• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 26,747 Views, 224 Comments

The Truth of Bonds and Friendship - Gadman85

Naruko (Female Naruto) thought she knew a bit about these bonds the Hokage always talked about. However when she tries a mysterious Jutsu. She is sent to a new land where she learns the truth. Naruto and MLP crossover.

  • ...

Yeah, The Best Night Ever!

“So why exactly are we all going to the Stargazer Lounge first?” Rainbow asked as she came up to trot next to Naruko for a moment. She wanted to go at the pace her friends were and so she wasn't hovering above the ground. It also felt good to run sometimes anyways.

Naruko smiled as she said, “Vinyl and Octavia are performing there together tonight. Octavia was just with the first band at the Gala and they were finished shortly before all of that happened. Given the time we spent at Pony Joe’s it is just about the right time to get there and still have some time to spare.”

“It is going to be awesome,” Twilight said as she seemed to almost pull a Pinkie with her excitement levels on the other side of Naruko. Spike was having a little trouble keeping on her back.

“Ummm… Twilight. I know you're excited, but could you take it easy?” he asked.

“Oh sorry, Spike. I didn’t mean to bother you,” she said with a bashful smile. She still seemed like she wanted to bounce though.

“Hey Kyuubi, do you think you could take care of Spike so Twilight doesn’t have to worry?” Naruko asked.

Kyuubi nodded and in a burst of magical fire he was in his two-tailed form which was just the right size to keep up with the others easily and give Spike a lift. There was a purple glow as Spike was placed on Kyuubi’s back. “Don’t get to comfortable back there, Spike,” he said with a grin as the baby dragon seemed to almost try and snuggle into his deep red fur.

Spike gave an uneasy laugh. “Sorry. It’s just this is the first time is all. You are really nice and warm.”

“I am essentially made of flame and energy,” Kyuubi explained.

“I kind of forgot about this, Naruko. Glad you remembered. And to think I was so concerned with the Gala tonight,” Twilight said as she affectionately bumped into Naruko’s side lightly. She wasn’t caring about containing herself now.

“Ah can’t get over the fact it seems we are missing something,” Applejack said quietly to Rarity. “Ah mean. Don’t get me wrong I do like their music even if it isn’t my favorite choice, but Twilight seems exceptionally excited about this.”

“I know what you mean, Applejack. I really am wondering about this myself. I guess we will just have to wait and see,” Rarity said.

“Why are you not bouncing everywhere, Pinkie?” Fluttershy asked.

“We’re going to the Stargazer! I can totally party it up there! I’m saving it up to more than make up for my lack of partying at the Gala. Besides, it’s Twilight’s turn with the excited energy force,” she explained.

Naruko was pleasantly surprised how “Clingy?” Twilight was being at the moment. Twilight also seemed to be smiling brightly as well. “You really do seem excited, Twi. Something in particular on your mind?” Naruko asked.

“Of course! I can actually get the dances you promised now,” Twilight said with a beautiful smile that caused Naruko to blush.

Naruko recovered and then smiled. “You’re right. I’m rejuvenated now as well.” Now it was Naruko’s turn to smile brightly and Twilight’s turn to blush at the smile.

Rainbow playfully rolled her eyes as she said, “Would you two just get a room already?” When they both turned red and didn’t answer Rainbow giggled in triumph. She then asked, “So who’s opening for who tonight then?”

Naruko and Twilight looked to each other and gave mischievous grins to one another. Naruko then giggled and said, “You didn’t hear me right, Rainbow.”

“Maybe she needs to get her ears checked. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had a little bit of cloud stuck in them,” Twilight said as Rainbow frowned which caused Twilight to giggle.

Naruko then looked Rainbow right in the eyes and smirked a little. “I said Vinyl and Octavia were performing together. Neither is opening for the other,” she said and smiled as all of their friends paused in shock. The idea had never crossed their minds that it would be possible for them to play music together live.

“Woah! Woah! Woah! You mean to tell me they are performing together. As in together together?!” Rainbow asked with her mouth open.

“Yep!” Twilight replied. “Naruko was there when they first decided to try this. She told me about it later.”

Naruko smiled as she then lit up her horn and eight tickets floated up in the air. “They even got us VIP section tickets. Kyuubi didn’t need one because he is my partner,” she said before then putting the tickets back into the safety of her pocket space. Twilight taught her about it, but Naruko didn’t use the ability as much as her friend, since she had storage scrolls still.

“That sounds totally radically awesome! I mean really super amazing awesome! What’s it like them playing together? Do you have any ideas?” she asked her eyes filled with stars as her imagination tried to come up with something.

Naruko hummed in thought on how to describe it without giving anything away. She then gave a nod. “Awesome enough to impress an ancient music god,” she said causing Twilight to burst out laughing.

“Really? You’re going with that?” she asked still staying as close to Naruko as she could while they continued.

Naruko nodded and simply said, “Yep.”

“I don’t really get it but it sounds like this will be something to never forget,” Rainbow said with a smile.

Pinkie was now bouncing with every step besides Fluttershy. “I thought you said you were saving your party energy, Pinkie,” she said to her friend.

“After hearing that! There is no way I can. I will just pull more energy from the Party Force if I need it! This will be so cool! Oooo… I really hope Octi plays her violin,” Pinkie said as she bounced.

“Considering a discussion about her wanting to play the violin for ponies was what started the whole thing. I’m betting she will on some songs if not all of them,” Naruko said.

“How long have you exactly known about this Naruko?” Rarity asked. She was impressed such a secret was kept under wraps this long.

Naruko blushed a little bit. “First of all, I kept it secret because they wanted me to. Second of all you do realize with my position secrets are a thing for me, right? To answer your question… When you were all chasing Twilight around asking for the extra Gala ticket. It wasn’t finalized at the time, but I met with them that afternoon to visit when they made the decision.”

“Wow!” the others more or less said.

“That right there seems like some kinda gadanged Prophecy stuff or something considering we just finished the Gala and seem more excited for this,” Applejack said. She couldn’t really find the words to describe how curious and eager she was now.

{-} {-} {-}

The group of friends were even more excited as they waited in line. They weren’t talking too much about the music because they didn’t want other ponies to be spoiled at what awaited them inside. However, it was obvious the group of mares were there for a great time that night.

