• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 26,776 Views, 224 Comments

The Truth of Bonds and Friendship - Gadman85

Naruko (Female Naruto) thought she knew a bit about these bonds the Hokage always talked about. However when she tries a mysterious Jutsu. She is sent to a new land where she learns the truth. Naruto and MLP crossover.

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Fluttershy's Decision

Fluttershy woke yet again with the utmost determination to tell her friends all about having to find balance and their elements. “I’ll do it this time!” she said in a voice that was loud and filled with determination for Fluttershy.

Her animal friends looked to her with concern as she got ready for the day.

“First, I need to make breakfast for you all,” she said. The animals nodded in understanding. Breakfast was important and Fluttershy was very good at making it.

After breakfast was made and consumed, Fluttershy nodded to her reflection in the mirror. “Now I need to clean up the yards,” she said.

Her animal friends frowned a little to this as she searched around the already well groomed and maintained yards. She had done this yesterday already and the day before that. It used to be she only did this when it was needed which worked out to about twice a week sometimes three times a week, but never three days in a row.

“Alright that was good,” the butter yellow pegasus said to herself after working in the yards and cleaning them up when they were already in perfect condition. “Perhaps I should check on Mr. and Mrs. Beaverton and see if they are alright,” she said to herself with a nod and flew off slowly.

Two raccoons face palmed at her actions as the others gave their animal equivalents of sighs. It was going to be another one of those days… again.

{-} {-} {-}

“Alright! Now that I’ve done everything I should go and really tell my friends all about everything!” Fluttershy said with renewed determination. She then frowned. It was getting late. She had been very ‘busy’ today. “Maybe next time… It is late and I really need to make supper for everyone,” she said with a frown.

Fluttershy made a wonderful supper for all of her animal friends and while they enjoyed it, they were chittering away with each other in a manner Fluttershy wouldn’t overhear them. They were all voicing their concerns to each other. They knew they should act, but they didn’t really have the strength to possibly upset Fluttershy or push her around even a little bit.

Angel Bunny stood up and stomped his foot a little. The other animals looked to him. He squeaked out some words and the others were in thought. They discussed what they could do on the matter. Angel Bunny again squeaked and the others nodded in understanding. A couple of the animals even saluted him.

{-} {-} {-}

Fluttershy woke yet again with the utmost determination to tell her friends all about having to find balance and their elements. “I’ll do it this time!” she said in a voice that was loud and filled with determination for Fluttershy.

“But first I need to make everyone breakfast,” she said with a slight worried expression on her face.

Fluttershy entered her kitchen and her mouth opened as she blinked her eyes. Her animal friends were all very busy. She saw two raccoons with chef hats on and a few squirrels were carrying around bowls to the different animals.

“Oh my! This is wonderful everyone. I can go straight to cleaning the yards then,” she said. Her animal friends didn’t respond as she went to open her door and go outside.

As she opened the door, she stood before a very unhappy looking Angel Bunny. “Oh ummm… Did you need something, Angel Bunny?” she asked a little worried.

He frowned and stomped his foot on the ground. “I was just going to clean up the yards. I can help you with anything after that if you really need it,” she said her voice smaller than usual.

Angel Bunny shook his head and frowned.

“Do you need me to help you out now?” she asked.

Angel Bunny shook his head again and gave Fluttershy a look that said, “You know what you really need to be doing today. You should have done it days ago.”

Fluttershy swallowed and whimpered a little. She then teared up as she sat on the ground, “I know! I need to talk to everypony, but it’s scary! What if I annoy them or bore them? Rainbow hates lectures or serious discussions usually.”

Fluttershy sniffed a little as Angel Bunny came over and patted her on the head in understanding. “I know I’m finding excuses… I’m just worried and scared I’ll mess up,” she said with a sniff.

Angel Bunny said something to her that she understood because of her gift with animals and how close she was to him. “You’re right! I can ask for help! I know just who to ask first. I probably should talk to her about this anyways to let her know,” Fluttershy said before she zoomed off. Angle Bunny A.K.A. Angelus Victus of the bunnicans gave a sigh. He had hoped his mission would get easier, but that didn't seem to be the case after all. He needed to be more vigilant and helpful to Kindness from now onward.

{-} {-} {-}

Trixie gave a nod to herself in the mirror at Ever-Free HQ. She had come to a decision and she was set on it. She wanted to speak with Naruko about it first. She had made some good progress on her trailer ever since the end of the Parasprite invasion, but it still needed some work. Now however, it was about time she have this discussion with Naruko.

Trixie is great and powerful and caring! She can do this…” she thought to herself. “I hope I can at least.” Her choice was a bit of a hard one. She had come to like the patrol members and come to see the HQ as a home, but it was close to time for her to move on with her life. She might still stay around for a while longer at least. She still worried she wasn't fully prepared for her decision. She could mess this all up.

However, before anything else she felt she owed it to Naruko to talk about her choice. She was eternally grateful to Naruko after everything. She hoped she didn’t fail to meet the Ever-Free Patrol Captain’s expectations of being a guest in the HQ.

