• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 26,776 Views, 224 Comments

The Truth of Bonds and Friendship - Gadman85

Naruko (Female Naruto) thought she knew a bit about these bonds the Hokage always talked about. However when she tries a mysterious Jutsu. She is sent to a new land where she learns the truth. Naruto and MLP crossover.

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A New Land and a New Beginning

Naruko looked around and slowly got up not realizing she had changed, or she was standing on all fours. She looked around and asked aloud to herself, “Where the Heck Am I?” She seemed to be in some ancient stone throne room. She took a step forward to only fall back down to the ground.

She blinked and looked down wondering why she didn't just stand up on her own legs. Her face showed surprise as she exclaimed, “What the Heck?! Are these hooves?” She looked herself over more, or the best she could from where she was plopped down on the ground.

She managed to again stand up and decided to try and move again. “Easy does it Naruko think of it as crawling. You can do this.” She encouraged herself as she slowly moved around, and over to what looked like some kind of old cracked mirror. She found it easier moving as she made her way to it. Thinking of it as similar to crawling was working for her.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror. She looked like some kind of pony creature with her deep sapphire blue eyes. She also thought it rather quiet. She had expected to hear Kurama say something to her by now. She would have thought more on the subject, but she then noticed a horn in the middle of her forehead.

“Is that a horn?! What in the world is this?” She yelled, and this time there was a response in a voice that, while familiar, seemed a little different.

“It seems the Ultimate Escape Jutsu was more ultimate than you thought. I guess now we know why it had that note mentioning it could only be used on that planet. I never thought there would be a jutsu that would place you on a new planet, but it seems that is the case.”

The voice was still deep, but not as much as she remembered hearing it inside her head. However, this voice wasn't inside her head at all, in fact it came from behind her.

“Kurama?! Was that you? Where are you?” Naruko asked looking around expecting to see a giant looming fox behind her that she somehow missed earlier.

“Down here.” Said the fox from below.

Naruko’s eyes bulged as she looked down, and saw a normal fox with dark red fur covering his body. He had white fur on the tip of his tail and part of his face, along with his underside. The fox also had black furred lower legs and paws. “What happened to you Kurama?” Naruko asked before giving him a sweet smile and continuing, “You look cute now.”

Kurama gave her a cold look and said, “It seems when we came to this place our seal and connection changed… among other things…” He then stood next to Naruko and looked over himself and her in the mirror.

“Yah what do you think happened?” Naruko asked as she looked herself over in the mirror and posed. She noticed her bright yellow blonde hair was now like a mane. The top of her mane seemed to have spiky bangs in front and the rest was very silky and loose flowing. She also noticed she had a peach tanned colored coat. Her tail was blonde like her hair, and separated into two tails where the hair only portion started.

“I can only guess, but I believe you are in the form of this land’s dominate species, or well… the most prevalent of the main species at least. I guess that is why it is called the ultimate escape jutsu.” The fox said as he examined himself in the mirror. He wouldn't call himself ‘cute’ but he had to admit this fox form made him look dashing.

“Makes sense I suppose. Send you to a different planet and change you to match the people, or ponies in this case there… Honestly, it seems a bit over the top to me. I mean can we even get to other planets normally?” Naruko asked her foxy companion.

“Not that I am aware of. Maybe it would be possible by some strange jutsu or something. Either way… who ever came up with this jutsu must have been more paranoid than the most mentally damaged of a retired ninja to go to such an extreme.” The fox wondered who in the world could have made this jutsu and why they made it. Also how did they know it only worked on their home planet?

Naruko gave a chuckle. “That's an understatement. They would have to be scared of some kind of deity or something to make it. So how has this changed our connection exactly? Other than you are outside of me and with your own actual body. Geez… that just sounds weird saying that.” Naruko was now looking at herself in the mirror while stretching and moving her body a little bit hoping to get an idea of how it worked. She was always better with visuals instead of just books and lectures.

Naruko had to admit she kind of liked how her new body looked. She never thought herself one of those girly types that cared about appearances and such, but she felt oddly relieved to be what she would say looked good for a pony.

