• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 26,776 Views, 224 Comments

The Truth of Bonds and Friendship - Gadman85

Naruko (Female Naruto) thought she knew a bit about these bonds the Hokage always talked about. However when she tries a mysterious Jutsu. She is sent to a new land where she learns the truth. Naruto and MLP crossover.

  • ...

To Ponyville

It was early morning and several months after her last birthday when Naruko visited Twilight in her study. The first thing she noticed was the pony throwing books around with her magic, while frantically looking for something. Spike was busy helping her and the two didn't seem to take much notice of the damaged gift wrapped teddy bear in the center of the floor. “What’s going on, Twi?” Naruko asked with concern.

“I was rereading about Equestria’s past, and I just got to the part where Celestia banished Nightmare Moon with the Elements of Harmony. I remembered I read something important about the Elements of Harmony, but I can’t remember what it was exactly.” Twilight said as she looked through several titles at once before discarding the group of books having absorbed a summary of the knowledge they held. It was something Naruko knew she personally could never do, since it was a spell Twilight created herself.

“Found it!” Spike shouted as Twilight took the book with her magic from his hands. She then read aloud about the Elements of Harmony, and the part that said Nightmare Moon would return after a thousand years when four stars align on the longest day of that year to bring about night time eternal.

This immediately sent warnings to both Naruko and Twilight, since that was the day of the Summer Sun Celebration, meaning this day. Twilight quickly had Spike send a message to the Princess warning her. Twilight was confident the Princess would act fast on this information.

She wasn't surprised when Celestia sent her a message right away in response, but what the message said, as Spike read it aloud, did surprise her. “Sending us to Ponyville to oversee preparations for the festival?! What is she thinking?! This is an important time! No pony has time for a festival!”

Naruko on the other hand for better, or worse took the letter to mean Princess Celestia was already taking care of it. She wasn't going to say anything, since she knew Twilight wouldn't listen to her at this time. Spike decided to speak though. “Don’t forget the P.S. that says both you and Naruko are to make some friends.”

The studious pony gave a frown at that. “What does she mean by that anyways? Naruko and I are best of friends!" She stomped a purple hoof for emphasis before giving her friend an questioning look. "Any ideas, Naruko?”

Naruko sighed, “She probably wants us to make more friends. Kyu has been encouraging me to do the same subtly, but since I dropped my idiot persona, and I’m not eager to be acknowledged by others. I don’t come off as overly friendly like I used to back in Konoha.”

Twilight frowned again, “Hey you are still a very wonderful and fun friend, and you are polite to others." Twilight said this giving Naruko a no nonsense look. She then added, "Oh well we might as well go since we have a mission to do. Maybe the Ponyville library will have something on how we can find the Elements of Harmony, and use them to save Equestria while we make friends in Ponyville.”

Naruko gave a chuckle as Twilight raised an eyebrow at her. “Sorry I just find it fitting. The first thing you think about in Ponyville is their library.”

Twilight gave her a confused look and said, “Well yah we need to figure out about the Elements of Harmony, Naruko. Also remember the note said our things would be sent on later, and we will be staying in the Library while in Ponyville.”

Naruko nodded to her friend before giving her a teasing grin, “Even if there wasn't anything to worry about, you know the library would be the first thing in Ponyville you thought about, Twi.” Both Spike and Twilight gave a laugh at that, since it was true.

“Anyways I guess you're going to gather up Kyu then, Naru?” Twilight asked. She was trying the nickname thing that Naruko did, but she still needed to learn to actually use it more often. Naruko gave her a nod and Twilight said, “Meet you at the chariot then.”

{-} {-} {-}

As they flew down to Ponyville via Pegasus drawn royal chariot, Naruko and Twilight broke up the work. “Alright Naruko, you go check on the decorations and music. I'll check on the food and weather. We will wait in the town center for the other to arrive and make sure everything checked out ok. After that we hit the books in the library hard and fast. Sound good to you?”

Naruko nodded to her friend. She still thought Celestia might have already planned for tonight, and they wouldn't have to worry about anything… or at least she hoped that was the case. Either way she would give her full help and support to her best friend, since that's what friends do.

“Hopefully this won’t take us too long to figure out, Twilight. It would be nice to see some of Ponyville before we have to head back to Canterlot.” Naruko said with a smile.