Trixie was a bit nervous so she forewent common courtesy and used her show pony flair for encouragement as she burst through Naruko’s office door. “Trixie has something she wishes to say!” she exclaimed. However, once she looked around she actually blushed. Naruko wasn’t alone. There was a pretty pegasus pony with a long pink mane sitting to one side on the front of the captain’s desk.

Before she could apologize the pony spoke up, “You’re Trixie?” she asked.

“That is Trixie’s name,” she replied warily.

“I’m Fluttershy,” the pegasus replied.

Trixie was caught a little off guard here but replied. “Trixie is pleased to meet you, Fluttershy.” The show Pony then turned to Naruko and said, “Sorry for interrupting. I wasn’t interrupting anything important, was I? Trixie is sorry if she was.”

“I don’t know yet. Fluttershy said she wanted to speak to me, but she hasn’t said what yet,” Naruko replied looking between the two ponies.

Trixie was about to leave, but the pegasus stopped her again. “I’ve heard about you. It was kind of mean what you did to Rarity, even if it didn’t last.” Trixie frowned here in thought trying to place who this pony was. “I also heard you did a lot of good things here. I really liked it when I heard you had calmed the little ones down and helped out during the Parasprite Invasion,” Fluttershy said leaving her part in the crisis out.

Trixie was about to smile when Fluttershy spoke again. “That still doesn’t make it alright what you did to Rarity that wasn’t very kind. I can understand the others… But not Rarity.” Fluttershy liked all of her friends, but Rarity was special to her.

“Trixie prides herself on being a show pony. I will admit I have been rather unkind recently. But that has changed! Trixie discovered why she first loved being a show pony in the first place during that crisis,” Trixie replied.

“As touching as this is, what was it you wanted to say Trixie?” Naruko asked interrupting the exchange between them.

“It is nothing that can not wait. Trixie is sorry for barging in like that,” she then bowed and left rather quickly. “Perhaps I should go and apologize to this Rarity pony before I speak to Naruko about my choice,” she thought as she went back to her room area. She would have to find out where this Rarity was and how to approach her before taking action though.

{-} {-} {-}

“So, what was it you wanted to talk about Fluttershy?” Naruko asked once Trixie left.

“It is very important and shouldn’t be overheard,” she said.

Naruko nodded in understanding and activated the secrecy runes she had in her office for such matters. “That will make sure no pony overhears or interrupt us,” she explained.

“I want to speak with the others about what the bunnicans told me in the temple. I want to help them so they will be better prepared for their own trials. I get a feeling this whole finding a balance thing will be something very important and take a lot of time. I wanted to ask if you had any advice and if you know… you were okay with this,” Fluttershy said starting out strong but ending in typical Fluttershy fashion.

Naruko looked her over in thought. “It is your choice if you tell the others. I’m not an element. If you think it is important to tell them then it is. I do agree with your choice for what it matters. Both Celestia and Luna have mentioned that it is very likely I will be going on different Artifact missions with each of the Elements at some point so them learning about them isn't too big an deal. This last temple was an exception given its unique nature. Turned out they were right to send me with a couple of music cutie mark ponies.”

Fluttershy gave a relieved smile. “Thanks for that Naruko. I feel even better knowing you agree with my choice.”

Naruko gave a smile. “That’s what friends are here for. To help each other out. Regarding how to go about it, well you need to give yourself some more credit there, Fluttershy. You were an excellent teacher for the patrol. I’m sure the others will listen to you if you tell them to listen to you on this. Twilight can help you out as well if the others give you trouble. She knows a lot about the missions already so if you tell her or hint to her what you want to talk about relates to them she will help out. I’m sure.”

“Okay… Thanks for the help. I’m still nervous, but I will do this! Angel Bunny wouldn’t forgive me otherwise. Goodbye Naruko, see you later,” Fluttershy replied as she left once Naruko deactivated the security measures.

“Good luck. It was nice seeing you again,” Naruko replied before getting back to work with a sigh. Her horn glowed and two more Naurkos appeared next to her. “Let’s get back to it,” she said as the three Narukos got to work. She learned she could use shadow clones to help with paper work so long as she continued to work as well. If she didn’t they would work for a little while before dismissing themselves and usually giving her memories of rude pony gestures as a farewell gift. Not that Naruko could blame them given they got their hatred of paperwork from her.

{-} {-} {-}

“Are you sure about this, Fluttershy?” Twilight asked as she walked with her friend to gather the others. Fluttershy told her she had something important to tell them all regarding her experience in the Temple of Life.

“Yes, I am, Twilight. I even asked Naruko and not only did she say it was my decision and she agreed with it, but that you would also help. Constantly asking me if I am sure is not helping…” Fluttershy said with a frown.

Twilight looked a little sheepish to this. “Sorry, its just this is big… It is a lot to carry…”

Fluttershy looked to her still frowning. “Are you saying you don’t trust the others?”

Twilight sighed. “It isn’t really that. Trust isn’t an issue. I can actually cast a spell to help them not spill the beans. It isn’t a magical swear, but it in a manner of speaking it locks the information away so they know it, but they can’t share it. If there comes a time it is okay to remove the spell I will, but I just hope whatever this is the others are ready for it.”