She also felt as if a heavy burden was lifted from her, despite said burden standing next to her looking at her rear. She stopped bucking the air and tilted her head at him. “Why are you looking at my butt, or I mean flank since I’m a pony now? This whole thing is strange…”

The fox tilted his head and continued looking at something on her rear. “There is some kind of mark here on your flank. It shows some kind of fox like creature with what looks like wind swirls around it.”

Naruko shifted herself to look, and she noticed it as well. She gave it a little shake to see if it was really there or not. It moved as she did so. “Maybe it sort of marks who I am in a way or something. Maybe what I excel at with my abilities. If that is the case I can understand the wind bit. You did test my primary nature affinity, and it turned out to be wind. You even said it was the strongest affinity you had ever seen in a human or most mortals. The fox part I don’t get.”

Kurama stared at it in thought for a few minutes. “It might have to do with our new connection. Though really this connection isn't so much new as it is simply lost to time.” Naruko gave him a questioning look, silently asking him to explain.

“Us tailed beasts have been around for a really long time, even after the God of the Shinobi separated us from himself. However Jinchuriki haven’t been used all that time. At first for a long time, we would form Guardian contracts instead. It seems this world, where ever it is, has something similar. I am now more of a familiar in ways instead of sealed inside you. We can communicate like this, or through our minds. You still have access to all of my power to an extent. However, I am free enough to roam on my own and think on my own.” The fox explained.

“So similar to a summon then?” Naruko asked.

The fox closed his eyes in thought before answering. “Yes and No. Unlike a summon you wouldn't need hand seals to summon me if I wasn't already with you. You would only need to ask. If I can help I would appear next to you ready. Also I am not allowed to just leave whenever I want in a fight either. If you die I would be consumed by rage, since it would feel as if a part of me was missing rather than just poof away to the summon realm.”

Naruko frowned at that. “That sounds worse than summoning does for you at least. Are you forced into this contract thing?” She didn't like the idea of this, it sounded like slavery. She would rather be locked up inside someone than forced to obey them.

The fox shook his head. “Nothing like that. I would have to agree to my guardian. It is actually preferable to summoning contracts. In essence, you are protecting me from death and outside forces. Meaning nothing like what happened the night you were born could happen as long as you were alive. In payment for this, I am giving you my services and access to my powers. You can’t use all of it easily at first, and you can’t authorize me to use more tails than you can control the flow of power to. I think since I trusted you with my true name this world has seen that as acceptance of this contract, since it is.”

Naruko thought this over. This sounded like the best deal ever for both human and tailed beast. “Why did people start using Jinchuriki then instead? This Guardian contract deal sounds loads better. You are for the most part free, and the partner gets better benefits than if I had more control over the seal we had before. Why stop using that? Plus a tailed beast wouldn't be able to as easily influence their partner’s mind it seems.”

The fox gave a deep, for his size, chuckle. “Because ninjas want powerful allies that they can fully control. Most Jinchuriki are used as weapons, because they have to train to use the powers even in the slightest bit, besides the basic passive powers. That means their leaders can easily reinforce loyalty and control over the individual. If you had both my powers and me fighting by your side at full power they wouldn't be able control you, and make sure you stay loyal to the village."

He paused for a bit to let the information sink in before continuing. "You won’t have to train too hard to get to that level in our current state. As a Jinchuriki, it would take you several years if you ever got to that level at all. By then you would be steadfast in your loyalty, or dead before you became a threat.”

Naruko frowned at the Fox’s words. “Jiji wasn't anything like that. Do you really think we were all that way?” She knew he had a poor opinion of people because of their hunger for power and foolishness, but she didn't think it was this low.

She really couldn't blame him though, since he was controlled by that masked man, and before that by the real Madara Uchiha against his will when the clan head faced off against the first Hokage. Still hearing him say these things was a bit disheartening.

The fox laughed, he forgot that despite everything she was still a rather naive kid. “He was doing just that with you Naruko.”

