• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 26,776 Views, 224 Comments

The Truth of Bonds and Friendship - Gadman85

Naruko (Female Naruto) thought she knew a bit about these bonds the Hokage always talked about. However when she tries a mysterious Jutsu. She is sent to a new land where she learns the truth. Naruto and MLP crossover.

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Fashion Fallout

“So Big Mac, what is Applejack doing today anyways?” Spike asked. They were all three taking a break from their game.

“They’re at that there fashion show for Rarity,” he replied easily. Spike’s eyes widened and his mouth fell open. “Y’all didn’t know?” Big Mac asked.

“No!” he replied. “I don’t think Naruko or Twilight knew either.”

“No, they didn’t. They would have postponed their trip to Canterlot until later if they knew and were asked to be there. Maybe Rarity didn’t need their help?” Kyuubi said in thought.

Big Mac gave a frown. “Now, I don’t know all about that fashion samshion stuff, but Ah believe it was gonna be a big ol’ deal. Supposedly, one of them fancy ponies from Canterlot was gonna be the judge and all. Pretty sure she would have wanted everypony there.”

Kyuubi narrowed his eyes in thought. “Hoity Toity…” he said. Spike groaned. “I saw him poking around Ponyville earlier today. Perhaps he’s the one judging it,” the fox continued.

Spike groaned again. Hoity Toity wasn’t necessarily one of the bad Canterlot Elites, but he wasn’t nice like Fancy Pants. Hoity Toity fell in the middle and kind of swung a little towards the negative side of the spectrum at times. It was funny to see him interact with Naruko when they crossed paths though. Whenever Naruko got upset at him the fashion stallion would usually cower a little, but he was over all reasonable for the most part. However, when it came to fashion he easily got carried away. Spike knew Rarity was wonderful and probably the best and most beautiful fashion pony in all of existence, but he wasn’t sure if she was ready for a Hoity Toity ambush.

“When’s it start?” Spike asked.

Big Mac looked to the clock on the wall. “It should start here soon now,” he said.

Spike leapt up. “We have to help Rarity! We need to tell her.”

Big Mac was a little worried with Spike’s response. He knew the dragon had a crush on his sister’s friend, but he didn’t usually react like this because of a problem. “Hop on!” he said as he stood up getting ready to go.

“I suppose I’ll tell Naruko and Twilight to get back here. You two go ahead. Hopefully it isn’t too late,” Kyuubi said. The two nodded to him and galloped off.

Naruko…” Kyuubi mentally said.

{-} {-} {-}

---- Flashback ----

“Ugh! These Armature designs hurt my eyes! I’d be blind of not for my sunglasses,” a stallion said in an upper crust sounding voice earning giggles from the other ponies watching the show.

“Mishmash of everything but the kitchen sink…” Hoity Toity said in response to another pile of moving cloth. He would not give these things the decency of thinking them dresses.

“Who forced us to watch this travesty of fashion! Who subjected us to these horrors of eyes?! Not to mention wasted my valuable time,” he said and again earned giggles from some of the gathered ponies at his reactions.

---- Flashback ends ----

Rarity sniffed as the recent memories replayed in her head for the thousandth time already. She was ruined. She was a laughing stock. It wasn’t her fault! She just gave her friends what they wanted. She was forced to take a walk of shame out to the edge of the runway in front of what felt like all of Ponyville in the end.

Spike had tried to help, but he wasn’t there soon enough to warn her about Hoity Toity as a pony. He also hadn’t seen the dresses that were going to be modeled. He tried to help by being a great MC to hype up the audience. It worked, but in this case that was a bad thing. The four ponies who trooped out there on the runway wore dresses that failed spectacularly to meet even the lowest of expectations.

Rarity sniffed again. Her makeup was a mess. Her mane was a mess. Her dress studio was a mess. Everything about her was a mess, except her Gala dress which didn’t even exist at this point and probably never would. She wouldn't dare show her face at such an event after this.

“Rarity…” she heard two concerned voices say to her.

She looked up with watery eyes. She could barely make out the pony shapes in front of her. She was so exhausted and depressed that she thought her mind was playing a cruel trick on her. “If only you two were actually there…” she mumbled before breaking down in a new fit of hysterical sobs.

Naruko looked to Twilight. Twilight was very pissed. She was angry they didn’t learn about the fashion show. She was angry her other friends forced Rarity to make such awful dresses for something so important. Twilight looked to Naruko who nodded in agreement before the purple pony teleported out of there.