Fluttershy’s frown deepened. “I’m not so sure about your approach. Ponies usually wouldn’t say trust doesn’t matter because I have a spell… But perhaps in this situation it is for the best.”

Twilight frowned a little now. “I may rely on magic a lot, but I don’t throw it around easily like that. I’m just afraid without the spell they will have trouble keeping the temple missions a secret. Especially Applejack given how terrible she is at lying and even finds it hard at times to just simply omit certain facts.”

Twilight then gave Fluttershy a look as she said, “I do wish you would at least tell me what it was now. That way I can help you more with the others.”

Fluttershy gave her thankful smile. “I appreciate the offer, but it is going to be difficult enough for me to speak about it in the first place. I’d rather do it in one go instead of multiple times. I’m just glad we know they're all available now. AJ is off from chores for the day and Rainbow doesn’t have weather duty and is visiting Pinkie currently. Rarity took time off from her shop as well.”

“We are lucky there. All of our friends get rather busy,” Twilight agreed. She was also including Naruko in this given how she still hadn't had that proper day alone with her yet. That still got to her and she further believed the world was out to keep them apart for some reason.

It didn’t take them long to gather the others and head towards a hill outside of Ponyville to talk. “So why are we all here and not just talking in like Sugar Cube Corner or something?” Rainbow asked.

“Because… ummm… It is really important and not something other ponies should hear. Its something for just us, the Elements…” Fluttershy said quietly though loud enough for the others to hear.

The others listened carefully, even if it was because that was the only way to hear Fluttershy speak at times. Fluttershy took in a deep breath and stood up tall. Angel Bunny would be upset with her if she went through all of this trouble to do something she really wanted to do and then just blew it anyways.

She then looked to the others with determined eyes that actually caught them off guard and made them more curious about what she was going to say. “Some of you may have noticed I have changed a little bit recently…” she started earning nods from the others. She was still shy and quiet but now her quiet was actually able to be heard. “Well it isn’t for no reason… I went on a… trip with Naruko…” she said.

“Ooo? Where did you go? When was this? Was it when you all did that Victory Ramen thing? I still haven’t had it yet…” Pinkie asked and finished with a thoughtful frown.

“It kind of is… I went to a temple in the Ever-Free Forest…” Fluttershy answered and paused as the others gasped.

“Why in the hay did you go back in there?” Rainbow asked hovering off the ground in surprise.

“You do know that place is dreadfully dangerous right? How is there even a temple there?” Rarity asked.

“Ah sure as hay wouldn’t go wondering in there for anything. The whole elements thang was important and all, but Ah sure don’t like that place one bit at all,” Applejack said.

“Ummm…” Fluttershy wasn’t sure what to say here. She looked to Twilight for help.

Twilight seemed to figure out what it was she needed. Twilight’s horn glowed and soon they were surrounded by a privacy bubble and there was another flash of Twilight’s horn that covered each of Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie and Rainbow. “Sorry about that extra spell there, but it is a security measure. It won’t allow you to share what we’re about to say with anypony apart from us, Naruko and the Princesses. It sort of just locks away the knowledge so you know it, but can’t recall how to say it to others. The spell can be broken unlike a magical swear, but it isn’t easy and no one would really think to break it.”

“Why did you have to do that magic thingy?” Rainbow asked annoyed. She was a little upset it was done to her without her permission.

“What I am about to say, since Fluttershy asked me to help, is information retaining to not only Equestria’s safety but the whole planet’s pretty much,” Twilight started. Rainbow no longer felt upset if it was something this big. “There is a certain evil force out there called the Cosmic Darkness for now. It is really bad and filled with dark negative energy. It is partly responsible for Nightmare Moon in a way. Princess Luna was still jealous, but this cosmic darkness worked on her emotions to give her a little push in that direction. It is also something that at it’s strongest can infect the very land itself.”

“Woah! Really?” Applejack asked with wide eyes.

Twilight and Fluttershy nodded. Twilight continued, “It isn’t that bad yet. Naruko and I have been working with the Princesses to prepare defense from this darkness in the hopes we will avoid being too affected by it. It will probably still start to change things for the worse, but we will hopefully be able to fight it and push it back before it gets too bad.”

“Now I’m really glad you did that whole magic thing. Even I would have trouble keeping quiet about this until we need to actually say something about it,” Rainbow said and acted as if she was never one to gossip or anything like that. She kind of was at times, but no one was going to argue the point.

“Yes. That is why I cast that spell. I am sorry for that. I wouldn’t use such a spell on you girls otherwise,” Twilight said with a frown showing how sorry she was, but resolute in her decision. “To fight this Cosmic Darkness, we are gathering ancient artifacts. Artifacts so old even Princess Celestia considers them ancient. Fluttershy here went on the first mission with Naruko into a place called the Temple of Life in the Ever-Free Forest,” she concluded.

“Why is it called the Temple of Life?” Pinkie asked.

“Because it is actually the birth of all life on the planet more or less…” Fluttershy started.

“Where did you learn that?!” Twilight asked. This was information she hadn't come across in her studies of the place.