Several ponies waiting in line were looking over them as they bypassed the line and went to the door. “Names?” the door guard asked.

“Ummm… We have VIP tickets for the show tonight,” Naruko said brandishing the tickets.

The bouncer blinked and cleared his throat, “Sorry old habit. This is really a first here. I mean we got the capacity and all just never really done something like this before,” He then looked at the tickets and his eyes widened. “Wait you are all also on the list… Well not Spike. Is Spike the dragon?” he asked.

“Yeah!” Spike said sticking out his hand to get the stamp Twilight told him about as he got on to her back again instead of Kyuubi’s.

“This is also new… pardon me,” the door guard pony used the stamp on Spike’s hand. He then looked to the fox thing. “Who is he?”

Kyuubi chuckled deeply as he said, “I’m Kyuubi. Naruko’s Guardian partner and familiar.” The door guard’s mouth hung open in shock. It was a freaking talking massive fox with two tails. He seriously though Vinyl was pulling the staff’s legs when she talked about the fox. Kyuubi grinned as he said, “Perhaps you need to see me better?”

Kyuubi was wreathed in fire as he turned into his three-tailed form and grinned wider. His three-tailed form was actually bigger than it used to be due to the strength he and Naruko had gained. “I can go all the way up to nine now if you want me too,” he said in a deep rumbling voice.

“Kyuubi… If you did that you would level a large part of the city if not all of it and then we’d miss the show,” Naruko said calmly.

Kyuubi chuckled again, “I suppose you are right and I really want to see it tonight,” he said in his deep voice before shrinking back down to his one tailed form and hoping on Naruko’s back.

“G-g-g-g-go ahead…” The bouncer said in a tiny voice as the group entered.

“You really are one for the dramatics at times,” Naruko said.

Kyuubi laughed and said, “Just letting the other ponies know you are all under my protection. Not that you need it, but a couple of those ponies were a little too interested with their looks for my liking. That way you can all enjoy the night instead of having to worry about ponies bothering you the whole time.”

The others didn’t say anything as they were looking around the club/music venue. “Now this place looks like fun!” Pinkie said with a cheerful smile. “Proper dancefloor, fun lights, bars, chairs and a huge stage! This is how it should have been from the start!” She then started bouncing around the area and the ponies here may have been shocked at times, but they were also more agreeable to her company. Some of them knew her from Ponyville and smiled in greeting. “Greatest place ever! Love the night theme,” she said as she popped back to the others.

“Well the club is called the Stargazer,” Twilight said. “I’ve read the roof here is really special too. It has a moon viewing ceiling that they sometimes open up. Ohh! I hope they do tonight!” she said as she excitedly clapped her hooves together.

Shortly after they entered the VIP section their tickets and names were taken and they were giving VIP lanyards which were magicked on to them with an enchantment until they left the club for the night. “I’ve never been into a VIP section before,” Spike said with awe as he looked around.

“I have and this one is way better!” Rainbow said. There was actually room here and while ponies were talking and such it still wasn’t too bad compared to the Gala and she could tell it wouldn’t get too much worse even when more ponies entered.

“Girls! Drink up!” Rarity said as she used her magic to place a tray of drinks on a large table. “This is for you, Spike,” she said with a smile that easily melted Spike’s baby dragon heart as a glass of his favorite juice was given to him.

“Sooo we aren’t going to just keep to this kid stuff, are we?” Rainbow asked. “I mean it is good, but still. We’re all here to party and enjoy great music.”

“We are at a bar and music venue place for a concert with a huge dancefloor.What do you honestly think?” Rarity asked with an elegant raised eyebrow.

“Uhhh we’re not?” Rainbow asked unsure.

“Of course not. But hydrate first. We also don’t want to go too fast because we are here with...” she looked to the baby dragon as he happily sipped on his drink. “Spike…” she said quietly. “We should be somewhat responsible at least,” she finished.

“Alright. I really want to make this a night to remember in every way. That’s why I was worried we’d just be having regular juice the whole night,” Rainbow said. She then noticed Pinkie bouncing in place with excitement. “Maybe… We shouldn’t let Pinkie drink too much. Celestia knows what a tipsy Pinkie would unleash on Equestria,” Rainbow said with a giggle that was a bit nervous sounding.

{-} {-} {-}

The lights dimmed and the ponies hushed a little as the music started out low. It was very much Vinyl Scratch who's music started. Ponies were getting excited, but many were a little disappointed it wasn’t Octavia. Then the gathered ponies they heard the loveliest of violin music playing along with Vinyl’s music.

The audience was stunned. This was already something they had never heard before and they were eager to hear more.

Naruko and Twilight were grinning in excitement as Twilight held in a squeal and clasped Naruko’s forehooves. Naruko gave an inaudible chuckle. It was amazing how cute Twilight could be.

As the music tempo picked up, the lights for the stage turned on and showed Vinyl with her equipment while Octavia was playing away on the violin. The ponies watching were impressed by this and gasped in awe. They knew Octavia was good at cello, but they didn’t know she was this good at the violin.

The song ended and the two mares looked up. The stunned silence was still there. They didn’t show it, but they were a little nervous. “Yeah! That was awesome!” Rainbow Dash shouted as several ponies started cheering and hoof stomping. Rainbow and the others cheered the loudest.

“Thanks,” Vinyl said as the audience quieted down. “Before we really get into it we wanted to say a few words. First off, all… Welcome to a new sound of music everypony!” she shouted as the audience got hyped up and cheered again.

“Some would say the Grand Galloping Gala is the best event tonight! I don’t think so,” Vinyl said.

Octavia gave a smile and said, “Yeah… I was there. I was eager to come here instead and left as soon as I could.” Several ponies laughed to that including Twilight and the others.

“I mean the refreshments were alright… I guess. But here we have actual bars!” she said. She then looked to Vinyl and teasingly said, “Better yet… Vinyl hasn’t been allowed to raid them yet.” More ponies laughed loudly that time.

Vinyl playfully stuck her tongue out and then said in her mic jokingly, “Better get your drinks while you still can everypony…” everypony was laughing at that joke including both performing mares.

“But there is one thing The Stargazer has that no other place does,” Octavia said.

“You mean us introducing completely brand-new music?” Vinyl teased.

