. I need to speak with the Guardian from the Stars alone anyways.”

Fluttershy would have again wondered what this title for Naruko was really about, but she was also very tired. She gladly decided to take the time to herself for a nap. She didn't know what lay before her, but she knew she would have to be at the top of her game to tackle it. Whatever it was.

{-} {-} {-}

Once Fluttershy was gone, Naruko looked to leader of the Watchers and asked, “What did you need to see me alone about?”

“We the Harmony Watchers, or simply the Watchers, know of your true origins. We also know what would have become of you had you stayed there. Things would be very different, but you would not have gained all that you already have here.” Elder gave a mysterious smile to her.

Naruko looked to him with a dumbfounded expression. He gave a chuckle. “Your ‘Old Man Hokage’ talked about bonds briefly. However, he was not as well versed in them as he may have seemed to be.”

Naruko gave a scoff to his surprise. “I may not know everything about bonds and friendship yet.” She gave him a foxy smile as she said, “But I have learned more about them than I know I ever could in Konoha alone…”

The Elder gave her a smile and said, “Good. This knowledge of yours will undoubtedly come in very handy as you and the others go through the many trials before you. Also the fact you care more for your new home here in Equestria than you ever did Konoha will be important for all.”

“You mentioned these trials many times. You also mentioned Naruko arriving here more or less foreshadows both good and bad things to come.” Kyuubi said in his normal but still powerful voice. He then narrowed his eyes ever so slightly as he asked, “Can you expand upon what you mean?”

The elder gave him a proud smile for some reason. Kyuubi didn't like this. To him it was the elder acting like he, the nine-tailed fox and strongest of the tailed beasts was nothing more than a kit that had just figured out something on his own. Kyuubi however, wasn't brash nor did he easily loose his cool now that he was a familiar instead of a prisoner. He just stared knowing the aged bunny would answer.

“Naruko. Your coming means many things.” The elder paused and took a long breath. Naruko imagined Old Sarutobi taking a draw on his pipe and gathering his thoughts. “You have come from a different world to our own. You were changed into a unicorn and are now fully a pony. You escaped a world that rarely more than pretended to care for you. This move of yours is good. No one should go through all that you did there in only 12 years of life.”

“I feel the same way. That is why I feel very at home and happy here,” Naruko said with a smile. Her smile then turned into a small frown as she continued. “What happened there does still bother me sometimes, but only rarely.”

The elder nodded and gave her a warm smile “It is good you were able to break free from that place. However…” His smile disappeared to be replaced by a neutral expression. “Things have been set in motion. These events would have possibly happened regardless of if you came here or not, but they are now happening and will be far reaching.”

Naruko and Kyuubi frowned to this. “Dark times are ahead of us Naruko, Guardian from the Stars.” The elder said to them solemnly.

Naruko felt angry at herself. She felt as if she had done something wrong by wanting to have actual friends and live her life freely. The blonde unicorn’s sapphire blue eyes turned dark. Her eyes now seemed to hold nothing but anger, hatred, and darkness in them. If the elder had seen them for too long he would have feared for Equestria’s future. However the darkness only lasted a few seconds.

“There is still hope. Very good hope for everything, Contract Guardian.” The elder said softly. His words soothed Naruko some, but she would never admit it publicly. “You are here now. You and your friends will and must succeed in your tasks. The Elements of Harmony are more than even Celestia’s close kept theories explain them to be.”

Naruko’s blue eyes widened in surprise to his words. The elder just kept speaking. “They are capable of protecting more than just Equestria alone. You will in some way help the Elements realize this, and lead them to find out more about their powers.”

Naruko smiled lightly to his words. She was relieved to hear this. To her it meant she would be close to the others, even if she wasn't an element herself. She had only voiced it to Twilight a couple of times, but she feared she wouldn't be much of a friend to the others because she wasn't an element.

She narrowed her eyes as the Leader of the Watchers spoke once more. “This means when your own trial comes, the result will determine the fate and destiny of more than just yourself. You will learn much more about bonds and friendship. You will learn the good… and the bad. The strengths and the weaknesses of such matters. Remember this when that time comes.”

Naruko nodded in understanding to him. The elder bunny smiled. He had a feeling things would work out in the end. He then gave a warm and friendly chuckle as he said, “Now then what shall we do to pass the time while your pegasus friend rests her body? Want to play a game?” The elder then pulled out several games like chess and Shogi and many others as well.

Naruko and Kyuubi humored him on the games. In the end, the elder rabbit won all of the games. He laughed at them in good humor when they finally gave up on trying to beat him.

Naruko had come close to beating him a couple of times, but she still knew she was far from being his equal. Kyuubi almost always came in a close second to the aged rabbit.

He was half tempted to just eat the little creature for this, but he knew better than that. He had a feeling this rabbit thing would be important later on, plus it was bad form to be such a sore loser you actually eat your opponent in a friendly game.

The Guardian and her familiar were about to go off and rest themselves, when the elder spoke up once again in a serious voice. “Once your friend completes her trial, we will give you that which you need to unlock the last door up above.” Hearing that the two departed to rest while they waited for Fluttershy's trial.

{-} {-} {-}

Fluttershy gulped as she looked at the large unfriendly door in front of her. If the Harmony Watchers were to be believed, then she was just a bearer of the element of kindness. She always thought it was an honor to be a bearer, but the watchers told her it was only just the surface. They told her the elements had powers on their own for those that went further than just “Bearer”.

She was told they were meant to be more than just six items used together by ponies who exhibited their attributes for a giant beam of Harmony that could defeat enemies of Equestria. She was told stories, supposedly from before the time of Celestia and Luna about the Elements as well.

She also overheard some talking about a “White small one” that seemed to have failed in their first and very important mission on the way to this door, because she was just a bearer. She felt saddened hearing this. Fluttershy felt she had not only failed her friends, and the mission possibly, but also a cute little bunny that was given a huge responsibility.

In the end, Fluttershy was told she could not be the true Element of Kindness until after she passed through the door and completed the test that awaited her, and later found her inner balance. She still wasn't sure about this balance business they talked about, but Kyuubi and Naruko kind of understood it and agreed with what the Bunnicans said.

“If nothing else it will allow you to better help your pony and animal friends Fluttershy, so have courage and never give up!” Kyuubi said to her in a reassuring voice.