Naruko glared at him and seemed to be shifting so she could send a good buck his way. He put his forepaws up in a pleading manner, but was also proud that she had already figured out a way to fight with just her body in this new world. She shifted back and decided to hear him out.

“It is the truth Naruko. He was doing what he could to keep you loyal to the village and him. Had you made ninja, your loyalty to him and the village would be all but set in stone, despite how the civilians treated you. He only had to treat you with just a little extra attention to do so. However, as far as human leaders go I can’t think of many better than him to follow.” The fox relaxed as he saw Naruko sit down.

“I thought he was a friend of mine, a special person to me. Did he not see me any differently than the others did?” Naruko asked feeling a little sad.

“He saw you as a young girl who wanted to become a ninja. I’m sure he saw you the same way he saw anyone else, nothing more nothing less. He was a friendly enough person in general.” The fox reassured her. He knew this was in essence telling her the aged leader had given her just what she had always wanted. Acceptance!

Naruko felt a little better hearing that. She really couldn't ask for much more from the Hokage. She stood back up again and started moving around to get a better idea at how her new form moved. She had a feeling once she had the hang of it she would run faster than she ever could in Konoha.

“Well I’m glad you seem to still be wise, despite you cute little foxy appearance Kurama. Do you think we will have to worry about this masked man you talked about before? From what you told me if anyone could somehow figure out how to get here by accident it would be him.” She asked.

“I think it would be a good idea if you just called me by my true name in private Naruko. You are aware that knowing my real name is an honor and gives you control over me to an extent correct? It's what solidifies our connection. I don’t want others to know it. They might get ideas.”

“Oh like what?” Naruko asked out of curiosity.

“I'm safe from death while we have a contract, but you are not completely. It won’t be easy to defeat you, but it is a possibility. If they know my name then they could have some control over me once I was freed from you, and direct my rage a little. I don’t want a repeat of Konoha.” He answered her.

“Ohhh…” Naruko said as she started thinking of names to call him.

“As for that man, I don’t think we have to worry about him. Whatever he had planned for the future involving me will no longer matter. Also if he were to come here somehow, we have our Guardian Contract. As long as you don’t slack too much, he shouldn't be a problem." Naruko gave him a questioning look as he spoke.

"You will almost laugh at how easy your control over my power flow will grow once you learn how to use it properly. After all, the main reason why people stopped using this method is because a ninja clan leader upset his wife gravely. She was a contract holder and despite not having much training, she destroyed him and his whole village with ease.” The fox said with a grin at an example of a man's folly.

Naruko was glad to hear this, but also a little bummed. “You make it sound as if nothing will be able to stop us in this new world Kyuubi.” She decided simple was best when it came to nicknaming him. She also decided when they weren't in serious mode she would call him Kyu. She thought it suited his new body, and it would also annoy him.

The fox looked as if searching around where they were before telling her. “No it won’t be. Even if the locals here turn out to be mostly peaceful, I can sense they aren't weak. I can tell there are powers even greater here than we knew of in the old world. Several seem to be dormant, but not all of them are. Also some of those powers would easily rival ours if we were at full power. I don’t think there is as much of a power imbalance here as there was in our world among individuals. The ‘civilians’ here are capable of many things ninjas do, without any of the special training I can tell somehow.”

Naruko felt a little excited hearing this. She didn't want to be a part of a boring old world. She was also getting excited about the opportunity to start a new life here. She was new here. She wasn't seen as a demon brat, or someone to place all your blame on. This brought a smile to her face.

The fox continued voicing his thoughts as she increased her speed just a little bit while still paying attention. “The fact our seal turned into a Guardian Contract tells me, that while it may not be common place, it isn't something they haven't seen before here.”

Naruko stopped and started seeing which ways she could bend with this body. “I'll keep that in mind then. Say Kyuubi, do you have any ideas what this horn on my forehead is about?”

The fox raised an eye brow at her. “I may be wise and great at making educated guesses, but I don’t know everything.” His body then tensed. Naruko noticed and stood up straight. “I think there is someone on their way here that may be able to answer that though.”

