• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 26,776 Views, 224 Comments

The Truth of Bonds and Friendship - Gadman85

Naruko (Female Naruto) thought she knew a bit about these bonds the Hokage always talked about. However when she tries a mysterious Jutsu. She is sent to a new land where she learns the truth. Naruto and MLP crossover.

  • ...

Search for an Ancient Artifact

It turned out once Gilda sincerely apologized and explained herself to the ponies they ended up forgiving her easily. Though the three Griffons that lived near Ponyville, who came by and asked her if she finally realized defending ponies in her town was useless, and if she had finally moved to Ponyville as well. Did kind of help her case, The three griffons were good friends with several of the ponies gathered listening.

“No I haven’t given up. Just visiting my friend here and taking a break from it all for about a week.” She answered them. They gave her a salute and commended her for her bravery. After that Gilda apologized to Fluttershy for how she acted, but did say she should be more careful when guiding ducks in the middle of the town market while walking backwards.

Pinkie after hearing everything came up to Gilda and apologized for being selfish when they first met and kept interfering with her and Rainbow's time. Pinkie then confessed to being a little bit of a greedy pants with her friends sometimes. The two didn't become great friends or anything like that right away, but they did sort of respect each other.

{-} {-} {-}

Gilda’s time in Ponyville had ended on a very good note. She ended up making friends to some degree with each of the elements and Naruko. They all came to see her off at the station.

“Well Gilda ah sure am glad ya got things worked out with Rainbow Dash here and ended up having fun here in Ponyville. Ah hope ya come back again sometime, and keep strong knowing ya got yourself some friends down here in Ponyville. Don’t be letting them foul feathers get ta ya now. Ya hear?” Applejack said in farewell to the griffon.

The two had gotten to know each other one morning when Rainbow Dash was working. Gilda wanted to actually do something as a further apology for how she acted at the party to Rainbow Dash’s main friends. She ended up helping Applejack out that morning at the farm.

As the rest of the ponies said their goodbyes Rainbow Dash waited a little bit for them to finish while she reached for something she brought for Gilda. Finally the other ponies went and waited while the two old friends got a chance to talk. “Well G. It was awesome seeing you again. I hope we can see each other again sometime.”

“It isn't easy going to a different country even if it is a neighbor. But we can still try.” Gilda said to Rainbow Dash.

“I know. That's why I got this for you.” Rainbow Dash reached back and got out what looked like a min dragon statue. The statue’s mouth was open and it was a grey granite colored dragon with spines and to ruby red eyes.

“Whoa! Are you sure about this Dash? I mean I won’t have a problem getting it through to my home or anything, but this isn't cheap to get a hold of you know.” Gilda said as she looked at the statue.

The statue was a mail sender and receiver. It worked similar to what Spike did, but it was limited to just one other receiver and sender. Spike could send letters to anyone really but Celestia was the priority. The statue also took longer to send mail as well, but it was still much faster than international mail would be.

“Yah. I know but I want us to keep in touch. I may not be the best of writers, but this way we don’t have to hope to meet again before we talk about anything. I don’t want you to feel alone anymore.” Rainbow Dash said, while she looked away trying to keep from being ‘mushy’.

Gilda however didn't leave her a choice in the matter. The griffon gave her a hug as she said softly, “Thanks Rainbow. It means a lot to me.” Rainbow Dash hugged her back and shed just a couple of tears before they broke apart. “Still it couldn't have been easy to get. So thanks even more and are you really sure about this?”

Rainbow gave a grin as she said, “Yah I am Gilda. I make decent bits working weather here in Ponyville. Besides when you are friends with Princess Celestia’s two personal students you have some connections. Even if I didn't have a hook up, it would still be worth it.”

They gave one last hug before Gilda got on the train so she wouldn't get in trouble with the authorities for illegally crossing the borders. The ponies watched and waved as her train disappeared and they all left while Rarity mumbled about how it was unfair she didn't get to design an outfit for the griffon.

{-} {-} {-}

It was a couple of days after Gilda left that Naruko received a summons from Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Twilight was once again busy with researching myths and legends for Princess Celestia. This time she was looking into old books on ancient magic mostly used for protection.

She even received a dusty tome from Princess Celestia that spoke of her and her sister’s past. The book was ancient and Twilight had to work real hard on translating the old terms to something she could understand. She also received another dusty tome, but she was instructed to read it after the one about the princesses.

Naruko stepped off a train at Canterlot station. She got off and looked around the station for her ride. She spotted it at last; it was a chariot that looked rather unremarkable but not too unremarkable. She wouldn't find it suspicious if it wasn't for her training as a ninja, or for the fact she knew what it was. She wasn't sure what was going on, but whatever it was the princesses didn't want to draw attention to it.

Naruko had even cast a transformation on herself for this meeting. She pointed out in her response that she alone would draw attention to herself. She was one of Princess Celestia’s students after all. She approached the stallion lounging in the cart. “Hey Land Wheels. I'm here as the note said.” She told him.

“Alright Little Missy Sunshine, hop right in.” He said. He jumped out and hooked himself up to the front.

“I still hate that ‘code-name’.” Naruko replied quietly.

The stallion laughed as he said, “After your little stunt with those letters you should have expected it. You know this by now.”

She just sighed and pretended to be completely exhausted from a long trip as he pulled her to the side entrance to Canterlot castle. She was pretending to be visiting her aunt Orbit from far away. She wouldn't be meeting her though it was just a cover.

After about thirty minutes they finally pulled up to the entrance. Naruko was wondering what was going on and why Twilight wasn't with her. She made a mental note to ask about this when she met the princesses. “Well Little Missy Sunshine here you are. Your escorts will be with you momentarily. Say ‘hi’ to your Aunt for me will ya?” Land Wheels said as he gave a wave and left.

In a few seconds, two grey Pegasus guards with bat-like wings, black tails and cat-like pupils appeared and motioned for her to follow them. Naruko followed knowing they were Luna’s royal guard. This meeting was taking place in the evening. It was the best time to meet both Luna and Celestia together.

{-} {-} {-}

She followed them until they were in Luna’s chambers. The place was decorated with dark blues, dark purples and blacks; the place definitely had a night time feel to it. Before long the princesses stepped inside and dismissed the guards to the outside. “You can remove the transformation Naruko.” Princess Celestia said.

Naruko dropped the disguise and took note of Celestia’s serious face. “Thank you Princess. May I ask what the secrecy is for?” Naruko asked.

“You might want to sit down for this Naruko.” Princess Celestia said and then motioned for her to sit. Naruko sat and waited for the Princess to start.

“First of all, you do remember the conversation we had after Luna was freed correct?” The sun Princess asked. Naruko nodded for her to continue. “We now have some more information to act on. Not everything regarding the situation is confirmed, but there is enough that we are acting on it now. Before you ask, the reason why Twilight isn't here is because the homework I gave her is vital to what is going on. Once she finishes her current assignment I will tell her what we discuss today. Luna do you want to start?”