“Kindness doesn't mean weakness and not taking a stand for yourself Fluttershy. Kindness is very similar to mercy, I figure. This being the case, sometimes mercy requires us to do the unthinkable and even, Celestia forbid it, end a life that has nothing but suffering before them. Would it not be kind to help ease their pain and passing?” Naruko had said rather darkly.

Fluttershy cared a lot about Naruko, but she could sense a certain darkness in her friend with these words. It was something always there, but unseen and not really a threat to others for the most part. It was still a part of her blonde unicorn friend though, that sometimes made an appearance. This statement was an example of that darkness showing through in one way.

“What is to keep me from going crazy, and just deciding to end everypony’s life as a means to end their suffering?” Fluttershy asked. She knew the answer, but she hoped there was another.

“That is something you will have to deal with as you balance yourself out Fluttershy, just as the Harmony Watchers said. It won’t be easy, and you may have an even greater destiny than me to work towards, but as your friend I will do what I can to help you out Fluttershy.” Naruko said as she gave a warm smile, and placed a hoof on the yellow pegasus’ shoulder.

Fluttershy took small comfort in the gesture, and then gulped as she proceeded to the door that gave off a nasty vibe to her. Naruko and Kyuubi tried to give her reassuring smiles, but Kyuubi’s smile seemed more intimidating than anything.

The pink maned pegasus closed her eyes, finally opened the door and entered the room.

{-} {-} {-}

Fluttershy took several steps into the room with her eyes closed before she finally heard the door shut behind her. She gave only a small squeak at the loud volume, before opening her dark blue eyes. The room she was in had little light to it, but since she had her eyes closed it took less time for them to adjust to their surroundings, even if just barely.

The room was deathly quiet. Fluttershy was using all of her new found will power to keep from collapsing to the floor and quivering in fright. She took a few shaky steps forward, not sure what awaited her, but determined to face it despite her urge to run and hide. She was through with hiding now. She wanted to stand tall by her friend’s sides and face whatever was to come together with them.

As she made her way to the middle of the room, Fluttershy felt her resolve start to crumble again. “What can I do to help really? I may have helped a little on the way here, but Naruko and Kyuubi did most of the work,” Fluttershy thought to herself.

Her depressing thoughts continued, “I am still just in the way… I always have been… Naruko and Kyuubi would have found a way through it all even if I wasn’t here… Twilight and the others would have found a different Element of Kindness, who was stronger than me. I’m sure of it! I’m not even a half way decent flyer! I'm a pegasus pony! I shouldn't be scared of flying.

More thoughts similar in tone to these found their way into her mind without any rhyme or reason. She was so lost in her thoughts, Fluttershy failed to notice the small glow on the ground from below her as she finally came to a stop in the exact center of the room. She started to think this was all some strange dream where she was adventurous, and half way deserving of Naruko’s and Twilight’s friendships.

Her thoughts continued a little longer, and she remembered her time in Flight Camp before she heard a laugh from all around her. Fluttershy straightened up hearing this laugh, and brought up her guard. Her eyes searched the darkness for anything that stuck out. Soon her darkened blue eyes landed on a shadowy silhouette directly in front of her that moved closer to her.

“Yes that is right, Cluttershy…” A dark but similar voice to her own spoke form the shadows. “Despite what you may have done now, you are still useless. You are only a burden to your friends.” A figure that looked like a darker version of her stepped into the light of the room.

The pegasus in front of Fluttershy looked like an exact copy of herself, but there were noticeable differences. The other Fluttershy seemed much more confident in every way. She stood taller, she had a sexy, but dark smile gracing her lips, and her body seemed more streamlined and fetching.

In essence, the Fluttershy copy in front was everything the original wanted to be, but a little more greyscale overall somehow. The coloration almost made this newcomer seem sicker or at the very least twisted and crueler. Still this copy seemed to have many attributes Fluttershy envied in some fashion.

The cruel yellow pegasus gave a confident smile, and her eyes were half lidded as she slowly walked forward putting just the right amount of sway in her flanks. “You can’t even stand tall and proud.” Cruel Fluttershy struck a pose with ease that even the original had to admit was enticing, and under different circumstances might cause a stir of feelings inside her.

“You don’t even know how to draw attention from colts in puberty with this blessed body. You always cower while others do the actual work when it matters. You can't even hardly fly. If it wasn't for meeting Naruko and Twilight, you wouldn't have any real friends. Rainbow Dash just liked having a pathetic pony that made her look even more Awesome.” The copy then gave a cruel, but still sexy laugh at the original Fluttershy.

The real yellow pegasus drooped her head and ears as she lowered herself. The mean and cruel flyer kept talking, “And how do you repay them? Your friend Naruko almost died because you chose to just cower instead of actually help her.” The copy said in a mocking voice.

Fluttershy started to cry to her cruel counterpart’s words. They may or may not have been true, but the words voiced everything Fluttershy feared. “Yes, that is all you can do really. Just cry and look pathetic while your friends risk their own lives to save you and everypony else.”

The grey yellow flyer walked closer to the cowering butter yellow one. “Naruko and Kyuubi are only putting up with you, and humoring your oh so small and fragile ego with their kindness and supposed belief in you.” The copy gave a harsh and cruel laugh as she said, “Really there was barely any ego there to begin with truthfully.”

Fluttershy thought about her mission so far. Memories of the Manticores and the wolf creatures they faced in the temple came to her mind. She remembered Naruko’s relieved and truly thankful smile as she thanked her friend for saving her life. She also remembered the moment they had the night before entering the temple as well as her fighting by their side, even if that part was sort of hazy.

The butter yellow pegasus’ blue eyes grew determined. Fluttershy stopped crying and her lower lip quivered only slightly as she weakly said, “You lie….”

The copy raised an eyebrow as she asked, “What was that? I could barely hear you.” She then looked around the room as if trying to figure something out. Crueltyshy then placed a darkened yellow hoof to her chin as she said, “There must be a wind of some kind if I can’t even hear you speak. I mean no pony would be so weak they couldn't even voice their thoughts in a completely silent room and go unheard.”

Fluttershy stood up and spoke again with more force, “You lie! I am not just a burden to my friends!” The copy just looked mildly amused at this. “I have helped them in ways only I can help. I have even helped them fight those monsters which allowed Naruko to activate the seals!”

Fluttershy was now standing tall and determined. She needed to help Naruko complete this mission for the safety of Equestria and their friends! She wouldn't let this shade stop her from doing this. She wouldn't let her fear and shyness prevent her from helping her friends anymore. She would do what was needed!

