• Published 5th Jun 2013
  • 784 Views, 43 Comments

A New Life - Tomo-Domo

After the undead were defeated, how will Violet cope with these new enemies, her memories? She has a new family, but will it work? NOTE: This story is a sequel to my first fic : The Beginning of The End. If you havent read it yet, you should.

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The Dreaded Return

"How is she, Fluttershy?" I heard Twilight ask from the side of the bed, where Fluttershy was just disposing of the old bandages.
"She's much better, her wing is completely healed, so she'll be able to fly soon." She answered Twilight.
"How are you feeling, Violet?" Twilight asked me, smiling.
"Much better, can't feel any pain in my wing, so that must be good. How's everypony?"
"They're fine. Rainbow Dash, Storm Chaser, and Techno went out to check the outskirts of town to keep watch, and everypony else is downstairs eating breakfast."
"Good, thank you, Fluttershy, for taking care of me while I was hurt, I really appreciate it." I said, smiling.
"You're very much welcome, Violet. I just had to make sure you're okay. After all, you are our leader."
Before anything else could be said, we were interrupted by a scream from downstairs. Twilight immediately dashed out the door, and Fluttershy followed. I got out of the bed and ran downstairs as well.
Rainbow Dash and Storm Chaser were standing in the doorway, bruised and bloody. Twilight and Applejack helped them inside, and they helped them lay down, while Fluttershy immediately got to work on their wounds.
I leaned forward to face Rainbow Dash. "What happened, Rainbow Dash?" I asked calmly.
She looked up at me with fear in her eyes, then coughed and whispered, "He's back. He got Techno. Storm and I barely got away."
My eyes widened in shock, no, not now. "Where did this happen?"
"About three miles west of the library." She began to cough worse than before.
"Rest, Rainbow Dash. You're going to need it."
"What do you suppose we do now, Violet? Rainbow Dash and Storm are hurt."
I began to feel anger rise up inside me. My friends were hurt, and Fear is going to regret it.
"Violet, calm down, save your rage for when we see him again." Twilight said, placing a hoof on my shoulder.
"Fine, but I'm going after him." I then turned to Fluttershy, "How long can I make it while flying?"
"Enough to get to where Rainbow Dash said. Any further and you could hurt yourself." She responded.
"Okay, where's Emerald? I also need my brother and Night Star. Everypony else will stay here and keep the others safe." I walked off to find the ponies I needed when Twilight stopped me.
"I'm coming with you, Violet." She said insistently.
"No, Twilight, I can't have you get hurt all for my sake. I love you, Twilight, but I can't have you get hurt, when I was there to do something."
"Violet, no matter what you say, I'm staying by your side, no matter what happens." She grabbed me around my neck and pulled me closer to her and kissed me. When we broke the kiss, I finally spoke.
"Okay, Twilight, you're coming, too. Let's just get the others first."
After gathering the others, we flew in the direction of where Rainbow Dash said. I was carrying Twilight in my hooves, since she couldn't fly.
"Violet," Twilight said, nudging my leg. "He's over there." She pointed towards a fire burning in the distance.
"Well, let's do this then. Are you guys ready?" I asked the others.
They nodded. "Of course we are."
"FEAR!" I shouted.
Fear looked up at us and smiled an evil grin. "Ah, Violet Arrow. It seems that Rainbow Dash made it back?"
"Where's our friend?" I demanded, landing a good distance away from him, the others with me.
"He's taken care of, let's just say I've put him somewhere you'll only find if you kill me."
"Oh, we will kill you." I vowed.
"Hm, if I recall correctly, that's exactly what you said last time." He said, smiling wider.
"It doesn't matter anymore, we won't let you hurt any of my friends and family."
"But yet you bring them with you. If you wanted to protect them, You would have come alone."
"I've had enough of this!" I heard Night Star shout and dash at Fear.
"Night Star, wait!" I shouted after him.
But it was too late. Fear saw him and whipped at him with a tentacle, launching Night Star into a nearby tree. Night Star hit the tree with a loud thud.
Sherbert began to throw rocks and boulders at him, but when Fear saw this he stopped one of the boulders dead in its tracks with his magic and threw it back at Sherbert. He tried to dodge out of the way, but it landed directly on his right hind leg. He screamed in pain before he was buried in the rest of the rocks as Fear threw the rest on top of him.
"Sherbert!" I screamed.
Emerald looked like he had enough, he jumped into the air and started hitting Fear every time he passed him, Emerald being nothing but a blur of green. Fear would lash out at him, but miss every time.
"Twilight, now would be a good time to use any magic that might be useful." I said to Twilight.
She nodded and stepped forward, concentrating her energy into her horn. It started to spark a bit before exploding into a magenta beam that shot at Fear, launching him through a few trees. He got right back up and charged at us. Emerald dashed down at him, trying to stop him. Fear lashed out at him and this time caught him. Emerald struggled to escape, but Fear threw him into a large boulder, knocking him unconscious.
"This has been much easier than I thought. You put up a better fight than these three combined. I'm surprised with you, Violet."
"You think you can hurt my friends and not expect me to do something about it?"
"What more can you do? You've lost three of your friends, and she's next." He said, pointing at Twilight.
I stepped in front of Twilight. "No, you won't hurt my wife."
He let out a deep laugh. "Well then I'll just have to kill you both."
He lashed out at me, attempting to crush us both. I shoved Twilight out of the way just in time to save her. I caught his tentacle in my hooves.
"Hm, you're stronger than I remember. Ah, it looks like your wife gave you some sort of strength." He said, slowly pushing down harder, trying to crush me.
He was right, Twilight had cast a spell on me to give me more strength. "Yes, it's not going to be easy this time."
He lifted up his tentacle and tried to throw me off, slamming me into the ground every few times. When he finally succeeded in throwing me loose, I felt dazed from all the impacts. I struggled to stand up.
"Violet! Sherbert's alive!" Twilight shouted at me.
Fear wrapped a tentacle around my neck. I struggled to escape, but I couldn't summon my enraged form. So I began to summon my fire-type form.
"Oh, not this time." He said. He brought me closer to him and smiled. He lifted a tentacle up and thrust it into my chest.
My eyes went wide at the realization of what he just did. I heard Twilight shout, but that was the last thing I heard as everything began to go black. I had failed everypony.

Author's Note:

Next chapter will be in Twilight's pov.