The moon Princess nodded and started their talk. “As you know there is a dark energy out there that may or may not affect Equestria. However this energy is growing and we believe it will affect our world. So we have been thinking about what to do with this situation. I mentioned maybe the old temples would help us in some way. That is when Tia sent Twilight that first assignment about myths and legends.”

Princess Celestia then took over as she discussed what Twilight found. “We believe that if we have the artifacts we will be able to come up with a way to protect Equestria from the growing darkness. We have a couple of options but I won’t go into details yet about them, because we don’t even have all of the details figured out yet. Once we do and have a plan we will tell you and Twilight. Do you follow so far Naruko?”

Naruko nodded and repeated in her own words. “Something really bad is coming here and you two believe you have a solution and it involves collecting these artifacts. Once you have everything figured out, or at least mostly, you will tell Twilight and I about it. Is this darkness really that much of a threat?”

The Princesses nodded. Naruko gave them a determined look before she said, “I will do what I can to help protect Equestria and my friends. What do you need me to do?”

Princess Luna beamed at her and then gave her sister a look from the corner of her eye. Princess Celestia noticed the look, but ignored it right now as she too beamed at her most perceptive student. “I'm glad to hear it Naruko and wouldn't expect any less from you. We wish for you to retrieve one of these artifacts. We need it to see if we can use them in the way we wish or not."

Celestia shifted a little bit before going on, "Long ago ponies would make temples on sites where they felt there was a strong connection to life, magic, nature or in the worst cases, death. Most of the sites were used to house these artifacts of immense power. When we defeated Discord all that time ago with the Elements of Harmony, ponies started to find other powerful objects existed as well. Though as far as we can tell they don’t work in the same manner the elements do.”

Celestia stared out the window as Luna continued. “We have our reconnaissance teams looking into the locations of these temples carefully, since they are not all a part of Equestria alone anymore. However, one of our teams found a temple near here, deep in the Ever-Free Forest."

Naruko's eyes widened a little at having to go in that place again as she kept listening to Luna. "We do not know what all you will find in there, but we think it is safe to assume there will be plenty of wildlife and other threats. We think it might be wise if you stop by the hut where Zecora the Zebra lives. She lives near it and may know more about the place than we do.”

“I also recommend you take Fluttershy with you since she has a way with animals. You will just have to get her over her timidness. I figure if anyone can, it would be you or Twilight.” Princess Celestia said.

“I guess I will have to be careful what I tell her. All this secrecy tells me this must really be something that could be bad if it gets out too soon.” Naruko said with some concern.

Celestia gave her a small smile. “You always were my most perceptive student Naruko. The object you are looking for is a sacred jewel with a heart shaped ruby encased within amber. It will also have two bronze tree branches on either side of it. It will most likely be guarded in the center of the temple. Remember to use your magic sense abilities for this one Naruko even if they aren't as great as Twilight’s. We don’t know what you should expect there security wise so be careful.”

The two princesses and Naruko discussed other things she might need to be ready for in dealing with searching for this artifact. Princess Luna instructed Naruko on how to retrieve the artifact and bring it back to them without losing it or attracting too much attention. Once they finished their talk Naruko redid her transformation jutsu and left the way they told her to leave.

{-} {-} {-}

While Naruko was meeting with the princesses Twilight was busy with her assignment. She actually found this assignment to be very useful and had made side notes on spells she wished to try out later. She also liked learning more about the princesses.

As far as their history was concerned there was much that was lost to time. Sure both of them were still very much alive, but they had each been around for a really long time and were too busy working for Equestria to write about their past. It seems they at one time did have some time to discuss it though. She was sure the book was out of print now, and she probably had the only copy still in existence.

It oddly didn't mention too much of their parents though. They were just mentioned in passing and that was about all. Still Twilight had learned a lot about them that she didn't before. However, she was still curious why she was also assigned the last book. It was titled Era of the Day and Night Courts. Twilight wasn't sure why Celestia assigned her a book about the Day and Night Court she knew plenty about Luna’s and Celestia’s rule of Equestria, especially now after reading the last book.

Twilight shook her head and went back to what she was currently reading, which mentioned about secret societies that horded ancient treasures for reasons unknown. The chapter included several group names she could easily cross reference and locations that she might be able to figure out their current world variations of with an Atlas.

{-} {-} {-}

It was the day after Naruko was given her assignment from the princesses, and she was on her way to Fluttershy’s hut. The day was nice outside so she half expected the pony to be somewhere near the forest with her animals. However she made sure to cover all of her bases without spamming clones. As she walked up to the door she saw the yellow Pegasus leaving her hut with some animal feed.

Naruko grinned and said, “Hey Fluttershy.” This caused the yellow pony to ‘eeeppp’ before then looking to her and apologizing for getting startled. Naruko gave a little laugh, “Sorry I should have been careful when approaching you.” Naruko sighed inwardly knowing the most difficult part of this mission would be getting Fluttershy to cooperate, and not just be scared the whole time.

“So what are you doing Fluttershy?” Naruko asked. She was buying some time while she came up with a plan of action to minimize the excuses Fluttershy will no doubt try to come up to try and get out of the mission.

“I’m giving all the animals their morning meals.” Fluttershy answered with no problem.

“So what will you do after that?” Naruko asked.

“I then have to do normal everyday chores and after that I won’t have anything else, other than their evening meal.” The yellow pony answered.

“Can I watch you do your chores? I need to relax a little bit and Twilight is really busy with an assignment from Princess Celestia.” Naruko said.

Fluttershy gave Naruko a look. She had a feeling something was up but decided to just leave it for now. “Ohhh ummm… Sure… If you really want to watch me, that is.”

With that Naruko watched and even helped her out a little bit as she did her chores for the day. They were easily finished by mid-morning. It was also an enjoyable enough of a time. They talked while they worked and became a little closer as friends.

After they finished up Fluttershy finally decided it was time to ask Naruko what was going on. “Naruko. Why did you hang around this whole time? Not that I don’t appreciate it… and we are friends that sometimes hang out, but I know there is something more going on.”

Naruko gave a sheepish grin as she said, “Caught that quickly huh?” Fluttershy nodded. Naruko sighed as she said, “I have an important mission from the Princesses and I need your help Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened at that. “Where is it?”

Naruko gave her a determined look before answering. “It is deep within the Ever-Free Forest. There is a temple there and I need to get something from it.”

Fluttershy was trembling a little bit but didn't back down yet. “Why do you need me to help you Naruko?”

“There is reason enough to believe the place is inhabited by lots of wildlife, and no one else has your knack with animals. The mission might take a while though.” Naruko answered.

“What about my animal friends then? I can’t just leave them…” Fluttershy paused and then gave Naruko an accusing look. “You were studying what all needed to be done weren't you Naruko?”

Naruko gave a little whinny as she nodded and said, “Yah I was Fluttershy. I did enjoy helping you and talking though. I wouldn't mind helping you out again in the future several times either. If well you wanted me too.”

“Just how important is this mission Naruko?” Fluttershy asked wanting to get to the point.