“Okay two things…” Octavia said. Vinyl was about to say something, but Octavia jokingly cut her off. “How about at least two things?” Vinyl nodded to that as the ponies laughed. “The first thing I was talking about is of course the famous Moon viewing ceiling. I heard Princess Luna made sure the night sky would be extra lovely for this event tonight,” Octavia said with certainty.

“And that other small gala event was just lucky to take place on the same night?” Vinyl asked as all of the ponies laughed again.

Octavia was in a moment of mock thought before nodding and saying, “Yep. Remember I was there and ended up coming here instead.”

“Pretty sure it doesn’t count when you’re actually performing here,” Vinyl teased to more laughs.

“Anyways… Can we get that moon door open?” Octavia pretended to be asking the staff on a whim. The middle of the ceiling glowed with magic as large shutters were magicked away to the sides. The ponies cheered loudly as Moon and Star light poured into the building.

“I love how they canter to our whims. We most definitely did not have that planned in advance,” Octavia said to another round of laughs.

“Let’s get back to the music now. What do you say Equestria?!” Vinyl shouted as all of the ponies cheered and a new song was started by Octavia this time.

{-} {-} {-}

The music Octavia and Vinyl played together was blowing away all of the ponies and now a lot of them were dancing and enjoying drinks and the music. “Naruko this is totally the greatest concert I’ve ever been too! Yeah! I don’t care about that nasty and upsetting Gala now. This is for sure the best night ever! Thank you two so much for planning this for after the Gala tonight,” Fluttershy said much more excited than she usually was. Twilight thought it was similar to how excited she got at the end of Best Young Flyers Competition once Dash did her Rainboom.

Their group had danced some to the music but mostly wanted to listen to it at this event. Even Pinkie was completely happy and fulfilled just mostly listening to the music. It was that incredible to her. She did dance in place some like the others. Spike even got a couple dances in with Rarity as well, even if they were really very awkward.

Vinyl and Octavia were doing their best for the audience and they were enjoying it to the max. Every song they did was met with loud applause when it ended and some of them were even before they started. The concert was a smashing success and there were numerous music journalist ponies enjoying themselves also eager to cover this show in the next issue of their magazines, papers, or other forms of periodicals.

When another song came to an end, Octavia and Vinyl, along with everypony else, heard Pinkie shout out loud, “Naruko you were completely right! This music is Awesome enough to impress an ancient music god!” And just like that the journalists all had their main quote.

Vinyl and Octavia chuckled a little together. Octavia came over to Vinyl and said quietly, “I guess we have no choice but to go with that song now. Do we?”

Vinyl laughed in agreement and nodded. “It is about time to wrap the show up anyways,” she said quietly as she motioned to her watch.

“Well everypony…,” Octavia started and there was a chorus of awwws having a feeling they knew what was coming. “I haven’t even said anything yet. But you are right it is time for us to call it a night here.” The ponies awed louder. “I know, but I did also have to preform at the Gala as well.” The ponies in the crowd murmured in agreement to that. The show had been a really good length anyways.

“Besides she’s sad too, everypony,” Vinyl said as some ponies chuckled a little.

“However! We have one last song to preform tonight for you all in our debut!” Octavia said with her elegant and mysterious smile in place.

“It’s a pretty good one if I do say so myself,” Vinyl added earning more chuckles from the audience.

Vinyl started up again and this time it was Naruko whose eyes grew wide with excitement. She grinned massively and quickly grabbed Twilight and said, “This is the song! This is the song they played for it!”

“Really?” Twilight asked as she listened. Naruko nodded as she held tightly on to one of Twilight’s hooves and listened to the music intently. The two of them even managed to dance a little to the song as it played.

The ponies were all enthralled by the new song. They were amazed and the Stargazer Lounge was quiet except for the music playing and even the moonlight and starlight coming in from the window above seemed to brighten as they played the song.

As the music started to quiet down, the ponies were again speechless because of how touched and amazed they were. Some ponies were even sniffing back tears because of how beautiful and touching the song was. Octavia and Vinyl each smiled at the audience’s stunned silence. This time they weren’t nervous about it.

One pony started clapping as several other ponies did as well. Soon the entire place was echoing with cheers and applause and shouts of joy and thanks and even confessions of love which usually earned chuckles from nearby ponies. Naruko and Twilight were both sniffing back tears of joy at the song as they held each other in support.

As the ponies continued to cheer and shout their praise Octavia and Vinyl finally got up and took their bows. Rainbow was whistling loudly. Applejack let out a whoop and a holler as she stomped her hooves in praise. Rarity wiped tears from her eyes as she clapped loudly and blew her nose with a hoofkerchief using her magic. Fluttershy was doing literal flips in the air as she cheered. Kyuubi and Spike were shouting as well.

Pinkie Pie was completely still with an oddly contemplative look in her eyes. It seemed really odd for her to be in such a mood and no pony noticed, but she wasn’t disappointed or anything. She was actually that deeply touched by the music. She felt as if she was beginning to understand something. Something important. Something about balance.

She had always thought loud and exciting was the best and nothing could top it. Some ponies didn’t like that but that was just because they couldn’t fully appreciate it. She had been sure of this especially when it came to music as well. But the song Octavia and Vinyl just played, it was different. It wasn’t super energetic it also wasn’t super boring. It had slower parts and it had faster parts. It had quieter parts and louder parts that weren’t too loud. To Pinkie Pie, it shouldn’t be possible to have such a piece of music, let alone for it to be so beautiful.

However, she couldn’t deny the outcome of the song. “Beautiful…” she said so quietly her words were lost to the other ponies cheering. The song had highs and lows and together they made something so beautiful and touching. It had… balance. At that moment, though it was seemingly faint, something changed inside Pinkie. Something that would dictate her future though she didn’t know it yet. She had come to some realization, but she couldn’t grasp it yet. She wasn’t yet ready for it.

This piece of knowledge she had unknowingly gained was laying in wait. It was as if it knew the time would come for Pinkie to understand and her trial, though still a ways away, was coming. When it finally was time, her knowledge would lead more than one pony to an impressive realization with astounding revelations.

{-} {-} {-}

After the show, everypony was still reflecting on it. The usually loud bar was more quiet and contemplative while still having a friendly atmosphere. It seemed more like some after work comfy bar than a night club bar. Ponies left in groups after a few more drinks.