She cooled off a little bit before approaching the first house. She was still angry at them all, but she understood them. Her friends were excited about their dresses, but they shouldn’t have gotten so bossy and picky. Rarity made all of their dresses free and knew what she was doing.

She knocked on Fluttershy’s door. She was starting here. Twilight had a plan and hoped Fluttershy’s freaky sewing knowledge would help out. They were all going to work together to make Rarity’s amazing Gala dress for her. Naruko was going to meet with Hoity Toity and find a way to get him to give Rarity a second chance. First, she was going to spend some time with Rarity, if the white unicorn allowed it. They would all work together to make this right.

Fluttershy was sniffling a little as she opened the door. She cowered as she saw Twilight’s fiery purple eyes. “I-I-I guess you heard... about the fashion show…” she said in her smallest voice.

Twilight slowly nodded. “I’m disappointed, Fluttershy. Rarity went out of her way to make all of you dresses and still you got really picky with her and kept harping on her to change it…”

Fluttershy swallowed. What kind of element of kindness was she being? Kindness didn’t mean rolling over for others, but it didn’t mean she could have behaved the way she did. She had realized this, but it took Twilight’s words to really drive it home. Fluttershy knew she had a long way to go before even coming close to finding that balance and becoming the full avatar of her element.

Twilight floated a piece of paper over to her. Fluttershy’s blue eyes widened. “This was the dress Rarity wanted to make for herself?” she asked. It was beautiful and would be perfect for her friend and spa buddy.

Twilight nodded. “She didn’t have the time for taking care of herself, let alone making her own dress because of the constant demands you and the others kept making.”

Fluttershy sniffed again and was about to burst out in tears. “We will all make it up to her,” Twilight said in a stern but not harsh voice.

Fluttershy fought back the tears trying to escape her eyes. She regained her composure and looked to Twilight in determination as she asked, “How?”

Twilight now liked the look in Fluttershy’s eyes. “I’ve heard… for lack of a better term… you have a freaky knowledge about sewing…Rarity’s design is very detailed with her thoughts and instructions written down. I’m betting you can follow it.”

Fluttershy took the design in hoof and nodded. She would improve herself starting now. She would strive extra hard for her balance even if it was a long way off. She would become not the True Avatar of Kindness, but the best Avatar of Kindness. After this problem was dealt with, she would tell the others what she learned from the Bunnicans in the Temple of life. She was the first to face her trial. She would help the others be better prepared for their own trials when their time came.

The shy pegasus flew off faster than she thought possible for herself. There were things she needed to get for this plan to work. “Meet at the library!” Twilight called to Fluttershy. The flying pony heard her but was far too gone to reply. A couple of fillies and colts playing near the edge of town stared in awe as they saw a pink and yellow streak cut through the sky. It wasn’t as awesome as Rainbow’s streak, but it was still pretty and impressive.

Twilight wanted to soak in this moment as she watched Fluttershy fly away and replayed the look she had. Twilight felt it was very important, but she had other friends she needed to visit. She Teleported away and reappeared near the Apple Family Farm. Just as she thought, she heard the sound of hooves hitting a tree and apples falling.

AJ was deeply disappointed in herself. “Why in tarnation did I think Galoshes in case it rains was a good idea?” she thought to herself out loud. She hated that she blew it for Rarity all because she got carried away about dresses. She didn’t know nothing about making dresses and all that such. She should have just left it to her friend Rarity.

AJ heard a pony coming her way. She looked up to see a disappointed Twilight coming her way. Applejack sighed. “Y’all don’t need ta say anything, Twi… I know ah don screwed up.”

Twilight was a bit surprised but realized she shouldn’t be. AJ was the element of honesty. She probably knew how to be honest with herself usually as well. “Good… We can make it right though,” she said calmly.

AJ looked to Twilight with hope in her green eyes. “We’re all meeting at the library to help Fluttershy make Rarity’s dress for the Gala. She didn’t have time for that given circumstances. Naruko’s also going to try and get Hoity Toity to give Rarity a second chance. When that happens… You will wear the lovely dress Rarity originally made for you.”

“She still has it?” AJ asked in surprise. Twilight nodded. “Well alright then! See ya at your home. Yee haw!” With that, AJ was off as fast as she could run towards the library.

Twilight smiled and made her next stop. She appeared before Pinkie’s house which was near Sugarcube Corner. She went up to the door and knocked. She was shocked when she saw Pinkie answer the door. Pinkie’s normally poofy mane was lying flat and the pony was obviously sad and actually seemed dimmer in color, if that was possible. Honestly, if it wasn’t for how depressed Pinkie looked Twilight would admit her pink friend kind of looked good with a straight mane.