“Important enough I was assigned it in pony by both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. They also don’t want word of it really getting around. Princess Celestia recommended you come with me for this mission.” Naruko answered.

Fluttershy paused in thought before answering. “Ok so how do you intend to take care of my animals if you and I are both gone? Can you make clones last that long?”

Naruko gave a wide grin and Fluttershy shook her head as she realized the answer. “Yes I can. I can even make it so they are decently sturdy. If you can tell me your other chores for the next few days my clones can easily take care of things no problem.”

Fluttershy answered. “Alright Naruko I will help you out. I just wish you had asked me first instead of studying me quietly. I would have agreed once you told me about this mission.” The yellow Pegasus gave Naruko a look as she finished.

Naruko looked a little sorrowful as she responded, “I’m sorry Fluttershy. I will keep that in mind for the future. It is just because of my past I am careful when it comes to things like this. Anyways, would it be a problem if we left tomorrow morning Fluttershy? We have to get in contact with someone that might have a better idea of what we will face in the forest near this temple.”

Fluttershy thought for a moment and then nodded her head. “That won’t be a problem Naruko.”

Naruko gave her a smile as she said, “Great!” The two then spent some time talking to each after that and enjoyed the wonderful weather outside until Naruko left for lunch.

{-} {-} {-}

That evening Naruko spent a little time with Twilight while she took a much needed break from her assignment. She was still in awe about the last book she was studying for Celestia. “I thought it was going to be about Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I thought it odd at first considering the book I was supposed to read first was about their history. I was really surprised when it turned out to be a translated version of their parents ruling years.” Twilight said.

“I bet you'll find out all kinds of stuff about the time before Discord then if that's the case. I might even like to read that kind of a book, but I probably wouldn't be able to follow it.” Naruko said giving a little chuckle.

Twilight gave her a look and said, “You aren't stupid Naruko. You could read it and understand it I bet.”

Naruko gave a laugh and said, “Yah because I am very up to date on my old Equestrian Twi.”

“I guess that would cause a problem. Maybe if I have the time, and they don’t mind I can translate it again? Though I’m not sure how good that would be since I'm having trouble reading it myself. I understand it, though barely.” Twilight said with a little sheepish smile.

“Anyways it’s getting late Twi. I think I should get to bed. I do have to go on that mission for the princesses tomorrow after all.” Naruko said before standing up and heading for bed. On top of the stairs she stopped and said, “Goodnight Twilight. And as I said once you finish your current assignment Celestia and Luna will fill you in on everything. Just remember we can’t talk about it to others.” Naruko and Twilight spoke about it briefly because Spike was already fast asleep so he wouldn't over hear them earlier that night, but Twilight being the curious pony she was wanted more detail.

“I hope your mission goes well Naruko. Tell Fluttershy I said hello when you see her tomorrow for me will you?” Twilight said. Naruko just smiled and nodded before finally calling it a night.

{-} {-} {-}

The next morning Naruko woke up early. She was surprised to see Twilight already awake and she made breakfast for them. “What is all of this about Twilight? You did sleep right?”

Twilight gave a smile and said, “I did. All this is me deciding to make a breakfast for you Naru. I can’t let you go on a dangerous mission without at least a good breakfast first after all. If I did… What kind of best friend would I be?”

Naruko gave a smile. “Thanks Twi! I was just going to grab a little something and then head out.”

Twilight rolled her eyes and said dryly, “I just knew you would do that.” She then smiled, “That's why I made breakfast for us instead. I figured you would just leave without saying anything, because you wouldn't want to ‘wake me up’” Naruko gave a little blush to being caught so easily by Twilight.

They had an enjoyable breakfast after that. The two unicorns talked to each other as they ate. Naruko was a little nervous about her upcoming assignment, and thankful Twilight wasn't fretting over her about it. Instead her best friend was just doing what she could to make this breakfast enjoyable.

Twilight learned long ago badgering Naruko about something dangerous would only make the blonde unicorn upset and stubborn. So she decided, as much as Naruko going on a dangerous mission for who knows how long into the Ever-Free Forest bothered her, the best thing was to just give Naruko a pleasant send off breakfast. She still didn't like the idea of this mission and would try to make sure in the future she went with Naruko on them though. Twilight decided she might even resort to begging the princesses to get her way.

Once they finished, Twilight did the dishes while Naruko finished getting ready by packing medic supplies in her pack and food that would keep for a couple of days hopefully. She was packed up and then led Twilight to the door. “I hope you stay safe Naruko… and you better come back.” Twilight said trying to stay strong for her best friend. “You are my best friend Naruko. You have to come back.”

Naruko then gave her a hug and said softly, “I will do what I can to make that happen Twilight.” Twilight gave a sniff and shed a couple of small tears. Naruko hugged her tighter and Twilight returned it. They held their hug for a few seconds and Naruko then said, “I'll see you when I return Twilight.”

Twilight replied softly, “I will miss you Naruko.”

Naruko gave a small smile, “I will miss you as well Twilight. When I come back we have to find a ramen place to celebrate.”

Twilight gave a giggle as she said, “We might have to go to Canterlot for that. But you bet we will have some once you are back as soon as possible! So that means you have to come back in one piece Naruko, so you won’t have to wait long to have some.”

Naruko gave a chuckle and said, “Seems like I have no choice in the matter then.” They gave one last hug before Naruko left to meet with Fluttershy.

{-} {-} {-}

Naruko knocked on Fluttershy’s door and called out, “Well time to go Fluttershy. Are you ready?”

Fluttershy came out wearing some kind of padding on her body and a Hoofball helmet. Naruko looked at her for a few moments and tapped the armor and helmet. “Can you move alright in that? Can you see around really well with that helmet Fluttershy?”

“Not really but I want to be ready for anything. I can move around in the padding well enough, but the helmet forces me to move my head to see anywhere other than in front of me.” Fluttershy answered.

“Might want to lose the helmet then Fluttershy. Where did you get that padded armor anyways?” Naruko asked.

Fluttershy took the helmet off but kept her armor. “I made it myself. I thought it might come in handy sometime with all of the animals I deal with. It isn't much but it is some protection. I've had it for a good while actually. Though usually I forget I have it, but last night I looked for anything that might help and found it in the back of my closet.”

Naruko was looking at it closer and nodding her head and wished she had brought that jacket shining got her for her last birthday, but realized she didn't know if it would help much on adventures in this world or not. She decided to look into that after the mission.

The armor seemed to have some actual hardened plastic pieces or something in addition to the padding. Fluttershy’s armor was beige colored. It was made of two large pieces on the top and the underside with fabric straps of some kind connecting the pieces. The sides were open but this probably allowed her easier movement. Naruko started poking Fluttershy’s armor again.

The contact was making Fluttershy a little uneasy. “Wha-what are you doing Naruko?” Naruko poked her a few more times in different places on the armor. Before stopping and giving a sheepish grin and a little whinny.

