• Published 5th Jun 2013
  • 784 Views, 43 Comments

A New Life - Tomo-Domo

After the undead were defeated, how will Violet cope with these new enemies, her memories? She has a new family, but will it work? NOTE: This story is a sequel to my first fic : The Beginning of The End. If you havent read it yet, you should.

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The Ultimate Battle

"Applejack, get the children and take them somewhere safe. Twilight, can you cast a spell of strength on everypony here?" I asked Twilight after Applejack left.
"I could try, but I may be drained of all my energy afterwards." She answered, looking a bit worried.
"I don't want you to be too exhausted to fight, so cast it on me, my brother, Emerald, Applejack when she comes back, and yourself." I instructed her.
"Got it. What about the others?" She asked, about to leave.
"They'll be taking care of the kids. They'll be safe."
She nodded in understanding, knowing my intentions, running out the room to get everything situated.
I looked out the window and saw Fear destroying parts of the town, throwing things around, searching for us.
I turned around and grabbed my bow and the only arrow I had with me. I aimed the bow as carefully as I could. I steadied my breath to a near stop. I released the arrow and it flew in his direction. I prayed to Celestia that the shot didn't miss. The arrow penetrated his right eye, and he screamed in pain. He attempted to pull the arrow out, but he started bleeding uncontrollably through his eye. He threw the arrow back in my direction, desperate to hit wherever it came from. I ducked behind the wall just in time to see it hit the door frame just as Twilight came back.
"Violet! What are you doing?!" She screamed at me, not knowing what happened.
"I took out one of his eyes, he's blind from the right side. But he threw the arrow back." I explained, hoping she would believe me.
"Well, at least we have an advantage on his right side. But be careful, that could have hit me." She answered, walking up to me.
"Did you take care of everypony else?" I asked.
"Yes, everypony has the strength spell. I managed to give everypony the spell without getting exhausted. Are you ready for yours?"
"Yes, just hurry. He'll be here any minute." I answered.
She leaned over me and touched her horn to my forehead. I felt the energy and the strength wash through me as she performed her spell. When she released her magic, I stood up and kissed her, wrapping my hooves around her neck and pulling her closer. She pushed me away from her when we heard explosions behind us.
"Violet, we can do this." She said.
"We can, and we will." I answered.
I grabbed my bow and went to get some spare arrows I made in the past. I gathered everything just before Emerald ran into the room.
"Violet, he's here, everypony's holding him off as best we can. I don't think they'll last much longer. We need you now!" He shouted. His left lens of his sunglasses was shattered. He was wearing blue colored contact lenses which didn't show his pupils. His right lens was cracked, but otherwise was still intact. He was beaten up and bruised, with cuts and scrapes on his body.
"Come on, Twilight, the others need our help."
We both exited the bakery and stared in horror at the scene in front of us.
Sherbert was holding my sword that I made for him, stabbing and cutting at Fear's legs, teleporting when he tried to attack him. Emerald had joined back into the fight, using the same strategy as before, except he would attack when Fear would attack somepony else. He had thrown away his sunglasses, which revealed his blue contacts.
Vinyl was running fairly fast for a unicorn. She was more athletic than I thought. She was bucking him in the jaw when he would attack her.
Octavia was fighting alongside her marefriend, never going to leave Vinyl's side. She wasn't as fast as Vinyl, but she was definitely more agile, making it nearly impossible to hit her easily. I would be surprised if she could beat me.
Without any further delay, Twilight jumped into the battle, shooting magic beams at Fear. She was teleporting every few shots to avoid his attacks. I joined the fight a few moments later, jumping directly into the action. I was flying dangerously close to him, desperately trying to cause damage to him, shooting arrows and cutting at his sides.
After some time, it didn't seem we did much more than wear him down. Everypony looked exhausted, but still fighting their hardest. It seemed Twilight's spell was wearing off, as well as their own energy. I looked at Twilight, who returned my gaze. I nodded, signaling her to do what she had to.
Her horn started to glow, I started my transformation. Twilight cast her spell on my sword, my mane had finished its part of the transformation. Twilight's spell set my sword ablaze, giving it a magenta flame. My transformation was complete, my flaming mane flowing and my red eyes glowing. When Fear saw me holding the flaming sword, he looked frightened. I merely smirked at the sudden fright I gave him. I jumped into the air and dove toward him. He tried knocking me out of control, but Emerald would stop his tentacles each time. I slammed into his head with such great force, it created a large dust cloud of dirt. I hovered down to the ground and landed just in front of the crater. When the dust cleared, I saw a severely injured, but still live Fear.
"You... cannot kill me... I will return, and you will never see your friend Techno again." He said, coughing up blood.
"I've had enough of these games." I said, leaping onto his back.
I grabbed hold of his ears as tight as I could. He struggled desperately to throw me off of his back. But it was pointless. I raised my sword and brought it down with great force into his skull, the flaming blade penetrating his skull with ease. I twisted the blade in my hoof, and Fear fell to the ground, dead.
I jumped off of his back, tired from the seemingly endless fight. I just walked up to each of my friends and hugged them one by one, thanking each of them for their help.
Then, we all heard a buzzing noise from Fear's body. We turned around and saw his body vaporizing into thin air. What was left when it was gone, was Techno. He was alive, tired, but alive.
"Techno! What happened?" I asked, running up to him.
"He... absorbed my body into his own." He answered, looking exhausted.
"Great to know you're still with us, my friend."
"Great to be back."

Author's Note:

This chapter was the hardest one to write, I've recently moved, so I've been busy getting ready for back to school and stuff. Next is the epilogue.
Thanks to all you people who supported this story.
Love you guys. (No homo)