“Hello… Twilight,” she said, her voice low and sad.

Twilight didn’t have the heart to look angry or disappointed at Pinkie like she did the others. It was rather heartbreaking seeing the party pony like this. “We’re going to make it up to Rarity. We can make it up to her,” she said neutrally.

Pinkie gasped and suddenly it was as if her color looked brighter and her mane was starting to poof back up. It was rather very interesting, but now was not the time for studying such observations. “Really?” Pinkie asked.

Twilight smiled a little and nodded. “Yes. We’re all helping Fluttershy make Rarity’s dress and Naruko’s going to get another chance for Rarity to show Hoity Toity what she can really do.” Pinkie squeaked in happiness as she hugged Twilight extra tight and dashed for the library. Twilight hadn’t even told her where they were all meeting up, but Pinkie was Pinkie and it seemed she already knew.

She just had one last friend to meet. She really hoped Rainbow wouldn’t be too difficult. Rainbow had a habit of pushing away from hard things at times. Twilight appeared below the cloud house her weather pony friend lived in. “Rainbow!” she called up.

“I’m not answering!” was the reply she got in return.

Twilight sighed. “Then why did you say you weren’t answering,” she muttered to herself with a shake of her head.

She looked at the house above her. She could blast it with magic, but that felt like it was an overreaction. She thought of what she could do instead. Maybe she could get another pegasus pony to go in for her. “No… that wouldn’t be right,” she said to herself in thought.

She then got an idea. It was a bit of a long shot, but it theoretically should work. Clouds where made of water vapor. Water vapor had H2O in it. Clouds did have a physical form it was just very fragile and changed shape a lot. She started making calculations in her head. She had an idea how much power she needed and everything.

Twilight took in a deep breath before teleporting into Rainbow’s house. She appeared just as Rainbow stumbled backwards yelling in surprise. Twilight then cast a spell on her hooves. It was bit weird at first, but she quickly compensated for the imbalance as she channeled more magic to her hooves using the water walking spell she learned from Naruko. She was surprise how much power it required though.

“How did you get in here? How are you doing this? Why are you here?” Rainbow asked.

Twilight narrowed her eyes on Rainbow. “You know why I’m here,” she said coolly. Rainbow frowned and looked away, but there was a blush of guilt on her cheeks. “I got in here with a teleport spell and I’m using a very modified water walking spell to stand here. Clouds are made of water vapor after all.”

Rainbow was about to ask more questions not wanting Twilight to have a chance to say what she was sure was on the unicorn’s mind. Twilight didn’t give her a chance to side track their conversation. “You and the others were far too picky when it came to your dresses! You all know she’s the dressmaker. She was even making them free of charge. You even made demands of her to make more revisions. You all ruined one of Rarity’s biggest chances with the fashion show!” Twilight said. She didn’t like being this way, but you had to be tough with Rainbow when she got in a mood like this. Trying to ease into it or be ‘mushy’ as Rainbow called it didn’t work.

Rainbow kept grimacing at herself with each of Twilight’s accusations. Twilight was right on the mark and Rainbow knew it, but she hated this kind of stuff. She wished it would just fix itself. She finally got a little angry when Twilight mentioned the fashion show. “Yeah?! Well you and Naruko didn’t even bother to show up! Don’t you get on my case about that.”

Twilight’s look was unyielding and Rainbow knew she had lost this argument. She just didn’t know how she had lost it yet. Twilight’s next words really cut. “We were never told about it in the first place. We went for our fittings and Rarity didn’t mention it to us. We would have helped, because we could tell she was running herself ragged and she’s our friend. She heard me talking about how excited I was for today because Naruko and I had planned to spend the whole day with each other in Canterlot, since we’ve been really busy lately and hadn’t had a chance to be alone as best friends. We came back here as fast as we could once we heard we were needed.”

Rainbow felt doubly terrible now as she landed and scuffed the cloud’s surface with her front hoof. She couldn’t be mad at them for not even knowing. She and the others not only screwed things up for Rarity, but they also ruined Twilight’s and Naruko’s plans as well because the two came back to try and fix the mess the four of them made. She actually felt 20% worse than doubly terrible. She didn’t know what to do.

Twilight took in a deep breath and let it out as she extended a hoof outwards. She calmed down. “We’re going to make it right,” she said.

“How?” Rainbow asked her rose colored eyes eager to fix this mistake.