“Sorry about that Fluttershy, I was fascinated by your armor. Do you happen to have an extra I can borrow? I know I have my shield spell and I am good at it, but a little extra protection wouldn't hurt. Plus a shield spell has some limitations.” Naruko asked as she continued looking over the armor. “You know if you got this painted or something it could be really awesome.”

“Sorry I only made the one Naruko.” Fluttershy looked down and hoofed the ground feeling like she might have let her friend down not somehow having foreseen this need. “What would I paint on it?”

“I don’t know. I guess it wouldn't matter in your case. I don’t think you made this to hide from animals or anything. It was just a little thought. Also don’t worry about only having one. There wasn't any way you would know we would be going on an adventure.” Naruko told her and gave a friendly smile.

“Well shall we go? I want to get this over with if we can. You do remember everything I told you about taking care of my place right? Where is Kyuubi? He is coming too right?” Fluttershy asked.

Naruko made a clone and answered her. “I do remember everything. As for Kyuubi he will be joining us later so don’t worry. He needed some rest after yesterday, so I’m letting him get a little extra sleep. Also we have to make an extra stop on the way first to talk to a zebra named Zacora.”

Fluttershy paused hearing that as she cowered a little bit and said, “You didn't say anything about meeting with her. She is… scary…”

Naruko raised an eyebrow, “How so? Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy looked around nervously. “Well when she comes to town everypony hides from her. She paws at the ground for some reason and she lives in the Ever-Free Forest. That place is scary… Living there just doesn't seem right… Besides there is also that loud roar that everyone has been hearing from time to time from the forest. If she lives with whatever it is that makes that sound, than there is something different about her and scary. Some think she is evil or something.”

Naruko sighed. She had heard about this roar a couple of times before. The blonde unicorn shook her head as she said, “I’m the one that lives with the creature that makes that roar Fluttershy. Kyuubi and I train in parts of the forest near the edge. We don’t want to accidentally hurt somepony, so we've been training in a forest clearing for a couple of years now. Besides just because she is different doesn't mean she is evil or scary.”

Fluttershy stood up and asked, “Kyu makes that sound? But he is so little and cute most of the time.”

Naruko gave a chuckle, “He isn't so little and cute when he's in his higher leveled transformations." Fluttershy just thought that over.

"As for Zecora, the Princesses know about her and even told us to meet with her before we proceed. I think the ponies are just scared of her because they don’t know her.” Naruko said as she led the way.

Naruko would have been more disappointed hearing ponies treated Zecora this way, but since she hasn't heard people actively calling her names, or being mean to her. She figured it was something that would easily be fixed once they actually met her. At least she hoped that was the case, she didn't want to think the ponies would be anything like the stupid humans back in Konoha.

“Ohhh… ok… if you say so then…” Fluttershy said though she made sure to walk behind Naruko as they headed out after telling her clone what to do.

{-} {-} {-}

They were now close to the edge of the Ever-Free Forest and taking a little break before entering. They were mostly taking a break because Naruko wanted to give Kyuubi a little more time to sleep before she called him. She wasn't about to enter the forest without him coming with them in person.

Fluttershy was feeling a little bit nervous sitting out here right on the edge of the forest. “Why are we waiting here again and for how much longer?” She asked. She wanted to be done with this mission as soon as possible, but she knew Naruko was in charge and this wasn't something to be rushed.

“Because we need a little rest before we continue and I'm waiting until it's right to call Kyuubi. I am not going into that forest without my familiar.” Naruko said. She then gave her friend a smile and concluded, “It will only be about thirty more minutes.” Fluttershy nodded and took a deep breath before releasing it. She then laid down near Naruko, and felt a little calmer being by her friend.

After thirty minutes passed Naruko smiled at Fluttershy and told her they were about to move out again. Fluttershy looked around and said, “I don’t see Kyuubi anywhere Naruko. Is he nearby?”

Naruko just gave a little chuckle as she said, “Just wait and see Fluttershy.” She then took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she reached out with her thoughts, “Kyuubi. I am sorry to wake you already, but I want you with me and Fluttershy as we enter the Ever-Free Forest.

Oh? Is it mission time already?” A deep voice answered her back. Naruko thought it odd how his mental ‘voice’ remained the same. She supposed it was because he was only physically limited until they had all of the tails mastered.

Yes it is. We are waiting right outside the forest right now.” Naruko thought back.

Fluttershy was waiting and looking around as if she was expecting Kyuubi to pop out of the brush nearby or something. However the yellow Pegasus didn't expect a fiery mini-cyclone to appear, and a three tailed fox the size of a small alicorn to emerge from it grinning and baring his sharp fangs.

She squeaked and took position behind Naruko as the fox said in a slightly deeper than normal voice, “Well hello Fluttershy. It is nice to know my partner here was able to acquire your assistance without much fuss from what I have heard.”

Fluttershy sighed in relief and stepped out from behind her friend. She had forgotten about Kyuubi’s transformation from when they dealt with Nightmare Moon. “Well once she explained to me what the mission was. It didn't take me long to agree. She did kind of make sure I couldn't really use any excuses to back out even if I had tried though. Nice to see you again Kyuubi.” She preferred Kyu, but she wasn't going to say something that might upset him when he was bigger now. It just showed to her how serious this mission was.

“Oh? You didn't want to ride on my back again Kyuubi?” Naruko said with a small teasing smile.

Kyuubi scoffed and said, “I figured with just the three of us I should be battle ready at any moment without drawing unnecessary attention to our little group.”

Naruko placed a hoof on his shoulder and somehow grabbed Fluttershy with the other one and forced them into a hug as she said in all seriousness, “I am glad you two are coming with me.” After a couple of seconds she released them and said, “Alright first stop is Zecora’s hut. After that, we will make our way to the Ever-Free Temple.” The other two nodded in agreement and Kyuubi flanked Naruko on one side while Fluttershy brought up the rear.

{-} {-} {-}

The three made their way to Zecora’s hut with little problem. Naruko figured this was because few animals dared approach their little group. She figured they wouldn't have to worry much until they got further in the forest with Kyuubi in his three tailed form. The unicorn figured most animals could sense Kyuubi’s power and maybe to a lesser extent her magical energy. She wasn't trying to hide it like she usually did, since it would be best at this point for the wildlife to realize how dangerous she was. Once they got further in she would be careful, some of the stronger predators might see them as a tasty challenge or something.

“It doesn't seem as bad this time for some reason.” Fluttershy said as she cautiously looked around.

“That is because Naruko and I are emitting our power right now. Most animals in this part of the forest will stay away from us because of this.” Kyuubi said before lowering his voice and adding, “It won’t be until we get into the deeper parts that we need to worry.”

“Ohh….” Fluttershy said quietly. She wasn't comforted at all by that.

“Just remember Fluttershy, when it comes to helping friends we sometimes have to do things we would rather not do. Besides this is an important mission we are on. Things will get dangerous. However, we believe that your kindness and way with animals will help us to limit the danger. No doubt some will not care, but you are good with animals so you will hopefully be able to help us.” Naruko said as she turned her head and gave the yellow Pegasus a reassuring and friendly smile.