“From an ancient tribe of a race long thought gone. They’re also really important to why I gathered each of you here. I went to the temple with Naruko. It was… a very scary experience, but it was also very important. While I was there, I learned that I wasn’t even a true bearer of Kindness by that time. I also learned there is a lot more to the elements then we know or even the princesses know,” Fluttershy said as Twilight seemed to be having some trouble for a moment believing Princess Celestia didn’t even know everything about the elements.

“What do you mean, weren’t even a true bearer of Kindness?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Well I met this race who lived in the temple called the Bunnicans. They ranged from looking like regular bunnies to being Spike’s size and able to talk in a way ponies could understand. They called themselves the Harmony Watchers. They said that I, we, were all supposed to actually become our elements and there was more to them than just being tools used together for blasting bad guys with rainbow magic. They each have their own special powers on their own,” Fluttershy explained.

“Become our Elements?” Rainbow asked in confusion. How did you become Loyalty?

“I think they meant becoming avatars or true representations of the Elements of Harmony and each one’s powers,” Fluttershy said.

Rainbow seemed to better grasp that. “Like what powers though?” she asked.

Fluttershy nodded and closed her eyes in concentration. She focused on what she felt during her battle with the Stone Guard. There was a glow in front of her hooves she sensed and she grabbed it.

She felt it again. The power. The strength. The shaft of her weapon. She also heard all of her friends gasp in shock as she opened her eyes again.

“Wicked…” Rainbow said as she looked at the weapon in Fluttershy’s hooves with wonderment.

The butter yellow pegasus frowned a little. It still looked the same as then, though she guessed that made sense. She sadly hadn't made much progress there. She had quickly fallen back to old habits once her adventure was over in the temple.

“Fluttershy! Why do you have a weapon?!” Twilight asked a little in panic.

Fluttershy gave it a twirl in her hooves with ease and a few practice swings away from her friends. They were mystified. “This weapon was bestowed upon me by the element of kindness, though it isn’t… balanced yet,” she explained as she again looked over the shaft and the curved blades at each end.

“It looks powerful… and scary…” Pinkie admitted as she frowned a little.

"And awesome!" Rainbow added though the others ignored her outburst.

“It is and the power is very seductive, but it doesn’t match what I first felt during my trial,” Fluttershy said.

Rarity watched with concern. While her other friends were focused on the weapon, she noticed there was a certain darkness in Fluttershy’s blue eyes. The look of them made her feel both uneasy and oddly drawn towards them. The eyes had a strange enticement to them she couldn’t really explain. She continued to listen and made a note to ask Fluttershy about this at another time.

“I went through a trial in the Temple of Life. In my trial I had to face my inner darkness, I didn’t really want to believe it existed but it did. Once I finally defeated it, I left the trial room and the Bunnicans pronounced me the True Bearer of Kindness, though I don’t think I am really at that level yet. They explained to me we will all have to find a balance of some kind before we can actually achieve our destinies and save more than just Equestria,” she said.

“That weapon still seems wrong in a way. Like Pinkie said it seems a little scary…” Twilight said as her mind raced with thoughts.

Fluttershy nodded as she gazed at the weapon and felt a deep yearning for it and its promise. She also felt a stronger yearning for how it was in the trial chamber. “They said I would have to find out the powers of my element both the good and the bad. That is what I have to find a balance between. The elements are about bringing harmony. Meaning everything working in accordance with each other or a balance. It is possible they can be used for darker purposes… as some odd way of restoring balance if needed,” she said the darkness in her eyes dimming a little bit.

The others were silent for a bit as Fluttershy’s words sunk in some more.

Fluttershy then spoke again and her eyes lightened and the mood seemed to as well. "I think we just have to realize this and figure it out and know those powers, even if they are a bit darker, to achieve our balance. I also believe we have to find balance within ourselves with who we are. However, we will be using these powers to fight the darkness not bring it about." Fluttershy then dismissed her weapon as the others were quiet in thought for a moment.

Twilight was the first to speak again. She gave a nod before she spoke. “How can you truly understand kindness if you don’t know cruelty or laughter if you don’t know tears of sadness.”

“Are ya sure about that Twi? Ah don’t right like the sound of that. It makes me fear what I might do for that or something…” Applejack admitted.

“I’m not saying it means you have to go and do those things, Applejack. You just have to understand them. A pony won’t truly realize the importance of honesty if they don’t understand the lack of honesty. I could be wrong… I am just guessing and thinking out loud. Sorry… if that upset you,” Twilight said with a frown.

Applejack shook her head. “Don’t worry about it sugarcube. Ah too was just thinking out loud.”

“But you’re both kind of right…” Fluttershy said. “We need to further discover what we are capable of as Elements and that can be very scary, but it is something we have to each do for the sake of each other, our friends, and Equestira. We will all be there for each other and we have other friends too such as Kyuubi and Naruko. We can get through this together.”

The others nodded and were again lost to their own thoughts. Pinkie frowned a little to her thoughts. She knew what it was like to be sad and she hated it. That was why she got her cutie mark, but she also knew she didn’t have this balance Fluttershy was talking about yet. She just didn’t know what to think about it.