“We’re helping Fluttershy make Rarity’s dress for her. We’re working on something else too and I will tell you what to do then,” Twilight said. She sharply pointed a hoof at Rainbow and added, “You will do what I say without complaint when that time comes. Understand?”

Rainbow gave several quick nods. Twilight could be really intense when she wanted to be. “Let’s go then. I’ll have to run back from here. I’m glad you’re close to Ponyville currently,” Twilight said.

Rainbow nodded. “I’ll go with you,” she said.

Twilight nodded and got back onto the ground. She and Rainbow started running together. Rainbow was a little surprised how fast Twilight was able to run. She was of course much faster, but Twilight was pretty good. She still couldn’t help but ask, “Why can’t you just you know. Teleport back to your house?”

Twilight frowned as they kept running. “I’ve been teleporting all over Ponyville getting everyone. The water walking spell took a good bit of magic. I had to teleport a letter in Canterlot. I scanned an amulet for dark magic and even used my magical pocket space book spell I created. Forgive me if I’m a little winded.”

“Dang…” Rainbow said. She then grinned a little to her friend. She was feeling a little better now that they were all going to help Rarity out. “But really? A water walking spell?” she asked. Twilight nodded with a smile. “You’re gonna have to show me what it looks like in actual action,” she added.

Twilight nodded. “After all of this is over. I’ll even show you the tree walking spell as well. I can walk up trees with it. I don’t actually make them walk. That spell is actually much easier to use surprisingly.”

Rainbow shook her head. “Pocket dimensions for books. Walking up trees. Walking on clouds and water… You have some crazy spells, Twilight. Where did you learn them?”

Twilight smiled as she said, “Naruko.”

Rainbow chuckled to that. “Figures… It seems most of the crazy things you do are from Naruko. Inspired by Naruko. Or you made up yourself, usually because of Naruko.”

Twilight frowned a little. “I know a lot of magic from books too you know…”

Rainbow chuckled again. “I know. But those aren’t as cool,” she said with a grin as the two ran a little faster.

It wasn’t long until they were at the library and Twilight was a little out of breath, but everyone else was already there and getting to work. “How can I help?” Rainbow asked. Fluttershy smiled at her and started giving her orders which Rainbow easily followed.

Twilight helped out by getting refreshments for them so they wouldn’t have to stop. She really hoped things went well with Naruko. She had faith in Naruko. A lot of faith, but she was still a little worried. Hoity Toity could be difficult at times and sometimes he actually had good reasons for being difficult.

{-} {-} {-}

Naruko sighed as she looked over Rarity. The pony was still crying and even going so far as to mention exiling herself. Naruko tried to comfort her, but Rarity wasn’t in a listening mood and the blonde unicorn couldn’t blame her.

Naruko had plenty of feelings about what was currently going on at the moment. She was angry this happened to Rarity. She was angry at her other friends. She was angry they ruined the dress ideas Rarity made for them all out of the kindness of her generous heart. She was upset Rarity hadn’t told Twilight and her about the fashion show. She was frustrated Rarity wouldn’t stop sobbing and actually talk to her. She was sad she and Twilight couldn’t have gotten here any sooner.

The most surprising feeling she had though… was disappointment. She was disappointed this happened and as a result she and Twilight couldn’t enjoy their day with each other. A day they had planned for a while now. There was a part of Naruko that started to think maybe Twilight’s words about the world currently seemingly trying to keep them apart from each other might not be as far-fetched and crazy as she first thought.

Is this because of that cosmic darkness?” she wondered. “Or am I overthinking things?” she sighed as she heard Rarity’s heartbreaking but still overly dramatic sobs. Naruko wasn’t so sure if she was overthinking things or not anymore. She remembered how Nightmare Moon was so very subtle in her plans had she and Twilight not been on their guard they might have thought it was all just coincidence which had caused most of their problems on their way to the Castle of the Two Sisters.

These thoughts were pretty heavy and maybe far-fetched, but they were there. However, this new theory required this ‘cosmic darkness’ to have some form of sentience to it and motive. Naruko was lost in her thoughts until there was a sudden flood of information. She nodded to herself, created a shadow clone to look after Rarity and made her next move.

Twilight didn’t have to explain to her this plan. It was obvious once they learned Hoity Toity was the pony judging the fashion show. Twilight and the others were working on Rarity’s dress as a form of apology. She was going to talk to Hoity Toity and get him to give their friend a second chance. She had sent out a shadow clone to find him and now she knew where he was.