The blonde unicorn was actually a little excited. She had heard about the other pony towns and cities, but never seen any of them. As far as seeing outside of Canterlot went, the only place she had seen were parts of the nearby forest while training with Kyuubi.

“I think it would be nice also! I've never seen outside of Canterlot!" Spike exclaimed with eagerness. "Think Moondancer has seen Ponyville before? If not I would love to tell her all about it.” Spike said in wonder.

“Before you can do that you will have to get the courage to actually visit her without us around, Little Dragon.” Kyuubi said from his favorite spot on Naruko’s back.

Spike gave him a halfhearted glare as he argued with the fox, “She is a popular pony. I can’t just walk up to her and talk to her you know.” Kyuubi gave a little laugh in response. The two actually saw each other as friends despite their arguments, since the male to female ratio seemed to be at least one male for every four females.

“Everypony we need to stay focused! I too want to see around Ponyville, but if we don’t figure this out there might not be a Ponyville for long.” Twilight scolded them. Though truth be told, she was a little excited to see some place outside of Canterlot just like her companions were.

{-} {-} {-}

As their chariot landed, they thanked the flyers, who took off back to Canterlot once they unloaded. The first thing they noticed was the place seemed to be a nice town. All of the buildings had timber frames and thatched roves, and there were lots of buildings. It had a nice and friendly rural feel too it. There were several shops and stands around the town square they entered, and they quickly saw where their home in Ponyville would be.

The second thing they saw was a bright pink earth pony with a dark pink mane and tail in large and wild poofy curls. Twilight was about to ask if the pony could point her in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres, where Applejack lived. Applejack was the pony in charge of food for the festival, Twilight's first stop. However, before she could do little more than open her mouth the pink pony jumped high into the air, stared at both her and Naruko before running off quickly to Celestia knows where.

“Well she was helpful wasn't she?” Naruko asked sarcastically.

“I hope this doesn't become a trend….” Twilight said in exasperation.

Fortunately, it wasn't a trend. The next pony Twilight asked for help gladly gave it to her. With that, Twilight took off for Sweet Apple Acres and Naruko went inside the town hall.

Once inside the town hall, she noticed there weren't any decorations up yet, or any signs of ponies starting to work on them. Naruko figured this was because it was still early so she simply left and asked a light green pony with yellow mane and tail where she could find the pony in charge of the music for the Summer Sun Celebration.

{-} {-} {-}

Naruko approached a rustic hut with a massive grassy roof. On the front door there was a note that read, “At Choir practice. Listen for the nice little birdies near the pond to find me…. You know if you want to find me that is… Sorry for the inconvenience…” Naruko sighed at this. It made sense and was a good sign, but she needed to find this choir practice and check with the pony personally.

“Good thing I can use that jutsu at least.” She said to herself. Her horn glowed a light blue before several clones appeared in front of her. “Alright Everypony! We need to find a pond nearby and listen for the nice little birdies.” She commanded her troops donning a military helmet in the process.

“No offense boss… But that isn't a lot to go on you know.” One of the clones said.

Naruko stared at the pony, “It doesn't matter! That is all the info we have for now. Just find this pond. Once we find it everyone disperse at timed intervals. Got it?!” The blonde maned army each saluted with a hoof before racing off in different directions.

It didn't take long to find the pond in the end, and the clone that found it dispersed so the information would be passed on to the others. Naruko walked towards the music, one bird sounded off key to the others. Naruko finally came to a small patch of trees where she saw a yellow coated Pegasus with a long pink mane and tail conducting the birds. Naruko had to admit it sounded very nice despite the off key bird.

As the song finished, the Pegasus scolded the off key bird in a soft voice before apologizing to it for getting 'heated', but told him he still needed to get the right pitch. The bird seemed to blush before the two of them got the right key. Naruko half thought to interrupt and ask how the music was going, but she decided to just stand there and listen for a bit. She wanted to hear the song without the off key bird.

After the birds finished their song, Naruko couldn't help but stomp her hooves in appreciation. “That was wonderful! It seems you have the music ready for the Summer Sun Celebration.”

The yellow Pegasus landed on the ground and blushed as she hoofed the ground. She was a little startled by this pony she had never seen before. She wanted to hide from the blonde unicorn, but she thought that might seem rude of her.

