• Published 5th Jun 2013
  • 784 Views, 43 Comments

A New Life - Tomo-Domo

After the undead were defeated, how will Violet cope with these new enemies, her memories? She has a new family, but will it work? NOTE: This story is a sequel to my first fic : The Beginning of The End. If you havent read it yet, you should.

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The Reunion

I was woken up from sleeping by Twilight walking into our bedroom the next night. She stroked my mane.
"Violet, they're here, can you walk?"
I blinked the sleep from my eyes, standing up off the bed. "Yeah, but I'll be limping a bit."
"How's your wing?" She asked, glancing at the bandages around my wing.
I flexed it a bit, but it still felt sore. "Ow, I won't be able to fly fora while longer."
"Well, come downstairs, the others are here."
"How many came?" I asked, following her out of the room.
"All of them." She kissed my cheek and led me downstairs.
Once we got to the main living area of the library, I noticed everypony who fought alongside each other. Rainbow Dash and Storm Chaser were sitting next to each other, their heads leaned against each other's. Pinkie and Sherbert were sitting next to each other as well, Pinkie's stomach swollen from the foal in her womb. I was happy for them, I would have a niece or nephew in a few weeks. Applejack was sitting with her younger sister Applebloom, holding her in one foreleg. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were sitting next to each other, holding each other in their hooves. My little filly had a marefriend. Appleseed and Rarity were sitting next to each other as well, leaning next to each other, I didn't know about them, but it was rather cute. Fluttershy was in a corner, sitting with one of her bunnies. I assumed it was Angel. Techno, Vinyl and Octavia were sitting away from the group, not really caring about what was going on.
"Attention, everypony. I have rather important things to talk about." I spoke first, making sure that they all were paying attention. When they saw me, their faces went from smiles to worried glances.
"Woah, Violet, are you okay?"
"Oh my, you look very hurt."
"It's okay, everypony, I'm fine, just a little sore from the wounds." I assured them all.
"I'll have to make sure you're healing correctly, that is, if you don't mind." Fluttershy offered.
"Of course, thank you, Fluttershy." I replied.
"So, what exactly happened, sugarcube?" Applejack asked, curious about how I ended up this way.
I let out a sigh, "You all have the right to know what happened. Twilight, Scootaloo and I were, well, we were attacked."
"Attacked? By what?" I heard my brother ask from where he was with Pinkie.
"Fear, a member of Disharmony. He attacked us, hurting Twilight and Scootaloo, and doing this to me. I stopped him before he could kill any of us, luckily."
"Well, can't you just do it again?" Octavia asked from next to Vinyl.
"It's not that simple. I was different." I answered.
"How we're you different?" She asked, curious.
"I'll show you, Scootaloo, can you take Sweetie Belle and Applebloom to your room for a moment?"
"Okay, mom." She said, taking Sweetie Belle and Applebloom with her. When they were gone I turned to the rest of them.
"You all may want to step back, I wouldn't want to hurt anypony." I warned them.
They hesitated for a moment but obeyed. Once they were out of the way, I summoned all of my rage in my body, it wasn't as much as before, but still enough to change form. I felt my coat begin to change color, earning gasps from the others. I closed my eyes tightly to concentrate on my transformation. After my coat had finished its transformation, I did the same with my mane and tail, earning more surprise from the others. My mane had completed its change as well, then I started my eyes. I focused on taking all of the color and my pupil from my eyes, I slowly felt my wounds heal as well, although I knew they would come right back. Once I felt the blue flames start to come from my eyes, I knew my entire transformation was finally completed. I opened my eyes, and everypony jumped back in fear except for Rainbow Dash, Storm Chaser, Techno, and Vinyl.
"So...awesome!" Vinyl said, approaching me.
"I must admit, it is pretty cool, I've never known anypony could do that at will." Storm Chaser agreed.
"Be careful, though, I have a lot more strength in this form." I warned them.
"How much?" Techno asked, taking another step towards me.
"Lets just say that if I hit you, the princesses would have a pleasant surprise crash through their window."
"There's no way you have that kind of strength." Vinyl challenged.
"Wanna find out?" I narrowed my eyes.
Vinyl backed up a bit, clearly not wanting to feel what I could do.
"Prove it then, go buck that tree." Storm Chaser challenged, pointing at a tree in the distance.
"Very well, if you must have proof." I walked out to the tree and positioned myself properly before giving it a sharp kick with one leg, ripping the entire tree from the ground and sending it deep into the Everfree Forest. I walked back, seeing all of their jaws dropped. I walked up to Storm Chaser.
"Need any more proof?" I asked him sarcastically.
He shook his head and backed away as well.
I calmed myself, slowly turning back to normal. Once I did, I collapsed on the ground, and Twilight helped me up.
"That's how I stopped him. But I still need all of your help. I fear that when he returns, that my enraged form won't be enough to stop him. Which is why I need you all to fight alongside me again, and stop Fear once and for all. Will you help me?" I asked them all.
They all nodded, and I knew that they would help me until the end, regardless of their own safety.
"Thank you all, I couldn't have asked for better friends. You all have been there for me no matter what the circumstances. And, I thank you all for being there for me." I felt tears begin to slide down my cheeks. And the others must have noticed, because they all stood up and gathered around me, hugging and comforting me. "Thank you all, for never leaving my side."
"We never will, if you need us, we'll be there." Applejack said to me.
"Thank you all, I can't even imagine life without you all." I said to them.
"We'll never leave your side, Violet. We're your friends. Everypony looks up to you."
"I love you guys" I said, hugging them.
Fear was going to return, but he's in for a surprise when he does, my friends and I will defeat him, and we will win.

Author's Note:

Yay! The rest are back, I sure hope I didn't forget anypony from the last story.