Things were starting to pick back up once the bar resumed regular business and new crowds came in to replace the old ones, even if they were miffed as to what was up. Some even talked to ponies they knew who frequented the place. The story of the performance was seemingly unbelievable to them.

Twilight and the others all left as things started to pick back up. They each still needed sometime and a change of venue to get back into a more party kind of mood. They didn’t want to do so in the Stargazer tonight thinking it would ruin their recent experience. They also had a sleeping baby dragon to worry about with them.

“I’ll take Spike to your family’s house Twilight. I still remember the way. You girls can get back to your plans,” Kyuubi said. He then gave a grin as he added, “Just realize you don’t have a dashing and strong fox to look after you now.”

Naruko chuckled and gave him a goodbye hug as he went off with the sleeping baby dragon. Spike had at least stayed up long enough to fully enjoy the music show and be able to remember it. Twilight was relieved Spike was in Kyuubi’s care and soon would be in her parents’ as well.

“That was…” Rainbow said lost for words.

“Yep…” Applejack replied just as verbose as Rainbow.

“I think we witnessed something that will really change music and so much more tonight,” Fluttershy said with a smile.

Rarity gave another sniff as she blew her nose one last time. “Such beautiful music. I wish I could have gotten inspiration from it, but it was simply too fantastic this first time for such things I’m afraid,” she said with her Rarity flair.

“I really super glad we saw it,” Pinkie said with a smile.

“I am too…” Twilight started. “But. Naruko still owes me some proper dances! So, let’s get going girls.” Her words got both a laugh and a head shake from Naruko. The others seemed to perk up as well and were once again ready to go out to party the night away. They just had to pick their first stop.

{-} {-} {-}

The group went to several bars that night and had a decent amount of drinks as well. When they went to the swing club, Fluttershy again proved to be a natural and Pinkie really got into it as well. This was her kind of dancing. Naruko was still good for a beginner, but better than last time the regulars told her.

It wasn’t until a couple of bars later that Twilight finally decided to more or less claim Naruko for the night. She rarely left Naruko’s side and didn’t let anypony else except their friends dance with her. Naruko actually felt really happy about this. The ridiculous fears she had that Twilight would ever dare leave her were pretty much gone now, or at least she hoped they were. She’d really have to do something about that issue like Kyuubi said.

“I’m kind of surprised you can do more than just the Twilight dance,” Naruko said earning a giggle from Twilight. They were taking a rest and sipping a couple of drinks in what the group decided was the last stop for the night before Twilight’s family house.

“Well. I wanted to really dance with you and figured the Twilight wasn’t good enough for the whole time. I am talking to a ballroom dance expert,” she said with a grin.

“I’m no expert. My moves still get stiff at times,” she said with an easy smile.

“Ha! Tell that to Hoity Toity and…” Twilight looked over her shoulders. “And Prince Blueblood from what I’ve heard from Pinkie,” she said quietly.

Rarity was chatting up a few stallions so she didn't hear them. She had danced with them a few times, and they hadn’t been disappointed, unlike a certain ponce who shall remain unnamed. She might have been tempted to go even further with them, but she was out with her friends. The stallions didn’t complain because they had her company and she didn’t even expect them to pay for her drinks. They did for one or two, but she also bought them a round or two in thanks. No pony would accuse her of not being generous. She was the damn Element of Generosity!

“Hey Fluttershy!” Rainbow shouted as she made her way over to her friend.

“Ummm… yes?” she asked in her lovely but soft voice.

“We should totally show these ponies the the the… what were we calling it again?” Rainbow asked as she swayed a little bit.

“Ariel Dance of Combined Awesomeness, you named it,” Fluttershy said.

“Yeah! Yeah! That one! We totally should do it,” Rainbow said with a smile.

“I’m not so sure…” Fluttershy started.

“Why not?” Rainbow asked.

“I’m not up for it,” Fluttershy replied. She left out the part that Rainbow Dash was more Rainbow Smashed at the moment.

“Awww… Come on! We can do it! I can do it!” Rainbow said about to takeoff.

“NO! DON’T!” Fluttershy said as her friend looked to her. “The… ummm ceiling… isn’t high enough.”

Rainbow swayed a little as she tried to figure out if that was true or not. “Okay… I see what you mean. It needs to be at least 26.7893% higher.”

“What?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well. Duh look! See it needs to be at least 26.7893% higher for everypony to get the perfect view,” Rainbow explained as if this was common knowledge.

Fluttershy looked up and blinked a little before saying, “Like I said. Not high enough.” She was deeply relieved her excuse worked.

“Ah don’t mind this here type of dancing for this kinda music, but it ain’t my kind. I’m 100% pure country mare and proud of it!” Applejack said to a rather large group of ponies listening to her. The accent she refused to claim she had drew a decent number of ponies.

“Ummm… I don’t know about that,” Pinkie started.

“Say what now?” Applejack asked.

She then whispered and pointed a hoof and said, “Cutie Mark.”

Applejack blushed a little and cleared her throat. “Alright, so Ah’m more like 96% percent Country Mare and proud of it! Still this here music aint’ too bad. But Ah need some good old country to really Hee-Haw it down.”

Just then a country song started playing that she recognized. “Hee Haw! Now this is a song for dancing!” She then grabbed a random and pleasantly surprised stallion from the gathered ponies and danced with him for a couple of songs.

Twilight couldn’t help but giggle as she and Naruko looked at all of their friends. “This is really nice. I’m glad you came up with this idea, Naruko.”

“I just threw it out there. You were the one who made it happen. I mean we would have gone to the concert regardless, but that would have been it,” she said. They would have taken the late train back to Ponyville, since their carriage transformed back into an apple, but still would have made it pack for everypony to get home and go straight to bed. They would have still been up for mostly the same about of time, but this option was much more fun.

{-} {-} {-}

“Aww yeah! That was fun,” Rainbow said. She was again about to shoot off straight into the sky but decided not to do that. She noticed all of her friends including Fluttershy were walking. It was easier to just walk while being a little tipsy Rainbow decided. Fluttershy was relieved again, because she knew if Rainbow took off she would have flown straight into the ground most likely. Flying while drunk was not a good idea.

Rarity gave bit a sigh before smiling. “It really was,” she said. Truth be told because of her mood after that dreadful Gala, if she was alone she probably would have accompanied one of those stallions for the rest of the night and into the morning. It would have helped her not feel completely fed up with stallions after Ponce Blueblood tonight.