Rarity was thinking about a couple of things. One of them was her relief Fluttershy’s eyes were back to their usual brightness. She was also thinking about her recent thoughts during her time while making the dresses. She had since then played them off as ramblings of an over exhausted mind, but maybe there was more to it then she first thought after all.

Twilight was wondering how she was supposed to have a balance. Her element was magic. “What would the opposite of magic be?” she wondered to herself. Would it be no magic? “But all ponies have magic, even Pegasus ponies and Earth Ponies. It just worked through them all differently,” she answered her question with a rather unsatisfactory answer. This was clearly something that needed more thought.

After they were all silent for a moment longer, Fluttershy spoke again. “I am sorry for making everyone feel sad or whatever is going on here… I really felt this was important to say...”

Rarity smiled to that. “Nonsense Darling. We aren’t sad or anything. It is a lot to think about and it is that important. I think we are done for now though. Do you all agree?” the others nodded to this. “Is there anything else you wanted to say, Fluttershy?” she asked.

Fluttershy felt a slight bit better but still worried. However, she agreed they couldn’t do anything else for now. “There isn’t. If I figure out anything else I’ll share it. Hopefully you all will as well.”

“Of course, we will,” Rainbow said as she rolled her eyes and smiled. “You said we were in this together. Maybe we also need to figure ourselves out a little on our own or something first. You know to better understand our friendships and elements as well.”

“Make sense,” Twilight started. “If the elements are supposed to also work individually as well as together then you might be right, Rainbow.” What she didn’t say was she felt they would also all have to figure out how to fight. She should really start seriously on that training routine Naruko gave her. Twilight originally thought it was just something her friend did as an excuse from teaching her combat magic, but maybe there was more merit than she thought to it.

She stood up and dismissed the privacy bubble she erected as she turned to her friends and smiled. “Well we all have things we need to do for now. Thanks again for talking to us about this, Fluttershy. I have a lot to think about.”

Fluttershy felt a little nervous still, but she understood she hadn’t upset her friends. She hovered in the air for a bit and said good bye for now as the others did the same. They each went their own way to figure things out.

{-} {-} {-}

It wasn’t too long after Fluttershy left Naruko’s office that the pony let out a frustrated sigh along with her clones. The clones then dispelled themselves and Naruko frowned at the stacks of paperwork. She had at least finished a lot of it, but she couldn’t go on anymore. “I’ll have to ask Princess Luna if we can search out an administrative pony to volunteer for the patrol. I seriously can’t be expected to do all of this paperwork on my own,” she said to herself with a whimper.

She took in a few breaths and used the common hoof motion as she let out her breaths. She then stood up. She decided she needed to do something. Anything! That required her body move. She got an idea and made her way to the barracks area. “Trixie? Are you here?” she asked.

“Yes?” Trixie almost seemed to eep in surprise as she broke from her thoughts on how to find Rarity without running into those ponies.

Naruko came over to her and smiled brightly as she asked, “Do you want train with me some?”

Trixie was a little surprised by these words. She also really liked the idea oddly enough. “What sort of training?” she asked.

“Just some basic stuff. Exercises and maybe a little magic and hoof to hoof or anything you want,” Naruko replied.

“Why do you want to train with Trixie? Not that she isn’t grateful,” she said not fully meeting Naruko’s eyes.

Naruko gave a whine. “I need a break from paperwork. I’ve also seen you watch sometimes. I thought you might like to give it a try. Was I wrong?”

“No of course not! You aren’t wrong. I’d love to. I’m just surprised,” Trixie replied a little more eagerly than she meant to reply.

“Good!” Naruko said smiling brighter. Trixie had to admit she liked it when Naruko smiled like this. She nodded and followed as Naruko led the way to the training grounds.

{-} {-} {-}

Trixie gave a moan as she leaned on Naruko and they returned to the main HQ building. Training had been tough. Trixie didn’t realize how much she had relied on magic for pretty much everything until this moment. They had run a lot. They had even gone through some basic fighting moves, since Trixie didn’t really know any. They had even done a lot of magic training as well.

That had been tougher than the show pony thought it would be. She sadly came to realize how much more power Naruko had than her. Trixie wasn’t a slouch. She may not have been in Celestia’s school of Gifted Unicorns, but she had a lot of power. She had even held her own against Lyra on the few occasions when she had convinced the mint green unicorn to let her train as well when she was bored.

“Are you okay?” Naruko asked in concern. She had really gone more all out than she originally thought she would with Trixie. She actually felt both good and some exhaustion after what they did.

Trixie gave a tired smile as she stretched and finally started to slowly walk on her own. “Trixie is feeling pretty good. She just needs a wonderful shower to rejuvenate. Don’t you dare think this is the end for Trixie, Naruko!” she proclaimed with tried sounding show pony flair.

Naruko couldn’t help but chuckle a little and Trixie soon followed. Naruko then said, “You’ve got the right idea there. A shower sounds just like what we need.” Trixie nodded with a grin. She had come to really love showers in a new light after her time in the forest.