Fluttershy felt braver seeing that smile. She knew it would be tough, but she will do what she can to help her friend and Equestria as well.

“Just because you're kind doesn't mean you have to be weak or spineless.” Kyuubi added. “When it comes to fighting, if there isn't any other way. Naruko and I will most likely be able to take care of it.”

“Plus since Courage isn't an Element of Harmony that means all ponies have it in decent measure and should be able to use it.” Naruko said as they continued their trek. There wasn't proof her words were true, but she felt it might help her friend get over her timid nature.

Fluttershy paused for a moment her eyes wide. Something about Naruko’s and Kyuubi’s words struck something deep within her. She started walking again catching up to them. She felt a new found bravery take hold in her. She only hoped it was permanent or at least lasted through this mission.

{-} {-} {-}

The three companions were now standing in front of a hut in the forest. It was just outside of the deeper parts. Naruko knocked on the hut’s door and they heard an exotic voice call from inside. “Who could it be, that comes to see me?”

“I'm Naruko Uzumaki. I am here with a friend Fluttershy and my familiar Kyuubi.” Naruko answered as she stepped back from the door.

A Zebra came to the door and opened it to look them over. The Zebra was female with gold hooped ear piercings, five golden rings around her neck, and five smaller golden rings around her left forehoof. Last but not least there was a corkscrew mark on her flanks that looked similar to a sun.

“Ahhh. So it is you. I've been expecting your crew.” Zecora said. She then motioned for them to come inside.

Kyuubi shrunk down to his one tailed form and hopped onto Naruko’s back. Naruko gave him a look and he replied, “I didn't want us to be crowed inside her home.” Naruko shook her head but gave a little smile as they headed inside.

“The Princesses have told me of your quest. You wish to know of the temple in the forest?” Zecora asked.

“What do you know of the actual temple, or at least the area around it Zecora?” Naruko asked.

Zecora took a deep breath before asking, “Would you like some tea? I just made a fresh brew.” Naruko and Fluttershy both asked for a cup. They had a feeling this might take some time.

As Naruko took her cup she said, “Thanks Zecora. You seem to be very resourceful to find what you need in the forest. I'm sorry to have heard how the ponies in Ponyville treat you.”

Zecora paused and blinked a few times hearing this. She wasn't sure how to respond. “They just fear what they don’t know. They haven’t really done anything to me. However, it does make it difficult to get what I need for my potions and remedies.” She didn't even bother to rhythm.

Fluttershy looked down as she said, “I am sorry I have been the same as them.”

The zebra gave her a smile and said, “Worry not Fluttershy, alright. For you've now seen the light.”

“I hate to get straight to the point, but what can you tell us about the Ever-Free Temple?” Naruko asked.

“There are many things to be worried about in the forest. But none as nasty as those by the temple waiting for eternal rest.” Zecora said. She took a deep breath, “Many of them have lived long lives. They aren't allowed eternal sleep until put to rest for good.”

Fluttershy frowned hearing this. She didn't like the sounds of this at all. Zecora continued, “However, there are some that aren't forced to stay and guard the place. The ones that have no choice have a strange purple glow to their eyes. I have heard that Fluttershy here is good with animals. You should not try to work with the purple eyes.”

Zecora took a sip of tea before going on, “Before you get there you will have to worry about some of the worst creatures this forest has to offer at their strongest power.” Naruko listened intently as Zecora continued to explain the many dangers they would have to face on the way to the temple. She claimed one time she went to the outside of the temple, but she didn't get inside because she dared not venture there.

“I cannot allow you three to go without some aide. I shall give you some potions to help any injuries fade.” The zebra said once she finished explaining what she knew. She then looked at her stock and explained how the potions she pulled out worked and when to use them to her guests.

Fluttershy found the potions and their uses very interesting. She decided someday she might ask Zecora more about her different potions and remedies. She wanted to know if they work on animals or not the same way they do ponies.

Naruko felt a little uneasy about these potions. Not because she doubted they worked, but because of the things they cured and healed. She wished she was better with healing spells after hearing about these different potions. Really, needing something to put out magical fire on things couldn't possibly be a good sign.

{-} {-} {-}

The two friends bade farewell to Zecora and began their trek to the temple. Naruko and Kyuubi were being more cautious now as they marched deeper into the woods. Fluttershy felt so nervous she knew a little bit about the animals in this part of the forest. She knew they were more dangerous and aggressive than most even of the same species. She wondered if the temple had anything to do with this.

The yellow Pegasus bumped into Naruko as she stopped suddenly. She was about to ask what was up when she saw Naruko getting down low and Kyuubi getting ready just in case. Fluttershy looked and gasped silently as she saw a couple wolves prowl by as if they were patrolling or something.

Once the two wolves were past them Naruko turned to Fluttershy and said quietly, “We need to be extra careful now Fluttershy. I don’t know if they will sound an alarm or something, but I would rather get to the temple with as little trouble as possible.” Fluttershy just nodded to Naruko.

As they slowly sneaked their way to the temple, Fluttershy had to try her hardest not to go up to some of the odd creatures she hadn't seen before, and try to make friends with them. It was really tough but they were on an important mission for the princesses. So she would just have to try and meet Mr. rabbit with the deer antlers a different time.

Fluttershy felt a little warm inside thinking about that. She was being trusted to go on an important mission with Naruko. She didn't even know the princesses knew about her gift with animals. She was hoping to get closer to Naruko as a friend. The two of them didn't spend much time alone. Usually it was all of them together, but this time it was just her, Naruko, and Kyuubi.

Once again they all stopped and dived into a large hollowed out log as they watched some strange wolf like creature skulk on by with two smaller wolves. When they were moving again Fluttershy whispered, “What was that creature back there? That was definitely not natural. I mean maybe it is close to a diamond dog, but that thing wasn't right.”

Naruko thought it looked like some kind of human wolf mix or something, but she wasn't sure. “I don’t know Fluttershy but I hope there aren't too many of them. I can just tell they are bad news.” The yellow Pegasus nodded and they kept going.

It had been almost thirty minutes since they last encountered a patrol of those strange wolf-like creatures. The trio was slowly making their way through a clearing when they heard the growl of a really large Manticore who jumped out in front of them with crazed eyes.

Naruko and Kyuubi immediately launched an attack at the creature. However, the large beast immediately took to the air and without hesitation dive bombed them causing them to scatter. Naruko then used magic to increase power to her legs and jumped up at creature catching it by surprise as she swung a hoof at it. Naruko’s attack missed though as she then returned to the ground.

Next Kyuubi jumped up and swiped at the manticore with his paw. The flyign beast knocked it away with its tail before then swiping at Kyuubi with its own claws. Fortunately, it missed Kyuubi as he started to descend back to the ground. Kyuubi could have easily used a fire attack on the creature or increased his tails to scare it off. He didn't know enough about the area to know if they might accidentally get unwanted attention if he did though. Kyuubi was back on the ground and started thinking about his next move.