Naruko gave a friendly smile and rubbed the back of her mane with a hoof. “Sorry I didn't mean to startle you. It was just so nice I had to listen to it all. Anyways I'm Naruko Uzumaki. I was sent to Ponyville by Princess Celestia with my friend Twilight to check on preparations for the festival. What's your name?”

The yellow Pegasus squeaked something and hoofed the ground again. Naruko pressed her a little more. The winged pony tried to say her name again, but this Naruko, was too much for her.

Naruko gave a little frown, “I really didn't mean to scare you… I just wanted to talk is all. Anyways I will go ahead and leave, the music is clearly good to go. It was nice meeting you, even if I didn't get your name.”

Naruko was about to turn around when the yellow pony spoke softly, but loud enough to be heard. “I’m Fluttershy. I am sorry… I didn't mean to be rude. I was just… well you know surprised is all… I didn't mean to be a bully….” The Yellow Pegasus lowered her head and looked up at Naruko.

Naruko gave her a warm smile. “You were no such thing Fluttershy. It was nice meeting you, but I have to get back to Ponyville and check on Decorations and my friend.” Naruko then turned around and Fluttershy now saw Kyuubi laying on Naruko’s back.

Instantly the yellow Pegasus hovered over to them and said excitedly, in a normal volume for anyone else. “Oooo…. Is the fox your pet? His fur is so fluffy! What is his name?”

Naruko answered Fluttershy as she walked back to town. “I call him Kyu. He seems to love riding on my back. I don’t really mind it though.”

“Kyu… Such a cute little name for a cute wittle foxy woxy!” Fluttershy cooed.

Kyuubi raised an eyebrow before he protested. “My name is Kyuubi! Not Kyu… Naruko here can call me Kyu and sometimes Twilight, but I will not allow just any pony to call me that name.”

Naruko gave a little laugh as Fluttershy froze in midair hearing his deep voice. Fluttershy still thought he was cute even with the voice. “He can talk?! I don’t know any foxes that can actually talk to ponies in words. I can understand their yips, chirps, and barks, but never have they spoken to me before.”

“That’s because Kyuubi here is my familiar and I’m his partner. I’m his Contracted Guardian. He still is lazy in his smaller form though, always hitching a ride on my back.” Naruko answered her.

“Ohhh! That's amazing! I've never met a pony or fox like you two before. Guardians are rare. There haven’t been any in ages.” Fluttershy said now hovering next to Naruko and Kyuubi.

“So we've been told. So Fluttershy, I guess you're coming with us to Ponyville? Will your birds be there on time?” Naruko asked as she trotted along.

“I would love to; if you know… you don’t mind my tagging along. It's just I have never met a talking fox before. The birds will be alright. They know when to show up for the celebration.” The Yellow Pegasus seemed to be quite the talker once she got used to you.

“So Fluttershy how is it you can understand animals? Also if you are this excited to meet Kyu I bet you will flip once you meet Twilight’s… sidekick. Is that what he prefers to be called Kyu?” Naruko asked.

“Yes he prefers sidekick. He says it is better than slav… I mean assistant, or what I like to call him.” Kyuubi answered with a chuckle before looking to Fluttershy wondering what her answer was about understanding animals.

“I can understand animals because it's my special talent. That's why I have three pretty butterflies as my cutie mark!” Fluttershy answered before then flying ahead a little bit to show them her cutie mark.

Naruko and Kyuubi both looked it over. It was three butterflies with pink wings and light blue bodies. Once they caught up to her, she asked them, “So what is it about your friend’s sidekick that you think will cause me to flip? Though I don’t really like flipping…. It’s scary.”

The two gave matching foxy grins as Naruko answered, “Ahhh… If I told you Fluttershy it would ruin the surprise. It’s a good surprise so don’t worry.” Naruko already knew the yellow Pegasus didn't take surprises well.

Fluttershy gave them a little frown before walking next to them for the rest of the trip. She soon started to hover again since she was happy Kyuubi and Naruko answered all of her other questions she asked them.

On the way back to Ponyville, they noticed an overstuffed Twilight slowly making her way to town. She stopped and leaned against a fence for a little bit as she mumbled about eating too much while checking up on the food.