{-} {-} {-}

As Twilight left the others, she was thinking about so many things. She also felt a lot more uneasy about what all Fluttershy explained than she let on to the others. She felt the others might as well, but like her they felt what Fluttershy chose to tell them was important and they didn’t hold it against her.

Twilight also felt a little lonely oddly enough at the moment. Hearing you would have such power and needed it to save everypony was really something. For the first time in Celestia knew how long, Twilight didn’t want to be left alone with her thoughts. It was a lot to swallow and being around Spike wouldn’t really work here. “Besides, he was actually going to be spending a lot time with Apple Bloom and the other CMC today anyways,” she thought to herself. Letting Spike make his own friends was very important and she didn’t want to interfere with that.

She still really wanted to be with some pony and her heart was telling her to go to Naruko for that company. Twilight knew where to find her friend. She started to run faster. Perhaps she was seeking out Naruko because she had always seen the blonde unicorn as having such dangerous power and balancing it or maybe she simply wanted to be with the first pony her age she made a connection with. It could be anything.

There was a part of Twilight that saw this as a great chance to finally see the Ever-Free HQ in its entirety. Naruko worked there a lot, but Twilight had never really gone to the place herself. She hoped Naruko wouldn’t mind the company. “It’s getting late, so she should be winding down for the day anyways,” Twilight told herself.

As she approached, she had to admit the base was impressive. She found the sight of all of the training grounds and the main building amazing. It wasn’t right inside Ponyville, but it was close and this place was huge by Ponyville standards. Twilight walked up to the main door and knocked. When no one answered, she entered the place. It was decently lit and she saw signage pointing to where Naruko’s office was.

Naruko heard a knock on her office door. “Come in,” she said. She supposed it made sense Trixie would knock after earlier today, but she was surprised the show pony would come to see her. She figured Trixie would be resting after their training earlier.

She was again surprised when it wasn’t Trixie who entered but instead it was, “Twilight?” Naruko greeted.

Twilight gave a smile. “Yup. I wanted to come see you. I hope you don’t mind,” she said.

Naruko smiled in return. “No problem. I was meaning to have you visit here sometime anyways. So, I guess Fluttershy met with you all, already?”

“She did,” Twilight said with a smile that was a bit forced.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Naruko asked as she looked her friend over.

“Not really…” Twilight replied as she sat down in front of the desk. “How is all of this responsibility treating you?” she asked with a teasing grin.

Naruko sighed. “I tell you. When I was younger in Konoha all I ever wanted to do was be the Hokage. I was always thinking. He’s the strongest ninja in the village and the strongest ninja ever! You know how it is with those you look up to and such.”

Twilight chuckled. “Yeah. When I was first getting tutored in magic before I got into Celestia’s school, I used to think all of my teachers were absolutely amazing and no pony was more powerful then them except Celestia and Starswirl. However, now I know a lot more about magic and spells than some of them could ever dream of knowing.”

“Yep. That’s how it goes. I still wanted to always be Hokage even after I grew up a little. I still thought he was the strongest ninja and I was dead certain if I became Hokage then everyone would have to stop ignoring me and finally recognize me,” Naruko explained.

Twilight was thinking this would be a much more serious discussion than she first thought and she wasn’t sure about such a discussion at the moment. Then Naruko gave a chuckle. “If I could go back in time to my younger self I would tell her, ‘Don’t do it… Paperwork. Lots and lots of paperwork’. That would probably scare me off from that dream completely.” Twilight gave a laugh.

After the two laughed together, Naruko spoke again with a sigh as she stretched. “I can’t even imagine how much of this stuff Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have to go through even after their aides narrow it down. The worst part is my paperwork load will just grow once we expand.”

“Why?” Twilight asked without thinking. She wasn’t in too much of thinking mood at the moment shockingly.

“Not only am I the Ponyville Contingent Captain, but I’m the Ever-Free Patrol’s Grand Captain. That means the only one higher up than me is Princess Luna herself when it comes to the patrol,” Naruko explained.

“Wow… I mean really wow… I knew you were, but it never really hit me what all that meant until you just now,” Twilight replied with wide eyes.

“Well. Let’s not think on that for now,” Naruko said as she came over and gave Twilight a tight hug. Twilight really appreciated it after earlier that afternoon. “I believe I owe you a bit of a tour, unless you want to grab something to eat first,” Naruko said with a grin. Twilight blushed and her stomach gave a small growl. Twilight gave a nervous giggle, which Naruko could only think of as Twilight cute. It was degrees above normal cute.

“Where will we eat?” Twilight asked.

“Here of course. Spike’s probably going to end up eating with the CMC given Applebloom’s family hospitality. I’m sure I don’t need to remind you of that,” Naruko said with chuckle as she poked Twilight lightly in the side.

Twilight gave a pout, “I know for sure you wouldn’t have been able to say ‘no’ to Applebloom’s filly eyes either.”

Naruko nodded in agreement. She then realized something she needed to explain to Twilight first. “Oh yeah ummm… Before I cook us some dinner in the dining area, I need to tell you something.”

Twilight looked to her to continue.