Fluttershy’s eyes narrowed at her shade. The shade got into a position. She was ready to face the original and take control of their lives.

Fluttershy launched herself at the shade, and with a shout she sent a hoof fast into the shade’s face. The copy was unprepared for this ferocity, and took the hit straight to the face.

The gray yellow pegasus flew backwards a good distance before recovering, and barely blocking a bright yellow hoof. The impact sent the shade crashing to the ground. Fluttershy hovered waiting to make her next move.

The dark figure gave a small chuckle and smirk, “Well it seems you have enough backbone to make this an entertaining fight. Though, I was the one that fought those wolf creatures. You were so weak you couldn't even set aside your shyness, and ridiculous preconceptions about good and bad to help your friends when they needed it the most.” The shade then launched towards Fluttershy flying as fast as she could.

A grayed out yellow hoof made contact to the left side of Fluttershy’s face. The shade gave a smirk for a couple of seconds before the butter yellow pegasus recovered and made her way back. The shade dodged the first counter attack, but was unprepared for the kick that came her way and sent her flying.

Fluttershy didn’t take time to revel in her successful hit. She quickly made her way to the other pegasus and landed another hit that sent the specter flying upwards without control. Fluttershy flew up faster and threw a punch with her hoof downwards. The punch hit and the shade glared as she hit the ground and sent dust into the air.

The shade recovered and gave Fluttershy a sneer. The shade's blue eyes gave an unearthly cold glow as she pulled out what looked like a weapon. It was a black sword with a curved and sharp hook on the base of the handle. Crueltyshy flew forward fast and swiped at Fluttershy.

Fluttershy managed to barely turn to the side and avoid the blade strike. “What is that?!” Fluttershy asked out loud unable to keep quiet.

The darker yellow flyer gave a horrible smile as her eyes showed a deep and concentrated disgust. “You can’t even manifest your Element’s powers without that ridiculous accessory?” Fluttershy narrowed her eyes at the impostor.

The shade gave a heartless laugh, “You are even weaker than I thought was possible of an Element of Harmony.” The laugh ended and cold dark blue eyes stared down. “It matters not now. I will end you and show these pathetic friends of yours how a real Element does things!” The pegasus then streaked down towards Fluttershy.

Fluttershy made a slight movement to get out of the way again. This time however, she wasn't caught off guard by the weapon’s presence. The bearer of the Element of Kindness sent a solid hoof hit right-square into the middle of the impostor’s chest.

The impostor gave a grunt of pain as she was sent sideways. She barely managed to recover in time before she would have ended up smack in the middle of a rock wall. The shade gave Fluttershy hate filled blue eyes as she said with more venom in her voice than the original thought possible of anypony. “Why do you bother to fight?!” The specter said.

The shade’s blue eyes were filled with so much hate and anger that it scared Fluttershy. “You and I both know what you do here won’t matter! Once you are out there again all you will do is cower, and whimper when your friends need you the most! You will end up watching their demise in the end, because you are too scared to lift a hoof to help them if it involves actually fighting off an animal of some kind or anything else.”

The specter then gave Fluttershy a disgusted and angry face as she said, “And when that time comes I will refuse to help you out! You know I was the one that fought off those wolf creatures, and saved your friend’s lives earlier!”

Fluttershy’s bravery faltered when she heard these words. The harsh words affected her greatly because she knew deep down they were true. In her current condition, she was more likely to freeze up when her abilities were needed the most. Her time here with Naruko and Kyuubi was just a fluke she was sure. Her light blue eyes widened as her brain started sending her unpleasant images of her friends in pain and suffering because of her cowardice.

She saw many visions, but one bothered her the most. In it, she was cowering after she saw something that was charging towards the others. Instead of even warning them she just covered her eyes with her hooves and whimpered.

Crueltyshy gave a derisive laugh followed by a dark smirk as she said, “Yes that is right, Fluttershy…” The two ponies’ eyes met. “You wouldn't even be able to warn your friends of something in time to save them. Let alone actually help them.”

The dark smirk turned crueler as Crueltshy spoke again. “Even your own animal friends have no respect for you. They blatantly take advantage of your kindness… Your weakness… for the free food and the pampered treatment you give them daily.”

Fluttershy’s blue eyes looked to the ground at this. It was another of her biggest fears that her animal friends were just taking advantage of her.

The shade gave a horrible chuckle as she said, “Even your favorite pet bunny doesn't give a damn about you. Angel Bunny sees your kindness for what it is… Weakness! He happily takes advantage of you all the time!”

Fluttershy started to cry again. She had thought this as well many times. She didn't want to think her shade was telling the truth, but she was finding it hard to refute the thing's words.

“He doesn’t care about you! You are just a free meal ticket to him that he can push around and that is all!” The shade gave her a different disgusted look. It was as if this shade saw Fluttershy as worth less than something foul she accidentally stepped in out in the forest.

The shade had thought she won by this point. The original was crying and unable to look up at her. It was a sour tasting victory really. The shade knew they needed to be balanced to be what they were capable of being, but the original was weak, and useless and didn't care to get stronger. It was better off she took over and fought for Equestria and their friends instead.

Just as the shade was getting ready to make her final move, Fluttershy stopped crying and looked up with deep blue eyes filled with something hard to describe. Her eyes were determined and there was a strength to them now as well. Her whole body seemed to brighten and Fluttershy said in a calm but confident voice. “You are wrong.”

The butter yellow pegasus seemed to have a clarity in her eyes that was starting to show through. “I know I am not strong yet. But things like that take time.” Fluttershy rose up higher into the air in the light that shown in the center of the room. The light shown around her giving the pegasus a graceful look as she spoke evenly.

“I will do what it takes to be there for my friends! I will do what it takes to show all of Equestria that Kindness doesn't mean a pony has to be a pushover!” Fluttershy’s usually quiet voice grew in strength while still remaining soft.

“My friends do not think of me as a burden. I help them in ways only I can help them, and they care for me as a pony and a good friend. My animal friends don’t take advantage of me either. They love and appreciate me.” Fluttershy was filled with faith in all of her friends.

Fluttershy’s beautiful medium blue eyes glowed with her determination. “I am not weak. I will never be weak!”

The shade sneered at her and weakly tried to rock her new strong foundation. “How do you explain Angel Bunny’s rudeness and always staying around you even during spring mating season then?”

Fluttershy gave a knowing smile. “He stays by my side because despite our arguments. We are still true friends to one another. When he gets mean and rude it's because I needed it most of the time. Other than that it was him trying to help me reach balance.”