“Don’t worry Twilight. I’m sure you will be okay in a few minutes. Besides that food was good anyways. I just wish they had some gems to go with all of those apple dishes.” Spike said to the purple pony before they heard a loud squee from a yellow Pegasus, who just did an aerial flip before dive hugging him.

Once she realized what she did, the Pegasus profusely apologized before introducing herself to Spike and Twilight. Once that was finished, she quickly started to ask Spike questions, which the baby dragon answered happily.

“So you pigged out on apples, Twilight? I thought we were supposed to be quick about things.” Naruko teased her best friend.

Twilight gave her a look. “After I met Applejack, she told me I should try some for myself. I didn't think her whole family was there and she would ring the dinner bell. I ended up meeting her whole family, and eating samples of all their food.”

“And you stayed for all of that?” Naruko asked incredulously. Twilight’s ears turned down a little as she slowly nodded. “I'm surprised. I guess you did decide to try and make some friends while we are here after all.” Naruko said with a smile.

Twilight straightened up and sighed. “I didn't mean to Naruko. But then a little filly, Applejack’s younger sister Applebloom, begged me to stay for a little while. She gave me puppy dog eyes! Those combined with the large bow in her mane made it impossible to just say no and leave them.” Naruko gave a little laugh.

“So what is the story with the yellow Pegasus? She seems very chatty.” Twilight asked.

“Fluttershy is only acting like that because she warmed up to Kyu and me quickly. Also she loves animals and the only thing that could tie with a talking fox is a talking baby dragon. It took a long time to actually hear her say her own name. She is very shy and quiet when you first meet her.” Naruko answered.

Twilight smiled at her best friend and said, “See I told you. You were still a friendly and fun pony. I still have to check on the weather. Did you get to check on the decorations?”

“Nope. They weren't even started when I looked earlier. I bet they have been now though.” Naruko answered.

“Well let’s check on the last two together then shall we?” Twilight asked as she walked up to Spike and magicked him on to her back so he could talk to Fluttershy easily as they walked. Naruko simply nodded and followed.

{-} {-} {-}

As they walked into Ponyville, they noticed there were still clouds everywhere in the sky. Fluttershy had warmed up to Twilight as well and asked the purple pony questions along the way. She still asked Kyuubi and Spike more though, but Naruko and Twilight didn't mind it. They understood how rare it was to see a talking baby dragon and talking fox.

“I wonder where this Rainbow Dash pony is. She is supposed to take care of the weather.” Spike asked as they looked around in the sky hoping to see a Pegasus fly by them.

“She's probably off practicing some new flying trick. She wants to be the best flyer in all of Equestria.” Fluttershy answered softly.

“Well that doesn't mean she can slack off on her job. Where is she? She should have taken care of the job first then worried about practicing.” Twilight said in a little bit of a huff. She wasn't very fond of slackers in general.

Just as Twilight said that something cyan and rainbow colored crashed into her causing her to land in the mud. Twilight wondered why Fluttershy hadn't pushed her out of the way of the speeding winged train’s path. Once her eyes stopped swirling, she saw that Fluttershy was cooing over Spike asking him if he was hurt or anything. Twilight glared as Naruko tried to hold a laugh back.

The blue blur got up, giggled, and apologized to Twilight before then bringing over a rain cloud to wash her off. Once Twilight was drenched and looking angry, the cyan Pegasus said, “Sorry about that… Here let me dry you off.” She then made a rainbow colored tornado around Twilight to dry her.

Once the tornado finished, Twilight’s mane and tail were a frizzy mess, with odd bits sticking out everywhere. Naruko couldn't hold it in any longer and started laughing out loud as did Kyuubi. Spike laughed a little and Fluttershy gave a frown.

Twilight sighed and turned to the Pegasus that just tornado dried her mane. “I guess you must be Rainbow Dash. In charge of weather here in Ponyville?”

Rainbow Dash spread her wings out and hoofed herself in the chest. “The one and only! I’m also the best flyer in Ponyville and one day I will be the best in all of Equestria!” She surely didn't lack for confidence Twilight and Naruko both realized, but the rainbow maned pegasus seemed friendly enough.

“So then how about fixing the weather for the ceremony now then, Rainbow Dash?” Naruko asked. She knew Twilight really wanted to study the Elements of Harmony and how to use them to beat Nightmare Moon.