“You remember Trixie, right?” Naruko asked.

Twilight gave a slight frown, “Yes, I do. Why?”

“Well... She’s actually been living here in the HQ for a while now. She’s kept away from Ponyville and when Derpy and I found her she was ‘camping’ in the forest,” Naruko said.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“It turns out her trailer, which the Ursa Minor crushed, was her actual home as well. She had put a lot of enchantment and rune work into it so it had a home mode she used when she wasn’t traveling and staying in Hooffington. She’s been staying here in the barracks while working on a new one,” Naruko explained. She really hoped Twilight wouldn’t get upset about this. Twilight witnessed everything that happened unlike her and Fluttershy.

“Oh no! That’s terrible,” Twilight replied with a deep frown and empathy in her eyes.

Naruko felt relieved by this response. It was more reason why she liked Twilight so much. “She might end up eating with us if she is awake, unless you really don’t want that.”

“I don’t see any problem with that. I did kind of want to talk to her anyways,” Twilight said.

Naruko looked a little concerned. “Can it not be about Rarity?” Twilight blinked in confusion before she remembered what happened to Rarity that day. “Fluttershy already got into her about that before she met with the rest of you. I’m pretty sure Trixie has decided to apologize even if she isn’t sure how to get Rarity alone. Running into either Applejack or Rainbow wouldn’t be a good idea,” Naruko continued.

“Okay. I won’t. If she brings it up, I’ll just say I heard Fluttershy already got on her case about it and tell her she does not want to get on Fluttershy’s bad side,” Twilight said. She then let out a sigh and added quietly, “After earlier… that is more apparent.”

Naruko wanted to ask what she meant, but she could tell Twilight was still in the ‘don’t talk about it’ mood. “Great then,” Naruko said with a smile as she led the way to the kitchen area. “Is there anything you want to eat in particular? We have a wide selection of food. Pretty sure I could make almost anything I know how to make.”

{-} {-} {-}

Twilight took in a deep breath as she smiled in delight at the scents of the food. Naruko and her decided to make a grilled veggie pasta dish with a slightly spicy red sauce. “It smells so wonderful!” Twilight commented.

Shortly after that the two heard another pony speak from down the hall, “Trixie smells something delicious!” As the now refreshed show pony entered the area, she actually paused in her steps. “I-I didn’t know you had company… Hello, Twilight Sparkle…” she said warily.

“Hello Trixie,” Twilight replied with a friendly smile. “I sort of popped in to visit Naruko suddenly. We didn’t disturb you, did we?” she asked as an attempt to make conversation and show she wasn’t here to bicker or anything.

“I was just resting after training earlier with Naruko,” Trixie said still a little unsure.

Twilight frowned and gave a small glare at Naruko. “So, you’ll train with her but not me?” she asked. She sounded deeply offended and almost hurt.

Naruko gulped as she nervously answered, “It was just physical type stuff you know running and such.”

Twilight quickly looked to Trixie for confirmation. The show pony wasn’t sure what she stepped into here but noticed Naruko motioning to her with a pleading gesture. Trixie still looking confused added, “Well that and some basic magic exercises as well. Naruko asked Trixie to train with her as a way of getting out of the office earlier.”

Twilight’s gaze softened and returned back to its normal friendly manner. “Oh okay… I was worried there for a moment that Naruko, my best friend ever, would decide to train in combat magic with someone else despite her best friend ever begging to do so with her.”

Naruko felt a little more relieved now, “Well you heard Trixie. It was just physical stuff and some magic stuff. It wasn’t what you keep asking me for Twilight.” Naruko then quickly gave Twilight hug and a friendly nuzzle, “Will you forgive me?” she asked. Twilight blushed and nodded.

Trixie found the whole exchange confusing and rather intriguing. She wondered what was going on here. Surely Twilight would be the best training partner Naruko could find. The two of them were probably the most powerful unicorns she met. She was of course Great and Powerful, but these two were more so than her. “Trixie still wants to taste this delicious smelling food. Is it ready?” she asked.

She wanted to change the subject. She might have found their exchange intriguing, but she also found it a bit annoying. It was most certainly not because she at all in any manner felt jealous of the two ponies’ friendship. “Most definitely not! I am the Great and Loveable Trixie…” she thought to herself, even if apart from her parents the patrol were probably the only ponies she was closest to in her life.

Naruko gave a smile as she nodded and motioned for Trixie to sit down next to Twilight. Twilight seemed inviting again and so the show pony did as instructed. “Food should be ready soon enough. It is a little spicy. Do you want anything to drink?” Naruko asked.

Trixie had half a mind to use her magic to serve herself, but she knew Naruko was being friendly so she didn’t. “I would like some Apple Grape Juice,” she said instead. Naruko nodded.

“I’m a little surprised you aren’t always using third pony,” Twilight couldn’t help but admit.

Trixie made a show of sticking her nose up. “Trixie uses third pony when she wants. It can be a bit annoying to do so all the time so I don’t always when I’m not preforming,” she explained as she gratefully took the offered juice. “Is that a problem?” she then asked as she looked to Twilight.