“Are they friend or foe?” Naruko asked in concern.

“I hope they are a friend… The being seems to have the power of a star at their command. Remember those powers I told you about that would easily rival ours even if you were fully realized?” The fox said looking to the doorway towards the front of the hall.

“Yeah. I do.” Naruko answered simply.

“This being approaching us is one of them. Their power seems to radiate like a sun.” The fox tried to look calm, but he stared a little wide eyed as a figure came into view.

“Indeed I do radiate like a sun! I am the one responsible for raising and setting the sun, and ruler of this land. I am Princess Celestia. Who are you two that dare disturb this place?” A tall white pony stepped into the hall.

The new pony had both a horn and wings. Her multicolored mane and tail seemed to sparkle and flow in a breeze, even if there wasn't one in the area. She had light purple eyes and wore a golden crown with a dark purple jewel in the center with a matching necklace.

Both Naruko and Kyuubi could tell this Princess Celestia was pretty much this world’s equivalent of the Sage of Six Paths, or well at least one of the powers on that scale.

Kyuubi could tell she wasn't the only being with this much power at her disposal. This actually terrified him. He hoped they wouldn't get off to a bad start.

“You raise the sun? Is that even possible? I mean can someone raise the sun for a whole planet?” Naruko didn't know what to think or do. She just had to ask. Kyuubi sighed and shook his head at his partner.

Celestia raised an eyebrow at the pony in front of her. She wasn't used to ponies not knowing who she was, and she could tell this one truly didn't know. “I am in charge of raising the sun, and almost all of life in Equestria. Not the whole planet. However, since Equestira is so large I guess it is safe to say I do raise the sun for the whole planet.” She decided she would explain things a little as she studied the two in front of her.

“Isn't that kind of too much power for one being to have though?” Naruko asked.

Again Kyuubi shook his head. It didn't matter if it was or not, angering someone with that much power was not a good idea, even if it was by accident.

The Princess gave a little laugh, “Some would think that. The planet is interconnected, and life thrives off of the sun. If one were to abuse such power, there would be great repercussions. It seems you aren't from this planet, or you simply have no idea about our history."

Celestia narrowed her eyes and said, "If you did have an idea about this planet, you would know this. I’m guessing you aren't from this planet, which means you have some explaining to do.”

She narrowed her eyes further to show she wanted answers and needed them now. She really hoped to make this encounter quick. She was not looking forward to a sleepless night followed by a day of important, but annoying and dull court duties.

Naruko gave a nervous squeak, and rubbed the back of her head with a hoof. The fox rolled his eyes at how she now decided to stop talking. He answered instead. “That would be correct.” He then told the princess of their story. He felt there was no reason to hide the truth, especially from her.

He also explained to her how jutsu and chakra worked and how they had used it on their old planet. To which she replied, “Sounds a lot like magic to me. That might be why you are a unicorn here, Naruko.” Naruko then took over and explained the Ultimate Escape Jutsu.

Finally Celestia decided how to deal with them after listening to their story. “Well then I shall take you and see that you learn how to use magic properly. My student should be able to help with the basics, after that I will teach you myself, when I have the time.”

Both Naruko and Kyuubi looked to each other and then to her. Naruko spoke. “No offense your highness, but why would you offer to teach us? I mean you just met us, and our story is even hard for me to believe.”

Princess Celestia looked at her and answered evenly. “Your connection with Kyuubi, as you call him here, is rare but it does exist. However, there haven’t been many in several years. Also the truth is… If you don’t receive training in how to use magic correctly, you are not only a danger to yourself, but others as well with the power inside you."

She then gave a small confident smile and added, "Plus I am not one to usually brag or anything, but your power, while impressive, isn't much of a match to a pony like me. I do raise the sun, and I sealed Nightmare Moon into the moon when she threatened eternal darkness for this planet. She was at least as powerful as I was at the time.”