“Ehhh… I will get to it eventually.” The pegasus then lounged on a cloud. “Besides I got more important things to work on. Like training so I can impress the Wonderbolts.” Rainbow Dash then gave a yawn, and probably would have decided to take a nap if it weren't for what Twilight next said.

“Really the Wonderbolts? The best flyers in all of Equestria? You think they will let a lazy pegasus, who can’t even take care of a few clouds join them?” Twilight said not hiding her smirk as she knew she had Rainbow Dash now.

The flying pony stood up and proclaimed “Yah the Wonderbolts! I will join them! I will be the best flyer in Equestria. I can take care of all these clouds in ten seconds flat! I am that awesome of a flyer!”

Twilight raised an eyebrow and retorted. “Oh really? Ten seconds flat?” Rainbow Dash nodded her head. “Care to show me how awesome you are by clearing the sky?”

“Ten. Seconds. Flat.” Rainbow Dash said highlighting each word with a hoof jab before she got ready. She then turned to Naruko and asked, “Do you mind counting me down and keep time?”

While the argument went on Fluttershy was still cooing over Spike and talking to him.

Naruko nodded, “Three!” Rainbow Dash assumed her starting position.

“Two!” Rainbow Dash then opened her wings and got ready to launch.

“One!!!” Naruko yelled as Rainbow Dash took off in a streak of rainbow colors across the sky.

The light blue colored pegasus easily made quick work of the clouds in the sky to the awe of Spike and Twilight. Kyuubi was even impressed with the flying mare's speed. Naruko would have been as well, but she was counting seconds. As Rainbow Dash cleared the last cloud in a burst of colors, Naruko called out, “Ten Seconds flat!”

The watchers all cheered. Twilight gave a hoof stomp while Spike gave a shout of amazement. Kyuubi gave a grin and a nod, and Fluttershy even gave a little “yay” as she jumped in the air in praise.

Rainbow Dash then hovered next to Twilight and gave a friendly smile as she said, “Told you so.”

Rainbow Dash then turned to Fluttershy, “Heya Fluttershy. You seem to be in a really good mood today.”

“Well I met a talking fox and a baby dragon today. Also Naruko here seems like a good pony and her friend Twilight, the one you crashed into, must be a good pony as well if Naruko is her friend.”

Fluttershy then closed her eyes and gave a little smile that seemed to speak volumes on her. “Plus, Naruko here complimented me and my bird choir on our music for the ceremony.”

Rainbow Dash smiled and was happy for her fellow flying friend, but then realized one detail. “Wait?! The fox can talk?!”

“Yah that’s right filly. Kyuubi’s the name and you better remember it.” He then highlighted this by standing tall on Naruko’s back and showing his fangs just a little bit.

Rainbow’s eyes seemed to have stars in them before she shouted, “That is so awesome! A talking fox!” She asked him a couple of questions before then saying, “Well guys we got to hang out sometime but now I have to go.”

“Yep now that you are done with your job. You don’t have to worry about anything else until the Ceremony tonight. Plenty of time to train so you can show the Wonderbolts you are worthy of joining their squad.” Twilight said to her, causing Rainbow Dash’s friendly smile to grow wider before she took off to go train.

{-} {-} {-}

After the bit with Rainbow Dash, Twilight and Naruko just needed to check on the decorations. Fluttershy had left their company after Rainbow Dash, but first apologized to Twilight for not having gotten her out of the way too. “Hopefully decorations won’t take long after all of that.” Twilight said as the two friends walked towards the town hall where the celebration would take place.

Once they entered inside, they saw a few different ponies working on decorations. It looked as if they were almost finished even. Naruko started looking around at all of the decorations around the town hall, as Twilight noticed a blue aura place a couple of bows.

“So….. beautiful.” Spike said with hearts in his eyes which Twilight didn't notice.

“I know they look really nice.” Twilight said thinking her assistant was talking about the decorations.

“No… Her!” He answered while pointing at a white unicorn with a Royal blue colored mane and tail. She had three gemstones for her cutie mark and a white coat. The white unicorn's mane and tail were styled with very fashionable twists.

Twilight rolled her eyes as she walked up to check with the pony about the decorations. “Hey I’m…”

Twilight was about to introduce herself when she was cut off by the pony who said, “Just one second.” The white Unicorn then used her magic to fix one last bow on one of the pillars. She then turned around and was about to ask what the pony wanted to know, but instead she just stared at the pony’s mane. “How can I help you? Besides the obvious?” She asked not really meaning to come off as rude or anything.