“Well it isn’t too far to get to my parents’ house now,” Twilight said as she led the way.

When the approached the door, Twilight knocked lightly first. There wasn’t an answer. She opened the door for everypony and the house was dark. She turned on a light and said, “Alright everypony try to keep it quiet my parents are probably asleep. It is la-”

“No, they’re not,” Pinkie answered easily.

“Excuse me?” Twilight asked.

“There’s a note for you to read,” Pinkie said handing the note over.

“Dear Twilight and Friends. We hope you had a wonderful time at the Gala-” Twiligth started reading.

“Ha! Yeah right… No pony did,” Rainbow said.

“It wasn’t that bad…” Naruko said.

“Says the only one of us who actually enjoyed it,” Rainbow replied.

Twilight took in a deep breath. “Dear Twilight and friends. We hope you had a-”

“Seriously? You're going to start reading it again from the start?” Rainbow asked.

“Dear Twilight and friends. We hope yo-”

“Wow… she really is..” Rainbow said.

“Rainbow…” Applejack said with a frown.

“Fine…” she said in reply.

“Dear Twilight and friends. We hope you had a wonderful time at the Gala tonight. We’re happy you decided to be responsible and not take the night train back to Ponyville tonight-.”

“I’m not sure how responsible Rarity was planning on being tonight. If it was up to her she probably would have kept that prince fellow company until after the weekend,” Pinkie said with a giggle. Rarity just gave a crimson blush that really stood out given her coat’s color. Rainbow giggled at that.

“Dear Twilight and friends.-”

“Oh come on…” Rainbow grumbled. Pinkie’s eyes then lit up and she gave a big grin. Rainbow quickly covered the pony’s mouth knowing Pinkie had decided it would be a fun game to see how long until Twilight gave up on reading the note properly.

“Dear Twilight and friends. We hope you had a wonderful time at the Gala tonight. We’re happy you decided to be responsible and not take the night train back to Ponyville tonight. We would have loved to meet you all, but sadly we can’t. Unfortunately, we had to go on a last minute vaca- trip to the Hay and Oates Beach resort. Feel-”

“Oooo! That place is really cool! I heard Lyra and Bon Bon talking about it a while ago. It has wonderful beach parties every night I so wan-” Pinkie was cut off by a light blue magic field from Naruko as Rainbow tried to figure out how Pinkie escaped her grasp.

“Dear Twilight and friends. We hope you had a wonderful time at the Gala tonight. We’re happy you decided to be responsible and not take the night train back to Ponyville-”

“Ugh…” Applejack sighed as she sat down to listen to the note. The other ponies glared at her and she blushed. “Ummm sorry about that… AH just couldn’t help it,” she apologized.

“Anypony else need to sigh or say something?” Naruko asked. “Except you Pinkie.” The pony frowned in her silence bubble and brought her hoof back down. “Continue please,” Naruko then said to Twilight.

“Feel free to make yourselves at home. We changed to sheets on all of the beds and there is plenty of food and drink. Have fun and a good night’s sleep,” Twilight finished barely hiding her snicker from Naruko.

“Now she just continues from where she left off,” Rainbow said as she looked for the drinks.

“Alcohol’s in those cabinets. Juice is in the fridge,” Twilight said as she pointed.

“Great! Good night’s sleep my flank… It isn’t even sunrise yet. Now that would be late,” Rainbow said.

“As for sleeping arrangements, there’s my parents’ room, my brother’s room and the guest bedroom we can figure it out,” Twilight said.

“Sweet. That couch over there looks nice and comfy. Plus, its calling my name. Its saying, ‘Rainbow… Rainbow… Sleep here tonight. After you’ve had a couple more drinks!' And Pinkie is always saying you have to listen to furniture when it talks to you. Right, Pinkie?” she said.

“Yep!” Pinkie replied now that she was out of the silence spell.

“AH’ll be taking that other one right there and all,” Applejack said. “I’ve spent plenty o’ time laying in hay so it should be comfortable enough.”

Rainbow giggled. “Really? Plenty of time in the hay?”

“That’s what Ah said,” AJ replied.

“How many or those times were with stallions?” Rainbow asked giggling again.

Applejack blushed, “Ah ain’t said no nothing about doing so with stallions.”

“So, you're into mares too?” Rainbow asked with snicker.

Applejack blushed even more to those words. “Ah ain’t said no thing about being in tha hay with no ponies. Stallions or otherwise. And if Ah have it ain’t none of ya’lls concern.”

“She totally has and that’s why she blushing! Not that it matters, but still,” Pinkie teased getting giggles from Rainbow and even Fluttershy.

Applejack just shook her head while blushing before grinning and saying to Rainbow, “And what all didja mean by ‘into mares too’? There something you want ta say to us, Rainbow?”

Rainbow’s mouth was open and she was blushing a storm. Applejack gave a chuckle as Pinkie high hoofed her for the comeback. The others who were listening to the exchange giggled as well as Rarity used her magic to serve each of them a drink.

The ponies talked a good bit into the night while sharing drinks. They were mostly making fun of the Gala and talking about how great the rest of the night was.

“Alright, Pinkie can have the guest bedroom. Rarity and Fluttershy can decide who has my brother’s room and who gets my parents’ room. My brother actually has the comfiest bed,” Twilight said.

“Then Fluttershy gets that one,” Rarity said.

“No, I insist you get it,” Fluttershy countered.

“You were the most stressed from the Gala. You get it,” Rarity shot back.

“You had the most disappointing Gala night… You deserve it,” Fluttershy said in return with a determined look in her eyes. Rarity actually looked away and blushed as she nodded. Fluttershy looked really pleased with herself for having not taken the comfiest bed.

Applejack then gave a mighty yawn as she said, “Well now that we got that settled. Ah think Rainbow has the right idea.” She pointed to the softly breathing Rainbow Dash who was already asleep on her couch.

“Sounds good,” Pinkie said in a normal volume voice which showed how tired she was. She then headed to the guest bedroom.

Naruko and Twilight stayed up a little later sharing another drink as they talked quietly to each other once they were sure Applejack was also asleep.

“I think this was the Best Night Ever after all,” Twilight said with a smile.