Naruko teleported to nearby where the Fashion guru was currently sipping some tea. The blonde pony walked from a few blocks away casually as she came up to him. Hoity Toity could be friendly enough if you knew how to approach him. He could also be very annoying and he got scared whenever he saw Naruko angry. They had a couple of unfortunate run ins with each other in Canterlot, but luckily they also run into each other on better days as well.

Naruko paused in her step. She blinked a couple of times and walked over to him with a pleasant contented smile on her lips. “Well hello there, Hoity Toity,” she said.

He looked up from sipping his tea. “Naruko?” he asked. She nodded and he motioned for her to have a seat. Naruko was glad it seemed he was in a decent mood despite the failure of a fashion show earlier. She sat down and he asked, “What brings you to this… place?”

“I actually live here currently along with Twilight,” she answered as a server came over and she placed an order and said to bill her separately. It wasn’t polite to just assume he would pay for her simply because they ran into each other.

“The both of you? Really?” he asked in surprise once the waiter left to get her order.

Naruko nodded. “Yes, both of us. Twilight’s here on a long-term assignment from Princess Celestia.”

Hoity nodded. “That makes sense, I suppose. I’m just surprised is all. What about yourself? Are you here just because Twilight is? Did you get the same assignment?” He didn’t mind Naruko’s company so long as she wasn’t angry and she wasn’t too bad company.

“I’m here partly because of Twilight, but that isn’t the only reason,” she answered as her own drink arrived. She looked to him and asked, “Are you aware of the Ever-Free Patrol being re-instituted?” He nodded. That was some rather hot gossip even now. “Well. Princess Luna picked me to be the Grand Captain and the first contingent is actually here in Ponyville. We are close to the Ever-Free Forest after all,” she said. She had to give him some hot gossip he could brag a little bit about to put him in a more agreeable mood. Plus getting more word around about the patrol was a good thing and would help out in the end.

“Fascinating… I had heard rumors, but there wasn’t really too much of a ceremony about it all,” he said.

Naruko gave a nod as she sipped her tea and relished the taste a moment. She then looked to him and said, “That’s because there was need for a rather more immediate implementation.” She then asked him, “How has your visit here been so far? What brought you here?”

“This town has been a rather mixed bag for me so far. It isn’t Canterlot, but it does have a certain… charm to it. I have a few business dealings here actually. I also came here because I heard rumors of a fashion show going on here.”

“Really?” Naruko asked in surprise.

“Yes, quite so. It turned out to be terrible in the end. A bit of a joke even…” he said.

“What happened?” she asked. She was actually curious about this. Spike hadn’t been too good with details and she hadn’t talked to the others yet. Rarity wasn't really in a talking mood either.

“Oh hoh… you wouldn’t believe it…” he said before he started to recount the tale.

{-} {-} {-}

“Wow…” Naruko said in shock as he finished. It was a bit crazy to hear just how bad it got.

“I know!” he said with a shake of his head.

“And you said the dresses were made by Rarity?” she asked in mock confusion.

“Yes. Do you know her?” he asked. It made sense he guessed, small towns and all.

“I actually do… She’s actually a friend. I didn’t know she was having a fashion show today,” Naruko admitted.

“Really?” Hoity was curious. “Why wouldn’t she tell you?!” In his opinion, Naruko and Twilight would have made much better models than the ones at the show. Plus, there was a part of him that really wanted to get Naruko modeling some, even if it wasn’t for his own brand. He felt it was a waste for her features not to even dare it.

Naruko gave a sigh. “Probably because Twilight and I already had plans for today and she overheard us talking about them some while she was fitting us for our Gala dresses… oops…,” Naruko said adding the oops on purpose to make it seem like she had accidentally let it slip as her eyes widened a little.

Hoity Toity actually had to adjust his glasses a little in response to this tidbit. “You’re actually going to the Gala this year?!” he asked. That was news. Naruko had been making some appearances at events, but she had yet to be at the Gala.

Naruko sipped her drink and blushed a little under his intense gaze as she nodded. “Yes, I am. Twilight’s going as well.” She wasn’t going down alone. Plus, Twilight didn’t care if others knew she was going really. She was still dead set on spending most of her time with Celestia.

“I see…” Hoity said in thought. “That means you would need a dress.”

Naruko was pleased she didn’t smile in victory. She was pleased that she didn’t reveal her intentions to him. Her plan would work now she was sure. She gave a pleasant smile as she said, “I already told you I was getting a fitting. I do have a dress. Rarity made it and when she was giving us our fittings she heard about the plans Twilight and I had for today.”

Hoity Toity looked over her a little in disbelief. “Surely you jest. After the dresses I saw her models wear… There is no way she could make something that would do either you or Twilight justice.”