Twilight wondered what she meant, but decided to just get straight to business, “I’m Twilight Sparkle. My friend Naruko and I are here to see how the decorations are coming along for the Summer Sun Celebration festival. You are in charge of them right?”

The white unicorn tried to not let Twilight’s mane bother her as she answered, “Yes, I am. I’m Rarity. The decorations are coming along well. We're almost finished with them.”

Twilight smiled and checked them off on her list before she said, “Alright then since everything is good I will get out of your hair then.”

Twilight was about to leave when the white pony said to her. “Out of my hair? Darling I can’t let you go with your mane like that.” She then quickly grabbed Twilight and took her off to her store.

{-} {-} {-}

Naruko finished checking with a couple of earth ponies about the decorations. “Well, Twilight it looks like everything is going good here.” She turned to look around and didn’t see Twilight anywhere. Naruko looked around raising an eyebrow and asked, “Has anypony seen my friend Twilight?” She saw a couple of head shakes and noticed two ponies that seemed to be giggling about something.

She approached the two and asked them, “What’s so funny?”

The two ponies looked to one another before one shrugged. The beige coated earth pony with pigment blue and pink streaked mane and tail answered first, “She was talking to Rarity, who was shocked by her mane and tail. Rarity then dragged her off in hurry, talking about having to fix a fashion disaster.”

The unicorn, who had a mint colored coat with a light grey blue and white streaked mane and tail, giggled before adding. “No doubt she took her to her store, the Carousal Boutique, to give her a full make over or something.”

“Can you tell me how to get there?” Naruko asked. The two nodded to her.

After getting directions to the Twilightnapper’s store, Naruko picked up Kyuubi who was looking out a window in the front and left to go and save her friend from an overly generous fashionista.

{-} {-} {-}

Twilight wasn't sure what happened exactly, or how it happened. Before she knew it, she found herself getting a complete makeover from a pony she just met. Twilight was glad she at least managed to grab Spike with her magic as she was led out of the town hall by Rarity. She was right now talking to Rarity while said pony fixed her mane.

“So how did… This… happen exactly, Twilight?” Rarity asked while motioning to the purple pony’s mane in the mirror.

“Well this Pegasus, Rainbow Dash, crashed into me and we landed in the mud. She then used a weather cloud to wash me off and a tornado to dry me.” Twilight said, still trying to figure out how she got from the town hall to here so quickly.

Rarity just shook her head to this. It was so very much a Rainbow Dash thing.

“So where are you and your friend from? I don’t think you told me.” Rarity asked. She was now working on Twilight’s fore hooves.

“Naruko and I are from Canterlot.”

Hearing Twilight’s answer Rarity paused what she was doing, and was about to ask her all about Canterlot before she heard somepony coming up the stairs, and what sounded like Twilight’s baby dragon. Next she heard a voice she didn't know say, “Ahh! There you are Twilight!” It was a peach tanned pony with a flowing blonde mane.

Twilight stood up and quickly made her way over to the pony. “Naruko! You found me.” She then added quieter so only Naruko would hear her, “Let’s go quickly before she decides to dye my coat a different color.” Naruko cringed in sympathy for her friend.

Naruko turned around and the two were about to make their exit when they heard the white unicorn exclaim, “Oh darling! I love your tail! It’s so fascinating. I like how you have the hair portions tied with two little bows. How long have you worn it this way?” Rarity started looking closer at Naruko’s tail.

Naruko felt a little uncomfortable with Rarity’s closeness to her tail, but answered the pony anyways. “Ever since I first went to Canterlot. I used magic to tie the two small bows.” It was the truth. She just left out how she had Twilight help her with it at first, until she learned to use her unicorn magic well enough to tie them herself. So they were always tied by magic it just wasn't always hers.

After that, Rarity bombarded them with questions about Canterlot. Twilight and Naruko sort of answered them for a bit as they made their way to the library. Twilight didn't feel threatened that her coat was going to be dyed now, and Naruko didn't mind the questions so much. Then Kyuubi introduced himself and they had to let her ask him questions because, hey he was a talking fox. You can’t just expect ponies to ignore a talking fox.