The shade grimaced to her words. Fluttershy seemed to have reached an epiphany “I just now realized this after overhearing the watchers. He is the white small one they spoke of earlier. I will not let your cruel and poisonous words get to me anymore.”

After her words, something manifested. In Fluttershy’s hooves appeared what looked like a double ended spear with a sturdy and extra-long shaft. It was a weapon fitting of a balanced Element of Kindness. She could use either the shaft to fight opponents, or use the spear heads to end a life quickly if there was no other way. Fluttershy narrowed her blue eyes on the shade and got ready to attack her.

The shade brought up her sword and got ready for combat. She knew the outcome and her fate, but she wouldn't go down without a fight. The shade was ready.

Fluttershy’s double ended spear seemed to glow with a fiery but kind light. She then shot forward faster than she had ever flown before at her target. Fluttershy moved fast enough that she left a pink and yellow trail behind her. The trail wasn't anywhere near as solid or amazing as Rainbow Dash’s, but it was still something very rare.

The yellow pegasus felt her front spear head pierce through the shade’s body. The shade gave a weak laugh as she said in a kinder voice, “So this is it… Just remember I am a part of you, Fluttershy. I am your strength and will manifested into a shape. Separated we are both weakened. Together we will become an Element of Kindness Equestria will be proud of.” With those final words the shade shattered into several pieces. All of them disappeared before hitting the ground.

Fluttershy felt something stir inside her after hearing those words. It only made sense to her now. Harmony was very similar to balance, and for the bearers to bring about true harmony to Equestria they needed to be in balance with each other and their selves. Fluttershy gave a small smile and looked up to the ceiling as the shade’s last words fully sunk in. The room began to light up with a warm and friendly glow as she did this.

Fluttershy took in a deep breath as she thought over everything again, and her weapon disappeared before her eyes. She felt a little empty now with the weapon gone. She realized that she was merely given a glimpse of what she would earn once she achieved her balance. She knew she had a ways to go before that day came. However, she was on the right road to achieve that goal, and more importantly she wouldn't be alone.

{-} {-} {-}

The yellow pegasus made her way to the door that left the chamber. She heard it unlock as she approached. She felt happier, more fulfilled, and more confident in herself as she made her way through the chamber.

She knew what she had done facing those wolf creatures, but she also knew why she did it at the time. Fluttershy wasn't happy with the way she had fought against them, but she understood why she did fight that way. She was so scared of all that was going on around her, that her other self provided a way to deal with the enemies, but not suffer as much mentally.

Fluttershy wasn't going to become best friends with this Crueltyshy version of herself, but she would learn from this trip. Fluttershy would fight as needed, and she would no longer distance herself from her own deeds. She also wouldn't let her fears hinder her when all of her friends, and all of Equestria needed her to be strong and do things she might not usually do. She would fight to protect her home and friends. She would even fight for herself.

The yellow pegasus felt a new connection of some kind after her trial. She couldn't figure it out completely yet, but she knew she had a new connection to her very being. It was weak at the moment, but it was there. This new connection wasn't to her element or with her friends, but something different that would need a lot of work before it solidified.

Fluttershy opened the final door and marched into the courtyard before the chamber she had her trail. As her eyes adjusted to the lighting, she saw several smiling faces looking up to her. She saw the elder raise his staff. He then shouted, “Behold! The one blessed by Kindness! The True Bearer of Kindness!”

After his words, many other voices joined him repeating what he said in a loud chant. Fluttershy couldn't help but blush and give a pleased but confident smile to the chants. She even noticed Kyuubi and Naruko cheering as well.

The scene warmed Fluttershy’s heart, and made her realize how important her role was. She needed to do what she could to fulfill that role. She knew she wasn't the actual element of kindness yet, but she was closer. She was eager to explore how things would be different now.

{-} {-} {-}

Naruko smiled as she joined in the cheering with the others of Life’s Glade. She noticed Fluttershy had a new aura about her. Fluttershy no longer seemed like the cowardly pegasus that was scared to fly in the sky and needed to be put under the worst of circumstances before she finally acted. There was definitely something different about the yellow pegasus, but not too different.

Fluttershy finally joined Naruko and Kyuubi. “So do you need to go through the chamber of trials as well, Naruko?” She asked.

Naruko shook her head. “I was told my first of many trials would come later.” She walked closer to Fluttershy and smiled as she said, “You seem different Flutters. I like it.” The yellow pegasus blushed. Naruko gave a small smirk. “So are you ready to continue our quest? I think we're getting closer to the end.”

Fluttershy’s medium blue eyes glowed with determination. Naruko’s eyes widened just a little bit at the further change in her friend. The blonde unicorn was impressed with this new look. “I am ready. We must do what we can to protect Equestria and our friends.” Fluttershy spoke in an even tone as she made her way back through Life's Glade, and then up to the door before the final passageway and chamber to their prize.

“Looks like you have a little competition for bravery and determination now, Naruko.” Kyuubi said with a low chuckle to his partner. The blonde unicorn just nodded her head and followed the other two out as the elder handed them a gem encrusted key, and they proceeded upstairs once more.

{-} {-} {-}

Once the friends left, Fredrick turned to the elderly Bunnican. He had a look of understanding on his face. “So she is the one that will lead my brother Angelus Victus to his destiny?”

The elderly bunny nodded and said, “Yes the True Bearer of Kindness will lead him to his ultimate destiny. Angelus is still young, but he will achieve great things by her side. However, his mission is now more important than ever. For if the ponies who bear the Elements of Harmony do not find their balance… All will be lost no matter how strong the Guardian from the Stars is. They will not defeat the ever growing Cosmic Darkness. Fluttershy will be important in getting the others to find their own balance, and his mission is to get her to find it anyway he can.”

The two Watchers stared solemnly as the ponies and the fox left. Fredrick quietly said to himself, “May you have the will of our people ever with you little brother. I have faith you will help Kindness greatly. One day I will come to visit you.”

{-} {-} {-}

Naruko, Kyuubi and Fluttershy were now standing in front of the large door in the center of the temple’s main chamber. Naruko turned to her friends and gave each a nod. Kyuubi gave a grin of excitement and bared his teeth at the door. Fluttershy only nodded in determination, and this time her eyes stayed the same medium blue Naruko was used to seeing.

Naruko gave a small smile as she turned the key. They were ready for whatever was behind this door. They would retrieve the Life Stone.