Naruko looked a little annoyed, but not angry at him. “The dresses she made us are fantastic.”

“Really? But then what about the ones I saw earlier today?” he asked.

Naruko pretended to be in thought for a moment. She then gave a “Oh…” in comprehension. “Those dresses you talked about probably weren’t really her dresses.” He raised a curious eyebrow at her. He was begging for her to elaborate.

She did.

“You see those models were some of our other friends as well. She was making them dresses and they kept making alterations and wanting revisions and they kind of got carried away with there demands. Actually it sounds like they got very carried away from what you told me. I remember Twilight mentioning something about seeing first hoof just how bad they got. You know how fussy customers can be. These customers were friends of her’s and she wasn’t sure how to handle them.”

Hoity Toity gave a resigned sigh to this. He knew exactly what Naruko was talking about. He still wasn’t about to give up on making a dress for Naruko though. He was about to say something when he noticed a look in Naruko’s eyes.

“I really want to help my friend out, but there is only so much you can do for another pony. However, I just got a good idea,” she started. He was entranced by her deep blue eyes and intrigued by this idea she mentioned. “How about we make a deal,” she said.

He was even more curious now. “What did you have in mind? I’m very curious, Naruko.”

She smiled to him. “How about you give her one more chance. She really loves fashion and she is very good at dressmaking. Sadly, it sounds like that first fashion show was a bit of a bomb.”

He nodded to this in agreement, “But what is it for me?” he asked.

“I wasn’t finished explaining yet. I want you to give her one more chance. I will model the dress she made for me this time and you will see the dresses she actually made for her other friends before they all got carried away. If you aren’t completely blown away by what you see… I will get my Gala dress from you instead,” she said.

Hoity Toity’s eyes were lit up in thought. He liked the idea of having Naruko wear one of his dresses to the Grand Galloping Gala this year. She also knew him. He was honest when it came to fashion. Many would say he was very brutally honest. If Naruko’s confidence in her friend was well placed he would know it and he would be truthful about his thoughts on the dresses. He also liked the idea of getting to actually see her model a dress period. “I am a very busy pony though, Naruko,” he said.

Naruko thought on this. “When are you leaving? What time would work for you?”

“I am leaving Saturday. That means this fashion redo will have to take place tomorrow. I also can’t ruin my reputation by being seen at two back to back fashion catastrophe shows by the same pony. Especially a pony in such a small town as Ponyville even with its charm,” he said to her.

Naruko nodded. “That is fair enough. I am asking a lot of you I know, Hoity Toity. We’ll have the fashion show at Rarity’s shop The Carousel Boutique. She actually has a small show stage in the middle of it.”

“Hmmm… That could work,” he said in thought coming around to the idea.

“That way if anypony sees you they will just notice you enter a shop and even if they know it is Rarity’s shop they won’t know why you entered it. As far as their concerned, you could be going there to buy her fabric supply because of how offensive her failed fashion show was and you don’t think she deserves such fine cloths to destroy by using them in her dresses. Or maybe you are going there to chastise her or any number of things, but they wouldn’t think you were going there for a private fashion show,” Naruko said.

Hoity Toity chuckled to this. “You are definitely going to be a very dangerous member of the political elite someday, Miss Uzumaki.”

Naruko smiled a little at his complement. He didn’t even know just how dangerous she already was in that regard. She let him think a little longer on the plan.

He gave a nod. “Alright. I agree to this deal. I do hope you won’t back out on your end. You know how hard I am to impress when it comes to fashion.”

“I’m just as likely to back out on my end as you are to back out on your end. Which means I won’t back out,” she said with a giggle and earning a chuckle from him in return. He was a pony of his word among other things.

{-} {-} {-}

Naruko made a new long-lasting shadow clone to keep an eye on Rarity for the rest of the night. Her friend was fast asleep now, but before she fell asleep she thanked Naruko and her clone for keeping an eye on her. She also admitted she appreciated somepony, even if they were a shadow clone, staying the night in her home to help her if needed. She was still toying a little with the idea of self-imposed exile, but she wasn’t sure how to pack for exile.

“Goodnight Rarity,” Naruko said even though her friend was asleep. She really hoped the dress the others were working on was almost finished and Twilight had explained to them the last part of their plan.

As she opened the door to the house she and Twilight shared, she was greeted by a yawning unicorn. “H-h-how did it go with Hoity Toity?” Twilight asked as she stretched.

“I got him to agree to a private fashion show in Rarity’s shop. He’ll be there tomorrow afternoon. How did it go here?” Naruko asked as she and Twilight looked over the sleeping pile of ponies in the middle of the room covered in blankets.