{-} {-} {-}

Once they entered the tree library, it was late and their Ponyville home was completely dark inside they noticed. Rarity was still with them asking questions. Twilight finally said, “Spike, turn on the lights will you?”

Once she said that, the lights turned on and several ponies shouted, “Welcome to Ponyville!” To both Naruko’s and Twilight’s horror and surprise.

“Ohhh... I didn't know there would be welcoming party for you two, but I guess it makes sense. That party pony always throws everyone a welcoming party.” Rarity said before going and helping herself to some refreshments.

As soon as Rarity departed their company, the pink pony from earlier shouted, “Hey how are you doing? Who are you two? Do you guys remember me? I'm Pinkie Pie. When I first saw you two I was all like ‘Woah!’ I need to welcome not one but two new ponies to Ponyville! I knew you two were new because I didn't know you girls and I know everypony in Ponyville!” The pink pony bounced all over the place as she went on and on.

Naruko looked around at all of the ponies there, and Twilight headed straight for the punch bowl. Twilight then poured what she thought was alcohol into her punch glass, hoping it would help settle her nerves.

Once she took a sip, she jumped in the air and glowed like an orange fire pony with a flaming mane and tail. She then darted upstairs as Pinkie Pie made herself the same drink and downed it like nothing.

Naruko just stared as an Orange pony with a Stetson hat walked over to her and said, “Well Howdy there, Sugar Cube. My name is Applejack ah work over at Sweet Apple Acres. You must be Twilight’s friend she talked about when she stopped by to check on us.”

Naruko gave a smile, “Yep my name is Naruko Uzumaki and this here is my familiar Kyu.” She pointed to the fox that had once again taken up residence on her back.

“It's Kyuubi Naruko! At least use Kyuubi when first introducing me, if you do so in the future.” The fox said. As he spoke, a silence fell as the other ponies stared before they began to chatter excitably to each other about the fox.

Naruko saw Twilight come back downstairs looking a little down, as she walked over to her and Applejack. Naruko looked at her friend a little concerned as she asked, “Are you alright, Twilight?”

Twilight sighed, “No I’m not… I should be looking that up, but I can’t do that with all of these ponies here, and I don’t think this party will be ending anytime soon.” Naruko placed a hoof on Twilight’s shoulders giving her friend a little comfort.

Applejack gave a weak smile as she said, “Nope. Sorry about that, Sugar Cube. Pinkie Pie’s parties usually last a good while longer. What were ya going to be looking up? If ya’ll don’t mind mah asking.”

Naruko answered, “Twilight loves studying books. Back in the Canterlot Palace I had to drag her to meals a few times.” Naruko gave a little laugh as Twilight gave her a glare before sighing one last time and straightening up a little bit.

“Well guess I might as well… Make some friends then…. Same for you too, Naruko.” Twilight said the friends part as she shook her head before she went to mingle with the others.

“What was that about? Making friends isn't a bad thing ya know.” Applejack said while giving Naruko a look.

Naruko gave a nervous chuckle as she rubbed the back of her mane with a hoof. “No… It’s the fact our teacher actually gave us instructions to make friends in addition to checking up on the celebration that got to Twi.”

“Seems like an odd request if you ask me.” Said a new voice that Naruko recognized as Rainbow Dash’s. Rainbow Dash then gave an uneasy smile and giggle. “Sorry I couldn't help but overhear you, Naruko.”

Naruko just shook her head as Kyuubi answered the blue Pegasus. “Twilight and my partner mostly kept to their selves in Canterlot. They both had their reasons for doing so. They might have been hopeless cases if they hadn't befriended each other as Twilight helped Naruko with her unicorn magic.”

The two ponies looked at Naruko questioningly. “I’m a Contract Guardian. That is why I call Kyu my familiar and it is the reason he can talk. However, when a contract is formed it shoots the unicorn’s magic control to hell, and they have to pretty much relearn everything again. Twilight was sort of my teacher for a little while, before I got good enough and the two of us could learn together.” Naruko answered them easily.

After that, Naruko went and followed Twilight's lead and attempted to mingle with the other ponies. By the time things at the party finally settled down they had to head to the town hall for the Summer Sun Celebration. Naruko and Twilight were both very worried about what would happen as they made their way with the other ponies.