The manticore seemed to have had enough of games for now and dive bombed Naruko. The unicorn watched as it approached her and then at the last second used a replacement jutsu and quickly sent a buck at the lion like creature from next to it. The beast stumbled for only a second. The animal then rushed back at Naruko and used a wing to knock her to the side as it then aimed with its stinger. Before it could strike Kyuubi slammed it to the side.

Fluttershy could only gasp as she watched the thing attack her friends. She wanted to do something but she was scared and didn't know what she could do. She noticed it look at them before then soaring up into the air. She took a breath thinking it would now retreat. However, the three were surprised when it stopped in the air and let out roar and was soon joined by a second manticore.

Fluttershy didn't understand this. Manticores hunted and traveled alone. They didn't have partners or anything. She then took a second look and saw the new one was different from the first one. The yellow Pegasus then started looking around the area until her eyes rested on something on the far side.

Naruko and Kyuubi didn't like this at all. They got ready and were about to use magic attacks thinking any chance of secrecy was blown with that roar. Naruko took a look to her side and saw Fluttershy coming over to them as the two creatures seemed to be reading them from the air, no doubt getting ready to make their move.

“Wait Naruko and Kyuubi. Let me handle this.” Fluttershy said in a no nonsense voice.

“I am sorry Fluttershy but I don’t think kindness will get us through this one. Have you seen their eyes? They looked crazed and angry.” Naruko said to her friend as she looked the creatures above them. She then chanced a glance at Fluttershy and was surprised at the look of determination in her eyes.

“I am doing what you brought me along for Naruko. You brought me along not because I am the Element of Kindness, but because of my gift with animals of all kinds. Trust me on this one Naruko. I can handle it.” Fluttershy said evenly.

Naruko motioned for her to go as she said mentally to Kyuubi, “Be ready to attack in any sign of danger Kyuubi. I am not losing Fluttershy!” Kyuubi merely nodded to her and got ready to attack. Naruko wondered how it was Fluttershy intended to deal with the two flying animals together in the air.

Fluttershy flapped her wings and was immediately air born and quickly just above eye level of the two manticores. Naruko was surprised by her speed. It wasn't anywhere near Rainbow Dash, but few were she knew.

Naruko then felt an odd energy coming off her flying friend and saw her eyes. Naruko mentally gasped as she saw Fluttershy’s blue eyes shine with a cold grave light that allowed no escape. It seemed even the manticores couldn't escape it. Fluttershy slowly hovered back down to the ground with the two beasts following her lead.

Once they landed Naruko heard Fluttershy speak in an even voice that sounded full of power. “We don’t wish your cub any harm.” She said as Naruko looked and noticed a young manticore in the shadows along the edge of the forest. However, Naruko wasn't sure if the beasts could understand her friend.

Fluttershy spoke again in that same tone. “We are just passing by. Leave us alone and you will have nothing to worry about from us.” Kyuubi was amazed that the shy yellow Pegasus seemed to have the full attention and understanding of the two fearsome beasts in front of her as their crazed eyes lost their anger.

“Naruko, you and Kyuubi walk by without making eye contact in that direction.” Fluttershy commanded as she pointed with her right wing tip. Naruko and Kyuubi did as she commanded them. Once they were pass the clearing Fluttershy gave the two parents one last look before slowly and confidently walking to rejoin Naruko and Kyuubi.

Once they were a safe distance away from the manticore nest Naruko turned and asked, “Was that the Stare I've heard so much about Fluttershy?” Fluttershy simply nodded in response. “Can you do it at will?”

“I can’t with that much intensity. It just sort of happens naturally when I know I need it. I'm trying to better understand it myself.” Fluttershy answered as they continued on.

Kyuubi felt a little relieved with this for two reasons. He feared that power a little bit. He could feel it and thought it something he hoped to never have to face himself. At the same time though, he felt if she worked on it and figured it out, then there would be a fail-safe in the event something were to happen to Naruko to keep him from losing it.

{-} {-} {-}

The trio had managed to keep trouble to a minimum as they drew nearer to the temple’s location. Right now they were about to walk around a clearing where they saw a cockatrice lounging. “If it moves on us make sure you focus on its body and not its eyes. If you look into its eyes it will turn you into stone.” Fluttershy said quietly as she pointed to an old statue nearby that looked like a perfect replica of a manticore.

They were about to make a move when they heard a rustling from across the clearing which woke up the cockatrice. From the rustling they saw one of those strange bipedal wolf creatures with purple glowing eyes. The cockatrice gave off a warning to the animal and even hoovered up to look it in the eyes. However, before the onlookers knew it. The wolf creature ate the cockatrice before making its way back to where it came from in the trees.

Fluttershy’s eyes widened as she trembled and asked, “Did-did-did that just really happen?!” Naruko gave a solemn nod. Fluttershy gulped but quickly regained control of herself. Naruko was counting on her to be strong and she would not let her friend down.

“I knew those things were going to be trouble.” Kyuubi said in a low growl. “If we come across them we kill them.”

Fluttershy wasn't so sure of herself hearing that, but then she heard Naruko’s response. “Zecora did say they were being kept from their eternal rest. I think we should give them that release, but I really would rather not face them if possible.” The yellow pegasus let out a breath of relief that they weren't going to actively search those things out.

“Agreed.” Kyuubi answered without hesitation.

{-} {-} {-}

It was getting to be evening as the trio finally found what looked like an ancient pathway in the forest. This was the path Zecora told them she took to reach the outside of the temple walls without trouble. This part of the forest was quiet. This wasn't a welcomed change for the travelers. They knew the silence meant those things, and who knew what else, kept this area free of natural life. As they walked the path, they didn't notice any patrols.

“Why aren't there any patrols here?” Fluttershy asked uneasily.

“This is probably the path whoever created this temple long ago took to reach the temple Fluttershy. After all with such abominations guarding the area they needed to have a safe way to travel and reach the temple.” Kyuubi answered her.

“That being the case, tell any friendly animals to head out this way if they need to escape Fluttershy.” Naruko said to her.

“You really think there will be normal animals in this temple Naruko? I mean those things eat cockatrices!” Fluttershy quietly asked, but you could sense her fear.

“I do. This forest is a place of life energy, even if it is chaotic. After all, life can’t be completely controlled or it would stagnate. Why else do you think the Ever-Free is so free?” Naruko asked her back.

“I don’t know...” was all the Pegasus could say in response.

“Even the princesses one time knew this place was a hub for life. As did the ponies of old, this is why they used to have their governing center in the forest.” Kyuubi said wisely to her.

They kept following the path as Fluttershy thought about his words. She wasn't sure how they could know this. Sure they faced Nightmare Moon in a run-down castle here in the forest, but how could they know who lived there. Fluttershy’s eyes blinked as she remembered Naruko’s response to first seeing the castle.

“The castle we fought Nightmare Moon in. You two have been there before haven’t you?” She asked causing Naruko and Kyuubi to pause. “I remember hearing Naruko's recognition when we first saw the place. How did you two know of that place?”