As she started to head out, both Kyuubi and Naruko fully decided that this Princess Celestia was indeed Equestira’s Sage of Six Paths. Naruko shared a look with the fox before hearing Celestia call back to them to follow her. When Naruko questioned why she wanted them to follow. The Princess gave a friendly smile and answered, “I can’t very well leave you here alone if I am to teach you about magic, now can I?”

Naruko decided to follow. While the blonde maned, blue eyed pony was a bit weary, after what Kyuubi told her earlier about rulers. She couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, Celestia actually was a good person or well pony… “This stuff is going to take some getting used to…” She thought to herself while Kyuubi gave a little chuckle.

{-} {-} {-}

After Celestia flew back using her wings and her magic to levitate both Naruko and Kyuubi to Canterlot, she called for an attendant. “Orbit. Would you be so kind as to show Naruko, and her familiar Kyuubi to their rooms?”

A blue earth pony with a pink and silver striped mane entered when called and bowed. The pony had a planet that seemed to have a smaller star moving around it on her flank. The star’s movement was hinted at with a grey line and arrow.

Celestia then explained how the two were guests, and Naruko would eventually study under her once she learned the basics of magic. Celestia then provided a cover for them saying Contracted Guardians have to relearn magic from scratch once they find their familiar, due to the increase in power.

“What room will they be staying in Princess Celestia?” Orbit asked.

Celestia put a hoof on her chin in thought for a couple of seconds, “How about the room across the hall from Twilight.” She then sighed and said, “Speaking of which, after you show them to their room. Could you check on my faithful student, and tell her she needs to put the books down for the night and get some sleep? That little pony needs to learn to take studying in moderation…”

Orbit gave a laugh and said, “I don’t think even you will be able to teach her that, Princess Celestia. I will do as you ask.”

Celestia shook her head at the thought of her student. She loved Twilight, but the girl will always be obsessed with books and studying. She just knew it.

Orbit beckoned for Naruko and Kyuubi to follow her. She gave them a smile as she led the way and said, “I never thought I would see a Contract Guardian and her familiar in my life time. Your kind is rare indeed.”

Naruko then asked her, “How rare am I? It seems Princess Celestia is relaxed for a ruler and all. Is she always like that? And what about food?” Naruko took in all the sights she could as she followed the mare in front of her.

“Contract Guardians, or Guardians for short, are very rare. I don’t think there has been one in hundreds of years.” The blue pony answered.

“Wow… then how in the world does Celestia know about my kind?” Naruko asked before her other questions were answered.

“Well the princess doesn't really age. So she has been around for thousands of years.” Orbit answered. She noticed Naruko had stopped following her. She paused and waited for the young pony to recover from the shock.

“That is a really long time….” Naruko answered before shaking her head and continuing to follow Orbit. The attendant gave a little giggle at the blonde unicorn’s reaction. Most young ponies were surprised when they actually realized how old their princess was.

“Anyways to answer your other questions. Yes, Celestia is usually that relaxed around others. She wants to be approachable to a certain degree, not distant, as our ruler. Also I can send some food up to you after I show you to your room. However, we might need some instructions on what to get your Familiar.” The mare answered Naruko.

“That's alright I don’t need to eat often due to my connection with Naruko here. When I need food I can easily hunt for myself.” Answered Kyuubi in his deep voice.

Naruko wasn't paying attention, and didn't stop walking until she bumped into Orbit’s flank. “Oh sorry I wasn't looking, Miss Orbit… Are you ok?” The blue pony was frozen in shock.

“I'm sorry Naruko. It’s just that… I didn't expect him to talk. I know guardian familiars can talk, but it is different actually experiencing it first-hoof.” Orbit replied once she recovered.

“It’s alright. I was just surprised when I bumped into you.” Naruko said as she looked down the hall.

“Anyways, we're here. This is your room.” The blue pony said as she opened the door in front of them.

Naruko walked inside and gasped immediately. The room was larger than her apartment back in Konoha. The room was spacious, and had what looked like a wardrobe, and a chest of drawers next to a desk by a window.