The door finally opened and the trio took positions ready to fight. There seemed to be a whole lot of creatures in the areas ahead. Naruko gave a small laugh as she said, “Well looks like we have a little more work to go everypony.” Kyuubi gave an indignant scoff. “And fox….” Naruko added dryly. Then the group sprang into action.

{-} {-} {-}

Naruko stood there flabbergasted as she watched Fluttershy at work. The butter yellow pegasus was fighting with ferocity, but she didn't deal any death blows. She only knocked the wolf things out. She even softly apologized a few times, but she was overall focused and determined as she fought.

Naruko had only paused for a minuet to admire Fluttershy’s work, before the pegasus politely reminded her they were on a mission. It took the trio little time to reach what they knew was the last door to the final chamber where Life's Stone was kept.

Naruko gave her two companions one last look. The two returned her look. They didn't need to say anything as they all knew they would either succeed in their mission, or fail. They didn't want to fail, but they knew if they did there was little they could actually do about it afterwards. They decided success was much more preferable though.

They opened the doors and slowly made their way to the center of the lowly lit room. The elder told them about the path to the stone, and the booby traps. He also told them the traps would disarm once they had the stone, but the Stone Guard would appear to challenge them.

Naruko and Fluttershy were scared of what would happen once this Stone Guard appeared. They both visualized some unsurpassable giant of an enemy ready to fight them. However, they both felt more at ease once they heard Kyuubi chuckle.

“This room… This room! It is so large! Naruko you and I can really cut loose in here without too much worry! This Stone Guard better be ready! He will be fighting the Guardian from the Stars, Naruko. The True Bearer of Kindness, Fluttershy. And finally the amazing, powerful, deity the nine-tailed Fox… Even if he can’t use all nine tails yet….” Kyuubi said.

The fox then turned to the others and asked, “Think we can hit six tails in here, Naruko?”

Naruko looked in thought for a moment before she shook her head. “No at most five tails. With Fluttershy here if we go six tails we might get more in each other’s way than anything else.” Kyuubi reluctantly nodded in agreement to that. Fluttershy decided she would ask about this ‘Guardian from the Stars’ and tail business once the mission was over.

The trio finally came in view of Life’s Stone.

The jewel was more beautiful than Naruko could have ever imagined. She was given a good description from the princesses, but seeing the actual artifact in person was amazing. You couldn't fully appreciate it’s splendor with just the words.

Naruko gazed at the Amber encased heart shaped Ruby with bronze tree branches on the outside looking as if they were cradling it. Naruko especially loved the effect the lighting had on the jewel.

The blonde unicorn understood why so many ponies in the past worshiped the thing. She could sense the power in it along with its beauty. It was rather breath taking and overwhelming.

“Ohhh… It really is a pity to remove it, Naruko…. you know if Equestria's and our friends’ survival didn't depend on it….” Fluttershy had voiced Naruko's exact thoughts, so the blonde unicorn nodded her head.

Kyuubi frowned as he said, “I'm more concerned about this Stone Guard than some beautiful stone jewel." He raised an eyebrow at the ponies. "Do you two mind if we continue with the mission now?”

Naruko and Fluttershy both blushed in embarrassment but kept looking at Life's Stone. He then looked around carefully and said, “I don’t like this one bit at all… We should at least see some signs of this final enemy by now… I don’t see anything though.”

Naruko broke from her revere of the stone as did Fluttershy. “Be on your guard. I'm going to grab the stone now…. I'm sure he will appear after that. I'm also willing to bet he has an idea of what we can do. I have a feeling he was watching and studying us while we made our way here.”

The others watched as Naruko took a deep breath and placed a hoof on her chest before extending the hoof forward as she exhaled. It was something she learned from Twilight. The purple unicorn explained how she learned it from her foal sitter who was a princess as well, but still training at the time.

Naruko remembered when she first heard about it from Twilight.

“Celestia told Candance that she would have no hope of being a proper princess if she couldn't even foalsit. Candance thought it was beneath her to do such a thing. In the end, she quickly gave in and only insisted she was given a proper noble family’s foal to sit. Even with me she still would do this thing with her forehoof whenever she was overwhelmed by watching me when I wasn't reading a book.” Twilight said with a chuckle at the time.

Naruko gave a smile and shook her head. She thought it funny how she was remembering something so simple at a time like this. At the same time, the blonde unicorn fully realized what was actually on the line with this mission.

She was even more determined to succeed now!

Naruko grabbed the stone quickly!

For the first couple of minutes, nothing seemed to happen.

Soon they felt and heard a deep rumble from the room. The two ponies and the fox watched as a large stone solider dropped from above landing right in front of them.

The stone warrior was similar to the wolf creatures, but he seemed more at ease with being bipedal. His stone eyes also had an unmistakable intelligence to them, and they reflected ages of experience in fighting a war. Also he was a lot larger than they thought he would be.

The group of adventurers were all three ready to fight. They weren't sure how it would end, but they were going to give it their all. They knew they would just need to find a weakness of some kind in the stone guard, and exploit it. Finding that weakness was going to be the tricky part.

The solider looked at the trio and without any warning rushed at them!

Naruko and Kyuubi barely had time to let out a gasp before they were sent flying backwards. “Alright! Six tails! No holding back! We attack this thing seriously. You hear me Kyuubi?”

The fox only grunted before he was encased in fire once more and emerged with six glorious and fiery tails. He was now really large as well. He was just the right size to take on the Stone Guard.

Kyuubi gave a wicked smile and said in a deep voice. “As you wish Partner! Lets show this rock head what he is dealing with. You ready Fluttershy?” The pegasus who was ignored in the last attack nodded.

Fluttershy took to the sky and started dive-bombing the stone warrior, and bombarding it with kicks and forehoof punches. The guard took a few hits without even a hint of annoyance. Fluttershy knew her hits weren't going to be effective against stone, but she kept going anyways. Every so often she would catch the warrior off guard and use its overwhelming size to her advantage. Truthfully she was very strong and effective considering her size.

Naruko was following Fluttershy’s lead in attacking while also throwing in a small magic blast every so often. She even tried enhanced attacks. She didn't have time for any of her bigger moves in this fight.

Now that Naruko was paying attention and had an idea about his speed, the stone warrior didn't land any devastating attacks. His hits still hurt like hell though.

