• Published 5th Jun 2013
  • 784 Views, 43 Comments

A New Life - Tomo-Domo

After the undead were defeated, how will Violet cope with these new enemies, her memories? She has a new family, but will it work? NOTE: This story is a sequel to my first fic : The Beginning of The End. If you havent read it yet, you should.

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The First Fight

"Twilight, get Scootaloo, go downstairs, find a place to hide." I said to Twilight, grabbing my bow, arrows and sword.
"What's going on, Violet? What are you doing with those weapons?" She asked, panicking.
I walked up to her and kissed her deeply, wanting to make our possible last kiss perfect. We held it for a moment before I broke it. "Protecting my family, they are what's most important to me. And I can't lose them. Now go get Scootaloo and hide, I'll take care of this." I was ready to fly off when Twilight stopped me.
"Be careful, Violet. I don't want to lose you."
I kissed her cheek, "You won't."
I leapt into the air and started flying towards the flames. Where they were, he was. I found the source of the flames walking through the forest, heading in the direction of my home. As soon as he left the forest, I shot an arrow at him, only to be deflected by one of his tentacles.
"What? How can that be?" I asked myself.
He looked up at me, red eyes knowing my intentions.
"Ah, Violet Arrow, come to try and protect your family now have you?"
"Yes, and I will succeed." I shouted back at him.
"Good luck, then, because you won't be able to."
I flew down and landed in front of him, not about to let him hurt my family. "I sure as hay can try!" I challenged, bracing myself and grabbing my sword.
He simply smiled and lashed out with one of his tentacles, I sliced at it, cutting half of it off. He growled in pain, staggering back a step before lashing out a second time. I went to cut off this one too, but another caught one of my legs and threw me to the ground. He lifted me up with his magic, holding me still. He brought me closer and whispered in my ear, "I will not kill you, although I have the capability. I am going after your family first." He lifted me up and threw me away from him, I landed a long distance away with a loud thud. I tried to get up but couldn't. I looked down to see a large gash on my right foreleg. I tried to fly but also wasn't able to, my right wing had a large chunk ripped out of it. I was in major pain, I wasn't going to be able to get back to the house to save my family in time.
I ran as fast as possible, wincing at the pain in my leg, but still running regardless. I had to try, for Twilight and Scootaloo. I finally got back to the house, but he was already inside. "Oh no." I said to myself.
I heard Twilight scream, I ran inside and found Twilight and Scootaloo in the corner, holding each other. Fear, one of the members of disharmony, was standing in front of them, and grabbed them in his tentacles.
"Put them down!" I shouted at him, eliciting a growl from him.
He turned around and looked right into my eyes, "I'm impressed, Violet, you survived a large distance throw from me. But I can see you're still injured, you won't be able to stop me in your condition."
"Maybe not, but I can and will protect my family."
He held up Twilight said Scootaloo, "This is your family? How pathetic, they will be easy to take from you." He seemed to notice something about me, there was a kind of energy coming out of me.
"What's this? This isn't fear. This is anger, rage. No matter, it won't make a difference when I kill these two."
"If you don't put them down right now, I will kill you." I said between clenched teeth.
"You want me to put them down? Very well." He threw Twilight against a wall and knocked her unconscious. He set Scootaloo down, who ran to Twilight's side.
"TWILIGHT!" I screamed. I was so angry with this monster, he is a monster. He feeds off fear, I won't give him fear. If he wants something, he'll have anger.
"There's no fear inside of you, only rage, and what do you expect to do with rage?"
"This!" I charged him cutting off his tentacles one by one until there was one left. He threw me away from him, clearly in pain. He lifted Scootaloo away from Twilight, holding her in front of him, smiling, holding her by the neck.
"Ah, there we are, there's some fear, but for your daughter? Or of me?"
"Put her down!" I demanded. Hoping he would.
"Why would I do that when I am getting so much fear from you?" He squeezed Scootaloo tighter, her face turning blue from being strangled.