“I think they’ll be able to finish it tomorrow before the show. I got them all to agree to doing a redo, but this time with the actual dresses Rarity made them,” she then sighed. “It seems we still didn’t get that fun filled day with just the two of us.”

Naruko nodded in agreement. “Hopefully we’ll find time to make up for it. Maybe we will get more patrol members and I will be able to get some more time off sometime in the future.”

Twilight nodded slowly before looking downcast. “What’s wrong now?” Naruko asked.

“I feel bad about this. I mean if it wasn’t for you talking sense to me during the fitting I probably would have caused Rarity the same problems they did. I’m upset they did that to her, but do I have the right to be upset at them even?” she asked quietly.

Naruko frowned in thought as she sat next to Twilight. “I don’t think this is about who has the right to be upset at who. Even if you were with them on this, I believe you would have realized what you all did was wrong and still went about fixing things like you are. They didn’t think to do that. Maybe they would have eventually, but they didn’t before you did.”

“That doesn’t really make me feel much better, but you’re probably right,” Twilight agreed. She gave a soft chuckle, “I still find it odd a pony like me with such little experience in friendship is the one to come up with friendship solutions.”

“Well…” Naruko started softly. “You did have me and Kyuubi around for a while before we came here. It takes a special kind of pony to befriend a human ninja and tailed beast from a completely different planet. Even if the human is now a pony. You did that just fine. Maybe you’re more of a natural at this stuff than you think.”

Twilight laughed and then covered her mouth hoping she didn’t wake any of the sleeping ponies. Not that she thought she could given Rainbow’s snoring. “Maybe. You were pretty helpful yourself when it came to that. I still have a lot to learn.”

“I think we all do Twilight,” Naruko said with a small smile. She then stretched and asked, “So are we joining the pony pile sleepover or should we use our own beds?”

Twilight was in thought for a moment. That lasted until Rainbow let out yet another particularly loud snore and it sounded like it was going to continue for a while yet. “I think it would be too crowded if we tried to join in with them,” she said with a smile.

“Yep. Totally agree with you,” Naruko said as well. The two ponies then went up to their own rooms for the night and closed the doors.

{-} {-} {-}

It was finally time for the Fashion Redo. Rarity’s dress was finished and they were about to surprise her with it along with her second chance. Rainbow had actually surprised Twilight with how she didn’t even need to be reminded of their discussion earlier to go with the plan of modeling for a new Fashion Show. “Element of Loyalty…” Twilight thought with a smile. Rainbow didn’t really like girly stuff but she was going along with their plan without complaint for the sake of her friend.

Twilight was a little nervous because she had never modeled herself before this. She knew the basics of walking down the runway or out on the stage with good posture and a smile, but that was it. Maybe she would throw in a little pose that showed off the dress at the end. She was thinking the classic fore leg pose.

One thing that did surprise Twilight was Naruko. Naruko was nervous for this Fashion Show it seemed. She wasn’t sure why and she didn’t really have the time to find out yet. She really hated that she had to leave this alone, but they were in a hurry to help Rarity and Naruko was off collecting their surprise guest.

Rarity sniffed as she finally answered the door to her home and stepped outside to follow a smiling Twilight. Rarity only dared show her disgraced face because it was Twilight. She was surprised when she rounded the corner and saw the others except for Naruko there looking a little nervous. “So…” Twilight started as she looked at the others.

They sighed and all gave a deep bow and, “We’re sorry, Rarity! We didn’t mean to mess things up for you.” Rarity felt a little better hearing this, but it still didn’t change much. However, maybe she wouldn’t completely exile herself after all.

Twilight then spoke again, “I know an apology isn’t enough here, so we all worked together for this!” Twilight and the others moved to the side and Rarity’s eyes lit up.

Rarity rushed over as she gasped. She couldn’t believe it! It was her Gala dress. She inspected it and was surprised how well made it was. Twilight gave a giggle as she said, “We mostly relied on Fluttershy’s freaky sewing knowledge and the details on your design page, but we all helped out how we could.

Rarity gave them each a hug despite still being a mess with her makeup and everything. “Thank you, girls, so much. This means a lot to me,” she said to them. She then gave a sad sigh and added, “It is just too bad my business and reputation are still ruined…”

Twilight couldn’t help but smile brighter to this as she said, “Actually… That might not be the case.” Rarity looked to her in confusion. She then heard a set of familiar voices.

“So, this is the shop?” Hoity Toity asked.