Naruko wasn't sure what the wardrobe was about. From what she could tell besides the armor the guards wore, most ponies didn't really need, nor want to wear clothes. She then looked at the bed and her jaw dropped. It was huge compared to her old sorry excuse of a bed in Konoha. She could actually stretch out in this bed it looked like.

Naruko broke from her musings as she heard Orbit speak. “If you are wondering about the size of the Wardrobe… well some ponies like to wear clothing of some sorts in Canterlot. Usually for special occasions, or because they want to show off. However, many just settle for accessories, or nothing at all really. Over here you have a private bathroom, and I will ask to have some food sent up after I check up on Twilight. There is a table here for eating and such, or just chatting with friends. If you need anything just ask. See you later, Naruko.”

Naruko then nodded and said, “Thanks for your help, Miss Orbit.” She gave a smile and a nod of her head to the helpful mare.

“Please just call me Orbit. Miss makes me feel old and seems far too formal. And no need to thank me, I am simply doing my job.” Orbit told her.

“I will keep that in mind, Orbit.” Naruko smiled a little wider as the pony left. Naruko continued to smile as she looked further into her room, while waiting for her food. “Well the ponies sure seem to be friendly here. What do you think, Kyu?”

The fox thrashed his tail in irritation. However it didn't really have the effect it did when he was in the ninja world, and at full size. “It’s Kyuubi…! Not Kyu…” Naruko just gave a grin, and a little barely audible whinny.

The fox shook his head before answering the question. “Yes they do seem to be friendly here, but they are not weak. Plus for the most part, they don’t seem to crave power over everything else. I can see why Celestia has ruled for so long, and kept the loyalty and affection of her subjects."

The fox then gave the blonde unicorn a thoughtful look before he answered further. "I think they are genuine in their friendliness.”

The fox sighed. “Humans could probably be the same way if they didn't crave power and control so much. It’s a pity really.” Naruko gave a small frown when he mentioned humans, as she realized she wasn't one anymore.

He gave her a smile and said, “But that is in the past, Naruko. We have a new start in a new land, and I’m sure you, like me, want to make the best of it.”

Naruko smiled at him, “You know you seem a lot nicer and more pleasant, Kyuubi. I like it.”

The fox chuckled, “I have my freedom and no one trying to control me like that masked man. You try being sealed away for generations inside humans held as a prisoner, and not be angry.”

Naruko nodded her head, and looked around some more in the room. It was so awesome. “So I guess we will have to find you a bed of your own, unless you want to share mine. It's big enough for us both to have lots of room.”

“We don’t have the stipend Celestia mentioned on the flight here yet. Nor do we know how much things will cost here. I have no problem sharing the bed, even with your sleeping habits.” The fox said as he gave a pointed look at Naruko who grinned nervously.

He continued, “I say we save the money once we have it, apart from what is used for things we need.”

Naruko nodded, “That was going to be my plan once we had you a bed if you wanted it. Hopefully shops won’t turn me away or over charge me for low quality goods here, since I won’t be seen as the bane of all existence.”

After a few more minutes while Naruko looked out the window at the night sky, her food arrived. Once it was placed on the table and she thanked the pony that brought it to her, she opened it up to see what she had to eat. She was a little disappointed there wasn't any ramen, but she supposed ponies didn't normally eat ramen, if Equestria even had it. She decided that would be the first thing she looked for when she first went to town.

Instead Naruko sat herself down to a couple of apples and a lettuce, tomato, and daisy sandwich. She was surprised to find the sandwich tasty. She guessed her taste in food had changed with her new form. She just knew she still loved ramen though, but she might add apples as a second favorite.

Once she was done with her meal, she got ready for bed. This actually took a while as she tried to figure out how a pony sleeps. Finally, after finding a rather comfortable position, even for a human surprisingly, she fell asleep to a dreamless slumber.

She didn't have any nightmares, like she usually did, of the villagers finally deciding they had enough of the demon brat, and actually start attacking her in droves with the help of ninjas. It was probably one of the most restful sleeps she had ever had.