"Put her down, NOW!" I demanded again, beginning to get mad again.
"Hm, since there seems to be no more fear coming out of you, very well." He threw Scootaloo against the wall as well, knocking her unconscious as well.
I was even more angry than just a second ago. I began to feel something different about me, I gave him an evil grin. I let out a maniacal laugh, striking shock into him. I felt myself losing control of myself, as much as my mind told me to stop, my body wouldn't. I charged him again, when he lashed out with his last remaining tentacle, time seemed to slow down, and I ducked under it, grabbing hold of its base on his back. I placed my back legs against his back and held onto his tentacle pulling on it with all my might. I heard a satisfying rip as I pulled his tentacle from his back, throwing it across the room. I jumped off and landed in front of him, bucking him as hard as possible. He flew back and flew through the wall, sending him back into the forest. That was strength I didn't even know I possessed. Something else was different, I wasn't in pain. I looked down at my leg and saw that the wound was healed, And my entire leg was... black! I looked over the rest of my body and found it was the same. My entire coat had turned black. There was a bit of my mane in my eyes, and upon further inspection, I found my mane was white! Something definitely happened. I ran over to help Twilight and Scootaloo. Scootaloo was still breathing, thank Celestia. But Twilight was still unconscious.
"Mom?" I heard Scootaloo ask in a hurt voice.
"I'm here, Sweetie." I said approaching her. When she saw me she screamed.
"Who are you? Your not my mother!" She layed next to Twilight, who had begun to stir.
"Violet? Is that you?" She asked, weakly lifting her head.
"Yes, the monsters gone." I assured her.
"Violet! You're different!" She shouted. She must have noticed my sudden change in color.
"I know, my mane and coat changed color."
"It's not your mane and coat I'm worried about. Your eyes."
"What?" I walked up to the closest mirror, and my eyes were... white! Completely white! I had no color or pupil in my eyes. Save for the blue flames coming from them."How am I still able to see!?" I asked.
"I don't know," she stood up and walked next to me, "Violet, I can feel the rage coming from your body, please, I need you to calm down."
I felt the rage too, it was strong, and I couldn't concentrate. It took all my will power to bring myself to calm myself. I noticed my body was cooling down and my coat and mane were changing back to their normal colors. And my eyes were changing back to normal. Once I was back to normal, I was weak, I could barely stand, and my wounds came back, sending a wave of pain down my spine. Twilight helped me back upstairs and helped me lay down in our bed. She then wrapped my wounds in bandages.
"Be careful not to move so much, you could hurt yourself even more." She warned, laying me back down.
"Okay, how's Scootaloo?" I asked, wondering where she was.
"She's still a bit frightened of what happened earlier."
"Mom?" I heard her say from beside Twilight.
"It's okay, sweetie, come lay down next to me." I urged her.
She got onto the bed and layed next to me, "Mom, what happened to you?" She asked.
"That monster that hurt us? It made me mad, and that happened, it's gone."
"So was that your dark form, like, what happens when you get mad?"
"I guess so, where'd you get that idea?"
"An old comic book I used to read."
"Cool, you should let me borrow them sometime."
"Okay, mom." She said, yawning.
"Goodnight, Scootaloo." I told her.
"Goodnight, mom." She answered back.
Twilight layed next to her, "So, Dark Violet, huh?"
"Seems like a cool name." I answered.
"Just don't lose control if you change again." She warned.
"I'll do my best not to." I attempted to lean forward for a kiss, but was stopped by a surge of pain.
Twilight noticed this and leaned forward to connect the kiss. We held it for a moment before we broke the kiss.
"I love you, Violet." She said, gazing into my eyes.
"I love you too, Twilight." I answered, returning the gaze.
I saved my family once, but when Fear returns, will I be able to do it again?

Author's Note:

Kind of went Dark Sonic reference here. If you don't know what Dark Sonic is, you should look it up, if you want to anyway.
Let me know what you thought. It took a lot of thought to write this chapter. Thanks to the readers who actually LIKE my stories. But I'm not done yet.