“I agree with you there. Though it still surprises me I seem to have had the best Gala experience despite how against it I was at first,” Naruko said.

“Well you were actually going to a dance to dance instead of anything else,” Twilight said with smile.

“Was your time with Celestia really that bad? You seemed very disappointed when I asked you earlier,” Naruko asked.

“Ugh… yes it was. I’m honestly surprised my right forehoof isn’t sprained from all of the hoof shaking I had to do. For some reason, almost everypony wanted to shake my hoof as well just because I was standing next to Celestia,” she complained as Naruko giggled.

“I did at least get to have the most riveting conversation with Celestia ever,” she said with a teasing smile.

“Oh really? How so?” Naruko asked feigning curiosity.

“Oh yes it was! It included such gems as 'I also have so much to talk to you about Twil- oh hello random self-important pony how are you today? I'm so happy to finally speak to you again Twilight we have all nigh- Ladies! So wonderful to see you again. It has been too long. You were saying Twilight? I’m sorry I mis- Lord and Lady Hoofmane it is simply too wonderful to see you again…” Twilight said as Naruko did her best not to giggle too loudly. “You know that kind of riveting. I seriously didn’t even get to complete a sentence with her.”

Twilight looked to Naruko and smiled brighter as she said, “I did at least get some time with you. I just wish it had been the whole night instead. The little bit we had at the Gala was miles better than rest of it. I really like how beautiful you looked in the dress and with makeup. I wouldn’t mind if you wore it more often even if it was just a little bit. I was jealous of those lousy nobles who got to spend time with my Naruko looking her best…” Twilight said with a frown, the alcohol turning off her filter.

Naruko blushed to that. Looked to Twilight and blushed again. Twilight hid a squeal at how cute she thought that was. “Wait! Did I really just say that out loud?” she thought. She then gave herself a mental shrug. “It is the truth,” she replied to herself.

“Well… ummm… You are really beautiful tonight as well, Twilight. I was actually angry with Celestia getting to hog you the whole night and making you want to be with her the whole time,” Naruko said. Her filter was also off and it felt right to say that.

Twilight blushed to that. “I’ve never felt that wanted before… I’m so sorry I was a greedy pony like that. I kept telling myself throughout the night it was a mistake, but I still kept going that way because I couldn’t bare watching how everypony was going to get to dance with you. Then I saw how well you dance and I felt like you actually belonged there and were a natural and it only made sense they all wanted to dance with you and…”

“I was only able to seem that way because I’ve had classes on such things as well while we were back in Canterlot. It was part of my training along with the dance lessons. I’m actually always trying my best not to blow things like that. Though I will admit it came a lot easier to me tonight than it usually does,” Naruko said.

Twilight then giggled a little. “So, both of us were jealous of the other’s situation and jealous of other ponies stealing the other from us.”

Naruko giggled as well. “That sounds about right.” Naruko also made a note of trying makeup on more often in a causal manner if Twilight liked it so much. She only hoped she would remember that mental note in the morning. “Or well later today…” Naruko thought as she looked at the clock on kitchen wall.

“Shall we go to bed?” Twilight asked also looking at the clock.

“Yep. Where am I sleeping though?” Naruko asked.

“With me of course. My bed is big enough,” Twilight said as the two got up stretched and took on their new challenge. The stairs. They didn’t really seem to want to stay still and in one place.

The two ponies made their way up the stairs using each other and the wall as support. They giggled a few times as they almost had spills. When they got to Twilight’s room, Twilight shut the door and Naruko without thinking in mid yawn cast a silencing spell on it. She then tossed off her dress to the side causing Twilight to blush. They were ponies and usually naked, but something about having worn clothes the whole night and then Naruko suddenly undressing did things to her.

Twilight was a little timid as she undressed for the night and she was thinking maybe it was a bad idea to share the bed with Naruko. It was stupid because the two of them had slept over in the other’s room many times before when they were studying under Celestia. “Maybe its because of the whole massage and different feelings deal,” Twilight thought to herself.

“You alright, Twilight?” Naruko asked in concern on her half of the bed. Twilight was just standing there.

“Ummm yeah. It was nothing,” she replied. She then took in a deep breath as she let her dress fall to the floor. Naruko watched and surprisingly blushed though Twilight didn’t see it. Twilight then got on the bed as well. She found it amazing being so close to Naruko for some reason.

The two ponies were there looking into the others eyes. It was then Naruko who first moved in a little closer. Twilight blushed closed her eyes for a second and suddenly her brain decided to remind of all of those ponies trying to take Naruko away from her tonight at the Gala. Twilight then opened her eyes. Her purple eyes had a bit of a different light to them that Naruko found extra intriguing and curious. She was still surprised when Twilight decided to snuggle in with her really close.

Naruko for some reason felt different this time as Twilight was holding her. The other pony smiled as she moved her head closer. Twilight then took in a deep inhale, which probably wasn’t the best idea considering everywhere they had gone that night. Still even with the scents of bars, alcohol, and dried sweat, there was something in there that made the scent rather intoxicating in a way to her. There was something very Naruko still coming through everything and Twilight felt comforted by it.

It was Twilight’s turn to be surprised as Naruko shifted them both around a little and managed to snuggle in closer as well. “Twilight…” Naruko said.

Purple eyes looked up to meet blue. Twilight gasped a little at Naruko’s eyes there was something different about them. It was something that she really liked but couldn’t understand. “Y-y-yes?” she asked.

“You really are beautiful,” Naruko said with a smile.

“You’re always beautiful,” Twilight replied back.

She was then surprised when Naruko brought a forehoof up and touched her lightly on the nose and whispered, “Boop…”

Twilight blushed to that not sure what it was. Naruko then blushed and quickly hid her hoof. “Sorry… I… sorry…”

“It’s alright. I don’t mind if you do that. I just thought it was rather sudden,” Twilight said. She then smiled as she returned the favor with Naruko’s nose. The other pony blushed furiously to that and Twilight couldn’t help but giggle. “There we’re even,” she said.

The two ponies then shared a giggle before just looking the other in the eye for a moment. Naruko then accidentally voiced a tired thought. “So beautiful and cute. I could just kiss you,” Naruko blushed. She couldn’t believe she just said that out loud. She was sure Twilight would get upset or laugh it off like it was a joke. She was still desperately waiting Twilight’s reaction.