Naruko and Fluttershy both had to block an attack suddenly, but they bumped into each other and as a result the stone warrior grabbed a hold of them both and threw them towards a wall. Fluttershy fortunately recovered and grabbed Naruko before flapping her wings fast to slow them down.

Kyuubi was trying fire blasts while using his tails and claws to fight. His fire blast told him how high the stone guard’s melting point was. Some of the stone guard glowed red hot at points, but never for long. Kyuubi knew he would have to use his fire abilities for a good sustained amount of time before making progress that way.

Kyuubi backed away, and was about to make a charged blast from a distance on the enemy. However, before he could do so a stone fist was shot his way, the guard then blocked yet another enhanced attack from Naruko, while grabbing and tossing Fluttershy with his other hand. The stone fist struck true and Kyuubi was shaken for a bit.

He cursed not predicting that move, but soon recovered. Kyuubi then made a shadow clone of himself. The clone quickly got to a safe distance and started to charge up a massive blasting attack. It would wait for the right moment to use the attack.

Naruko and Fluttershy kept trying to attack on their own, but also kind of in time with each other while they looked for a weakness. Naruko sent a blue ball of energy from her horn at the guard. Her attack exploded and the stone guard flew back a good bit from the impact.

Once the Stone Guard landed in a heap, Fluttershy saw a red-orange glowing something in the center where part of the guard’s body fall away. She had just told Naruko about it when they both saw something they wished they hadn't seen happen.

The enemy stood up and grinned as it finally spoke in a deep gravelly voice. “Well… Seems you have a few moves up your sleeve.” It then lifted its head to the roof and let out a loud roar. The stone guard grew larger and more rocks seemed to form on his arms and legs. At the same time, his glowing chest weakness grew a little more as well.

Naruko, Kyuubi, and Fluttershy hoped they had scored a lucky break even though they knew they hadn't. The beast let out another roar again, and this time smaller Wolf creatures appeared on the floor below him. If that wasn't enough, they heard some terrible screeching, and soon a good amount of stone gargoyles appeared above him. The room broke apart as they found themselves in a forest clearing with really tall trees around them.

The stone guard smirked as he said again in his gravelly voice. “Did you honestly expect I would expose myself more for just power alone? I have fought many battles, and the main lesson I learned was to find ways to make up for your weaknesses. Let that be a lesson to you lot.”

He gave another smirk and said coldly, “Not that you will live to learn from it.” He then stretched out a rocky hand and summoned forth a large diamond encrusted war hammer. He gave the thing a few practice swings and then effortlessly twirled it in one hand.

Naruko frowned. “Alright we need a plan guys and girls.”

Fluttershy hovered in the air just above them as her eyes turned just a small bit darker. Next she spoke to them in a slightly cold voice. “I will take care of his air support.”

“Are you sure about that, Fluttershy? There are a lot of them you know,” Naruko asked. She had full faith in her friend if the pegasus said she had it, but she needed to be sure.

Fluttershy’s darkened blue eyes narrowed as she said, “They are being forced to fight for him against their wills. It must be torture to have no control over your body like that. It will be a mercy to put them to a final rest.”

Fluttershy then held out her hooves and suddenly there was a light of some kind coming from her. It was similar to what happened during her trial, but a little different. In her hooves, appeared her double ended spear again and it too was different.

Naruko and Kyuubi both looked at it with some awe. The shaft was long and thick with a light colored material. It had two ends on it like the first time Fluttershy used it. This time however, the ends were blades similar to the ones her shade had used.

Fluttershy looked at the thing with awe and worry. It oozed with power and strength, but it didn't feel truly merciful like the first time she used it. She gasped when power surged through the weapon and formed a red glow on the bladed ends.

Fluttershy had to admit she was drawn to the power it promised. She would have resisted it as her instincts told her to do, but she knew now was not the time.

She embraced the power carefully. She could have sworn she next heard the confident voice of Cruelityshy say. “You and I are one, Fluttershy… I will help you here… Beat this dumb rock and its flying stone wings.

Fluttershy gave a smirk. Naruko and Kyuubi both returned their focus to the enemies in front of them. “I will try to hold off big ugly rock head. Naruko take care of the ground forces. Once you are done with that help me attack his weakness,” Kyuubi stated.

Naruko nodded her understanding. This plan would work she figured. She then made some clones and they all charged into battle. She preferred more of a tactical approach, but now they needed to fight an army without anything to use for cover and no time for planning much.

Naruko’s horn flashed briefly as she once again enhanced her body with magic. The clones on her immediate side did the same. They would all be in the thick of things. She noticed her clones on the side quickly broke off to the sides and got ready to use mainly magic attacks to fight.

Naruko and four clones jumped into the air and landed on top of some wolf creatures. Naruko gave the one to her left a swift buck to the face as she blasted another with magic from her horn.

Her clones were dodging and weaving as they either bucked or hoof punched their enemies. Occasionally they would also use quick magic blasts. Most of the wolf creatures were focused on the attacking group in the center.

The clones on the side took advantage of the distracted creatures. A couple here and there would combine different magic attacks to increase their effectiveness. One clone even made use of a half formed “Rasengan” attack, as Kyuubi called it, to deal explosive damage.

{-} {-} {-}

Kyuubi was glad he was larger in his six tailed form. He was again smaller than the giant of a stone warrior they were fighting, but he was big enough to do as he promised.

The guard lunged at him with the war hammer. Kyuubi moved just out of the way and used his larger and thankfully more powerfully tails to send the warrior to the side.

The stone warrior didn’t bother to really slow his skidding down. This fox hit hard. Instead he used the momentum to get more range. Once he had that range, he jumped up and when he landed with a thundering thud, rock spikes shot from the floor.

The giant stone warrior used his war hammer to send the rock spikes flying at the fox. Kyuubi shot a few powerful fire blasts that caused some of the spikes to explode. He had to actually dodge the others. There was one that he merely swatted to the side though.

Kyuubi launched himself at the stone warrior. He closed the gap between them fast and shifted to the side to avoid a hammer blow, while also using his claws to swipe at the guard’s side. Unfortunately, the stone warrior’s weakness, while exposed more, was still fairly well protected from most attacks.

The stone guard’s hammer crashed into the ground sending spikes of rock up into the air. The guard was going to try a fast one on Kyuubi, but the fox was faster.

The fox focused his chakra and unleashed a controlled gust of wind power from his mouth. When he unleashed the attack, three rock spikes flew at the stone warrior extremely fast before he could use them himself.