“No. Not really. It is kind of endearing in a way, but I could see it getting to be too much,” Twilight said. She was then surprised when she noticed the show pony blush a little to her words. The blush quickly disappeared as the food was served and Naruko joined them at their table with a smile.

{-} {-} {-}

Trixie was actually surprised how well the meal went. Twilight was actually very interested in her abilities. The show pony tried not to get carried away boasting after the Ursa Minor incident, but she might have just a little bit. “Well my mother is the one and only Mistress of Enchanting Daystar Darkmoon!” Trixie said with a big smile and a flourish with her hooves. Okay so she was really getting excited, but this was 100% true and not some tale she exaggerated for the sake of entertaining her audiences.

“Wow! I didn’t know that. You never told me while you’ve been here,” Naruko said in surprise.

Trixie gave a bit of a crestfallen expression. “I’ve been trying not to get boasty like I was then. Besides, you never really asked Trixie where she learned her abilities.”

Twilight was staring with her mouth agape. Naruko gave a smirk. “3… 2… 1…” she counted down to Trixie’s confusion.

The show pony’s confusion was short lived. As soon as Naruko finished counting down, Twilight started bombarding her with questions of all kinds and theories regarding enchanting magics and such. Trixie was actually a little scared and looked to Naruko for help.

“Breath, Twilight,” Naruko simply said as the purple unicorn calmed down and blushed.

“Sorry… Trixie. I just get really excited about anything regarding magic. It’s my special talent,” Twilight explained motioning to her cutie mark.

Trixie finally relaxed and caught her breath. She then did her best to answer the questions she heard Twilight ask. “… As for theories about enchanting. Well Trixie is sorry but she can’t help you there. I’m not an enchanting pony. I’m a show pony. I live to bring joy and happiness to others, even if I sort of lost my way for a while there.” Twilight frowned for only a moment before smiling again.

When it was time for Naruko and Twilight to leave, Trixie pulled Twilight to the side and asked, “How come you didn’t mention the whole thing with… Rarity… Yes, that was her name.”

Twilight looked to her. “Do you plan on apologizing to her?” she asked. Trixie nodded. Twilight smiled. “That’s all that matters. Naruko told me Fluttershy already kind of got into it about that earlier today. I don’t really blame you for the others, even if I think it might have been a bit much, but they started it. And Rainbow Dash, as much as I like her as a friend, does kind of need to learn things the hard way and have her ego put in check every now and then.”

Trixie nodded to this in understanding as she waved good bye to them. She then locked up HQ for the night. Naruko taught her how to do that. All of the patrol members knew how to lock and unlock HQ and she was included since she was staying there. She then sighed as she found a book to read. Trixie sighed again. She hated to admit it, but she usually felt lonely at nights in the HQ. During the day it was no problem, everypony was around her fairly often and even the one’s off duty would visit frequently and Naruko was almost always there along with Derpy.

The show pony sniffed a little at her emotions. She couldn’t believe how much she had changed during her time here. The whole Ursa Minor incident was terrible and the ‘camping’ was equally bad in its own way, but there was a part of her that was grateful those things happened. She’d never realized what friends were like otherwise. She got along with her neighbors back home, but she wasn’t usually around for to long being a traveling show pony and all.

She was on decent terms with other show ponies she met during her travels, but there was always a distance between them all. It was probably a mix of knowing their time together was limited and seeing each other as competition. There was also a lot of bragging that went on as well. “Perhaps that is why I got the way I did,” she thought. Her daddy had always told her every show pony needed a home stage. Trixie had taken those words in the literal sense, but she was thinking she knew what he actually meant better now.

Trixie gave a long sigh. “I never thought I would actually feel a little homesick and lonely…” she said aloud to the lounge room she was sitting in currently. She had made up her mind about some things and would mention them to Naruko soon, but she still had a way to go before it was time for that. Her trailer was still far from finished. She had to find and apologize to Rarity. She had to talk to Naruko and the others. That last part was what she was most nervous about honestly.

She thought again of Hooffington as she used her horn to play some music and continued to read. She smiled as she thought of some of her neighbors who had fillies and colts. Trixie remembered how they all enjoyed her shows. She was careful in Hooffington with her tales. They actually knew a few of them first hoof and she did not want to upset the ponies where she lived whenever she wasn’t on the road, as seldom as that was. Trixie started to hum along to the music as she closed the book and thought of her memories again.

She put the book to the side. She was starting to come up with tales based on the Ever-Free Patrol again. She had heard many things about what they did. She had seen many things. She had even lived one of the tales she would share. “Maybe I should edit out that I was the pony living in the woods wailing and crying,” she thought with a slight blush even though no pony was there to see it. Yes, she would find a way to go home to Hooffington soon and she would spread tales of the Ever-Free Patrol. She wanted to do more, but it was the least she could do for them.

Trixie felt better than she had in some time that night when she finally went to sleep. It was her renewed goal she had in mind and it was the training from earlier as well. When she fell asleep on her bed, she quickly fell asleep to happy dreams of Trixie the Beautiful Patroller. It was very much a fantasy of a dream but it was pleasant and brought a smile to her lips.