Naruko gave a nervous chuckle as she tried to figure out an answer for Fluttershy. “Well I was kind of found there by Celestia after I formed my contract with Kyuubi. There was a throne room with a white sun throne and a black moon throne.”

Naruko paused as she fished for more of an answer as to why she would have been found there. She remembered reading something in the book Celestia gave her about Guardians. “When a contract is formed the two are located near a place of power. The two must fine such a place to finalize their contract, and then they usually don’t remember much from before the contract formed.”

Fluttershy was a little convinced with this answer, but she didn't think it made much sense. Then again Guardians are rare and she didn't know any others besides Naruko. She decided she would let it be for now, since they had more important things to worry about instead.

The remainder of their trip along the path was in companionable silence. They passed ruined buildings along the sides of the path which showed this was at one time a civilized place. As they kept going, they soon approached a large aged stone grey wall and their path ran up to the top of it. The three crouched down as they moved to crest of the wall.

Once they reached the top they saw several trees below them leading on ahead of them with several magical pathways running long their canopies towards the center. In the center there was a tall stone building with vines wrapping around the outside walls. The walls were discolored in several places by lichen and moss from the years. In places the center walls seemed to have crumbled away with time.

The three Ponyville adventurers thought it was a miracle the place still seemed in decent enough shape to still stand. Naruko looked down and saw other paths cutting through the trees below leading to the main building as well. She also noticed some smaller buildings here and there with steeples barely breaking through the tree tops. It was a mystery the trees hadn't grown much taller in all of the years since this temple last saw pony visitors.

Fluttershy looked over the grounds as well and saw small clearings here and there, which she guessed one time severed as places for communing with nature. She secretly wished she could have seen this place in its hay day, and wondered if it was as quiet then as it was now. She looked to the building in the center and noticed two tall trees reaching up past the top of the building and into the sky on either side of it. She couldn't help but stare in awe at the sight.

“Picturesque. Isn't it?” Kyuubi said earning nods from the two ponies. They soon finished drinking in the sights, wishing they had brought cameras, and started to think about what to do next.

“Well it seems we have two options here. We can either take the magic pathways, most likely exposing ourselves to any flying foes. Or we can try to make it along the ground where there is scarce cover and pray there aren't any interior patrols to discover us.” Naruko said as she pondered their nest move.

“I say we take the magical pathways. We can use the cover of night and make a run for it. They seem to mostly be straight forward.” Kyuubi gave his opinion.

“I don’t think that will work. That's Cloudsdale stone or more commonly called pegasus stone it looks like. Plus it is ancient. I'm not sure it will hold up for running ponies.” Fluttershy answered.

“What is Pegasus stone?” Naruko asked.

“It's stone enchanted to be like clouds. Many pegasi don’t like walking on the ground. They feel confined after long periods of time. However, they still like having homes with roves over their heads and floors beneath them. Some pegasi even love stone architecture.” Fluttershy began to explain.

She took a breath and continued, “Because of this Unicorns and pegasi worked together to create Cloudsdale stone. This stone here looks ancient though. Some believed that Cloudsdale stone wasn't a new thing when it was first made, but instead a rediscovered lost technology. I think they were right since this place looks really old and the stones are a little different.”

The group decided they would test it out just to be sure. Fluttershy carefully placed a hoof on the stone and immediately she could tell it was Pegasus stone. “It is Pegasus stone! It feels just like it. So unless you know a spell that allows you to walk on clouds or something we will have to take the ground. I don’t think I could fly you over this long of a distance to the tower either. That would be a Rainbow Dash job.” Fluttershy then frowned, feeling as if she had once again let her friends down.

Naruko placed a reassuring hoof on her shoulder as she smiled and spoke. “I don’t think Rainbow Dash would have been able to get us past those manticores, or would have known to warn us about the cockatrice. You are definitely the right Pegasus for this mission Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy felt warm inside hearing her friend’s complement. “As for knowing a cloud walking spell, that’s a job for Twilight. So walking on the ground it is for us.” Naruko said as they started their way down to the paths below.

{-} {-} {-}

Surprisingly they only had to worry about two patrols on their way to the main temple entrance, and the cover was sufficient enough to hide them. Once the three friends stood inside the central compound they saw a smaller wall around a court yard in front of the entrance to the actual building itself. However, when they looked below they saw a couple of guard creatures with purple glowing eyes waiting to attack anything that dared enter. These creatures seemed bigger than the others by a little as well.

“Any ideas what to do?” Naruko asked her two companions. Fluttershy remained silent as she yawned, It was late. Naruko felt a little tired herself, and she didn't want to possibly stir up a hornets nest at this time.

Kyuubi seemed to be looking around at a couple of the small buildings in this central area. He sensed a certain energy coming from one of the still intact structures here. He approached it and examined further before clearing his throat and answering his partner. “I say we call it a night here and approach this in the morning.”

The two ponies looked at him like he had lost it. He then pointed to the building next to him. “I think these buildings here are safe zones. They haven’t been affected by the elements as much as the rest of the stonework we have seen, and there aren't any signs of damage. To me it only makes sense the caretakers who lived in this place had a safe home the guardians stayed away from.”

Naruko looked at Fluttershy who yawned again and decided they didn't have a choice really. “I guess that is our only wise course of action. However, we better set up watches just to be on the safe side.” The others nodded in agreement. The travelers quietly made their way to the nearest stone building and opened the door.

Inside, the place looked to be in good shape. The stone walls were intact, the roof was complete, there weren't any unmanageable odors, and the carpet was mostly usable. The carpet was frayed and worn in places and didn't really have any fluff to it, but it was still intact and not covered in mildew. As they ventured further inside, Kyuubi closed the door behind him softly as they checked the area for any hostiles.

Fortunately the building wasn't very big, so they completed their sweep of the area in no time at all. Naruko then found some strange control rock and judging by the pictures next to it, she figured it was some kind of shield spell for the building. “Alright new question… Do I use this shield and hope it doesn't sound any alarms, or do we leave it alone and just hope to keep a low profile?”

“Really this is a question Naruko?” Fluttershy asked with a bit of a deadpan tone. “I don’t think you want to activate some, who knows how many hundreds of years old, shield in a vacant ancient temple. If it worked perfectly this place would probably still be occupied by ponies even in this day. I say we leave it be. Stay unnoticed and just set up the watches like you said earlier.”

Kyuubi gave a rumbling laugh, “I agree with Fluttershy Naruko. Don’t press your luck in this way.”

“Okay geez…. I was just asking is all. I mean it could have been something that left us a completely safe base of operations in case this mission takes longer than we were ready for.” Naruko said as she sighed.

“Fair point. But still we need to make this mission as quick as possible. Besides I have a feeling once we start our trip inside tomorrow. We won’t have to worry about discretion anymore. I’m betting these creatures with the glowing purple eyes are somehow connected to each other.” Kyuubi said.

“So how will this watch thing work that you were talking about anyways Naruko?” Fluttershy asked barely hiding a yawn or her stomach’s growl. She blushed as her stomach growled.