Twilight shifted a little as she blushed. She looked to her friend and took in another deep breath and inhaled that odd intoxicating mix of scents. She felt herself smile and relax as she said, “If it’s you…” She then actually puckered up a little.

Naruko’s eyes widened for a moment in surprise. She should end it here or something, but then there was that part of her that wanted Twilight. That part of her which was driving her crazy. “It really is like Kyuubi said, those thoughts and desires are still there,” she thought to herself quickly.

Naruko then blushed again as she leaned in closer and both ponies closed their eyes as their lips met. They started working each other’s lips and even caressed the other lightly with a hoof. They broke apart as they tried to catch their breath before kissing again. They interlocked their lips a little longer this time and continued to caress the other.

The two ponies continued this for a little longer and once again broke off the kiss. They were both a little out of breath and looking over the other mare closely. Purple eyes stared in the blue eyes. They kissed again and then broke off once more.

The two smiled to each other and touched their horns together in some way that felt instinctual. It was intense when their horns met. Both ponies gasped. They had no idea what would happen they each just thought it would be nice and an intimate gesture but harmless. Instead it was something different.

They felt as if they were intertwined with each other at the moment. It was as if Twilight’s essence was caressing Naruko’s essence. The ponies’ mouth hung open as they each panted a little and moaned. Magical pleasure seemed to wash over them.

Then the moment was over and while the two were breathing hard it seemed like all they experienced was in their minds or something. It was still an amazing feeling though and each really loved it. They smiled lovingly at each other and kissed once more.

“That’s a way to say goodnight,” Twilight said.

Naruko managed to find some way to snuggle even closer to Twilight as she simply hummed out an answer. She smiled and said tiredly, “I’m not fully sure what we just did, but I wouldn’t have wanted that with any other pony.”

Twilight gave a yawn and said, “Same here.” The two then drifted off to sleep in each other’s hooves.

{-} {-} {-}

The next morning, despite being the last to bed, Naruko and Twilight were the first to wake up. After they each yawned and greeted each other good morning despite it being closer to noon, they heading down to the kitchen area. Twilight blushed every now and then as she looked at Naruko as she remembered last night again. Naruko kind of did the same as well.

Eventually, Naruko spoke. “Twilight… About last night…”

Twilight didn’t let her finish as she said, “I kind of want us to take things slower…” She was blushing a little as she said this.

“Ohhh…” Naruko said as she looked down a little sad. She really hoped maybe they did have something they could start after that. She didn’t care about Twilight being female or a pony. She had been worried about that but found herself quickly getting over all of that. She was however scared maybe Twilight regretted last night.

“I’m sor-” she started as a purple hoof interrupted her and lifted her chin up to look Twilight in the eyes.

Twilight was smiling as she said, “I’m not saying no. I really enjoyed last night. I’m not even sure what it was we did, but it felt good and right. But I want to do things properly since it’s with you. I kind of feel like we skipped ahead a few steps if you know what I mean.” Her smile was beautiful and genuine and Naruko felt happy seeing it.

Naruko gave her a hug and happily said, “I can see that. I’m glad you don’t regret it though.”

“I don’t but we haven’t even been on a proper date or anything like that yet. I don’t really count our last trip to Canterlot together because we were doing so as friends. I don’t know where this will lead, but I do want to find out more than anything,” Twilight said.

Naruko continued to smile warmly as she said, “I feel the same way.” She then gave an enchanting giggle as she asked, “Should we schedule a date and get in contact with Rarity on the details?”

“Why would we do that?” Twilight asked.

“You know. To give her a time frame to briefly avoid all drama so we won’t be interrupted,” Naruko said with a laugh as Twilight joined her.

“We can try, but I think Rarity is sadly one of those ponies who drama loves to follow around,” Twilight said as she giggled.

“You can say that again,” Pinkie Pie said as she came down the stairs with a yawn.

Naruko and Twilight blushed wondering if Pinkie heard a lot more than that. “How long have you been up?” Naruko asked.

“I just got here at the time Twilight said drama follows Rarity around. I honestly wish for her own sake she would avoid it,” Pinkie said as she looked for a glass of juice in the fridge. “Breakfast?” she asked.

“I was about to start it. I figured Pancakes and waffles with scrambled eggs would good for everypony,” Twilight said.

“On it,” Pinkie said in a sing song voice as she started fishing out ingredients. Twilight left it to Pinkie Pie. Pinkie was very good at baking and cooking in general.

Just then a pink and yellow streak zoomed down the stairs. “Oh Twilight! You didn’t tell me Spike and Kyuubi slept in your parents’ room too. Spike was too cute tucked away in his little basket and Kyuubi was all curled up on a large cushion. Oh, Rarity’s also up as well now. She’s taking a shower.”

“Woo wee… That was a hay of a night last night. Mah head is telling me all about it…” Applejack said as a purple magic field delivered her a cup of juice which Applejack graciously took and sipped with a refreshing “Ahhh…” at the end.

“You know I’m surprised you weren’t up first Applejack. You are a farm pony after all,” Pinkie said as she started to hum while fixing breakfast.

“What does that hafta do with anything? Besides, Rainbow woke me up a few times after I fell asleep. Next time we all sleep over can one of Ya’ll cast that silencing spell on her? Ah swear that girl’s snores could scare even a manticore if heard in the distance,” Applejack said as the other giggled.

“Yeah yeah… Whatever…” Rainbow said with a mighty yawn. She then looked to Naruko and Twilight with a far to wide grin. “So, did you two like do it last night?” She giggled as the others rolled their eyes, though she noticed Naruko and Twilight were blushing furiously. She couldn’t help teasing. It was fun seeing them blush like that.

“Rainbow… Really?” Applejack said.

“Hey they’re the ones being all silent,” Rainbow said.

Naruko then cleared her throat and asked, “What makes you even think that?” she was still blushing a little despite seeming calm.

“I really wish I could have spent the whole night with you, Naruko. You were so beautiful…” Rainbow said in a lovey dovey voice causing Twilight’s jaw to open.

“You were also really beautiful, Twilight…” Rainbow said in the same voice but a little deeper. She then said, “I didn’t really hear much else than that. I randomly woke up for just a couple of seconds. Hee hee…” she said.