The stone warrior managed to cover his weak spot, but he still felt the impacts. He gave a chuckle as he said, “Seems I have a real opponent this time!”

He then looked at the two ponies and gave a dark grin. “Your friends aren’t so bad either. It doesn’t matter though. Once I am finished with you they will be easy to take care of.” The stone warrior grinned once more.

Kyuubi gave his own grin and said, “Then you'll be surprised when we defeat you. My partner never quits, and she is very good at finishing whatever she sets her mind on. Her friend is also very determined.”

Kyuubi mentally laughed to himself as he stared down the guard. His clone was charging up and concentrating the blasting attack. This rock headed guard hadn't even noticed yet. Kyuubi was perfectly happy with this.

{-} {-} {-}

Fluttershy flew quickly towards the group of flying stone gargoyles. She was surprised when one shot magic beams from its eyes. However, she was unfazed by this attack. She simply titled her body and the shots flew right by her. She then used her new weapon to slice through one of the gargoyles. It split in half, and two pieces of stone fell to the ground.

Fluttershy couldn’t help but feel pleased with herself. She had power and was helping her friends and Equestria out with this mission. They were almost finished too. All that stood in their way was a giant rocked solider.

Fluttershy knew she shouldn't feel this pleased while fighting. Had it been any other situation she would have reflected on it. For the moment, she cared more about finishing this mission than anything else. She simply ignored the mental sounds of pleased laughter, from her cruel side.

Fluttershy flew straight at one gargoyle while tilting her body to avoid another beam attack. She then quickly changed her flight path and flew straight up right in front of a stunned stone gargoyle. As she ascended, she used her enhanced blade to cut right through the rock flyer. The two halves then crashed hard into two more gargoyles below.

Fluttershy didn’t stop there though. The power, strength, and determination she was feeling were all too much for that. She attacked more of these flyers. However, it wasn't long until the butter yellow pegasus quickly found herself surrounded by three gargoyles.

She used her stare on one of the rock flyers. The creature’s wings snapped shut, and the thing fell fast to the ground and landed in a crumble of rock. The other two were surprised to see this.

Fluttershy took advantage of the other’s momentary shock at what happened. She sent a hard buck into the one on her left side and it crashed into another one. She stabbed the one on her right in the center of its chest, and it soon crumbled into pieces. She started attacking again.

The other gargoyles started to get smarter soon after she resumed her attack. She had to dodge a couple of beam attacks. The first was just fine, but the second wasn't. She dodged the beam attack, but another gargoyle hit her with a stone paw while she was distracted.

Fluttershy started to spiral downwards and the gargoyles followed. The pink maned pegasus knew this though. Instead of recovering like she was supposed to do in a situation like this. She went with the fall and used gravity to her advantage.

She managed to pull up and level out just a couple of feet from the ground. The gargoyles following her didn’t make it. She also managed to help out a couple of Naruko’s clones by slicing through some of the wolf creature ground army before she pulled back up.

Fluttershy was back up in the air, but this time she was surrounded by several more gargoyles. A couple flew right at her. She managed to turn her body and minimize the attack. She next countered and took her two attackers out, but she also felt a sting on her cheek and a trickle of blood. She knew one of the attackers managed to land a hit. Luckily it was only a shallow cut.

Fluttershy wasn't sure what to do in this case, but knew she needed to lose her armor for better mobility. There were still several gargoyles around her. She got rid of her faithful armor and started to fly fast.

She felt a thrill from flying faster than she ever did in the past, and despite the danger she was finally seeing why Rainbow loved flying fast so much. She even briefly toyed with the idea of challenging her longtime friend to a race. She decided Rainbow would have to be severely handicapped for her to actually stand a chance though, even if she was flying faster.

Fluttershy started to fly even faster and did a few sharp turns every so often. She managed to shake off a few of her pursuers. Still there were too many for her. She saw a dirty and slightly bloodied Naruko in the center of several now cautious wolf soldiers. She started making her way there. She only hoped Naruko would know what she was trying to do.

{-} {-} {-}

Naruko was fighting hard against her opponents. This wolf army never seemed to end. It was a tough fight, but part of her thrived off of it. She knew she was meant to be a ninja with how this fight was going. She may be a unicorn now, but she was still a warrior of some kind at least. She thought again about maybe joining the royal guard if nothing else came her way, even if it usually lacked adventure.

Naruko charged two wolf creatures. She lowered her head when she was close enough and drove her horn right into one creature’s chest. She was happy with the effectiveness, but not with the blood that poured onto her. She then quickly sent a powerful buck from her rear legs at the thing to her right's face. The buck was strong enough that it snapped the enemy’s neck as the body spun to the floor.

The wolf soldiers were a bit taken aback by her move, but only for a few seconds. They started to attack again. Naruko continued to fight as did her remaining clones. Fluttershy helped her out when she flew by and sliced through some of the things at least.

Naruko kept fighting. She was now throwing hoof punches and bucks in conjunction with magic attacks. She even managed a few fire and wind attacks as well. However, despite her efforts it seemed the army kept growing. She needed to make an example of one, or do something to get her more space and hopefully time. She got an idea.

Naruko found a larger and surprisingly partially armored wolf to fight. He was clearly tough and respected by the others. Naruko instituted her plan.

She charged the wolf fighter head first. She stabbed him with her horn, but the tip was barely in. It wasn’t enough to kill, but would cause pain. Unfortunately for the wolf though, she used the half formed “Rasengan” attack one of her clones used from earlier.

Her horn glowed light blue and then suddenly the wolf she had horned exploded all over the others. She was dirty and covered in blood and grime now, but the other wolves were giving her room and scared to approach her.

This happened just in time. Soon Fluttershy flew Naruko's way. The pink maned pegasus was being chased by several gargoyles. Naruko quickly summoned forth several magic energy balls, and launched them at a good few of the gargoyles destroying them.

After a while longer the two ponies knew something had to happen if they were going to win this battle. They were both starting to tire out. Fluttershy and Naruko were exhausted but, both ponies were ready to keep on going with their fights to the bitter end. Soon however, they heard a loud roar of pain and the armies they were facing disappeared.

{-} {-} {-}

Kyuubi was not happy with this fight at all. Don’t get him wrong, he loved the fight, but he wasn't on his own. He had to worry about Naruko and Fluttershy. He didn't really mind it that much, he liked having friends, but friends also caused him to hold back and worry when he fought surprisingly.

He saw that both were getting tired, despite how well they were doing in their respective battles. Something had to happen soon. If it didn't then their mission would not succeed.