“Supper first I think Fluttershy. It seems somepony is really hungry.” Naruko said trying to hide a grin as the yellow pegasus blushed. Then to make things fair Naruko's stomach growled louder, causing Fluttershy to laugh and the blonde unicorn to blush.

{-} {-} {-}

Once they had their meal Naruko decided on the order of the watches. “I will go first. Around midnight I will wake up Kyuubi, and you Fluttershy can take the early morning watch. Does that sound good to you all?” Both Fluttershy and Kyuubi nodded in agreement.

“As for what you do during your watch you simply keep an eye out and wake the rest of us up Fluttershy. This way if something attacks we won’t be completely defenseless. Hopefully our sneaking into here will help to make sure that doesn't happen but better safe than sorry.” Naruko explained.

Kyuubi then let them know he was going to bed early since he had the middle watch. He then found himself a nice corner of carpet and went to sleep. Fluttershy while tired wasn't fully ready for bed yet, so she stayed up a little later and helped keep Naruko company.

The silence got to Naruko quickly and she made use of Fluttershy’s company. “Hey Fluttershy why would there be pathways for pegasi to this temple? Couldn’t they just fly?”

“I suppose they could. Just know not all pegasi are like Rainbow Dash, who wished to avoid the ground at every chance they can. I'm not the only pegasus that likes to keep to the ground. Plus I feel like this place was very peaceful before, whatever it was that happened here took place. The pathways would allow flyers to feel more at one with nature, while still feeling the freedom of being in the sky.” Fluttershy answered.

She was sitting very close to Naruko because the Unicorn felt warm and made her feel more confident in herself. She was thankful Naruko allowed her this small selfishness. She then looked to Naruko and said, “Besides believe it or not us pegasi love nature. We draw our magic and energy from it but we don’t control it. We simply let it flow through us and guide it. This is why we can control the weather like we can. I imagine in it's day this place was very popular among pegasi.”

Naruko thought that over and smiled. “So is that why Rainbow spends so much time napping in trees at Sweet Apple Acres?”

Fluttershy gave a little chuckle. “One of the reasons yes.”

Naruko raised an eyebrow at this. She was wondering if maybe the rainbow maned pegasus preferred the mares or something. She always thought there might be something more between her an Applejack.

Fluttershy smiled and said, “She also says it is a great way to sometimes get under Applejack’s coat and challenge her to something. Those two have always had a competitive friendship with each other. Personally I think she might like watching Big Mac work the farm more.”

Naruko gave a little giggle as she said, “Really? Rainbow and Big Mac? No way… He’s so… easy going and keeps to himself. Rainbow is pretty much the opposite.”

Fluttershy giggled as well. “He is also a hard worker and strong. Rainbow always had a thing for strong hard working Stallions. She admires their dedication to what they do. She is very dedicated to training and her friends so she can relate to that aspect of a pony. She just likes to also show off."

Fluttershy smiled as she said, "A hard worker that doesn't want glory for their selves is perfect for her. They can watch her in all of her awesome glory but understand her and support her.” The two shared another laugh before talking to each other about other things quietly.

After some of this Fluttershy yawned again and stretched as she asked, “Hey Naruko? Do you really not remember anything from your past? What you said earlier doesn't make much sense.” Fluttershy then yawned again and her eyes were trying really hard to stay open.

Naruko gave her a smile that didn't fully reach her eyes as she said, “I think you should go to bed Fluttershy. You look like you are about to fall asleep right this second.”

Fluttershy frowned but decided to again let it slide. It was a personal question and she didn't want to lose the progress she made with Naruko’s friendship. Plus she was really tired. “Okay Naruko. I just hope sometime you will tell me.” She then laid right back down and fell asleep near Naruko. She didn't want to sleep on the cold floor when the spot next to Naruko was so very warm now.

When Fluttershy was asleep Naruko lost herself in thought while she kept watch. “I will need to tell them all sometime… I just hope they won’t suddenly hate me, or feel scared around me when they find out I am not originally a pony….

As the night went on Naruko looked at the softly sleeping yellow pegasus next to her. Naruko couldn't help but wonder how smooth her pink mane was. Naruko carefully extended a hoof to the pink mane and pulled it back when Fluttershy stirred a little in her sleep. She then took a breath and extended her hoof cautiously again. This time she touched it. She smiled a little bit. Fluttershy’s mane was very soft, like a pink fluffy cloud. Naruko dared to touch it a few more times and even gave it a simple stroke. She wondered if all manes where like this or if each one was different.

Naruko continued her watch until it was time to wake up Kyuubi. “Hey Kyuubi! Time to change watches!” She mentally shouted much to the fox’s anger.

You know if you think about your message too hard it is like shouting right Naruko?” Kyuubi thought in return with a growl. Naruko just gave a little chuckle as the fox rolled his eyes. He got up and stretched as he thought to Naruko a request. “When we finish this mission do you mind if I attend the debriefing with the Princesses?

Naruko looked at him and asked him quietly, “Why? You can easily over hear if you want. Plus they do want to keep this mission under wraps. You would bring a lot of attention to yourself since few ponies have fox pets.”

Kyuubi rolled his eyes as he replied. “And you can easily summon me to you anywhere.” Naruko gave a sheepish grin as she gave a face of comprehension.

“And Yes. I do want to be there in person for it. I want to see their expressions and hear their voices as they talk about matters. I trust them as leaders, but I'm sure there are still some things they aren't sharing. Either because they don’t think we need to know, or they are scared to mention something. Besides they are two different individuals and equal rulers pretty much. I know they discuss these matters before hand with each other before sharing them. There might be matters they disagreed on, or felt should be shared but went with what the other sister said. If I am there and point things out, they might elaborate.” Kyuubi said.

Naruko gave this thought and agreed with what he said. She then smiled and said, “Sure Kyuubi. You will probably also think to ask things I won’t think to ask.”

Kyuubi nodded to her. He then took a look at the comfy yellow pegasus, who seemed to have wrapped herself around Naruko during the night. He then looked Naruko in the eyes and asked, “Did you tell her?”

Naruko frowned at this. “No…. She asked if what I said earlier was the full truth, but I told her to sleep.”

Kyuubi shook his head at his partner. “You will have to tell them all eventually you know, and the sooner the better. I know what you fear will happen, but I don’t think you need to worry so much if you tell them the whole truth besides probably ‘that night’. Fluttershy would be the best to tell first. She is bearer of kindness after all. She and Twilight can then help you tell the others.”

“I would rather tell them individually one on one, if possible.” Naruko answered. Kyuubi sent her a look and nodded. He didn't need to say anything else about the matter. Naruko knew fully well she needed to tell them and not use 'individually' as an excuse to delay telling them, since they usually see each other in a group.

Instead he took position and Naruko soon fell asleep. Naruko couldn't help but snuggle in more with Fluttershy as she slept. Fluttershy was very warm and soft. Plus without any kind of bedding for warmth it was the smartest thing to do for the night.