“Rainbow… Why did ya’ll have ta go and say that? Your gosh darned pervy mind just says too much and twists everything. We all know they’ve been trying to spend more time together lately when they could,” Applejack said.

“What?!” Naruko and Twilight said together.

“Okay… I know. I know. Still did you two?” She asked teasing.

Naruko gave her a glare that caused her to swallow nervously as the blonde unicorn said, “We were just complimenting each other and we slept after talking a little more last night. S-s-sex had nothing to with anything.” She wanted to keep things private at the moment and could tell Twilight did as well.

Twilight shook her head. “Really Rainbow there is teasing and then there is going too far. I was just talking about how I was disappointed in not spending more time having fun last night instead being with Celestia the whole time shaking hooves with ponies I don’t even know.”

Rainbow threw her forehooves in surrender, “I get it… I get it… I’m sorry.” She did actually look sorry too.

Twilight and Naruko both thought a crisis was averted. They hadn’t even gone on a date yet and just decided to see how things go. It was too early to talk about such things with the others.

There was then a knock on the front door. Pinkie smiled and said, “I knew there was a good reason to cook lots of extra, though you might need to buy groceries to restock before we head back to Ponyville, Twilight.”

Twilight nodded and wondered who it would be at this time. She doubted it was her parents. They wouldn’t be back this soon after an ‘emergency vacation’. She was surprised when she opened the door and shouted, “Shining!” She then gave him a big hug.

Naruko jokingly said, “Quick… Make sure Rarity doesn’t come down the stairs. She might just try to take on the Goddess of Love for Shining Armor after seeing him.”

“What was that?” she heard Rarity’s elegant voice ask.

“Hey everyone! My brother’s here!” Twilight said happily.

“Hello. I’m Shining Armor. I was just coming by to check on you all since mom and dad are out of town,” he said in greeting as he walked into the kitchen area.

“Oh! We’ve heard so very much about you, Shining Armor,” Rarity said as she flipped her still slightly damp mane back and smiled at him while her eyes fluttered as she slowly and elegantly walked down the stairs.

Shining walked over to Naruko gave her a hug and whispered, “Is she trying to flirt with me or something? Cadence wouldn’t like that…”

“It’s hard to say actually. She could be, or she could not be. She’s Rarity and she’s always kind of like that,” Naruko explained.

“You’re staying for breakfast, right?” Twilight asked. “Pinkie just said she made extra.”

“I guess I could… I haven’t really eaten yet. We were up late last night after the Gala,” Shining said. “I did want to meet your friends anyways.”

“Ohh… Of course…” Twilight said and then cleared her throat and smiled. “Everypony. This is Shining Armor. He’s my Big Brother Best Friend Forever.” The ponies waved and smiled except Pinkie who just smiled as she continued cooking. “These are my friends. Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, be careful she seems to be extra pervy today…”

“Hey!” Rainbow said as Twilight giggled.

“This is Rarity and the one with hat is Applejack,” Twilight finished as she pointed to each pony in turn.

“Well howdy Shining Armor like Rarity said we’ve just recently heard about ya from Twilight and Naruko,” AJ said.

“Ummm… hi…” Fluttershy said. She really hoped her antics last night didn’t cause him and the other guards the extra trouble he was talking about.

“I’m… Rarity. It is good to meet you,” she said her voice with her usual lilt.

“Oh I got it. I thought I heard your name recently. You’re the one Ponce Blueblood claimed attacked him last night,” Shining said. Rarity blushed and looked away. “He was trying to get us to come after you. But I just smiled and happily told him since there wasn’t any actual injury we can’t actually go after you. Good job on scaring him but not hurting him. The Ponce always needs somepony keeping him in check at times.”

Rarity gave a nervous but still elegant laugh as she said, “Yes of course…” She again decided she really needed to do something special for Naruko as thanks for saving her from trouble.

“Breakfast’s ready!” Pinkie cheered loudly as Twilight and Naruko quickly used their magic to set the table. “Pancakes, Waffles and scrambled eggs. Just like Twilight ordered for us all,” Pinkie said as she brought the bowls and plates of food over to the table. Shining quickly gave out glasses of juice to everypony as they sat down for a great meal with Spike and Kyuubi joining them as soon as the table was set.

{-} {-} {-}

Despite all of them sleeping in, the group of friends were yawning and napping on the train back to Ponyville. They were all saddened to leave Canterlot after they helped clean up the house and got groceries to replace what they used. They were also happy to be returning home after the long but fortunately fun filled night.

“Welcome back, Captain!” Derpy said with a salute as Naruko swung by the office to check up on them after returning in the late afternoon.

“Hello, Derpy.” Naruko greeted as she smiled. “Did everything go alright while I was gone?”

Derpy laughed. “You weren’t gone for long you know. But yes, everything is good. How was Gala night?”

Naruko smiled fondly as she said, “I actually really enjoyed it. More than the others even.” She decided to leave out that they had a terrible experience for the most part except her.

“Good to hear…” Derpy said as she looked to the side. “Ummm… There is some paperwork for you to look over… I tried to narrow it down as much as I could, but you know how it is… Bye!” she said and quickly left HQ.

Naruko sighed. “Of course, it's still here…” she said as she went to her office to see how bad it was. When she opened the door, she gaped at the sight. She was surprised she wasn’t greeted by an avalanche of paperwork.

“How…” she asked in a small whining voice.

“Even rabbits don’t reproduce this quickly…” she then sighed and decided to use five shadow clones and just hope they wouldn’t all trip over each other. It seemed like she would have to spend a little time here after all tonight.

Maybe this is why I was allowed to have such an enjoyable Gala night. The world for once felt sympathy towards me and knew what was waiting my return,” she thought to herself as she got to work.

Author's Note:

Another long chapter… I thought about pushing the morning after part until the next chapter, but decided I wanted the Gala night saga over and done with. I hope the part with Naruko and Twilight wasn’t too much. I wanted them to have an encounter with each other that was part cute and part them going further without it actually being that kind of a scene. I still feel it meets the teen rating.

I also decided to have them admit their feelings for each other and not drag it out too much further. It was kind of obvious from Twilight’s perspective earlier on in the story I thought. I hope it won’t have been too early, but it kind of felt time to me after their night. Their romance will be a part of the story, but it won’t be the focus of it. I’m sure some people will be happy about that and others a little disappointed.