“Yes, it is. She has a stage inside and everything like I said,” Naruko explained.

“Well then. I haven’t got all day,” he said.

“Just a little longer, Hoity Toity. I promise again it will be worth it,” Naruko said as they headed inside.

Rarity’s eyes were wide and she was on the verge of shouting for joy. Twilight came to her and said, “Naruko helped us set up this next part. We’ll all be modeling the wonderful dresses you originally made for us.”

Rarity recovered and she used a quick touch up spell as she said, “Well then girls. You heard him! He hasn’t got all day. Let’s do this!” The others cheered and followed as she led them in through the back entrance to her shop.

{-} {-} {-}

The girls were all ready to go finally and were lined up. Rarity was about to start the show, but Twilight decided she had enough time to ask Naruko what was on her mind. “I’m not sure how I feel about this. I trust in Rarity, but I really hope this goes well and not just for her sake,” Naruko said when asked.

Twilight gave a frown, “What did you do, Naruko?”

Naruko blushed a little. “I kind of made a deal with Hoity Toity. I told him if he isn’t completely blown away by this show I would let him make my Gala dress. I have full trust in Rarity and her skill, but Hoity can be a pretty tough judge.”

Twilight sighed. “Naruko… Surely you didn’t have to go that far,” she said. Now she was feeling a little worried. Naruko gave a nervous whinny causing Twilight to give a small smile and just in time. The curtains were opening and the lighting in the shop changed and Twilight was the first to start the show off.

“Amazing! The Sparkle and design!”

“Wonderful! And suddenly I am really craving some apple products.”

“Such color! Such fun!”

“That is how you do spectacle!”

“I feel a fresh and lovely spring breeze and a gentle but enchanting smile!”

“Fire! Pure Fire! I can feel the heat rising and I’m perfectly fine with that!”

Hoity Toity was completely blown away by the show and dress designs as he hoof stomped in approval. “Come out and show yourself you wonderful fashion pony you!”

Rarity was smiling brightly as she came forward wearing her own dress.

“Brava! Brava! Magnificent! Encore! Fantastic! Amazing!” he couldn’t get out enough compliments to describe his feelings towards these designs of Rarity’s and he realized he wouldn’t be making Naruko’s dress this year for the Gala. “And with a design like that! I shouldn’t!” he thought as he once again envisioned Naruko in her orange fire designed dress.

“I must say, Rarity. I’m impressed. It seems your friend Naruko was right when she placed her confidence in you. I can now tell without a doubt those other monstrosities were not of your choice,” he said.

Rarity was over the moon in excitement at his words.“ Thank you. Thank you so much!” she said.

He then smiled and said, “Now I need a dozen of each by next Tuesday!” Rarity was in complete shock as her eye twitched. She missed the look Naruko shot Hoity’s way and his sudden nervous sweat. He then cleared his throat and chuckled. “Sorry. That was a joke. I couldn’t help myself.” Rarity was relieved to hear that. Hoity was relieved Naruko went back to her regular expression. “I do want a dozen of each dress, but I will not rush fashion! So, get them to me when you can,” he said as Rarity nodded in agreement and he noticed Naruko didn’t have a problem with this choice.

He and Rarity then talked a little with each other as the other friends did the same. They also came over and thanked her with genuine words before going about their business. Naruko and Twilight stayed behind a little longer to help clean up. They felt the others deserved some rest after finishing Rarity’s dress.

It was soon just Rarity and Hoity Toity, who wasn’t as keen on his time after the successful fashion show, left in the shop. He then looked to the clock and was actually a little surprised at the time and did need to take his leave. Before he left though, he had one last thing to say. “I will admit I am a little jealous, Miss Rarity.”

“Wha?” Rarity asked in surprise.

He nodded and smiled. “I know. You’re wondering why. I was equally impressed you actually managed to get Naruko to willingly model for you. I’ve been trying to get her to do so for years now. You have a way with dressmaking and you seem to have a way with ponies. Both are very important in the fashion world. I think you’re ready for it though,” he said as he closed the door behind himself. Pleased he would no longer think of his trip to Ponyville as a mixed bag.

Rarity was still trying to wrap her head around everything for a few minutes longer. Once she accomplished that, she squealed in a not so ladylike fashion out of happiness. Her Gala dress was completed. Her friends did love the dresses she made them. She got Hoity Toity’s approval and there was still some time until the Gala happened. She had a feeling this was going to be the best Grand Galloping Gala ever! It didn’t matter that it was her first time. More than anything else though, she was thankful to have such great friends.