Kyuubi dodged another attack. However, the following attack caught him off guard. The stone warrior managed to duck down and uppercut him. The warrior then jumped into the air planning to hopefully deliver a final blow.

As the guard was getting ready for his attack, Kyuubi didn't hesitate and quickly threw a blasting energy attack at the thing’s weak point. He heard a loud grunt of pain as the warrior crashed to the ground, causing it to shake a bit.

When the warrior crashed, the gargoyles and wolf creature armies disappeared in smoke. The stone guard stood up and gave a laugh. “I haven’t been hit this good in a long time! I hope you lot are ready for the next round.”

Naruko and Fluttershy both frowned and started to attack him along with Kyuubi. Soon Fluttershy was dive-bombing the warrior right after Naruko used her enhanced body and magic attacks on him. When the others weren't attacking Kyuubi did. Though he always kept saying, “Just a little longer….

{-} {-} {-}

After a few more minutes of fighting, Kyuubi told the others quietly, “I have a clone with a charged attack. If we can give it an opening then we will destroy this rock head.” The others nodded though they weren't quite sure how to help with this plan.

Finally Fluttershy flew up high and dive-bombed the stone guard yet again. When she did, it was at just the right angle to slice off an arm with one of her staff's bladed ends. The stone guard howled in pain as he bent back from the attackers.

Naruko took her chance. She sent a magic attack at his chin. She then uppercut him with a larger light blue fist of magic launching him in the air. When this happened Kyuubi's clone threw the attack at the weak point before dispersing.

The stone guard looked in surprise and anger as he saw a massive energy attack come his way quickly. He wasn't able to block, dodge, or divert the attack. It hit true on his weak point.

“Curse you ponies!!!!” He shouted just before his body exploded and crumbled to small pieces of rock from the attack. As he fell to pieces, there was a large blast of purple light and many howls of relief. The howling sounded like wolves finally taking a much deserved and long awaited rest.

{-} {-} {-}

Naruko, Kyuubi and Fluttershy stared as the Stone Guard was defeated by their combined efforts. The two ponies then collapsed to the floor in relief and exhaustion.

Fluttershy’s weapon disappeared and she could have sworn she heard a voice say, “Just wait until you finally achieve balance...

Naruko took in many deep breaths that she slowly let out. She gave a small smile and said, “Well that was exciting…. And tough…”

Kyuubi shrunk down to his two tailed form and curled up near Naruko. “You didn’t even have to spend your whole time holding off the big rock head.” He said with only a small amount of annoyance in his voice at the Stone Guard.

“Well… Mission accomplished team….” Naruko said through her exhaustion. “We did good….” She then lifted up the Life Stone in one of her hooves and smiled at the others.

Fluttershy nodded. “I also learned a good bit about myself. The weapon I used and the power that came with it was from my dark side…. I feared to accept I had such a side. I will have to work really hard to find this balance the Watchers spoke about.”

Fluttershy then stretched and said, “But still.” She took in a deep breath and Fluttershy shouted, “Yay! We did it!” The second part was a good bit louder than the first part. Naruko and Kyuubi couldn't help but laugh with the butter yellow pegasus.

After a few minutes they all stood up and Naruko said, “Well time to get this baby to the princesses I think! And then we must celebrate!” She gave a big goofy smile that Kyuubi knew all too well.

“How are you planning to do that, Naruko?” Fluttershy asked quietly.

“Ramen! Of course! I know this place in Canterlot near the castle that makes some really good ramen,” Naruko said with glee. Kyuubi just shook his head, but still smiled at his partner.

“That sounds…. Ummmm…. Fun I guess…” Fluttershy said in her normal manner, but a little louder than usual. This meant Naruko actually knew what she said without guessing or asking again.

“Sounds fun? You Guess?!” Naruko's face turned serious as she looked over her friend closely. Kyuubi gave a chuckle. He knew what was going to happen now.

“Have you ever had ramen before Fluttershy?” Naruko asked with a raised eyebrow.

Fluttershy blushed and trembled a little bit. She was feeling much more like her old self now that the mission was over. “Not really…. I haven’t ever been anywhere other than Cloudsdale and Ponyville in my life…. Not that I mind…”

Naruko gave her a determined look and said, “Then you are coming with me and Twilight for some Victory Ramen!”

Before the usually shy pony could do anything, she found herself being dragged back to Ponyville by an over eager blonde unicorn. Fluttershy decided not to question how her friend was so full of energy after everything they had just been through.

Kyuubi gave a laugh at the situation and soon jumped up into the air and changed to his one tailed form just before he landed on Naruko's back. After having to face the Stone Guard head on by himself, he figured he deserved a lift back to Ponyville.

The trio of friends seemed to have forgotten they still had a large part of the Ever-Free Forest between them and their next destination. However, maybe Naruko's exuberance and chanting of "Ramen! Bow before the Food of Legend!" would scare away any would be predators after the massive explosion of purple light and the howls.

Author's Note:

I know Fluttershy’s change might take a little away from her cuteness to some, but I always liked her for being both cute and strong for her friends when they needed her to be... eventually. In addition to this I wish to point out this is an AU! Things will change, but I hope to make the wonderful characters we love still be recognizable.

Also…. Wohoo! Yeah!!! Over 800 views and over 40 thumbs up!! I never expected that many. I would like some more thumbs up though.

I am sorry for the delay between chapters, but things have been crazy, and I want to be careful with this story. I know that won’t make too much a difference to most, but it is the truth. I care a lot about this story and have a lot planned for it. The only problem is implementing those plans sometimes.

Plus I feel that a Naruto crossover fic should be done right, so somethings have to be done for this to happen. There aren't too many that do this in my very biased opinion. This doesn't mean there aren't other good ones out there though.

Anyways. Sorry for the lengthy author’s note. I was just so surprised by everything. I want to of course thank you all for enjoying and supporting this story. I would like to hear more from everyone, but I understand. Also the favorites, views and ratings really help out a lot for me as it is!

Feel free to share this story if you want. Sorry if the grammar isn't always the best… I am the only one working on this story, and I am not the best at grammar. Plus after you read a really long chapter of a story you three or four times back to back it gets tough to keep making changes, even if you really like the story.

A fair warning!!!! Season four things will mostly not apply here. I may however, find a way to include some of the ideas if they strike my fancy. I guess in a way part of it did before it was even mentioned. I mean instead of searching for keys they will be searching for artifacts.